"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:
Chapter 1571 - "Kneeling to Kin: A Son's Tribute"

Charlie was quite puzzled.

He couldn't quite understand why this old man seemed to have recognized him at first glance.

However, since this old man helped him solve the current problem, what mattered most to him was to quickly go and pay respects to his parents. The rest could be discussed later.

So, he nodded respectfully to the old man and said, "Sir, thank you."

After saying that, he pretended to support Geraldo, and together with Amelia and Haidee, they stepped onto the stone steps.

No one else followed, including the old fortune teller, who was now standing below, quietly watching Charlie's departure, trying hard to restrain the excitement in his heart.

The Wade family's tomb was divided into nine rows.

The top row was where the earliest ancestors of the Wade family were buried.

The further down, the lower the generation.

Charlie's parents were buried in the second-to-last row.

In this row, there were a total of twenty tomb mounds of the same size, but only one had a tombstone in front of it.

Geraldo stopped in this row and pointed to the only tombstone in front, saying to Charlie, "Little Charlie, that's where your parents are buried."

Charlie nodded lightly and murmured, "In this generation of the Wade family, only my parents have passed away. The others should still be alive, right?"

Geraldo said, "That's right. Although this generation is already in their forties or fifties, they are still in their prime. If your parents hadn't been harmed, they would probably still be the mainstay of the Wade family."

Charlie sighed and walked inward.

The security personnel and the old fortune teller were all below, so they couldn't see what was happening here. Charlie no longer pretended and took a step forward ahead of Geraldo.

Arriving at his parents' grave, Charlie took off his sunglasses and face mask, looking at the photos and names of his parents on the tombstone. Tears couldn't help but flow incessantly.

In his mind, it was as if a movie was playing at an extremely fast pace.

This movie recorded his life from the moment he could remember until he was eight years old.

Then, at an even faster pace, fragments of his life over the past decade flashed through his mind.

Eighteen years without parents, long and difficult, filled with bitterness and pain that ordinary people could not comprehend.

At this moment, he had countless words he wanted to say to his deceased parents, but when it came to his lips, it felt like a lump in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

After shedding tears in front of the tombstone for a moment, Charlie suddenly knelt down on the ground, picked up the flowers, and respectfully placed them in front of the tombstone, choking back tears as he said, "Dad, Mom, your unfilial son. You've been gone for eighteen years, and only now did I come to see you. These years, I've been struggling, unable to fulfill the duties of a son. Please forgive me."

After saying that, he bowed down heavily, kowtowing nine times in front of the tombstone.

They say one kneels to the heavens, one kneels to the earth, and one kneels to their parents. But in Charlie's eyes, neither heaven nor earth deserved to be knelt to, only his parents were worthy of it.

At this moment, Geraldo also stepped forward, kneeling on one knee in front of the tombstone, sighing, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, I promised you for eighteen years, and finally, I didn't break my promise. I've brought Little Charlie back. Look at him now, he's already a remarkable person! Just like you, Elder Brother, almost identical, truly outstanding!"

As he spoke, he wiped away tears and continued, "Last time I came to see you, I said I would come down to meet you soon, but I didn't expect Little Charlie to save my life. Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, you might have to wait a little longer for me."

As he said this, Geraldo was choked with emotion.

Amelia stepped forward, also kneeling beside Geraldo, choking, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, thank you for watching over Geraldo from above and keeping him safe. The debt of gratitude from the Wade family to the Snow family, we will never forget in this life."

Haidee knelt beside Charlie, without saying a word, just silently shedding tears.

After kneeling on the ground for a long time, Charlie wiped away his tears, gently wiped the tombstone of his parents several times with his sleeve, and said, "Mom, Dad, I can't stay with you for long this time, but please rest assured, from now on, I will come to see you every year."

With that, he sighed heavily, helped Geraldo up, and said, "Uncle Snow, let's go."

Geraldo nodded slightly, pulled his wife up, and they walked away slowly, the three of them wearing sunglasses and face masks once again.

Chapter 1572 - "Trapped Dragons and Resilient Souls"

Below the stone steps, several security guards stood stiffly.

And the old fortune teller, supporting himself with a python-headed cane, looked at Charlie with a hint of awe in his eyes.

Charlie didn't speak, but walked up to the old fortune teller and bowed deeply.

The old fortune teller quickly extended his cane to help, saying with sincere fear, "You shouldn't, you really shouldn't."

The security guards were all somewhat surprised.

When the head of the Wade family bowed to the old fortune teller, the old man didn't even blink. Why was this driver bowing to him, and why was he being so polite in return?

At this moment, the old fortune teller spoke up and asked Charlie, "Young man, can we have a word?"

Charlie nodded, "Sure."

The old fortune teller turned to the security guards and said, "No one is allowed to follow."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Charlie nodded to Geraldo, and then walked to the other side of the mountain with the old fortune teller.

Here, there was a platform paved with natural marble, right next to the mountainside.

Charlie had always felt that the entire Yanling Mountain had a soaring momentum. When he saw this huge and flat platform, he suddenly realized that the center of the entire Feng Shui array was here.

The old fortune teller stood with him in the center of the platform and said respectfully, "The entire Yanling Mountain, as well as the Feng Shui array of the entire Yanling Mountain, are actually set up for you."

Charlie asked in surprise, "Set up for me? I wonder what the elder means. Do you know me?"

The old fortune teller said, "Four years ago, the Wade family encountered trouble, and the whole family was trapped in a difficult situation. At that time, it was when you got married."

"Married?!" Charlie exclaimed, "You mean when I got married?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller nodded and continued, "The trouble the Wade family encountered was related to you."

Charlie frowned and asked, "You mean I was trapped in trouble?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller said respectfully, "You are the only dragon of the Wade family! What is a dragon? It soars in the sky and plunges into the sea, but you got married by the river. That's why it's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Waters'!"

"If you, as the dragon, are trapped in shallow waters, the fortune of the entire Wade family will be exhausted. At that time, your grandfather was seriously ill and couldn't be cured despite seeking countless doctors, all because of this situation!"

The old fortune teller continued, "So, your grandfather found me."

"And three months before your grandfather found me, I had just cast a divination for myself."

"The divination indicated a dead end, implying that my life might be exhausted within a few years. I was already one hundred and two at that time, so death didn't matter much to me. However, within that dead end, there was a glimmer of hope, all pointing to the east."

"I didn't understand what it specifically meant, so I kept searching for more clues. Then your grandfather came and asked me to return to the country to look at the Feng Shui for the Wade family. That's when I realized that the glimmer of hope in the dead end was in the east, in the ancestral homeland, in the Wade family."

"In Eastcliff, I examined all the Feng Shui clues for the Wade family and cast several divinations, only to find out that the Wade family had a dragon trapped in shallow waters. If this dragon couldn't soar, not only would the Wade family be in danger, but the glimmer of hope in the divination would also disappear. So, I spent four years searching for Yanling Mountain, rebuilding Yanling Mountain, and finally broke the deadlock of the Wade family's dragon trapped in shallow waters last spring. That's why you were able to escape from the trap."

Upon hearing this, Charlie was deeply shocked. Could it be that what he said about breaking free from the trap was about obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"? Because the time last spring perfectly matched when he obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"!

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed at the old man's profound understanding of Feng Shui divination, but also worried. Did he know about the existence of the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"?

This was his deepest, most profound secret, one that he couldn't even tell his closest people!

So, he deliberately asked the old man, "Old sir, you said that rebuilding Yanling Mountain allowed me to break free from the trap. Could you please tell me what aspect it refers to? How did I break free? What did I rely on to break free?"

The old man shook his head, "This divination is beyond my understanding. I can only tell that you have already broken free, and you have great momentum for soaring. After you break free, you will also bring my glimmer of hope, extending my life by ten years. That's why I've been waiting here for you, but I can't figure out what this glimmer of hope really is."

Charlie was even more surprised.

Could the so-called glimmer of hope mentioned by this old man be the surplus Resurrection Pill on his body?!

Chapter 1573 - "The Lifeline"

This time in Eastcliff, Charlie did bring more than just one Resurrection Pill.

Though he was confident that one Resurrection Pill could cure Geraldo, just to be on the safe side, he brought two or three more, just in case.

From this perspective, the only lifeline left in the dead end of the old man's divination for himself should be the Resurrection Pill on his body.

At the same time, he couldn't help but ponder the old man's words just now.

It seems that the dilemma of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon had already formed when he married Claire in Aurous Hill.

The old man just said that the reason why he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon was because he settled by the river, and Aurous Hill is located by the Yangtze River, which fits perfectly.

Moreover, his life has been full of ups and downs. It wasn't until Stephen suddenly appeared last spring that he brought about a turning point for himself.

However, the biggest opportunity in life was not being rediscovered by the Wade family, but accidentally obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", which happened to be last spring.

From this, it can be seen that the cause and effect of the whole thing, first of all, he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon, so that the entire Wade family followed suit.

Later, the Wade family found this old man, trying to get him to help solve the problem.

The old man divined for himself and saw that there was an opportunity in the east to increase his lifespan by ten years, so he traveled thousands of miles back to his homeland to help the Wade family solve their dilemma, while also waiting for his own opportunity.

He spent four years finding Yanling Mountain, and after setting up a Feng Shui formation and breaking the situation of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon, the Wade family survived the crisis, and he benefited greatly himself.

And he has been waiting for his own appearance, because he is the lifeline in his divination.

Thinking of this, Charlie slightly bowed to the old man, "Senior, all the efforts you have made have indeed benefited me greatly! Please accept my respect!"

The old man hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saying very humbly, "I am not worthy of such a great gift from you!"

Charlie insisted, "It's necessary! If it weren't for you, I might still be trapped in the shallows right now!"

The old man shook his head, "In a person's destiny, the dragon is the supreme existence, so being trapped in the shallows of the dragon is a dilemma, not a dead end. The shallows can trap the dragon, but not kill it, so the breaking of the situation is only a matter of time. If I didn't come to break this situation, someone else would come to break it!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "The heavens know good and evil, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation. Whoever breaks your dilemma, it's a great merit, and the heavenly path will surely give him enough reward."

Then, the old man looked at Charlie and smiled slightly, "According to the divination, if I help you out of trouble, I will gain ten years of lifespan. Perhaps these ten years of lifespan have already been added to the Book of Life and Death by the judge of the underworld for me! So, I have to thank you!"

Charlie smiled faintly at the old man and said, "Senior, I believe in Feng Shui, numerology, and the heavenly path, but I don't believe in ghosts and deities. In this world, there is no King Yan (the ruler of the underworld, king of hell), nor is there any Book of Life and Death."

The old man nodded without commenting, smiled and said, "Ah, the heavenly path is mysterious, and it's not something I can fully understand. To be honest, I still don't know where the lifeline in the divination is."

Charlie nodded, reached into the pocket of his jacket, took out a Resurrection Pill, and handed it to him, saying, "Senior, this should be your lifeline!"

The old man trembled all over, looking at Charlie as if he had been struck by lightning, then looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand, exclaiming, "This, this is?"

Chapter 1574 - "Serpents and Dragons: A Tale of Mutual Aid"

Charlie earnestly said, "You've helped me, so naturally, I should help you too. Taking this pill will extend your life by ten years, which shouldn't be a problem."

Although the old man had no idea what the Resurrection Pill was, he nodded eagerly.

Immediately, he dropped his cane, tremblingly knelt down, and raised his hands above his head.

Charlie placed the Resurrection Pill in his hand, then helped him up, saying, "Sir, take it now. At your age, you might not see any immediate effects from the outside, but someone as wise as you should be able to feel its true efficacy."

The old man was immensely grateful and blurted out, "Thank you, Young Master Wade!"

With that, he no longer hesitated and placed the Resurrection Pill in his mouth.

Then, the old man remained motionless with closed eyes for about a minute.

After a minute, he opened his eyes, tears welling up as he looked at Charlie, knelt down again, and choked out, "Young Master Wade, this pill is truly miraculous! I am deeply grateful for your lifesaving grace!"

Charlie hurriedly said, "Sir, you're my elder, there's no need to be so polite."

The old man said seriously, "According to fate, you are of the Dragon rank, and I am of the Python rank. Whenever a Python encounters a Dragon, it must bow, even if it's a thousand-year-old serpent meeting a newborn dragon, it must still kneel! Just now, there were too many onlookers, and I was afraid of revealing your identity, so I couldn't pay my respects to you immediately. I hope you can forgive me!"

Charlie waved his hand with a smile, "These are just formalities, no need to worry."

The old man said solemnly, "The more one believes in fate, the more one must follow the will of heaven. If I fail to bow to you, it would be a great disrespect! Such matters will be recorded by the heavens!"

Seeing the old man's resolute attitude, Charlie didn't insist any further and instead asked, "Sir, I still don't know your name. Would it be convenient for you to reveal it?"

The old man immediately cupped his hands and said with great respect, "Young Master Wade, my surname is Lai, and my name is Xanthos Lai. I am the direct descendant of the Feng Shui master Buyi Lai from the Song Dynasty."

Charlie suddenly realized and admired, "I didn't expect you, sir, to be from such a prestigious lineage. No wonder you have such profound knowledge of the Book of Changes!"

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but think of the fake Feng Shui master who had deceived Sarah. He also claimed to be a descendant of Lai Buyi but had no real skills.

But the old man before him was a true master, proficient in divination. Even in the United States, he could deduce so many crucial matters. He was indeed a rare master.

With this in mind, Charlie asked again, "Sir, why have you been living in the United States all this time?"

Xanthos smiled bitterly and said, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan, my father was concerned about our country. He cast the most important divination of his life, foreseeing that although China would not perish, the Lai family would face annihilation. So, he sacrificed his own life to save the rest of our family, but the condition was that we had to cross the ocean."

"So in 1938, after burying my father, I took my mother, underage siblings, and traveled to the United States. We settled there and built a new life. Later, I also thought about returning with my family, but after living there for many years, there were too many ties of family, career, opportunities, and debts. It was too much trouble to uproot everything, so we've been settled there ever since."

Charlie nodded and asked, "What are your plans now?"

Xanthos looked at the vast mountains and smiled, "My descendants are all in the United States. I've been away for four years this time, and they must be worried. Since I've been fortunate enough to gain ten more years of life from you, Young Master Wade, I intend to retire and spend my remaining years peacefully back home!"

Chapter 1575 - "Sage Serpents and Dragon's Wisdom"

Hearing that Master Xanthos was preparing to return to the United States to enjoy his retirement, Charlie bowed to him and said with a smile, "In that case, I wish you a happy and peaceful life ahead!"

Xanthos hurriedly returned the gesture, somewhat surprised and grateful, saying, "I thank Young Master Wade for his blessings!"

After that, Xanthos hesitated for a moment and said, "Young Master Wade, I have a piece of advice for you, I hope you can listen."

Charlie immediately said, "Old Master, please speak, I am all ears!"

Xanthos said, "Although the crisis of your predicament has been resolved, you should not continue to linger by the river for idle talk."

Charlie asked, "Then where do you think I should go?"

Xanthos said with great respect, "I think you should go to Eastcliff, because it is the capital of the country. From the perspective of feng shui and destiny of the city, it is the city with the highest national destiny. Returning here, from the perspective of feng shui, is like a dragon entering the sea!"

Charlie smiled slightly, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

Xanthos nodded, as if he could see Charlie's thoughts, and earnestly said, "Young Master Wade, there is a saying in 'The Book of Rites,' it emphasizes the importance of being cautious and sincere in one's thoughts. Whatever I say, just listen, but in the end, you must be true to your own heart."

Charlie nodded, "Thank you for your guidance, I have learned from it."

Xanthos waved his hand modestly, "I dare not, Young Master Wade! It's just a chance encounter between us. I don't know if there will be another opportunity to meet in the future. If you need it, I can cast a divination for you."

Charlie instinctively wanted to agree, but after some thought, he shook his head and said, "Old Master, there's no need for another divination. I have a stubborn temperament. Even if fate tells me to go east, I might insist on going west. If I peek into the future in advance, I might end up doing something against my own heart. Let me walk my path slowly on my own!"

Xanthos was completely stunned.

For many years, as a top fortune teller, he had been relentlessly pursued by countless people, willing to spend a fortune to seek his guidance, to have their fortunes told.

Yet even so, there were still many people who never had the chance to have their fortunes told by him.

But this was the first time he had encountered someone like Charlie, who showed absolutely no curiosity about the future, fate, or divination. It was truly rare to see.

Amidst his astonishment, he couldn't help but admire Charlie a bit more.

So, he bowed to Charlie and said, "Young Master Wade, then let's hope we meet again someday!"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Old Master, may the wind be at your back!"

When they returned to the parking lot, everyone looked at the two of them with confusion, not understanding how this elderly and young man, who had just met for the first time, could have so much to talk about and chat for so long.

Knowing that Charlie didn't want to reveal his identity, Xanthos directly said to the head of Yanling Mountain's security, "Please prepare a car for me. I'll pack my belongings and you can take me to the airport."

