The Dragon Man's Decree - Translated by GILY

Author: Unknown
Type: Action and Adventure
Posted : 07 October 2023
Status: Ongoing

John White is furious that someone has tried to make an advance on his girlfriend. In the end, he ends up behind bars after his attempt to protect her. Three years later, he is a free man but finds out that that girlfriend of his has married the man who hit on her back then. John will not let things slide. Thankfully, he has learned Focus Technique during his time in prison. At that, he embarks on the journey of cultivation and is accompanied by a gorgeous Miranda. Who would have thought this would enrage his ex-girlfriend?
Is Tyler not a different lineage from Pablo? Plus Tyler also could absorb lethal energy.

It also has been clear on the story, while John was on celestial battlefield, Tyler was also there. Have you forgotten Tyler absorbed Lethal energy?

Dude I have given you story to post not to read on your leisure :)
You're yet to let me know/teach me how to translate Sir
Ohh I've seen the link but I still have some learning to do from you Sir
You might miss few things
1. Tyler is has a devil inferno constituent which allowed him to comprehend the demon lord techniques more than Pablo could..
2. Remember the Wood Elder body has achieved Tribulator level already before he died which is reasonable for Tyler improve his cultivation level in that weak body
Note: The Elder body can be considered robust to some extent that's why it did not decay having died for long.
The body is only considered weak for Tyler because it has been dead for long without cultivation
And remember Tyler is still in Tribulator level. Top Level Tribulator
3. As for other demonic cultivator not using death energy to cultivate.
Remember Tyler was able to do so because he practiced and understood Demon lord techniques which is not common among demonic cultivators, remember John notice the absence of death energy of people that died in the demon devouring cave which implies death energy being gone is not common..
So other demonic cultivator simply do not possess the technique to absorb death energy, remember that they still have the general ability to absorb others cultivation.
You might miss few things

1. Tyler is has a devil inferno constituent which allowed him to comprehend the demon lord techniques more than Pablo could..

2. Remember the Wood Elder body has achieved Tribulator level already before he died which is reasonable for Tyler improve his cultivation level in that weak body

Note: The Elder body can be considered robust to some extent that's why it did not decay having died for long.

The body is only considered weak for Tyler because it has been dead for long without cultivation

And remember Tyler is still in Tribulator level. Top Level Tribulator

3. As for other demonic cultivator not using death energy to cultivate.

Remember Tyler was able to do so because he practiced and understood Demon lord techniques which is not common among demonic cultivators, remember John notice the absence of death energy of people that died in the demon devouring cave which implies death energy being gone is not common..

So other demonic cultivator simply do not possess the technique to absorb death energy, remember that they still have the general ability to absorb others cultivation.
It’s just that the writer is giving favorable treatment to Tyler. Allowing him to escape unscathed while John could have killed him several times in the past.

Like in DC comics when Superman can go to the edge of Universe and come back within minutes. In Marvel comics Hulk can create holes in time space of Multiverse with his powerful clap.

These all go against any established laws, yet being a fan, people try to defend and explain those feats. I mean whatever writer writes, we find a logic to defend that feat if we become fan of that character or writer.

Same goes here.. if we are determined to validate anything, we can validate it somehow !! You have some good logics though, I like that !!
Just as the author seems to favour Tyler, look at the fact how much he hates Miranda, she loved the most, sacrificed the most, and now also lost the memory and had been ignored the most. John has met most of his old friends now. Hopefully next will be Miranda and then Sanders.
Just as the author seems to favour Tyler, look at the fact how much he hates Miranda, she loved the most, sacrificed the most, and now also lost the memory and had been ignored the most. John has met most of his old friends now. Hopefully next will be Miranda and then Sanders.
Nope ! John will not be able to see Miranda for a long time ! He has not even found time to heal his Sword Spirit ! Miranda’s whereabout is totally unknown to him. Right now he is preoccupied with revival of Old Geezer instead of looking for Miranda 😂😂😂.

