"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:
Chapter 1521 - "Facing Adversity Together"

Dario and Lucas hurriedly fled from Geraldo's home with their people.

At this moment, the maid rushed in, saying, "Sir, several of our bodyguards are injured. Please take a look."

Geraldo immediately waved his hand and said, "Quickly call 120, send them to the Union Hospital for treatment. I'll cover all expenses, and each person will receive an additional two hundred thousand for recovery. I'll have my secretary go over there."

The maid nodded immediately and took out her phone to dial 120.

The others also went out to check on the bodyguards' injuries. Although they all looked quite miserable, there was no immediate danger to their lives.

However, these bodyguards felt extremely ashamed. They couldn't even lift their heads to look at Geraldo, cursing themselves for their incompetence and unworthiness of Geraldo's trust.

Geraldo didn't care about this at all, comforting each one in turn, "Today's incident was unexpected. The other party came prepared, and they were all experts. It's understandable that you couldn't match them."

He then instructed, "Don't worry about it now. Focus on getting treated and recovering at the hospital!"

Soon, the ambulance took away the injured bodyguards, and Geraldo arranged for his secretary to go to the hospital to handle the related matters.

Only after everything was arranged did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The family of three returned to the dining room with Charlie. Geraldo held Charlie's hand, choked up, and said, "Little Charlie, we owe today's safety to you!"

Amelia and Haidee nodded gratefully beside him.

Amelia said, "Little Charlie, if it weren't for you, I and your Uncle Snow really don't know how we would have gotten through this."

Haidee also cried and said, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you today."

Thinking of the grievances her parents had just suffered, she couldn't control her emotions and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Charlie hurriedly comforted, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Sister Haidee, you are all like family to me. There's no need to be so formal with me."

Geraldo nodded, his eyes red, and asked, "Little Charlie, how did you become so strong? Even those two were no match for you. You're too amazing. What have you been through these years? How did you become so powerful?"

Charlie replied seriously, "Uncle Snow, although I've had a difficult time these years, I've also encountered some opportunities that ordinary people rarely come across, so I've gained some abilities."

Geraldo grabbed his hand and said sincerely, "Little Charlie, if I'm gone, it will be up to you to take care of Aunt Amelia and Sister Haidee. Otherwise, I will never rest in peace."

Amelia wiped her tears and stubbornly said, "Husband, don't say such discouraging words. There's no need to worry about us. After you leave, we will donate all our money! Anyway, my family still has some ability. With Sister Haidee being a big star now, our lives will definitely not be difficult. We will donate all our assets, not letting them have a single cent!"

Geraldo sighed heavily and nodded gently, "After I leave, everything will be up to you two. I have no other wishes, just hoping that you two will live a healthy and peaceful life!"

Haidee cried and said, "Dad, don't say that. Aren't you preparing to be admitted to the hospital for active treatment? Maybe there will be miracles! Don't draw conclusions so early!"

Geraldo smiled bitterly, "Good daughter, your dad has lived for more than half a lifetime, and he has experienced all kinds of storms. Many things can be seen through and accepted. With my illness, no matter where I go, I can't be cured. Active treatment is just a matter of whether it will happen in the first half of the year or the second half of the year."

Now, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and it was also January in the solar calendar. Therefore, Geraldo felt that he definitely couldn't live through this year.

As soon as these words came out, Amelia and Haidee burst into tears, both of them top beauties, crying so pitifully, truly making people feel heartache.

Especially Haidee, Charlie hadn't interacted with her much, but he could still feel her strong and proud personality. But now, seeing her crying like this, there was no trace of her fearless demeanor. She seemed like a pitiful little sister next door, making people feel sorry for her endlessly.

Chapter 1522 - "Cure-iosity Killed the Illness: Geraldo's Decision"

So, Charlie took a deep breath and looked at the three of them, speaking earnestly, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Little Maria, as long as I'm alive, wherever I am, I won't let anyone bully you!"

After saying that, Charlie turned to Geraldo and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, I have a way to cure your illness and restore your health!"

If Charlie had said these words during dinner earlier, Geraldo probably wouldn't have believed him.

He knew that his illness was incurable.

But after seeing Charlie single-handedly defeat that War God and that boundary master just now, he suddenly developed an extremely strong trust in Charlie.

He felt that since Charlie said so, he must have some confidence.

So, he hurriedly asked, "Little Charlie, do you really have a way to cure me?!"

Amelia also said with red eyes, "Yes, Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow's condition is too severe. We consulted the top experts directly, but they..."

At this point, Amelia didn't continue.

They had heard such words too many times as a family of three.

No matter which expert they found, this disease was incurable, at best, it could only prolong life for a few months.

At this moment, Charlie said firmly, "Aunt Amelia, rest assured, if I say I can, then I definitely can!"

Saying that, he took out a Resurrection Pill from his pocket and handed it to Geraldo, saying seriously, "Uncle Snow, take this pill, and all your illnesses will be cured!"

Geraldo stared at him dumbfoundedly, "Is this pill really so miraculous?!"

If someone else handed him such a pill and said that one pill could cure all diseases, Geraldo would definitely not believe it!

Because this completely subverted his understanding of this world, of diseases, of cancer, and even of life.

But, Charlie said it, so suddenly, he felt that Charlie's words might be somewhat credible!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Little Charlie, do I just need to swallow this pill?"

Charlie nodded gently, "Just swallow it directly, drink some warm water, Maria, go pour Uncle Snow a cup of warm water."

"Yes, Brother Charlie!" Haidee immediately got up and poured a cup of warm water over.

Amelia on the side had a complicated expression.

At this moment, she was half believing and half doubtful.

Half believing because she trusted Charlie and half doubtful because she thought it was unlikely.

However, she thought to herself that Charlie would never harm her husband. It was just a pill, even if it didn't cure the illness, it shouldn't harm the body too much.

So, she didn't say anything, quietly waiting for her husband to take the medicine and see if it had any effect.

With the warm water brought over, Geraldo didn't hesitate either. He put the pill emitting a strong medicinal fragrance into his mouth, took another sip of water, then tilted his head back and swallowed the Resurrection Pill.

Chapter 1523 - "Time-Travelling Tonic: Geraldo's Renewal"

The efficacy of the Resurrection Pill is beyond doubt.

This is the essence recorded in the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture", capable of rejuvenating old trees, rejuvenating old people, and bringing back health to those on the brink of death.

Initially, Orvel was severely injured by the Weiver family's bodyguards, with almost no breath left, barely hanging on by a thread.

In such a situation, even the best doctor in the world could only save his life, but could never bring back his brain functions, at best leaving him in a vegetative state.

However, after taking a Resurrection Pill, Orvel not only fully recovered but also appeared to be ten years younger.

This clearly demonstrates how miraculous the effects of the Resurrection Pill are.

Therefore, Charlie firmly believes that the Resurrection Pill can also cure Geraldo!

At this moment, Geraldo, in front of his wife and daughter, took the Resurrection Pill and immediately felt an unprecedented sense of comfort spreading in his abdomen.

His whole body felt like dry, cracked land after years of drought, devoid of any moisture.

But this medicinal power was like an endless spring, gushing out from the cracks in the ground, not only moisturizing the entire land but also covering it with abundant water sources!

Originally, his physical strength had been depleted by more than eighty percent due to his serious illness. He had personally experienced the feeling of his body deteriorating.

It was like a bucket with a hole at the bottom, allowing him to directly feel the accelerated passing of life.

But now, he suddenly realized that the feeling of being on the brink of death seemed to be happening in reverse!

He could clearly feel his life ebbing away, only to be rapidly replenished again.

Soon, he felt that his body had recovered to fifty percent of its health!

Next, seventy percent! Ninety percent!

-- Soon after, it was one hundred percent!

In just over a minute, he felt like he had returned to his healthy state.

When he was healthy, he was forty-eight years old. Now he is terminally sick at the age of fifty.

Although there was a difference of two years, being forty-eight meant being healthy, while being fifty meant being terminally ill. The difference was like night and day!

And now, he had regained the feeling of being healthy and robust at forty-eight!

He felt that all of this was truly miraculous, as if he had had the most beautiful dream before he died!

But the surprise wasn't over yet!

After all, this was the Resurrection Pill!!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Old Master Walker was willing to kneel down to Charlie for!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Orvel was willing to sacrifice everything for Charlie!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Samuel Turner was willing to spend two billion per pill to buy!

With such a miraculous and precious Resurrection Pill, how could it only bring Geraldo's body back to when he was forty-eight?

The Resurrection Pill was like a miraculous force that could traverse time, dragging Geraldo's body back desperately!

Then, Geraldo felt like he had returned to when he was forty-five!

That year, there was one thing that left a deep impression on him.

That year, his father passed away.

The extremely filial Geraldo bought the best golden nanmu coffin for his father.

That coffin required sixteen strong young men to lift it together.

Geraldo pulled his younger brothers, Dario and Lucas, to join in, hoping to personally carry the coffin for his deceased father.

However, Dario and Lucas were unable to support it at all, and after trying once, they were panting heavily from exhaustion.

In the end, Geraldo and fifteen other young men lifted the coffin together and sent it into the tomb.

Chapter 1524 - "From Old to Bold: Geraldo's Regeneration"

After falling ill, Geraldo had countless memories of his past.

Back then, he was truly indomitable! At the age of forty-five, he still wanted to be like a thirty-year-old.

In fact, his body back then was indeed better than most people of the same age. Although it was very strenuous, he managed to endure lifting the coffin that time!

And now, that peak state had returned!

Geraldo sat in his chair, tears streaming down his face!

He felt that all of this was simply a gift from heaven! When he was critically ill, he only hoped to survive, never daring to hope that he could return to such a peak state in life!

But now, this incredibly miraculous transformation was happening to him!

At this moment, miracles were not only happening to Geraldo but also to Amelia and Haidee!

They could visibly see Geraldo's pale face rapidly regaining color.

The sunken eye sockets and dark circles unique to terminally ill patients were rapidly fading away, and even his already gray hair was quickly turning black! Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to be smoothed out by an invisible iron!

Heavens! What did they just witness? They actually witnessed the reversal of time!

Amelia covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes widened, and those stunning eyes, after shedding too many tears of sadness, shed tears of excitement for the first time.

Haidee was the same. Her tears had already burst forth, but fearing to disturb the continuation of the miracle, she dared not make any sound.

During the time her father was ill, she secretly prayed to all the deities she knew in this world, hoping that a miracle could happen.

But every time she prayed, all she got was endless disappointment, even despair.

But who would have thought that the deities couldn't cure her father, but her fiance, the one she had been yearning for over ten years, the one who had been following him since childhood, actually brought the most miraculous miracle to her father!

Geraldo's body continued to regress in time.

At this moment, he had already felt the state he had at the age of forty.

That year, he heard someone say that in a distant Argentina, they saw a young Chinese man, who, in the capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires, worked as a temporary tour guide for Chinese tourists to make a living, and looked very much like his elder Brother from back then.

Geraldo was extremely excited when he heard this news.

He immediately booked a round-trip ticket to Argentina.

Argentina is the farthest country from China.

Whether traveling from the east or the west, it takes at least twenty thousand kilometers of straight-line distance to reach.

No civilian airliner can fly continuously for twenty thousand kilometers, so there are no direct flights from Eastcliff to Buenos Aires.

But at that time, Geraldo's private plane had a maximum range of less than eight thousand kilometers.

However, in order to find Charlie, he unhesitatingly departed in the late night of that day.

The plane took off from Eastcliff, made a stop for refueling, first flew to Dallas, USA, then stopped again for refueling in Dallas, and then flew to Buenos Aires non-stop.

The entire flight took about thirty hours.

During these thirty hours, Geraldo never closed his eyes.

He thought he would definitely find Charlie's whereabouts that time, so he couldn't rest in his excitement.

Plus, he hadn't rested for more than ten hours before takeoff, so he managed to hold on for forty-eight hours, but at that time, he didn't even feel any fatigue.

It wasn't until he found the young man who indeed looked like Charlie's father, and after confirming that he was not the Charlie he was looking for, more than fifty hours had passed.

It was only at that moment that he felt a sense of exhaustion and fatigue.

And now, he actually felt his body returning to that time.

His worldview of decades had been completely overturned in an instant.

He couldn't figure out what kind of miraculous medicine Charlie gave him? Could it be the legendary Elixir of the Supreme Old Lord? Otherwise, how could it be so miraculous?

At this moment, Geraldo, who had become at least ten years younger, was in tears, speechless with choked emotion.

Chapter 1525 - "A Bow of Gratefulness: Geraldo's Homage"

At this moment, Amelia and Haidee were crying uncontrollably.

They stood on either side of Geraldo, holding his warm hand, too overwhelmed to speak.

Although Geraldo hadn't undergone any medical tests yet, and neither of them had received any authoritative reports confirming whether Geraldo had been cured, they believed their own eyes, trusted their judgment, and believed that he was completely healed now!

As a firsthand experiencer of the Resurrection Pill's effects, Geraldo knew his own condition inside out. He was now a hundred and ten percent sure that he had not only recovered but also returned to the state he was in ten years ago, at the age of forty.

This filled him with boundless joy.

It took him a long time to regain his composure from the overwhelming emotions. Then, he looked up at Charlie, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he suddenly gently pushed aside his wife and daughter beside him, bent his knees, and knelt directly in front of Charlie.

Charlie didn't expect Geraldo to kneel before him. He hurriedly reached out to support him, preventing him from kneeling down no matter what.

But Geraldo kept trying to push his hand away, solemnly and devoutly saying, "Little Charlie, your kindness to Uncle is as great as rebuilding him. No matter what, you cannot stop me from doing this!"

Charlie blurted out, "Uncle Snow, you are my father's sworn brother, which is equivalent to being my own uncle. How can I accept such a grand gesture from you? It would be too much for me."

Geraldo shook his head and said, "Little Charlie, your kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. Even if I were to give you half of my assets, it would not be enough to repay this kindness. So no matter what, you must accept this bow from me."

Before Charlie could say anything, Amelia beside him had already knelt down, and Haidee followed suit without hesitation.

Amelia choked up, "Little Charlie, you have shown immense kindness to our family. Auntie will never forget this in her lifetime."

Haidee nodded repeatedly, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you."

At this moment, Geraldo was still struggling with Charlie, insisting on kneeling on the ground.

Seeing this, Charlie sighed lightly, then let go of Geraldo and stood up straight, saying seriously, "Since that's the case, I won't stop you anymore. But after you thank me, let's not mention this matter again. I haven't eaten anything yet. Let's sit down and have lunch first, alright?"

Geraldo immediately knelt on the ground, clasping his hands above his head, sincerely saying, "Little Charlie, Uncle is not stupid. I can see that you must be a person of great ability. Uncle is grateful to you for giving me such a great opportunity. I will remember it for the rest of my life! If there is anything Uncle needs to do in the future, even if it's going through fire and water, I will not hesitate!"

Charlie smiled faintly, helped him up, and said, "Uncle Snow, you've thanked me enough. Shall we eat now?"

Geraldo hurriedly smiled and said, "Come, let's continue eating!"

After that, he eagerly looked at Amelia and said, "Wife! Go to our home's cellar and fetch a bottle of the top-quality Maotai I've been saving. I want to have a good drink with Little Charlie today! I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in over a year, and I've been craving it!"

Amelia wiped away her tears while smiling, "Okay! You two sit and eat first. I'll go get it!"

Chapter 1526 - "Toasting to Health"

Before long, Amelia returned with a two kilograms of Maotai liquor.

Geraldo took the bottle, opened it, and said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, since the year our daughter was born, I've been spending a lot of money each year to buy the best Maotai available. Now, I've stored a whole cellar full of top-notch Maotai. Originally, I planned to wait until our daughter's wedding day to bring them out to entertain our relatives and friends, but today, let's just you and me have a taste!"

Amelia chuckled beside him, "Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow treasures this batch of wine very much. The cellar is like a vault, thing goes in but nothing comes out. It's been stored for over twenty years, and not a single bottle has been opened until today!"

Geraldo smiled, "This wine was originally prepared for Little Charlie and our daughter's wedding. Drinking it now is just a warm-up!"

Haidee blushed immediately.

Charlie couldn't help feeling embarrassed.


He was already a married man. How could he possibly marry Haidee now?

Geraldo also sensed the embarrassment in Charlie's expression and said seriously, "Little Charlie, I understand your current situation. You don't need to feel burdened. Now that Uncle is cured, I'm sure I can live for another twenty or thirty years without any problem. I'll make the decision, and our family will wait for you for three years!"

With that, Geraldo poured the wine while saying, "During these three years, you can carefully resolve your current issues and plan for your future, whether you want to return to Eastcliff, whether you want to return to the Wade family, you should think about it carefully. But whether you return to the Wade family or not doesn't matter to me. In my eyes, you are the son-in-law of the Snow family, and everything in the Snow family belongs to you. Even if there is no Wade family, it doesn't matter!"

"Yes, Little Charlie!" Amelia also said on the side, "You were born in Eastcliff and lived there until you were eight. This is your root. After you marry our daughter, the best choice is still to return to Eastcliff to live!"

"If you feel tired of the complicated matters in the Eastcliff aristocratic families, I also support you and our daughter to settle overseas. And you don't need to worry about money. Your Uncle Snow's assets are already enough for both of you to live a worry-free life in any country in the world!"

Haidee's face blushed, silent on the side, but her eyes occasionally looked at Charlie, full of tenderness.

Charlie knew that his engagement to Haidee was arranged by his parents.

And it had already existed for over twenty years. It was his own failure to keep his parents' promise. If he were to refute it immediately now, he would have no face to face his deceased parents.

So, he nodded slightly and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, I will carefully consider these issues."

In his opinion, delaying and then slowly resolving this matter was the best solution.

Geraldo naturally agreed with a mouthful. Then, he handed a cup of wine to Charlie and raised his own, saying boldly, "Come on, Little Charlie! Let's finish this cup!"

Charlie nodded, the two clinked their cups, and then drank the high-end Maotai in their cups.

After drinking a cup of wine, Geraldo smacked his lips, feeling a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, and exclaimed excitedly, "Ah, now I understand. Having money and power is nothing compared to having health! Health is the most important thing!"

He couldn't help but ask Charlie, "By the way, Little Charlie, do you mind telling Uncle what kind of miraculous medicine you gave me? How could it have such miraculous effects? It's like an elixir!"

Chapter 1527 - "Guarding the Grapevine: Geraldo's Precaution"

When Charlie heard Geraldo asking about the Resurrection Pill, he smiled faintly and said, "Uncle Snow, this medicine is called the Resurrection Pill. I dare not claim it to be a true elixir, but I boldly assert that it is at least half-immortal. This medicine was refined by a divine doctor in ancient China. I happened to obtain it by chance."

Geraldo didn't doubt him, saying earnestly, "This medicine is truly extraordinary. It doesn't seem like something of this world. The feeling when taking it just now was simply like a dream! It seems that our ancestors indeed possessed many powers beyond our comprehension!"

Charlie nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't know who wrote the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," based on the age of the jade spring bottle, it should have been made during the Thompson Dynasty.

And there were no traces of later cutting on that bottle, which meant that the wooden box where the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were stored should have been placed inside before the Thompson Dynasty craftsmen made that jade spring bottle.

Moreover, the material of that wooden box and the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" was also very mysterious. Even after being fired in a big fire, there were no issues at all. After he opened it, it dissipated instantly, and Charlie himself couldn't see through the mysteries.

So, he could empathize with Geraldo's words.

After three rounds of drinks, Geraldo's mood became increasingly high, and he drank very happily. Soon, the two of them each downed a catty of white wine.

At this moment, Amelia suddenly remembered something and said, "Geraldo, at tomorrow's board meeting, your appearance might scare quite a few people, especially the second and third brothers."

Geraldo sneered, "You're right! Tomorrow, not only do I want to shock the entire board meeting, but I also want to overhaul the entire board! I used to be too lenient with the second and third brothers. I never dreamed they would kick me when I was seriously ill. But starting tomorrow, their days at the Snow Group won't be so comfortable anymore!"

Amelia hurriedly said, "From now on, you must take personal safety seriously. Whether it's for the group or for the family, we need to hire more bodyguards to prevent the second and third brothers from acting recklessly."

Geraldo nodded, "You can rest assured. I'll communicate with the best security company tomorrow and spend two hundred million to hire the best security team to protect our family's safety 24/7. From now on, apart from the people in this room, I won't trust anyone else!"

The people in this room, as Geraldo said, referred to his wife, daughter, and Charlie.

Now, apart from these three people, he really couldn't trust anyone else.

Even his own younger brother could betray him. Moreover, they even wanted to seize his family property by force, and what was more outrageous was that they even threatened him with the lives of his wife and child. This not only made him furious, but also made him see through the true nature of human beings.

So what if they were brothers? In the face of interests, didn't they also turn against each other?

Thinking of this, Geraldo looked at Charlie and said seriously, "Little Charlie, if you don't have any plans tomorrow, why don't you come with me? With you there, Uncle will be more confident."

Charlie naturally nodded without hesitation.

This trip to Eastcliff was to help Geraldo solve problems.

With his health issues resolved, he also needed to help as much as possible with the asset issues.

Otherwise, with Geraldo just recovering from a serious illness and his control over the group at its weakest, he might not be able to compete with his two younger brothers.

If his two younger brothers joined forces with other shareholders to marginalize him, it would be troublesome.

Moreover, what Charlie was more worried about was that his two younger brothers might want his life.

After all, they had been coveting the tens of billions of family assets for so long, so they wouldn't easily give up.

Chapter 1528 - "Tomb Talks: Geraldo's Account"

So, he must help Geraldo solve all the problems in order to leave Eastcliff and return to Aurous Hill.

Seeing Charlie agreeing, Geraldo sighed, raised his glass and said, "Come, Little Charlie, Uncle will toast you!"

Charlie nodded and clinked glasses with him again.

Seeing the two of them drinking happily, Amelia whispered to Haidee beside her, "Your dad hasn't been this happy in a long time."

Haidee also nodded repeatedly, whispering to her mom, "It seems like he hasn't been this happy since Uncle Wade's accident."

Under the table, Amelia gently held her daughter's hand and whispered, "Little Charlie is a good man. You must seize the opportunity!"

Haidee blushed and felt a bit embarrassed, saying, "Mom, how can I seize the opportunity now? Brother Charlie is already married, and he hasn't divorced yet."

Amelia said seriously, "Silly child, he is your fiancé since childhood. It's someone else who took your husband, not you stealing someone else's husband!"

After a slight pause, Amelia continued, "Moreover, in Aurous Hill, I don't believe any local girl is worthy of Charlie. Even the richest family in the area is not qualified. Looking at the whole Eastcliff, besides you, only the girl from the Salvador family can match Charlie."

"And you have a marriage contract with him, and our families have been friends for many years. You marrying Charlie is only natural and logical."

"And then, your dad and I will have an extra son! Your dad will definitely be happy all the time!"

Haidee's pretty face turned red with shyness. "Mom, then what should I do? I don't have any experience in this area."

Amelia said, "Mom will teach you slowly later!"

At this time, Charlie also returned Geraldo's toast with a cup of wine, then said, "Uncle Snow, besides seeing you and Aunt Amelia, and helping you with your illness this time, I also want to pay my respects to my parents' graves. I wonder where my parents are buried now?"

Geraldo sighed with a bit of melancholy and said, "Your parents are buried on the west side of Yanling Mountain."

"Yanling Mountain?" Charlie didn't know which "Yan" and "Ling" Geraldo was referring to because he heard these three words from Geraldo.

So, he asked in surprise, "Uncle Snow, why haven't I heard of this place?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is actually a very good Feng Shui mountain on the west side. Originally, your parents were buried in the ancestral tomb of the Wade family in the north suburbs. But four years ago, there was an incident in the Wade family. They consulted a high-level person, who then advised them to buy this mountain and renamed it Yanling Mountain. 'Wade' is your Wade family, and 'Ling' is the tomb."