The security person asked in surprise, "Master Lai, are you leaving?"

Xanthos nodded, smiling, "It's been four years. I've fulfilled my promise to your master's family. It's time for me to go back."

The security person respectfully said, "Master Lai, aren't you going to meet the master of the Wade family or shall I inform him to come and meet you?"

The head of security knew very well that the patriarch of the Wade family held Xanthos in the highest regard.

Charlie's grandfather, who was not yet seventy this year, while Xanthos was already a centenarian. There was a generation gap between them, so Charlie's grandfather always referred to him as a junior and treated him with utmost respect.

Chapter 1576 - "Fortune's Farewell: Sage Serpent's Exit"

When the old master just brought Xanthos back from abroad, he arranged for him to live in the Wade family's mansion, and he was meticulously attended to every day.

However, after Yanling Mountain was completed, Xanthos insisted on moving out of the Wade family and living here.

The old master couldn't bear to let the old fortune teller live in the Wade family's ancestral grave, even though Yanling Mountain was built very well, with a dedicated area for staff to work and live. Still, the old master felt that he couldn't let Xanthos, who was so old, condescend to live here.

However, despite his many attempts to persuade him, Xanthos still insisted on moving here.

Because he had been waiting for his own opportunity, waiting for the door of life in his divination to open, waiting for Charlie to appear and give him the Resurrection Pill that could extend his life by ten years.

Now, after guarding his opportunity for four years, it was time to leave.

So, he said to the person in charge, "Please convey to your master that Lai promises him that everything has been done, and Lai has been away for too long and misses home. I won't say goodbye to him. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the martial world!"

With that said, he bowed to the crowd and, when he looked at Charlie, hesitated for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he turned around, looked up and laughed heartily, and shouted with full vigor, "Laughing heartily and leaving, we are not just ordinary people!"

After saying this, he had already stepped out.

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "Even a centenarian has such spirit, truly extraordinary!"

Charlie smiled on the side, and while the Wade family's security personnel were busy following Xanthos, he said to Geraldo, "Uncle Snow, let's go back."

"Okay!" Geraldo nodded and said, "Let's go back. We'll come again next time!"

Since Charlie still needed to play the role of a driver, he opened the car door for Geraldo, and after Geraldo got in, he got back into the driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce.

He started the car.

As soon as Charlie drove the car out of the parking lot, Geraldo in the back seat asked him, "Charlie, what did that old fortune teller talk to you about just now? He seemed very respectful towards you."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "The old gentleman recognized my identity and knew that I am from the Wade family, so he gave me some advice."

Surprised, Geraldo asked, "How did he recognize you?! Does he know you?"

Charlie shook his head, "He doesn't know me, but he is after all a descendant of the Lai family, and his expertise in feng shui and divination is quite high. It's possible that he calculated that I would come."

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder, the Wade family didn't let you go up the mountain, but he said you're not an outsider. So, that's what it means!"

Then, Geraldo asked again, "Is feng shui and divination really so magical? Can it even know who will come and when?"

Charlie smiled and said, "It's possible. Although the things passed down from our ancestors are ancient, we cannot deny that they are very wise, even containing a wisdom that we do not understand, like the Mayans. In such ancient times, they almost deduced a complete calendar, which seems incredible to us modern people."

Geraldo nodded seriously, then remembered something and asked Charlie, "Charlie, what are your plans next?"

Charlie said, "Tomorrow, a friend's grandmother is celebrating her birthday. I'll go and give her a gift. After attending the birthday banquet, I'll return to Aurous Hill."

Geraldo hurriedly said, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to stay a few more days!"

Chapter 1577 - "Fan-tastic Gestures: Tokens of Esteem"

Upon hearing Geraldo's words, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Snow, there are still many things to do in Aurous Hill. I can't stay here."

Geraldo nodded lightly and sighed, "Make sure to visit Uncle often in Eastcliff in the future. Both Maria and Aunt Amelia are looking forward to your return to Eastcliff for development!"

Charlie just responded with a nod and didn't say much more.

Geraldo tactfully didn't bring up the topic again but instead asked Charlie, "Little Charlie, you said you're going to attend your friend's grandmother's birthday banquet tomorrow. Have you prepared the gift?"

Charlie replied, "Not yet, I plan to go out and have a look later."

Although Charlie had the Resurrection Pill, which was significant for the elderly, he had never met Elsa's grandmother. So, it was not possible to prepare such an expensive gift for her. He intended to buy a gift worth tens of thousands from the streets to show his respect.

Upon hearing this, Geraldo smiled and said directly, "I have a fan at home, painted with a longevity picture by Master Qi Baishi, with a top-grade small leaf sandalwood handle and exquisite carving by a master craftsman. It's quite exquisite. You can take it as a birthday gift."

Charlie hurriedly said, "Uncle Snow, how can I take your things to give to others? I'd rather buy something myself."

Geraldo insisted, "What's the fuss between you and Uncle? It's just a fan, not worth much money. But because of its theme being longevity, it's a very nice gift for the elderly."

Saying that, Geraldo urged, "This matter is settled, don't refuse Uncle, and don't be formal! Otherwise, Uncle will be angry."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Charlie immediately stopped insisting and nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Snow!"

The next morning.

Charlie declined Geraldo's offer to send a car and left the Snow's residence alone with the long gift box he had given him.

His wife, Claire, sent him an address, which was the Dewey family's villa.

The Dewey family's villa was not far from the Snow's residence.

It was only a journey of more than 20 minutes by car.

In Eastcliff, the Dewey family was only considered a second-rate family.

Moreover, within the second-rate families, they were at the bottom.

In recent years, the Dewey family's business had declined significantly. If it hadn't been for Elsa's aunt marrying into the Hansen family, which helped the Dewey family, they might have already fallen to the level of a third-rate family.

However, this was still Eastcliff. Even if they were at the bottom of the second-rate families, in other second-tier cities, they would definitely be considered top-notch.

Because of this, although the Dewey family had declined somewhat, their mansion was still luxurious, with a grand luxury villa costing at least 300 million.

The taxi Charlie took could only stop at the entrance of the villa area, and the security was very strict. So, after getting off at the entrance, Charlie called Elsa and asked her to come out to meet him.

When Elsa heard that Charlie had arrived, she almost ran out happily.

Today, Elsa was dressed very beautifully, and because it was her grandmother's birthday, she deliberately put on some light makeup, looking very dignified and generous.

As soon as she saw Charlie, Elsa said happily, "Charlie, you're here!"

With that, she ran up and hugged his arm, pulling him towards the villa. She couldn't hide her excitement as she said, "Come on, I'll introduce my parents to you later."

Charlie quickly withdrew his arm, feeling embarrassed, and said, "Elsa, we can't do this, it's not appropriate."

Elsa deliberately pouted and said, "What's inappropriate about it? Can't friends be a little intimate?"

Chapter 1578 - "Eccentric Encounters: A Day at the Dewey Villa"

Charlie rubbed his nose, "After all, I am your best friend's husband!"

Elsa replied casually, "I know, a fake husband. You've been fake married for four years. I wonder when this pretend game of yours will ever be enough."

Just then, a limited edition Bentley pulled up beside them and stopped. The rear window rolled down, revealing a middle-aged woman dressed in luxury. She looked at Elsa and asked, "Elsa, why are you out here?"

Elsa, upon seeing the woman, hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Auntie! Where's my cousin?"

The woman in the car replied, "He's still busy. He'll come over before the birthday banquet at noon."

Elsa asked again, "What about my cousin?"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "I haven't seen him all night. He's really getting on my nerves. This boy has no sense of responsibility. He's barely recovered, and now he's staying out all night again. You have to talk to your aunt about him later!"

Elsa sighed, "Auntie, I dare not speak to my cousin about his temper. Every time I mention it, he just snaps at me."

The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "He's becoming more and more unruly."

Then, she looked at Charlie beside Elsa and asked with a smile, "Oh, is this young man your boyfriend?"

Elsa glanced at Charlie and blushed, "Not yet."

"Not yet?" The middle-aged woman emphasized the "yet" and said with a smile, "When will 'not yet' turn into 'yes'?"

Elsa, embarrassed, said, "Auntie, you're too nosy. Let's go inside quickly. Grandma is waiting for you!"

The middle-aged woman chuckled, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Elsa quickly waved her hand, "No need, no need. We can walk in. It's not far."

The middle-aged woman nodded, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go in first."

With that, the Bentley slowly drove into the villa area.

Charlie felt a bit helpless at this point. He quickly said to Elsa, "Please don't introduce me like that to others anymore. What if someone misunderstands? What if Claire finds out? If someone asks who I am, just say I'm your best friend's husband."

Elsa pouted, "It's just a joke, why take it so seriously?"

Charlie said seriously, "This is a matter of principle that must be taken seriously."

Elsa could only nod, "Alright, alright, it's a matter of principle. I won't say it anymore, okay?"

With that, she quickly changed the subject, "Let's go inside quickly. It's getting late!"

Charlie initially wanted to give her the gift and leave, but then he remembered his wife's instructions to greet Elsa's grandmother for her birthday. At least he had to meet Elsa's grandmother to fulfill his wife's request.

So, he followed Elsa into the villa area without saying a word.

As they walked into the villa area, a red Ferrari suddenly whizzed past from behind. Elsa saw the car and waved, shouting, "Cousin, cousin!"

However, supercar engines are already loud, and the speed was fast. The driver didn't hear her at all.

Charlie asked Elsa, "Was that your cousin driving?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded and said, "My cousin is quite eccentric. He had surgery recently, but as soon as he recovered, he started showing off again."

Chapter 1579 - "Elsa's Choice: Between Family and Heart"

Charlie was unaware of the identity of Elsa's cousin, mentioned by her.

He simply observed that there were plenty of wealthy and ostentatious individuals in Eastcliff, with a multitude of affluent young masters. These young masters, eight or nine out of ten, were all quite flamboyant and extravagant, so it didn't strike him as odd.

As he and Elsa arrived at the entrance of the Dewey family villa, various luxury cars had already filled the area.

Outside the gate, two middle-aged men were warmly welcoming guests. Elsa approached them and hastily introduced, "Dad, Uncle, let me introduce you. This is my friend from Aurous Hill, Charlie Wade."

The two middle-aged men glanced at Charlie, and Elsa's uncle spoke, "I haven't heard of any Wade family in Aurous Hill."

Elsa hurriedly explained, "Charlie isn't from any prominent family. He's just my college classmate."

Back then, Charlie had been arranged by Grandpa Wilson to study at Aurous Hill University for a year, where he was not only classmates with Claire but also with Elsa.

At this moment, Elsa refrained from mentioning that Charlie was Claire's husband, as it was a way to leave herself an escape route. In case there was ever a chance for her to develop something with Charlie and bring him home, if her family immediately recognized him as Claire's husband, it would be incredibly awkward.

Upon hearing that he was Elsa's college classmate, her uncle couldn't help but show some disdain and said, "Since he's a college classmate, let's have him seated."

At this point, Elsa's father whispered to her, "Elsa, I heard your cousin mention earlier that the heir of the Snow family will also be coming. You should seize the opportunity to get to know him."

Elsa couldn't help but frown and said, "Why should I get to know him? Those two wastrels from the Snow family are nothing good. Their reputation has long been tarnished!"

"Do you understand?" Elsa's father sternly exclaimed, "The Snow family ranks third in Eastcliff. Their family's power is formidable, and don't forget, the Snow family lacks male heirs. There are only two boys, so their value is even higher!"

Families with many male heirs, no matter how great their power, will eventually dissipate.

Some families may boast of having billions in assets, but with so many descendants, their assets are heavily divided. It's possible that the entire family can't produce an heir worth over ten billion. Therefore, in such families, the value of male heirs naturally doesn't rise.

The Snow family only has two male heirs, Feliciano and Javier. Even if each family only holds shares in various groups, each person's net worth is over a hundred billion.

Elsa's father, Leandro Dewey, always wanted Elsa to marry a top-notch rich second-generation, hoping to revive the declining situation of the Dewey family.

Before this, upon hearing that the Wade family had purchased an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill and even gifted it to a Wade family descendant, he thought that one of the descendants of the Wade family had been sent to Aurous Hill for experience. Therefore, he immediately arranged for Elsa to work at the Emgrand Group.

However, Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long, and she hadn't even seen the chairman of the Emgrand Group, so Elsa's father gradually lost confidence.

He even thought about not letting his daughter return to Aurous Hill this time. After wasting almost half a year there with no results, it would be better to come back quickly and find a reliable young man from a prestigious family in Eastcliff.

Coincidentally, just now, his nephew came in, excitedly saying that he had finally persuaded the Snow family's young master to come over. So he felt that this was a good opportunity for his daughter.

However, Elsa didn't care about the Snow family's young master at all.

Even if it was the mysterious young master of the Wade family, she didn't care anymore. Ever since Charlie saved her, all she could think of was Charlie. No other man could catch her eye.

Chapter 1580 - "Materialism vs. Love: Elsa's Choice"

With an indifferent expression, she said, "Dad, I'm not interested in the young master from the Snow family. Please don't introduce me to him!"

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, let's go in."

"You, child!" Leandro said with some anger, "Why are you so ungrateful? If you could be with the young master from the Snow family, why would you need to go to Aurous Hill?"

Elsa subconsciously glanced at Charlie again, then stubbornly said to her father, "I just like Aurous Hill! When I look for a husband in the future, I will definitely find one in Aurous Hill!"

Leandro scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? What reputable family is there in Aurous Hill? As the daughter of Leandro Dewey, how can you marry a man from such a small place?"

Elsa said disappointedly, "Dad, how did you become so materialistic?"

"Me, materialistic?" Leandro said, "Isn't everything I do for your own good?"

Beside them, Elsa's uncle spoke up, "Alright Leandro, this matter doesn't need to be rushed. Let Elsa and her classmate go inside for now."

Seeing his older brother mediating, Leandro then said to Elsa, "Alright, let's go in first. We'll talk with your mother later!"

Elsa, annoyed, said, "It's useless no matter who talks about this!"

After saying this, she immediately went forward and pulled Charlie along, saying, "Let's go, Charlie, let's go in!"

Charlie, feeling helpless and not wanting to meddle in their family affairs, quickly followed them into the villa.

Leandro stamped his foot in anger, while his older brother said, "Leandro, your judgment seems to be getting worse, don't you think?"

"What?" Leandro asked in surprise, "Big brother, what do you mean by that?"

Leandro's older brother smiled and said, "Didn't you see? Elsa kept staring at that guy beside her. Especially when you mentioned introducing her to the young master from the Snow family, she immediately looked at that guy. There must be something going on there!"

"What's going on?" Leandro blurted out, "Big brother, are you suggesting that Elsa might like that kid?"

"I think it's possible," Leandro's older brother said seriously, "Didn't you hear Elsa? They are college classmates, they've known each other for a long time, and this kid is also in Aurous Hill. Elsa has been in Aurous Hill for most of the past six months. It's possible that they've already developed feelings for each other during that time!"

Leandro's face changed, "Damn it, even the insignificant guy from Aurous Hill dares to have thoughts about my daughter!"

After saying that, he immediately said, "Big brother, you keep an eye here. I'm going to find out what's going on with Elsa!"

Leandro's older brother hurriedly stopped him, "What's your hurry? If you go ask Elsa now, and they end up quarreling, wouldn't it disrupt mom's birthday banquet? I suggest you endure it for now. Wait until after the banquet to privately ask Elsa what's going on."

After hesitating for a moment, considering his mother's birthday banquet and the numerous guests, Leandro realized it wouldn't be appropriate to question his daughter at this moment. So, he reluctantly nodded, feeling somewhat frustrated, and said, "That kid wants to eat swan meat? I'll make sure he gets what's coming to him later!"

With that, he begrudgingly agreed to wait, knowing that addressing the issue later in a more private setting would be more appropriate.
Chapter 1571 - "Kneeling to Kin: A Son's Tribute"

Charlie was quite puzzled.

He couldn't quite understand why this old man seemed to have recognized him at first glance.

However, since this old man helped him solve the current problem, what mattered most to him was to quickly go and pay respects to his parents. The rest could be discussed later.

So, he nodded respectfully to the old man and said, "Sir, thank you."

After saying that, he pretended to support Geraldo, and together with Amelia and Haidee, they stepped onto the stone steps.

No one else followed, including the old fortune teller, who was now standing below, quietly watching Charlie's departure, trying hard to restrain the excitement in his heart.

The Wade family's tomb was divided into nine rows.

The top row was where the earliest ancestors of the Wade family were buried.

The further down, the lower the generation.

Charlie's parents were buried in the second-to-last row.

In this row, there were a total of twenty tomb mounds of the same size, but only one had a tombstone in front of it.

Geraldo stopped in this row and pointed to the only tombstone in front, saying to Charlie, "Little Charlie, that's where your parents are buried."

Charlie nodded lightly and murmured, "In this generation of the Wade family, only my parents have passed away. The others should still be alive, right?"

