The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

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Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Looking at her muscle on her back, I am afraid she's actually a he. I will only think about devouring her after she turn to show her front, to make sure there's no little dragon down there. You suspected Julia_Natasha when she first came and that suspicion has changed my approach until now 😅
Haha I have no words 😅 I see you Mr Tribulator. You actually means well when you want young girls. .FB_IMG_1710476524957.jpg


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 3681 – 3682 Baal

“Mr. White, how about I take the lead and scout things out for you?” Seeing John determined to enter the cave, Fitz decided to scout things out first. After all, they knew nothing about the situation in the cave. Given John’s current condition, it would be dangerous for him to enter rashly.

“No, it’s not safe for you to enter the cave with your current capabilities.” John shook his head.

At that, Stanlee offered, “Mr. White, I’ll go instead.” Since Fitz’s capabilities were too low, he felt that he could venture into the cave since he was the sect leader of Soul Demon Sect.

“Mr. Stark, although there are restraints in the cave, it’s not necessarily a dangerous place. If one can’t break the restraint, he will be propelled out by a mysterious force. There shouldn’t be any risk to life, so there’s no need to worry excessively. However, there are over a dozen restraints in the cave. If one has no confidence to break through them all, there’s no point in wasting time. Many people are drained after breaking through the first few restraints and are sent flying out,” Nolan interjected.

“What? Over a dozen restraints?” Stanlee exclaimed with shock written all over his face. If there were only a single restraint, one could still find a way and go all out to break through it to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls. But these are more than a dozen restraints. Given John’s current condition, it’s uncertain if he could accomplish it!

Upon hearing about the dozen restraints, John also frowned, looking somewhat surprised. Who on earth was it set up so many restraints and sealed away Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls?

“Regardless of the number of restraints, since I’m here, I want to give it a try. Hasn’t someone already gone in and remained there for a long time? There’s no time to lose. I must act now.”

After John had said that, he headed toward the cave. As a beam of light shot up into the sky, John’s figure vanished into the cave. Stanlee, Fitz, and the others all broke out in a cold sweat on his behalf.

Meanwhile, Nolan wore an expression of admiration. A Second Level Tribulator cultivator actually ventured into the cave alone without a hint of fear! How impressive!

When John entered the cave, his vision blurred for a moment. When he turned around, the crowd behind him had disappeared. It was as if he had stepped into a void of nothingness. His surroundings were shrouded in haze, with no end in sight. He couldn’t see anything, much less sense any trace of human aura.

“What a peculiar aura. It seems as though this space was created separately,” Vermilion Demon Lord couldn’t help but exclaim upon sensing the aura of the space.

“A space that was created? Isn’t this an illusionary realm?” When John first entered, he thought he was in an illusionary realm. If the person had set up an illusionary arcane array first and foremost, once someone entered, he would be trapped in the illusion realm and wouldn’t be able to get out. If that were an illusionary realm, it could eliminate many people, and the person who could set up such an illusionary arcane array was certainly something else.

Few in Ethereal Realm knew such an arcane array. However, Vermilion Demon Lord claimed that it was a space that was created. That made John’s heart lodge in his throat. After all, someone who could create a separate space had definitely attained Ultimate Realm or even higher. A mere Tribulator cultivator was not yet capable of tearing the void, let alone creating a separate space.

“Mr. Vermilion, are you certain this is a separate space and not just an illusionary realm?” John asked Vermilion Demon Lord. He found it somewhat hard to believe that the person went to the trouble of setting up so many restraints just to seal away Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls. Verily, he couldn’t think of anyone would do that.

“Kid, I may have lost my memory, but I haven’t turned into a fool. If I can’t even discern this much, I would be undeserving of my title as Demon Lord!” Vermilion Demon Lord said with a hint of anger

“Mr. Vermilion, please calm your anger. That’s not what I meant. I trust you,” John apologized repeatedly.

As he apologized, John swiftly moved forward. Since that was a newly opened space, John was curious to see just how vast it was. After all, the larger the space that was opened up, the more strength and spiritual energy would be consumed.

Just as John took a few steps forward, he suddenly froze. Before him, a beam of white light gradually appeared, followed by countless twinkling points of light. With the emergence of the speck of light, John suddenly felt a sense of familiarity with that place, yet he couldn’t recall why for a moment.

As John was lost in thought, the countless points of light surprisingly began to merge slowly, swiftly transforming into a human form. Initially, the figure was ethereal, its features completely indiscernible. However, as the human figure became increasingly solid, John was instantly stunned.

Upon seeing the person who materialized from the specks of light, John immediately cursed, “Fuck! Why is it you?”

“Hahaha! I expected you would show up, brat!” The solidified phantom let out a hearty laugh and said to John, “No wonder I felt a sense of familiarity with this aura just now but couldn’t place it for a moment. So, it turns out to be you, Mr. Baal. Did you set up this restraint?”

John’s face was filled with excitement. He joyfully stepped forward, intending to embrace Baal. Regrettably, Baal was merely an illusion, impossible to grasp.

“I merely left behind a trace of my soul for the sake of seeing you, brat. Unexpectedly, you didn’t keep me waiting for long,” Baal said with a laugh.

“Mr. Baal, can you tell me what exactly is going on?”

“After realizing that Baal had set the restraint, John felt relieved. He wanted to know what exactly Baal had experienced after returning to Ethereal Realm.”

“Okay. I’ll tell you.” With a smile, Baal began to speak. John listened quietly, unconcerned about whether anyone was still attempting to break through the restraint.

After Baal returned to Ethereal Realm with the soul of Lunarius Palace’s holy maiden, he sought Demonia Sect to acquire Demonia Stone, aiming to help the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace restore her physical body. That was the only way the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace could be revived and then rebuild Lunarius Palace anew. However, when Baal came to reclaim Demonia Stone, he was fiercely rebuffed by Nolan. In a fit of rage, Baal hid Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls within a mountain cave and laid down more than a dozen restraints.