It seems like Miranda is not in his priority list at all. Imagine first he needs to find Lunaris Palace for Demonia Stone. To find that Lunaris Palace he will have to go to a place where he can buy information. So John has to spend some time there. Then he will reach Lunaris Palace. Since, it’s just established for 6 months… it must be in initial days of struggle, so there must be challenges waiting for John to solve. After that he might find Demonia stone and restore Old Geezer. Don’t you think these things will cost more than 200 chapters.
So Miranda is a long lost case here 😂
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Chapter 3686 Demonia Dragon Ginseng...

John’s body lunged forward as if piercing through a layer of ripples, and he found himself standing in front of the cultivation technique documentation device. Following closely behind, Tyler’s strike had also arrived. However, the black mist that was only a few steps away from John suddenly dissipated.

Tyler was taken aback. Then, he once again unleashed several waves of black mist. However, the result remained the same. The black mist dissipated upon arriving before John.

Upon observing the situation, John scrutinized his surroundings meticulously. He discovered that there was a restraining power around the cultivation technique documentation device. Although it was invisible and intangible, John could still sense it.

Earlier, John’s spiritual energy also dissipated upon coming into contact with the restraining power.

Upon seeing that Tyler was unable to break through the restraining power, John relaxed considerably. Consequently, he reached out, intending to pick up the cultivation technique documentation device. Just as he reached out, the cultivation technique documentation device erupted in a beam of golden light. John felt as if his body was instantly crushed under a mountain, and with a thud, he fell to the ground.

“What’s going on?” John was taken aback, his face drained of color. The cultivation technique documentation device is right before me, so why can I still not retrieve it? Don’t tell me Baal placed a restraint on this cultivation technique documentation device too?

As John was unsure of what was happening, the cultivation technique documentation device slowly began to emit waves of an aura that John was very familiar with. That was the aura emitted by Baal during his resurrection. As the aura surrounded John, it brought him a great sense of relaxation, prompting him to greedily absorb the aura.

“With your current strength, I’m afraid you won’t be able to break through the restraint on this cultivation technique documentation device of martial arts. Perhaps you can shatter this restraint if you harness the power of lightning tribulation,” Vermilion Demon Lord said.

“The power of lightning tribulation? Are you saying that I need to achieve a breakthrough here to attract a lightning tribulation to remove the restraint on this cultivation technique documentation device?” John asked in surprise.

Vermillion Demon Lord nodded and said, “Indeed. Not to mention your strength, even if a Top Level Tribulator won’t be able to shatter this restraint. Therefore, none could obtain this cultivation technique documentation device even if one reaches here. That is unless one could achieve a breakthrough here and borrow the strength of lightning tribulation.”

Upon hearing that, John was instantly rendered speechless. What is Baal up to? No wonder all the experts Demonia Sect had employed previously failed. Who would’ve expected such a restraint to be placed on this cultivation technique documentation device? If it weren’t for Vermilion Demon Lord, John wouldn’t have known how to break through that restraining power.

However, achieving an immediate breakthrough was easier said than done. Every minor advancement John made required an immense amount of resources. However, as John absorbed the aura emanating from the cultivation technique documentation device, he thought of the Demonia Dragon Ginseng stored within his Storage Ring. Perhaps consuming the Demonia Dragon Ginseng can allow me to reach the critical point of breakthrough.

John took out the Demonia Dragon Ginseng and began to absorb it. With the protection from the surrounding restraining power, John was not afraid that Tyler would harm him. Given Tyler’s abilities, it was unlikely he was capable of shattering the restraint deliberately laid down by Baal.

John sat cross-legged, quietly beginning his cultivation. Upon witnessing that scene, Tyler was momentarily stunned. He couldn’t comprehend if John had lost his mind. Why on earth is he beginning to cultivate at a place like this? Tyler immediately charged toward John.

Bam! Accompanied by a thunderous noise, Tyler was sent flying by an immense force! Following that, his mind went completely blank. After Tyler had a clear view, he realized he had unexpectedly arrived outside the cave.