Geraldo said, "That's right. Although this generation is already in their forties or fifties, they are still in their prime. If your parents hadn't been harmed, they would probably still be the mainstay of the Wade family."

Charlie sighed and walked inward.

The security personnel and the old fortune teller were all below, so they couldn't see what was happening here. Charlie no longer pretended and took a step forward ahead of Geraldo.

Arriving at his parents' grave, Charlie took off his sunglasses and face mask, looking at the photos and names of his parents on the tombstone. Tears couldn't help but flow incessantly.

In his mind, it was as if a movie was playing at an extremely fast pace.

This movie recorded his life from the moment he could remember until he was eight years old.

Then, at an even faster pace, fragments of his life over the past decade flashed through his mind.

Eighteen years without parents, long and difficult, filled with bitterness and pain that ordinary people could not comprehend.

At this moment, he had countless words he wanted to say to his deceased parents, but when it came to his lips, it felt like a lump in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

After shedding tears in front of the tombstone for a moment, Charlie suddenly knelt down on the ground, picked up the flowers, and respectfully placed them in front of the tombstone, choking back tears as he said, "Dad, Mom, your unfilial son. You've been gone for eighteen years, and only now did I come to see you. These years, I've been struggling, unable to fulfill the duties of a son. Please forgive me."

After saying that, he bowed down heavily, kowtowing nine times in front of the tombstone.

They say one kneels to the heavens, one kneels to the earth, and one kneels to their parents. But in Charlie's eyes, neither heaven nor earth deserved to be knelt to, only his parents were worthy of it.

At this moment, Geraldo also stepped forward, kneeling on one knee in front of the tombstone, sighing, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, I promised you for eighteen years, and finally, I didn't break my promise. I've brought Little Charlie back. Look at him now, he's already a remarkable person! Just like you, Elder Brother, almost identical, truly outstanding!"

As he spoke, he wiped away tears and continued, "Last time I came to see you, I said I would come down to meet you soon, but I didn't expect Little Charlie to save my life. Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, you might have to wait a little longer for me."

As he said this, Geraldo was choked with emotion.

Amelia stepped forward, also kneeling beside Geraldo, choking, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, thank you for watching over Geraldo from above and keeping him safe. The debt of gratitude from the Wade family to the Snow family, we will never forget in this life."

Haidee knelt beside Charlie, without saying a word, just silently shedding tears.

After kneeling on the ground for a long time, Charlie wiped away his tears, gently wiped the tombstone of his parents several times with his sleeve, and said, "Mom, Dad, I can't stay with you for long this time, but please rest assured, from now on, I will come to see you every year."

With that, he sighed heavily, helped Geraldo up, and said, "Uncle Snow, let's go."

Geraldo nodded slightly, pulled his wife up, and they walked away slowly, the three of them wearing sunglasses and face masks once again.

Chapter 1572 - "Trapped Dragons and Resilient Souls"

Below the stone steps, several security guards stood stiffly.

And the old fortune teller, supporting himself with a python-headed cane, looked at Charlie with a hint of awe in his eyes.

Charlie didn't speak, but walked up to the old fortune teller and bowed deeply.

The old fortune teller quickly extended his cane to help, saying with sincere fear, "You shouldn't, you really shouldn't."

The security guards were all somewhat surprised.

When the head of the Wade family bowed to the old fortune teller, the old man didn't even blink. Why was this driver bowing to him, and why was he being so polite in return?

At this moment, the old fortune teller spoke up and asked Charlie, "Young man, can we have a word?"

Charlie nodded, "Sure."

The old fortune teller turned to the security guards and said, "No one is allowed to follow."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Charlie nodded to Geraldo, and then walked to the other side of the mountain with the old fortune teller.

Here, there was a platform paved with natural marble, right next to the mountainside.

Charlie had always felt that the entire Yanling Mountain had a soaring momentum. When he saw this huge and flat platform, he suddenly realized that the center of the entire Feng Shui array was here.

The old fortune teller stood with him in the center of the platform and said respectfully, "The entire Yanling Mountain, as well as the Feng Shui array of the entire Yanling Mountain, are actually set up for you."

Charlie asked in surprise, "Set up for me? I wonder what the elder means. Do you know me?"

The old fortune teller said, "Four years ago, the Wade family encountered trouble, and the whole family was trapped in a difficult situation. At that time, it was when you got married."

"Married?!" Charlie exclaimed, "You mean when I got married?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller nodded and continued, "The trouble the Wade family encountered was related to you."

Charlie frowned and asked, "You mean I was trapped in trouble?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller said respectfully, "You are the only dragon of the Wade family! What is a dragon? It soars in the sky and plunges into the sea, but you got married by the river. That's why it's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Waters'!"

"If you, as the dragon, are trapped in shallow waters, the fortune of the entire Wade family will be exhausted. At that time, your grandfather was seriously ill and couldn't be cured despite seeking countless doctors, all because of this situation!"

The old fortune teller continued, "So, your grandfather found me."

"And three months before your grandfather found me, I had just cast a divination for myself."

"The divination indicated a dead end, implying that my life might be exhausted within a few years. I was already one hundred and two at that time, so death didn't matter much to me. However, within that dead end, there was a glimmer of hope, all pointing to the east."

"I didn't understand what it specifically meant, so I kept searching for more clues. Then your grandfather came and asked me to return to the country to look at the Feng Shui for the Wade family. That's when I realized that the glimmer of hope in the dead end was in the east, in the ancestral homeland, in the Wade family."

"In Eastcliff, I examined all the Feng Shui clues for the Wade family and cast several divinations, only to find out that the Wade family had a dragon trapped in shallow waters. If this dragon couldn't soar, not only would the Wade family be in danger, but the glimmer of hope in the divination would also disappear. So, I spent four years searching for Yanling Mountain, rebuilding Yanling Mountain, and finally broke the deadlock of the Wade family's dragon trapped in shallow waters last spring. That's why you were able to escape from the trap."

Upon hearing this, Charlie was deeply shocked. Could it be that what he said about breaking free from the trap was about obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"? Because the time last spring perfectly matched when he obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"!

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed at the old man's profound understanding of Feng Shui divination, but also worried. Did he know about the existence of the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"?

This was his deepest, most profound secret, one that he couldn't even tell his closest people!

So, he deliberately asked the old man, "Old sir, you said that rebuilding Yanling Mountain allowed me to break free from the trap. Could you please tell me what aspect it refers to? How did I break free? What did I rely on to break free?"

The old man shook his head, "This divination is beyond my understanding. I can only tell that you have already broken free, and you have great momentum for soaring. After you break free, you will also bring my glimmer of hope, extending my life by ten years. That's why I've been waiting here for you, but I can't figure out what this glimmer of hope really is."

Charlie was even more surprised.

Could the so-called glimmer of hope mentioned by this old man be the surplus Resurrection Pill on his body?!

Chapter 1573 - "The Lifeline"

This time in Eastcliff, Charlie did bring more than just one Resurrection Pill.

Though he was confident that one Resurrection Pill could cure Geraldo, just to be on the safe side, he brought two or three more, just in case.

From this perspective, the only lifeline left in the dead end of the old man's divination for himself should be the Resurrection Pill on his body.

At the same time, he couldn't help but ponder the old man's words just now.

It seems that the dilemma of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon had already formed when he married Claire in Aurous Hill.

The old man just said that the reason why he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon was because he settled by the river, and Aurous Hill is located by the Yangtze River, which fits perfectly.

Moreover, his life has been full of ups and downs. It wasn't until Stephen suddenly appeared last spring that he brought about a turning point for himself.

However, the biggest opportunity in life was not being rediscovered by the Wade family, but accidentally obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", which happened to be last spring.

From this, it can be seen that the cause and effect of the whole thing, first of all, he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon, so that the entire Wade family followed suit.

Later, the Wade family found this old man, trying to get him to help solve the problem.

The old man divined for himself and saw that there was an opportunity in the east to increase his lifespan by ten years, so he traveled thousands of miles back to his homeland to help the Wade family solve their dilemma, while also waiting for his own opportunity.

He spent four years finding Yanling Mountain, and after setting up a Feng Shui formation and breaking the situation of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon, the Wade family survived the crisis, and he benefited greatly himself.

And he has been waiting for his own appearance, because he is the lifeline in his divination.

Thinking of this, Charlie slightly bowed to the old man, "Senior, all the efforts you have made have indeed benefited me greatly! Please accept my respect!"

The old man hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saying very humbly, "I am not worthy of such a great gift from you!"

Charlie insisted, "It's necessary! If it weren't for you, I might still be trapped in the shallows right now!"

The old man shook his head, "In a person's destiny, the dragon is the supreme existence, so being trapped in the shallows of the dragon is a dilemma, not a dead end. The shallows can trap the dragon, but not kill it, so the breaking of the situation is only a matter of time. If I didn't come to break this situation, someone else would come to break it!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "The heavens know good and evil, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation. Whoever breaks your dilemma, it's a great merit, and the heavenly path will surely give him enough reward."

Then, the old man looked at Charlie and smiled slightly, "According to the divination, if I help you out of trouble, I will gain ten years of lifespan. Perhaps these ten years of lifespan have already been added to the Book of Life and Death by the judge of the underworld for me! So, I have to thank you!"

Charlie smiled faintly at the old man and said, "Senior, I believe in Feng Shui, numerology, and the heavenly path, but I don't believe in ghosts and deities. In this world, there is no King Yan (the ruler of the underworld, king of hell), nor is there any Book of Life and Death."

The old man nodded without commenting, smiled and said, "Ah, the heavenly path is mysterious, and it's not something I can fully understand. To be honest, I still don't know where the lifeline in the divination is."

Charlie nodded, reached into the pocket of his jacket, took out a Resurrection Pill, and handed it to him, saying, "Senior, this should be your lifeline!"

The old man trembled all over, looking at Charlie as if he had been struck by lightning, then looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand, exclaiming, "This, this is?"

Chapter 1574 - "Serpents and Dragons: A Tale of Mutual Aid"

Charlie earnestly said, "You've helped me, so naturally, I should help you too. Taking this pill will extend your life by ten years, which shouldn't be a problem."

Although the old man had no idea what the Resurrection Pill was, he nodded eagerly.

Immediately, he dropped his cane, tremblingly knelt down, and raised his hands above his head.

Charlie placed the Resurrection Pill in his hand, then helped him up, saying, "Sir, take it now. At your age, you might not see any immediate effects from the outside, but someone as wise as you should be able to feel its true efficacy."

The old man was immensely grateful and blurted out, "Thank you, Young Master Wade!"

With that, he no longer hesitated and placed the Resurrection Pill in his mouth.

Then, the old man remained motionless with closed eyes for about a minute.

After a minute, he opened his eyes, tears welling up as he looked at Charlie, knelt down again, and choked out, "Young Master Wade, this pill is truly miraculous! I am deeply grateful for your lifesaving grace!"

Charlie hurriedly said, "Sir, you're my elder, there's no need to be so polite."

The old man said seriously, "According to fate, you are of the Dragon rank, and I am of the Python rank. Whenever a Python encounters a Dragon, it must bow, even if it's a thousand-year-old serpent meeting a newborn dragon, it must still kneel! Just now, there were too many onlookers, and I was afraid of revealing your identity, so I couldn't pay my respects to you immediately. I hope you can forgive me!"

Charlie waved his hand with a smile, "These are just formalities, no need to worry."

The old man said solemnly, "The more one believes in fate, the more one must follow the will of heaven. If I fail to bow to you, it would be a great disrespect! Such matters will be recorded by the heavens!"

Seeing the old man's resolute attitude, Charlie didn't insist any further and instead asked, "Sir, I still don't know your name. Would it be convenient for you to reveal it?"

The old man immediately cupped his hands and said with great respect, "Young Master Wade, my surname is Lai, and my name is Xanthos Lai. I am the direct descendant of the Feng Shui master Buyi Lai from the Song Dynasty."

Charlie suddenly realized and admired, "I didn't expect you, sir, to be from such a prestigious lineage. No wonder you have such profound knowledge of the Book of Changes!"

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but think of the fake Feng Shui master who had deceived Sarah. He also claimed to be a descendant of Lai Buyi but had no real skills.

But the old man before him was a true master, proficient in divination. Even in the United States, he could deduce so many crucial matters. He was indeed a rare master.

With this in mind, Charlie asked again, "Sir, why have you been living in the United States all this time?"

Xanthos smiled bitterly and said, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan, my father was concerned about our country. He cast the most important divination of his life, foreseeing that although China would not perish, the Lai family would face annihilation. So, he sacrificed his own life to save the rest of our family, but the condition was that we had to cross the ocean."

"So in 1938, after burying my father, I took my mother, underage siblings, and traveled to the United States. We settled there and built a new life. Later, I also thought about returning with my family, but after living there for many years, there were too many ties of family, career, opportunities, and debts. It was too much trouble to uproot everything, so we've been settled there ever since."

Charlie nodded and asked, "What are your plans now?"

Xanthos looked at the vast mountains and smiled, "My descendants are all in the United States. I've been away for four years this time, and they must be worried. Since I've been fortunate enough to gain ten more years of life from you, Young Master Wade, I intend to retire and spend my remaining years peacefully back home!"

Chapter 1575 - "Sage Serpents and Dragon's Wisdom"

Hearing that Master Xanthos was preparing to return to the United States to enjoy his retirement, Charlie bowed to him and said with a smile, "In that case, I wish you a happy and peaceful life ahead!"

Xanthos hurriedly returned the gesture, somewhat surprised and grateful, saying, "I thank Young Master Wade for his blessings!"

After that, Xanthos hesitated for a moment and said, "Young Master Wade, I have a piece of advice for you, I hope you can listen."

Charlie immediately said, "Old Master, please speak, I am all ears!"

Xanthos said, "Although the crisis of your predicament has been resolved, you should not continue to linger by the river for idle talk."

Charlie asked, "Then where do you think I should go?"

Xanthos said with great respect, "I think you should go to Eastcliff, because it is the capital of the country. From the perspective of feng shui and destiny of the city, it is the city with the highest national destiny. Returning here, from the perspective of feng shui, is like a dragon entering the sea!"

Charlie smiled slightly, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

Xanthos nodded, as if he could see Charlie's thoughts, and earnestly said, "Young Master Wade, there is a saying in 'The Book of Rites,' it emphasizes the importance of being cautious and sincere in one's thoughts. Whatever I say, just listen, but in the end, you must be true to your own heart."

Charlie nodded, "Thank you for your guidance, I have learned from it."

Xanthos waved his hand modestly, "I dare not, Young Master Wade! It's just a chance encounter between us. I don't know if there will be another opportunity to meet in the future. If you need it, I can cast a divination for you."

Charlie instinctively wanted to agree, but after some thought, he shook his head and said, "Old Master, there's no need for another divination. I have a stubborn temperament. Even if fate tells me to go east, I might insist on going west. If I peek into the future in advance, I might end up doing something against my own heart. Let me walk my path slowly on my own!"

Xanthos was completely stunned.

For many years, as a top fortune teller, he had been relentlessly pursued by countless people, willing to spend a fortune to seek his guidance, to have their fortunes told.

Yet even so, there were still many people who never had the chance to have their fortunes told by him.

But this was the first time he had encountered someone like Charlie, who showed absolutely no curiosity about the future, fate, or divination. It was truly rare to see.

Amidst his astonishment, he couldn't help but admire Charlie a bit more.

So, he bowed to Charlie and said, "Young Master Wade, then let's hope we meet again someday!"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Old Master, may the wind be at your back!"

When they returned to the parking lot, everyone looked at the two of them with confusion, not understanding how this elderly and young man, who had just met for the first time, could have so much to talk about and chat for so long.

Knowing that Charlie didn't want to reveal his identity, Xanthos directly said to the head of Yanling Mountain's security, "Please prepare a car for me. I'll pack my belongings and you can take me to the airport."

The security person asked in surprise, "Master Lai, are you leaving?"

Xanthos nodded, smiling, "It's been four years. I've fulfilled my promise to your master's family. It's time for me to go back."

The security person respectfully said, "Master Lai, aren't you going to meet the master of the Wade family or shall I inform him to come and meet you?"

The head of security knew very well that the patriarch of the Wade family held Xanthos in the highest regard.

Charlie's grandfather, who was not yet seventy this year, while Xanthos was already a centenarian. There was a generation gap between them, so Charlie's grandfather always referred to him as a junior and treated him with utmost respect.

Chapter 1576 - "Fortune's Farewell: Sage Serpent's Exit"

When the old master just brought Xanthos back from abroad, he arranged for him to live in the Wade family's mansion, and he was meticulously attended to every day.

However, after Yanling Mountain was completed, Xanthos insisted on moving out of the Wade family and living here.

The old master couldn't bear to let the old fortune teller live in the Wade family's ancestral grave, even though Yanling Mountain was built very well, with a dedicated area for staff to work and live. Still, the old master felt that he couldn't let Xanthos, who was so old, condescend to live here.

However, despite his many attempts to persuade him, Xanthos still insisted on moving here.