Moreover, he also took with him most of Demonia Sect’s Demonia Stones, leaving Demonia Sect with only one final piece. Nolan was taken aback but didn’t dare to obstruct. Moreover, he lacked the ability to do so.

Fortunately, Baal was not evil. He merely taught Demonia Sect a lesson, destroying the physical bodies of several disciples. However, he did not obliterate their souls altogether. As long as their souls remained and Nolan could seek Stanlee’s help to restore those disciples’ physical bodies, they would essentially be revived.

Following that, Nolan began to use Demonia Stone as a reward, hoping to persuade others to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls. Unfortunately, all his attempts ended in failure.

“Mr. Baal, how did you know I would come to Ethereal Realm and Demonia Sect, and even breaching your restraints?” John was quite puzzled, wondering how Baal could have known.

“Have you forgotten, brat? I told you long ago. We would reunite in Ethereal Realm. The mundane world is too small for a real dragon like you. Not to mention the mundane world, even Ethereal Realm is too small for you. You’ll eventually ascend to the celestial realm. As for how I knew you would come to Demonia Sect, it was because I figured Old-Geezer’s soul remnant would have to be attached to another person’s body because he couldn’t restore his physical body. And if he wanted to restore his physical body, he needed the Demonia Stone. This guy couldn’t find anyone to help him search for the Demonia Stone, so he could only turn to you. That was why I left a strand of my soul in this restraint, waiting for you to come.”


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 3683 Baal...

“Demonia Sect only has one Demonia Stone left. It’s uncertain whether you’ll get it or not,” Baal said with a laugh.

“Mr. Baal, since you have a dozen or so Demonia Stones in your possession, I do not need to approach Demonia Sect. I can simply ask you for one. Where are you right now? I’ll come to find you immediately. All you need to give me is a Demonia Stone, isn’t it

Since John found out Baal had taken the Demonia Sect’s Demonia Stones, why would he need to seek Demonia Sect out?

“No way. I don’t care about that old brat, Old-Geezer. If he personally pleaded with me, perhaps, out of my great mercy, I might give him one,” Baal said with a playful smirk on his face.

Upon hearing that, John responded, “If you refuse to give it to me, allow me to break through the restraint and retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls to exchange that one Demonia Stone from Demonia Sect.”

“You must rely on your abilities to break through the restraint. Why should I assist you? Besides, I’m merely a wisp of a soul now. How could I possibly help you?” Baal waved his hand and spoke.

“It’s one thing for you to not give me the Demonia Stone, but you wouldn’t even help me break through the restraint you set yourself. Did you leave this strand of your soul behind just to mock me?” John was getting somewhat angry.

Seeing John angry, Baal chuckled. “Well, consider it as me laughing at your expense. Now that I’ve seen you, I can travel at ease.” After Baal finished speaking, his figure began to fade and would soon vanish entirely.

Upon seeing the situation, John hurriedly shouted, “Mr. Baal, Mr. Baal, please don’t just leave like this!”

“Stop shouting. I’ll tell you. The holy maiden of Lunarius Palace has reestablished Lunarius Palace at Demonia Mountain. I’ve placed all the Demonia Stones in her place. If you’re capable, ask her yourself. However, you must first find Lunarius Palace.”

The voice of Baal echoed, but the sound gradually faded into the distance until it finally disappeared completely.

“Mr. Baal! Mr. Baal!” No matter how much John shouted, there was no longer any sign of Baal.

John fell into deep thought. Should I seek the holy maiden of Lunarius Palace for a Demonia Stone, or should I continue to break the restraint, acquire the cultivation technique secret scrolls of Demonia Sect, and exchange them for the Demonia Stone?

“What’s the matter? Are you too afraid to break through this restraint?” Vermilion Demon Lord’s voice echoed.

“What am I afraid of? Let’s break through this restraint. I want to see who exactly is in front of me.”

With a cold huff, John immediately dashed forward. John effortlessly passed through the first layer of the restraint. It seemed that the first layer of the restraint set up by Baal was not meant to keep everyone out, but rather, it was intended for him to meet with John.

Subsequently, John began to break through the subsequent restraints. Many of those restraints relied on the activation of arcane arrays. If one wanted to break through forcefully, they would undoubtedly be sent flying with great force.

John could easily locate the core of the arcane array, and then break it. The restraining power would then disappear. Approximately thirty minutes later, John had successively broken through several restraints and had completely eliminated all the arcane arrays. Therefore, those restraints would no longer exist for those who entered later.

With a flash before John’s eyes, he found himself in a vast cave. However, that cave was densely filled with countless strands of silk. John saw that amidst those threads, a figure stood with his brows furrowed as if he was deep in thought, contemplating a solution to break free

“Elder Wood?” Upon seeing that person, John instantly let out a cry of surprise. He had never imagined that the person in that mountain cave would turn out to be Earl.

Cameron died tragically within Demon Devouring Cave, yet Elder Wood shows up here! More importantly, Elder Wood actually followed Pablo to Demonia Sect.

Upon hearing John’s startled cry, Tyler instantly turned around. Then, he saw John


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 3684 Tyler?

“Why are you here?” Upon seeing John, Tyler was also profoundly shocked. He had never imagined that John would actually be there. Moreover, John was hunted down by the Demon Seal Alliance. They even schemed to harm him, yet John was standing unscathed right before Tyler at that moment

“Why are you here, then? Do you know that the head of the Wood family has already met a tragic end?” John also asked confusedly. However, no sooner had he finished speaking than John’s eyes were already fixed intently on Tyler. That was because he discovered that Tyler was unexpectedly emanating the aura of a Top Level Tribulator at that moment.

In such a short time, Elder Wood has advanced to become a Top Level Tribulator. This is unbelievable! Moreover, he also possesses the aura of a demon. How could that be possible? John was well aware that the Wood family members were not Demonic Cultivators. They were all human cultivators.

Looking at Tyler in front of him and thinking about Tyler being with Pablo, as well as the tragic death of Cameron, it seemed as though John had come to understand something. With a vigilant gaze, John turned toward Tyler and asked, “Who exactly are you? You’re not Elder Wood?”