Speaking of this, Geraldo continued, "After the Wade family bought Yanling Mountain, they invested several billion to completely renovate and develop the mountain. It took three years for the development to be completed, and it was not until last spring that it was completed. After the completion, the Wade family moved the entire ancestral tomb over. At that time, the movement was huge and grand, and everyone in Eastcliff knew about it."

Charlie frowned slightly, "The Wade family has been in Eastcliff for hundreds of years, with over a hundred ancestors buried in the ancestral tomb. Such a large scale, did the Wade family agree to move it all?"

Geraldo nodded and said, "This matter, I heard rumors from the market. It is said that four years ago, your grandfather suddenly fell ill, but no problem could be found. He sought medical advice everywhere, but to no avail."

"Later, the Wade family also traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in the country, visited many high-level people, but after these high-level people came to see them, they all left without saying a word, and when asked, they didn't mention the reason."

"Your grandfather was driven crazy, went to the United States in person, and only after three tries did he manage to invite back a hundred-year-old Chinese Feng Shui master. After this Feng Shui master came, he visited the Wade family ancestral tomb and said that the Feng Shui of the Wade family's bureau was like a dragon trapped in shallow water, and it was not easy to resolve. So he guided the Wade family to move the ancestral tomb to Yanling Mountain."

Chapter 1529 - "Undercover Tribute: Charlie's Resolve"

Regarding the Feng Shui of the Wade Family and the matter of relocating ancestors' graves, Charlie didn't pay too much attention to it.

He wasn't really interested in the people and affairs of the Wade Family.

All along, he only cared about two things regarding the Wade Family.

First, where his parents were buried and whether he could pay his respects.

Second, who was responsible for harming his parents and whether they were from the Wade Family.

As for other matters concerning the Wade Family, he didn't want to bother with them at all.

So, after listening to Geraldo's introduction to Yanling Mountain, Charlie asked, "Uncle Snow, can I go to Yanling Mountain to pay my respects?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is the ancestral grave of your Wade Family, a place of great Feng Shui. Usually, the Wade Family controls it very strictly, and outsiders can't enter at all. Even I have to inform the Wade Family in advance and make an appointment to go. But you are a descendant of the Wade Family, so just a notification should allow you to go directly."

Charlie shook his head and said, "Uncle Snow, to be honest, I don't want the people of the Wade Family to know that I have come to Eastcliff. I still don't want too much contact with them for the time being."

Geraldo thought for a moment and said, "Well then, let me make a call to your uncle later. I'll say that I want to pay respects to your parents and ask him to inform the people below. Then, you can disguise yourself a bit and come with me. After all, you look so much like your father. If the elders of the Wade Family see you, they'll definitely recognize you."

Charlie hurriedly got up and bowed deeply to Geraldo. "Uncle Snow, thank you for your help!"

Geraldo hastily got up to support him, trembling as he said, "Little Charlie, what are you doing? You are our family's great benefactor. Why are you bowing to me for such a small matter?"

Charlie, with a solemn expression, said, "Uncle Snow, when it comes to the passing of my parents, it's not a small matter for me. My parents passed away eighteen years ago, and I have never paid my respects at their graves. It's disloyal and unfilial of me. You're helping me fulfill this duty, which is of great significance to me. How can I not bow to you?"

Upon hearing this, Geraldo hastily reproached himself, "Oh my, I misspoke. This is indeed not a small matter. Don't worry, nephew, Uncle will take you there tomorrow!"

Amelia on the side said, "Let me and my daughter go with you. If it's just the two of you, the people of the Wade Family might get suspicious. After all, they are well aware of our family's situation. Besides you, there are no other young men in our family."

Geraldo said, "That's not a problem. We can let Little Charlie disguise himself as my driver."

Amelia nodded, but still insisted, "Then let us mother and daughter go with you. It's been almost half a year since I visited Brother Wade and Sister-in-law."

"Yes!" Haidee also hurriedly said, "Dad, let me and Mom go with you!"

Geraldo nodded and said, "Okay, we'll go together tomorrow!"

After saying that, he thought about the time and said again, "In that case, in the morning, Little Charlie and I will go to the company for a board meeting. You two can wait at home. After the meeting, we'll come to pick you up and go together."

Amelia readily agreed, "Okay!"

During the course of drinking and exchanging cups, Charlie and Geraldo finished off a bottle of Maotai liquor weighing four catties.

After being full of food and drink, the two were in high spirits, so Geraldo pulled him to the study and looked through many precious old photos.

These old photos all had the figures of Charlie's parents. The earliest photo was when Charlie's parents had just gotten married, before Charlie was born.

Chapter 1530 - "Cherished Memories: Shared Moments of Joy"

At first glance, Charlie's parents were undoubtedly a stunning couple.

His father was handsome and elegant, while his mother was beautiful and graceful. Especially his mother's beauty, even Amelia couldn't compare, standing out in any era.

Unfortunately, the once-famous couple from Eastcliff had long passed away, leaving behind only faded images and lingering memories.

Back then, Geraldo hadn't married yet, so at the wedding, he stood alone beside Charlie's father, taking a photo with Charlie's parents.

Next were the photos from Geraldo and Amelia's wedding.

At his wedding, Charlie's parents were both present to offer their congratulations.

So, the four of them took a photo together.

Then, Charlie was born, turning the four people in the photo into five, with him swaddled in his mother's arms.

Later, Haidee was born.

So, the photo became of six people.

These six individuals, from both children being swaddled, to Charlie standing beside his parents, and then Haidee standing beside them too.

Then, there were photos of just the two children.

Charlie was half a head taller than Haidee, looking like a elder Brother, while Haidee resembled a little sister, sticking closely to Charlie's side.

Interestingly, in every photo of the two, Haidee tightly grasped Charlie's arm, her expression full of happiness and contentment.

And Charlie, on the side, always seemed a bit reserved, deliberately maintaining some distance from Haidee.

Geraldo looked at these old photos, sighing, "I never thought time would pass so quickly. In the blink of an eye, you've grown so big."

Charlie, after seeing so many old photos of his parents, had reddened eyes and nearly shed tears several times but managed to hold them back.

Seeing this, Geraldo gently patted his shoulder and said, "Little Charlie, your parents, if they knew you were safe, would surely be very happy."

Charlie nodded, feeling emotional. "I just feel a bit ashamed to face them. I haven't paid my respects to them for so many years. I feel guilty in my heart. And over these years, I haven't achieved anything remarkable to repay my parents' nurturing."

"Don't say that." Geraldo said seriously, "Your parents were always broad-minded and never harbored the expectation for you to become a dragon or phoenix. They were already extraordinary individuals, so their only hope for you was to grow up healthy and happy, without any worries or troubles in your life."

Speaking of this, Geraldo smiled and continued, "Do you know, your mother especially liked the name Li Mo Chou from Jin Yong's novels? She thought the name was particularly good. But since the Li Mo Chou in the book wasn't a good person, when you hadn't been born yet, your mother joked that if you were a girl, she would name you Mo Chou."

Charlie smiled knowingly, thinking of his mother, feeling a warm flow in his heart.

His mother was indeed as Geraldo described, never hoping for him to become extraordinary. She always told him since he was young that being happy and being a kind and upright person were enough, and achievements and status weren't important.

After chatting with Geraldo for an afternoon, when Amelia came in to deliver some fruit, she said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, the guest room has been prepared for you. It's next to Maria's room on the second floor. You drank so much wine at noon, you should rest in your room for a while later. If there's anything, just find Maria directly."

"Okay." Charlie nodded, "Thank you, Aunt Amelia."
Immortal Junlee, thanks for these resources. Speedy recovery too Immortal
Chapter 1501 - "The Heartfelt Reunion: Tears and Truths"

At the dining table, there was a man and a woman, both exuding an aura of elegance and refinement in their appearance, demeanor, and attire at home.

The man appeared somewhat haggard, with a pale complexion and lips devoid of normal color, clearly indicating prolonged illness, even to the point of being critically ill.

However, the woman beside him was impeccably maintained and extremely beautiful, bearing a striking resemblance to Haidee. She appeared to be in her early thirties.

Charlie immediately recognized the two of them as Uncle Snow, whom he was familiar with from childhood, and his wife, Aunt Amelia.

Just as Charlie recognized them, they also recognized him!

Geraldo's expression was filled with unparalleled shock. His face was already quite thin, but now his eyes widened, and he seemed to want to say something, yet he was choked with emotion.

On the other side, Amelia was also dumbfounded. She suddenly stood up, pointing at Charlie with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. "Y-you're, you're, you're Wade, you're Charlie Wade??"

Charlie's nose tingled, and he sighed softly, his voice trembling slightly. "Aunt Amelia, I am Charlie Wade."

After saying that, he looked at Geraldo, who was trembling and unable to speak, and said with a trembling voice, "Uncle Snow, hello! And Aunt Amelia, hello too!"

Geraldo looked at him and murmured, "Are you really Little Charlie?"

Charlie nodded earnestly and said, "Uncle Snow, it's me, I'm Little Charlie. Do you still recognize me?"

"I do, I do." Geraldo wiped away a tear and said, "You look just like your father when he was young. You bear about seventy percent resemblance to the photos of your grandfather when he was young."

As he spoke, he laboriously stood up and began to walk towards Charlie.

Charlie hurriedly stepped forward and came to Geraldo's side, supporting him with a few steps, filled with gratitude and guilt as he said, "Uncle Snow, for so many years, I've caused you and Aunt Amelia to worry."

Geraldo wiped away a cloudy tear and choked up, "Little Charlie, where have you been all these years? For all these years, Uncle Snow has almost searched the entire world to find you, but there has been no trace of you."

Charlie couldn't help but sigh, "Uncle Snow, actually, all these years, I've been in Aurous Hill. Before I turned eighteen, I grew up in the welfare home."

"How is that possible?!" Geraldo blurted out, "I've been to Aurous Hill several times to look for you. I've been to welfare homes, orphanages, and relief stations every time, but I've never found any trace of you."

Charlie's eyes reddened as he said, "Uncle Snow, it was Stephen Thompson, the steward of the Wade family, who secretly took over the welfare home. He was afraid that someone might harm me, so he concealed all my information. Even I didn't know about this until a few days ago when I reunited with my sister. I realized that something was wrong and went to ask Stephen about it. He then told me the hidden truth."

Geraldo was suddenly stunned, and after a moment, he nodded in realization and said, "So that's how it is, so that's how it is! It seems that Stephen is indeed a man who knows how to repay kindness. Your father treated him with great kindness back then, and it seems he didn't choose the wrong person!"

Chapter 1502 - "Food for Thought: A Banquet of Emotions"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but choke up, "Over these years, I've never been able to find any trace of you. At one point, I thought you were no longer in this world."

With these words, Geraldo tightly pursed his lips, but tears had already burst forth.

He held back for a long time, until his tears completely blurred his vision, before finally bursting into tears, "Brother Wade, if you're watching from above, look at your son. Your son has come back, he's finally come back, and I finally have the face to see you."

Geraldo was overwhelmed with emotion, crying for a few moments before coughing violently. Amelia, on the side, hurriedly wiped away her tears, while gently patting her husband's back, choking, "Old Snow, Little Charlie's return is a joyous occasion. Please don't cry. Your body can't handle such emotional fluctuations."

After Geraldo eased up a bit, he nodded tearfully and grabbed Charlie's hand, saying seriously, "Little Charlie, sit down and tell Uncle how you've been all these years."

After saying this, he suddenly realized something and quickly looked at his daughter, Haidee, blurting out, "Maria, how did you and your brother Charlie meet?!"

Haidee, with red eyes, choked out, "Dad, I'm sorry, I've been keeping this from you and Mom. Actually, when I went to Aurous Hill for a commercial endorsement last time, I already met Brother Charlie. The reason I didn't tell you right away was that I wanted to wait until Brother Charlie came home to give you both a surprise."

Geraldo nodded repeatedly, feeling emotional, "A surprise! This is indeed a surprise! A huge surprise!"

Saying this, he grabbed Charlie's hands, saying earnestly, "Little Charlie, no matter what you've been through these years, it's good that you're back. This time, don't go back to Aurous Hill. The engagement between you and Maria was arranged by your Aunt Amelia and me, as well as your parents. No matter what you've experienced in the past, Maria is still your fiancée. Now that you're back, my health is deteriorating, so you two should hurry up and get married before my old bones are laid to rest!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie's expression became extremely embarrassed and guilty.

Seeing this, Amelia beside her hastily said, "Little Charlie, you mustn't feel any pressure. After you and Maria get married, this home will be yours, whether you return to the Wade family or not, you are the son-in-law of our Snow family!"

Amelia's words were more implicit, but Charlie understood her meaning very well. She meant that regardless of his wealth or lack thereof, he didn't need to worry. The Snow family would always be his home.

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but compare Amelia with his mother-in-law, Elaine. The difference was like that between the moon and fireflies.

Haidee, embarrassed on the side, said, "Dad, Mom, Brother Charlie, he's already married now."

"What?" The couple were both stunned at this news!

Charlie also felt embarrassed and said seriously, "I'm sorry, Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, this is my fault for not living up to Maria and to the agreement between you and my parents back then."

Geraldo sighed and patted Charlie's shoulder, saying seriously, "Little Charlie, although Uncle doesn't know what you've been through these years, I can guess that it hasn't been easy for you. You've been wandering since you were eight years old, many things must have been beyond your control. Let's not talk about this for now. You tell Uncle in detail how you've been all these years."

"Yes," Amelia also nodded and said, "The matter of the engagement can be discussed later. Let's hurry up and have something to eat, and we can chat while eating!"

Chapter 1503 - "Truth and Consequences: The Wade Legacy"

Geraldo pulled Charlie and sat down beside him.

As soon as they sat down, he warmly greeted Charlie, "Little Charlie, let's have a meal first. See if the food at home suits your taste. If it doesn't, I'll have someone make it again for you."

Charlie hurriedly said, "Uncle Snow, you don't need to be so polite."

Geraldo nodded and then asked about Charlie's life experiences over the years.

Charlie didn't hide much from the Snow family, except for secrets like the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture". He basically told them everything else truthfully.

This included his life before the age of eighteen, his experiences in society after eighteen, his acquaintance with Elder Wilson, his marriage to Claire, and their life after marriage.

The more Geraldo and Amelia listened, the more distressed they felt. In their eyes, Charlie was after all the descendant of the Wade family, the direct descendant of the Wade family. Moreover, his father was once the brightest star of the Wade family. According to reason, Charlie should have lived a luxurious life from a young age. However, they didn't expect that he had experienced so much hardship outside since childhood.

After listening, Geraldo sighed repeatedly. Then he asked Charlie, "Little Charlie, what are your plans now? Are you still planning to go back to the Wade family to acknowledge your grandfather and them?"

Charlie shook his head, "To be honest, Uncle Snow, I don't have that plan right now. Besides, I have always suspected that my parents' deaths are related to the Wade family. Until I find out the truth, the people from the Wade family are all suspects in the murder of my parents. So I'm not planning to go back and acknowledge them."

Geraldo said seriously, "Little Charlie, listen to Uncle Snow's advice. You may not need to go back and acknowledge the Wade family, but you must not become enemies with them."

Charlie said seriously, "Whether we become enemies or not is not up to me, it's up to the facts. If they really conspired to kill my parents, how can I not seek revenge for them?"

Geraldo sighed and said slowly, "To be honest, I haven't found any concrete clues about what happened back then. Whether your parents were killed by people from the business world, there is still no evidence."

Charlie said, "At the very least, my parents were forced to leave Eastcliff back then because of the Wade family's ostracism. If it weren't for them, my parents wouldn't have died in Aurous Hill."

Geraldo nodded gently, "The cause and effect of the matter are indeed like this. The Wade family should indeed bear some responsibility for your parents' death."

Chapter 1504 - "Tangled Tales: Love Triangles and Family Legacies"

Charlie understood that Geraldo was looking out for him, but he gently shook his head. He spoke with utmost seriousness, "Uncle Snow, although my time with my parents was short, I lived with them for eight years. The blood flowing in my body is theirs. If I can't avenge them in this lifetime, how can I justify the blood and life they gave me?"

Amelia had been silent all along. Hearing this, she couldn't help but sigh softly with red eyes. "Geraldo, Charlie's character and temperament are almost identical to Elder Brother Wade's back then. If there was sand in Elder Brother Wade's eyes, he wouldn't have resolutely and unhesitatingly left Eastcliff with his wife and children. If you couldn't persuade Elder Brother Wade back then, you might not be able to persuade Charlie now."

Geraldo nodded in resignation, sighed deeply, looked at Charlie, then at his daughter Haidee, and said seriously, "Charlie, other matters can be put on hold. If you truly want to be an enemy of the Wade Family and make them pay a price in the future, at least you need to have enough strength."

Geraldo paused slightly, then continued with a serious tone, "In my opinion, your priority now is to leave Aurous Hill and return to Eastcliff. Get married to Haidee first. By then, even if you haven't formally returned to the Wade Family, you'll still be the son-in-law of my Snow Family. If by chance I haven't passed away, I can still make some arrangements for you, laying the foundation for you in the Snow Family, utilizing all of the Snow Family's resources and connections for your use."

Hearing this, Amelia nodded without hesitation. "Yes, Charlie, although you are already married now, your engagement with Haidee was made more than twenty years ago, earlier than your current marriage. So, the girl from the Wilson Family that you mentioned, in a sense, has intervened in your original engagement."

Amelia continued, "Of course, Auntie is not blaming her. After all, she is not responsible for this matter. Auntie just wants to say that according to your parents' arrangements back then, you should marry Haidee. As for that girl from the Wilson Family, my Snow Family won't treat her unfairly. After the divorce, Auntie will prepare a billion in cash as compensation for her, making sure you're not in a difficult position."

Charlie felt a bit embarrassed all of a sudden.

Before coming to the Snow Family, he was most worried about Haidee's parents bringing up the matter of the engagement.

The childhood engagement had already passed many years ago. In all these years, he and Haidee had never met nor had any emotional foundation.

If he were still single now, considering his parents' arrangements during their lifetime, he could have nurtured feelings with Haidee. If they got along well, there would be no harm in following his parents' wishes and getting married.

But now he was already a married man. In this situation, how could he abandon Claire and be with Haidee instead?

Seeing Charlie silent, Amelia sighed, "Charlie, you know about Uncle Snow's current health condition, which you probably heard from Haidee. Before this, we've been accompanying Uncle Snow for treatment abroad for a long time. The doctors in the country discovered that Uncle Snow's condition has worsened these past few days. They're advising Uncle Snow to continue hospital treatment, but the situation isn't optimistic. Who knows, one day..."

At this point, Amelia's emotions were somewhat melancholic. She choked up a few times, wiped her tears, and continued, "Your engagement with Haidee was decided by the four of us parents back then. Now, two of the four parents have passed away, and Uncle Snow's health may not hold out much longer. Your parents left early and didn't see you two children get married. Auntie sincerely hopes that Uncle Snow won't have the same regret..."

On the side, Haidee's eyes were already red, sitting there motionless, tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, she was no longer the beloved female celebrity adored by the people of the country and the world. Now, she was just a pitiful and helpless girl, evoking sympathy from Charlie.

Chapter 1505 - "The Power of Love: Amelia's Call to Action"

At this moment, Geraldo coughed a few times, feeling a bit uncomfortable. After calming down, he said seriously, "Little Charlie, over the past decade or so, you've been wandering in Aurous Hill, experiencing various trials and tribulations. Now, it seems you've come into your own! Although the Snow family may not be able to make you soar to the sky, with the Snow family supporting you, if you ever decide to return to the Wade family, you'll have a certain confidence. If you ever aim to claim the inheritance of the Wade family, having the Snow family behind you will greatly increase your chances of success!"

Listening to this, Charlie felt extremely ashamed.

He hadn't expected that even after leaving the Wade family, even after getting married, Geraldo and Amelia still hoped to fulfill the marriage contract made years ago and marry the highly anticipated Haidee to him.

The more this happened, the stronger his regret towards Haidee and the entire Snow family became.

At this moment, Geraldo continued, "Little Charlie, I had originally given up on going to the hospital for treatment. I've experienced all sorts of storms in my life until today, so I'm not afraid of death either. I hope to pass away with dignity. However, seeing you again after so many years, I suddenly have a desire to live. My greatest hope now is to witness you and your daughter-in-law getting married. If I can live long enough to see the two of you have a child, it would truly be a blessing, and I would die without regrets."

On the side, Haidee couldn't help but cry, choking up, "Dad, please don't say that."

Geraldo smiled faintly and said seriously, "You know me, I've never been sentimental or melodramatic. What I said just now came straight from the heart."

After finishing, he looked at Amelia and said seriously, "Wife, call Dr. Hansel from the Concord Hospital and tell him that I've had a change of heart. I want to actively pursue treatment. If I can live one more day, live until my daughter's wedding, live to hold my grandchildren, even if I suffer more, it's worth it."

Amelia immediately nodded excitedly.

In fact, she had been persuading Geraldo to actively cooperate with treatment, not to give up hope even if there was a glimmer of it.

But Geraldo had already given up on himself because he didn't want to endure inhumane torture just to live another year or two.

Late-stage cancer was extremely painful. Not only did he have to endure the rapid decline of his body, but he also had to endure the physical and mental agony brought by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Each chemotherapy session made him vomit violently, and each radiotherapy session caused prolonged pain in his skin, bones, and internal organs.

Over time, he, a tough man with an iron will, was tortured into a skinny, terminally ill patient on the verge of death.

So, he preferred to spend more time with his wife and daughter, endure less inhumane torture, and leave behind a beautiful final chapter.

But now, his thoughts suddenly took a 180-degree turn because of Charlie's appearance.

He wanted to live.

He wanted to witness his daughter's wedding with his own eyes.

He wanted to, on the wedding day, personally hand over his daughter, whom he had raised for over twenty years, to Charlie, fulfilling the promise he made to his elder brother and friend over twenty years ago.

He even wanted to wait outside the delivery room, waiting for his daughter inside to safely give birth to a child, allowing him to witness the continuation of his family's bloodline.

Therefore, he now felt that if he could fulfill these wishes, even if he had to endure the world's harshest and most painful torture, he would unhesitatingly endure it!

At this moment, Amelia hurriedly took out her phone to make a call.

Charlie then said, "Aunt Amelia, the main reason I came this time is actually for Uncle Snow's illness. I have a way to completely cure Uncle Snow's illness."


Chapter 1506 - "In Sickness and Stubbornness: Geraldo's Doubt"

Amelia and Geraldo were both extremely shocked.

Completely cure Geraldo's illness?

How could that be possible?

Their family had been struggling for this illness for a long time, finding the best experts in the world, using the best medicines, medical equipment, and treatment methods in the world.

But still, they couldn't stop Geraldo's rapid decline in health.

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was also a billionaire and suffered from pancreatic cancer. He received the best treatment in the United States, but the result was very regrettable.

The world's top experts did not believe that Geraldo's illness could be cured. Moreover, the vast majority of them believed that his life might only have less than a year left, or even less than half a year.

Suddenly, Charlie said he could cure him, which sounded like a fantasy to the two of them.

Amelia sighed and said seriously, "Little Charlie, I know you must care a lot about Uncle Snow, but his condition is really not optimistic."

Geraldo nodded and said, "Yes, Little Charlie, I know my illness very well. Pancreatic cancer is the most vicious cancer, and I'm already in the late stage now. It has spread throughout my body, and it's too late. As the saying goes in China, not even a great immortal could save me."

There was something Charlie wanted to say in his heart. He wanted to tell Geraldo that even if a great immortal couldn't save him, Charlie could!