Because he had been waiting for his own opportunity, waiting for the door of life in his divination to open, waiting for Charlie to appear and give him the Resurrection Pill that could extend his life by ten years.

Now, after guarding his opportunity for four years, it was time to leave.

So, he said to the person in charge, "Please convey to your master that Lai promises him that everything has been done, and Lai has been away for too long and misses home. I won't say goodbye to him. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the martial world!"

With that said, he bowed to the crowd and, when he looked at Charlie, hesitated for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he turned around, looked up and laughed heartily, and shouted with full vigor, "Laughing heartily and leaving, we are not just ordinary people!"

After saying this, he had already stepped out.

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "Even a centenarian has such spirit, truly extraordinary!"

Charlie smiled on the side, and while the Wade family's security personnel were busy following Xanthos, he said to Geraldo, "Uncle Snow, let's go back."

"Okay!" Geraldo nodded and said, "Let's go back. We'll come again next time!"

Since Charlie still needed to play the role of a driver, he opened the car door for Geraldo, and after Geraldo got in, he got back into the driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce.

He started the car.

As soon as Charlie drove the car out of the parking lot, Geraldo in the back seat asked him, "Charlie, what did that old fortune teller talk to you about just now? He seemed very respectful towards you."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "The old gentleman recognized my identity and knew that I am from the Wade family, so he gave me some advice."

Surprised, Geraldo asked, "How did he recognize you?! Does he know you?"

Charlie shook his head, "He doesn't know me, but he is after all a descendant of the Lai family, and his expertise in feng shui and divination is quite high. It's possible that he calculated that I would come."

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder, the Wade family didn't let you go up the mountain, but he said you're not an outsider. So, that's what it means!"

Then, Geraldo asked again, "Is feng shui and divination really so magical? Can it even know who will come and when?"

Charlie smiled and said, "It's possible. Although the things passed down from our ancestors are ancient, we cannot deny that they are very wise, even containing a wisdom that we do not understand, like the Mayans. In such ancient times, they almost deduced a complete calendar, which seems incredible to us modern people."

Geraldo nodded seriously, then remembered something and asked Charlie, "Charlie, what are your plans next?"

Charlie said, "Tomorrow, a friend's grandmother is celebrating her birthday. I'll go and give her a gift. After attending the birthday banquet, I'll return to Aurous Hill."

Geraldo hurriedly said, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to stay a few more days!"

Chapter 1577 - "Fan-tastic Gestures: Tokens of Esteem"

Upon hearing Geraldo's words, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Snow, there are still many things to do in Aurous Hill. I can't stay here."

Geraldo nodded lightly and sighed, "Make sure to visit Uncle often in Eastcliff in the future. Both Maria and Aunt Amelia are looking forward to your return to Eastcliff for development!"

Charlie just responded with a nod and didn't say much more.

Geraldo tactfully didn't bring up the topic again but instead asked Charlie, "Little Charlie, you said you're going to attend your friend's grandmother's birthday banquet tomorrow. Have you prepared the gift?"

Charlie replied, "Not yet, I plan to go out and have a look later."

Although Charlie had the Resurrection Pill, which was significant for the elderly, he had never met Elsa's grandmother. So, it was not possible to prepare such an expensive gift for her. He intended to buy a gift worth tens of thousands from the streets to show his respect.

Upon hearing this, Geraldo smiled and said directly, "I have a fan at home, painted with a longevity picture by Master Qi Baishi, with a top-grade small leaf sandalwood handle and exquisite carving by a master craftsman. It's quite exquisite. You can take it as a birthday gift."

Charlie hurriedly said, "Uncle Snow, how can I take your things to give to others? I'd rather buy something myself."

Geraldo insisted, "What's the fuss between you and Uncle? It's just a fan, not worth much money. But because of its theme being longevity, it's a very nice gift for the elderly."

Saying that, Geraldo urged, "This matter is settled, don't refuse Uncle, and don't be formal! Otherwise, Uncle will be angry."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Charlie immediately stopped insisting and nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Snow!"

The next morning.

Charlie declined Geraldo's offer to send a car and left the Snow's residence alone with the long gift box he had given him.

His wife, Claire, sent him an address, which was the Dewey family's villa.

The Dewey family's villa was not far from the Snow's residence.

It was only a journey of more than 20 minutes by car.

In Eastcliff, the Dewey family was only considered a second-rate family.

Moreover, within the second-rate families, they were at the bottom.

In recent years, the Dewey family's business had declined significantly. If it hadn't been for Elsa's aunt marrying into the Hansen family, which helped the Dewey family, they might have already fallen to the level of a third-rate family.

However, this was still Eastcliff. Even if they were at the bottom of the second-rate families, in other second-tier cities, they would definitely be considered top-notch.

Because of this, although the Dewey family had declined somewhat, their mansion was still luxurious, with a grand luxury villa costing at least 300 million.

The taxi Charlie took could only stop at the entrance of the villa area, and the security was very strict. So, after getting off at the entrance, Charlie called Elsa and asked her to come out to meet him.

When Elsa heard that Charlie had arrived, she almost ran out happily.

Today, Elsa was dressed very beautifully, and because it was her grandmother's birthday, she deliberately put on some light makeup, looking very dignified and generous.

As soon as she saw Charlie, Elsa said happily, "Charlie, you're here!"

With that, she ran up and hugged his arm, pulling him towards the villa. She couldn't hide her excitement as she said, "Come on, I'll introduce my parents to you later."

Charlie quickly withdrew his arm, feeling embarrassed, and said, "Elsa, we can't do this, it's not appropriate."

Elsa deliberately pouted and said, "What's inappropriate about it? Can't friends be a little intimate?"

Chapter 1578 - "Eccentric Encounters: A Day at the Dewey Villa"

Charlie rubbed his nose, "After all, I am your best friend's husband!"

Elsa replied casually, "I know, a fake husband. You've been fake married for four years. I wonder when this pretend game of yours will ever be enough."

Just then, a limited edition Bentley pulled up beside them and stopped. The rear window rolled down, revealing a middle-aged woman dressed in luxury. She looked at Elsa and asked, "Elsa, why are you out here?"

Elsa, upon seeing the woman, hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Auntie! Where's my cousin?"

The woman in the car replied, "He's still busy. He'll come over before the birthday banquet at noon."

Elsa asked again, "What about my cousin?"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "I haven't seen him all night. He's really getting on my nerves. This boy has no sense of responsibility. He's barely recovered, and now he's staying out all night again. You have to talk to your aunt about him later!"

Elsa sighed, "Auntie, I dare not speak to my cousin about his temper. Every time I mention it, he just snaps at me."

The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "He's becoming more and more unruly."

Then, she looked at Charlie beside Elsa and asked with a smile, "Oh, is this young man your boyfriend?"

Elsa glanced at Charlie and blushed, "Not yet."

"Not yet?" The middle-aged woman emphasized the "yet" and said with a smile, "When will 'not yet' turn into 'yes'?"

Elsa, embarrassed, said, "Auntie, you're too nosy. Let's go inside quickly. Grandma is waiting for you!"

The middle-aged woman chuckled, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Elsa quickly waved her hand, "No need, no need. We can walk in. It's not far."

The middle-aged woman nodded, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go in first."

With that, the Bentley slowly drove into the villa area.

Charlie felt a bit helpless at this point. He quickly said to Elsa, "Please don't introduce me like that to others anymore. What if someone misunderstands? What if Claire finds out? If someone asks who I am, just say I'm your best friend's husband."

Elsa pouted, "It's just a joke, why take it so seriously?"

Charlie said seriously, "This is a matter of principle that must be taken seriously."

Elsa could only nod, "Alright, alright, it's a matter of principle. I won't say it anymore, okay?"

With that, she quickly changed the subject, "Let's go inside quickly. It's getting late!"

Charlie initially wanted to give her the gift and leave, but then he remembered his wife's instructions to greet Elsa's grandmother for her birthday. At least he had to meet Elsa's grandmother to fulfill his wife's request.

So, he followed Elsa into the villa area without saying a word.

As they walked into the villa area, a red Ferrari suddenly whizzed past from behind. Elsa saw the car and waved, shouting, "Cousin, cousin!"

However, supercar engines are already loud, and the speed was fast. The driver didn't hear her at all.

Charlie asked Elsa, "Was that your cousin driving?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded and said, "My cousin is quite eccentric. He had surgery recently, but as soon as he recovered, he started showing off again."

Chapter 1579 - "Elsa's Choice: Between Family and Heart"

Charlie was unaware of the identity of Elsa's cousin, mentioned by her.

He simply observed that there were plenty of wealthy and ostentatious individuals in Eastcliff, with a multitude of affluent young masters. These young masters, eight or nine out of ten, were all quite flamboyant and extravagant, so it didn't strike him as odd.

As he and Elsa arrived at the entrance of the Dewey family villa, various luxury cars had already filled the area.

Outside the gate, two middle-aged men were warmly welcoming guests. Elsa approached them and hastily introduced, "Dad, Uncle, let me introduce you. This is my friend from Aurous Hill, Charlie Wade."

The two middle-aged men glanced at Charlie, and Elsa's uncle spoke, "I haven't heard of any Wade family in Aurous Hill."

Elsa hurriedly explained, "Charlie isn't from any prominent family. He's just my college classmate."

Back then, Charlie had been arranged by Grandpa Wilson to study at Aurous Hill University for a year, where he was not only classmates with Claire but also with Elsa.

At this moment, Elsa refrained from mentioning that Charlie was Claire's husband, as it was a way to leave herself an escape route. In case there was ever a chance for her to develop something with Charlie and bring him home, if her family immediately recognized him as Claire's husband, it would be incredibly awkward.

Upon hearing that he was Elsa's college classmate, her uncle couldn't help but show some disdain and said, "Since he's a college classmate, let's have him seated."

At this point, Elsa's father whispered to her, "Elsa, I heard your cousin mention earlier that the heir of the Snow family will also be coming. You should seize the opportunity to get to know him."

Elsa couldn't help but frown and said, "Why should I get to know him? Those two wastrels from the Snow family are nothing good. Their reputation has long been tarnished!"

"Do you understand?" Elsa's father sternly exclaimed, "The Snow family ranks third in Eastcliff. Their family's power is formidable, and don't forget, the Snow family lacks male heirs. There are only two boys, so their value is even higher!"

Families with many male heirs, no matter how great their power, will eventually dissipate.

Some families may boast of having billions in assets, but with so many descendants, their assets are heavily divided. It's possible that the entire family can't produce an heir worth over ten billion. Therefore, in such families, the value of male heirs naturally doesn't rise.

The Snow family only has two male heirs, Feliciano and Javier. Even if each family only holds shares in various groups, each person's net worth is over a hundred billion.

Elsa's father, Leandro Dewey, always wanted Elsa to marry a top-notch rich second-generation, hoping to revive the declining situation of the Dewey family.

Before this, upon hearing that the Wade family had purchased an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill and even gifted it to a Wade family descendant, he thought that one of the descendants of the Wade family had been sent to Aurous Hill for experience. Therefore, he immediately arranged for Elsa to work at the Emgrand Group.

However, Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long, and she hadn't even seen the chairman of the Emgrand Group, so Elsa's father gradually lost confidence.

He even thought about not letting his daughter return to Aurous Hill this time. After wasting almost half a year there with no results, it would be better to come back quickly and find a reliable young man from a prestigious family in Eastcliff.

Coincidentally, just now, his nephew came in, excitedly saying that he had finally persuaded the Snow family's young master to come over. So he felt that this was a good opportunity for his daughter.

However, Elsa didn't care about the Snow family's young master at all.

Even if it was the mysterious young master of the Wade family, she didn't care anymore. Ever since Charlie saved her, all she could think of was Charlie. No other man could catch her eye.

Chapter 1580 - "Materialism vs. Love: Elsa's Choice"

With an indifferent expression, she said, "Dad, I'm not interested in the young master from the Snow family. Please don't introduce me to him!"

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, let's go in."

"You, child!" Leandro said with some anger, "Why are you so ungrateful? If you could be with the young master from the Snow family, why would you need to go to Aurous Hill?"

Elsa subconsciously glanced at Charlie again, then stubbornly said to her father, "I just like Aurous Hill! When I look for a husband in the future, I will definitely find one in Aurous Hill!"

Leandro scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? What reputable family is there in Aurous Hill? As the daughter of Leandro Dewey, how can you marry a man from such a small place?"

Elsa said disappointedly, "Dad, how did you become so materialistic?"

"Me, materialistic?" Leandro said, "Isn't everything I do for your own good?"

Beside them, Elsa's uncle spoke up, "Alright Leandro, this matter doesn't need to be rushed. Let Elsa and her classmate go inside for now."

Seeing his older brother mediating, Leandro then said to Elsa, "Alright, let's go in first. We'll talk with your mother later!"

Elsa, annoyed, said, "It's useless no matter who talks about this!"

After saying this, she immediately went forward and pulled Charlie along, saying, "Let's go, Charlie, let's go in!"

Charlie, feeling helpless and not wanting to meddle in their family affairs, quickly followed them into the villa.

Leandro stamped his foot in anger, while his older brother said, "Leandro, your judgment seems to be getting worse, don't you think?"

"What?" Leandro asked in surprise, "Big brother, what do you mean by that?"

Leandro's older brother smiled and said, "Didn't you see? Elsa kept staring at that guy beside her. Especially when you mentioned introducing her to the young master from the Snow family, she immediately looked at that guy. There must be something going on there!"

"What's going on?" Leandro blurted out, "Big brother, are you suggesting that Elsa might like that kid?"

"I think it's possible," Leandro's older brother said seriously, "Didn't you hear Elsa? They are college classmates, they've known each other for a long time, and this kid is also in Aurous Hill. Elsa has been in Aurous Hill for most of the past six months. It's possible that they've already developed feelings for each other during that time!"

Leandro's face changed, "Damn it, even the insignificant guy from Aurous Hill dares to have thoughts about my daughter!"

After saying that, he immediately said, "Big brother, you keep an eye here. I'm going to find out what's going on with Elsa!"

Leandro's older brother hurriedly stopped him, "What's your hurry? If you go ask Elsa now, and they end up quarreling, wouldn't it disrupt mom's birthday banquet? I suggest you endure it for now. Wait until after the banquet to privately ask Elsa what's going on."

After hesitating for a moment, considering his mother's birthday banquet and the numerous guests, Leandro realized it wouldn't be appropriate to question his daughter at this moment. So, he reluctantly nodded, feeling somewhat frustrated, and said, "That kid wants to eat swan meat? I'll make sure he gets what's coming to him later!"

With that, he begrudgingly agreed to wait, knowing that addressing the issue later in a more private setting would be more appropriate.
Leandro, don't go and piss off the Dragon else you won't like the outcome.
Chapter 1571 - "Kneeling to Kin: A Son's Tribute"

Charlie was quite puzzled.

He couldn't quite understand why this old man seemed to have recognized him at first glance.

However, since this old man helped him solve the current problem, what mattered most to him was to quickly go and pay respects to his parents. The rest could be discussed later.

So, he nodded respectfully to the old man and said, "Sir, thank you."

After saying that, he pretended to support Geraldo, and together with Amelia and Haidee, they stepped onto the stone steps.

No one else followed, including the old fortune teller, who was now standing below, quietly watching Charlie's departure, trying hard to restrain the excitement in his heart.

The Wade family's tomb was divided into nine rows.

The top row was where the earliest ancestors of the Wade family were buried.

The further down, the lower the generation.

Charlie's parents were buried in the second-to-last row.

In this row, there were a total of twenty tomb mounds of the same size, but only one had a tombstone in front of it.

Geraldo stopped in this row and pointed to the only tombstone in front, saying to Charlie, "Little Charlie, that's where your parents are buried."

Charlie nodded lightly and murmured, "In this generation of the Wade family, only my parents have passed away. The others should still be alive, right?"

Geraldo said, "That's right. Although this generation is already in their forties or fifties, they are still in their prime. If your parents hadn't been harmed, they would probably still be the mainstay of the Wade family."

Charlie sighed and walked inward.

The security personnel and the old fortune teller were all below, so they couldn't see what was happening here. Charlie no longer pretended and took a step forward ahead of Geraldo.

Arriving at his parents' grave, Charlie took off his sunglasses and face mask, looking at the photos and names of his parents on the tombstone. Tears couldn't help but flow incessantly.

In his mind, it was as if a movie was playing at an extremely fast pace.

This movie recorded his life from the moment he could remember until he was eight years old.

Then, at an even faster pace, fragments of his life over the past decade flashed through his mind.

Eighteen years without parents, long and difficult, filled with bitterness and pain that ordinary people could not comprehend.

At this moment, he had countless words he wanted to say to his deceased parents, but when it came to his lips, it felt like a lump in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

After shedding tears in front of the tombstone for a moment, Charlie suddenly knelt down on the ground, picked up the flowers, and respectfully placed them in front of the tombstone, choking back tears as he said, "Dad, Mom, your unfilial son. You've been gone for eighteen years, and only now did I come to see you. These years, I've been struggling, unable to fulfill the duties of a son. Please forgive me."