Hearing John voicing his doubt about his identity, Tyler figured there wasn’t a need to keep up the pretense. John is merely a Second Level Tribulator. I’m now a Top Level Tribulator. It’ll be a piece of cake for me to eliminate John. There’s no need to hide my identity any longer.

Tyler laughed heartily and said, “Hahaha, you’re still as clever as ever, John. You’re right. I’m not Elder Wood. I’ve merely been using this old man’s body.”

Listening to Tyler’s voice, John fell into deep thought. Then, he asked again sternly, “Who exactly are you?”

With a cold smirk on his face, Tyler said, “John, have you forgotten even your old friends? You all thought I was dead, but unfortunately, I’ve come back to life. Once I obtain the Demonia Stone and restore my physical body, I can return to my original self.”

“Tyler?” John was stunned, an image of Tyler instantly flashing through his mind. However, back then, John had seen that Tyler was dead. Later, John was drawn into the Ethereal Realm. However, unbeknownst to John, Tyler’s soul remnant was also absorbed Into the Ethereal Realm.

Tyler laughed and said, “Congratulations on getting the answer right, but there’s no reward. However, I can ensure that your death will be less painful.”

“I truly didn’t expect you to be still alive, hiding within the body of the Wood family’s elder all this time. However, I defeated you when we were in the mundane world. Things will still be the same in the Ethereal Realm. So what if you’re a Top Level Tribulator? Your frail and worn-out body, I fear, simply won’t allow you to exert your full strength. Moreover, this place is riddled with restraints. I’m not afraid of you at all. If I could kill you once, I can certainly do it a second time.” John spoke nonchalantly.

Although Tyler had already become a Top Level Tribulator, his current physical state could not allow him to unleash his full strength. Moreover, if he exerted too much force, his body might not be able to withstand it and could even self destruct. In that case, Tyler would become a soul remnant again. How could he kill John, then?

Tyler was well aware of that fact, which was why he had never laid a hand on John. He’ needed to restore his physical body before making a move against John. That way, he would have a near-certain chance of success.

“John, you’re far too arrogant. Even though my body is old and frail, I’m more than capable of dealing with a Second Level Tribulator like you.” With gritted teeth, Tyler spoke, his face full of mockery.

“Is that so? Why don’t you give it a try, then?” After John finished speaking, the Divine Bow suddenly appeared in his hand. Only the two of them were present in that cave. Therefore, John could unabashedly draw out the Divine Bow. At that moment, the Divine Bow was John’s most powerful weapon


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
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Jun 4, 2023
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Chapter 3685 Tyler

Following the battle with Pablo, John had greatly exhausted himself. If he were to fight with Tyler now, John simply wouldn’t be able to hold on for more than a few rounds. Therefore, as soon as he made his move, he brought out his most powerful weapon, the Divine Bow. When the Divine Bow was brandished, an aura of supreme authority permeated throughout the cave.

Looking at the Divine Bow in John’s hand, Tyler frowned. He was aware of the Divine Bow’s power and how formidable it was. Moreover, if the two were to fight within the cave, it could cause the entire cave to collapse. Additionally, the surrounding area was filled with restraints. Tyler was still contemplating how to break through. If a fight were to break out, there was a risk of being harmed by those restraints.

“John, this mountain cave is full of restraints. If we were to fight, there’s a chance we might both end up injured. In the end, we could both be buried within this cave. I don’t care why you came in. We’ll each rely on our own abilities to break through this restraint. How about we settle our scores after leaving this cave?”

Tyler was somewhat afraid. He had endured so much to make it this far. If only he could obtain the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body, he would then be able to ascend to the Ultimate Realm. Becoming a cultivator in the Ultimate Realm was an achievement he had never dared to imagine. Thinking of that, Tyler certainly didn’t want to risk losing everything in a fight with John.

“Okay. Let’s wait until we’re outside to continue the fight.” John put away the Divine Bow. In fact, John didn’t want to fight either. He was merely leveraging the Divine Bow, fortuitously intimidating Tyler, which deterred the latter from making a move right then. If Tyler were to take action at that moment, John wouldn’t be able to hold on for long even with the Divine Bow. After all, he was extremely weak at that moment.

Upon seeing John put away the Divine Bow, Tyler once again turned his attention to those restraints. By now, he had managed to break through to the middle position. As long as he could overcome a few more restraints, he would be able to see Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls. Once he acquired the cultivation technique secret scrolls, Tyler could exchange them for the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body.

Tyler carefully observed the myriad of threads before him, then cautiously proceeded forward.

Upon seeing Tyler’s cautious demeanor, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of John’s mouth. Subsequently, bursts of golden light erupted around John’s body, and he walked forward, disregarding the threads. John moved swiftly, surpassing Tyler in an instant and taking the lead.

Upon seeing the situation, Tyler was instantly filled with shock. However, seeing that John was unimpeded by that restraint, he was seething with anger.

“Explode!” With a thunderous roar, Tyler’s eyes turned a fiery red, and a cloud of black mist erupted in front of him in an instant. As the black mist erupted, all the surrounding restraints began to tremble. Originally, Tyler had planned to break through the restraint steadily to obtain Demonia Sett’s cultivation technique secret scrolls to exchange for the Demonia Stone. However, the appearance of John now meant that he could no longer leisurely break through the restraints. Tyler began to break through the restraints by force.

On the other hand, John was leveraging his ability and understanding of Baal to break through continuously. The two individuals advanced, one leading and the other following.

Soon, they arrived at the place where the cultivation technique secret scrolls were stored. Upon seeing the cultivation technique documentation device right before his eyes, John released a surge of spiritual energy, intending to grasp that cultivation technique documentation device in his hand. However, before his spiritual energy could even touch the cultivation technique documentation device, it was directly shattered.

Moreover, around that technique cultivation technique documentation device, John felt the presence of a certain aura. That was Baal’s aura, but John could assert with certainty that the aura was not the result of any restraint laid down by an arcane array. John dashed forward, planning to give it another try.