At that moment, outside the mountain cave, Stanlee, Nolan, and the others were all waiting anxiously. Upon hearing the sudden loud noise and seeing someone flying out of the mountain cave, Stanlee, Fitz, and the others rushed over swiftly. They all thought it was John who had been blasted out. After all, considering how weak John was, it was almost impossible for him to break through the restraints within the cave to retrieve – the cultivation technique secret scrolls.
Chapter 3687 Hand over Demonia Stone, or else

Upon seeing Tyler, Tessa was confused. “Who is this person?” Stanlee was also visibly perplexed. What he saw was not John being flung away. It was a stranger.

Upon seeing Tyler, Fitz was slightly taken aback. He recognized Tyler, but he couldn’t – understand why Tyler would be there.

Upon seeing Tyler, the elder of Demonia Sect turned to Nolan and said, “Mr. Zhang, this is the man who initiated the challenge. He’s now been thrown out, defeated by the restrictions in place…”

Upon hearing this, Nolan felt his heart sink into a pit of despair. He had initially harbored hope that Tyler could help them retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls, but then all hope was lost. Nolan had never really pinned his hopes on John. After all, when John entered the cave, he was in a state of extreme weakness. He had just survived a brutal battle, and it was virtually impossible for him to break through the cave’s restraints.

At that moment, Tyler’s expression was grim. He had just been sent flying by an inexplicable force, leaving him feeling somewhat unwell. Tyler was thoroughly puzzled. How is it that John could easily approach the cultivation technique documentation device while I was directly flung away? In terms of capability, I’m far superior to John!

Tyler, utterly perplexed, decided to stop overthinking. Even if he hadn’t obtained the scrolls, he was determined to acquire the Demonia Stone. Without it, he had no way to restore his physical body. Given his cultivation level at that time, he absolutely needed the Demonia Stone to achieve this. He glanced at Stanlee and the others without uttering a word. He didn’t know any of those people.

However, Tyler was acquainted with the elder of the Demonia Sect, as it was the elder who had brought them there, after all. Hence, Tyler headed toward him. The elder of the Demonia Sect turned to Tyler and asked, “Sir, were you able to successfully obtain the cultivation technique secret scrolls?”

Tyler shook his head, saying, “No…”

The elder of Demonia Sect said politely, “Apologies, but without success, we from Demonia Sect have nothing to offer you. Please, I ask that you leave…”

Tyler, however, took a step forward, his gaze carrying a hint of icy determination. “Even so, I still want the Demonia Stone. So, I hope you can give it to me!” The elder from Demonia Sect was taken aback, immediately turning his gaze toward Nolan.

Nolan let out a cold scoff. “Sir, we have our own rules. You didn’t succeed, so how could you possibly think you’d get the Demonia Stone?”

“Who are you?” Tyler asked, turning his gaze toward Nolan.

“This is Mr. Nolan Zhang, the leader of Demonia Sect!” said the elder of Demonia Sect.

Upon hearing this, Tyler carefully sized up Nolan. Nolan was an Eighth Level Tribulator, a fact that brought a smirk to Tyler’s face.

“Why not?” After Tyler finished speaking, he suddenly made a move against the elder of the Demonia Sect standing before him. Having no time to react at all, the elder was sent flying by Tyler’s single palm strike.

With this single strike, the elder of Demonia Sect exploded mid-air, raining down a shower of blood. Upon witnessing this unexpected turn of events, everyone was left utterly dumbstruck. No one expected that Tyler, of all people, would suddenly make a move. And when he did, it was a killing one, showing no mercy.

Upon witnessing the murder of his elder, Nolan was momentarily stunned. Then, a wave of rage surged within him, causing his aura to intensify rapidly. It seemed as if the numerous disciples of Demonia Sect had sensed Nolan’s aura, and they all hurried over. Dozens of disciples from the sect surrounded Tyler, yet not a trace of panic could be seen on Tyler’s face.

“Hand over Demonia Stone to me, and Demonia Sect can continue to live. If you refuse, the fate of the man you just saw will befall your entire sect!” Tyler said with an expression of indifference.