However, this would sound extremely arrogant to anyone who didn't understand the situation.

So, Charlie said seriously, "Uncle Snow, I happened to obtain a kind of wonderful medicine recently, which has very good effects in treating various diseases. I brought it with me this time. Why don't you give it a try?"

Naturally, Geraldo didn't believe it.

He was a staunch atheist, a firm materialist, believed unwaveringly in science, didn't believe in any metaphysics at all, and had become somewhat of an expert in his long illness. He had already thoroughly researched all relevant information and literature and was 100% sure that he was beyond saving. So when he heard Charlie's words, he just shook his head with resignation and said, "Little Charlie, I appreciate your kindness, but the severity of this illness may be far beyond your understanding."

Amelia nodded beside him and said, "Yes, Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow's illness can be said to be the most difficult, most dangerous, and most ruthless one in the world."

Charlie knew they definitely didn't believe him, so he prepared to take out the Rejuvenation Pill and let Geraldo try it directly.

But at this moment, a servant suddenly ran over, looking a bit nervous, and said, "Sir, Madam, Second Master and Third Master's families are here."

Amelia immediately frowned and asked coldly, "What are they here for?"

The servant hurriedly said, "They said they have important matters to discuss with you and the master."

Amelia blurted out, "Tell them to leave! We have nothing to say to them!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard an angry voice sneer, "Oh, Sister-in-law, we're all family. There's no need to say such harsh words, right? It's only been a few years since the old man passed away, and you won't let me and the third brother in. If the old man knew about this in the afterlife, he might just come back to life out of anger!"

Charlie looked up and saw eight or nine people walking in aggressively.

Amelia's expression suddenly turned ugly as she questioned, "Dario! This is my home! Without my permission, who let you come in without authorization?"

Chapter 1507 - "Theatrics and Tensions: Snow Family Soap Opera"

With Amelia's angry shout, the man leading the other side sneered disdainfully and coldly said, "Elder Sister-in-law, this is my elder Brother's house. As his younger brother, do I need to inform you every time I come over?"

Amelia's expression turned ugly as she said, "Dario, your elder Brother and I are a couple. Half of this house belongs to me. If you barge in without my permission, it's trespassing!"

Dario scoffed, looking Amelia up and down, and said disdainfully, "Oh, Elder Sister-in-law, do you even know that you're my elder Brother's wife? Have you fulfilled the duties of a wife?"

Geraldo struggled a bit to stand up and rebuked, "Dario, how dare you speak to your Elder Sister-in-law like this? In Chinese culture, the elder sister-in-law is like a mother. Don't you understand this principle?"

"Elder sister-in-law like a mother?" Dario sneered, "Elder Brother, don't forget, she's ultimately an outsider in the Snow family. Moreover, as the eldest son's wife, she hasn't even given birth to a grandson for the Snow family. When our parents passed away, there wasn't even a grandson to hold the funeral banner. She's the culprit of our Snow family!"

Upon hearing this, Amelia's face immediately became extremely ugly, tinged with a hint of grievance.

Geraldo, beside her, trembled with anger, grabbed a bone china bowl, and slammed it to the ground, shattering it beneath Dario's feet!

Then, he yelled, "Dario! Stop bringing up this matter! When your Elder Sister-in-law gave birth to your niece, she almost died from complications. Since then, I swore never to let your Elder Sister-in-law bear another child. This was extremely respected by our parents when they were alive. Even they had no objections. Who are you to make grand speeches here!?"

Dario disdainfully said, "Elder Brother, our parents may have said they respected you, but deep down, they were heartbroken about this matter! They just didn't want to express it to save face for you!"


After a pause, Dario continued, "And honestly, I even suspect that our parents' premature deaths were largely related to this issue festering in their hearts for too long! In the end, it's you and your wife who caused them trouble!"

At first, Haidee felt that she was a junior, so she endured her anger and didn't interrupt. But now, seeing her second uncle speaking so outrageously, she immediately spoke up, "Second Uncle! Don't go too far! This is my home! It's not your place to come here and yell!"

Before Dario could speak, a man a few years younger than him beside him spoke sarcastically, "Oh, what's wrong, my dear niece? Now that you've become a big star, you're powerful? You don't even care about your Second Uncle? Don't forget, even if you're a big star, you're just an actor!"

The speaker was Geraldo's third brother, and Haidee's third uncle, Lucas.

The three brothers of the Snow family, namely Geraldo, Dario, and Lucas, were a reflection of the old master Snow's expectations for his three sons to be loyal, upright, and strong.

However, compared to their names, the second and third brothers were indeed somewhat unworthy of their virtues.

At this moment, beside Lucas stood a young man in his twenties, who added fuel to the fire, "That's right, Cousin, the ancestral teachings of our Snow family are clear. The descendants of the Snow family must never engage in lowly occupations!"

"And this actor, she couldn't even get into the lowest of occupations a few years ago. Now that she's slightly elevated her status, she's barely climbed out of the lowest ranks. Now that you're an actor, aren't you disgracing our Snow family ancestors' face?"

Haidee clenched her teeth, angrily saying, "Javier, you spoiled and parasitic playboy, what right do you have to dictate here? Let me tell you, you have no say here!"

Chapter 1508 - "Sibling Rivalry: Snow Family Style"

Javier sneered, "Oh, cousin, you've got quite the temper, huh? In the Snow family, we're equals. Even if you're older than me, so what? You're just a woman who's going to get married sooner or later. Once you're married off, you won't be part of the Snow family anymore. You'll just be an outsider, understand?"

On the side, Charlie wanted to speak up, but he held back.

After all, this was a family matter of the Snow family, and he, an outsider, couldn't find a suitable entry point.

If he intervened now, it would only be causing trouble without reason.

Moreover, he hadn't figured out yet why Snow Family's second and third sons had come over, so he decided to observe a little longer.

At this moment, Geraldo angrily shouted, "Enough! Stop with the nonsense!"

After waiting for everyone to quiet down, he looked at Dario and Lucas and asked coldly, "Second brother, third brother, you two don't need to beat around the bush here anymore. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want, just say it openly and honestly. Dilly-dallying like a woman only disgraces us Snow family men!"

Dario stroked his chin and suddenly smiled with a hint of cunning, but pretended to ask with concern, "Elder Brother, I heard that your health has deteriorated again? Did the hospital ask you to come for treatment, but you refused?"

Geraldo said coldly, "Sorry, I've just made up my mind. I've decided to actively seek treatment. My daughter hasn't married yet, and I can't just die like a coward!"

Dario waited for everyone, and when he heard this, his expression changed immediately.

Beside him, Lucas couldn't help but complain, "Elder Brother, didn't you already decide to give up treatment? Why are you changing your mind now? With your condition, even if you actively seek treatment, you might not live for more than ten days or half a month. For the sake of these ten days or half a month, to be tossed around, tortured, and experimented on in the hospital, is it worth it?"

Geraldo's expression was extremely cold, gritting his teeth, he said, "What do you people want to say? If you don't get to the point, don't blame me for kicking you out!"

Dario smiled, saying, "Elder Brother, Father was biased. When he died, he left you 50% of the Snow family's assets, and only gave me and the third brother 25% each. What do you need so much for? You don't have any sons in your family, and when your daughter gets married, she'll be like water poured out. You can't let the family property go cheap to outsiders, can you?"

At this point, Dario looked at Amelia and said with a smile, "Besides, Sister-in-law is not too old and she's so beautiful. In the future, when you're gone, how could she possibly remain a widow for the rest of her life? She'll definitely remarry! By then, she'll take away a portion of the Snow family's assets. Can you bear to see half of the Snow family's assets, in the end, end up with your wife and daughter-in-law?"

Hearing this, Amelia not only felt angry but also humiliated, tears immediately welled up in her eyes.

Haidee was also enraged, her fists clenched in resentment.

Geraldo was even more so, trembling with anger. His face, which was already devoid of color, became even paler, and he was on the verge of collapsing at any moment.

Charlie could no longer bear to watch this. He reached out to support Geraldo's swaying body and said in an extremely dark tone, "You bunch of scoundrels, you're going too far!"

Chapter 1509 - "The Rise of a Challenger: Charlie Challenges Snow Family Authority"

When Dario, Lucas, and others entered, although they saw Charlie, they didn't pay him any attention.

Their focus today was solely on the Snow family of three, treating Charlie and the other servants as if they were invisible.

However, they didn't expect this young man to dare challenge them here, and even call them scoundrels. This immediately infuriated them!

The Snow family in Eastcliff was only second to the Salvador family and the Wade family in terms of power, and their total assets were also in the trillions. Even though Dario and Lucas each only had 25% of the family's assets, individually they were still top-tier billionaires, completely overshadowing those familiar names on the billionaire rankings.

So how could they accept an unknown person mouthing off to them here?

Therefore, Dario immediately became furious, pointing at Charlie and coldly shouting, "Kid, do you know who I am? Are you tired of living to speak to me, Dario Snow, like this?"

Charlie sneered, "Of course, I know who you are, scoundrel. You are scoundrel number one, and the guy next to you is scoundrel number two. And the brat who was just barking like a mad dog must be scoundrel number three. If anyone else wants to rank themselves, speak up now, so you don't miss out on a good number!"

Dario and Lucas, both heirs of the Snow family, had received high-end education since childhood. They were typical beasts in sheep's clothing cultivated under elite education.

In other words, such people appeared very cultured and rarely resorted to violence or foul language in conversation, but they were rotten to the core.

For example, Dario, when someone toasted him at a dinner table with a glass slightly higher than his, he smiled as if he didn't mind at all. But after dinner, he immediately had his bodyguards stop the person's car, dragged them out, and broke their hands.

This was just a small matter. In fact, every time Dario opened his mouth, he unknowingly ruined countless families and even caused deaths.

At this moment, Charlie's immense disrespect towards them made him almost uncontrollably angry!

However, he also couldn't quite figure out Charlie's background, so he felt somewhat puzzled. This person was a guest at the Geraldo's residence, so he naturally knew the strength of the Snow family. Yet he still dared to talk to him like this. Could it be that he had some background they didn't know about?

Lucas thought the same. If the other party knew his identity but still dared to speak so arrogantly here, then he must have some tricks up his sleeve.

But Javier, who was young and didn't have much self-awareness, didn't think so.

He cursed angrily, "Damn it, who the hell are you, punk? Do you know who you're talking to? We're from the Snow family! Do you want to die?"

Charlie glanced at him coldly and said, "You're the one who was just barking like a mad dog, right? Alright, since you seem to enjoy biting people like a dog so much, why don't you kneel down and learn to bark a couple of times? If you do it to my satisfaction, I might let you off the hook!"

Chapter 1510 - "Family Feud: Snow Family Heirs Clash Over Inheritance"

"Holy crap!" Javier erupted in anger. "Do you know who I am? I'm the second young master of the Snow family! If you dare to disrespect me, I'll make you regret it in minutes!"

At this moment, a slightly older and more composed young man spoke up, "Brother, today's matter concerns our Snow family. Please refrain from intervening."

This person speaking was Dario's son, Feliciano, also the eldest male descendant of the Snow family.

As Haidee is a girl, Feliciano is considered the eldest grandson of the Snow family.

Charlie looked at Feliciano and said calmly, "Let's talk about this matter calmly. Don't be arrogant here just because you have more people. It's disgraceful to bark and shout like this. The Snow family is also a prestigious family in Eastcliff. Don't behave without manners as soon as you come out!"

"You!" Javier gritted his teeth upon hearing this and wanted to step forward to take action.

Feliciano stopped him and then cast a cold glance at Charlie. He said to Dario beside him, "Dad, let's get straight to the point."

Dario looked at Charlie coldly, having already made up his mind. No matter who this kid was, after dealing with his own affairs today, he would make him pay the price in blood, letting him know that the Snow family cannot be insulted at will!

So, he temporarily suppressed his resentment and turned to his older brother Geraldo, saying, "Brother, I came here this time as a descendant of the Snow family to defend and uphold the interests of the Snow family! Fifty percent of the assets of our Snow family are under your name. But now that your days are numbered, after you're gone, I will be the head of the Snow family. Naturally, I cannot sit idly by and let 50% of the Snow family's assets flow into the hands of outsiders. Therefore, I hope you will act in the interests of the Snow family and draw up a will, allocating at least 80% of the assets under your name to me and the third brother."

After saying this, seeing that Geraldo's face was very unsightly, he continued, "Brother, I am doing this for the sake of the Snow family. Otherwise, once you pass away, once your wife and daughter inherit your estate, your estate will no longer bear the name Snow. The strength of the Snow family will instantly be squeezed out of the top three in Eastcliff, and even the top five may not be guaranteed. Can you bear to see the hundred-year-old family business of the Snow family being cut off after your death?"

Dario said coldly, "Second brother, no matter how you sugarcoat it, aren't you just after my property? Let me tell you, I've already drawn up a will. In my will, my property will be divided equally in half, with half inherited by your sister-in-law and half by my daughter. According to the law, since I have already made arrangements for the distribution of my estate, you have no right to interfere."

Dario's expression grew colder as he questioned, "Are you only concerned about your own family and not our family as a whole?"

Geraldo retorted, "So what? My property has nothing to do with you!"

Geraldo, the third brother standing beside him, angrily cursed, "Elder Brother! Has the cancer spread to your brain? How come you, the wise man of the age, are now so unreasonable?"

Upon hearing this, Amelia couldn't contain her anger and rebuked, "Dario! You've gone too far!"

Dario sneered, "Too far? Let me tell you, the real excess is yet to come."

After saying this, he turned to Geraldo and said coldly, "Elder Brother, let's take a step back. Even if you are stubborn and unrepentant, and let your wife and daughter inherit the estate, do you think they, as mere women, can hold onto so much wealth? We came here today to resolve this issue calmly. If you are too greedy, I can't guarantee that your wife and children will live peacefully after you're gone!"

Geraldo was furious, shouting, "Dario, you beast! Are you threatening me?"
Charlie why are you just watching this drama unfold without doing nothing...show them you are dragon among men
Loves th
Chapter 1511 - "Sibling Rivalry, Billionaire Edition"

Beside him, Dario was anxiously smiling as he said to Lucas, "Oh, Little Three, why are you talking to Elder Brother like this? Elder Brother's health could give out at any moment. If you make him angry now and he doesn't have time to change his will, won't we really end up at odds with Elder Sister-in-law and Big Niece? How could I bear that in my heart!"

Lucas chuckled, "Second Brother, you're right. I went too far. I apologize to Elder Brother!"

Afterwards, he looked at Geraldo with a half-smile, half-serious expression and said, "Elder Brother, I'm sorry for speaking too harshly earlier. Don't take it to heart."

Dario was smiling on the side, "But Elder Brother, although Little Three's words were a bit much, they're all based on reality. Think about it, with tens of billions in assets, who would willingly let it fall into outsiders' hands? If you cooperate with us, with Elder Sister-in-law and Little Niece behind you, you can still get 20%."

At this point, Geraldo's expression suddenly became extremely ugly, his tone and voice turning extremely gloomy as he gritted his teeth, "But Elder Brother, if you don't cooperate, I might get a little impatient. Before you're laid to rest, I might have to do something to your family of three. If you three are gone, all the assets under your name will belong to me and Third Brother. Do you understand this logic?"

Geraldo coughed violently in anger, followed by spitting out a mouthful of blood. His entire being was extremely furious, disrupting the already weak vital energy in his body.

Haidee and Amelia, seeing this, hurriedly went forward to support him, gently patting his back.

At this point, Charlie could no longer bear it. Looking at Dario, he asked coldly, "Are you implying that if Uncle Snow doesn't agree, you'll take action against his family of three?"

Dario didn't bother to continue pretending, arrogantly and maliciously saying, "Kid, no matter who you are, you have no say here. I have important matters to attend to today, so I'll spare your life for now. But I'm only sparing you for today. If you're still alive by this time tomorrow, then I, Dario, will have wasted all these years for nothing!"

After speaking, he immediately looked at Geraldo and said coldly, "Elder Brother, since we've come to this point, I won't beat around the bush anymore. I must get 80% of the assets today. Otherwise, don't blame me and Little Three for disregarding brotherly affection!"

Lucas echoed, "Elder Brother, you're already at death's door. Why are you still being so stubborn? You might die soon, but your wife and children can live for many more years. There's no need to let them accompany you to the grave, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Charlie exploded in anger!

The blood in his body instantly boiled!

At an extremely fast speed, he suddenly lifted his foot and fiercely kicked Lucas in the abdomen!

Before Lucas, Dario, and the two bodyguards could figure out what was happening, Lucas's entire person had already flown out!

He flew out of the room, directly crashing onto the floor of the living room. Only a howl could be heard in mid-air, and after landing, he immediately lost consciousness!

Javier saw his father being kicked and fainting, and hurriedly rushed over to pick him up, anxiously asking, "Dad, Dad, are you okay?!"

Dario was furious to the extreme. Pointing at Charlie, he cursed angrily, "Kid, you've got guts. Aren't you are not afraid?"

Chapter 1512 - "Snap, Crackle, Pop: Charlie's Revenge"

Before the words were finished, Charlie suddenly reached out, grabbing Dario's hand as he pointed at him, and with a sudden force, he snapped Dario's right hand directly from the wrist!


Dario held his limp hand, uncontrollably furious as he shouted to the two burly men behind him, "Damn it, kill him! Kill him right now!"

Feliciano, Dario's son, was also uncontrollably angry, saying, "Kid, you dare to hurt my dad! You're finished! My dad's bodyguards are known as the War God and the Realm Master. Today, they will make sure you don't die peacefully!"

"War God? Realm Master?" Charlie looked at the two big men approaching him with coldness, saying coldly, "Since they're so impressive, I'll make them kneel down and call me daddy today!"

Geraldo, seeing this, was greatly shocked, blurting out, "Be careful, Little Charlie! Both of them are top-notch fighters, with countless blood on their hands. You're no match for them!"

After saying that, he clenched his teeth and said to Dario, "Second Brother! Stop them, don't hurt Little Charlie, and I'll agree to your conditions!"

In Geraldo's view, Charlie was not only the prospective son-in-law he favored but also the only bloodline of his deceased elder brother. No matter what, he couldn't let Charlie die because of him!

If that were to happen, even in the netherworld, he wouldn't have the face to meet Charlie's parents.

Upon hearing this compromise, Dario, with his wrist covered, cursed through gritted teeth, "Compromise now? Too late! This kid dared to hurt me, I'll make sure he's torn into a thousand pieces!"

With that said, he told the two men, "Kill him! Right now! Immediately!"

Dario's two bodyguards were also grim-faced at this moment.

One of them was known as the War God, and the other was known as the Realm Master!

Both were renowned figures in the martial world, and now being humiliated by a kid with some skill, they naturally harbored deep resentment and only wanted to kill him to defend their dignity.

Just as these two rushed to Charlie, Haidee, Geraldo, and Amelia all felt their hearts pounding nervously. They were afraid that Charlie might meet with any accident, especially for this couple who had just reunited with Charlie and dared not let Charlie be in any danger.

But in the blink of an eye, Charlie not only didn't retreat but instead met the War God and the Realm Master head-on. He circulated his spiritual energy into his hands, and with a stretch of his arms, he instantly grabbed the necks of the two men, lifting them high in the air!

At that moment, everyone was stunned!

What's going on?

What the hell is going on?

These are the renowned War God and Realm Master of Eastcliff!

Their strength, in the circle of Eastcliff's wealthy bodyguards, is almost unmatched.

Except for the legendary top-level metaphysical masters under the Salvador family and the Wade family, no one else is their match.

However, a young man like Charlie, actually directly defused the attacks of the two, and even directly grabbed their necks, lifting them off the ground with both feet off the ground!

At this moment, Charlie's hands were like hydraulic pliers with tens of tons of pressure, tightly gripping the necks of the two men.

The two men were instantly terrified!

Desperately kicking and beating their legs and arms, trying to break Charlie's arms and escape.

But then, they realized that their bodies seemed to have been suddenly deprived of all strength! When their arms swung, they were like two inflatable balloons, unable to exert any strength at all!

The same went for their legs, which could only hang limp, unable to kick.

The expressions of the two men were extremely horrified, and their faces quickly turned black and purple from suffocation.

The people from the Snow family were all dumbfounded.

What the hell is this monster?! One person, two hands, actually turned a War God and a Realm Master into this appearance

Chapter 1513 - "Charlie's Daddy Daycare: Converting Henchmen, One 'Daddy' at a Time"

At this moment, everyone present was dumbfounded!

Not only Dario and Lucas, who came to provoke, but even Geraldo and his family were too shocked to speak.

These two, one a War God and the other a Realm Master, were extremely famous figures in Eastcliff. They had killed countless people and had never suffered any defeats. Anyone who mentioned them would shudder.

However, these two couldn't even withstand a single move in front of Charlie.

In a normal fight, there should at least be back and forth exchanges.

As the saying goes, "You punch, I kick; I counter your move; I find your weakness." That's what real masters do.

But Charlie suddenly rushed up and twisted the two top experts into this pathetic state. It made people wonder, just how strong was he?!

Charlie ignored the astonishment of these people. He looked disdainfully at the two in his hands and said coldly, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance to live. Kneel down and call me daddy. If you say it nicely and affectionately, I'll spare your lives. Are you willing?"

The two men stared at Charlie with eyes full of resentment and defiance, though they couldn't speak, their expressions were filled with bitterness and unwillingness.

Charlie nodded and smirked, "A War God and a Realm Master, indeed, you've got some guts. But since it's like this, then you should reincarnate well in your next life and be good people!"

After saying that, he exerted a bit more force with his hands, immediately making the two feel the fear of death.

Although these two had killed countless people, in the end, they were also those who coveted wealth and status. Otherwise, they wouldn't have worked for Dario. So when death gradually approached, both of them, as if by tacit agreement, began to feel extreme panic and fear.

They were unwilling to die like this, after all, there were still so much wealth and glory in the world that they hadn't enjoyed, or hadn't enjoyed enough.

They had been fighting on the border for so many years, enduring the hardships, all for the sake of enjoying the life of the privileged.

However, they hadn't enjoyed their good years for long before they died in vain. That was truly unworthy!

Then, the War God held up by Charlie's left hand, shouted desperately, "Daddy, daddy!"

Because his throat was tightly squeezed by Charlie, his voice was very weak, almost inaudible, but his mouth movements were very accurate, clearly showing that he really wanted to surrender.

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and loosened his left hand slightly. With a smirk, he said, "Come on, say it nicely so I can hear."

The War God burst into tears, his hoarse voice pleading, "Daddy, please spare my life."

Charlie nodded, "Hmm, good son. Since you're so sincere in begging Daddy to spare you, Daddy will be merciful and spare you this time."

The War God was overjoyed, and at this moment, the Realm Master held up by Charlie's right hand, who was about to pass out, saw that his good buddy gained forgiveness by calling Charlie daddy, so he immediately shouted daddy with all his might.

Of course, his throat couldn't produce any sound, so he could only gesture with his mouth.

Seeing that he was about to call Daddy too, Charlie gently loosened his right hand and sneered, "Come on, I'll give you a chance to call Daddy properly."

Chapter 1514 - "Daddy Issues: Charlie's Rule of Humility"

The person was utterly humiliated, but in order to save his life, he obediently begged, "Dad, please spare me, Dad."

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, "You two show a bit of sincerity, so I'll give you a chance to live. Kneel down and call me Dad. If you do it well this time, I'll let you go."

The War God protested immediately, "You want me to call you Dad? I already did that. Why don't you let me go? And now you want me to kneel and call you Dad?"

Charlie chuckled, "I originally said to kneel down and call me Dad. If you don't, then I'll let you die with dignity. It's up to you."