“Drop dead!” When Tyler saw John attempting to take the cultivation technique documentation device, his face became contorted in fury. A wave of black mist surged toward John.

Upon seeing the situation, John instinctively rushed forward, dodging the trail of black mist. Even if John were a fool, he knew he shouldn’t clash headon with the attack from a Top Level Tribulator. Not to mention, John was already extremely weak at that time.


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023
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Chapter 886 Competition

“Hey, watch your words. From what I’ve heard, Mr. White is someone who can take on two Martial Arts Grandmasters at one go!”

“Ha! And you believe that? If he were that powerful, why isn’t there a shred of news about Fuyang having such a young and formidable martial artist?”

The more everyone prattled on, the more annoyed Shane got. “All of you, shut up!” he bellowed as he glared at them.

Even though that instantly scared everyone to silence, their gossip had long reached Theodore’s ears.

Mike, on the other hand, continued to sneer at Theodore. “Do you hear that, Theodore? If you let the kid become the instructor, no one would want to listen to him. Why don’t you get him here to spar with me? If he can withstand three of my attacks, I’ll leave right away. But if he can’t, I want you to get rid of him and let me participate in the competition.”

Theodore said nothing, but Shane, who had had enough of Mike’s arrogance, retorted, “You think too highly of yourself, Mike! If Mr. White really were to go up against you, not only would he be able to take your attacks, but he’d also be able to crush you with just one hand!”

Mike’s expression darkened as his steely gaze landed on Shane. “You’ve got some guts, haven’t you? How dare you talk to me in that tone!”

Before anyone could react, Mike suddenly appeared in front of Shane and gave him a tight slap.


Alas, the impact was so hard that Shane was sent flying and crashed onto the floor.

“Mike Christopher!” Theodore shouted, furious that Mike had initiated the attack.

Unsurprisingly, Mike stared smugly back at him. “Get that brat here so we can spar. I’d like to see just how powerful he is…”

Theodore helped Shane up, but instead of answering Mike, he fumed silently with knitted brows.

Shane began to panic when he saw how quiet Theodore was. “General, why don’t I fetch Mr. White? We can’t let Mike behave so brazenly in the Department of Justice.”

With that, Shane was about to leave for John when Theodore suddenly pulled him back. “No, don’t. If Mr. White comes and turns this into a full-blown conflict, wouldn’t he be making another enemy?” he reasoned. “Moreover, the Christopher family isn’t one to be provoked. Mr. White already has plenty of enemies in Jade Venom, so let’s not bring him any more trouble.”

Indeed, Theodore was reluctant to let John compete with Mike because he didn’t want a grudge between the former and the Fisher family. If John did offend the Christopher, his days in Jade Venom would undoubtedly become even more difficult.

Upon hearing that, Shane had no choice but to stop in his tracks. He touched his swollen cheek as he glowered at Mike, frustrated that he couldn’t do anything to get back at the latter.

After all, with Shane being a mere Senior Grandmaster, he wouldn’t stand a chance against a Martial Arts Grandmaster like Mike.

All of a sudden, John walked in slowly. “General Jackson, since I’m already a part of the Department of Justice, how can you leave me out of such situations?”

Naturally, Shane was on cloud nine when he saw John. “Ah, Mr. White…”

“Mr. White, why aren’t you resting?” Theodore asked politely.

John smiled. “A few hours of travel is nothing to me, General Jackson. At my level, I can even go without sleep for three days and three nights!”

Mike stared at John, his expression cold and stern. “So, you’re the new instructor that Theodore hired?”

“That’s right!”

“You seem to be only in your early twenties, yet you’re already a Senior Grandmaster? I must admit that’s rather impressive. But even then, you aren’t fit to be an instructor at the Department of Justice! I’m sure you’ve worked hard to achieve your current cultivation level, so if you get out of my sight now, I may still let you off…” Mike warned.

He could tell from a glance that John’s aura was only comparable to that of a Senior Grandmaster’s. Thus, he had nothing to fear at all!

“Let me off?” John replied with a smirk. “Say, how are you related to Fisher Christopher?”

Chapter 887 I Know What To Do

Mike was taken aback for a moment. “Christopher’s my nephew. Do you know him?”

“Of course. I was the one who cut his arm off. Why wouldn’t I know him?”

As it turned out, John had overheard the conversation between Theodore and Mike, thus realizing that the latter was from the Fisher family.

“You… You’re John White?” Mike blurted out, his eyes wide in disbelief.

John nodded. “That’s right. I’m John White. Nice to meet you.”

Mike’s face instantly turned red with rage when he heard that confession. “Darn you! You were the one who cut my nephew’s arm off and swallowed the draconic essence! Well then, I shall avenge Fisher today and dig that dragonic essence out of you!”

As soon as he said that, Mike’s aura intensified, and he readied himself to punch John.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Theodore quickly placed himself between John and Mike. “What are you doing, Mike? Don’t forget that this is the Department of Justice. You’d better watch your behavior!”

Alas, Mike couldn’t care less about Theodore. “Fuck you, Theodore. Stop threatening me with the Department of Justice,” he reprimanded. “This punk here injured my nephew, so I must get my revenge today! Get lost if you don’t want to die!”

Theodore’s face fell almost immediately. Darn it. I don’t have a choice, do I? I’m nowhere as strong as Mike. Even if I were to retaliate, I’d only be asking for trouble!

“General Jackson, why don’t you step aside?” John calmly suggested. “Let me deal with Mike. I can also use this chance to show everyone my capabilities. There’s no better way than that to convince your subordinates.”

“Mr. White…” Theodore muttered as he turned to look at John.

“What’s wrong? Are you afraid that I won’t beat him?”

“No, no, of course not. Not even two Mike Christophers would be your match, Mr. White. That said, I do hope you’ll hold yourself back if need be. Let’s not get anyone killed…”

In actuality, Theodore was afraid that John might use too much force and accidentally kill Mike. If that were to happen, the mess would be even tougher to clean up.