“This isn’t a place where you can do whatever you want.” Nolan was filled with rage. Behind him, a faint silhouette slowly emerged, which soon solidified into a towering giant, several meters tall.
Chapter 3688 - 3689 Hand over Demonia Stone, or face death

The giant, clutching a scepter, donned a crown of purple and gold. His face was extremely fierce, resembling a great demon lord. Upon witnessing this scene, Stanlee couldn’t help but exclaim in shock, “Demon Summoning!”

“Master, what is Demon Summoning?” Tessa asked curiously. Stanlee explained, “This is the ultimate skill of Demonia Sect. Demonia Sect has always resided on Demonia Mountain. Their ability to survive in the depths of Demonia Mountain for thousands of years is all thanks to Demon Summoning. Legend has it that the demon lord manifested from Demon Summoning is not only the protector of Demonia Sect but also the very demon lord that Demonia Mountain suppressed. It is due to this demon lord’s protection that Demonia Sect is able to survive for thousands of years. The moment Mr. Zhang made his move, he used his best technique. It seems he knows that his opponent isn’t easy to handle…”

Upon hearing this, Fitz couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. There is no way this great demon lord could possibly be the one suppressed by Demonia Mountain, let alone the guardian of Demonia Sect! The demon lord that has been suppressed beneath Demonia Mountain is indeed Vermilion Demon Lord from John’s memories. However, such a legend was likely circulated by Demonia Sect themselves, probably just an attempt to boost their own reputation.

“Brat, you’ve killed an elder from Demonia Sect, and now you’re after Demonia Stone. You’re absolutely despicable. Today, let Demonia Sect’s guardian demon take your life!”

After Nolan finished speaking, the towering demon behind him leaped into action. With a forceful swing, he aimed his mighty scepter directly at Tyler. With a body spanning several meters, Tyler felt as insignificant as an ant in front of the demon. However, facing the demon, Tyler surprisingly broke into a smile.

“What kind of guardian is this? It’s nothing more than a deceptive trick. Is this how your sect manages to survive? By relying on such tricks?”

With a cold chuckle, Tyler vanished in an instant, only to reappear suspended in mid-air! Tyler, with his frail figure, stood up to the giant demon, his eyes exuding an unmistakable disdain. Immediately following, a cloud of black mist materialized in Tyler’s hand. From within the mist, a series of chilling screams resounded.

Tyler casually tossed the cluster of black mist, which instantly transformed into a malicious spirit. The malicious spirit moved like a shooting star, heading straight for the giant demon’s chest.

Swoosh! In just a fleeting moment, the demon’s scepter remained suspended in mid-air, but the malicious spirit had already pierced his body. After a brief pause, a sudden roar erupted from the demon’s mouth. Following that, the massive figure expressed its gratitude with a thunderous voice and promptly vanished into thin air.

Tyler had returned to the ground, silently observing Nolan. At that moment, blood trickled from the corner of Nolan’s mouth. He had never imagined that his ultimate skill would fail to withstand even a single move from Tyler. At this moment, Tyler’s heart was swelling with immense emotion.

“Hand over Demonia Stone, and I might spare your lives. Otherwise, I’ll level Demonia Mountain to the ground…” Had he known that Demonia Sect only had this much to offer, he would have asserted his dominance from the very beginning, seizing what he wanted directly. There would have been no need to obtain any cultivation technique secret scrolls.

“You….” Nolan was about to refuse, but suddenly, Tyler’s figure appeared before his eyes. Tyler was seen with a firm grip on Nolan’s neck. His eyes radiated a ruthless glare.

“Hand over Demonia Stone, or face death. The choice is yours…” he threatened. Nolan could feel the intimidating aura emanating from Tyler, causing his body to tremble involuntarily. He was certain that if he dared to utter even a single word of dissent at that moment, Tyler would not hesitate to kill him on the spot. After a moment of hesitation, Nolan let out a sigh.