After saying that, he bowed down heavily, kowtowing nine times in front of the tombstone.

They say one kneels to the heavens, one kneels to the earth, and one kneels to their parents. But in Charlie's eyes, neither heaven nor earth deserved to be knelt to, only his parents were worthy of it.

At this moment, Geraldo also stepped forward, kneeling on one knee in front of the tombstone, sighing, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, I promised you for eighteen years, and finally, I didn't break my promise. I've brought Little Charlie back. Look at him now, he's already a remarkable person! Just like you, Elder Brother, almost identical, truly outstanding!"

As he spoke, he wiped away tears and continued, "Last time I came to see you, I said I would come down to meet you soon, but I didn't expect Little Charlie to save my life. Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, you might have to wait a little longer for me."

As he said this, Geraldo was choked with emotion.

Amelia stepped forward, also kneeling beside Geraldo, choking, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, thank you for watching over Geraldo from above and keeping him safe. The debt of gratitude from the Wade family to the Snow family, we will never forget in this life."

Haidee knelt beside Charlie, without saying a word, just silently shedding tears.

After kneeling on the ground for a long time, Charlie wiped away his tears, gently wiped the tombstone of his parents several times with his sleeve, and said, "Mom, Dad, I can't stay with you for long this time, but please rest assured, from now on, I will come to see you every year."

With that, he sighed heavily, helped Geraldo up, and said, "Uncle Snow, let's go."

Geraldo nodded slightly, pulled his wife up, and they walked away slowly, the three of them wearing sunglasses and face masks once again.

Chapter 1572 - "Trapped Dragons and Resilient Souls"

Below the stone steps, several security guards stood stiffly.

And the old fortune teller, supporting himself with a python-headed cane, looked at Charlie with a hint of awe in his eyes.

Charlie didn't speak, but walked up to the old fortune teller and bowed deeply.

The old fortune teller quickly extended his cane to help, saying with sincere fear, "You shouldn't, you really shouldn't."

The security guards were all somewhat surprised.

When the head of the Wade family bowed to the old fortune teller, the old man didn't even blink. Why was this driver bowing to him, and why was he being so polite in return?

At this moment, the old fortune teller spoke up and asked Charlie, "Young man, can we have a word?"

Charlie nodded, "Sure."

The old fortune teller turned to the security guards and said, "No one is allowed to follow."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Charlie nodded to Geraldo, and then walked to the other side of the mountain with the old fortune teller.

Here, there was a platform paved with natural marble, right next to the mountainside.

Charlie had always felt that the entire Yanling Mountain had a soaring momentum. When he saw this huge and flat platform, he suddenly realized that the center of the entire Feng Shui array was here.

The old fortune teller stood with him in the center of the platform and said respectfully, "The entire Yanling Mountain, as well as the Feng Shui array of the entire Yanling Mountain, are actually set up for you."

Charlie asked in surprise, "Set up for me? I wonder what the elder means. Do you know me?"

The old fortune teller said, "Four years ago, the Wade family encountered trouble, and the whole family was trapped in a difficult situation. At that time, it was when you got married."

"Married?!" Charlie exclaimed, "You mean when I got married?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller nodded and continued, "The trouble the Wade family encountered was related to you."

Charlie frowned and asked, "You mean I was trapped in trouble?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller said respectfully, "You are the only dragon of the Wade family! What is a dragon? It soars in the sky and plunges into the sea, but you got married by the river. That's why it's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Waters'!"

"If you, as the dragon, are trapped in shallow waters, the fortune of the entire Wade family will be exhausted. At that time, your grandfather was seriously ill and couldn't be cured despite seeking countless doctors, all because of this situation!"

The old fortune teller continued, "So, your grandfather found me."

"And three months before your grandfather found me, I had just cast a divination for myself."

"The divination indicated a dead end, implying that my life might be exhausted within a few years. I was already one hundred and two at that time, so death didn't matter much to me. However, within that dead end, there was a glimmer of hope, all pointing to the east."

"I didn't understand what it specifically meant, so I kept searching for more clues. Then your grandfather came and asked me to return to the country to look at the Feng Shui for the Wade family. That's when I realized that the glimmer of hope in the dead end was in the east, in the ancestral homeland, in the Wade family."

"In Eastcliff, I examined all the Feng Shui clues for the Wade family and cast several divinations, only to find out that the Wade family had a dragon trapped in shallow waters. If this dragon couldn't soar, not only would the Wade family be in danger, but the glimmer of hope in the divination would also disappear. So, I spent four years searching for Yanling Mountain, rebuilding Yanling Mountain, and finally broke the deadlock of the Wade family's dragon trapped in shallow waters last spring. That's why you were able to escape from the trap."

Upon hearing this, Charlie was deeply shocked. Could it be that what he said about breaking free from the trap was about obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"? Because the time last spring perfectly matched when he obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"!

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed at the old man's profound understanding of Feng Shui divination, but also worried. Did he know about the existence of the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"?

This was his deepest, most profound secret, one that he couldn't even tell his closest people!

So, he deliberately asked the old man, "Old sir, you said that rebuilding Yanling Mountain allowed me to break free from the trap. Could you please tell me what aspect it refers to? How did I break free? What did I rely on to break free?"

The old man shook his head, "This divination is beyond my understanding. I can only tell that you have already broken free, and you have great momentum for soaring. After you break free, you will also bring my glimmer of hope, extending my life by ten years. That's why I've been waiting here for you, but I can't figure out what this glimmer of hope really is."

Charlie was even more surprised.

Could the so-called glimmer of hope mentioned by this old man be the surplus Resurrection Pill on his body?!

Chapter 1573 - "The Lifeline"

This time in Eastcliff, Charlie did bring more than just one Resurrection Pill.

Though he was confident that one Resurrection Pill could cure Geraldo, just to be on the safe side, he brought two or three more, just in case.

From this perspective, the only lifeline left in the dead end of the old man's divination for himself should be the Resurrection Pill on his body.

At the same time, he couldn't help but ponder the old man's words just now.

It seems that the dilemma of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon had already formed when he married Claire in Aurous Hill.

The old man just said that the reason why he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon was because he settled by the river, and Aurous Hill is located by the Yangtze River, which fits perfectly.

Moreover, his life has been full of ups and downs. It wasn't until Stephen suddenly appeared last spring that he brought about a turning point for himself.

However, the biggest opportunity in life was not being rediscovered by the Wade family, but accidentally obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", which happened to be last spring.

From this, it can be seen that the cause and effect of the whole thing, first of all, he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon, so that the entire Wade family followed suit.

Later, the Wade family found this old man, trying to get him to help solve the problem.

The old man divined for himself and saw that there was an opportunity in the east to increase his lifespan by ten years, so he traveled thousands of miles back to his homeland to help the Wade family solve their dilemma, while also waiting for his own opportunity.

He spent four years finding Yanling Mountain, and after setting up a Feng Shui formation and breaking the situation of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon, the Wade family survived the crisis, and he benefited greatly himself.

And he has been waiting for his own appearance, because he is the lifeline in his divination.

Thinking of this, Charlie slightly bowed to the old man, "Senior, all the efforts you have made have indeed benefited me greatly! Please accept my respect!"

The old man hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saying very humbly, "I am not worthy of such a great gift from you!"

Charlie insisted, "It's necessary! If it weren't for you, I might still be trapped in the shallows right now!"

The old man shook his head, "In a person's destiny, the dragon is the supreme existence, so being trapped in the shallows of the dragon is a dilemma, not a dead end. The shallows can trap the dragon, but not kill it, so the breaking of the situation is only a matter of time. If I didn't come to break this situation, someone else would come to break it!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "The heavens know good and evil, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation. Whoever breaks your dilemma, it's a great merit, and the heavenly path will surely give him enough reward."

Then, the old man looked at Charlie and smiled slightly, "According to the divination, if I help you out of trouble, I will gain ten years of lifespan. Perhaps these ten years of lifespan have already been added to the Book of Life and Death by the judge of the underworld for me! So, I have to thank you!"

Charlie smiled faintly at the old man and said, "Senior, I believe in Feng Shui, numerology, and the heavenly path, but I don't believe in ghosts and deities. In this world, there is no King Yan (the ruler of the underworld, king of hell), nor is there any Book of Life and Death."

The old man nodded without commenting, smiled and said, "Ah, the heavenly path is mysterious, and it's not something I can fully understand. To be honest, I still don't know where the lifeline in the divination is."

Charlie nodded, reached into the pocket of his jacket, took out a Resurrection Pill, and handed it to him, saying, "Senior, this should be your lifeline!"

The old man trembled all over, looking at Charlie as if he had been struck by lightning, then looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand, exclaiming, "This, this is?"

Chapter 1574 - "Serpents and Dragons: A Tale of Mutual Aid"

Charlie earnestly said, "You've helped me, so naturally, I should help you too. Taking this pill will extend your life by ten years, which shouldn't be a problem."

Although the old man had no idea what the Resurrection Pill was, he nodded eagerly.

Immediately, he dropped his cane, tremblingly knelt down, and raised his hands above his head.

Charlie placed the Resurrection Pill in his hand, then helped him up, saying, "Sir, take it now. At your age, you might not see any immediate effects from the outside, but someone as wise as you should be able to feel its true efficacy."

The old man was immensely grateful and blurted out, "Thank you, Young Master Wade!"

With that, he no longer hesitated and placed the Resurrection Pill in his mouth.

Then, the old man remained motionless with closed eyes for about a minute.

After a minute, he opened his eyes, tears welling up as he looked at Charlie, knelt down again, and choked out, "Young Master Wade, this pill is truly miraculous! I am deeply grateful for your lifesaving grace!"

Charlie hurriedly said, "Sir, you're my elder, there's no need to be so polite."

The old man said seriously, "According to fate, you are of the Dragon rank, and I am of the Python rank. Whenever a Python encounters a Dragon, it must bow, even if it's a thousand-year-old serpent meeting a newborn dragon, it must still kneel! Just now, there were too many onlookers, and I was afraid of revealing your identity, so I couldn't pay my respects to you immediately. I hope you can forgive me!"

Charlie waved his hand with a smile, "These are just formalities, no need to worry."

The old man said solemnly, "The more one believes in fate, the more one must follow the will of heaven. If I fail to bow to you, it would be a great disrespect! Such matters will be recorded by the heavens!"

Seeing the old man's resolute attitude, Charlie didn't insist any further and instead asked, "Sir, I still don't know your name. Would it be convenient for you to reveal it?"

The old man immediately cupped his hands and said with great respect, "Young Master Wade, my surname is Lai, and my name is Xanthos Lai. I am the direct descendant of the Feng Shui master Buyi Lai from the Song Dynasty."

Charlie suddenly realized and admired, "I didn't expect you, sir, to be from such a prestigious lineage. No wonder you have such profound knowledge of the Book of Changes!"

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but think of the fake Feng Shui master who had deceived Sarah. He also claimed to be a descendant of Lai Buyi but had no real skills.

But the old man before him was a true master, proficient in divination. Even in the United States, he could deduce so many crucial matters. He was indeed a rare master.

With this in mind, Charlie asked again, "Sir, why have you been living in the United States all this time?"

Xanthos smiled bitterly and said, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan, my father was concerned about our country. He cast the most important divination of his life, foreseeing that although China would not perish, the Lai family would face annihilation. So, he sacrificed his own life to save the rest of our family, but the condition was that we had to cross the ocean."

"So in 1938, after burying my father, I took my mother, underage siblings, and traveled to the United States. We settled there and built a new life. Later, I also thought about returning with my family, but after living there for many years, there were too many ties of family, career, opportunities, and debts. It was too much trouble to uproot everything, so we've been settled there ever since."

Charlie nodded and asked, "What are your plans now?"

Xanthos looked at the vast mountains and smiled, "My descendants are all in the United States. I've been away for four years this time, and they must be worried. Since I've been fortunate enough to gain ten more years of life from you, Young Master Wade, I intend to retire and spend my remaining years peacefully back home!"

Chapter 1575 - "Sage Serpents and Dragon's Wisdom"

Hearing that Master Xanthos was preparing to return to the United States to enjoy his retirement, Charlie bowed to him and said with a smile, "In that case, I wish you a happy and peaceful life ahead!"

Xanthos hurriedly returned the gesture, somewhat surprised and grateful, saying, "I thank Young Master Wade for his blessings!"

After that, Xanthos hesitated for a moment and said, "Young Master Wade, I have a piece of advice for you, I hope you can listen."

Charlie immediately said, "Old Master, please speak, I am all ears!"

Xanthos said, "Although the crisis of your predicament has been resolved, you should not continue to linger by the river for idle talk."

Charlie asked, "Then where do you think I should go?"

Xanthos said with great respect, "I think you should go to Eastcliff, because it is the capital of the country. From the perspective of feng shui and destiny of the city, it is the city with the highest national destiny. Returning here, from the perspective of feng shui, is like a dragon entering the sea!"

Charlie smiled slightly, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

Xanthos nodded, as if he could see Charlie's thoughts, and earnestly said, "Young Master Wade, there is a saying in 'The Book of Rites,' it emphasizes the importance of being cautious and sincere in one's thoughts. Whatever I say, just listen, but in the end, you must be true to your own heart."

Charlie nodded, "Thank you for your guidance, I have learned from it."

Xanthos waved his hand modestly, "I dare not, Young Master Wade! It's just a chance encounter between us. I don't know if there will be another opportunity to meet in the future. If you need it, I can cast a divination for you."

Charlie instinctively wanted to agree, but after some thought, he shook his head and said, "Old Master, there's no need for another divination. I have a stubborn temperament. Even if fate tells me to go east, I might insist on going west. If I peek into the future in advance, I might end up doing something against my own heart. Let me walk my path slowly on my own!"

Xanthos was completely stunned.

For many years, as a top fortune teller, he had been relentlessly pursued by countless people, willing to spend a fortune to seek his guidance, to have their fortunes told.

Yet even so, there were still many people who never had the chance to have their fortunes told by him.

But this was the first time he had encountered someone like Charlie, who showed absolutely no curiosity about the future, fate, or divination. It was truly rare to see.

Amidst his astonishment, he couldn't help but admire Charlie a bit more.

So, he bowed to Charlie and said, "Young Master Wade, then let's hope we meet again someday!"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Old Master, may the wind be at your back!"

When they returned to the parking lot, everyone looked at the two of them with confusion, not understanding how this elderly and young man, who had just met for the first time, could have so much to talk about and chat for so long.

Knowing that Charlie didn't want to reveal his identity, Xanthos directly said to the head of Yanling Mountain's security, "Please prepare a car for me. I'll pack my belongings and you can take me to the airport."

The security person asked in surprise, "Master Lai, are you leaving?"

Xanthos nodded, smiling, "It's been four years. I've fulfilled my promise to your master's family. It's time for me to go back."

The security person respectfully said, "Master Lai, aren't you going to meet the master of the Wade family or shall I inform him to come and meet you?"

The head of security knew very well that the patriarch of the Wade family held Xanthos in the highest regard.

Charlie's grandfather, who was not yet seventy this year, while Xanthos was already a centenarian. There was a generation gap between them, so Charlie's grandfather always referred to him as a junior and treated him with utmost respect.

Chapter 1576 - "Fortune's Farewell: Sage Serpent's Exit"

When the old master just brought Xanthos back from abroad, he arranged for him to live in the Wade family's mansion, and he was meticulously attended to every day.

However, after Yanling Mountain was completed, Xanthos insisted on moving out of the Wade family and living here.

The old master couldn't bear to let the old fortune teller live in the Wade family's ancestral grave, even though Yanling Mountain was built very well, with a dedicated area for staff to work and live. Still, the old master felt that he couldn't let Xanthos, who was so old, condescend to live here.

However, despite his many attempts to persuade him, Xanthos still insisted on moving here.

Because he had been waiting for his own opportunity, waiting for the door of life in his divination to open, waiting for Charlie to appear and give him the Resurrection Pill that could extend his life by ten years.

Now, after guarding his opportunity for four years, it was time to leave.

So, he said to the person in charge, "Please convey to your master that Lai promises him that everything has been done, and Lai has been away for too long and misses home. I won't say goodbye to him. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the martial world!"

With that said, he bowed to the crowd and, when he looked at Charlie, hesitated for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he turned around, looked up and laughed heartily, and shouted with full vigor, "Laughing heartily and leaving, we are not just ordinary people!"

After saying this, he had already stepped out.

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "Even a centenarian has such spirit, truly extraordinary!"

Charlie smiled on the side, and while the Wade family's security personnel were busy following Xanthos, he said to Geraldo, "Uncle Snow, let's go back."

"Okay!" Geraldo nodded and said, "Let's go back. We'll come again next time!"

Since Charlie still needed to play the role of a driver, he opened the car door for Geraldo, and after Geraldo got in, he got back into the driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce.

He started the car.

