The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Immortal Gily, I'm from Mozambique and I would like to translate this story to portuguese, based on your work. With your permission of course
You want to translate this story on your site?
Looks like I have to recultivate from the bigging 😪
Immortal Gily, don't feel bad that as a master of virgin sect i am not able to send you anything for the cultivation (internet bundle) now. Once I start to work as human resource manager then I will be able to send you more resources.
Haha you made my day 😀
Immortal Gily, don't feel bad that as a master of virgin sect i am not able to send you anything for the cultivation (internet bundle) now. Once I start to work as human resource manager then I will be able to send you more resources.
Chapter 3600 - 3606 Sacrificial Blood Array.....

A terrifying aura emanated from this red figure. John’s face was filled with astonishment. He had never considered how two souls could merge, let alone transform into such an ugly creature. It was clear that after the fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, the red figure had significantly increased in power and cultivation. Accompanied by a roar from the red figure, a gust of spiritual energy instantly swept through the surroundings. A wave of oppressive energy caused John’s body to abruptly fall from mid- air.

“What’s going on? This guy is actually an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. I’m hardly a match for him.” Miles Spicer looked at the red figure in astonishment.

The souls of two Sixth Level Tribulator cultivators had astonishingly merged into one through the Sacrificial Blood Array. This fusion resulted in a body that possessed the power of an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. This was simply too outrageous. The strength of someone at the Eighth Level of Tribulator was so formidable that they could easily defeat ten or even more individuals at the Sixth Level of Tribulator.

“As expected of a formation plate from the celestial realm. It’s incredibly powerful…” Chase exclaimed.

As a member of a family renowned for their skills in formations, Chase knew very well that even if the Summers family practiced for several generations, they could never hope to create such a formidable formation plate.

The blood-red figure stared at John, then suddenly lunged at him, moving at the speed of lightning. A sense of tension gripped John’s heart. Although he had already advanced to the Second level of Tribulator, dealing with someone at the Eighth Level seemed nearly impossible. Moreover, the opponent had a formation plate behind him which constantly supplied power.

Array runes constantly flickered on the red figure. They were connected to the Sacrificial Blood Array. The Sacrificial Blood Array used the blood of the array runes to provide strength to the red figure. John had reached a dead-end. The opponent was of a higher level than him, stronger, and had a continuous supply of resources. How was he supposed to fight under those circumstances?

At that moment, the red figure appeared before John. He let out a whimper that was hard to discern, unleashing a burst of crimson light. This radiance continually expanded in John’s eyes. John abruptly retreated, but the radiance, like a shadow, persistently followed him. John’s brows furrowed as he gathered demonic fire into the palm of his hand. Subsequently, it transformed into a massive shield of flames before him, enveloping his entire body. But when this radiance flew forth, it did not collide with the shield. Instead, it passed through as if it were an intangible entity.

“What’s going on?” John’s pupils contracted slightly. The radiant light struck John’s chest, sending him flying backward. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

“Master!” Phoenix cried out loudly.

“John!” Catlin was also filled with immeasurable heartache.

“Mr. White…” Denzel and the others were all sweating bullets for John, but their anxiety at that moment couldn’t help him in the slightest.

“You all don’t need to worry. I won’t die…” John mustered a faint smile, then wiped the trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. He gripped the Demon Flogger calmly, casting a series of whip shadows. Although this red figure was a fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, he was still a Demonic Cultivator, and he was certain to fear the Demon Flogger. And this time, the red figure didn’t dodge or hide. Whip shadows after whip shadows passed through the figure’s body, yet they left no trace at all. The Demon Flogger didn’t seem to work anymore.

“Mr. White, this weird guy is the fusion of the souls of Maverick and Brody. He doesn’t have a spiritual sense, let alone a consciousness field. I’m afraid this Demon Flogger might not be of any use,” Fitz reminded. It was then that John came to a realization. The reason why the Demon Flogger was so formidable against the Demonic Cultivators was because it could attack their consciousness field.

But now, the red figure in front of him had no consciousness field, so the Demon Flogger was of no use. John put away the Demon Flogger and swung his Dragonslayer Sword, enveloping the red figure in rays of light. However, the rays of light also passed through without causing any harm to the red figure.

At this moment, John panicked. The red figure should have a physical body. Why can’t even the Dragonslayer Sword cause any harm? As John was deep in thought, the red figure made his move, striking John and forcing him to retreat once again. John spat out another mouthful of blood, his complexion growing even more ghastly.

For a moment, no matter what tactics John employed, he couldn’t harm the red figure in the slightest. Instead, he was the one who ended up taking the hits. John was no longer on the offensive; instead, he was constantly evading using Blazing Stride, all the while contemplating how to deal with the red figure. How could he possibly defeat a nearly invincible entity?

Even so, John couldn’t outlast his opponent in this drawn-out battle. After all, the enemy had a powerful formation continuously supplying him with strength. Within this formation, the red figure was virtually invincible. “Do I have to break the formation first?” John furrowed his brows, completely at a loss for what to do. He was growing increasingly anxious, which only served to slow his movements, allowing the red figure to strike him repeatedly. Fortunately, John possessed Golem Body, and coupled with his own robust physique, he managed to withstand the blow without being defeated. If it were anyone else, they would have been beaten to a pulp by now. Battling a cultivator at the Eighth Level of Tribulator would be impossible even for a genius at the second level of Tribulator. Such a vast gap in level couldn’t be bridged by talent alone.

“Mr. White, don’t panic. Try to trap him first, then focus on breaking the formation. As long as you can break the formation, he will no longer pose a threat,” Fitz comforted the somewhat anxious John. If John continued like this, even with his robust physique, he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“Let me give it a try…”

Upon hearing Fitz’s words, John began to calm down. He used his agility to dodge and then started to make hand seals. In this huge formation, John intended to trap the red figure by setting up a smaller formation.

Soon, golden chains materialized on the ground. John used a formation combined with metal nascence to trap the red figure. Golden chains cruelly coiled around the legs of the red figure, swiftly enveloping his entire body.

The red figure struggled and roared incessantly. Upon seeing the situation, John no longer paid attention to the red figure and looked at the large formation around him. The array runes on the ground were still soaked with blood. The blood of the Demonic Cultivators continuously provided power to the bizarre, red creature.

The array runes were incredibly complex. John furrowed his brows, searching for the location of the core. The red figure continued to roar, which only served to increase John’s anxiety. The more he roared, the harder it was for him to locate the core of the formation.

Suddenly, the iron chains that had been entwining the red figure broke into several sections. Freed from his shackles, he made a beeline for John.

“Mr. White, be careful…” Miles Spicer shouted out a warning to John. John was startled. He had no time to react before he was sent flying by a slap from the red figure. His body harshly collided with the edge of the large formation, only to be rebounded back. He coughed violently, blood continuously dripping from his mouth. Everyone grew worried.

John struggled to get up while staring at the red figure before him. Suddenly, the Dragon Bell appeared in mid-air. The massive Dragon Bell emitted a resonating hum, causing ripples to spread throughout the entire void. Subsequently, the Dragon Bell descended, enveloping the red figure.

The red figure looked up at the Dragon Bell, wanting to move his body, but found that he was completely immobilized. The Dragon Bell seemed to possess a tremendous suction force, which held the red figure captive. The Dragon Bell heavily crashed onto the ground, enveloping the bizarre, red figure within.

At the same time, the patterns on the Dragon Bell began to shimmer with light. Despite the relentless attacks from the red figure, the Dragon Bell remained utterly unmoved.

Upon seeing this, John and the others let out a sigh of relief. At that time, the red figure was bound by the Dragon Bell. All John needed to do was to locate the core of the formation, and then he could break the Sacrificial Blood Array.