“Go fetch Demonia Stone…” he commanded. After Nolan gave his command, Demonia Stone was swiftly brought forth. A smile spread across Tyler’s face when he saw Demonia Stone. Without hesitation, he pocketed Demonia Stone. After letting go of Nolan, Tyler immediately turned and walked away. Before he could fully recover his physical strength, Tyler didn’t want to make too many enemies. So, once he obtained Demonia Stone, he genuinely decided to let Demonia Sect off the hook.

Upon seeing Tyler take away the sole Demonia Stone of Demonia Sect, Stanlee and Fitz were all plagued by anxiety. However, no one dared to intervene.

After all, their capabilities were simply not enough to stop Tyler

“John, once I regain my physical body, I will come find you again…” Tyler cast a glance at the cave, and in an instant, he was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t going to wait around for John to emerge, and then follow him into a life-or-death situation. He wasn’t that foolish. Tyler’s sole objective was to acquire Demonia Stone. Since he had it in his possession, nothing else mattered.

As for dealing with John, there would be plenty of time once his physical body was restored. Tyler, that guy, was incredibly clever. It was precisely because of this that he constantly caused significant difficulties for John.

After Tyler left, Nolan couldn’t help but let out a helpless sigh. He didn’t concern himself with John in the cave. Instead, he left with the disciples of Demonia Sect. He knew there was no way John could retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls. Moreover, since the sole Demonia Stone was gone, Demonia Sect couldn’t use anything as a reward in the future to entice people to retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls.

Before long, Stanlee and his companions were left anxiously waiting for John in front of the cave. However, the wait turned out to be an entire day and night.

“Master, it’s been quite a while, and Mr. White still hasn’t emerged. Could something have happened to him inside?” Tessa expressed her worries with great concern. Stanlee furrowed his brows, uncertain about John’s actual condition.

“I need to go find Mr. White…” Fitz couldn’t wait any longer. He had to go find John. Regardless of whether John was dead or alive, he needed to see for himself.

“Fitz, you can’t go! With your current abilities, going in there would be a suicide mission!” Tessa blocked Fitz’s path.

Seeing the situation, Trent quickly intervened by saying, “Tessa, he wants to go in and take a look. Let him. If it gets dangerous, he can quickly get out. Besides, Mr. Zhang said that the only risk is being forcibly ejected by the restraint. There’s no threat to his life.”

Trent wished for Fitz to enter. In fact, Trent wanted Fitz to die there. Tessa glanced at Trent, roaring, “Why don’t you go in and take a look, then?”

Trent was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond. Just then, the world seemed to shift, as a massive swarm of dark clouds surged in from the distance. This sudden turn of events had taken Stanlee and everyone else completely by surprise.

At that moment, they thought some expert had arrived. However, it was only when these ominous clouds had gathered overhead that Stanlee realized they were lightning tribulation clouds. Lightning tribulation clouds had completely enveloped the entire Demonia Sect, and within them, one could clearly see streaks of lightning continuously flashing across.

Stanlee gazed at the ominously dark lightning tribulation clouds, a question forming amidst his confusion. “Who from Demonia Sect is on the verge of a breakthrough? Could it possibly be Mr. Zhang

The higher the cultivation level, the more powerful the lightning tribulation clouds would become, making the lightning tribulation itself more formidable. Judging by the lightning tribulation clouds, it seemed as though a Tribulator was attempting a breakthrough.

Meanwhile, within the grand hall of Demonia Sect, Nolan was drowning his sorrows in alcohol. Their sole Demonia Stone had been stolen, and he feared his sect might not survive in the future. Suddenly, a disciple from Demonia Sect rushed over and said to Nolan, “Mr. Zhang, someone is breaking through. Numerous lightning tribulation clouds are drifting in the sky…”

“Who is breaking through?” Nolan was taken aback for a moment, then hastily rushed out to investigate. After all, he was the sect leader. He would be aware of anyone in Demonia Sect making a breakthrough, but he hadn’t noticed any of his disciples on the verge of such a breakthrough.