The nearby Realm Master said angrily, "I'm the Realm Master of the Northern Territory. I used to be able to take on a hundred opponents alone. Don't go too far!"

Charlie sneered, "Territorial lord of the Northern Territory? What's that for?"

The Realm Master said, "The Northern Territory Mercenary Corps, the largest private mercenary organization in the North!"

"Oh," Charlie nodded, smiling, "Territorial lord, huh? That title sounds impressive. I also have a title given by people in the martial world. I wonder how it compares to yours in terms of impressiveness?"

The Realm Master questioned, "What's your title?"

Charlie smiled faintly, "Four words: The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men."

The Realm Master's face changed.

The True Heavenly Dragon Among Men?

What kind of nonsense is this?

Isn't he a bit too arrogant?

Charlie couldn't be bothered to argue with him any longer. He exerted a bit more force with his hand and said expressionlessly, "Kneel to live, refuse and die. You have three seconds to decide."

The Realm Master felt the pressure on his throat increasing, terrified. He blurted out, "I kneel! I kneel!"

Charlie looked at the so-called War God next to him, "And you, Brother War God, kneel, or not?"

"I kneel! I also kneel!"

The War God also understood the principle of living is better than dying, nodding without hesitation.

Charlie smiled satisfactorily, directly pressing them down like chicks, saying coldly, "Shout louder, or I'll cripple you both and make you eunuchs for the rest of your lives!"

The two shuddered in fear, kneeling on the ground and crying out together, "Dad, spare us! Dad, spare us!"

The faces of Snow Dario and Lucas, the two brothers, were extremely ugly.

But at this moment, they had no choice.

They could only watch as their two top experts knelt on the ground, calling this young man "Dad."

Charlie saw that the two were calling out sincerely and earnestly, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Good boys, good boys. You can bend and stretch, that's the material for great things."

The two raised their heads, their eyes filled with hidden anger as they looked at Charlie, cursing him a thousand times in their hearts.

At the same time, they were both thinking the same thing.

That is, after getting past this hurdle today, how to regain face from Charlie.

By then, they would have to take his life to resolve their hatred!

What they didn't expect was that Charlie had long been planning to eliminate the future troubles.

So, Charlie, with a playful expression, said with a smile, "You two good boys, one is a War God, the other is a Realm Master, indeed impressive. Daddy is pleased with you, but daddy also doesn't like the way you two are always fighting and killing. So, from today on, just be good babies who sleep on time."

These two thought Charlie was just humiliating them, so they felt resentful but didn't dare to say anything.

But what they didn't know was that Charlie had long planned to disable them.

So, he quietly released two strands of spiritual energy, directly entering their bodies, immediately sealing their dantian and meridians, turning these two top experts in the eyes of ordinary people into completely useless trash.

If they dared to exert force or gather energy, not only would they not be able to unleash any killing power, but their bodies would also suffer extreme pain from tens of thousands of ant bites, making it impossible for them to even lift a brick.

Therefore, the two were now completely useless.

At this moment, Charlie coldly ordered them, "Alright, you two go aside and behave yourselves. I have something to discuss with the two big shots from the Snow

Chapter 1515 - "Dario's Descent: The Slap Heard 'Round the Manor"

Upon hearing these words, the War God and the Realm Master, who were kneeling on the ground, hastily moved aside, not daring to make any trouble.

Meanwhile, Dario and Lucas, upon hearing Charlie's intention to have a good chat with them, both froze, their expressions showing panic as they were at a loss.

They never expected that there would be such a formidable figure in their eldest brother's household.

From their loyal understanding, they knew that there were only a few household guards capable of protecting the family. Although their abilities were decent, compared to the two brought by Charlie, they were miles apart. As soon as they met, they were completely overwhelmed.

However, who would have known that there was another person in their family, a young man with unparalleled methods and terrifying momentum, like a demon!

Seeing Charlie about to cause trouble for them, the two immediately stepped back, and Dario anxiously asked, "What... what do you want?"

"Me?" Charlie smiled. "You've been acting all high and mighty all day, isn't it my turn to act a bit too? Come on, tell me, how do you plan to handle this today?"

"What do you mean handle?!" Dario gritted his teeth. "This is a family matter for our Snow family, it's none of your business! You have no right to interfere!"

After saying that, he warned with a dark face, "Kid, I admit you can fight, but being able to fight is useless. If you provoke me, I won't let you off!"

Geraldo angrily shouted, "Second Brother, if you dare touch Little Charlie, I'll make you regret it! Do you really think I, the eldest of the Snow family, am just here for a free ride?"

Dario was very anxious inside, but he still wanted to save face. He said with a snort, "Elder Brother, even if you're not here for a free ride, how long do you think you'll live?"

He added, "Even if I admit defeat today, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Let me tell you, let's just forget about today's matter. In the future, we won't interfere with each other. If you're willing to accept my previous proposal, we can still be good brothers. When you leave, my third brother and I will make sure to give you a grand farewell. But if you don't agree, don't blame me and my third brother for being merciless after you leave. By then, your wife and child will..."

Before Dario could finish his threatening words, Charlie suddenly raised his hand and fiercely slapped him across the face, sending him crashing to the side!

Lucas hurried to support him but was also brought down by Dario's strong force.

Both brothers cried out in pain. Lucas was better off, just falling down, but Dario was in a miserable state. This slap not only knocked out his teeth but also caused his mouth to bleed profusely. His cheek swelled as if he had been stung by a hornet.

Others quickly came forward to help Dario up, who looked like a dead pig being lifted.

Dario covered his face, sobbing unclearly, "How dare you hit me! Do you think I, Dario, am a pushover?"

Charlie shook his head. "I didn't think you were a pushover. I think you're more like someone who eats shit, with a mouth that stinks to high heaven. Do you know the second son of the Weiver family in South Laverton region, Quintin? He was quite popular on TikTok recently. I think your mouth is on par with his!"

Dario almost exploded with rage!

This guy actually compared himself to Quintin!

He had heard of Quintin, and he almost threw up when he watched his videos on TikTok!

This Charlie actually dared to compare himself to him! Wasn't this insulting his dignity?!

He immediately shouted to the War God and the Realm Master kneeling on the ground, "Damn it, kill him! Kill him and I'll give you two a hundred million!"

The two looked at each other.

A hundred million?

It sounded quite tempting.

But, where would they dare to provoke Charlie? With just one move, Charlie could lift them up like little chicks, almost choking them to death. In front of Charlie, they had no power to resist at all. In this situation, even if a hundred million was placed in front of them, they wouldn't have the ability to earn it.

Chapter 1516 - "Locked in Limbo: The War God's Gun-Gone Gambit"

However, a surge of ecstasy suddenly rose in the heart of the War God.

This was because he had actually been carrying a gun on him all along.

Although he was a martial artist and not particularly fond of using guns, a gun was still a lifesaver. He was serving as a bodyguard for Dario, and most of the time there wasn't much danger, but he still kept something up his sleeve.

However, just now, he was directly pressed and rubbed by Charlie, and he didn't even have a chance to use the gun, let alone think about it.

But now the situation was different.

Charlie's attention was no longer on him.

So, deep down, he couldn't help but think, if Charlie's attention was entirely on Dario and Lucas, then maybe he would have a chance to sneak attack!

Even the strongest would fear bullets. If one shot hit, the opponent would probably lose combat effectiveness immediately. Then, a couple more shots, even a martial arts master would undoubtedly die!

By then, not only would he have avenged the insult, but he would also receive the one hundred million prize from the boss! He wouldn't have to work for the rest of his life and could retire in luxury and wealth!

Thinking of this, he immediately raised his arm, wanting to quietly reach behind him to draw his gun.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that his arm was so weak that he could hardly exert any force.

His arm had been hanging limp before, and he was afraid of angering Charlie, so he didn't dare to move recklessly, and he didn't even notice that his arm had some symptoms of muscle weakness.

He was surprised and thought to himself, "What the hell is going on? Was I so scared just now that my body went limp?"

—Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and tried to exert more strength to move his arm, but the strength in his arm was almost completely gone!

"What the hell is going on?!"

He was extremely shocked, but for the sake of that hundred million, he still exerted all his strength, trying to bring his right hand behind him. What used to be effortless now took several minutes of effort, sweating profusely and still not succeeding.

The moment he felt like all the strength in his body was almost exhausted, he finally struggled to bring his hand behind him, reached through his clothes, and touched his gun.

However, grabbing the gun was as difficult as reaching the sky.

At this moment, he only felt that his five fingers were like someone else's, completely unable to move.

Charlie had been ignoring him all along, but he could still feel that this guy was exerting all his strength. In relative resistance to the trace of spiritual energy left in him, Charlie glanced at him and sneered, "What's wrong, War God? Want to pull out your gun?"

The War God was frightened and hastily said, "No, no, absolutely not."

Charlie smiled and said, "If you want to pull out your gun, you have to be able to do it!"

The War God trembled all over when he heard this, "How did he know I couldn't pull it out? Could it be that he did something to me?!"

Charlie looked deeply at him and said coldly, "I advise you to be honest. At least you can still control your sphincter muscles now. If you dare to act up again, I'll make it so you can't even control your sphincter muscles. Then, if you pee and poop like a one-year-old anytime, anywhere, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

The man was instantly terrified!

What kind of incredible power did this guy have?

What kind of means did he use to almost turn me into a useless person?!

Chapter 1517 - "A Demand for Retribution"

Dario was trembling with fear at this moment.

What the heck was going on?

The War God and Realm Master he had hired with high salaries were now kneeling on the ground calling Charlie "dad" after he pinched their necks. That alone was already unbelievable, but the fact that they couldn't even draw their guns?

You see, these guys were basically the ancestors of gunplay!

For them to be unable to wield guns was as laughable as a barber being unable to handle scissors!

However, no matter how absurd and unbelievable the situation was, it was still a fact.

Dario watched the War God trembling like a dead dog, not daring to make a sound. He knew that they had no hope of relying on them today.

With this realization, wasn't the slap he had just received in vain?

Thinking of this, he felt even more resentful.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to be too arrogant towards Charlie either.

So, he could only say reluctantly, "Fine! Kid, I'll remember you! Let's wait and see!"

After saying that, he immediately said to his son Feliciano next to him, "Let's go!"

Charlie, who had been smiling all along, suddenly shouted coldly, "Go? Who said you could leave?"

Dario took a step back, covering his face, trembling as he asked, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Charlie's voice was cold, "You brought a few dogs to someone else's house, causing a disturbance while they were eating, and now you want to leave just like that?"

Dario hadn't expected Charlie to slap him and still not back down, so he asked tremblingly, "What do you want?"

Charlie said, "My demand is simple. You provoked me, so you must satisfy me. Otherwise, none of you will be allowed to leave."

Feliciano angrily cursed, "Kid, don't push it too far! Otherwise, you won't even know how you died!"

Charlie frowned and asked, "Who gave you the courage? How dare you talk to me like this now?"

Feliciano was uncertain, but he still gritted his teeth and threatened, "Mess with my Snow family, and watch as my Snow family issues a nationwide martial world bounty, offering ten billion dark flowers for your head!"

Charlie nodded, "Good boy, quite interesting. Are you married?"

Feliciano was suddenly stunned. What the hell kind of question was this? Why was he suddenly asking about this?

Seeing him silent, Charlie immediately reached out and grabbed his ear tightly, twisting it nearly one hundred and eighty degrees, and said coldly, "I'm asking you a question, are you deaf?"

Feliciano felt intense pain in his ear, as if it was about to be torn off alive, and cried out, "Ouch! Ouch! It hurts! Please let go of me!"

Charlie applied a bit more force to his hand, "If this ear of yours doesn't work, then you might as well not have it!"

Feliciano, fearing that Charlie would actually tear off his ear, hurriedly begged, "Please, please don't twist it anymore, or it will come off!"

Charlie said coldly, "Answer the question!"

Feliciano hurriedly said, "I'm not married, I'm not married!"

Charlie nodded, "Not married, and no children outside, right?"

"No, no!" Feliciano shook his head repeatedly.

Charlie asked him again, "Then how many children does your dad have?"


"How many boys and how many girls?"

"I have two older sisters."

"Oh." Charlie nodded and said, "So you're your dad's only son, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right."

Chapter 1518 - "From Mouth to Misery: Charlie's Verbal Victories"

Charlie turned to Dario and asked him with a smile, "From what you said earlier, it seems like you're very biased towards males, huh? Mocking others for not having a son. Seems like your son is your everything, huh?"

Dario sensed the threatening undertone in Charlie's words and nervously asked, "What do you want to do? I warn you, if you dare to harm my son, I'll fight you to the end!"

Charlie chuckled, "Why would I harm your son? I'll only harm your grandson."

"Grandson?" Dario was even more puzzled, "I don't have a grandson. What's this guy trying to say?"

Charlie asked him, "By the way, do you know Joaquin Wilson, the chairman of the Eastcliff Frontier Enterprises?"

Dario frowned suspiciously and asked, "I know him, what about it?"

Charlie continued, "He has a hidden illness, just contracted recently. Do you know about it?"

Dario shook his head, "Stop beating around the bush, just say what you want to say!"

Charlie smiled, "Joaquin's hidden illness is just that he can't use a certain thing anymore. However, his fertility is still intact, meaning if he still wants children, he can resort to artificial insemination."

Everyone was utterly confused.

What was this guy trying to say?

At this moment, Charlie sneered and said, "However, your son won't be so lucky. From now on, he won't have any fertility."

As he spoke, a stream of spiritual energy entered Feliciano's body.

When he dealt with Joaquin before, he used true energy to seal off certain functions, preventing him from seeking pleasure. However, he didn't seal off his ability to procreate, and since Joaquin already had children, this ability was inconsequential to him.

However, for Feliciano, fertility was still important, especially since he was still young and Dario was counting on him to continue the family line.

At this moment, Feliciano became furious and said, "You say I don't have fertility, so I don't have fertility? Is your mouth... blessed or something?"

Charlie smiled, "Well, you hit the nail on the head. My mouth is indeed blessed. Whatever I say becomes true. I say you have no fertility, so you have no fertility. If you don't believe it, go home and try it."

The people present looked at each other in confusion.

They were all afraid of Charlie's strength, so they didn't dare to curse at him, let alone confront him.

However, they all felt that Charlie's words were too damn disrespectful.

Cursing someone's infertility, is that something a man should do?

Dario gritted his teeth and asked, "Fine, whatever you say goes. Are you satisfied now? Can we leave?"

"Not yet."

Charlie waved his hand towards Dario's son, Javier, "Come here, kid."

Javier took a step back in fear, "What do you want to do?!"

Charlie said, "I also plan to sterilize you."

Javier's face turned green, and he retreated two steps behind his father, too scared to retort or approach.

Charlie shook his head helplessly and said, "Look at you being such a coward. Luckily, I'm more skilled than you, so sterilizing you with spiritual energy is no problem."

With that, another stream of spiritual energy was released.

After dealing with them, Charlie suddenly realized something and blurted out, "Oh, I forgot something. You two old guys shouldn't be too old yet. You still have fertility, right?"

Dario and Javier were almost driven crazy.

How did they suddenly become old guys?

Both of them were in their forties, not even fifty yet, and with their wealth and proper maintenance, they were as strong as ordinary young people.

However, at this moment, the two of them had no idea what medicine Charlie was selling.

But Charlie casually snapped his fingers and said to them, "Alright, you can go now. I'll be in Eastcliff for the next couple of days. If you want revenge, you can come find me anytime. But if you have any requests for me, just kneel outside Uncle Snow's villa. If you're sincere enough, I might consider it."

Chapter 1519 - "Legs of Iron, Knees of Jello: The Humiliation of Eastcliff's Finest"

Dario and his group were at a loss for what to do, all exchanging uncertain glances.

Even though Charlie had told them to scram, and they really wanted to flee immediately, they hesitated upon hearing that Charlie seemed to have more to say. They didn't dare to leave just yet because they hadn't quite grasped what Charlie meant.

Charlie had no intention of clarifying for them.

This kind of thing needed to be experienced firsthand, just like what happened to Joaquin Wilson.

So, with everyone still standing around looking foolishly at each other, Charlie simply addressed the group, "If you don't leave within three seconds, then stay here!"

Dario felt as though he had been granted a reprieve and hastily waved to the others, "Let's go!"

The ones surnamed Snow turned to leave, leaving behind a War God and a Realm Master still kneeling on the ground.

These two also wanted to leave, but their legs simply wouldn't cooperate.

Originally, there was still some residual strength in their legs, enough to barely stand up and hobble away.

But because they had been kneeling for too long, their legs had gone completely numb, making it impossible to stand up now.

Seeing everyone else leaving, these two became desperate, tears streaming down their faces. The War God choked out, "Second Master, please take us with you!"

Dario, frustrated and angry, scolded, "You useless idiots! Can't kill people and can't even walk?!"

The War God choked back tears, "Second Master, my legs really won't work anymore. If I could stand up, I wouldn't dare to ask for your help."

"Damn it," Dario sucked in a breath of cold air.

Then he couldn't help but glance at Charlie, thinking to himself, "What's going on today? What does this kid have that can turn these two experts under him into this sorry state?"

You see, these two are usually merciless killers, using their hands like knives, capable of chopping through steel rods as thick as thumbs with a single strike. So why can't they even stand up now?

But he dared not dwell on it further. The top priority now was to escape from here and discuss the matter later.

So he irritably instructed Feliciano and Javier, "Feliciano, Javier, help them!"

The two had no choice but to comply. They went over to the War God and the Realm Master, helped them up, and limped out together.

Dario didn't dare to threaten Charlie anymore, but he had already figured out what was going on in his heart. This matter today was definitely not over. He had to find a way to deal with him, then go to his elder Brother's family and demand compensation.

His elder Brother alone had nearly trillions of assets. If they fell into the hands of his wife and daughters, the Snow family would suffer a huge loss!

So, he deliberately wore a dark expression and said to Geraldo, "Elder Brother, there's a board meeting scheduled for tomorrow in the group. As the chairman, you must attend no matter what. There will be media present as well. The details of the board meeting will be announced to the Securities Regulatory Commission and the shareholders. This is a major matter, don't forget about it!"

Chapter 1520 - "Chairman or Chaos: The Snow Siblings' Squabble"

In theory, the three brothers collectively owning 51% of the shares should give the Snow family absolute control over the Snow Corporation, as long as they are united in purpose.

But unfortunately, the second and third brothers are now eagerly trying to snatch away the shares of the eldest brother, Geraldo, who is on the verge of death.

Currently, Dario is seeing that their plan to seize the shares today has failed. Therefore, he plans to continue pressuring his elder brother through tomorrow's board meeting.

Even if his elder brother doesn't agree to transfer the shares right away, he will definitely force him to give up the position of chairman tomorrow!

As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a ruler for a single day, and a dragon cannot be without a head for a single day.

The Snow Corporation, with its vast industrial matrix, cannot afford to be without a chairman.

Currently, Geraldo is still alive, but he is critically ill. If he seeks treatment, he won't have the energy to manage the corporation in the future; if he doesn't seek treatment, he won't live much longer.

So now is the perfect time to press him.

In any case, he must first make his elder brother relinquish the position of chairman and the authority.

Then he can slowly plan to acquire the shares in his brother's hands.

If necessary, he doesn't hesitate to use the most extreme methods, such as eliminating his brother's wife and children after his death, so that the shares of their family of three naturally fall into his and his third brother's hands.

However, he dares not easily resort to such extreme measures because there are many powerful figures in Eastcliff who are well aware of the situation of the major families. Even if he executes his plan flawlessly, he cannot escape the scrutiny of these people.

By then, these top-level figures in Eastcliff's society will all know that he plotted against his elder brother's family.


That way, the impact on the Snow family would be too great.

After all, every circle has its own rules. In the circle of Eastcliff's elite families, whoever dares to harm their own relatives will become the object of everyone's rejection.

By then, the assets, connections, status, and reputation of the Snow family will all suffer a significant decline.

So, he still prefers to use intelligence to achieve his goals.

When Geraldo heard him mention the board meeting, he knew that he intended to pressure him through it.

Now, as the year-end approaches, many listed companies have begun to summarize the year and release annual financial reports, which are eagerly awaited by the nation. The Snow Corporation, being such a large conglomerate, naturally attracts a lot of attention.

And now that he is critically ill, if he attends the board meeting and the whole country sees him in this condition, confidence in the Snow Corporation will definitely be greatly reduced. At that time, the stock price will surely fall, and shareholders will face significant losses.

So, the board meeting will definitely put pressure on him, forcing him to relinquish the position of chairman.

Before that, the three brothers of the Snow family collectively owned 51% of the shares and had absolute control over the board, and other shareholders had no power to force them to do anything.

But now the situation is different.

The two younger brothers are at odds with him, and he only holds 25% of the shares, while the remaining 25% is in the hands of these two younger brothers.

If the two of them no longer cooperate with him and instead join forces with other board members to marginalize him, his 25% of the shares will not be enough to resist them.

As long as their combined shares exceed 51%, they can legitimately impeach him and force him to give up the position of chairman.

Thinking of this, his expression turned cold and he said, "Dario, I know what scheme you're plotting, but rest assured, as long as I, Geraldo, still have a breath left, I will attend tomorrow's board meeting! No matter what tricks you play, I won't let you succeed"
Love this kind of spirit of Mr Geraldo
What am i
Chapter 1521 - "Facing Adversity Together"

Dario and Lucas hurriedly fled from Geraldo's home with their people.

At this moment, the maid rushed in, saying, "Sir, several of our bodyguards are injured. Please take a look."

Geraldo immediately waved his hand and said, "Quickly call 120, send them to the Union Hospital for treatment. I'll cover all expenses, and each person will receive an additional two hundred thousand for recovery. I'll have my secretary go over there."

The maid nodded immediately and took out her phone to dial 120.

The others also went out to check on the bodyguards' injuries. Although they all looked quite miserable, there was no immediate danger to their lives.

However, these bodyguards felt extremely ashamed. They couldn't even lift their heads to look at Geraldo, cursing themselves for their incompetence and unworthiness of Geraldo's trust.

Geraldo didn't care about this at all, comforting each one in turn, "Today's incident was unexpected. The other party came prepared, and they were all experts. It's understandable that you couldn't match them."

He then instructed, "Don't worry about it now. Focus on getting treated and recovering at the hospital!"

Soon, the ambulance took away the injured bodyguards, and Geraldo arranged for his secretary to go to the hospital to handle the related matters.

Only after everything was arranged did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The family of three returned to the dining room with Charlie. Geraldo held Charlie's hand, choked up, and said, "Little Charlie, we owe today's safety to you!"

Amelia and Haidee nodded gratefully beside him.

Amelia said, "Little Charlie, if it weren't for you, I and your Uncle Snow really don't know how we would have gotten through this."

Haidee also cried and said, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you today."

Thinking of the grievances her parents had just suffered, she couldn't control her emotions and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Charlie hurriedly comforted, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Sister Haidee, you are all like family to me. There's no need to be so formal with me."

Geraldo nodded, his eyes red, and asked, "Little Charlie, how did you become so strong? Even those two were no match for you. You're too amazing. What have you been through these years? How did you become so powerful?"

Charlie replied seriously, "Uncle Snow, although I've had a difficult time these years, I've also encountered some opportunities that ordinary people rarely come across, so I've gained some abilities."

Geraldo grabbed his hand and said sincerely, "Little Charlie, if I'm gone, it will be up to you to take care of Aunt Amelia and Sister Haidee. Otherwise, I will never rest in peace."

Amelia wiped her tears and stubbornly said, "Husband, don't say such discouraging words. There's no need to worry about us. After you leave, we will donate all our money! Anyway, my family still has some ability. With Sister Haidee being a big star now, our lives will definitely not be difficult. We will donate all our assets, not letting them have a single cent!"