John carefully observed the array runes on the ground, within which blood was continuously flowing. It was a vast and complex formation. If John wanted to locate the core, it certainly wouldn’t be an overnight task. Outside the formation, Chase said to John loudly,

“Mr. White, this Sacrificial Blood Array is activated using the blood of those Demonic Cultivators. You can trace the scent of their blood to locate the core. Only when the core is activated can the formation be opened…”

Understanding dawned on John, and a thread of spiritual sense slowly attached itself to the blood flowing through the formation. By following the trail of this flowing blood, he could find the location of the core. After all, the energy required for this formation came from the blood of the Demonic Cultivators.

Quickly, John managed to locate the core of the formation using this method.

Once the core was found, everything else became much simpler. All that was needed was to destroy the core, and the formation would naturally be broken. However, after the core was destroyed, the formation plate of the Sacrificial Blood Array could no longer be used.

Upon finding the core, John surprisingly found himself hesitating. This Sacrificial Blood Array was indeed a decent formation. It was practically considered a divine weapon for the blood demons. By now, the Blood Spirit Valley had been nearly annihilated. If Denzel, along with Rose and Dalton, wanted to survive on Demonia Mountain, they would likely face a lot of resistance. After all, who could possibly hold a sect that was now reduced to just three people in high regard? But if Denzel had this formation plate, things would be different. He could use this formation plate to gradually build up his own power.

Seeing John’s indecision, Miles Spicer called out in utter bewilderment, “Mr. White, break the formation and get out of there!”

“Master, hurry up and break the formation!” Phoenix anxiously cried out.

Behind John, the Dragon Bell was continuously emitting a series of hums, while the red figure was frantically attacking the Dragon Bell.

“Mr. White, what are you still waiting for?” Fitz couldn’t understand why John was still hesitating when he had already found the location of the core.

“I don’t want to break this formation. If it were to break, the formation plate would be completely ruined,” John exclaimed.

“Mr. White, without breaking the formation, there’s simply no way to deal with the Hoover brothers. They could live forever within this formation!” Fitz persuaded.

“There’s no such thing as eternal life in this world. Perhaps there’s another way that can allow them to withdraw the formation themselves.” John’s mind was racing, and subsequently, his gaze landed on the bodies of Maverick and Brody.

“Mr. White, even if you destroy their physical bodies, it’s futile. They can fully harness the power within this formation to restore their bodies. Since they dared to have their souls come out of their bodies, they’re not afraid of their physical forms being destroyed,” Fitz said.

“I’ll just give it a try…”

After John finished speaking, the illusion nascence star within his nascence space twinkled rapidly. Following that, the scenery around John began to change continuously, until finally, the Sacrificial Blood Array astonishingly vanished into thin air. Outside the formation, Chase and the others watched with their own eyes as John gradually disappeared within the formation. At this moment, within the entire formation, not a single person could be seen

“Where is Mr. White?” Polar asked in great surprise.

“Where is he? Where is John?” Worry filled Catlin’s eyes.

“Why did he disappear?” Miles Spicer was also extremely puzzled. Chase furrowed his brows slightly and said, “Mr. White must have set up an illusion array within the blood array. That’s why when we looked over, he seemed to have disappeared, but in reality, he’s still inside!”

“Illusion array? What is Mr. White doing setting up an illusion array? Why didn’t he break this formation and hurry out?” Denzel asked.

“Mr. White probably wants to preserve this formation plate. If it were truly broken, then this formation plate would be completely useless,” Chase speculated.

“Why keep the formation plate? Mr. White’s own mastery of formation techniques is not low. Why would he care about this one formation plate?” Denzel couldn’t understand why John would care about this formation plate if he could set up a formation at will.

Chase glanced at Denzel and said, “Perhaps it’s not for Mr. White’s personal use. This formation plate could be considered a divine weapon for the Demonic Cultivators of blood demon descent.” Denzel was instantly stunned.

John did not destroy the core of the formation and preserved the formation plate for his sake. He was taking a significant risk. Denzel looked at the formation, and although he couldn’t see John’s figure, his eyes were filled with deep emotion. A close friend will sacrifice his life for a friend.

At that moment, Denzel silently swore to himself that if John were to face any danger, he would not hesitate to risk his own life to protect him. Within the formation, John, with demonic fire dancing in his palm, swung his hand. A fireball shot out, directly enveloping the physical bodies of the Hoover brothers.

Immediately following, the scent of roasted meat wafted through the air, and in an instant, the bodies of the Hoover brothers had turned to ashes. After the Hoover brothers’ bodies had turned to ashes, the red figure within the Dragon Bell let out a mournful scream. Subsequently, the booming voice of Maverick echoed out.

“Kid, do you think you can subdue us by destroying our physical bodies? Within this formation, we possess the ability to instantly restore our physical bodies. Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can defeat us.” Maverick did not feel the slightest bit of anger even though his physical body had been destroyed.

“Is that so? If that formation no longer existed, and your physical bodies were destroyed, could you still instantly restore them?” John asked in a teasing manner.

“This is a celestial formation plate left behind from the Celestial Battle, etched by the immortals and demons. How could you, a mere Second Level Tribulator cultivator, possibly break this formation?” Maverick simply didn’t believe a word John said.

“No matter who designed the formation plate, as long as the core was found, the entire formation would become as fragile as paper. I merely needed to touch it lightly, and it would break. You exploited the blood of our clansmen to continuously supply energy, but you forgot that the energy within that blood would converge at the core of the formation, fueling the formation. All I needed to do was follow the scent of the blood, and I could effortlessly locate the core of the formation.” John spoke with full confidence.

Maverick fell silent immediately. Although they possessed a formation plate, capable of activating a large formation, they were not formation masters. Hence, they were somewhat skeptical about what John had said. However, it was quite clear that Maverick seemed to have somewhat believed in what John had said.

“Maverick, don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense. He’s not a formation master. How could he possibly understand these things? He’s just trying to deceive us.” Brody began to speak.

“Did I deceive you? You’ll know once I let you out to see for yourself.”

With a wave of his hand, John sent the Dragon Bell soaring into the air, and it returned directly to his Storage Ring. The red figure was released, and he scanned his surroundings. Following this, his eyes radiated with disbelief.

“The formation really is gone. It’s broken…” Maverick’s voice could be heard through the red figure’s mouth.

“Kid, even if you’ve managed to break our formation, don’t think you can escape,” Brody roared in anger.

“Who said I was planning to escape? Without this formation, how long can you maintain your current state? Moreover, your physical bodies have already turned to ashes. I have a hundred ways to make your lives worse than death,” John said with a teasing look.

The Hoover brothers were thrown into a panic. Without the formation, they simply couldn’t maintain this state for long.

“Kid, since you’ve destroyed our physical bodies, we will take possession of yours. Your body seems quite robust. We can even use it to settle our affairs when the time comes.” The red figure charged straight toward John, his crimson eyes filled with murderous intent.

Upon seeing the two people being fooled, John immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The fact that they actually wanted to seize his own body filled his heart with wild joy. Not just anyone could destroy John’s consciousness field. Besides, within John’s consciousness field resided the Golden Tome, which no one could shake.

“Fitz, when these two attempt to seize my body, you mustn’t reveal yourself. Just stay quietly within my consciousness field,” John said. Fitz nodded.

“Mr. White, I understand. They’re naive to dare to challenge you.” John watched as the red figure charged toward him, and with a single punch, he struck him down. However, this punch directly penetrated the body of the red figure, and following that, countless fine mists of blood rapidly invaded John’s body. John’s bones and meridians trembled for a moment, after which the blood mist headed straight for John’s consciousness field. The blood mist pervaded the air, causing John’s consciousness field to tremble.