“Don’t worry. I know what to do!” John reassured.

Unfortunately, Theodore and John’s interaction only riled Mike up further.

“What the fuck did you say, Theodore? Once I’ve destroyed this kid, I’m going after you! I’ll teach you a lesson for looking down on me!”

Immediately after his outburst, Mike clenched his fists and threw a punch at John.

Theodore hastily ducked away, knowing that Mike could never be John’s match. After all, he had witnessed John killing Hayden and Declan without breaking a sweat, so how could Mike ever beat that?

Despite seeing Mike charge toward him with pure rage and hatred, John stayed rooted to the spot with a smile on his face.

Just as Mike’s punch was about to land, John’s skin suddenly emitted a golden glow that seemed to form a protective layer around his body.


The next moment, a dull thud sounded as Mike hit John squarely on his chest. Strangely though, the latter didn’t move an inch, and neither did his expression change.

Mike gaped at John, completely dumbfounded.

He had put all his strength into the punch, making it powerful enough to rip a hole through a car and shatter mountains. Yet, when it hit John, it felt like he had just punched an impenetrable steel plate.

The forceful recoil from the impact numbed Mike’s arm and instantly sent a torrent of pain throughout his body.

Mike gritted his teeth and slowly retracted his fist. His arm was still trembling uncontrollably, but he did his best to keep it under control so others wouldn’t notice his pain.

“What’s going on? Did Mike not use any strength at all?”

“Everyone knows a punch from a Martial Arts Grandmaster is enough to total a car, so why is John still standing?”

“Do you think the two of them are putting on a show just to make John White look good?”

Chapter 888 Someone More Powerful

The other members of the Department of Justice continued to discuss among themselves in hushed tones. They knew a punch from a Martial Arts Grandmaster like Mike had to be powerful beyond measure. What they couldn’t fathom, though, was how anyone could’ve withstood an attack like that.

“Well done, Mr. White! Well done!” Shane suddenly shouted and clapped his hands.

He had been nursing a grudge ever since Mike slapped him, so when John barely flinched from the punch, he was elated. There was no doubt that Mike would be enraged, and Shane took obvious delight in it.

“You guys are courting death!” Mike spat as his face darkened menacingly.

With that, he lunged toward John once again.

This time, however, Mike had gathered all his power and released a burst of energy. His terrifying aura was pressing down on the Department of Justice members so much that they found it increasingly difficult to breathe.

It was only then that they knew John and Mike weren’t putting on an act. Mike, especially, had unleashed everything he had.


Mike threw out yet another vicious punch that blasted a pit on the solid arena ground, sending clouds of dust and debris flying everywhere. That was the sheer power of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, and naturally, everyone was shocked by the impact.

Once the dust settled, however, they were greeted by something even more shocking. John remained in his spot, smiling as he stared Mike down with a look of utter contempt.

The crowd gathered around widened their eyes in disbelief. They all knew Mike’s punch was powerful enough to split a mountain in half, so how did John walk away from it without even a scratch?

“T-This…” Mike stuttered, but his voice began to trail off.

He stared blankly at John, not knowing what to say.

“Oh, my goodness. Mr. White is way too awesome, isn’t he?”

“Yes, the fact that he’s still standing means not even a Second Level Martial Arts Grandmaster can hurt him. From the looks of it, I think Mr. White might be a Fifth Level Martial Arts Grandmaster.”

“That’s amazing! With Mr. White as our instructor, I’m sure we’ll improve by leaps and bounds!”

With their doubts about John’s competence long gone, the members of the Department of Justice began chatting excitedly.

Shane, without a doubt, was the most excited of them all. “You see, Mike, there will always be someone more powerful than you,” he mocked. “Given your pathetic level of skills, why don’t you back off? Stop making a fool of yourself in front of Mr. White.”

Almost immediately, Mike shook with fury. “How dare you, Shane Walsh! I’ll kill you first!”

True to his words, Mike charged toward Shane the next second, determined to vent his anger on the latter.

Upon seeing that, Shane’s face paled. He knew he wasn’t Mike’s match at all.

Just as Mike was about to reach Shane, John suddenly moved and gave the former a heavy kick.

Like a kite with its string cut, Mike flew backward by more than ten meters before crashing onto the ground.

The color drained from his face as he winced in pain and spat out mouthfuls of blood.

Everyone else could only stand by and gulp nervously, still finding it hard to believe that a mere kick had caused so much damage to a Martial Arts Grandmaster.

After Mike landed on the ground, John loomed over him, foot raised and ready to stomp.

If the foot had come down, Mike’s head would undoubtedly be smashed to smithereens, marking the end of a Martial Arts Grandmaster.

“No, Mr. White. Don’t…” Theodore pleaded as he rushed up to stop John. “Mike is from the Christopher family. You’d be in a lot of trouble if you killed him here at the Department of Justice. It’d be a tricky situation for us to handle too…”

John glanced at Theodore and slowly put his foot down. Within seconds, his gaze was back on Mike. “Get the hell out of here.”

Mike struggled to his feet and glared at John. “Watch out, kid. I’ll get my revenge one day!”

With that, Mike left the Department of Justice, but John remained unfazed by the threat. There were so many people threatening him that if he were to fret over every single one of them, he’d be worried sick by now.
That,s the power of Dragon,Never fear nor fear

Lu Dustin

Supreme Grandmaster
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah and Pablo is late stage 8th level Tribulator ! Not a newbie 8th level!

Chapter 3685 Tyler

Following the battle with Pablo, John had greatly exhausted himself. If he were to fight with Tyler now, John simply wouldn’t be able to hold on for more than a few rounds. Therefore, as soon as he made his move, he brought out his most powerful weapon, the Divine Bow. When the Divine Bow was brandished, an aura of supreme authority permeated throughout the cave.

Looking at the Divine Bow in John’s hand, Tyler frowned. He was aware of the Divine Bow’s power and how formidable it was. Moreover, if the two were to fight within the cave, it could cause the entire cave to collapse. Additionally, the surrounding area was filled with restraints. Tyler was still contemplating how to break through. If a fight were to break out, there was a risk of being harmed by those restraints.