Geraldo sighed heavily and nodded gently, "After I leave, everything will be up to you two. I have no other wishes, just hoping that you two will live a healthy and peaceful life!"

Haidee cried and said, "Dad, don't say that. Aren't you preparing to be admitted to the hospital for active treatment? Maybe there will be miracles! Don't draw conclusions so early!"

Geraldo smiled bitterly, "Good daughter, your dad has lived for more than half a lifetime, and he has experienced all kinds of storms. Many things can be seen through and accepted. With my illness, no matter where I go, I can't be cured. Active treatment is just a matter of whether it will happen in the first half of the year or the second half of the year."

Now, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and it was also January in the solar calendar. Therefore, Geraldo felt that he definitely couldn't live through this year.

As soon as these words came out, Amelia and Haidee burst into tears, both of them top beauties, crying so pitifully, truly making people feel heartache.

Especially Haidee, Charlie hadn't interacted with her much, but he could still feel her strong and proud personality. But now, seeing her crying like this, there was no trace of her fearless demeanor. She seemed like a pitiful little sister next door, making people feel sorry for her endlessly.

Chapter 1522 - "Cure-iosity Killed the Illness: Geraldo's Decision"

So, Charlie took a deep breath and looked at the three of them, speaking earnestly, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Little Maria, as long as I'm alive, wherever I am, I won't let anyone bully you!"

After saying that, Charlie turned to Geraldo and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, I have a way to cure your illness and restore your health!"

If Charlie had said these words during dinner earlier, Geraldo probably wouldn't have believed him.

He knew that his illness was incurable.

But after seeing Charlie single-handedly defeat that War God and that boundary master just now, he suddenly developed an extremely strong trust in Charlie.

He felt that since Charlie said so, he must have some confidence.

So, he hurriedly asked, "Little Charlie, do you really have a way to cure me?!"

Amelia also said with red eyes, "Yes, Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow's condition is too severe. We consulted the top experts directly, but they..."

At this point, Amelia didn't continue.

They had heard such words too many times as a family of three.

No matter which expert they found, this disease was incurable, at best, it could only prolong life for a few months.

At this moment, Charlie said firmly, "Aunt Amelia, rest assured, if I say I can, then I definitely can!"

Saying that, he took out a Resurrection Pill from his pocket and handed it to Geraldo, saying seriously, "Uncle Snow, take this pill, and all your illnesses will be cured!"

Geraldo stared at him dumbfoundedly, "Is this pill really so miraculous?!"

If someone else handed him such a pill and said that one pill could cure all diseases, Geraldo would definitely not believe it!

Because this completely subverted his understanding of this world, of diseases, of cancer, and even of life.

But, Charlie said it, so suddenly, he felt that Charlie's words might be somewhat credible!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Little Charlie, do I just need to swallow this pill?"

Charlie nodded gently, "Just swallow it directly, drink some warm water, Maria, go pour Uncle Snow a cup of warm water."

"Yes, Brother Charlie!" Haidee immediately got up and poured a cup of warm water over.

Amelia on the side had a complicated expression.

At this moment, she was half believing and half doubtful.

Half believing because she trusted Charlie and half doubtful because she thought it was unlikely.

However, she thought to herself that Charlie would never harm her husband. It was just a pill, even if it didn't cure the illness, it shouldn't harm the body too much.

So, she didn't say anything, quietly waiting for her husband to take the medicine and see if it had any effect.

With the warm water brought over, Geraldo didn't hesitate either. He put the pill emitting a strong medicinal fragrance into his mouth, took another sip of water, then tilted his head back and swallowed the Resurrection Pill.

Chapter 1523 - "Time-Travelling Tonic: Geraldo's Renewal"

The efficacy of the Resurrection Pill is beyond doubt.

This is the essence recorded in the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture", capable of rejuvenating old trees, rejuvenating old people, and bringing back health to those on the brink of death.

Initially, Orvel was severely injured by the Weiver family's bodyguards, with almost no breath left, barely hanging on by a thread.

In such a situation, even the best doctor in the world could only save his life, but could never bring back his brain functions, at best leaving him in a vegetative state.

However, after taking a Resurrection Pill, Orvel not only fully recovered but also appeared to be ten years younger.

This clearly demonstrates how miraculous the effects of the Resurrection Pill are.

Therefore, Charlie firmly believes that the Resurrection Pill can also cure Geraldo!

At this moment, Geraldo, in front of his wife and daughter, took the Resurrection Pill and immediately felt an unprecedented sense of comfort spreading in his abdomen.

His whole body felt like dry, cracked land after years of drought, devoid of any moisture.

But this medicinal power was like an endless spring, gushing out from the cracks in the ground, not only moisturizing the entire land but also covering it with abundant water sources!

Originally, his physical strength had been depleted by more than eighty percent due to his serious illness. He had personally experienced the feeling of his body deteriorating.

It was like a bucket with a hole at the bottom, allowing him to directly feel the accelerated passing of life.

But now, he suddenly realized that the feeling of being on the brink of death seemed to be happening in reverse!

He could clearly feel his life ebbing away, only to be rapidly replenished again.

Soon, he felt that his body had recovered to fifty percent of its health!

Next, seventy percent! Ninety percent!

-- Soon after, it was one hundred percent!

In just over a minute, he felt like he had returned to his healthy state.

When he was healthy, he was forty-eight years old. Now he is terminally sick at the age of fifty.

Although there was a difference of two years, being forty-eight meant being healthy, while being fifty meant being terminally ill. The difference was like night and day!

And now, he had regained the feeling of being healthy and robust at forty-eight!

He felt that all of this was truly miraculous, as if he had had the most beautiful dream before he died!

But the surprise wasn't over yet!

After all, this was the Resurrection Pill!!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Old Master Walker was willing to kneel down to Charlie for!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Orvel was willing to sacrifice everything for Charlie!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Samuel Turner was willing to spend two billion per pill to buy!

With such a miraculous and precious Resurrection Pill, how could it only bring Geraldo's body back to when he was forty-eight?

The Resurrection Pill was like a miraculous force that could traverse time, dragging Geraldo's body back desperately!

Then, Geraldo felt like he had returned to when he was forty-five!

That year, there was one thing that left a deep impression on him.

That year, his father passed away.

The extremely filial Geraldo bought the best golden nanmu coffin for his father.

That coffin required sixteen strong young men to lift it together.

Geraldo pulled his younger brothers, Dario and Lucas, to join in, hoping to personally carry the coffin for his deceased father.

However, Dario and Lucas were unable to support it at all, and after trying once, they were panting heavily from exhaustion.

In the end, Geraldo and fifteen other young men lifted the coffin together and sent it into the tomb.

Chapter 1524 - "From Old to Bold: Geraldo's Regeneration"

After falling ill, Geraldo had countless memories of his past.

Back then, he was truly indomitable! At the age of forty-five, he still wanted to be like a thirty-year-old.

In fact, his body back then was indeed better than most people of the same age. Although it was very strenuous, he managed to endure lifting the coffin that time!

And now, that peak state had returned!

Geraldo sat in his chair, tears streaming down his face!

He felt that all of this was simply a gift from heaven! When he was critically ill, he only hoped to survive, never daring to hope that he could return to such a peak state in life!

But now, this incredibly miraculous transformation was happening to him!

At this moment, miracles were not only happening to Geraldo but also to Amelia and Haidee!

They could visibly see Geraldo's pale face rapidly regaining color.

The sunken eye sockets and dark circles unique to terminally ill patients were rapidly fading away, and even his already gray hair was quickly turning black! Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to be smoothed out by an invisible iron!

Heavens! What did they just witness? They actually witnessed the reversal of time!

Amelia covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes widened, and those stunning eyes, after shedding too many tears of sadness, shed tears of excitement for the first time.

Haidee was the same. Her tears had already burst forth, but fearing to disturb the continuation of the miracle, she dared not make any sound.

During the time her father was ill, she secretly prayed to all the deities she knew in this world, hoping that a miracle could happen.

But every time she prayed, all she got was endless disappointment, even despair.

But who would have thought that the deities couldn't cure her father, but her fiance, the one she had been yearning for over ten years, the one who had been following him since childhood, actually brought the most miraculous miracle to her father!

Geraldo's body continued to regress in time.

At this moment, he had already felt the state he had at the age of forty.

That year, he heard someone say that in a distant Argentina, they saw a young Chinese man, who, in the capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires, worked as a temporary tour guide for Chinese tourists to make a living, and looked very much like his elder Brother from back then.

Geraldo was extremely excited when he heard this news.

He immediately booked a round-trip ticket to Argentina.

Argentina is the farthest country from China.

Whether traveling from the east or the west, it takes at least twenty thousand kilometers of straight-line distance to reach.

No civilian airliner can fly continuously for twenty thousand kilometers, so there are no direct flights from Eastcliff to Buenos Aires.

But at that time, Geraldo's private plane had a maximum range of less than eight thousand kilometers.

However, in order to find Charlie, he unhesitatingly departed in the late night of that day.

The plane took off from Eastcliff, made a stop for refueling, first flew to Dallas, USA, then stopped again for refueling in Dallas, and then flew to Buenos Aires non-stop.

The entire flight took about thirty hours.

During these thirty hours, Geraldo never closed his eyes.

He thought he would definitely find Charlie's whereabouts that time, so he couldn't rest in his excitement.

Plus, he hadn't rested for more than ten hours before takeoff, so he managed to hold on for forty-eight hours, but at that time, he didn't even feel any fatigue.

It wasn't until he found the young man who indeed looked like Charlie's father, and after confirming that he was not the Charlie he was looking for, more than fifty hours had passed.

It was only at that moment that he felt a sense of exhaustion and fatigue.

And now, he actually felt his body returning to that time.

His worldview of decades had been completely overturned in an instant.

He couldn't figure out what kind of miraculous medicine Charlie gave him? Could it be the legendary Elixir of the Supreme Old Lord? Otherwise, how could it be so miraculous?

At this moment, Geraldo, who had become at least ten years younger, was in tears, speechless with choked emotion.

Chapter 1525 - "A Bow of Gratefulness: Geraldo's Homage"

At this moment, Amelia and Haidee were crying uncontrollably.

They stood on either side of Geraldo, holding his warm hand, too overwhelmed to speak.

Although Geraldo hadn't undergone any medical tests yet, and neither of them had received any authoritative reports confirming whether Geraldo had been cured, they believed their own eyes, trusted their judgment, and believed that he was completely healed now!

As a firsthand experiencer of the Resurrection Pill's effects, Geraldo knew his own condition inside out. He was now a hundred and ten percent sure that he had not only recovered but also returned to the state he was in ten years ago, at the age of forty.

This filled him with boundless joy.

It took him a long time to regain his composure from the overwhelming emotions. Then, he looked up at Charlie, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he suddenly gently pushed aside his wife and daughter beside him, bent his knees, and knelt directly in front of Charlie.

Charlie didn't expect Geraldo to kneel before him. He hurriedly reached out to support him, preventing him from kneeling down no matter what.

But Geraldo kept trying to push his hand away, solemnly and devoutly saying, "Little Charlie, your kindness to Uncle is as great as rebuilding him. No matter what, you cannot stop me from doing this!"

Charlie blurted out, "Uncle Snow, you are my father's sworn brother, which is equivalent to being my own uncle. How can I accept such a grand gesture from you? It would be too much for me."

Geraldo shook his head and said, "Little Charlie, your kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. Even if I were to give you half of my assets, it would not be enough to repay this kindness. So no matter what, you must accept this bow from me."

Before Charlie could say anything, Amelia beside him had already knelt down, and Haidee followed suit without hesitation.

Amelia choked up, "Little Charlie, you have shown immense kindness to our family. Auntie will never forget this in her lifetime."

Haidee nodded repeatedly, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you."

At this moment, Geraldo was still struggling with Charlie, insisting on kneeling on the ground.

Seeing this, Charlie sighed lightly, then let go of Geraldo and stood up straight, saying seriously, "Since that's the case, I won't stop you anymore. But after you thank me, let's not mention this matter again. I haven't eaten anything yet. Let's sit down and have lunch first, alright?"

Geraldo immediately knelt on the ground, clasping his hands above his head, sincerely saying, "Little Charlie, Uncle is not stupid. I can see that you must be a person of great ability. Uncle is grateful to you for giving me such a great opportunity. I will remember it for the rest of my life! If there is anything Uncle needs to do in the future, even if it's going through fire and water, I will not hesitate!"

Charlie smiled faintly, helped him up, and said, "Uncle Snow, you've thanked me enough. Shall we eat now?"

Geraldo hurriedly smiled and said, "Come, let's continue eating!"

After that, he eagerly looked at Amelia and said, "Wife! Go to our home's cellar and fetch a bottle of the top-quality Maotai I've been saving. I want to have a good drink with Little Charlie today! I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in over a year, and I've been craving it!"

Amelia wiped away her tears while smiling, "Okay! You two sit and eat first. I'll go get it!"

Chapter 1526 - "Toasting to Health"

Before long, Amelia returned with a two kilograms of Maotai liquor.

Geraldo took the bottle, opened it, and said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, since the year our daughter was born, I've been spending a lot of money each year to buy the best Maotai available. Now, I've stored a whole cellar full of top-notch Maotai. Originally, I planned to wait until our daughter's wedding day to bring them out to entertain our relatives and friends, but today, let's just you and me have a taste!"

Amelia chuckled beside him, "Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow treasures this batch of wine very much. The cellar is like a vault, thing goes in but nothing comes out. It's been stored for over twenty years, and not a single bottle has been opened until today!"

Geraldo smiled, "This wine was originally prepared for Little Charlie and our daughter's wedding. Drinking it now is just a warm-up!"

Haidee blushed immediately.

Charlie couldn't help feeling embarrassed.


He was already a married man. How could he possibly marry Haidee now?

Geraldo also sensed the embarrassment in Charlie's expression and said seriously, "Little Charlie, I understand your current situation. You don't need to feel burdened. Now that Uncle is cured, I'm sure I can live for another twenty or thirty years without any problem. I'll make the decision, and our family will wait for you for three years!"

With that, Geraldo poured the wine while saying, "During these three years, you can carefully resolve your current issues and plan for your future, whether you want to return to Eastcliff, whether you want to return to the Wade family, you should think about it carefully. But whether you return to the Wade family or not doesn't matter to me. In my eyes, you are the son-in-law of the Snow family, and everything in the Snow family belongs to you. Even if there is no Wade family, it doesn't matter!"

"Yes, Little Charlie!" Amelia also said on the side, "You were born in Eastcliff and lived there until you were eight. This is your root. After you marry our daughter, the best choice is still to return to Eastcliff to live!"

"If you feel tired of the complicated matters in the Eastcliff aristocratic families, I also support you and our daughter to settle overseas. And you don't need to worry about money. Your Uncle Snow's assets are already enough for both of you to live a worry-free life in any country in the world!"

Haidee's face blushed, silent on the side, but her eyes occasionally looked at Charlie, full of tenderness.

Charlie knew that his engagement to Haidee was arranged by his parents.

And it had already existed for over twenty years. It was his own failure to keep his parents' promise. If he were to refute it immediately now, he would have no face to face his deceased parents.

So, he nodded slightly and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, I will carefully consider these issues."

In his opinion, delaying and then slowly resolving this matter was the best solution.

Geraldo naturally agreed with a mouthful. Then, he handed a cup of wine to Charlie and raised his own, saying boldly, "Come on, Little Charlie! Let's finish this cup!"

Charlie nodded, the two clinked their cups, and then drank the high-end Maotai in their cups.

After drinking a cup of wine, Geraldo smacked his lips, feeling a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, and exclaimed excitedly, "Ah, now I understand. Having money and power is nothing compared to having health! Health is the most important thing!"

He couldn't help but ask Charlie, "By the way, Little Charlie, do you mind telling Uncle what kind of miraculous medicine you gave me? How could it have such miraculous effects? It's like an elixir!"

Chapter 1527 - "Guarding the Grapevine: Geraldo's Precaution"

When Charlie heard Geraldo asking about the Resurrection Pill, he smiled faintly and said, "Uncle Snow, this medicine is called the Resurrection Pill. I dare not claim it to be a true elixir, but I boldly assert that it is at least half-immortal. This medicine was refined by a divine doctor in ancient China. I happened to obtain it by chance."

Geraldo didn't doubt him, saying earnestly, "This medicine is truly extraordinary. It doesn't seem like something of this world. The feeling when taking it just now was simply like a dream! It seems that our ancestors indeed possessed many powers beyond our comprehension!"

Charlie nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't know who wrote the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," based on the age of the jade spring bottle, it should have been made during the Thompson Dynasty.

And there were no traces of later cutting on that bottle, which meant that the wooden box where the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were stored should have been placed inside before the Thompson Dynasty craftsmen made that jade spring bottle.

Moreover, the material of that wooden box and the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" was also very mysterious. Even after being fired in a big fire, there were no issues at all. After he opened it, it dissipated instantly, and Charlie himself couldn't see through the mysteries.

So, he could empathize with Geraldo's words.

After three rounds of drinks, Geraldo's mood became increasingly high, and he drank very happily. Soon, the two of them each downed a catty of white wine.

At this moment, Amelia suddenly remembered something and said, "Geraldo, at tomorrow's board meeting, your appearance might scare quite a few people, especially the second and third brothers."

Geraldo sneered, "You're right! Tomorrow, not only do I want to shock the entire board meeting, but I also want to overhaul the entire board! I used to be too lenient with the second and third brothers. I never dreamed they would kick me when I was seriously ill. But starting tomorrow, their days at the Snow Group won't be so comfortable anymore!"

Amelia hurriedly said, "From now on, you must take personal safety seriously. Whether it's for the group or for the family, we need to hire more bodyguards to prevent the second and third brothers from acting recklessly."

Geraldo nodded, "You can rest assured. I'll communicate with the best security company tomorrow and spend two hundred million to hire the best security team to protect our family's safety 24/7. From now on, apart from the people in this room, I won't trust anyone else!"

The people in this room, as Geraldo said, referred to his wife, daughter, and Charlie.

Now, apart from these three people, he really couldn't trust anyone else.

Even his own younger brother could betray him. Moreover, they even wanted to seize his family property by force, and what was more outrageous was that they even threatened him with the lives of his wife and child. This not only made him furious, but also made him see through the true nature of human beings.

So what if they were brothers? In the face of interests, didn't they also turn against each other?

Thinking of this, Geraldo looked at Charlie and said seriously, "Little Charlie, if you don't have any plans tomorrow, why don't you come with me? With you there, Uncle will be more confident."

Charlie naturally nodded without hesitation.

This trip to Eastcliff was to help Geraldo solve problems.

With his health issues resolved, he also needed to help as much as possible with the asset issues.

Otherwise, with Geraldo just recovering from a serious illness and his control over the group at its weakest, he might not be able to compete with his two younger brothers.

If his two younger brothers joined forces with other shareholders to marginalize him, it would be troublesome.

Moreover, what Charlie was more worried about was that his two younger brothers might want his life.

After all, they had been coveting the tens of billions of family assets for so long, so they wouldn't easily give up.

Chapter 1528 - "Tomb Talks: Geraldo's Account"

So, he must help Geraldo solve all the problems in order to leave Eastcliff and return to Aurous Hill.

Seeing Charlie agreeing, Geraldo sighed, raised his glass and said, "Come, Little Charlie, Uncle will toast you!"

Charlie nodded and clinked glasses with him again.

Seeing the two of them drinking happily, Amelia whispered to Haidee beside her, "Your dad hasn't been this happy in a long time."

Haidee also nodded repeatedly, whispering to her mom, "It seems like he hasn't been this happy since Uncle Wade's accident."

Under the table, Amelia gently held her daughter's hand and whispered, "Little Charlie is a good man. You must seize the opportunity!"

Haidee blushed and felt a bit embarrassed, saying, "Mom, how can I seize the opportunity now? Brother Charlie is already married, and he hasn't divorced yet."

Amelia said seriously, "Silly child, he is your fiancé since childhood. It's someone else who took your husband, not you stealing someone else's husband!"

After a slight pause, Amelia continued, "Moreover, in Aurous Hill, I don't believe any local girl is worthy of Charlie. Even the richest family in the area is not qualified. Looking at the whole Eastcliff, besides you, only the girl from the Salvador family can match Charlie."

"And you have a marriage contract with him, and our families have been friends for many years. You marrying Charlie is only natural and logical."

"And then, your dad and I will have an extra son! Your dad will definitely be happy all the time!"

Haidee's pretty face turned red with shyness. "Mom, then what should I do? I don't have any experience in this area."

Amelia said, "Mom will teach you slowly later!"

At this time, Charlie also returned Geraldo's toast with a cup of wine, then said, "Uncle Snow, besides seeing you and Aunt Amelia, and helping you with your illness this time, I also want to pay my respects to my parents' graves. I wonder where my parents are buried now?"

Geraldo sighed with a bit of melancholy and said, "Your parents are buried on the west side of Yanling Mountain."

"Yanling Mountain?" Charlie didn't know which "Yan" and "Ling" Geraldo was referring to because he heard these three words from Geraldo.

So, he asked in surprise, "Uncle Snow, why haven't I heard of this place?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is actually a very good Feng Shui mountain on the west side. Originally, your parents were buried in the ancestral tomb of the Wade family in the north suburbs. But four years ago, there was an incident in the Wade family. They consulted a high-level person, who then advised them to buy this mountain and renamed it Yanling Mountain. 'Wade' is your Wade family, and 'Ling' is the tomb."

Speaking of this, Geraldo continued, "After the Wade family bought Yanling Mountain, they invested several billion to completely renovate and develop the mountain. It took three years for the development to be completed, and it was not until last spring that it was completed. After the completion, the Wade family moved the entire ancestral tomb over. At that time, the movement was huge and grand, and everyone in Eastcliff knew about it."

Charlie frowned slightly, "The Wade family has been in Eastcliff for hundreds of years, with over a hundred ancestors buried in the ancestral tomb. Such a large scale, did the Wade family agree to move it all?"

Geraldo nodded and said, "This matter, I heard rumors from the market. It is said that four years ago, your grandfather suddenly fell ill, but no problem could be found. He sought medical advice everywhere, but to no avail."

"Later, the Wade family also traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in the country, visited many high-level people, but after these high-level people came to see them, they all left without saying a word, and when asked, they didn't mention the reason."

"Your grandfather was driven crazy, went to the United States in person, and only after three tries did he manage to invite back a hundred-year-old Chinese Feng Shui master. After this Feng Shui master came, he visited the Wade family ancestral tomb and said that the Feng Shui of the Wade family's bureau was like a dragon trapped in shallow water, and it was not easy to resolve. So he guided the Wade family to move the ancestral tomb to Yanling Mountain."

Chapter 1529 - "Undercover Tribute: Charlie's Resolve"

Regarding the Feng Shui of the Wade Family and the matter of relocating ancestors' graves, Charlie didn't pay too much attention to it.

He wasn't really interested in the people and affairs of the Wade Family.

All along, he only cared about two things regarding the Wade Family.

First, where his parents were buried and whether he could pay his respects.

Second, who was responsible for harming his parents and whether they were from the Wade Family.

As for other matters concerning the Wade Family, he didn't want to bother with them at all.

So, after listening to Geraldo's introduction to Yanling Mountain, Charlie asked, "Uncle Snow, can I go to Yanling Mountain to pay my respects?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is the ancestral grave of your Wade Family, a place of great Feng Shui. Usually, the Wade Family controls it very strictly, and outsiders can't enter at all. Even I have to inform the Wade Family in advance and make an appointment to go. But you are a descendant of the Wade Family, so just a notification should allow you to go directly."

Charlie shook his head and said, "Uncle Snow, to be honest, I don't want the people of the Wade Family to know that I have come to Eastcliff. I still don't want too much contact with them for the time being."