John himself appeared to be in extreme agony. He let out a miserable cry, much to the delight of the Hoover brothers. The souls of the two brothers began relentlessly assailing John’s consciousness field, intent on seizing control of his body. Swiftly, John was completely enveloped by the blood mist. Immediately after, John’s eyes lost their light, and the red figure abruptly disintegrated, transforming into a cloud of blood mist. This cloud of blood mist also entered John’s body.

“Maverick, it’s done…” The voice of Brody surprisingly echoed from John’s mouth.

“Indeed, it worked. This young man’s physical body is truly robust. When the time comes to seize another body for you, we will live freely again.” Maverick expressed his satisfaction wholeheartedly.

“Maverick, this young man has a robust physique, and he also possesses lightning nascence. I desire his body. It’s the most compatible with us both.” Brody also admired John’s physique.

Maverick did not want to give up John’s physical body, so he said, “Brody, this kid’s nascence space surely can’t compare to yours. When the time comes, I’ll find a way to get you another body, one that possesses lightning nascence.”

“All right. I’ll first see just how vast his nascence space truly is. He even has the audacity to boast that his nascence space is as vast as the cosmos…”

As Brody spoke, he entered John’s nascence space. Upon entering John’s nascence, Brody was instantly stunned. At that moment, he felt as though he was in the cosmos, surrounded by a sky full of stars, among which a few shone with exceptional brightness.

“This is just too damn absurd!” Brody was so shocked that his jaw nearly dropped. He hadn’t expected that what John had said was actually true. Astonishingly, he had even contemplated using his own nascence power to make John explode. Looking back now, he thought it was simply laughable.

“Brody, what did you see?” Maverick asked.

“Maverick, come quick. His nascence space is actually as big as the cosmos,” Brody said excitedly

Maverick also entered John’s nascence space. As he gazed upon everything before him, Maverick was dumbstruck. He had never imagined that John’s nascence space would actually be the cosmos. He had once ventured into Brody’s nascence space, which was a vast expanse of lakes and oceans, stretching as far as the eye could see. He thought that this kind of nascence space was already quite vast. However, Brody’s nascence space was simply nothing compared with John’s.

“His nascence space is so big. This is truly unbelievable!” Maverick exclaimed in astonishment. Seizing the opportunity, Brody demanded John’s physical body, “Maverick please give me this body. With such a vast nascence space, I can make good use of it. You haven’t yet comprehended nascence, so even if you were to seize it, it wouldn’t be of much use to you.”

Maverick fell silent. In truth, he too admired John’s physique. It was incredibly robust. However, he hadn’t comprehended nascence, so this nascence space was useless to him. Just as Maverick was at a loss for how to respond, John’s voice surprisingly echoed from all directions.

“This body of mine is not something you significant lots can just take over as you please. Do you really think you can attempt the impossible?” John’s voice was laden with heavy sarcasm.

“Damn it, this kid still has some spiritual sense left. He hasn’t been fully possessed yet. Let’s destroy his consciousness field first.” Having said that, Maverick, along with Brody, left the nascence space and entered into John’s consciousness field. Just as the Hoover brothers were preparing to strike at John’s consciousness field, a sudden glimmer of gold unexpectedly flashed within John’s consciousness field.

The Golden Tome radiated a golden glow. This golden light shone upon the Hoover brothers, causing them to feel discomfort throughout their bodies as if they were being melted by the golden light.

“You two reckless fools have truly overestimated your abilities. How dare you covet Mr. White’s body?” Fitz appeared from John’s consciousness field.

“There’s someone in his consciousness field. And what is this golden light? It makes me feel so uncomfortable,” Brody exclaimed.

“Brody, hurry, leave this kid’s consciousness field,” Maverick urged.

“What’s wrong, Maverick?” Brody asked in confusion.

“His consciousness field is overwhelmingly vast, and his spiritual sense is boundless. It’s impossible for us to seize control of him. We’ve been duped. He lured us into his body on purpose.” Maverick was about to run off, dragging Brody along with him. However, before he could make a move, John’s spiritual sense in the consciousness field surged like a sea, directly enveloping the Hoover brothers. Then, under the golden light of the Golden Tome, the souls of the Hoover brothers were swiftly devoured, leaving nothing behind.

Until their death, the Hoover brothers never imagined that their current predicament was a direct result of their attempt to invade John’s consciousness field and seize control of his physical body. John’s consciousness field was not as they had imagined.

The illusion array set up by John gradually faded, revealing John’s figure. However, the red figure had already disappeared, and the blood within the entire Sacrificial Blood Array was slowly draining away. The Hoover brothers died, and with their demise, the formation gradually ceased to operate. Subsequently, it transformed back into a formation plate, falling to the ground. Upon seeing the formation disappear, everyone rushed forward.

“John, are you all right?” “Mr. White, are you injured?”

“Master, I was so scared…” Catlin and Phoenix were all extremely worried. After all, John had just reached the Second Level of Tribulator. How could he possibly be a match for the red figure?

“I’m fine.” John gave a slight smile, then handed the formation plate to Denzel, saying, “Mr. Washington, the Blood Spirit Valley has suffered such a catastrophe, and your strength has been severely damaged. I’m giving you this formation plate. With it, you can recruit some followers and restore the Blood Spirit Valley.”

With trembling hands, Denzel took the formation plate, tears streaming ceaselessly from his eyes. He didn’t even know what to say.
Chapter 3600 - 3606 Sacrificial Blood Array.....

A terrifying aura emanated from this red figure. John’s face was filled with astonishment. He had never considered how two souls could merge, let alone transform into such an ugly creature. It was clear that after the fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, the red figure had significantly increased in power and cultivation. Accompanied by a roar from the red figure, a gust of spiritual energy instantly swept through the surroundings. A wave of oppressive energy caused John’s body to abruptly fall from mid- air.

“What’s going on? This guy is actually an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. I’m hardly a match for him.” Miles Spicer looked at the red figure in astonishment.

The souls of two Sixth Level Tribulator cultivators had astonishingly merged into one through the Sacrificial Blood Array. This fusion resulted in a body that possessed the power of an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. This was simply too outrageous. The strength of someone at the Eighth Level of Tribulator was so formidable that they could easily defeat ten or even more individuals at the Sixth Level of Tribulator.

“As expected of a formation plate from the celestial realm. It’s incredibly powerful…” Chase exclaimed.

As a member of a family renowned for their skills in formations, Chase knew very well that even if the Summers family practiced for several generations, they could never hope to create such a formidable formation plate.

The blood-red figure stared at John, then suddenly lunged at him, moving at the speed of lightning. A sense of tension gripped John’s heart. Although he had already advanced to the Second level of Tribulator, dealing with someone at the Eighth Level seemed nearly impossible. Moreover, the opponent had a formation plate behind him which constantly supplied power.

Array runes constantly flickered on the red figure. They were connected to the Sacrificial Blood Array. The Sacrificial Blood Array used the blood of the array runes to provide strength to the red figure. John had reached a dead-end. The opponent was of a higher level than him, stronger, and had a continuous supply of resources. How was he supposed to fight under those circumstances?

At that moment, the red figure appeared before John. He let out a whimper that was hard to discern, unleashing a burst of crimson light. This radiance continually expanded in John’s eyes. John abruptly retreated, but the radiance, like a shadow, persistently followed him. John’s brows furrowed as he gathered demonic fire into the palm of his hand. Subsequently, it transformed into a massive shield of flames before him, enveloping his entire body. But when this radiance flew forth, it did not collide with the shield. Instead, it passed through as if it were an intangible entity.

“What’s going on?” John’s pupils contracted slightly. The radiant light struck John’s chest, sending him flying backward. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

“Master!” Phoenix cried out loudly.

“John!” Catlin was also filled with immeasurable heartache.

“Mr. White…” Denzel and the others were all sweating bullets for John, but their anxiety at that moment couldn’t help him in the slightest.