“John, this mountain cave is full of restraints. If we were to fight, there’s a chance we might both end up injured. In the end, we could both be buried within this cave. I don’t care why you came in. We’ll each rely on our own abilities to break through this restraint. How about we settle our scores after leaving this cave?”

Tyler was somewhat afraid. He had endured so much to make it this far. If only he could obtain the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body, he would then be able to ascend to the Ultimate Realm. Becoming a cultivator in the Ultimate Realm was an achievement he had never dared to imagine. Thinking of that, Tyler certainly didn’t want to risk losing everything in a fight with John.

“Okay. Let’s wait until we’re outside to continue the fight.” John put away the Divine Bow. In fact, John didn’t want to fight either. He was merely leveraging the Divine Bow, fortuitously intimidating Tyler, which deterred the latter from making a move right then. If Tyler were to take action at that moment, John wouldn’t be able to hold on for long even with the Divine Bow. After all, he was extremely weak at that moment.

Upon seeing John put away the Divine Bow, Tyler once again turned his attention to those restraints. By now, he had managed to break through to the middle position. As long as he could overcome a few more restraints, he would be able to see Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls. Once he acquired the cultivation technique secret scrolls, Tyler could exchange them for the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body.

Tyler carefully observed the myriad of threads before him, then cautiously proceeded forward.

Upon seeing Tyler’s cautious demeanor, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of John’s mouth. Subsequently, bursts of golden light erupted around John’s body, and he walked forward, disregarding the threads. John moved swiftly, surpassing Tyler in an instant and taking the lead.

Upon seeing the situation, Tyler was instantly filled with shock. However, seeing that John was unimpeded by that restraint, he was seething with anger.

“Explode!” With a thunderous roar, Tyler’s eyes turned a fiery red, and a cloud of black mist erupted in front of him in an instant. As the black mist erupted, all the surrounding restraints began to tremble. Originally, Tyler had planned to break through the restraint steadily to obtain Demonia Sett’s cultivation technique secret scrolls to exchange for the Demonia Stone. However, the appearance of John now meant that he could no longer leisurely break through the restraints. Tyler began to break through the restraints by force.

On the other hand, John was leveraging his ability and understanding of Baal to break through continuously. The two individuals advanced, one leading and the other following.

Soon, they arrived at the place where the cultivation technique secret scrolls were stored. Upon seeing the cultivation technique documentation device right before his eyes, John released a surge of spiritual energy, intending to grasp that cultivation technique documentation device in his hand. However, before his spiritual energy could even touch the cultivation technique documentation device, it was directly shattered.

Moreover, around that technique cultivation technique documentation device, John felt the presence of a certain aura. That was Baal’s aura, but John could assert with certainty that the aura was not the result of any restraint laid down by an arcane array. John dashed forward, planning to give it another try.

“Drop dead!” When Tyler saw John attempting to take the cultivation technique documentation device, his face became contorted in fury. A wave of black mist surged toward John.

Upon seeing the situation, John instinctively rushed forward, dodging the trail of black mist. Even if John were a fool, he knew he shouldn’t clash headon with the attack from a Top Level

Chapter 3685 Tyler

Following the battle with Pablo, John had greatly exhausted himself. If he were to fight with Tyler now, John simply wouldn’t be able to hold on for more than a few rounds. Therefore, as soon as he made his move, he brought out his most powerful weapon, the Divine Bow. When the Divine Bow was brandished, an aura of supreme authority permeated throughout the cave.

Looking at the Divine Bow in John’s hand, Tyler frowned. He was aware of the Divine Bow’s power and how formidable it was. Moreover, if the two were to fight within the cave, it could cause the entire cave to collapse. Additionally, the surrounding area was filled with restraints. Tyler was still contemplating how to break through. If a fight were to break out, there was a risk of being harmed by those restraints.

“John, this mountain cave is full of restraints. If we were to fight, there’s a chance we might both end up injured. In the end, we could both be buried within this cave. I don’t care why you came in. We’ll each rely on our own abilities to break through this restraint. How about we settle our scores after leaving this cave?”

Tyler was somewhat afraid. He had endured so much to make it this far. If only he could obtain the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body, he would then be able to ascend to the Ultimate Realm. Becoming a cultivator in the Ultimate Realm was an achievement he had never dared to imagine. Thinking of that, Tyler certainly didn’t want to risk losing everything in a fight with John.

“Okay. Let’s wait until we’re outside to continue the fight.” John put away the Divine Bow. In fact, John didn’t want to fight either. He was merely leveraging the Divine Bow, fortuitously intimidating Tyler, which deterred the latter from making a move right then. If Tyler were to take action at that moment, John wouldn’t be able to hold on for long even with the Divine Bow. After all, he was extremely weak at that moment.

Upon seeing John put away the Divine Bow, Tyler once again turned his attention to those restraints. By now, he had managed to break through to the middle position. As long as he could overcome a few more restraints, he would be able to see Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls. Once he acquired the cultivation technique secret scrolls, Tyler could exchange them for the Demonia Stone to restore his physical body.

Tyler carefully observed the myriad of threads before him, then cautiously proceeded forward.

Upon seeing Tyler’s cautious demeanor, a cold smirk tugged at the corners of John’s mouth. Subsequently, bursts of golden light erupted around John’s body, and he walked forward, disregarding the threads. John moved swiftly, surpassing Tyler in an instant and taking the lead.

Upon seeing the situation, Tyler was instantly filled with shock. However, seeing that John was unimpeded by that restraint, he was seething with anger.

“Explode!” With a thunderous roar, Tyler’s eyes turned a fiery red, and a cloud of black mist erupted in front of him in an instant. As the black mist erupted, all the surrounding restraints began to tremble. Originally, Tyler had planned to break through the restraint steadily to obtain Demonia Sett’s cultivation technique secret scrolls to exchange for the Demonia Stone. However, the appearance of John now meant that he could no longer leisurely break through the restraints. Tyler began to break through the restraints by force.