Geraldo thought for a moment and said, "Well then, let me make a call to your uncle later. I'll say that I want to pay respects to your parents and ask him to inform the people below. Then, you can disguise yourself a bit and come with me. After all, you look so much like your father. If the elders of the Wade Family see you, they'll definitely recognize you."

Charlie hurriedly got up and bowed deeply to Geraldo. "Uncle Snow, thank you for your help!"

Geraldo hastily got up to support him, trembling as he said, "Little Charlie, what are you doing? You are our family's great benefactor. Why are you bowing to me for such a small matter?"

Charlie, with a solemn expression, said, "Uncle Snow, when it comes to the passing of my parents, it's not a small matter for me. My parents passed away eighteen years ago, and I have never paid my respects at their graves. It's disloyal and unfilial of me. You're helping me fulfill this duty, which is of great significance to me. How can I not bow to you?"

Upon hearing this, Geraldo hastily reproached himself, "Oh my, I misspoke. This is indeed not a small matter. Don't worry, nephew, Uncle will take you there tomorrow!"

Amelia on the side said, "Let me and my daughter go with you. If it's just the two of you, the people of the Wade Family might get suspicious. After all, they are well aware of our family's situation. Besides you, there are no other young men in our family."

Geraldo said, "That's not a problem. We can let Little Charlie disguise himself as my driver."

Amelia nodded, but still insisted, "Then let us mother and daughter go with you. It's been almost half a year since I visited Brother Wade and Sister-in-law."

"Yes!" Haidee also hurriedly said, "Dad, let me and Mom go with you!"

Geraldo nodded and said, "Okay, we'll go together tomorrow!"

After saying that, he thought about the time and said again, "In that case, in the morning, Little Charlie and I will go to the company for a board meeting. You two can wait at home. After the meeting, we'll come to pick you up and go together."

Amelia readily agreed, "Okay!"

During the course of drinking and exchanging cups, Charlie and Geraldo finished off a bottle of Maotai liquor weighing four catties.

After being full of food and drink, the two were in high spirits, so Geraldo pulled him to the study and looked through many precious old photos.

These old photos all had the figures of Charlie's parents. The earliest photo was when Charlie's parents had just gotten married, before Charlie was born.

Chapter 1530 - "Cherished Memories: Shared Moments of Joy"

At first glance, Charlie's parents were undoubtedly a stunning couple.

His father was handsome and elegant, while his mother was beautiful and graceful. Especially his mother's beauty, even Amelia couldn't compare, standing out in any era.

Unfortunately, the once-famous couple from Eastcliff had long passed away, leaving behind only faded images and lingering memories.

Back then, Geraldo hadn't married yet, so at the wedding, he stood alone beside Charlie's father, taking a photo with Charlie's parents.

Next were the photos from Geraldo and Amelia's wedding.

At his wedding, Charlie's parents were both present to offer their congratulations.

So, the four of them took a photo together.

Then, Charlie was born, turning the four people in the photo into five, with him swaddled in his mother's arms.

Later, Haidee was born.

So, the photo became of six people.

These six individuals, from both children being swaddled, to Charlie standing beside his parents, and then Haidee standing beside them too.

Then, there were photos of just the two children.

Charlie was half a head taller than Haidee, looking like a elder Brother, while Haidee resembled a little sister, sticking closely to Charlie's side.

Interestingly, in every photo of the two, Haidee tightly grasped Charlie's arm, her expression full of happiness and contentment.

And Charlie, on the side, always seemed a bit reserved, deliberately maintaining some distance from Haidee.

Geraldo looked at these old photos, sighing, "I never thought time would pass so quickly. In the blink of an eye, you've grown so big."

Charlie, after seeing so many old photos of his parents, had reddened eyes and nearly shed tears several times but managed to hold them back.

Seeing this, Geraldo gently patted his shoulder and said, "Little Charlie, your parents, if they knew you were safe, would surely be very happy."

Charlie nodded, feeling emotional. "I just feel a bit ashamed to face them. I haven't paid my respects to them for so many years. I feel guilty in my heart. And over these years, I haven't achieved anything remarkable to repay my parents' nurturing."

"Don't say that." Geraldo said seriously, "Your parents were always broad-minded and never harbored the expectation for you to become a dragon or phoenix. They were already extraordinary individuals, so their only hope for you was to grow up healthy and happy, without any worries or troubles in your life."

Speaking of this, Geraldo smiled and continued, "Do you know, your mother especially liked the name Li Mo Chou from Jin Yong's novels? She thought the name was particularly good. But since the Li Mo Chou in the book wasn't a good person, when you hadn't been born yet, your mother joked that if you were a girl, she would name you Mo Chou."

Charlie smiled knowingly, thinking of his mother, feeling a warm flow in his heart.

His mother was indeed as Geraldo described, never hoping for him to become extraordinary. She always told him since he was young that being happy and being a kind and upright person were enough, and achievements and status weren't important.

After chatting with Geraldo for an afternoon, when Amelia came in to deliver some fruit, she said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, the guest room has been prepared for you. It's next to Maria's room on the second floor. You drank so much wine at noon, you should rest in your room for a while later. If there's anything, just find Maria directly."

"Okay." Charlie nodded, "Thank you, Aunt Amelia."
What am I thinking Haidee's mother is trying to do,I thought she was trying her best to initiate Charlie into Sex sect 😂😂
Chapter 1521 - "Facing Adversity Together"

Dario and Lucas hurriedly fled from Geraldo's home with their people.

At this moment, the maid rushed in, saying, "Sir, several of our bodyguards are injured. Please take a look."

Geraldo immediately waved his hand and said, "Quickly call 120, send them to the Union Hospital for treatment. I'll cover all expenses, and each person will receive an additional two hundred thousand for recovery. I'll have my secretary go over there."

The maid nodded immediately and took out her phone to dial 120.

The others also went out to check on the bodyguards' injuries. Although they all looked quite miserable, there was no immediate danger to their lives.

However, these bodyguards felt extremely ashamed. They couldn't even lift their heads to look at Geraldo, cursing themselves for their incompetence and unworthiness of Geraldo's trust.

Geraldo didn't care about this at all, comforting each one in turn, "Today's incident was unexpected. The other party came prepared, and they were all experts. It's understandable that you couldn't match them."

He then instructed, "Don't worry about it now. Focus on getting treated and recovering at the hospital!"

Soon, the ambulance took away the injured bodyguards, and Geraldo arranged for his secretary to go to the hospital to handle the related matters.

Only after everything was arranged did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The family of three returned to the dining room with Charlie. Geraldo held Charlie's hand, choked up, and said, "Little Charlie, we owe today's safety to you!"

Amelia and Haidee nodded gratefully beside him.

Amelia said, "Little Charlie, if it weren't for you, I and your Uncle Snow really don't know how we would have gotten through this."

Haidee also cried and said, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you today."

Thinking of the grievances her parents had just suffered, she couldn't control her emotions and tears flowed uncontrollably.

Charlie hurriedly comforted, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Sister Haidee, you are all like family to me. There's no need to be so formal with me."

Geraldo nodded, his eyes red, and asked, "Little Charlie, how did you become so strong? Even those two were no match for you. You're too amazing. What have you been through these years? How did you become so powerful?"

Charlie replied seriously, "Uncle Snow, although I've had a difficult time these years, I've also encountered some opportunities that ordinary people rarely come across, so I've gained some abilities."

Geraldo grabbed his hand and said sincerely, "Little Charlie, if I'm gone, it will be up to you to take care of Aunt Amelia and Sister Haidee. Otherwise, I will never rest in peace."

Amelia wiped her tears and stubbornly said, "Husband, don't say such discouraging words. There's no need to worry about us. After you leave, we will donate all our money! Anyway, my family still has some ability. With Sister Haidee being a big star now, our lives will definitely not be difficult. We will donate all our assets, not letting them have a single cent!"

Geraldo sighed heavily and nodded gently, "After I leave, everything will be up to you two. I have no other wishes, just hoping that you two will live a healthy and peaceful life!"

Haidee cried and said, "Dad, don't say that. Aren't you preparing to be admitted to the hospital for active treatment? Maybe there will be miracles! Don't draw conclusions so early!"

Geraldo smiled bitterly, "Good daughter, your dad has lived for more than half a lifetime, and he has experienced all kinds of storms. Many things can be seen through and accepted. With my illness, no matter where I go, I can't be cured. Active treatment is just a matter of whether it will happen in the first half of the year or the second half of the year."

Now, it was already the twelfth lunar month, and it was also January in the solar calendar. Therefore, Geraldo felt that he definitely couldn't live through this year.

As soon as these words came out, Amelia and Haidee burst into tears, both of them top beauties, crying so pitifully, truly making people feel heartache.

Especially Haidee, Charlie hadn't interacted with her much, but he could still feel her strong and proud personality. But now, seeing her crying like this, there was no trace of her fearless demeanor. She seemed like a pitiful little sister next door, making people feel sorry for her endlessly.

Chapter 1522 - "Cure-iosity Killed the Illness: Geraldo's Decision"

So, Charlie took a deep breath and looked at the three of them, speaking earnestly, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, Little Maria, as long as I'm alive, wherever I am, I won't let anyone bully you!"

After saying that, Charlie turned to Geraldo and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, I have a way to cure your illness and restore your health!"

If Charlie had said these words during dinner earlier, Geraldo probably wouldn't have believed him.

He knew that his illness was incurable.

But after seeing Charlie single-handedly defeat that War God and that boundary master just now, he suddenly developed an extremely strong trust in Charlie.

He felt that since Charlie said so, he must have some confidence.

So, he hurriedly asked, "Little Charlie, do you really have a way to cure me?!"

Amelia also said with red eyes, "Yes, Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow's condition is too severe. We consulted the top experts directly, but they..."

At this point, Amelia didn't continue.

They had heard such words too many times as a family of three.

No matter which expert they found, this disease was incurable, at best, it could only prolong life for a few months.

At this moment, Charlie said firmly, "Aunt Amelia, rest assured, if I say I can, then I definitely can!"

Saying that, he took out a Resurrection Pill from his pocket and handed it to Geraldo, saying seriously, "Uncle Snow, take this pill, and all your illnesses will be cured!"

Geraldo stared at him dumbfoundedly, "Is this pill really so miraculous?!"

If someone else handed him such a pill and said that one pill could cure all diseases, Geraldo would definitely not believe it!

Because this completely subverted his understanding of this world, of diseases, of cancer, and even of life.

But, Charlie said it, so suddenly, he felt that Charlie's words might be somewhat credible!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Little Charlie, do I just need to swallow this pill?"

Charlie nodded gently, "Just swallow it directly, drink some warm water, Maria, go pour Uncle Snow a cup of warm water."

"Yes, Brother Charlie!" Haidee immediately got up and poured a cup of warm water over.

Amelia on the side had a complicated expression.

At this moment, she was half believing and half doubtful.

Half believing because she trusted Charlie and half doubtful because she thought it was unlikely.

However, she thought to herself that Charlie would never harm her husband. It was just a pill, even if it didn't cure the illness, it shouldn't harm the body too much.

So, she didn't say anything, quietly waiting for her husband to take the medicine and see if it had any effect.

With the warm water brought over, Geraldo didn't hesitate either. He put the pill emitting a strong medicinal fragrance into his mouth, took another sip of water, then tilted his head back and swallowed the Resurrection Pill.

Chapter 1523 - "Time-Travelling Tonic: Geraldo's Renewal"

The efficacy of the Resurrection Pill is beyond doubt.

This is the essence recorded in the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture", capable of rejuvenating old trees, rejuvenating old people, and bringing back health to those on the brink of death.

Initially, Orvel was severely injured by the Weiver family's bodyguards, with almost no breath left, barely hanging on by a thread.

In such a situation, even the best doctor in the world could only save his life, but could never bring back his brain functions, at best leaving him in a vegetative state.

However, after taking a Resurrection Pill, Orvel not only fully recovered but also appeared to be ten years younger.

This clearly demonstrates how miraculous the effects of the Resurrection Pill are.

Therefore, Charlie firmly believes that the Resurrection Pill can also cure Geraldo!

At this moment, Geraldo, in front of his wife and daughter, took the Resurrection Pill and immediately felt an unprecedented sense of comfort spreading in his abdomen.

His whole body felt like dry, cracked land after years of drought, devoid of any moisture.

But this medicinal power was like an endless spring, gushing out from the cracks in the ground, not only moisturizing the entire land but also covering it with abundant water sources!

Originally, his physical strength had been depleted by more than eighty percent due to his serious illness. He had personally experienced the feeling of his body deteriorating.

It was like a bucket with a hole at the bottom, allowing him to directly feel the accelerated passing of life.

But now, he suddenly realized that the feeling of being on the brink of death seemed to be happening in reverse!

He could clearly feel his life ebbing away, only to be rapidly replenished again.

Soon, he felt that his body had recovered to fifty percent of its health!

Next, seventy percent! Ninety percent!

-- Soon after, it was one hundred percent!

In just over a minute, he felt like he had returned to his healthy state.

When he was healthy, he was forty-eight years old. Now he is terminally sick at the age of fifty.

Although there was a difference of two years, being forty-eight meant being healthy, while being fifty meant being terminally ill. The difference was like night and day!

And now, he had regained the feeling of being healthy and robust at forty-eight!

He felt that all of this was truly miraculous, as if he had had the most beautiful dream before he died!

But the surprise wasn't over yet!

After all, this was the Resurrection Pill!!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Old Master Walker was willing to kneel down to Charlie for!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Orvel was willing to sacrifice everything for Charlie!

This was the Resurrection Pill that Samuel Turner was willing to spend two billion per pill to buy!

With such a miraculous and precious Resurrection Pill, how could it only bring Geraldo's body back to when he was forty-eight?

The Resurrection Pill was like a miraculous force that could traverse time, dragging Geraldo's body back desperately!

Then, Geraldo felt like he had returned to when he was forty-five!

That year, there was one thing that left a deep impression on him.

That year, his father passed away.

The extremely filial Geraldo bought the best golden nanmu coffin for his father.

That coffin required sixteen strong young men to lift it together.

Geraldo pulled his younger brothers, Dario and Lucas, to join in, hoping to personally carry the coffin for his deceased father.

However, Dario and Lucas were unable to support it at all, and after trying once, they were panting heavily from exhaustion.

In the end, Geraldo and fifteen other young men lifted the coffin together and sent it into the tomb.

Chapter 1524 - "From Old to Bold: Geraldo's Regeneration"

After falling ill, Geraldo had countless memories of his past.

Back then, he was truly indomitable! At the age of forty-five, he still wanted to be like a thirty-year-old.

In fact, his body back then was indeed better than most people of the same age. Although it was very strenuous, he managed to endure lifting the coffin that time!

And now, that peak state had returned!

Geraldo sat in his chair, tears streaming down his face!

He felt that all of this was simply a gift from heaven! When he was critically ill, he only hoped to survive, never daring to hope that he could return to such a peak state in life!

But now, this incredibly miraculous transformation was happening to him!

At this moment, miracles were not only happening to Geraldo but also to Amelia and Haidee!

They could visibly see Geraldo's pale face rapidly regaining color.

The sunken eye sockets and dark circles unique to terminally ill patients were rapidly fading away, and even his already gray hair was quickly turning black! Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to be smoothed out by an invisible iron!

Heavens! What did they just witness? They actually witnessed the reversal of time!

Amelia covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes widened, and those stunning eyes, after shedding too many tears of sadness, shed tears of excitement for the first time.

Haidee was the same. Her tears had already burst forth, but fearing to disturb the continuation of the miracle, she dared not make any sound.

During the time her father was ill, she secretly prayed to all the deities she knew in this world, hoping that a miracle could happen.

But every time she prayed, all she got was endless disappointment, even despair.

But who would have thought that the deities couldn't cure her father, but her fiance, the one she had been yearning for over ten years, the one who had been following him since childhood, actually brought the most miraculous miracle to her father!

Geraldo's body continued to regress in time.

At this moment, he had already felt the state he had at the age of forty.

That year, he heard someone say that in a distant Argentina, they saw a young Chinese man, who, in the capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires, worked as a temporary tour guide for Chinese tourists to make a living, and looked very much like his elder Brother from back then.

Geraldo was extremely excited when he heard this news.

He immediately booked a round-trip ticket to Argentina.

Argentina is the farthest country from China.

Whether traveling from the east or the west, it takes at least twenty thousand kilometers of straight-line distance to reach.

No civilian airliner can fly continuously for twenty thousand kilometers, so there are no direct flights from Eastcliff to Buenos Aires.

But at that time, Geraldo's private plane had a maximum range of less than eight thousand kilometers.

However, in order to find Charlie, he unhesitatingly departed in the late night of that day.

The plane took off from Eastcliff, made a stop for refueling, first flew to Dallas, USA, then stopped again for refueling in Dallas, and then flew to Buenos Aires non-stop.

The entire flight took about thirty hours.

During these thirty hours, Geraldo never closed his eyes.

He thought he would definitely find Charlie's whereabouts that time, so he couldn't rest in his excitement.

Plus, he hadn't rested for more than ten hours before takeoff, so he managed to hold on for forty-eight hours, but at that time, he didn't even feel any fatigue.

It wasn't until he found the young man who indeed looked like Charlie's father, and after confirming that he was not the Charlie he was looking for, more than fifty hours had passed.

It was only at that moment that he felt a sense of exhaustion and fatigue.

And now, he actually felt his body returning to that time.

His worldview of decades had been completely overturned in an instant.

He couldn't figure out what kind of miraculous medicine Charlie gave him? Could it be the legendary Elixir of the Supreme Old Lord? Otherwise, how could it be so miraculous?

At this moment, Geraldo, who had become at least ten years younger, was in tears, speechless with choked emotion.

Chapter 1525 - "A Bow of Gratefulness: Geraldo's Homage"

At this moment, Amelia and Haidee were crying uncontrollably.

They stood on either side of Geraldo, holding his warm hand, too overwhelmed to speak.

Although Geraldo hadn't undergone any medical tests yet, and neither of them had received any authoritative reports confirming whether Geraldo had been cured, they believed their own eyes, trusted their judgment, and believed that he was completely healed now!

As a firsthand experiencer of the Resurrection Pill's effects, Geraldo knew his own condition inside out. He was now a hundred and ten percent sure that he had not only recovered but also returned to the state he was in ten years ago, at the age of forty.

This filled him with boundless joy.

It took him a long time to regain his composure from the overwhelming emotions. Then, he looked up at Charlie, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he suddenly gently pushed aside his wife and daughter beside him, bent his knees, and knelt directly in front of Charlie.

Charlie didn't expect Geraldo to kneel before him. He hurriedly reached out to support him, preventing him from kneeling down no matter what.

But Geraldo kept trying to push his hand away, solemnly and devoutly saying, "Little Charlie, your kindness to Uncle is as great as rebuilding him. No matter what, you cannot stop me from doing this!"

Charlie blurted out, "Uncle Snow, you are my father's sworn brother, which is equivalent to being my own uncle. How can I accept such a grand gesture from you? It would be too much for me."

Geraldo shook his head and said, "Little Charlie, your kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain. Even if I were to give you half of my assets, it would not be enough to repay this kindness. So no matter what, you must accept this bow from me."

Before Charlie could say anything, Amelia beside him had already knelt down, and Haidee followed suit without hesitation.

Amelia choked up, "Little Charlie, you have shown immense kindness to our family. Auntie will never forget this in her lifetime."

Haidee nodded repeatedly, "Brother Charlie, we are really grateful to you."

At this moment, Geraldo was still struggling with Charlie, insisting on kneeling on the ground.

Seeing this, Charlie sighed lightly, then let go of Geraldo and stood up straight, saying seriously, "Since that's the case, I won't stop you anymore. But after you thank me, let's not mention this matter again. I haven't eaten anything yet. Let's sit down and have lunch first, alright?"

Geraldo immediately knelt on the ground, clasping his hands above his head, sincerely saying, "Little Charlie, Uncle is not stupid. I can see that you must be a person of great ability. Uncle is grateful to you for giving me such a great opportunity. I will remember it for the rest of my life! If there is anything Uncle needs to do in the future, even if it's going through fire and water, I will not hesitate!"

Charlie smiled faintly, helped him up, and said, "Uncle Snow, you've thanked me enough. Shall we eat now?"

Geraldo hurriedly smiled and said, "Come, let's continue eating!"

After that, he eagerly looked at Amelia and said, "Wife! Go to our home's cellar and fetch a bottle of the top-quality Maotai I've been saving. I want to have a good drink with Little Charlie today! I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in over a year, and I've been craving it!"

Amelia wiped away her tears while smiling, "Okay! You two sit and eat first. I'll go get it!"

Chapter 1526 - "Toasting to Health"

Before long, Amelia returned with a two kilograms of Maotai liquor.

Geraldo took the bottle, opened it, and said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, since the year our daughter was born, I've been spending a lot of money each year to buy the best Maotai available. Now, I've stored a whole cellar full of top-notch Maotai. Originally, I planned to wait until our daughter's wedding day to bring them out to entertain our relatives and friends, but today, let's just you and me have a taste!"

Amelia chuckled beside him, "Little Charlie, your Uncle Snow treasures this batch of wine very much. The cellar is like a vault, thing goes in but nothing comes out. It's been stored for over twenty years, and not a single bottle has been opened until today!"

Geraldo smiled, "This wine was originally prepared for Little Charlie and our daughter's wedding. Drinking it now is just a warm-up!"

Haidee blushed immediately.

Charlie couldn't help feeling embarrassed.


He was already a married man. How could he possibly marry Haidee now?

Geraldo also sensed the embarrassment in Charlie's expression and said seriously, "Little Charlie, I understand your current situation. You don't need to feel burdened. Now that Uncle is cured, I'm sure I can live for another twenty or thirty years without any problem. I'll make the decision, and our family will wait for you for three years!"

With that, Geraldo poured the wine while saying, "During these three years, you can carefully resolve your current issues and plan for your future, whether you want to return to Eastcliff, whether you want to return to the Wade family, you should think about it carefully. But whether you return to the Wade family or not doesn't matter to me. In my eyes, you are the son-in-law of the Snow family, and everything in the Snow family belongs to you. Even if there is no Wade family, it doesn't matter!"

"Yes, Little Charlie!" Amelia also said on the side, "You were born in Eastcliff and lived there until you were eight. This is your root. After you marry our daughter, the best choice is still to return to Eastcliff to live!"

"If you feel tired of the complicated matters in the Eastcliff aristocratic families, I also support you and our daughter to settle overseas. And you don't need to worry about money. Your Uncle Snow's assets are already enough for both of you to live a worry-free life in any country in the world!"

Haidee's face blushed, silent on the side, but her eyes occasionally looked at Charlie, full of tenderness.

Charlie knew that his engagement to Haidee was arranged by his parents.

And it had already existed for over twenty years. It was his own failure to keep his parents' promise. If he were to refute it immediately now, he would have no face to face his deceased parents.

So, he nodded slightly and said seriously, "Uncle Snow, Aunt Amelia, I will carefully consider these issues."

In his opinion, delaying and then slowly resolving this matter was the best solution.

Geraldo naturally agreed with a mouthful. Then, he handed a cup of wine to Charlie and raised his own, saying boldly, "Come on, Little Charlie! Let's finish this cup!"

Charlie nodded, the two clinked their cups, and then drank the high-end Maotai in their cups.

After drinking a cup of wine, Geraldo smacked his lips, feeling a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling, and exclaimed excitedly, "Ah, now I understand. Having money and power is nothing compared to having health! Health is the most important thing!"

He couldn't help but ask Charlie, "By the way, Little Charlie, do you mind telling Uncle what kind of miraculous medicine you gave me? How could it have such miraculous effects? It's like an elixir!"