“You all don’t need to worry. I won’t die…” John mustered a faint smile, then wiped the trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. He gripped the Demon Flogger calmly, casting a series of whip shadows. Although this red figure was a fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, he was still a Demonic Cultivator, and he was certain to fear the Demon Flogger. And this time, the red figure didn’t dodge or hide. Whip shadows after whip shadows passed through the figure’s body, yet they left no trace at all. The Demon Flogger didn’t seem to work anymore.

“Mr. White, this weird guy is the fusion of the souls of Maverick and Brody. He doesn’t have a spiritual sense, let alone a consciousness field. I’m afraid this Demon Flogger might not be of any use,” Fitz reminded. It was then that John came to a realization. The reason why the Demon Flogger was so formidable against the Demonic Cultivators was because it could attack their consciousness field.

But now, the red figure in front of him had no consciousness field, so the Demon Flogger was of no use. John put away the Demon Flogger and swung his Dragonslayer Sword, enveloping the red figure in rays of light. However, the rays of light also passed through without causing any harm to the red figure.

At this moment, John panicked. The red figure should have a physical body. Why can’t even the Dragonslayer Sword cause any harm? As John was deep in thought, the red figure made his move, striking John and forcing him to retreat once again. John spat out another mouthful of blood, his complexion growing even more ghastly.

For a moment, no matter what tactics John employed, he couldn’t harm the red figure in the slightest. Instead, he was the one who ended up taking the hits. John was no longer on the offensive; instead, he was constantly evading using Blazing Stride, all the while contemplating how to deal with the red figure. How could he possibly defeat a nearly invincible entity?

Even so, John couldn’t outlast his opponent in this drawn-out battle. After all, the enemy had a powerful formation continuously supplying him with strength. Within this formation, the red figure was virtually invincible. “Do I have to break the formation first?” John furrowed his brows, completely at a loss for what to do. He was growing increasingly anxious, which only served to slow his movements, allowing the red figure to strike him repeatedly. Fortunately, John possessed Golem Body, and coupled with his own robust physique, he managed to withstand the blow without being defeated. If it were anyone else, they would have been beaten to a pulp by now. Battling a cultivator at the Eighth Level of Tribulator would be impossible even for a genius at the second level of Tribulator. Such a vast gap in level couldn’t be bridged by talent alone.

“Mr. White, don’t panic. Try to trap him first, then focus on breaking the formation. As long as you can break the formation, he will no longer pose a threat,” Fitz comforted the somewhat anxious John. If John continued like this, even with his robust physique, he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“Let me give it a try…”

Upon hearing Fitz’s words, John began to calm down. He used his agility to dodge and then started to make hand seals. In this huge formation, John intended to trap the red figure by setting up a smaller formation.

Soon, golden chains materialized on the ground. John used a formation combined with metal nascence to trap the red figure. Golden chains cruelly coiled around the legs of the red figure, swiftly enveloping his entire body.

The red figure struggled and roared incessantly. Upon seeing the situation, John no longer paid attention to the red figure and looked at the large formation around him. The array runes on the ground were still soaked with blood. The blood of the Demonic Cultivators continuously provided power to the bizarre, red creature.

The array runes were incredibly complex. John furrowed his brows, searching for the location of the core. The red figure continued to roar, which only served to increase John’s anxiety. The more he roared, the harder it was for him to locate the core of the formation.

Suddenly, the iron chains that had been entwining the red figure broke into several sections. Freed from his shackles, he made a beeline for John.

“Mr. White, be careful…” Miles Spicer shouted out a warning to John. John was startled. He had no time to react before he was sent flying by a slap from the red figure. His body harshly collided with the edge of the large formation, only to be rebounded back. He coughed violently, blood continuously dripping from his mouth. Everyone grew worried.

John struggled to get up while staring at the red figure before him. Suddenly, the Dragon Bell appeared in mid-air. The massive Dragon Bell emitted a resonating hum, causing ripples to spread throughout the entire void. Subsequently, the Dragon Bell descended, enveloping the red figure.

The red figure looked up at the Dragon Bell, wanting to move his body, but found that he was completely immobilized. The Dragon Bell seemed to possess a tremendous suction force, which held the red figure captive. The Dragon Bell heavily crashed onto the ground, enveloping the bizarre, red figure within.

At the same time, the patterns on the Dragon Bell began to shimmer with light. Despite the relentless attacks from the red figure, the Dragon Bell remained utterly unmoved.

Upon seeing this, John and the others let out a sigh of relief. At that time, the red figure was bound by the Dragon Bell. All John needed to do was to locate the core of the formation, and then he could break the Sacrificial Blood Array.

John carefully observed the array runes on the ground, within which blood was continuously flowing. It was a vast and complex formation. If John wanted to locate the core, it certainly wouldn’t be an overnight task. Outside the formation, Chase said to John loudly,

“Mr. White, this Sacrificial Blood Array is activated using the blood of those Demonic Cultivators. You can trace the scent of their blood to locate the core. Only when the core is activated can the formation be opened…”

Understanding dawned on John, and a thread of spiritual sense slowly attached itself to the blood flowing through the formation. By following the trail of this flowing blood, he could find the location of the core. After all, the energy required for this formation came from the blood of the Demonic Cultivators.

Quickly, John managed to locate the core of the formation using this method.

Once the core was found, everything else became much simpler. All that was needed was to destroy the core, and the formation would naturally be broken. However, after the core was destroyed, the formation plate of the Sacrificial Blood Array could no longer be used.

Upon finding the core, John surprisingly found himself hesitating. This Sacrificial Blood Array was indeed a decent formation. It was practically considered a divine weapon for the blood demons. By now, the Blood Spirit Valley had been nearly annihilated. If Denzel, along with Rose and Dalton, wanted to survive on Demonia Mountain, they would likely face a lot of resistance. After all, who could possibly hold a sect that was now reduced to just three people in high regard? But if Denzel had this formation plate, things would be different. He could use this formation plate to gradually build up his own power.

Seeing John’s indecision, Miles Spicer called out in utter bewilderment, “Mr. White, break the formation and get out of there!”

“Master, hurry up and break the formation!” Phoenix anxiously cried out.

Behind John, the Dragon Bell was continuously emitting a series of hums, while the red figure was frantically attacking the Dragon Bell.

“Mr. White, what are you still waiting for?” Fitz couldn’t understand why John was still hesitating when he had already found the location of the core.

“I don’t want to break this formation. If it were to break, the formation plate would be completely ruined,” John exclaimed.

“Mr. White, without breaking the formation, there’s simply no way to deal with the Hoover brothers. They could live forever within this formation!” Fitz persuaded.

“There’s no such thing as eternal life in this world. Perhaps there’s another way that can allow them to withdraw the formation themselves.” John’s mind was racing, and subsequently, his gaze landed on the bodies of Maverick and Brody.

“Mr. White, even if you destroy their physical bodies, it’s futile. They can fully harness the power within this formation to restore their bodies. Since they dared to have their souls come out of their bodies, they’re not afraid of their physical forms being destroyed,” Fitz said.

“I’ll just give it a try…”

After John finished speaking, the illusion nascence star within his nascence space twinkled rapidly. Following that, the scenery around John began to change continuously, until finally, the Sacrificial Blood Array astonishingly vanished into thin air. Outside the formation, Chase and the others watched with their own eyes as John gradually disappeared within the formation. At this moment, within the entire formation, not a single person could be seen

“Where is Mr. White?” Polar asked in great surprise.

“Where is he? Where is John?” Worry filled Catlin’s eyes.

“Why did he disappear?” Miles Spicer was also extremely puzzled. Chase furrowed his brows slightly and said, “Mr. White must have set up an illusion array within the blood array. That’s why when we looked over, he seemed to have disappeared, but in reality, he’s still inside!”

“Illusion array? What is Mr. White doing setting up an illusion array? Why didn’t he break this formation and hurry out?” Denzel asked.