On the other hand, John was leveraging his ability and understanding of Baal to break through continuously. The two individuals advanced, one leading and the other following.

Soon, they arrived at the place where the cultivation technique secret scrolls were stored. Upon seeing the cultivation technique documentation device right before his eyes, John released a surge of spiritual energy, intending to grasp that cultivation technique documentation device in his hand. However, before his spiritual energy could even touch the cultivation technique documentation device, it was directly shattered.

Moreover, around that technique cultivation technique documentation device, John felt the presence of a certain aura. That was Baal’s aura, but John could assert with certainty that the aura was not the result of any restraint laid down by an arcane array. John dashed forward, planning to give it another try.

“Drop dead!” When Tyler saw John attempting to take the cultivation technique documentation device, his face became contorted in fury. A wave of black mist surged toward John.

Upon seeing the situation, John instinctively rushed forward, dodging the trail of black mist. Even if John were a fool, he knew he shouldn’t clash headon with the attack from a Top Level Tribulator. Not to mention, John was already extremely weak at that time.
How did Tyler became Tribulator suddenly in Ethereal realm?? He was not even Body Fusion Realm guy in Mundane World. He possessed the corpse of a Tribulator but that does not mean Tyler himself becomes Tribulator. Not only Tyler became Tribulator but he continued to improve his level and he is now TLT (Top level tribulation)

If that’s true, even Fitz could have occupied corpse of higher level Tribulator and become powerful. This thing doesn’t make sense.

If John possessed the body of Baal in the past, would John be equal to Immortal ??
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Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
How did Tyler became Tribulator suddenly in Ethereal realm?? He was not even Body Fusion Realm guy in Mundane World. He possessed the corpse of a Tribulator but that does not mean Tyler himself becomes Tribulator. Not only Tyler became Tribulator but he continued to improve his level and he is now TLT (Top level tribulation)

If that’s true, even Fitz could have occupied corpse of higher level Tribulator and become powerful. This thing doesn’t make sense.

If John possessed the body of Baal in the past, would John be equal to Immortal ??
I remembered I also made such analysis, it doesn't make sense, as long as this book is concerned when you possess a body you can't cultivate further, and also as long as there is cultivation discrepancies in both the possessed body and soul remnant you cant unleash or leverage each other powers example the soul remnant in edgar is powerful than him but can't use is full power because the possessed body (edgar body) doesn't match it's cultivation. And also you cant cultivate if you possess a body


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
How did Tyler became Tribulator suddenly in Ethereal realm?? He was not even Body Fusion Realm guy in Mundane World. He possessed the corpse of a Tribulator but that does not mean Tyler himself becomes Tribulator. Not only Tyler became Tribulator but he continued to improve his level and he is now TLT (Top level tribulation)

If that’s true, even Fitz could have occupied corpse of higher level Tribulator and become powerful. This thing doesn’t make sense.

If John possessed the body of Baal in the past, would John be equal to Immortal ??
For Tyler I think it's because of Wood Family help. They gave him a lot of resources to resurrect him.

The problem is that his body coildn6ntwke any more cultivation.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
For Tyler I think it's because of Wood Family help. They gave him a lot of resources to resurrect him.

The problem is that his body coildn6ntwke any more cultivation.
Not only that, Tyler also devoured more than a dozen of the Soul Demon Sect as well as Cameron in the cave. Remember that demonic cultivation is a quick way to cultivate by devouring & killing others, while it does not give pure strength as the normal spiritual cultivation. I take this to ease my thinking while I had the same doubt as Lu and Alonzo about how Tyler can level up so fast 🤔.

M. W. Durrani

First Level Body Fusion Realm
Dec 20, 2023
Reaction score
Yes agreed. But John can also use focus technique and frequently has consumed Death energy.

But as a good guy, he doesn't do it for innocent people. Only villains....

It's going to be fun to see how he builds his cultivation with a combination of nascence stars' powers.

I can't wait for his Time nascence star to illuminate soon.

King of Dragonmarsh

Seven Level Tribulator
Gold Villager
Sep 27, 2023
Reaction score
Yes agreed. But John can also use focus technique and frequently has consumed Death energy.

But as a good guy, he doesn't do it for innocent people. Only villains....

It's going to be fun to see how he builds his cultivation with a combination of nascence stars' powers.

I can't wait for his Time nascence star to illuminate soon.
Time Nascence is still to come, so does the Wind Nascence, I assume. He still has it in his storage ring, the stillwind orb that never been properly used yet. It could be the trigger of the wind nascence. I lost count of what nascence he already grasped but it seems that he likes and uses his lightning and fire nascence the most for now. So far, he rarely activated his metal nascence in his fights.


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
Not only that, Tyler also devoured more than a dozen of the Soul Demon Sect as well as Cameron in the cave. Remember that demonic cultivation is a quick way to cultivate by devouring & killing others, while it does not give pure strength as the normal spiritual cultivation. I take this to ease my thinking while I had the same doubt as Lu and Alonzo about how Tyler can level up so fast 🤔.
But why are you forgetting about Tyler achieving Tribulator In the devouring Cave?
Lu Dustin and others you are reading fast to pass time


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
Not only that, Tyler also devoured more than a dozen of the Soul Demon Sect as well as Cameron in the cave. Remember that demonic cultivation is a quick way to cultivate by devouring & killing others, while it does not give pure strength as the normal spiritual cultivation. I take this to ease my thinking while I had the same doubt as Lu and Alonzo about how Tyler can level up so fast 🤔.
It was said clearly, demonic cultivator level up fast. From beginning of the story we have seen people opting for demonic cultivation as a way of achieving higher cultivation fast.

Lu Dustin

Supreme Grandmaster
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score
It was said clearly, demonic cultivator level up fast. From beginning of the story we have seen people opting for demonic cultivation as a way of achieving higher cultivation fast.
Pablo is also a demonic cultivator, there are other demonic cultivators who are not righteous but none of them have achieved Top Level Tribulator. Why guys like Pablo remained in 8th level only, they too could have progressed in level by absorbing death energy of other cultivators !! While Tyler was increasing his cultivation, Pablo was just watching ?? Why Pablo did not increase his own cultivation level in cave while he was with Tyler ??