As soon as Charlie drove the car out of the parking lot, Geraldo in the back seat asked him, "Charlie, what did that old fortune teller talk to you about just now? He seemed very respectful towards you."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "The old gentleman recognized my identity and knew that I am from the Wade family, so he gave me some advice."

Surprised, Geraldo asked, "How did he recognize you?! Does he know you?"

Charlie shook his head, "He doesn't know me, but he is after all a descendant of the Lai family, and his expertise in feng shui and divination is quite high. It's possible that he calculated that I would come."

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder, the Wade family didn't let you go up the mountain, but he said you're not an outsider. So, that's what it means!"

Then, Geraldo asked again, "Is feng shui and divination really so magical? Can it even know who will come and when?"

Charlie smiled and said, "It's possible. Although the things passed down from our ancestors are ancient, we cannot deny that they are very wise, even containing a wisdom that we do not understand, like the Mayans. In such ancient times, they almost deduced a complete calendar, which seems incredible to us modern people."

Geraldo nodded seriously, then remembered something and asked Charlie, "Charlie, what are your plans next?"

Charlie said, "Tomorrow, a friend's grandmother is celebrating her birthday. I'll go and give her a gift. After attending the birthday banquet, I'll return to Aurous Hill."

Geraldo hurriedly said, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to stay a few more days!"

Chapter 1577 - "Fan-tastic Gestures: Tokens of Esteem"

Upon hearing Geraldo's words, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Snow, there are still many things to do in Aurous Hill. I can't stay here."

Geraldo nodded lightly and sighed, "Make sure to visit Uncle often in Eastcliff in the future. Both Maria and Aunt Amelia are looking forward to your return to Eastcliff for development!"

Charlie just responded with a nod and didn't say much more.

Geraldo tactfully didn't bring up the topic again but instead asked Charlie, "Little Charlie, you said you're going to attend your friend's grandmother's birthday banquet tomorrow. Have you prepared the gift?"

Charlie replied, "Not yet, I plan to go out and have a look later."

Although Charlie had the Resurrection Pill, which was significant for the elderly, he had never met Elsa's grandmother. So, it was not possible to prepare such an expensive gift for her. He intended to buy a gift worth tens of thousands from the streets to show his respect.

Upon hearing this, Geraldo smiled and said directly, "I have a fan at home, painted with a longevity picture by Master Qi Baishi, with a top-grade small leaf sandalwood handle and exquisite carving by a master craftsman. It's quite exquisite. You can take it as a birthday gift."

Charlie hurriedly said, "Uncle Snow, how can I take your things to give to others? I'd rather buy something myself."

Geraldo insisted, "What's the fuss between you and Uncle? It's just a fan, not worth much money. But because of its theme being longevity, it's a very nice gift for the elderly."

Saying that, Geraldo urged, "This matter is settled, don't refuse Uncle, and don't be formal! Otherwise, Uncle will be angry."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Charlie immediately stopped insisting and nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Snow!"

The next morning.

Charlie declined Geraldo's offer to send a car and left the Snow's residence alone with the long gift box he had given him.

His wife, Claire, sent him an address, which was the Dewey family's villa.

The Dewey family's villa was not far from the Snow's residence.

It was only a journey of more than 20 minutes by car.

In Eastcliff, the Dewey family was only considered a second-rate family.

Moreover, within the second-rate families, they were at the bottom.

In recent years, the Dewey family's business had declined significantly. If it hadn't been for Elsa's aunt marrying into the Hansen family, which helped the Dewey family, they might have already fallen to the level of a third-rate family.

However, this was still Eastcliff. Even if they were at the bottom of the second-rate families, in other second-tier cities, they would definitely be considered top-notch.

Because of this, although the Dewey family had declined somewhat, their mansion was still luxurious, with a grand luxury villa costing at least 300 million.

The taxi Charlie took could only stop at the entrance of the villa area, and the security was very strict. So, after getting off at the entrance, Charlie called Elsa and asked her to come out to meet him.

When Elsa heard that Charlie had arrived, she almost ran out happily.

Today, Elsa was dressed very beautifully, and because it was her grandmother's birthday, she deliberately put on some light makeup, looking very dignified and generous.

As soon as she saw Charlie, Elsa said happily, "Charlie, you're here!"

With that, she ran up and hugged his arm, pulling him towards the villa. She couldn't hide her excitement as she said, "Come on, I'll introduce my parents to you later."

Charlie quickly withdrew his arm, feeling embarrassed, and said, "Elsa, we can't do this, it's not appropriate."

Elsa deliberately pouted and said, "What's inappropriate about it? Can't friends be a little intimate?"

Chapter 1578 - "Eccentric Encounters: A Day at the Dewey Villa"

Charlie rubbed his nose, "After all, I am your best friend's husband!"

Elsa replied casually, "I know, a fake husband. You've been fake married for four years. I wonder when this pretend game of yours will ever be enough."

Just then, a limited edition Bentley pulled up beside them and stopped. The rear window rolled down, revealing a middle-aged woman dressed in luxury. She looked at Elsa and asked, "Elsa, why are you out here?"

Elsa, upon seeing the woman, hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Auntie! Where's my cousin?"

The woman in the car replied, "He's still busy. He'll come over before the birthday banquet at noon."

Elsa asked again, "What about my cousin?"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "I haven't seen him all night. He's really getting on my nerves. This boy has no sense of responsibility. He's barely recovered, and now he's staying out all night again. You have to talk to your aunt about him later!"

Elsa sighed, "Auntie, I dare not speak to my cousin about his temper. Every time I mention it, he just snaps at me."

The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "He's becoming more and more unruly."

Then, she looked at Charlie beside Elsa and asked with a smile, "Oh, is this young man your boyfriend?"

Elsa glanced at Charlie and blushed, "Not yet."

"Not yet?" The middle-aged woman emphasized the "yet" and said with a smile, "When will 'not yet' turn into 'yes'?"

Elsa, embarrassed, said, "Auntie, you're too nosy. Let's go inside quickly. Grandma is waiting for you!"

The middle-aged woman chuckled, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Elsa quickly waved her hand, "No need, no need. We can walk in. It's not far."

The middle-aged woman nodded, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go in first."

With that, the Bentley slowly drove into the villa area.

Charlie felt a bit helpless at this point. He quickly said to Elsa, "Please don't introduce me like that to others anymore. What if someone misunderstands? What if Claire finds out? If someone asks who I am, just say I'm your best friend's husband."

Elsa pouted, "It's just a joke, why take it so seriously?"

Charlie said seriously, "This is a matter of principle that must be taken seriously."

Elsa could only nod, "Alright, alright, it's a matter of principle. I won't say it anymore, okay?"

With that, she quickly changed the subject, "Let's go inside quickly. It's getting late!"

Charlie initially wanted to give her the gift and leave, but then he remembered his wife's instructions to greet Elsa's grandmother for her birthday. At least he had to meet Elsa's grandmother to fulfill his wife's request.

So, he followed Elsa into the villa area without saying a word.

As they walked into the villa area, a red Ferrari suddenly whizzed past from behind. Elsa saw the car and waved, shouting, "Cousin, cousin!"

However, supercar engines are already loud, and the speed was fast. The driver didn't hear her at all.

Charlie asked Elsa, "Was that your cousin driving?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded and said, "My cousin is quite eccentric. He had surgery recently, but as soon as he recovered, he started showing off again."

Chapter 1579 - "Elsa's Choice: Between Family and Heart"

Charlie was unaware of the identity of Elsa's cousin, mentioned by her.

He simply observed that there were plenty of wealthy and ostentatious individuals in Eastcliff, with a multitude of affluent young masters. These young masters, eight or nine out of ten, were all quite flamboyant and extravagant, so it didn't strike him as odd.

As he and Elsa arrived at the entrance of the Dewey family villa, various luxury cars had already filled the area.

Outside the gate, two middle-aged men were warmly welcoming guests. Elsa approached them and hastily introduced, "Dad, Uncle, let me introduce you. This is my friend from Aurous Hill, Charlie Wade."

The two middle-aged men glanced at Charlie, and Elsa's uncle spoke, "I haven't heard of any Wade family in Aurous Hill."

Elsa hurriedly explained, "Charlie isn't from any prominent family. He's just my college classmate."

Back then, Charlie had been arranged by Grandpa Wilson to study at Aurous Hill University for a year, where he was not only classmates with Claire but also with Elsa.

At this moment, Elsa refrained from mentioning that Charlie was Claire's husband, as it was a way to leave herself an escape route. In case there was ever a chance for her to develop something with Charlie and bring him home, if her family immediately recognized him as Claire's husband, it would be incredibly awkward.

Upon hearing that he was Elsa's college classmate, her uncle couldn't help but show some disdain and said, "Since he's a college classmate, let's have him seated."

At this point, Elsa's father whispered to her, "Elsa, I heard your cousin mention earlier that the heir of the Snow family will also be coming. You should seize the opportunity to get to know him."

Elsa couldn't help but frown and said, "Why should I get to know him? Those two wastrels from the Snow family are nothing good. Their reputation has long been tarnished!"

"Do you understand?" Elsa's father sternly exclaimed, "The Snow family ranks third in Eastcliff. Their family's power is formidable, and don't forget, the Snow family lacks male heirs. There are only two boys, so their value is even higher!"

Families with many male heirs, no matter how great their power, will eventually dissipate.

Some families may boast of having billions in assets, but with so many descendants, their assets are heavily divided. It's possible that the entire family can't produce an heir worth over ten billion. Therefore, in such families, the value of male heirs naturally doesn't rise.

The Snow family only has two male heirs, Feliciano and Javier. Even if each family only holds shares in various groups, each person's net worth is over a hundred billion.

Elsa's father, Leandro Dewey, always wanted Elsa to marry a top-notch rich second-generation, hoping to revive the declining situation of the Dewey family.

Before this, upon hearing that the Wade family had purchased an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill and even gifted it to a Wade family descendant, he thought that one of the descendants of the Wade family had been sent to Aurous Hill for experience. Therefore, he immediately arranged for Elsa to work at the Emgrand Group.

However, Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long, and she hadn't even seen the chairman of the Emgrand Group, so Elsa's father gradually lost confidence.

He even thought about not letting his daughter return to Aurous Hill this time. After wasting almost half a year there with no results, it would be better to come back quickly and find a reliable young man from a prestigious family in Eastcliff.

Coincidentally, just now, his nephew came in, excitedly saying that he had finally persuaded the Snow family's young master to come over. So he felt that this was a good opportunity for his daughter.

However, Elsa didn't care about the Snow family's young master at all.

Even if it was the mysterious young master of the Wade family, she didn't care anymore. Ever since Charlie saved her, all she could think of was Charlie. No other man could catch her eye.

Chapter 1580 - "Materialism vs. Love: Elsa's Choice"

With an indifferent expression, she said, "Dad, I'm not interested in the young master from the Snow family. Please don't introduce me to him!"

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, let's go in."

"You, child!" Leandro said with some anger, "Why are you so ungrateful? If you could be with the young master from the Snow family, why would you need to go to Aurous Hill?"

Elsa subconsciously glanced at Charlie again, then stubbornly said to her father, "I just like Aurous Hill! When I look for a husband in the future, I will definitely find one in Aurous Hill!"

Leandro scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? What reputable family is there in Aurous Hill? As the daughter of Leandro Dewey, how can you marry a man from such a small place?"

Elsa said disappointedly, "Dad, how did you become so materialistic?"

"Me, materialistic?" Leandro said, "Isn't everything I do for your own good?"

Beside them, Elsa's uncle spoke up, "Alright Leandro, this matter doesn't need to be rushed. Let Elsa and her classmate go inside for now."

Seeing his older brother mediating, Leandro then said to Elsa, "Alright, let's go in first. We'll talk with your mother later!"

Elsa, annoyed, said, "It's useless no matter who talks about this!"

After saying this, she immediately went forward and pulled Charlie along, saying, "Let's go, Charlie, let's go in!"

Charlie, feeling helpless and not wanting to meddle in their family affairs, quickly followed them into the villa.

Leandro stamped his foot in anger, while his older brother said, "Leandro, your judgment seems to be getting worse, don't you think?"

"What?" Leandro asked in surprise, "Big brother, what do you mean by that?"

Leandro's older brother smiled and said, "Didn't you see? Elsa kept staring at that guy beside her. Especially when you mentioned introducing her to the young master from the Snow family, she immediately looked at that guy. There must be something going on there!"

"What's going on?" Leandro blurted out, "Big brother, are you suggesting that Elsa might like that kid?"

"I think it's possible," Leandro's older brother said seriously, "Didn't you hear Elsa? They are college classmates, they've known each other for a long time, and this kid is also in Aurous Hill. Elsa has been in Aurous Hill for most of the past six months. It's possible that they've already developed feelings for each other during that time!"

Leandro's face changed, "Damn it, even the insignificant guy from Aurous Hill dares to have thoughts about my daughter!"

After saying that, he immediately said, "Big brother, you keep an eye here. I'm going to find out what's going on with Elsa!"

Leandro's older brother hurriedly stopped him, "What's your hurry? If you go ask Elsa now, and they end up quarreling, wouldn't it disrupt mom's birthday banquet? I suggest you endure it for now. Wait until after the banquet to privately ask Elsa what's going on."

After hesitating for a moment, considering his mother's birthday banquet and the numerous guests, Leandro realized it wouldn't be appropriate to question his daughter at this moment. So, he reluctantly nodded, feeling somewhat frustrated, and said, "That kid wants to eat swan meat? I'll make sure he gets what's coming to him later!"

With that, he begrudgingly agreed to wait, knowing that addressing the issue later in a more private setting would be more appropriate.
Leandro have eyes but can't see 😁😋
Chapter 1571 - "Kneeling to Kin: A Son's Tribute"

Charlie was quite puzzled.

He couldn't quite understand why this old man seemed to have recognized him at first glance.

However, since this old man helped him solve the current problem, what mattered most to him was to quickly go and pay respects to his parents. The rest could be discussed later.

So, he nodded respectfully to the old man and said, "Sir, thank you."

After saying that, he pretended to support Geraldo, and together with Amelia and Haidee, they stepped onto the stone steps.

No one else followed, including the old fortune teller, who was now standing below, quietly watching Charlie's departure, trying hard to restrain the excitement in his heart.

The Wade family's tomb was divided into nine rows.

The top row was where the earliest ancestors of the Wade family were buried.

The further down, the lower the generation.

Charlie's parents were buried in the second-to-last row.

In this row, there were a total of twenty tomb mounds of the same size, but only one had a tombstone in front of it.

Geraldo stopped in this row and pointed to the only tombstone in front, saying to Charlie, "Little Charlie, that's where your parents are buried."

Charlie nodded lightly and murmured, "In this generation of the Wade family, only my parents have passed away. The others should still be alive, right?"

Geraldo said, "That's right. Although this generation is already in their forties or fifties, they are still in their prime. If your parents hadn't been harmed, they would probably still be the mainstay of the Wade family."

Charlie sighed and walked inward.

The security personnel and the old fortune teller were all below, so they couldn't see what was happening here. Charlie no longer pretended and took a step forward ahead of Geraldo.

Arriving at his parents' grave, Charlie took off his sunglasses and face mask, looking at the photos and names of his parents on the tombstone. Tears couldn't help but flow incessantly.

In his mind, it was as if a movie was playing at an extremely fast pace.

This movie recorded his life from the moment he could remember until he was eight years old.

Then, at an even faster pace, fragments of his life over the past decade flashed through his mind.

Eighteen years without parents, long and difficult, filled with bitterness and pain that ordinary people could not comprehend.

At this moment, he had countless words he wanted to say to his deceased parents, but when it came to his lips, it felt like a lump in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

After shedding tears in front of the tombstone for a moment, Charlie suddenly knelt down on the ground, picked up the flowers, and respectfully placed them in front of the tombstone, choking back tears as he said, "Dad, Mom, your unfilial son. You've been gone for eighteen years, and only now did I come to see you. These years, I've been struggling, unable to fulfill the duties of a son. Please forgive me."

After saying that, he bowed down heavily, kowtowing nine times in front of the tombstone.

They say one kneels to the heavens, one kneels to the earth, and one kneels to their parents. But in Charlie's eyes, neither heaven nor earth deserved to be knelt to, only his parents were worthy of it.

At this moment, Geraldo also stepped forward, kneeling on one knee in front of the tombstone, sighing, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, I promised you for eighteen years, and finally, I didn't break my promise. I've brought Little Charlie back. Look at him now, he's already a remarkable person! Just like you, Elder Brother, almost identical, truly outstanding!"

As he spoke, he wiped away tears and continued, "Last time I came to see you, I said I would come down to meet you soon, but I didn't expect Little Charlie to save my life. Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, you might have to wait a little longer for me."

As he said this, Geraldo was choked with emotion.

Amelia stepped forward, also kneeling beside Geraldo, choking, "Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, thank you for watching over Geraldo from above and keeping him safe. The debt of gratitude from the Wade family to the Snow family, we will never forget in this life."