“Mr. White probably wants to preserve this formation plate. If it were truly broken, then this formation plate would be completely useless,” Chase speculated.

“Why keep the formation plate? Mr. White’s own mastery of formation techniques is not low. Why would he care about this one formation plate?” Denzel couldn’t understand why John would care about this formation plate if he could set up a formation at will.

Chase glanced at Denzel and said, “Perhaps it’s not for Mr. White’s personal use. This formation plate could be considered a divine weapon for the Demonic Cultivators of blood demon descent.” Denzel was instantly stunned.

John did not destroy the core of the formation and preserved the formation plate for his sake. He was taking a significant risk. Denzel looked at the formation, and although he couldn’t see John’s figure, his eyes were filled with deep emotion. A close friend will sacrifice his life for a friend.

At that moment, Denzel silently swore to himself that if John were to face any danger, he would not hesitate to risk his own life to protect him. Within the formation, John, with demonic fire dancing in his palm, swung his hand. A fireball shot out, directly enveloping the physical bodies of the Hoover brothers.

Immediately following, the scent of roasted meat wafted through the air, and in an instant, the bodies of the Hoover brothers had turned to ashes. After the Hoover brothers’ bodies had turned to ashes, the red figure within the Dragon Bell let out a mournful scream. Subsequently, the booming voice of Maverick echoed out.

“Kid, do you think you can subdue us by destroying our physical bodies? Within this formation, we possess the ability to instantly restore our physical bodies. Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can defeat us.” Maverick did not feel the slightest bit of anger even though his physical body had been destroyed.

“Is that so? If that formation no longer existed, and your physical bodies were destroyed, could you still instantly restore them?” John asked in a teasing manner.

“This is a celestial formation plate left behind from the Celestial Battle, etched by the immortals and demons. How could you, a mere Second Level Tribulator cultivator, possibly break this formation?” Maverick simply didn’t believe a word John said.

“No matter who designed the formation plate, as long as the core was found, the entire formation would become as fragile as paper. I merely needed to touch it lightly, and it would break. You exploited the blood of our clansmen to continuously supply energy, but you forgot that the energy within that blood would converge at the core of the formation, fueling the formation. All I needed to do was follow the scent of the blood, and I could effortlessly locate the core of the formation.” John spoke with full confidence.

Maverick fell silent immediately. Although they possessed a formation plate, capable of activating a large formation, they were not formation masters. Hence, they were somewhat skeptical about what John had said. However, it was quite clear that Maverick seemed to have somewhat believed in what John had said.

“Maverick, don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense. He’s not a formation master. How could he possibly understand these things? He’s just trying to deceive us.” Brody began to speak.

“Did I deceive you? You’ll know once I let you out to see for yourself.”

With a wave of his hand, John sent the Dragon Bell soaring into the air, and it returned directly to his Storage Ring. The red figure was released, and he scanned his surroundings. Following this, his eyes radiated with disbelief.

“The formation really is gone. It’s broken…” Maverick’s voice could be heard through the red figure’s mouth.

“Kid, even if you’ve managed to break our formation, don’t think you can escape,” Brody roared in anger.

“Who said I was planning to escape? Without this formation, how long can you maintain your current state? Moreover, your physical bodies have already turned to ashes. I have a hundred ways to make your lives worse than death,” John said with a teasing look.

The Hoover brothers were thrown into a panic. Without the formation, they simply couldn’t maintain this state for long.

“Kid, since you’ve destroyed our physical bodies, we will take possession of yours. Your body seems quite robust. We can even use it to settle our affairs when the time comes.” The red figure charged straight toward John, his crimson eyes filled with murderous intent.

Upon seeing the two people being fooled, John immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The fact that they actually wanted to seize his own body filled his heart with wild joy. Not just anyone could destroy John’s consciousness field. Besides, within John’s consciousness field resided the Golden Tome, which no one could shake.

“Fitz, when these two attempt to seize my body, you mustn’t reveal yourself. Just stay quietly within my consciousness field,” John said. Fitz nodded.

“Mr. White, I understand. They’re naive to dare to challenge you.” John watched as the red figure charged toward him, and with a single punch, he struck him down. However, this punch directly penetrated the body of the red figure, and following that, countless fine mists of blood rapidly invaded John’s body. John’s bones and meridians trembled for a moment, after which the blood mist headed straight for John’s consciousness field. The blood mist pervaded the air, causing John’s consciousness field to tremble.

John himself appeared to be in extreme agony. He let out a miserable cry, much to the delight of the Hoover brothers. The souls of the two brothers began relentlessly assailing John’s consciousness field, intent on seizing control of his body. Swiftly, John was completely enveloped by the blood mist. Immediately after, John’s eyes lost their light, and the red figure abruptly disintegrated, transforming into a cloud of blood mist. This cloud of blood mist also entered John’s body.

“Maverick, it’s done…” The voice of Brody surprisingly echoed from John’s mouth.

“Indeed, it worked. This young man’s physical body is truly robust. When the time comes to seize another body for you, we will live freely again.” Maverick expressed his satisfaction wholeheartedly.

“Maverick, this young man has a robust physique, and he also possesses lightning nascence. I desire his body. It’s the most compatible with us both.” Brody also admired John’s physique.

Maverick did not want to give up John’s physical body, so he said, “Brody, this kid’s nascence space surely can’t compare to yours. When the time comes, I’ll find a way to get you another body, one that possesses lightning nascence.”

“All right. I’ll first see just how vast his nascence space truly is. He even has the audacity to boast that his nascence space is as vast as the cosmos…”

As Brody spoke, he entered John’s nascence space. Upon entering John’s nascence, Brody was instantly stunned. At that moment, he felt as though he was in the cosmos, surrounded by a sky full of stars, among which a few shone with exceptional brightness.

“This is just too damn absurd!” Brody was so shocked that his jaw nearly dropped. He hadn’t expected that what John had said was actually true. Astonishingly, he had even contemplated using his own nascence power to make John explode. Looking back now, he thought it was simply laughable.

“Brody, what did you see?” Maverick asked.

“Maverick, come quick. His nascence space is actually as big as the cosmos,” Brody said excitedly

Maverick also entered John’s nascence space. As he gazed upon everything before him, Maverick was dumbstruck. He had never imagined that John’s nascence space would actually be the cosmos. He had once ventured into Brody’s nascence space, which was a vast expanse of lakes and oceans, stretching as far as the eye could see. He thought that this kind of nascence space was already quite vast. However, Brody’s nascence space was simply nothing compared with John’s.

“His nascence space is so big. This is truly unbelievable!” Maverick exclaimed in astonishment. Seizing the opportunity, Brody demanded John’s physical body, “Maverick please give me this body. With such a vast nascence space, I can make good use of it. You haven’t yet comprehended nascence, so even if you were to seize it, it wouldn’t be of much use to you.”

Maverick fell silent. In truth, he too admired John’s physique. It was incredibly robust. However, he hadn’t comprehended nascence, so this nascence space was useless to him. Just as Maverick was at a loss for how to respond, John’s voice surprisingly echoed from all directions.

“This body of mine is not something you significant lots can just take over as you please. Do you really think you can attempt the impossible?” John’s voice was laden with heavy sarcasm.

“Damn it, this kid still has some spiritual sense left. He hasn’t been fully possessed yet. Let’s destroy his consciousness field first.” Having said that, Maverick, along with Brody, left the nascence space and entered into John’s consciousness field. Just as the Hoover brothers were preparing to strike at John’s consciousness field, a sudden glimmer of gold unexpectedly flashed within John’s consciousness field.

The Golden Tome radiated a golden glow. This golden light shone upon the Hoover brothers, causing them to feel discomfort throughout their bodies as if they were being melted by the golden light.