There are several other soul remnants who possess the body of others, but it seems like they cannot cultivate as a soul remnant. Tyler reached Ethereal Realm in the form of souls remnant only.

How come only Tyler be able to do so. Regarding Tyler’s cultivation level there are definitely some weak points which can’t be explained based on our general understanding. When he is achieving breakthroughs like Manifestor to BRF. BRF to Tribulator etc, there hasn’t even been lightning Tribulation or demonic tribulation. Else the frail body of Tyler’s host should have shattered away.

Seems like writer was in a hurry to bring up Tyler’s level and surpass John’s level without adequate explanation ! I read fast for sure compared to average readers. I caught up with the story of John White in around 20days. That means on average I was reading 180 chapters a day but I think I haven’t missed major points in the novel.
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Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Pablo is also a demonic cultivator, there are other demonic cultivators who are not righteous but none of them have achieved Top Level Tribulator. Why guys like Pablo remained in 8th level only, they too could have progressed in level by absorbing death energy of other cultivators !! While Tyler was increasing his cultivation, Pablo was just watching ?? Why Pablo did not increase his own cultivation level in cave while he was with Tyler ??

There are several other soul remnants who possess the body of others, but it seems like they cannot cultivate as a soul remnant. Tyler reached Ethereal Realm in the form of souls remnant only.

How come only Tyler be able to do so. Regarding Tyler’s cultivation level there are definitely some weak points which can’t be explained based on our general understanding. When he is achieving breakthroughs like Manifestor to BRF. BRF to Tribulator etc, there hasn’t even been lightning Tribulation or demonic tribulation. Else the frail body of Tyler’s host should have shattered away.

Seems like writer was in a hurry to bring up Tyler’s level and surpass John’s level without adequate explanation ! I read fast for sure compared to average readers. I caught up with the story of John White in around 20days. That means on average I was reading 180 chapters a day but I think I haven’t missed major points in the novel.
You might miss few things

1. Tyler is has a devil inferno constituent which allowed him to comprehend the demon lord techniques more than Pablo could..

2. Remember the Wood Elder body has achieved Tribulator level already before he died which is reasonable for Tyler improve his cultivation level in that weak body

Note: The Elder body can be considered robust to some extent that's why it did not decay having died for long.

The body is only considered weak for Tyler because it has been dead for long without cultivation

And remember Tyler is still in Tribulator level. Top Level Tribulator

3. As for other demonic cultivator not using death energy to cultivate.

Remember Tyler was able to do so because he practiced and understood Demon lord techniques which is not common among demonic cultivators, remember John notice the absence of death energy of people that died in the demon devouring cave which implies death energy being gone is not common..

So other demonic cultivator simply do not possess the technique to absorb death energy, remember that they still have the general ability to absorb others cultivation.
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Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Pablo is also a demonic cultivator, there are other demonic cultivators who are not righteous but none of them have achieved Top Level Tribulator. Why guys like Pablo remained in 8th level only, they too could have progressed in level by absorbing death energy of other cultivators !! While Tyler was increasing his cultivation, Pablo was just watching ?? Why Pablo did not increase his own cultivation level in cave while he was with Tyler ??

There are several other soul remnants who possess the body of others, but it seems like they cannot cultivate as a soul remnant. Tyler reached Ethereal Realm in the form of souls remnant only.

How come only Tyler be able to do so. Regarding Tyler’s cultivation level there are definitely some weak points which can’t be explained based on our general understanding. When he is achieving breakthroughs like Manifestor to BRF. BRF to Tribulator etc, there hasn’t even been lightning Tribulation or demonic tribulation. Else the frail body of Tyler’s host should have shattered away.

Seems like writer was in a hurry to bring up Tyler’s level and surpass John’s level without adequate explanation ! I read fast for sure compared to average readers. I caught up with the story of John White in around 20days. That means on average I was reading 180 chapters a day but I think I haven’t missed major points in the novel.
I believe that explained a little


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
Tyler has always been given special treatment for his cultivation throughout. So he continues his ability to surpass others but still falls in dealing with our hero John.
Yes.... He's considered talented that's why the guy from mundane world recruited and favoured him over others. but he is inferior to John's Talent


KF Founder & Dragon IGM
KF Founder
KF Moderator
Jun 4, 2023
Reaction score
Pablo is also a demonic cultivator, there are other demonic cultivators who are not righteous but none of them have achieved Top Level Tribulator. Why guys like Pablo remained in 8th level only, they too could have progressed in level by absorbing death energy of other cultivators !! While Tyler was increasing his cultivation, Pablo was just watching ?? Why Pablo did not increase his own cultivation level in cave while he was with Tyler ??

There are several other soul remnants who possess the body of others, but it seems like they cannot cultivate as a soul remnant. Tyler reached Ethereal Realm in the form of souls remnant only.

How come only Tyler be able to do so. Regarding Tyler’s cultivation level there are definitely some weak points which can’t be explained based on our general understanding. When he is achieving breakthroughs like Manifestor to BRF. BRF to Tribulator etc, there hasn’t even been lightning Tribulation or demonic tribulation. Else the frail body of Tyler’s host should have shattered away.

Seems like writer was in a hurry to bring up Tyler’s level and surpass John’s level without adequate explanation ! I read fast for sure compared to average readers. I caught up with the story of John White in around 20days. That means on average I was reading 180 chapters a day but I think I haven’t missed major points in the novel.
Is Tyler not a different lineage from Pablo? Plus Tyler also could absorb lethal energy.

It also has been clear on the story, while John was on celestial battlefield, Tyler was also there. Have you forgotten Tyler absorbed Lethal energy?
Yes.... He's considered talented that's why the guy from mundane world recruited and favoured him over others. but he is inferior to John's Talent
Dude I have given you story to post not to read on your leisure :)

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