Chapter 1527 - "Guarding the Grapevine: Geraldo's Precaution"

When Charlie heard Geraldo asking about the Resurrection Pill, he smiled faintly and said, "Uncle Snow, this medicine is called the Resurrection Pill. I dare not claim it to be a true elixir, but I boldly assert that it is at least half-immortal. This medicine was refined by a divine doctor in ancient China. I happened to obtain it by chance."

Geraldo didn't doubt him, saying earnestly, "This medicine is truly extraordinary. It doesn't seem like something of this world. The feeling when taking it just now was simply like a dream! It seems that our ancestors indeed possessed many powers beyond our comprehension!"

Charlie nodded in agreement.

Although he didn't know who wrote the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture," based on the age of the jade spring bottle, it should have been made during the Thompson Dynasty.

And there were no traces of later cutting on that bottle, which meant that the wooden box where the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" were stored should have been placed inside before the Thompson Dynasty craftsmen made that jade spring bottle.

Moreover, the material of that wooden box and the "Nine Mystical Heavens Scripture" was also very mysterious. Even after being fired in a big fire, there were no issues at all. After he opened it, it dissipated instantly, and Charlie himself couldn't see through the mysteries.

So, he could empathize with Geraldo's words.

After three rounds of drinks, Geraldo's mood became increasingly high, and he drank very happily. Soon, the two of them each downed a catty of white wine.

At this moment, Amelia suddenly remembered something and said, "Geraldo, at tomorrow's board meeting, your appearance might scare quite a few people, especially the second and third brothers."

Geraldo sneered, "You're right! Tomorrow, not only do I want to shock the entire board meeting, but I also want to overhaul the entire board! I used to be too lenient with the second and third brothers. I never dreamed they would kick me when I was seriously ill. But starting tomorrow, their days at the Snow Group won't be so comfortable anymore!"

Amelia hurriedly said, "From now on, you must take personal safety seriously. Whether it's for the group or for the family, we need to hire more bodyguards to prevent the second and third brothers from acting recklessly."

Geraldo nodded, "You can rest assured. I'll communicate with the best security company tomorrow and spend two hundred million to hire the best security team to protect our family's safety 24/7. From now on, apart from the people in this room, I won't trust anyone else!"

The people in this room, as Geraldo said, referred to his wife, daughter, and Charlie.

Now, apart from these three people, he really couldn't trust anyone else.

Even his own younger brother could betray him. Moreover, they even wanted to seize his family property by force, and what was more outrageous was that they even threatened him with the lives of his wife and child. This not only made him furious, but also made him see through the true nature of human beings.

So what if they were brothers? In the face of interests, didn't they also turn against each other?

Thinking of this, Geraldo looked at Charlie and said seriously, "Little Charlie, if you don't have any plans tomorrow, why don't you come with me? With you there, Uncle will be more confident."

Charlie naturally nodded without hesitation.

This trip to Eastcliff was to help Geraldo solve problems.

With his health issues resolved, he also needed to help as much as possible with the asset issues.

Otherwise, with Geraldo just recovering from a serious illness and his control over the group at its weakest, he might not be able to compete with his two younger brothers.

If his two younger brothers joined forces with other shareholders to marginalize him, it would be troublesome.

Moreover, what Charlie was more worried about was that his two younger brothers might want his life.

After all, they had been coveting the tens of billions of family assets for so long, so they wouldn't easily give up.

Chapter 1528 - "Tomb Talks: Geraldo's Account"

So, he must help Geraldo solve all the problems in order to leave Eastcliff and return to Aurous Hill.

Seeing Charlie agreeing, Geraldo sighed, raised his glass and said, "Come, Little Charlie, Uncle will toast you!"

Charlie nodded and clinked glasses with him again.

Seeing the two of them drinking happily, Amelia whispered to Haidee beside her, "Your dad hasn't been this happy in a long time."

Haidee also nodded repeatedly, whispering to her mom, "It seems like he hasn't been this happy since Uncle Wade's accident."

Under the table, Amelia gently held her daughter's hand and whispered, "Little Charlie is a good man. You must seize the opportunity!"

Haidee blushed and felt a bit embarrassed, saying, "Mom, how can I seize the opportunity now? Brother Charlie is already married, and he hasn't divorced yet."

Amelia said seriously, "Silly child, he is your fiancé since childhood. It's someone else who took your husband, not you stealing someone else's husband!"

After a slight pause, Amelia continued, "Moreover, in Aurous Hill, I don't believe any local girl is worthy of Charlie. Even the richest family in the area is not qualified. Looking at the whole Eastcliff, besides you, only the girl from the Salvador family can match Charlie."

"And you have a marriage contract with him, and our families have been friends for many years. You marrying Charlie is only natural and logical."

"And then, your dad and I will have an extra son! Your dad will definitely be happy all the time!"

Haidee's pretty face turned red with shyness. "Mom, then what should I do? I don't have any experience in this area."

Amelia said, "Mom will teach you slowly later!"

At this time, Charlie also returned Geraldo's toast with a cup of wine, then said, "Uncle Snow, besides seeing you and Aunt Amelia, and helping you with your illness this time, I also want to pay my respects to my parents' graves. I wonder where my parents are buried now?"

Geraldo sighed with a bit of melancholy and said, "Your parents are buried on the west side of Yanling Mountain."

"Yanling Mountain?" Charlie didn't know which "Yan" and "Ling" Geraldo was referring to because he heard these three words from Geraldo.

So, he asked in surprise, "Uncle Snow, why haven't I heard of this place?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is actually a very good Feng Shui mountain on the west side. Originally, your parents were buried in the ancestral tomb of the Wade family in the north suburbs. But four years ago, there was an incident in the Wade family. They consulted a high-level person, who then advised them to buy this mountain and renamed it Yanling Mountain. 'Wade' is your Wade family, and 'Ling' is the tomb."

Speaking of this, Geraldo continued, "After the Wade family bought Yanling Mountain, they invested several billion to completely renovate and develop the mountain. It took three years for the development to be completed, and it was not until last spring that it was completed. After the completion, the Wade family moved the entire ancestral tomb over. At that time, the movement was huge and grand, and everyone in Eastcliff knew about it."

Charlie frowned slightly, "The Wade family has been in Eastcliff for hundreds of years, with over a hundred ancestors buried in the ancestral tomb. Such a large scale, did the Wade family agree to move it all?"

Geraldo nodded and said, "This matter, I heard rumors from the market. It is said that four years ago, your grandfather suddenly fell ill, but no problem could be found. He sought medical advice everywhere, but to no avail."

"Later, the Wade family also traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in the country, visited many high-level people, but after these high-level people came to see them, they all left without saying a word, and when asked, they didn't mention the reason."

"Your grandfather was driven crazy, went to the United States in person, and only after three tries did he manage to invite back a hundred-year-old Chinese Feng Shui master. After this Feng Shui master came, he visited the Wade family ancestral tomb and said that the Feng Shui of the Wade family's bureau was like a dragon trapped in shallow water, and it was not easy to resolve. So he guided the Wade family to move the ancestral tomb to Yanling Mountain."

Chapter 1529 - "Undercover Tribute: Charlie's Resolve"

Regarding the Feng Shui of the Wade Family and the matter of relocating ancestors' graves, Charlie didn't pay too much attention to it.

He wasn't really interested in the people and affairs of the Wade Family.

All along, he only cared about two things regarding the Wade Family.

First, where his parents were buried and whether he could pay his respects.

Second, who was responsible for harming his parents and whether they were from the Wade Family.

As for other matters concerning the Wade Family, he didn't want to bother with them at all.

So, after listening to Geraldo's introduction to Yanling Mountain, Charlie asked, "Uncle Snow, can I go to Yanling Mountain to pay my respects?"

Geraldo said, "Yanling Mountain is the ancestral grave of your Wade Family, a place of great Feng Shui. Usually, the Wade Family controls it very strictly, and outsiders can't enter at all. Even I have to inform the Wade Family in advance and make an appointment to go. But you are a descendant of the Wade Family, so just a notification should allow you to go directly."

Charlie shook his head and said, "Uncle Snow, to be honest, I don't want the people of the Wade Family to know that I have come to Eastcliff. I still don't want too much contact with them for the time being."

Geraldo thought for a moment and said, "Well then, let me make a call to your uncle later. I'll say that I want to pay respects to your parents and ask him to inform the people below. Then, you can disguise yourself a bit and come with me. After all, you look so much like your father. If the elders of the Wade Family see you, they'll definitely recognize you."

Charlie hurriedly got up and bowed deeply to Geraldo. "Uncle Snow, thank you for your help!"

Geraldo hastily got up to support him, trembling as he said, "Little Charlie, what are you doing? You are our family's great benefactor. Why are you bowing to me for such a small matter?"

Charlie, with a solemn expression, said, "Uncle Snow, when it comes to the passing of my parents, it's not a small matter for me. My parents passed away eighteen years ago, and I have never paid my respects at their graves. It's disloyal and unfilial of me. You're helping me fulfill this duty, which is of great significance to me. How can I not bow to you?"

Upon hearing this, Geraldo hastily reproached himself, "Oh my, I misspoke. This is indeed not a small matter. Don't worry, nephew, Uncle will take you there tomorrow!"

Amelia on the side said, "Let me and my daughter go with you. If it's just the two of you, the people of the Wade Family might get suspicious. After all, they are well aware of our family's situation. Besides you, there are no other young men in our family."

Geraldo said, "That's not a problem. We can let Little Charlie disguise himself as my driver."

Amelia nodded, but still insisted, "Then let us mother and daughter go with you. It's been almost half a year since I visited Brother Wade and Sister-in-law."

"Yes!" Haidee also hurriedly said, "Dad, let me and Mom go with you!"

Geraldo nodded and said, "Okay, we'll go together tomorrow!"

After saying that, he thought about the time and said again, "In that case, in the morning, Little Charlie and I will go to the company for a board meeting. You two can wait at home. After the meeting, we'll come to pick you up and go together."

Amelia readily agreed, "Okay!"

During the course of drinking and exchanging cups, Charlie and Geraldo finished off a bottle of Maotai liquor weighing four catties.

After being full of food and drink, the two were in high spirits, so Geraldo pulled him to the study and looked through many precious old photos.

These old photos all had the figures of Charlie's parents. The earliest photo was when Charlie's parents had just gotten married, before Charlie was born.

Chapter 1530 - "Cherished Memories: Shared Moments of Joy"

At first glance, Charlie's parents were undoubtedly a stunning couple.

His father was handsome and elegant, while his mother was beautiful and graceful. Especially his mother's beauty, even Amelia couldn't compare, standing out in any era.

Unfortunately, the once-famous couple from Eastcliff had long passed away, leaving behind only faded images and lingering memories.

Back then, Geraldo hadn't married yet, so at the wedding, he stood alone beside Charlie's father, taking a photo with Charlie's parents.

Next were the photos from Geraldo and Amelia's wedding.

At his wedding, Charlie's parents were both present to offer their congratulations.

So, the four of them took a photo together.

Then, Charlie was born, turning the four people in the photo into five, with him swaddled in his mother's arms.

Later, Haidee was born.

So, the photo became of six people.

These six individuals, from both children being swaddled, to Charlie standing beside his parents, and then Haidee standing beside them too.

Then, there were photos of just the two children.

Charlie was half a head taller than Haidee, looking like a elder Brother, while Haidee resembled a little sister, sticking closely to Charlie's side.

Interestingly, in every photo of the two, Haidee tightly grasped Charlie's arm, her expression full of happiness and contentment.

And Charlie, on the side, always seemed a bit reserved, deliberately maintaining some distance from Haidee.

Geraldo looked at these old photos, sighing, "I never thought time would pass so quickly. In the blink of an eye, you've grown so big."

Charlie, after seeing so many old photos of his parents, had reddened eyes and nearly shed tears several times but managed to hold them back.

Seeing this, Geraldo gently patted his shoulder and said, "Little Charlie, your parents, if they knew you were safe, would surely be very happy."

Charlie nodded, feeling emotional. "I just feel a bit ashamed to face them. I haven't paid my respects to them for so many years. I feel guilty in my heart. And over these years, I haven't achieved anything remarkable to repay my parents' nurturing."

"Don't say that." Geraldo said seriously, "Your parents were always broad-minded and never harbored the expectation for you to become a dragon or phoenix. They were already extraordinary individuals, so their only hope for you was to grow up healthy and happy, without any worries or troubles in your life."

Speaking of this, Geraldo smiled and continued, "Do you know, your mother especially liked the name Li Mo Chou from Jin Yong's novels? She thought the name was particularly good. But since the Li Mo Chou in the book wasn't a good person, when you hadn't been born yet, your mother joked that if you were a girl, she would name you Mo Chou."

Charlie smiled knowingly, thinking of his mother, feeling a warm flow in his heart.

His mother was indeed as Geraldo described, never hoping for him to become extraordinary. She always told him since he was young that being happy and being a kind and upright person were enough, and achievements and status weren't important.

After chatting with Geraldo for an afternoon, when Amelia came in to deliver some fruit, she said to Charlie, "Little Charlie, the guest room has been prepared for you. It's next to Maria's room on the second floor. You drank so much wine at noon, you should rest in your room for a while later. If there's anything, just find Maria directly."

"Okay." Charlie nodded, "Thank you, Aunt Amelia."
Now that Charlie's room is close to Haidee they should not play any hokery pokery here with charlie. 😏
I just noticed my rank has been light-speedily increased 😂. And I never expected "Dragon Among Men" so much tears in eye🥹. I appreciate the Founders of this Forum for welcoming me to this village, for giving me the opportunity to meet the wonderful people here and I appreciate IGM junlee for giving me the opportunity to cultivate under him through his threads, if you belong to IGM junlee sect you will be an elite of the elites, his cultivation resources is immeasurable and available to you at all times that's why he is an immortal for a reason. And I also appreciate everyone here through our engagement with each other. I have interacted with many people from different races on this forum. And how we expressed ourselves in our conversation in this group shows that we are one people. The Forum has bridged the distance between us so we can experience each other worlds. And eliminate any prejudice on how we see each other.
Thanks again Gily and your team. When I discovered this forum it also add to the reasons why I should wake up everyday. Many people might be unaware but everyday we wake up to expect new chapters on this forum. Its HOPE. Some times our day can be gloomy but there is something to uplift our spirit. Which the forum has done. I Love you all 💓
I have upgraded some members position in this forum. I appreciate all of you guys reading and enjoying the novel.

Also, should be know, now Immortal Grandmaster Junlee will be known as Immortal Great Grandmaster Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') . .


Even Kungfu Master Bruce Lee has to pay respect to the Immortal Great Grandmaster Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000') maxresdefault (11).jpg
Immortal Great Grandmaster Junlee Cultivating spiritual energy both in seclusion in pic A and pic B teaching his brightest students. Spot me by the right side of the picture already harnessing some spiritual energy, progressing than others 😂
Haha am just having fun

Anyways don't forget to read story I am posting here. Such a great story too
To be honest I have had your thread on my mind for some time tho there are lots of chapters on it, but when I want to start it's going to be a marathon reading I think when i started reading understated dominance i used 3-4 days to cover 1000 chapters and I was on holiday but didn't go home because the holiday break was short. So I didn't step out of my room only surviving on snacks I even got sick in the process 😂, my eye sight worsen due to excessive screen light exposure. But I nvr left my bed 😂.
Right now I have exams next month, final year topic proposal defense this month and series of CA test this month. That's why I haven't started but on my first comment on your thread just know I have covered all the chapters and already on the current chapter. But I will try my best start little by little. Whenever Dustin pisses me off 😂 I hope Gily understands 🙏
To be honest I have had your thread on my mind for some time tho there are lots of chapters on it, but when I want to start it's going to be a marathon reading I think when i started reading understated dominance i used 3-4 days to cover 1000 chapters and I was on holiday but didn't go home because the holiday break was short. So I didn't step out of my room only surviving on snacks I even got sick in the process 😂, my eye sight worsen due to excessive screen light exposure. But I nvr left my bed 😂.
Right now I have exams next month, final year topic proposal defense this month and series of CA test this month. That's why I haven't started but on my first comment on your thread just know I have covered all the chapters and already on the current chapter. But I will try my best start little by little. Whenever Dustin pisses me off 😂 I hope Gily understands 🙏
John White story is better than Dustin Story, I also read Dustin story and posted here. The moment they moved from the main story and introducing Vines man I lost interest big time. I cant wait for the story to steer back to the original version.

Anyway what are you studying? at what level are you now? do concentrate on school man, the moment you fail you will be demoted to just a martial artist with no sect:)
John White story is better than Dustin Story, I also read Dustin story and posted here. The moment they moved from the main story and introducing Vines man I lost interest big time. I cant wait for the story to steer back to the original version.

Anyway what are you studying? at what level are you now? do concentrate on school man, the moment you fail you will be demoted to just a martial artist with no sect:)
Aerospace Engineering. Final year! I'm giving it my all man. Can't afford to miss this flight. I have started very well I must finish very well also 💪
Aerospace Engineering. Final year! I'm giving it my all man. Can't afford to miss this flight. I have started very well I must finish very well also 💪
Give it your all. You must make everybody who believed in you proud.

I hope someday you can write your personal story in here. .
Chapter 1531 - "Bladders and Brothers: A Snowy Hospital Tale"

At this moment.

In the top-tier ward of the Snow's Hospital.

Dario, the second son of the Snow family, and Lucas, the third son, just finished their CT scans and received the first stage of treatment.

The CT scans showed that Dario's wrist was fractured, while Lucas's bladder was damaged. Although neither of them was in a life-threatening situation, they still needed some time to recuperate.

And all of this was thanks to Charlie.

This Snow's Hospital was a private high-end hospital invested by the Snow family themselves.

Although it couldn't compete with top-tier hospitals like the Union Hospital in overall strength, it was definitely a leader among private hospitals.

In the capital, these top families actually each had their own private hospitals.

Although these hospitals were nominally open to the public, in most cases, they didn't accept outside patients at all.

They were basically exclusively for internal family use.

Now, besides the two cousins Dario and Lucas, all the people who were driven out of Geraldo's house by Charlie also came here, wearing grim expressions, discussing countermeasures.

Today's events were a huge unexpected surprise for them.

Firstly, they didn't expect that in the house of their eldest brother Geraldo, there would actually be a stranger -

Secondly, they didn't expect that this stranger would have such terrifying strength.

The War God and the Realm Master that Dario had spent a fortune to hire had been diagnosed by the hospital with severe symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

This disease was very mysterious, and even now, the medical community hadn't figured out what exactly caused it.

Once afflicted, the muscles throughout the body would gradually lose strength, with symptoms ranging from easy fatigue in skeletal muscles to extreme weakness and even the inability to lift a bottle of water for a young and strong man.

More seriously, they might even lose control of their own eyelids.

The hospital's doctors conducted very systematic examinations on the War God and the Realm Master and found significant obstacles in their neuromuscular transmission, which was a typical symptom of myasthenia gravis.

In fact, this was mainly because Charlie had sealed their meridians with spiritual energy, but the doctors couldn't detect the existence of spiritual energy and could only diagnose the two with myasthenia gravis based on their clinical manifestations.

This left the families of Dario's second and third sons puzzled.

What's going on?

Clearly, they were top experts among experts, but as soon as they arrived at the Snow family, they were lifted up by that kid like little chickens, and then they became myasthenia gravis patients?

Isn't this too unbelievable?

Could it be that kid is some kind of hidden expert?

Chapter 1532 - "From Bladders to Boardrooms: Dario's Devious Designs"

Even hidden masters pretending to be cool have to abide by basic rules, why should just a little pinch on the neck render someone powerless?

It's like touching someone's face and turning them into impotence, it's unreasonable!

Both families were troubled and wanted to find an opportunity to teach the kid from the eldest brother's family a lesson, but they didn't know his name or background.

The most important thing is, even the War God and the Realm Master couldn't withstand a single move from him, who else could they turn to for help in getting rid of him?

Dario was even more frustrated. Not only did he lose a War God and a Realm Master, but he also had his hand broken by Charlie. It was a heavy loss.

When has he ever suffered such grievance?

At this moment, he even wanted to kill Charlie's whole family.

Unfortunately, for the time being, he couldn't figure out how to seek revenge.

Dario just covered his slightly painful bladder and saw his second brother's anxious expression, so he hurriedly suggested, "Second Brother, about this matter, there's no need to rush for revenge at the moment. We should first get hold of the shares in the hands of the eldest brother before we decide!"

"Yes, Dad!" Dario's son, Feliciano, also spoke up, "Uncle is right, we should focus on getting the shares and family assets in hand first, that's the most urgent!"

Dario said coldly, "That's right. I can see that eldest uncle doesn't have much time left, at most two or three months. We should get the money first, and then settle the score with that kid!"

Dario just quickly asked, "Second Brother, what's your plan for tomorrow's board meeting?"

Dario sneered, "I've already talked to several other shareholders. Half of them are willing to cooperate with us to seize control. The other half may still have some loyalty to the eldest brother, but it's not a concern, because with the combined shares we have now, we already have more than 51%!"

Dario just asked, "So shall we force the eldest brother to hand over the position of chairman tomorrow?"

"Yes." Dario gritted his teeth, "We'll stage a coup directly at the board meeting. With the shares of both of us and those who support us, we'll directly vote to remove him from the position of chairman, and then elect me as the new chairman! This way, we can lawfully take over the Snow Group!"

Speaking of which, Dario couldn't help but smile, "Once I get the position of chairman, I'll start transferring the assets of the Snow Group one by one."

Dario just nodded in agreement, "Once the assets are transferred to other companies, the shares in the hands of the eldest brother will become worthless."

Feliciano hurriedly asked, "Dad, what about Uncle's personal assets? He has so much savings, luxury homes, cars, private islands, private planes, yachts, and a large number of antiques and cultural relics. It is said that the calligraphy and paintings he has collected over the years are worth tens of billions?"

"Tens of billions?" Dario curled his lips, "You're underestimating your uncle too much! The calligraphy and paintings in the hands of Wanda Wang are already worth nearly 10 billion, let alone the calligraphy and paintings in the hands of your uncle. They are worth at least 10 or 30 billion! They are all kept in bank safety deposit boxes."

Greedy gleams flickered in Feliciano's eyes as he exclaimed excitedly, "Dad! We must get hold of these calligraphy and paintings too! Real estate can't appreciate now, but the appreciation space for antiques and paintings is huge! Look at the paintings by famous artists nowadays, which one starts at less than a hundred million dollars?"

Dario nodded, his voice cold, "Rest assured, I already have a complete plan. First, get the position of chairman, then transfer all the assets of the group, and then force your uncle to write a will and transfer the property to us. Otherwise, I won't let him off lightly! Even if he dies, I won't let his wife and daughter off lightly!"

Dario just rubbed his hands excitedly, "Then let's put on a coup show for my dear elder brother at tomorrow's board meeting!"

Dario laughed, "Just like Zhao Kuangyin's Chen Bridge mutiny and the establishment of the Song Dynasty, tomorrow I, Dario Snow, will launch a literary mutiny at the board meeting, forcing Geraldo to abdicate and rebuilding a more prosperous Snow Group!"

Dario just licked his lips and said, "Second Brother, don't forget about me then. In the future, everything about me will be at your command!"

"Of course!" Dario patted Dario just on the shoulder with his left hand and smiled, "We have been living under the shadow of the eldest brother for so long. After enduring for so many years, it's time for both of us to take the lead!"

Chapter 1533 - "Snowing In: The Next Chapter of Snow Family Drama"

While Dario and Lucas were planning for a bright future, Feliciano and Javier beside them each had their own thoughts.

The Snow family had three brothers, in total they had eight children.

Geraldo only had one daughter, Haidee.

Dario had three children, two daughters, and one son, namely Feliciano.