“You two reckless fools have truly overestimated your abilities. How dare you covet Mr. White’s body?” Fitz appeared from John’s consciousness field.

“There’s someone in his consciousness field. And what is this golden light? It makes me feel so uncomfortable,” Brody exclaimed.

“Brody, hurry, leave this kid’s consciousness field,” Maverick urged.

“What’s wrong, Maverick?” Brody asked in confusion.

“His consciousness field is overwhelmingly vast, and his spiritual sense is boundless. It’s impossible for us to seize control of him. We’ve been duped. He lured us into his body on purpose.” Maverick was about to run off, dragging Brody along with him. However, before he could make a move, John’s spiritual sense in the consciousness field surged like a sea, directly enveloping the Hoover brothers. Then, under the golden light of the Golden Tome, the souls of the Hoover brothers were swiftly devoured, leaving nothing behind.

Until their death, the Hoover brothers never imagined that their current predicament was a direct result of their attempt to invade John’s consciousness field and seize control of his physical body. John’s consciousness field was not as they had imagined.

The illusion array set up by John gradually faded, revealing John’s figure. However, the red figure had already disappeared, and the blood within the entire Sacrificial Blood Array was slowly draining away. The Hoover brothers died, and with their demise, the formation gradually ceased to operate. Subsequently, it transformed back into a formation plate, falling to the ground. Upon seeing the formation disappear, everyone rushed forward.

“John, are you all right?” “Mr. White, are you injured?”

“Master, I was so scared…” Catlin and Phoenix were all extremely worried. After all, John had just reached the Second Level of Tribulator. How could he possibly be a match for the red figure?

“I’m fine.” John gave a slight smile, then handed the formation plate to Denzel, saying, “Mr. Washington, the Blood Spirit Valley has suffered such a catastrophe, and your strength has been severely damaged. I’m giving you this formation plate. With it, you can recruit some followers and restore the Blood Spirit Valley.”

With trembling hands, Denzel took the formation plate, tears streaming ceaselessly from his eyes. He didn’t even know what to say.
The generosity of the Golden Dragon 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3600 - 3606 Sacrificial Blood Array.....

A terrifying aura emanated from this red figure. John’s face was filled with astonishment. He had never considered how two souls could merge, let alone transform into such an ugly creature. It was clear that after the fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, the red figure had significantly increased in power and cultivation. Accompanied by a roar from the red figure, a gust of spiritual energy instantly swept through the surroundings. A wave of oppressive energy caused John’s body to abruptly fall from mid- air.

“What’s going on? This guy is actually an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. I’m hardly a match for him.” Miles Spicer looked at the red figure in astonishment.

The souls of two Sixth Level Tribulator cultivators had astonishingly merged into one through the Sacrificial Blood Array. This fusion resulted in a body that possessed the power of an Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator. This was simply too outrageous. The strength of someone at the Eighth Level of Tribulator was so formidable that they could easily defeat ten or even more individuals at the Sixth Level of Tribulator.

“As expected of a formation plate from the celestial realm. It’s incredibly powerful…” Chase exclaimed.

As a member of a family renowned for their skills in formations, Chase knew very well that even if the Summers family practiced for several generations, they could never hope to create such a formidable formation plate.

The blood-red figure stared at John, then suddenly lunged at him, moving at the speed of lightning. A sense of tension gripped John’s heart. Although he had already advanced to the Second level of Tribulator, dealing with someone at the Eighth Level seemed nearly impossible. Moreover, the opponent had a formation plate behind him which constantly supplied power.

Array runes constantly flickered on the red figure. They were connected to the Sacrificial Blood Array. The Sacrificial Blood Array used the blood of the array runes to provide strength to the red figure. John had reached a dead-end. The opponent was of a higher level than him, stronger, and had a continuous supply of resources. How was he supposed to fight under those circumstances?

At that moment, the red figure appeared before John. He let out a whimper that was hard to discern, unleashing a burst of crimson light. This radiance continually expanded in John’s eyes. John abruptly retreated, but the radiance, like a shadow, persistently followed him. John’s brows furrowed as he gathered demonic fire into the palm of his hand. Subsequently, it transformed into a massive shield of flames before him, enveloping his entire body. But when this radiance flew forth, it did not collide with the shield. Instead, it passed through as if it were an intangible entity.

“What’s going on?” John’s pupils contracted slightly. The radiant light struck John’s chest, sending him flying backward. He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

“Master!” Phoenix cried out loudly.

“John!” Catlin was also filled with immeasurable heartache.

“Mr. White…” Denzel and the others were all sweating bullets for John, but their anxiety at that moment couldn’t help him in the slightest.

“You all don’t need to worry. I won’t die…” John mustered a faint smile, then wiped the trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. He gripped the Demon Flogger calmly, casting a series of whip shadows. Although this red figure was a fusion of Maverick’s and Brody’s souls, he was still a Demonic Cultivator, and he was certain to fear the Demon Flogger. And this time, the red figure didn’t dodge or hide. Whip shadows after whip shadows passed through the figure’s body, yet they left no trace at all. The Demon Flogger didn’t seem to work anymore.

“Mr. White, this weird guy is the fusion of the souls of Maverick and Brody. He doesn’t have a spiritual sense, let alone a consciousness field. I’m afraid this Demon Flogger might not be of any use,” Fitz reminded. It was then that John came to a realization. The reason why the Demon Flogger was so formidable against the Demonic Cultivators was because it could attack their consciousness field.

But now, the red figure in front of him had no consciousness field, so the Demon Flogger was of no use. John put away the Demon Flogger and swung his Dragonslayer Sword, enveloping the red figure in rays of light. However, the rays of light also passed through without causing any harm to the red figure.

At this moment, John panicked. The red figure should have a physical body. Why can’t even the Dragonslayer Sword cause any harm? As John was deep in thought, the red figure made his move, striking John and forcing him to retreat once again. John spat out another mouthful of blood, his complexion growing even more ghastly.

For a moment, no matter what tactics John employed, he couldn’t harm the red figure in the slightest. Instead, he was the one who ended up taking the hits. John was no longer on the offensive; instead, he was constantly evading using Blazing Stride, all the while contemplating how to deal with the red figure. How could he possibly defeat a nearly invincible entity?

Even so, John couldn’t outlast his opponent in this drawn-out battle. After all, the enemy had a powerful formation continuously supplying him with strength. Within this formation, the red figure was virtually invincible. “Do I have to break the formation first?” John furrowed his brows, completely at a loss for what to do. He was growing increasingly anxious, which only served to slow his movements, allowing the red figure to strike him repeatedly. Fortunately, John possessed Golem Body, and coupled with his own robust physique, he managed to withstand the blow without being defeated. If it were anyone else, they would have been beaten to a pulp by now. Battling a cultivator at the Eighth Level of Tribulator would be impossible even for a genius at the second level of Tribulator. Such a vast gap in level couldn’t be bridged by talent alone.

“Mr. White, don’t panic. Try to trap him first, then focus on breaking the formation. As long as you can break the formation, he will no longer pose a threat,” Fitz comforted the somewhat anxious John. If John continued like this, even with his robust physique, he wouldn’t be able to withstand it.

“Let me give it a try…”

Upon hearing Fitz’s words, John began to calm down. He used his agility to dodge and then started to make hand seals. In this huge formation, John intended to trap the red figure by setting up a smaller formation.

Soon, golden chains materialized on the ground. John used a formation combined with metal nascence to trap the red figure. Golden chains cruelly coiled around the legs of the red figure, swiftly enveloping his entire body.

The red figure struggled and roared incessantly. Upon seeing the situation, John no longer paid attention to the red figure and looked at the large formation around him. The array runes on the ground were still soaked with blood. The blood of the Demonic Cultivators continuously provided power to the bizarre, red creature.