Haidee knelt beside Charlie, without saying a word, just silently shedding tears.

After kneeling on the ground for a long time, Charlie wiped away his tears, gently wiped the tombstone of his parents several times with his sleeve, and said, "Mom, Dad, I can't stay with you for long this time, but please rest assured, from now on, I will come to see you every year."

With that, he sighed heavily, helped Geraldo up, and said, "Uncle Snow, let's go."

Geraldo nodded slightly, pulled his wife up, and they walked away slowly, the three of them wearing sunglasses and face masks once again.

Chapter 1572 - "Trapped Dragons and Resilient Souls"

Below the stone steps, several security guards stood stiffly.

And the old fortune teller, supporting himself with a python-headed cane, looked at Charlie with a hint of awe in his eyes.

Charlie didn't speak, but walked up to the old fortune teller and bowed deeply.

The old fortune teller quickly extended his cane to help, saying with sincere fear, "You shouldn't, you really shouldn't."

The security guards were all somewhat surprised.

When the head of the Wade family bowed to the old fortune teller, the old man didn't even blink. Why was this driver bowing to him, and why was he being so polite in return?

At this moment, the old fortune teller spoke up and asked Charlie, "Young man, can we have a word?"

Charlie nodded, "Sure."

The old fortune teller turned to the security guards and said, "No one is allowed to follow."

Everyone nodded quickly.

Charlie nodded to Geraldo, and then walked to the other side of the mountain with the old fortune teller.

Here, there was a platform paved with natural marble, right next to the mountainside.

Charlie had always felt that the entire Yanling Mountain had a soaring momentum. When he saw this huge and flat platform, he suddenly realized that the center of the entire Feng Shui array was here.

The old fortune teller stood with him in the center of the platform and said respectfully, "The entire Yanling Mountain, as well as the Feng Shui array of the entire Yanling Mountain, are actually set up for you."

Charlie asked in surprise, "Set up for me? I wonder what the elder means. Do you know me?"

The old fortune teller said, "Four years ago, the Wade family encountered trouble, and the whole family was trapped in a difficult situation. At that time, it was when you got married."

"Married?!" Charlie exclaimed, "You mean when I got married?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller nodded and continued, "The trouble the Wade family encountered was related to you."

Charlie frowned and asked, "You mean I was trapped in trouble?"

"Yes." The old fortune teller said respectfully, "You are the only dragon of the Wade family! What is a dragon? It soars in the sky and plunges into the sea, but you got married by the river. That's why it's called 'Dragon Trapped in Shallow Waters'!"

"If you, as the dragon, are trapped in shallow waters, the fortune of the entire Wade family will be exhausted. At that time, your grandfather was seriously ill and couldn't be cured despite seeking countless doctors, all because of this situation!"

The old fortune teller continued, "So, your grandfather found me."

"And three months before your grandfather found me, I had just cast a divination for myself."

"The divination indicated a dead end, implying that my life might be exhausted within a few years. I was already one hundred and two at that time, so death didn't matter much to me. However, within that dead end, there was a glimmer of hope, all pointing to the east."

"I didn't understand what it specifically meant, so I kept searching for more clues. Then your grandfather came and asked me to return to the country to look at the Feng Shui for the Wade family. That's when I realized that the glimmer of hope in the dead end was in the east, in the ancestral homeland, in the Wade family."

"In Eastcliff, I examined all the Feng Shui clues for the Wade family and cast several divinations, only to find out that the Wade family had a dragon trapped in shallow waters. If this dragon couldn't soar, not only would the Wade family be in danger, but the glimmer of hope in the divination would also disappear. So, I spent four years searching for Yanling Mountain, rebuilding Yanling Mountain, and finally broke the deadlock of the Wade family's dragon trapped in shallow waters last spring. That's why you were able to escape from the trap."

Upon hearing this, Charlie was deeply shocked. Could it be that what he said about breaking free from the trap was about obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"? Because the time last spring perfectly matched when he obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"!

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed at the old man's profound understanding of Feng Shui divination, but also worried. Did he know about the existence of the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures"?

This was his deepest, most profound secret, one that he couldn't even tell his closest people!

So, he deliberately asked the old man, "Old sir, you said that rebuilding Yanling Mountain allowed me to break free from the trap. Could you please tell me what aspect it refers to? How did I break free? What did I rely on to break free?"

The old man shook his head, "This divination is beyond my understanding. I can only tell that you have already broken free, and you have great momentum for soaring. After you break free, you will also bring my glimmer of hope, extending my life by ten years. That's why I've been waiting here for you, but I can't figure out what this glimmer of hope really is."

Charlie was even more surprised.

Could the so-called glimmer of hope mentioned by this old man be the surplus Resurrection Pill on his body?!

Chapter 1573 - "The Lifeline"

This time in Eastcliff, Charlie did bring more than just one Resurrection Pill.

Though he was confident that one Resurrection Pill could cure Geraldo, just to be on the safe side, he brought two or three more, just in case.

From this perspective, the only lifeline left in the dead end of the old man's divination for himself should be the Resurrection Pill on his body.

At the same time, he couldn't help but ponder the old man's words just now.

It seems that the dilemma of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon had already formed when he married Claire in Aurous Hill.

The old man just said that the reason why he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon was because he settled by the river, and Aurous Hill is located by the Yangtze River, which fits perfectly.

Moreover, his life has been full of ups and downs. It wasn't until Stephen suddenly appeared last spring that he brought about a turning point for himself.

However, the biggest opportunity in life was not being rediscovered by the Wade family, but accidentally obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", which happened to be last spring.

From this, it can be seen that the cause and effect of the whole thing, first of all, he was trapped in the shallows of the dragon, so that the entire Wade family followed suit.

Later, the Wade family found this old man, trying to get him to help solve the problem.

The old man divined for himself and saw that there was an opportunity in the east to increase his lifespan by ten years, so he traveled thousands of miles back to his homeland to help the Wade family solve their dilemma, while also waiting for his own opportunity.

He spent four years finding Yanling Mountain, and after setting up a Feng Shui formation and breaking the situation of being trapped in the shallows of the dragon, the Wade family survived the crisis, and he benefited greatly himself.

And he has been waiting for his own appearance, because he is the lifeline in his divination.

Thinking of this, Charlie slightly bowed to the old man, "Senior, all the efforts you have made have indeed benefited me greatly! Please accept my respect!"

The old man hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saying very humbly, "I am not worthy of such a great gift from you!"

Charlie insisted, "It's necessary! If it weren't for you, I might still be trapped in the shallows right now!"

The old man shook his head, "In a person's destiny, the dragon is the supreme existence, so being trapped in the shallows of the dragon is a dilemma, not a dead end. The shallows can trap the dragon, but not kill it, so the breaking of the situation is only a matter of time. If I didn't come to break this situation, someone else would come to break it!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, "The heavens know good and evil, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation. Whoever breaks your dilemma, it's a great merit, and the heavenly path will surely give him enough reward."

Then, the old man looked at Charlie and smiled slightly, "According to the divination, if I help you out of trouble, I will gain ten years of lifespan. Perhaps these ten years of lifespan have already been added to the Book of Life and Death by the judge of the underworld for me! So, I have to thank you!"

Charlie smiled faintly at the old man and said, "Senior, I believe in Feng Shui, numerology, and the heavenly path, but I don't believe in ghosts and deities. In this world, there is no King Yan (the ruler of the underworld, king of hell), nor is there any Book of Life and Death."

The old man nodded without commenting, smiled and said, "Ah, the heavenly path is mysterious, and it's not something I can fully understand. To be honest, I still don't know where the lifeline in the divination is."

Charlie nodded, reached into the pocket of his jacket, took out a Resurrection Pill, and handed it to him, saying, "Senior, this should be your lifeline!"

The old man trembled all over, looking at Charlie as if he had been struck by lightning, then looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand, exclaiming, "This, this is?"

Chapter 1574 - "Serpents and Dragons: A Tale of Mutual Aid"

Charlie earnestly said, "You've helped me, so naturally, I should help you too. Taking this pill will extend your life by ten years, which shouldn't be a problem."

Although the old man had no idea what the Resurrection Pill was, he nodded eagerly.

Immediately, he dropped his cane, tremblingly knelt down, and raised his hands above his head.

Charlie placed the Resurrection Pill in his hand, then helped him up, saying, "Sir, take it now. At your age, you might not see any immediate effects from the outside, but someone as wise as you should be able to feel its true efficacy."

The old man was immensely grateful and blurted out, "Thank you, Young Master Wade!"

With that, he no longer hesitated and placed the Resurrection Pill in his mouth.

Then, the old man remained motionless with closed eyes for about a minute.

After a minute, he opened his eyes, tears welling up as he looked at Charlie, knelt down again, and choked out, "Young Master Wade, this pill is truly miraculous! I am deeply grateful for your lifesaving grace!"

Charlie hurriedly said, "Sir, you're my elder, there's no need to be so polite."

The old man said seriously, "According to fate, you are of the Dragon rank, and I am of the Python rank. Whenever a Python encounters a Dragon, it must bow, even if it's a thousand-year-old serpent meeting a newborn dragon, it must still kneel! Just now, there were too many onlookers, and I was afraid of revealing your identity, so I couldn't pay my respects to you immediately. I hope you can forgive me!"

Charlie waved his hand with a smile, "These are just formalities, no need to worry."

The old man said solemnly, "The more one believes in fate, the more one must follow the will of heaven. If I fail to bow to you, it would be a great disrespect! Such matters will be recorded by the heavens!"

Seeing the old man's resolute attitude, Charlie didn't insist any further and instead asked, "Sir, I still don't know your name. Would it be convenient for you to reveal it?"

The old man immediately cupped his hands and said with great respect, "Young Master Wade, my surname is Lai, and my name is Xanthos Lai. I am the direct descendant of the Feng Shui master Buyi Lai from the Song Dynasty."

Charlie suddenly realized and admired, "I didn't expect you, sir, to be from such a prestigious lineage. No wonder you have such profound knowledge of the Book of Changes!"

As he spoke, Charlie couldn't help but think of the fake Feng Shui master who had deceived Sarah. He also claimed to be a descendant of Lai Buyi but had no real skills.

But the old man before him was a true master, proficient in divination. Even in the United States, he could deduce so many crucial matters. He was indeed a rare master.

With this in mind, Charlie asked again, "Sir, why have you been living in the United States all this time?"

Xanthos smiled bitterly and said, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan, my father was concerned about our country. He cast the most important divination of his life, foreseeing that although China would not perish, the Lai family would face annihilation. So, he sacrificed his own life to save the rest of our family, but the condition was that we had to cross the ocean."

"So in 1938, after burying my father, I took my mother, underage siblings, and traveled to the United States. We settled there and built a new life. Later, I also thought about returning with my family, but after living there for many years, there were too many ties of family, career, opportunities, and debts. It was too much trouble to uproot everything, so we've been settled there ever since."

Charlie nodded and asked, "What are your plans now?"

Xanthos looked at the vast mountains and smiled, "My descendants are all in the United States. I've been away for four years this time, and they must be worried. Since I've been fortunate enough to gain ten more years of life from you, Young Master Wade, I intend to retire and spend my remaining years peacefully back home!"

Chapter 1575 - "Sage Serpents and Dragon's Wisdom"

Hearing that Master Xanthos was preparing to return to the United States to enjoy his retirement, Charlie bowed to him and said with a smile, "In that case, I wish you a happy and peaceful life ahead!"

Xanthos hurriedly returned the gesture, somewhat surprised and grateful, saying, "I thank Young Master Wade for his blessings!"

After that, Xanthos hesitated for a moment and said, "Young Master Wade, I have a piece of advice for you, I hope you can listen."

Charlie immediately said, "Old Master, please speak, I am all ears!"

Xanthos said, "Although the crisis of your predicament has been resolved, you should not continue to linger by the river for idle talk."

Charlie asked, "Then where do you think I should go?"

Xanthos said with great respect, "I think you should go to Eastcliff, because it is the capital of the country. From the perspective of feng shui and destiny of the city, it is the city with the highest national destiny. Returning here, from the perspective of feng shui, is like a dragon entering the sea!"

Charlie smiled slightly, "Thank you for your suggestion, I will seriously consider it."

Xanthos nodded, as if he could see Charlie's thoughts, and earnestly said, "Young Master Wade, there is a saying in 'The Book of Rites,' it emphasizes the importance of being cautious and sincere in one's thoughts. Whatever I say, just listen, but in the end, you must be true to your own heart."

Charlie nodded, "Thank you for your guidance, I have learned from it."

Xanthos waved his hand modestly, "I dare not, Young Master Wade! It's just a chance encounter between us. I don't know if there will be another opportunity to meet in the future. If you need it, I can cast a divination for you."

Charlie instinctively wanted to agree, but after some thought, he shook his head and said, "Old Master, there's no need for another divination. I have a stubborn temperament. Even if fate tells me to go east, I might insist on going west. If I peek into the future in advance, I might end up doing something against my own heart. Let me walk my path slowly on my own!"

Xanthos was completely stunned.

For many years, as a top fortune teller, he had been relentlessly pursued by countless people, willing to spend a fortune to seek his guidance, to have their fortunes told.

Yet even so, there were still many people who never had the chance to have their fortunes told by him.

But this was the first time he had encountered someone like Charlie, who showed absolutely no curiosity about the future, fate, or divination. It was truly rare to see.

Amidst his astonishment, he couldn't help but admire Charlie a bit more.

So, he bowed to Charlie and said, "Young Master Wade, then let's hope we meet again someday!"

Charlie smiled and nodded, "Old Master, may the wind be at your back!"

When they returned to the parking lot, everyone looked at the two of them with confusion, not understanding how this elderly and young man, who had just met for the first time, could have so much to talk about and chat for so long.

Knowing that Charlie didn't want to reveal his identity, Xanthos directly said to the head of Yanling Mountain's security, "Please prepare a car for me. I'll pack my belongings and you can take me to the airport."

The security person asked in surprise, "Master Lai, are you leaving?"

Xanthos nodded, smiling, "It's been four years. I've fulfilled my promise to your master's family. It's time for me to go back."

The security person respectfully said, "Master Lai, aren't you going to meet the master of the Wade family or shall I inform him to come and meet you?"

The head of security knew very well that the patriarch of the Wade family held Xanthos in the highest regard.

Charlie's grandfather, who was not yet seventy this year, while Xanthos was already a centenarian. There was a generation gap between them, so Charlie's grandfather always referred to him as a junior and treated him with utmost respect.

Chapter 1576 - "Fortune's Farewell: Sage Serpent's Exit"

When the old master just brought Xanthos back from abroad, he arranged for him to live in the Wade family's mansion, and he was meticulously attended to every day.

However, after Yanling Mountain was completed, Xanthos insisted on moving out of the Wade family and living here.

The old master couldn't bear to let the old fortune teller live in the Wade family's ancestral grave, even though Yanling Mountain was built very well, with a dedicated area for staff to work and live. Still, the old master felt that he couldn't let Xanthos, who was so old, condescend to live here.

However, despite his many attempts to persuade him, Xanthos still insisted on moving here.

Because he had been waiting for his own opportunity, waiting for the door of life in his divination to open, waiting for Charlie to appear and give him the Resurrection Pill that could extend his life by ten years.

Now, after guarding his opportunity for four years, it was time to leave.

So, he said to the person in charge, "Please convey to your master that Lai promises him that everything has been done, and Lai has been away for too long and misses home. I won't say goodbye to him. If fate allows, we'll meet again in the martial world!"

With that said, he bowed to the crowd and, when he looked at Charlie, hesitated for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude.

Then, he turned around, looked up and laughed heartily, and shouted with full vigor, "Laughing heartily and leaving, we are not just ordinary people!"

After saying this, he had already stepped out.

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "Even a centenarian has such spirit, truly extraordinary!"

Charlie smiled on the side, and while the Wade family's security personnel were busy following Xanthos, he said to Geraldo, "Uncle Snow, let's go back."

"Okay!" Geraldo nodded and said, "Let's go back. We'll come again next time!"

Since Charlie still needed to play the role of a driver, he opened the car door for Geraldo, and after Geraldo got in, he got back into the driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce.

He started the car.

As soon as Charlie drove the car out of the parking lot, Geraldo in the back seat asked him, "Charlie, what did that old fortune teller talk to you about just now? He seemed very respectful towards you."

Charlie smiled faintly and said, "The old gentleman recognized my identity and knew that I am from the Wade family, so he gave me some advice."

Surprised, Geraldo asked, "How did he recognize you?! Does he know you?"

Charlie shook his head, "He doesn't know me, but he is after all a descendant of the Lai family, and his expertise in feng shui and divination is quite high. It's possible that he calculated that I would come."

Geraldo couldn't help but sigh, "No wonder, the Wade family didn't let you go up the mountain, but he said you're not an outsider. So, that's what it means!"

Then, Geraldo asked again, "Is feng shui and divination really so magical? Can it even know who will come and when?"