Lucas had four children, three daughters, and one son, namely Javier.

Because male heirs were not very prosperous, it was undoubtedly certain that Feliciano and Javier would each be the sole heirs to their respective father's estates in the future.

Seeing his father being friendly with his second uncle, Javier couldn't help but glance at himself and his cousin Feliciano, thinking to himself, "When I inherit my father's estate and shares in the future, should I also ingratiate myself with my cousin like my father does with his second uncle? If I need to rely on him in the future, should I start sucking up to him now?"

While his cousin Feliciano was thinking that this cousin of his, Javier, wasn't very sharp, and they weren't even blood-related. To be honest, their relationship wasn't that deep.

His own father and third uncle had even conspired against their older cousin who was their blood brother, so could he also learn from their example in the future and properly take advantage of Javier?

Thinking of this, he felt that the nature of this matter was actually quite interesting.

First, divide the family property into thirds, then the second and third families join forces to swallow up the first family.

After that, the second family finds an opportunity to swallow up the third family. In this way, wouldn't the entire Snow family fall into his hands?

With this thought, Feliciano couldn't help but feel excited!

Don't underestimate the Snow family, ranking only third in the entire Eastcliff.

However, if he, alone, could control the entire Snow family, then he would become the richest person in all of Eastcliff, without exception.

Even the Wade family and the Salvador family, the top two prestigious families, would not have anyone wealthier than the Snow family.

By then, he might even become the real richest person in China!

Little did Javier know that his cousin, whom he wanted to quickly curry favor with, had already begun planning how to take advantage of him.

He deliberately found nothing to say and smiled calmly at Feliciano, saying, "Hey, Brother Feliciano, do you think that scum from the first uncle's family might be our little cousin's boyfriend?"

Feliciano shook his head, "I don't know either. That little cousin of ours is somewhat of a public figure. If she were dating someone, the paparazzi would definitely dig it up, right? But I haven't heard any news."

Javier smirked and said, "Do you remember that scumbag was babbling nonsense the other day, saying that neither of us would be able to have children in the future? Damn it, when I get the chance, I'll definitely cripple that thing of his and let him know what it really means to be infertile!"

Feliciano snorted, "Damn it, I'm more than capable in that department. It's well-known in the upper circles of Eastcliff that I'm exceptional in that regard. Dare to say I'm infertile? Damn it, the number of women I've played with is more than he's ever seen!"

"Exactly!" Javier flattered, "Brother Feliciano, how was that female celebrity you hooked up with the other day?"

"It was alright." Feliciano casually replied, "She looks pretty good, but lacks a bit of skill, and she's too thin."

Javier quickly flattered, "Brother Feliciano, I have a friend who runs a talent agency, specializing in training high-end models. There are several fantastic European girls, are you interested in trying something new?"

Feliciano frowned, a hint of lasciviousness flashing in his eyes, and asked, "When?"

Javier hurriedly said, "There's no time like the present, why not today? Later, you can ride in my car, and I'll take you directly there, how about it?"

Chapter 1534 - "From High-End to Hard Times: Feliciano and Javier's Bedroom Blues"

"Alright!" Feliciano nodded without hesitation.

Today, after being humiliated by Charlie, he was feeling pretty frustrated. He didn't expect Javier to immediately offer him a chance to blow off steam, so naturally, he agreed on the spot.

In the evening, Feliciano and Javier, the two cousins, came out of the hospital and drove together to an extremely high-end clubhouse in Eastcliff.

The name of this clubhouse was grandiose, called "Number One Mansion".

At Number One Mansion, if you wanted to arrange something, you had to cough up at least ten million.

Because here, having your own luxurious suite meant not only having access to services like restaurants, KTVs, hot springs, and saunas but also having bedrooms, conference rooms, and chess rooms.

In addition, you had your own private butler and personal servant. As soon as you arrived here, you could enjoy imperial-style service, even more extravagant than ancient emperors.

In other words, as a member of this place, besides wining and dining, you could also hold business meetings and banquets, making it versatile.

Moreover, the privacy here was extremely good, so you didn't have to worry about leaking your privacy.

Because of the many advantages of Number One Mansion, it was greatly loved by the wealthy elite of Eastcliff.

Both Feliciano and Javier were members here, but they rarely played together; they each did their own thing.

Today, in order to please Feliciano, Javier had his friend who ran a talent agency bring over four young European models, preparing to let Feliciano have some fun and also lay the groundwork for his own future.

Feliciano was bursting with pent-up frustration and happened to be planning to have a good time tonight.

Soon, four blond and blue-eyed models were brought over, each one stunningly beautiful, which greatly excited Feliciano.

Without hesitation, he immediately picked the two prettiest and best-shaped ones and went to the luxurious bedroom in the suite.

Meanwhile, Javier took the remaining two and went to another room.

Five minutes later, the two cousins ran out of their respective rooms in a panic.

They glanced at each other at the door, and it was Feliciano who spoke first, "Javier, can you still... perform?"

Javier shook his head with a mournful face, speaking with a trembling voice and a sob, "Bro, I can't do it anymore, I don't feel anything, no reaction at all. I'm damn well impotent."

After saying that, he looked at Feliciano and asked, "How about you, bro? Do you still have it?"

Feliciano sat on the ground, muttering, "Damn it, I don't either. What the hell is going on? I'm only in my twenties, how can it just stop working?"

Javier pressed further, "Bro, do you feel like that part has completely disconnected from your body?"

Feliciano nodded, his eyes red, "Damn it, that's exactly how it feels."

Javier slumped against the wall, slowly sliding down to the ground, and said in despair, "Bro, what are we going to do?"

Feliciano said in a panic, "Could it be that what that kid said today is true?! No! We need to hurry to the hospital and find out what's going on!"

Chapter 1536 - "Numb and Numb-er: Snow Heirs' Puzzling Plight"

Dario shuddered all over, blurting out to the head of the urology department, "What's going on? Have you found out the cause?"

The head of urology wiped away a cold sweat and said, "Second Young Master, this matter is really strange. We've used all kinds of methods to investigate, but we haven't found any clues. I've been in the field of urology for decades, and I've never seen a case like this before."

Dario looked at the two sorrowful-faced children and asked with a furrowed brow, "Is there really no way to cure it?"

The head of urology said awkwardly, "Second Young Master, whether it can be cured is a secondary issue. The first issue is to figure out what's going on. And right now, we're completely clueless."

Dario felt dizzy for a moment, thinking to himself:

"What the hell is going on?"

"These two kids are both in their twenties, the youngest one, Javier, is barely twenty, and this inexplicable situation is unacceptable!"

"This generation of the Snow family only has these two male heirs!"

"If they can't function, who will carry on the Snow family line?"

"I still don't have any grandchildren!"

With these thoughts, Dario quickly looked at his son, Feliciano, and asked urgently, "Feliciano, tell dad, what's going on? Do you feel anything strange?"

Feliciano had undergone so many examinations, and the doctors still hadn't figured out what was going on. So, he was becoming more and more desperate. He cried out, "Dad! I don't know what's going on either! It's inexplicable. I have no feeling at all. Even when I use my fingernails to pinch, I don't feel anything. It would be a relief if I could feel some pain."

Javier also cried out, "I secretly pinched myself just now, using a lot of force, but I still couldn't feel anything--"

Dario almost lost his balance and hurriedly comforted, "Son, don't panic, don't panic, let's calm down and think of a solution!"

At this moment, Feliciano said, "Dad, do you think it's related to that kid we met at Uncle's house today? That kid said he would make me infertile. At that time, I thought he was just talking nonsense, but now, this situation is too weird. Could it be his doing?"

"Yes!" Javier also said with resentment, "That kid talked big, saying he was superior in skills and could perform a Fertility Sterilisatio on us."

"Fertility Sterilisation?!" Several urologists were dumbfounded.

After studying medicine for many years, who the hell had heard of Fertility Sterilisation?

It was as ridiculous as saying Fertility Sterilisation, completely impossible!

However, Dario suddenly remembered what Charlie had said at the time, and his expression became increasingly serious.

At this moment, he looked at his brother, Dario, and said in confusion, "Third Brother, do you remember that kid also asked us, saying we weren't too old and still had fertility?"

"I remember, I remember!" Dario nodded repeatedly. "That kid was so damn sarcastic. I was cursing him in my mind at the time!"

Dario clicked his tongue, his expression becoming increasingly serious. "The more I think about it, the more something seems off about this matter."

At this point, he furrowed his brow in silence for a moment, then suddenly reached into his own crotch and grabbed a handful.

After grabbing, his face immediately turned pale with horror, and he panicked and shouted, "Quick! Doctor, I can't feel it either. Hurry up and check me too!!!"
Chapter 1531 - "Bladders and Brothers: A Snowy Hospital Tale"

At this moment.

In the top-tier ward of the Snow's Hospital.

Dario, the second son of the Snow family, and Lucas, the third son, just finished their CT scans and received the first stage of treatment.

The CT scans showed that Dario's wrist was fractured, while Lucas's bladder was damaged. Although neither of them was in a life-threatening situation, they still needed some time to recuperate.

And all of this was thanks to Charlie.

This Snow's Hospital was a private high-end hospital invested by the Snow family themselves.

Although it couldn't compete with top-tier hospitals like the Union Hospital in overall strength, it was definitely a leader among private hospitals.

In the capital, these top families actually each had their own private hospitals.

Although these hospitals were nominally open to the public, in most cases, they didn't accept outside patients at all.

They were basically exclusively for internal family use.

Now, besides the two cousins Dario and Lucas, all the people who were driven out of Geraldo's house by Charlie also came here, wearing grim expressions, discussing countermeasures.

Today's events were a huge unexpected surprise for them.

Firstly, they didn't expect that in the house of their eldest brother Geraldo, there would actually be a stranger -

Secondly, they didn't expect that this stranger would have such terrifying strength.

The War God and the Realm Master that Dario had spent a fortune to hire had been diagnosed by the hospital with severe symptoms of myasthenia gravis.

This disease was very mysterious, and even now, the medical community hadn't figured out what exactly caused it.

Once afflicted, the muscles throughout the body would gradually lose strength, with symptoms ranging from easy fatigue in skeletal muscles to extreme weakness and even the inability to lift a bottle of water for a young and strong man.

More seriously, they might even lose control of their own eyelids.

The hospital's doctors conducted very systematic examinations on the War God and the Realm Master and found significant obstacles in their neuromuscular transmission, which was a typical symptom of myasthenia gravis.

In fact, this was mainly because Charlie had sealed their meridians with spiritual energy, but the doctors couldn't detect the existence of spiritual energy and could only diagnose the two with myasthenia gravis based on their clinical manifestations.

This left the families of Dario's second and third sons puzzled.

What's going on?

Clearly, they were top experts among experts, but as soon as they arrived at the Snow family, they were lifted up by that kid like little chickens, and then they became myasthenia gravis patients?

Isn't this too unbelievable?

Could it be that kid is some kind of hidden expert?

Chapter 1532 - "From Bladders to Boardrooms: Dario's Devious Designs"

Even hidden masters pretending to be cool have to abide by basic rules, why should just a little pinch on the neck render someone powerless?

It's like touching someone's face and turning them into impotence, it's unreasonable!

Both families were troubled and wanted to find an opportunity to teach the kid from the eldest brother's family a lesson, but they didn't know his name or background.

The most important thing is, even the War God and the Realm Master couldn't withstand a single move from him, who else could they turn to for help in getting rid of him?

Dario was even more frustrated. Not only did he lose a War God and a Realm Master, but he also had his hand broken by Charlie. It was a heavy loss.

When has he ever suffered such grievance?

At this moment, he even wanted to kill Charlie's whole family.

Unfortunately, for the time being, he couldn't figure out how to seek revenge.

Dario just covered his slightly painful bladder and saw his second brother's anxious expression, so he hurriedly suggested, "Second Brother, about this matter, there's no need to rush for revenge at the moment. We should first get hold of the shares in the hands of the eldest brother before we decide!"

"Yes, Dad!" Dario's son, Feliciano, also spoke up, "Uncle is right, we should focus on getting the shares and family assets in hand first, that's the most urgent!"

Dario said coldly, "That's right. I can see that eldest uncle doesn't have much time left, at most two or three months. We should get the money first, and then settle the score with that kid!"

Dario just quickly asked, "Second Brother, what's your plan for tomorrow's board meeting?"

Dario sneered, "I've already talked to several other shareholders. Half of them are willing to cooperate with us to seize control. The other half may still have some loyalty to the eldest brother, but it's not a concern, because with the combined shares we have now, we already have more than 51%!"

Dario just asked, "So shall we force the eldest brother to hand over the position of chairman tomorrow?"

"Yes." Dario gritted his teeth, "We'll stage a coup directly at the board meeting. With the shares of both of us and those who support us, we'll directly vote to remove him from the position of chairman, and then elect me as the new chairman! This way, we can lawfully take over the Snow Group!"

Speaking of which, Dario couldn't help but smile, "Once I get the position of chairman, I'll start transferring the assets of the Snow Group one by one."

Dario just nodded in agreement, "Once the assets are transferred to other companies, the shares in the hands of the eldest brother will become worthless."

Feliciano hurriedly asked, "Dad, what about Uncle's personal assets? He has so much savings, luxury homes, cars, private islands, private planes, yachts, and a large number of antiques and cultural relics. It is said that the calligraphy and paintings he has collected over the years are worth tens of billions?"

"Tens of billions?" Dario curled his lips, "You're underestimating your uncle too much! The calligraphy and paintings in the hands of Wanda Wang are already worth nearly 10 billion, let alone the calligraphy and paintings in the hands of your uncle. They are worth at least 10 or 30 billion! They are all kept in bank safety deposit boxes."

Greedy gleams flickered in Feliciano's eyes as he exclaimed excitedly, "Dad! We must get hold of these calligraphy and paintings too! Real estate can't appreciate now, but the appreciation space for antiques and paintings is huge! Look at the paintings by famous artists nowadays, which one starts at less than a hundred million dollars?"

Dario nodded, his voice cold, "Rest assured, I already have a complete plan. First, get the position of chairman, then transfer all the assets of the group, and then force your uncle to write a will and transfer the property to us. Otherwise, I won't let him off lightly! Even if he dies, I won't let his wife and daughter off lightly!"

Dario just rubbed his hands excitedly, "Then let's put on a coup show for my dear elder brother at tomorrow's board meeting!"

Dario laughed, "Just like Zhao Kuangyin's Chen Bridge mutiny and the establishment of the Song Dynasty, tomorrow I, Dario Snow, will launch a literary mutiny at the board meeting, forcing Geraldo to abdicate and rebuilding a more prosperous Snow Group!"

Dario just licked his lips and said, "Second Brother, don't forget about me then. In the future, everything about me will be at your command!"

"Of course!" Dario patted Dario just on the shoulder with his left hand and smiled, "We have been living under the shadow of the eldest brother for so long. After enduring for so many years, it's time for both of us to take the lead!"

Chapter 1533 - "Snowing In: The Next Chapter of Snow Family Drama"

While Dario and Lucas were planning for a bright future, Feliciano and Javier beside them each had their own thoughts.

The Snow family had three brothers, in total they had eight children.

Geraldo only had one daughter, Haidee.

Dario had three children, two daughters, and one son, namely Feliciano.

Lucas had four children, three daughters, and one son, namely Javier.

Because male heirs were not very prosperous, it was undoubtedly certain that Feliciano and Javier would each be the sole heirs to their respective father's estates in the future.

Seeing his father being friendly with his second uncle, Javier couldn't help but glance at himself and his cousin Feliciano, thinking to himself, "When I inherit my father's estate and shares in the future, should I also ingratiate myself with my cousin like my father does with his second uncle? If I need to rely on him in the future, should I start sucking up to him now?"

While his cousin Feliciano was thinking that this cousin of his, Javier, wasn't very sharp, and they weren't even blood-related. To be honest, their relationship wasn't that deep.

His own father and third uncle had even conspired against their older cousin who was their blood brother, so could he also learn from their example in the future and properly take advantage of Javier?

Thinking of this, he felt that the nature of this matter was actually quite interesting.

First, divide the family property into thirds, then the second and third families join forces to swallow up the first family.

After that, the second family finds an opportunity to swallow up the third family. In this way, wouldn't the entire Snow family fall into his hands?

With this thought, Feliciano couldn't help but feel excited!

Don't underestimate the Snow family, ranking only third in the entire Eastcliff.

However, if he, alone, could control the entire Snow family, then he would become the richest person in all of Eastcliff, without exception.

Even the Wade family and the Salvador family, the top two prestigious families, would not have anyone wealthier than the Snow family.

By then, he might even become the real richest person in China!

Little did Javier know that his cousin, whom he wanted to quickly curry favor with, had already begun planning how to take advantage of him.

He deliberately found nothing to say and smiled calmly at Feliciano, saying, "Hey, Brother Feliciano, do you think that scum from the first uncle's family might be our little cousin's boyfriend?"

Feliciano shook his head, "I don't know either. That little cousin of ours is somewhat of a public figure. If she were dating someone, the paparazzi would definitely dig it up, right? But I haven't heard any news."

Javier smirked and said, "Do you remember that scumbag was babbling nonsense the other day, saying that neither of us would be able to have children in the future? Damn it, when I get the chance, I'll definitely cripple that thing of his and let him know what it really means to be infertile!"

Feliciano snorted, "Damn it, I'm more than capable in that department. It's well-known in the upper circles of Eastcliff that I'm exceptional in that regard. Dare to say I'm infertile? Damn it, the number of women I've played with is more than he's ever seen!"

"Exactly!" Javier flattered, "Brother Feliciano, how was that female celebrity you hooked up with the other day?"

"It was alright." Feliciano casually replied, "She looks pretty good, but lacks a bit of skill, and she's too thin."

Javier quickly flattered, "Brother Feliciano, I have a friend who runs a talent agency, specializing in training high-end models. There are several fantastic European girls, are you interested in trying something new?"

Feliciano frowned, a hint of lasciviousness flashing in his eyes, and asked, "When?"

Javier hurriedly said, "There's no time like the present, why not today? Later, you can ride in my car, and I'll take you directly there, how about it?"

Chapter 1534 - "From High-End to Hard Times: Feliciano and Javier's Bedroom Blues"

"Alright!" Feliciano nodded without hesitation.

Today, after being humiliated by Charlie, he was feeling pretty frustrated. He didn't expect Javier to immediately offer him a chance to blow off steam, so naturally, he agreed on the spot.

In the evening, Feliciano and Javier, the two cousins, came out of the hospital and drove together to an extremely high-end clubhouse in Eastcliff.

The name of this clubhouse was grandiose, called "Number One Mansion".

At Number One Mansion, if you wanted to arrange something, you had to cough up at least ten million.

Because here, having your own luxurious suite meant not only having access to services like restaurants, KTVs, hot springs, and saunas but also having bedrooms, conference rooms, and chess rooms.

In addition, you had your own private butler and personal servant. As soon as you arrived here, you could enjoy imperial-style service, even more extravagant than ancient emperors.

In other words, as a member of this place, besides wining and dining, you could also hold business meetings and banquets, making it versatile.

Moreover, the privacy here was extremely good, so you didn't have to worry about leaking your privacy.

Because of the many advantages of Number One Mansion, it was greatly loved by the wealthy elite of Eastcliff.

Both Feliciano and Javier were members here, but they rarely played together; they each did their own thing.

Today, in order to please Feliciano, Javier had his friend who ran a talent agency bring over four young European models, preparing to let Feliciano have some fun and also lay the groundwork for his own future.

Feliciano was bursting with pent-up frustration and happened to be planning to have a good time tonight.

Soon, four blond and blue-eyed models were brought over, each one stunningly beautiful, which greatly excited Feliciano.

Without hesitation, he immediately picked the two prettiest and best-shaped ones and went to the luxurious bedroom in the suite.

Meanwhile, Javier took the remaining two and went to another room.

Five minutes later, the two cousins ran out of their respective rooms in a panic.

They glanced at each other at the door, and it was Feliciano who spoke first, "Javier, can you still... perform?"

Javier shook his head with a mournful face, speaking with a trembling voice and a sob, "Bro, I can't do it anymore, I don't feel anything, no reaction at all. I'm damn well impotent."

After saying that, he looked at Feliciano and asked, "How about you, bro? Do you still have it?"

Feliciano sat on the ground, muttering, "Damn it, I don't either. What the hell is going on? I'm only in my twenties, how can it just stop working?"

Javier pressed further, "Bro, do you feel like that part has completely disconnected from your body?"

Feliciano nodded, his eyes red, "Damn it, that's exactly how it feels."

Javier slumped against the wall, slowly sliding down to the ground, and said in despair, "Bro, what are we going to do?"

Feliciano said in a panic, "Could it be that what that kid said today is true?! No! We need to hurry to the hospital and find out what's going on!"

Chapter 1536 - "Numb and Numb-er: Snow Heirs' Puzzling Plight"

Dario shuddered all over, blurting out to the head of the urology department, "What's going on? Have you found out the cause?"

The head of urology wiped away a cold sweat and said, "Second Young Master, this matter is really strange. We've used all kinds of methods to investigate, but we haven't found any clues. I've been in the field of urology for decades, and I've never seen a case like this before."

Dario looked at the two sorrowful-faced children and asked with a furrowed brow, "Is there really no way to cure it?"

The head of urology said awkwardly, "Second Young Master, whether it can be cured is a secondary issue. The first issue is to figure out what's going on. And right now, we're completely clueless."

Dario felt dizzy for a moment, thinking to himself:

"What the hell is going on?"

"These two kids are both in their twenties, the youngest one, Javier, is barely twenty, and this inexplicable situation is unacceptable!"

"This generation of the Snow family only has these two male heirs!"

"If they can't function, who will carry on the Snow family line?"

"I still don't have any grandchildren!"

With these thoughts, Dario quickly looked at his son, Feliciano, and asked urgently, "Feliciano, tell dad, what's going on? Do you feel anything strange?"

Feliciano had undergone so many examinations, and the doctors still hadn't figured out what was going on. So, he was becoming more and more desperate. He cried out, "Dad! I don't know what's going on either! It's inexplicable. I have no feeling at all. Even when I use my fingernails to pinch, I don't feel anything. It would be a relief if I could feel some pain."

Javier also cried out, "I secretly pinched myself just now, using a lot of force, but I still couldn't feel anything--"

Dario almost lost his balance and hurriedly comforted, "Son, don't panic, don't panic, let's calm down and think of a solution!"

At this moment, Feliciano said, "Dad, do you think it's related to that kid we met at Uncle's house today? That kid said he would make me infertile. At that time, I thought he was just talking nonsense, but now, this situation is too weird. Could it be his doing?"

"Yes!" Javier also said with resentment, "That kid talked big, saying he was superior in skills and could perform a Fertility Sterilisatio on us."

"Fertility Sterilisation?!" Several urologists were dumbfounded.

After studying medicine for many years, who the hell had heard of Fertility Sterilisation?

It was as ridiculous as saying Fertility Sterilisation, completely impossible!

However, Dario suddenly remembered what Charlie had said at the time, and his expression became increasingly serious.

At this moment, he looked at his brother, Dario, and said in confusion, "Third Brother, do you remember that kid also asked us, saying we weren't too old and still had fertility?"

"I remember, I remember!" Dario nodded repeatedly. "That kid was so damn sarcastic. I was cursing him in my mind at the time!"

Dario clicked his tongue, his expression becoming increasingly serious. "The more I think about it, the more something seems off about this matter."

At this point, he furrowed his brow in silence for a moment, then suddenly reached into his own crotch and grabbed a handful.

After grabbing, his face immediately turned pale with horror, and he panicked and shouted, "Quick! Doctor, I can't feel it either. Hurry up and check me too!!!"
This is just the beginning of your woes for challenging the only heavenly dragon among men.

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