The array runes were incredibly complex. John furrowed his brows, searching for the location of the core. The red figure continued to roar, which only served to increase John’s anxiety. The more he roared, the harder it was for him to locate the core of the formation.

Suddenly, the iron chains that had been entwining the red figure broke into several sections. Freed from his shackles, he made a beeline for John.

“Mr. White, be careful…” Miles Spicer shouted out a warning to John. John was startled. He had no time to react before he was sent flying by a slap from the red figure. His body harshly collided with the edge of the large formation, only to be rebounded back. He coughed violently, blood continuously dripping from his mouth. Everyone grew worried.

John struggled to get up while staring at the red figure before him. Suddenly, the Dragon Bell appeared in mid-air. The massive Dragon Bell emitted a resonating hum, causing ripples to spread throughout the entire void. Subsequently, the Dragon Bell descended, enveloping the red figure.

The red figure looked up at the Dragon Bell, wanting to move his body, but found that he was completely immobilized. The Dragon Bell seemed to possess a tremendous suction force, which held the red figure captive. The Dragon Bell heavily crashed onto the ground, enveloping the bizarre, red figure within.

At the same time, the patterns on the Dragon Bell began to shimmer with light. Despite the relentless attacks from the red figure, the Dragon Bell remained utterly unmoved.

Upon seeing this, John and the others let out a sigh of relief. At that time, the red figure was bound by the Dragon Bell. All John needed to do was to locate the core of the formation, and then he could break the Sacrificial Blood Array.

John carefully observed the array runes on the ground, within which blood was continuously flowing. It was a vast and complex formation. If John wanted to locate the core, it certainly wouldn’t be an overnight task. Outside the formation, Chase said to John loudly,

“Mr. White, this Sacrificial Blood Array is activated using the blood of those Demonic Cultivators. You can trace the scent of their blood to locate the core. Only when the core is activated can the formation be opened…”

Understanding dawned on John, and a thread of spiritual sense slowly attached itself to the blood flowing through the formation. By following the trail of this flowing blood, he could find the location of the core. After all, the energy required for this formation came from the blood of the Demonic Cultivators.

Quickly, John managed to locate the core of the formation using this method.

Once the core was found, everything else became much simpler. All that was needed was to destroy the core, and the formation would naturally be broken. However, after the core was destroyed, the formation plate of the Sacrificial Blood Array could no longer be used.

Upon finding the core, John surprisingly found himself hesitating. This Sacrificial Blood Array was indeed a decent formation. It was practically considered a divine weapon for the blood demons. By now, the Blood Spirit Valley had been nearly annihilated. If Denzel, along with Rose and Dalton, wanted to survive on Demonia Mountain, they would likely face a lot of resistance. After all, who could possibly hold a sect that was now reduced to just three people in high regard? But if Denzel had this formation plate, things would be different. He could use this formation plate to gradually build up his own power.

Seeing John’s indecision, Miles Spicer called out in utter bewilderment, “Mr. White, break the formation and get out of there!”

“Master, hurry up and break the formation!” Phoenix anxiously cried out.

Behind John, the Dragon Bell was continuously emitting a series of hums, while the red figure was frantically attacking the Dragon Bell.

“Mr. White, what are you still waiting for?” Fitz couldn’t understand why John was still hesitating when he had already found the location of the core.

“I don’t want to break this formation. If it were to break, the formation plate would be completely ruined,” John exclaimed.

“Mr. White, without breaking the formation, there’s simply no way to deal with the Hoover brothers. They could live forever within this formation!” Fitz persuaded.

“There’s no such thing as eternal life in this world. Perhaps there’s another way that can allow them to withdraw the formation themselves.” John’s mind was racing, and subsequently, his gaze landed on the bodies of Maverick and Brody.

“Mr. White, even if you destroy their physical bodies, it’s futile. They can fully harness the power within this formation to restore their bodies. Since they dared to have their souls come out of their bodies, they’re not afraid of their physical forms being destroyed,” Fitz said.

“I’ll just give it a try…”

After John finished speaking, the illusion nascence star within his nascence space twinkled rapidly. Following that, the scenery around John began to change continuously, until finally, the Sacrificial Blood Array astonishingly vanished into thin air. Outside the formation, Chase and the others watched with their own eyes as John gradually disappeared within the formation. At this moment, within the entire formation, not a single person could be seen

“Where is Mr. White?” Polar asked in great surprise.

“Where is he? Where is John?” Worry filled Catlin’s eyes.

“Why did he disappear?” Miles Spicer was also extremely puzzled. Chase furrowed his brows slightly and said, “Mr. White must have set up an illusion array within the blood array. That’s why when we looked over, he seemed to have disappeared, but in reality, he’s still inside!”

“Illusion array? What is Mr. White doing setting up an illusion array? Why didn’t he break this formation and hurry out?” Denzel asked.

“Mr. White probably wants to preserve this formation plate. If it were truly broken, then this formation plate would be completely useless,” Chase speculated.

“Why keep the formation plate? Mr. White’s own mastery of formation techniques is not low. Why would he care about this one formation plate?” Denzel couldn’t understand why John would care about this formation plate if he could set up a formation at will.

Chase glanced at Denzel and said, “Perhaps it’s not for Mr. White’s personal use. This formation plate could be considered a divine weapon for the Demonic Cultivators of blood demon descent.” Denzel was instantly stunned.

John did not destroy the core of the formation and preserved the formation plate for his sake. He was taking a significant risk. Denzel looked at the formation, and although he couldn’t see John’s figure, his eyes were filled with deep emotion. A close friend will sacrifice his life for a friend.

At that moment, Denzel silently swore to himself that if John were to face any danger, he would not hesitate to risk his own life to protect him. Within the formation, John, with demonic fire dancing in his palm, swung his hand. A fireball shot out, directly enveloping the physical bodies of the Hoover brothers.

Immediately following, the scent of roasted meat wafted through the air, and in an instant, the bodies of the Hoover brothers had turned to ashes. After the Hoover brothers’ bodies had turned to ashes, the red figure within the Dragon Bell let out a mournful scream. Subsequently, the booming voice of Maverick echoed out.

“Kid, do you think you can subdue us by destroying our physical bodies? Within this formation, we possess the ability to instantly restore our physical bodies. Don’t delude yourself into thinking you can defeat us.” Maverick did not feel the slightest bit of anger even though his physical body had been destroyed.

“Is that so? If that formation no longer existed, and your physical bodies were destroyed, could you still instantly restore them?” John asked in a teasing manner.

“This is a celestial formation plate left behind from the Celestial Battle, etched by the immortals and demons. How could you, a mere Second Level Tribulator cultivator, possibly break this formation?” Maverick simply didn’t believe a word John said.

“No matter who designed the formation plate, as long as the core was found, the entire formation would become as fragile as paper. I merely needed to touch it lightly, and it would break. You exploited the blood of our clansmen to continuously supply energy, but you forgot that the energy within that blood would converge at the core of the formation, fueling the formation. All I needed to do was follow the scent of the blood, and I could effortlessly locate the core of the formation.” John spoke with full confidence.

Maverick fell silent immediately. Although they possessed a formation plate, capable of activating a large formation, they were not formation masters. Hence, they were somewhat skeptical about what John had said. However, it was quite clear that Maverick seemed to have somewhat believed in what John had said.

“Maverick, don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense. He’s not a formation master. How could he possibly understand these things? He’s just trying to deceive us.” Brody began to speak.

“Did I deceive you? You’ll know once I let you out to see for yourself.”

With a wave of his hand, John sent the Dragon Bell soaring into the air, and it returned directly to his Storage Ring. The red figure was released, and he scanned his surroundings. Following this, his eyes radiated with disbelief.

“The formation really is gone. It’s broken…” Maverick’s voice could be heard through the red figure’s mouth.