Staring at the boundless, ominous lightning tribulation clouds in the sky, Nolan was utterly bewildered. I don’t get it. Who from Demonia Sect is attempting to break through? Moreover, judging by the scale of the lightning tribulation clouds, it seems likely that a Tribulator is making a breakthrough!

All the disciples of Demonia Sect had rushed out, staring at the sky in disbelief. At that moment, the entire Demonia Sect was shrouded in an unparalleled darkness. Within the lightning tribulation clouds, countless bolts of lightning darted about, seemingly gathering strength, as if waiting for the impending lightning tribulation to arrive.

Boom! Suddenly, a deafening sound echoed from the horizon, followed by countless flashes of lightning converging within the lightning tribulation clouds.
Chapter 3690 Boom. Oh Oooo

Upon witnessing this scene, Tessa yelled, “The lightning tribulation is about to strike!”

Everyone was intently watching the lightning tribulation, curious to see where it would strike. That would reveal who had made the breakthrough.

Nolan, along with everyone from Demonia Sect, had their eyes glued to the lightning tribulation. They were all extremely curious, wanting to know who was making a breakthrough in their sect.

Boom! Suddenly, a deafening noise erupted, causing everyone to instinctively cover their ears. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore through the lightning tribulation clouds. Astonishingly, the target of this lightning strike was the mountain peak right before the eyes of Stanlee and his group. In an instant, lightning struck the mountain peak.

The massive peak was split open, creating a fissure. The lightning traveled down this crack in a swift motion.

“Wait…” Stanlee’s mouth fell open in disbelief, his face filled with astonishment.

“Mr. White! It’s Mr. White! He has broken through!” Upon seeing the situation, Fitz was instantly thrilled and let out a loud cheer. None of them had anticipated that John would actually make his breakthrough within that cave.

Upon witnessing the lightning strike, Nolan swiftly leaped into action, heading straight toward the location where the lightning tribulation had struck. The disciples from Demonia Sect also hastened to join in one after another. When they saw the lightning tribulation strike the peak behind Demonia Sect, they were instantly stunned.

Nolan then asked Stanlee. “Mr. Stark, what exactly happened here?”

“It’s Mr. White. Mr. White has made a breakthrough…” Stanlee explained. Nolan wore an expression of utter shock.

“How could it be possible to achieve that in this cave? It’s full of numerous restrictions!” At that very moment, John was in a cave, his body levitating. Countless beams of golden light radiated from all around him. Right then, the lightning tribulation struck John. John didn’t resist at all. Instead, he channeled the lightning tribulation through his own body, which then struck the cultivation technique documentation device directly.

With each thunderous strike of the lightning tribulation, the restrictions on the cultivation technique documentation device weakened slightly. Nine consecutive strikes from the lightning tribulation crashed down, gradually dissipating the lightning tribulation clouds. The entire world fell into a state of tranquility after that.

Nolan stared at the dissipating lightning tribulation clouds, uttering in astonishment, “How could a Second Level Tribulator possibly overcome such a terrifying ninefold lightning tribulation? How could he possibly withstand such an intense lightning tribulation?”

It was important to note that there were countless cultivators who failed to break through their limits. All of them perished under the lightning tribulation. After the lightning tribulation had passed, Tessa noticed the cave remained undisturbed and couldn’t help but ask, “Master, Mr. White should be okay, right?”

“Don’t worry, Mr. White is fine. I have faith in him!” Fitz was the first to speak. He had been with John for quite some time and was well aware of John’s capabilities.

As everyone was quietly gazing at the mountain peak before them, suddenly, the peak collapsed on both sides. The towering mountain peaks, in a mere moment, were leveled to the ground. In the moment when the mountain peak crumbled, a streak of golden light shot up into the sky. Immediately after, everyone saw a figure dart toward the heavens and hover in mid-air.

“Mr. White! That’s Mr. White!” Fitz roared loudly!

At that moment, John was enveloped in a golden light, suspended in mid-air, appearing like a deity descending from the heavens. Particularly, the overwhelming aura he exuded was so intense that it was impossible to meet his gaze directly. Sensing the shift in John’s aura, Stanlee couldn’t help but feel astonished.

“He’s broken through. Who would have thought that transcending such a minor cultivation level could result in such a significant transformation in Mr. White? He’s truly a prodigy, indeed a prodigy!”

Nolan, too, had his eyes wide open, staring intently at John. He wasn’t actually looking at John, but rather at the cultivation technique documentation device in John’s hand. That was Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique secret scrolls.

A disciple from Demonia Sect shouted in excitement, “Mr. Zhang, the documentation device! It’s Demonia Sect’s cultivation technique documentation device!”

“Shut up! I saw it!” Nolan cast a cool glance at the disciple.
Thanks Immortal Gily! Tyler is surely a step ahead of John and once again managed to escape. One good thing is that John is now 3rd level Tribulator. Every level be increases he beds new woman. We don't know who will be his prey next. By the way where is Emeka? Must be cultivating with the divine tree...
I was invited to a part yesterday and tomorrow I will be in another part. After I picked the food, it was buffet. They all changed their minds and decided to fill the guest plates themselves.

I had a great day, the only thing left on the plate was tissue 🤧 Screenshot_20240504_025752_Gallery.jpg
Just as the author seems to favour Tyler, look at the fact how much he hates Miranda, she loved the most, sacrificed the most, and now also lost the memory and had been ignored the most. John has met most of his old friends now. Hopefully next will be Miranda and then Sanders.
This just shows how much you love Miranda.. are you keeping something from us? 🤔
This just shows how much you love Miranda.. are you keeping something from us? 🤔
Master King, she is the patriarch of our virgin sect. So, obviously we are worried about her. In the mundane world, where Miranda supposed to be Amelia had taken over. In the etheral realm, it is Phoenix. In the celestial world there will be somebody else. So, just worried about Miranda. Just like Dahlia and Natasha is ignored in the other story. Here it is Miranda. Remember all of them are my virgin sect members, including Gabriella and Lara now.
I was invited to a part yesterday and tomorrow I will be in another part. After I picked the food, it was buffet. They all changed their minds and decided to fill the guest plates themselves.

I had a great day, the only thing left on the plate was tissue 🤧 View attachment 3254
Took My family out to dinner last night too.

Food cuisines served on single large table. Chicken Tarragon white sauce steak with mashed potatoes, Mughlai grilled chicken parches, Grilled Fish with Tikka spice sauce, Deep fried chicken strips with French fries. four cola soft drinks. Two chocolate cup ice cream, one vanilla cup ice cream, one strawberry cup ice cream.

Took My family out to dinner last night too.

Food cuisines served on single large table. Chicken Tarragon white sauce steak with mashed potatoes, Mughlai grilled chicken parches, Grilled Fish with Tikka spice sauce, Deep fried chicken strips with French fries. four cola soft drinks. Two chocolate cup ice cream, one vanilla cup ice cream, one strawberry cup ice cream.

View attachment 3257
Are all these food created by AI? I don't see lightning or fire in the background 😅
Thanks Immortal Gily! Tyler is surely a step ahead of John and once again managed to escape. One good thing is that John is now 3rd level Tribulator. Every level be increases he beds new woman. We don't know who will be his prey next. By the way where is Emeka? Must be cultivating with the divine tree...
emeka, Prosper, Ast, Alonzo03 and few more have gone very quiet nowadays.. I guess it all due to lack of sex activities in the story for quite sometimes now.

..and of course Prodigy & Julia_Natasha. Is something happening behind the curtain between you two? 🤔
Took My family out to dinner last night too.

Food cuisines served on single large table. Chicken Tarragon white sauce steak with mashed potatoes, Mughlai grilled chicken parches, Grilled Fish with Tikka spice sauce, Deep fried chicken strips with French fries. four cola soft drinks. Two chocolate cup ice cream, one vanilla cup ice cream, one strawberry cup ice cream.

View attachment 3257
Total $20/- dinner bill ($5/- per person)

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