“Kid, even if you’ve managed to break our formation, don’t think you can escape,” Brody roared in anger.

“Who said I was planning to escape? Without this formation, how long can you maintain your current state? Moreover, your physical bodies have already turned to ashes. I have a hundred ways to make your lives worse than death,” John said with a teasing look.

The Hoover brothers were thrown into a panic. Without the formation, they simply couldn’t maintain this state for long.

“Kid, since you’ve destroyed our physical bodies, we will take possession of yours. Your body seems quite robust. We can even use it to settle our affairs when the time comes.” The red figure charged straight toward John, his crimson eyes filled with murderous intent.

Upon seeing the two people being fooled, John immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The fact that they actually wanted to seize his own body filled his heart with wild joy. Not just anyone could destroy John’s consciousness field. Besides, within John’s consciousness field resided the Golden Tome, which no one could shake.

“Fitz, when these two attempt to seize my body, you mustn’t reveal yourself. Just stay quietly within my consciousness field,” John said. Fitz nodded.

“Mr. White, I understand. They’re naive to dare to challenge you.” John watched as the red figure charged toward him, and with a single punch, he struck him down. However, this punch directly penetrated the body of the red figure, and following that, countless fine mists of blood rapidly invaded John’s body. John’s bones and meridians trembled for a moment, after which the blood mist headed straight for John’s consciousness field. The blood mist pervaded the air, causing John’s consciousness field to tremble.

John himself appeared to be in extreme agony. He let out a miserable cry, much to the delight of the Hoover brothers. The souls of the two brothers began relentlessly assailing John’s consciousness field, intent on seizing control of his body. Swiftly, John was completely enveloped by the blood mist. Immediately after, John’s eyes lost their light, and the red figure abruptly disintegrated, transforming into a cloud of blood mist. This cloud of blood mist also entered John’s body.

“Maverick, it’s done…” The voice of Brody surprisingly echoed from John’s mouth.

“Indeed, it worked. This young man’s physical body is truly robust. When the time comes to seize another body for you, we will live freely again.” Maverick expressed his satisfaction wholeheartedly.

“Maverick, this young man has a robust physique, and he also possesses lightning nascence. I desire his body. It’s the most compatible with us both.” Brody also admired John’s physique.

Maverick did not want to give up John’s physical body, so he said, “Brody, this kid’s nascence space surely can’t compare to yours. When the time comes, I’ll find a way to get you another body, one that possesses lightning nascence.”

“All right. I’ll first see just how vast his nascence space truly is. He even has the audacity to boast that his nascence space is as vast as the cosmos…”

As Brody spoke, he entered John’s nascence space. Upon entering John’s nascence, Brody was instantly stunned. At that moment, he felt as though he was in the cosmos, surrounded by a sky full of stars, among which a few shone with exceptional brightness.

“This is just too damn absurd!” Brody was so shocked that his jaw nearly dropped. He hadn’t expected that what John had said was actually true. Astonishingly, he had even contemplated using his own nascence power to make John explode. Looking back now, he thought it was simply laughable.

“Brody, what did you see?” Maverick asked.

“Maverick, come quick. His nascence space is actually as big as the cosmos,” Brody said excitedly

Maverick also entered John’s nascence space. As he gazed upon everything before him, Maverick was dumbstruck. He had never imagined that John’s nascence space would actually be the cosmos. He had once ventured into Brody’s nascence space, which was a vast expanse of lakes and oceans, stretching as far as the eye could see. He thought that this kind of nascence space was already quite vast. However, Brody’s nascence space was simply nothing compared with John’s.

“His nascence space is so big. This is truly unbelievable!” Maverick exclaimed in astonishment. Seizing the opportunity, Brody demanded John’s physical body, “Maverick please give me this body. With such a vast nascence space, I can make good use of it. You haven’t yet comprehended nascence, so even if you were to seize it, it wouldn’t be of much use to you.”

Maverick fell silent. In truth, he too admired John’s physique. It was incredibly robust. However, he hadn’t comprehended nascence, so this nascence space was useless to him. Just as Maverick was at a loss for how to respond, John’s voice surprisingly echoed from all directions.

“This body of mine is not something you significant lots can just take over as you please. Do you really think you can attempt the impossible?” John’s voice was laden with heavy sarcasm.

“Damn it, this kid still has some spiritual sense left. He hasn’t been fully possessed yet. Let’s destroy his consciousness field first.” Having said that, Maverick, along with Brody, left the nascence space and entered into John’s consciousness field. Just as the Hoover brothers were preparing to strike at John’s consciousness field, a sudden glimmer of gold unexpectedly flashed within John’s consciousness field.

The Golden Tome radiated a golden glow. This golden light shone upon the Hoover brothers, causing them to feel discomfort throughout their bodies as if they were being melted by the golden light.

“You two reckless fools have truly overestimated your abilities. How dare you covet Mr. White’s body?” Fitz appeared from John’s consciousness field.

“There’s someone in his consciousness field. And what is this golden light? It makes me feel so uncomfortable,” Brody exclaimed.

“Brody, hurry, leave this kid’s consciousness field,” Maverick urged.

“What’s wrong, Maverick?” Brody asked in confusion.

“His consciousness field is overwhelmingly vast, and his spiritual sense is boundless. It’s impossible for us to seize control of him. We’ve been duped. He lured us into his body on purpose.” Maverick was about to run off, dragging Brody along with him. However, before he could make a move, John’s spiritual sense in the consciousness field surged like a sea, directly enveloping the Hoover brothers. Then, under the golden light of the Golden Tome, the souls of the Hoover brothers were swiftly devoured, leaving nothing behind.

Until their death, the Hoover brothers never imagined that their current predicament was a direct result of their attempt to invade John’s consciousness field and seize control of his physical body. John’s consciousness field was not as they had imagined.

The illusion array set up by John gradually faded, revealing John’s figure. However, the red figure had already disappeared, and the blood within the entire Sacrificial Blood Array was slowly draining away. The Hoover brothers died, and with their demise, the formation gradually ceased to operate. Subsequently, it transformed back into a formation plate, falling to the ground. Upon seeing the formation disappear, everyone rushed forward.

“John, are you all right?” “Mr. White, are you injured?”

“Master, I was so scared…” Catlin and Phoenix were all extremely worried. After all, John had just reached the Second Level of Tribulator. How could he possibly be a match for the red figure?

“I’m fine.” John gave a slight smile, then handed the formation plate to Denzel, saying, “Mr. Washington, the Blood Spirit Valley has suffered such a catastrophe, and your strength has been severely damaged. I’m giving you this formation plate. With it, you can recruit some followers and restore the Blood Spirit Valley.”

With trembling hands, Denzel took the formation plate, tears streaming ceaselessly from his eyes. He didn’t even know what to say.
Amazing battle of wit!
Master Emeka has been silent for some time. We don't know what are all the encounters he had come across of late. I suspect, probably they might have found out the ineffectiveness of their cultivating method as none of them are able to impregnate anybody, including Dustin and John. However powerful they may be but still they have not begotten any child yet. Or may be it is their technique so that they can just enjoy life and not taking up any parental responsibilities. Master King, what is your take on this? Do you also suspect them? What about Master Xavier and Prosper? Are you both also part of this spell?
Master Emeka has been silent for some time. We don't know what are all the encounters he had come across of late. I suspect, probably they might have found out the ineffectiveness of their cultivating method as none of them are able to impregnate anybody, including Dustin and John. However powerful they may be but still they have not begotten any child yet. Or may be it is their technique so that they can just enjoy life and not taking up any parental responsibilities. Master King, what is your take on this? Do you also suspect them? What about Master Xavier and Prosper? Are you both also part of this spell?
Dustin and Charlie are still part of Virgin Sect. It's John and Levi who have joined the Sex Sect. Levi has impregnated his woman

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