Charlie smiled and said, "It's possible. Although the things passed down from our ancestors are ancient, we cannot deny that they are very wise, even containing a wisdom that we do not understand, like the Mayans. In such ancient times, they almost deduced a complete calendar, which seems incredible to us modern people."

Geraldo nodded seriously, then remembered something and asked Charlie, "Charlie, what are your plans next?"

Charlie said, "Tomorrow, a friend's grandmother is celebrating her birthday. I'll go and give her a gift. After attending the birthday banquet, I'll return to Aurous Hill."

Geraldo hurriedly said, "Why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to stay a few more days!"

Chapter 1577 - "Fan-tastic Gestures: Tokens of Esteem"

Upon hearing Geraldo's words, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Snow, there are still many things to do in Aurous Hill. I can't stay here."

Geraldo nodded lightly and sighed, "Make sure to visit Uncle often in Eastcliff in the future. Both Maria and Aunt Amelia are looking forward to your return to Eastcliff for development!"

Charlie just responded with a nod and didn't say much more.

Geraldo tactfully didn't bring up the topic again but instead asked Charlie, "Little Charlie, you said you're going to attend your friend's grandmother's birthday banquet tomorrow. Have you prepared the gift?"

Charlie replied, "Not yet, I plan to go out and have a look later."

Although Charlie had the Resurrection Pill, which was significant for the elderly, he had never met Elsa's grandmother. So, it was not possible to prepare such an expensive gift for her. He intended to buy a gift worth tens of thousands from the streets to show his respect.

Upon hearing this, Geraldo smiled and said directly, "I have a fan at home, painted with a longevity picture by Master Qi Baishi, with a top-grade small leaf sandalwood handle and exquisite carving by a master craftsman. It's quite exquisite. You can take it as a birthday gift."

Charlie hurriedly said, "Uncle Snow, how can I take your things to give to others? I'd rather buy something myself."

Geraldo insisted, "What's the fuss between you and Uncle? It's just a fan, not worth much money. But because of its theme being longevity, it's a very nice gift for the elderly."

Saying that, Geraldo urged, "This matter is settled, don't refuse Uncle, and don't be formal! Otherwise, Uncle will be angry."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Charlie immediately stopped insisting and nodded, "Thank you, Uncle Snow!"

The next morning.

Charlie declined Geraldo's offer to send a car and left the Snow's residence alone with the long gift box he had given him.

His wife, Claire, sent him an address, which was the Dewey family's villa.

The Dewey family's villa was not far from the Snow's residence.

It was only a journey of more than 20 minutes by car.

In Eastcliff, the Dewey family was only considered a second-rate family.

Moreover, within the second-rate families, they were at the bottom.

In recent years, the Dewey family's business had declined significantly. If it hadn't been for Elsa's aunt marrying into the Hansen family, which helped the Dewey family, they might have already fallen to the level of a third-rate family.

However, this was still Eastcliff. Even if they were at the bottom of the second-rate families, in other second-tier cities, they would definitely be considered top-notch.

Because of this, although the Dewey family had declined somewhat, their mansion was still luxurious, with a grand luxury villa costing at least 300 million.

The taxi Charlie took could only stop at the entrance of the villa area, and the security was very strict. So, after getting off at the entrance, Charlie called Elsa and asked her to come out to meet him.

When Elsa heard that Charlie had arrived, she almost ran out happily.

Today, Elsa was dressed very beautifully, and because it was her grandmother's birthday, she deliberately put on some light makeup, looking very dignified and generous.

As soon as she saw Charlie, Elsa said happily, "Charlie, you're here!"

With that, she ran up and hugged his arm, pulling him towards the villa. She couldn't hide her excitement as she said, "Come on, I'll introduce my parents to you later."

Charlie quickly withdrew his arm, feeling embarrassed, and said, "Elsa, we can't do this, it's not appropriate."

Elsa deliberately pouted and said, "What's inappropriate about it? Can't friends be a little intimate?"

Chapter 1578 - "Eccentric Encounters: A Day at the Dewey Villa"

Charlie rubbed his nose, "After all, I am your best friend's husband!"

Elsa replied casually, "I know, a fake husband. You've been fake married for four years. I wonder when this pretend game of yours will ever be enough."

Just then, a limited edition Bentley pulled up beside them and stopped. The rear window rolled down, revealing a middle-aged woman dressed in luxury. She looked at Elsa and asked, "Elsa, why are you out here?"

Elsa, upon seeing the woman, hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Auntie! Where's my cousin?"

The woman in the car replied, "He's still busy. He'll come over before the birthday banquet at noon."

Elsa asked again, "What about my cousin?"

The middle-aged woman sighed, "I haven't seen him all night. He's really getting on my nerves. This boy has no sense of responsibility. He's barely recovered, and now he's staying out all night again. You have to talk to your aunt about him later!"

Elsa sighed, "Auntie, I dare not speak to my cousin about his temper. Every time I mention it, he just snaps at me."

The middle-aged woman sighed and said, "He's becoming more and more unruly."

Then, she looked at Charlie beside Elsa and asked with a smile, "Oh, is this young man your boyfriend?"

Elsa glanced at Charlie and blushed, "Not yet."

"Not yet?" The middle-aged woman emphasized the "yet" and said with a smile, "When will 'not yet' turn into 'yes'?"

Elsa, embarrassed, said, "Auntie, you're too nosy. Let's go inside quickly. Grandma is waiting for you!"

The middle-aged woman chuckled, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Elsa quickly waved her hand, "No need, no need. We can walk in. It's not far."

The middle-aged woman nodded, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go in first."

With that, the Bentley slowly drove into the villa area.

Charlie felt a bit helpless at this point. He quickly said to Elsa, "Please don't introduce me like that to others anymore. What if someone misunderstands? What if Claire finds out? If someone asks who I am, just say I'm your best friend's husband."

Elsa pouted, "It's just a joke, why take it so seriously?"

Charlie said seriously, "This is a matter of principle that must be taken seriously."

Elsa could only nod, "Alright, alright, it's a matter of principle. I won't say it anymore, okay?"

With that, she quickly changed the subject, "Let's go inside quickly. It's getting late!"

Charlie initially wanted to give her the gift and leave, but then he remembered his wife's instructions to greet Elsa's grandmother for her birthday. At least he had to meet Elsa's grandmother to fulfill his wife's request.

So, he followed Elsa into the villa area without saying a word.

As they walked into the villa area, a red Ferrari suddenly whizzed past from behind. Elsa saw the car and waved, shouting, "Cousin, cousin!"

However, supercar engines are already loud, and the speed was fast. The driver didn't hear her at all.

Charlie asked Elsa, "Was that your cousin driving?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded and said, "My cousin is quite eccentric. He had surgery recently, but as soon as he recovered, he started showing off again."

Chapter 1579 - "Elsa's Choice: Between Family and Heart"

Charlie was unaware of the identity of Elsa's cousin, mentioned by her.

He simply observed that there were plenty of wealthy and ostentatious individuals in Eastcliff, with a multitude of affluent young masters. These young masters, eight or nine out of ten, were all quite flamboyant and extravagant, so it didn't strike him as odd.

As he and Elsa arrived at the entrance of the Dewey family villa, various luxury cars had already filled the area.

Outside the gate, two middle-aged men were warmly welcoming guests. Elsa approached them and hastily introduced, "Dad, Uncle, let me introduce you. This is my friend from Aurous Hill, Charlie Wade."

The two middle-aged men glanced at Charlie, and Elsa's uncle spoke, "I haven't heard of any Wade family in Aurous Hill."

Elsa hurriedly explained, "Charlie isn't from any prominent family. He's just my college classmate."

Back then, Charlie had been arranged by Grandpa Wilson to study at Aurous Hill University for a year, where he was not only classmates with Claire but also with Elsa.

At this moment, Elsa refrained from mentioning that Charlie was Claire's husband, as it was a way to leave herself an escape route. In case there was ever a chance for her to develop something with Charlie and bring him home, if her family immediately recognized him as Claire's husband, it would be incredibly awkward.

Upon hearing that he was Elsa's college classmate, her uncle couldn't help but show some disdain and said, "Since he's a college classmate, let's have him seated."

At this point, Elsa's father whispered to her, "Elsa, I heard your cousin mention earlier that the heir of the Snow family will also be coming. You should seize the opportunity to get to know him."

Elsa couldn't help but frown and said, "Why should I get to know him? Those two wastrels from the Snow family are nothing good. Their reputation has long been tarnished!"

"Do you understand?" Elsa's father sternly exclaimed, "The Snow family ranks third in Eastcliff. Their family's power is formidable, and don't forget, the Snow family lacks male heirs. There are only two boys, so their value is even higher!"

Families with many male heirs, no matter how great their power, will eventually dissipate.

Some families may boast of having billions in assets, but with so many descendants, their assets are heavily divided. It's possible that the entire family can't produce an heir worth over ten billion. Therefore, in such families, the value of male heirs naturally doesn't rise.

The Snow family only has two male heirs, Feliciano and Javier. Even if each family only holds shares in various groups, each person's net worth is over a hundred billion.

Elsa's father, Leandro Dewey, always wanted Elsa to marry a top-notch rich second-generation, hoping to revive the declining situation of the Dewey family.

Before this, upon hearing that the Wade family had purchased an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill and even gifted it to a Wade family descendant, he thought that one of the descendants of the Wade family had been sent to Aurous Hill for experience. Therefore, he immediately arranged for Elsa to work at the Emgrand Group.

However, Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long, and she hadn't even seen the chairman of the Emgrand Group, so Elsa's father gradually lost confidence.

He even thought about not letting his daughter return to Aurous Hill this time. After wasting almost half a year there with no results, it would be better to come back quickly and find a reliable young man from a prestigious family in Eastcliff.

Coincidentally, just now, his nephew came in, excitedly saying that he had finally persuaded the Snow family's young master to come over. So he felt that this was a good opportunity for his daughter.

However, Elsa didn't care about the Snow family's young master at all.

Even if it was the mysterious young master of the Wade family, she didn't care anymore. Ever since Charlie saved her, all she could think of was Charlie. No other man could catch her eye.

Chapter 1580 - "Materialism vs. Love: Elsa's Choice"

With an indifferent expression, she said, "Dad, I'm not interested in the young master from the Snow family. Please don't introduce me to him!"

After speaking, she looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, let's go in."

"You, child!" Leandro said with some anger, "Why are you so ungrateful? If you could be with the young master from the Snow family, why would you need to go to Aurous Hill?"

Elsa subconsciously glanced at Charlie again, then stubbornly said to her father, "I just like Aurous Hill! When I look for a husband in the future, I will definitely find one in Aurous Hill!"

Leandro scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? What reputable family is there in Aurous Hill? As the daughter of Leandro Dewey, how can you marry a man from such a small place?"

Elsa said disappointedly, "Dad, how did you become so materialistic?"

"Me, materialistic?" Leandro said, "Isn't everything I do for your own good?"

Beside them, Elsa's uncle spoke up, "Alright Leandro, this matter doesn't need to be rushed. Let Elsa and her classmate go inside for now."

Seeing his older brother mediating, Leandro then said to Elsa, "Alright, let's go in first. We'll talk with your mother later!"

Elsa, annoyed, said, "It's useless no matter who talks about this!"

After saying this, she immediately went forward and pulled Charlie along, saying, "Let's go, Charlie, let's go in!"

Charlie, feeling helpless and not wanting to meddle in their family affairs, quickly followed them into the villa.

Leandro stamped his foot in anger, while his older brother said, "Leandro, your judgment seems to be getting worse, don't you think?"

"What?" Leandro asked in surprise, "Big brother, what do you mean by that?"

Leandro's older brother smiled and said, "Didn't you see? Elsa kept staring at that guy beside her. Especially when you mentioned introducing her to the young master from the Snow family, she immediately looked at that guy. There must be something going on there!"

"What's going on?" Leandro blurted out, "Big brother, are you suggesting that Elsa might like that kid?"

"I think it's possible," Leandro's older brother said seriously, "Didn't you hear Elsa? They are college classmates, they've known each other for a long time, and this kid is also in Aurous Hill. Elsa has been in Aurous Hill for most of the past six months. It's possible that they've already developed feelings for each other during that time!"

Leandro's face changed, "Damn it, even the insignificant guy from Aurous Hill dares to have thoughts about my daughter!"

After saying that, he immediately said, "Big brother, you keep an eye here. I'm going to find out what's going on with Elsa!"

Leandro's older brother hurriedly stopped him, "What's your hurry? If you go ask Elsa now, and they end up quarreling, wouldn't it disrupt mom's birthday banquet? I suggest you endure it for now. Wait until after the banquet to privately ask Elsa what's going on."

After hesitating for a moment, considering his mother's birthday banquet and the numerous guests, Leandro realized it wouldn't be appropriate to question his daughter at this moment. So, he reluctantly nodded, feeling somewhat frustrated, and said, "That kid wants to eat swan meat? I'll make sure he gets what's coming to him later!"

With that, he begrudgingly agreed to wait, knowing that addressing the issue later in a more private setting would be more appropriate.
Old one and new one enemy approaching
Chapter 1581 - "Intrigue at the Birthday Party"

At this moment, Charlie followed Elsa into the villa.

In the capital city of Eastcliff, these wealthy households' mansions are all luxurious. Upon entering, the living room alone is almost the size of a small banquet hall.

At this moment, the room was buzzing with conversation, with many prominent figures from Eastcliff gathered here, chatting eagerly in small groups.

Madam Dewey, accompanied by her husband, was chatting and laughing with several friends of similar age.

Elsa hurriedly said to Charlie, "My grandmother is over there, let me take you to meet her."

Charlie nodded and smiled, "That's perfect, I can give the gift I prepared to your grandmother."

The two approached the elderly couple, and Elsa grinned, saying, "Grandpa, Grandma, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate, Charlie Wade!"

The old lady hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Elsa's college classmate! Welcome, welcome!"

Then, she asked again, "By the way, Elsa, I remember among your college classmates, there was a girl who was very close to you, named Claire, right?"

At this point, Charlie interjected, saying, "Grandma Dewey, hello, I am Claire's husband. Actually, Claire has always wanted to come personally to wish you a happy birthday, but there are indeed many things at home, so she asked me to come on her behalf. Please forgive her!"

The old lady smiled and said, "Oh, so Claire, that girl, is already married!"

After that, she looked at Elsa again and said seriously, "Elsa, look, your college classmates are gradually getting married one by one, but you still don't even have a boyfriend. You might as well listen to Grandma's advice and stop going to Aurous Hill. Find a boyfriend in Eastcliff and get married soon. Grandma will be relieved then!"

At this moment, Elsa's heart was in turmoil.

She liked Charlie, a deep-rooted kind of liking. So, in her heart, she had long since decided to marry no one but Charlie.

But unfortunately, Charlie was now her best friend's nominal husband. Even her own family knew about it now. Wouldn't it be even more impossible for her to be with Charlie in the future?

Although the Dewey family was not considered top-notch in Eastcliff, they still had some status. How could they allow their granddaughter to be with a man who had been married before?

Even if he got divorced, it would still be a second marriage, which would be very embarrassing if it got out.

Thinking of this, she felt particularly dejected.

Just then, a discordant voice came, "Grandma! Grandpa!"

Elsa turned her head and saw her cousin Shelby strutting over with an air of self-importance.

She instinctively asked, "Cousin, I heard you had surgery some time ago? How's the recovery now?"

Upon hearing her mention the surgery, Shelby couldn't help but feel annoyed and grumbled, "Stop bringing up that damn surgery to me, it pisses me off just thinking about it!"

Madam Dewey felt a bit sorry and said, "Elsa, you don't know, your cousin went through a lot of trouble recently!"

Charlie didn't turn around at this moment, but he also recognized the voice as familiar.

Upon careful consideration, he recalled the identity of the owner of this voice.

Isn't this Shelby, the young master of the Hansen family, who was forced by himself to swallow a string of diamond necklaces at Sarah's house back then?

How come? He's Elsa's cousin?

Moreover, Shelby calls Elsa's grandmother "Grandma," which means he is the child of Elsa's aunt.

This is indeed quite interesting.

Chapter 1582 - "A Family Affair: Gifts and Grievances"

At this moment, Elsa said to Shelby, "Cousin, let me introduce you to my university classmate!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Charlie turned around with a smile on his face. The moment Shelby saw him, he was stunned as if he had seen a ghost!

It took him a while to recover from his shock, then he began gritting his teeth angrily, "Alright! Wade, huh! I've been looking for you everywhere, and you dare to come to my grandmother's house. Today, I won't let you off!"

Elsa was taken aback and blurted out, "Cousin, what do you mean? Charlie is a guest. Why are you talking to him like this?"

Shelby gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know why I had surgery?"

Elsa blurted out, "I heard from my mom that you swallowed a necklace."

"Yes!" Shelby said angrily, "Why did I swallow the necklace? It's all because of this bastard!"

Charlie chuckled, "Master Shelby, let's talk sensibly and be fair. Did I force you to swallow the necklace? Or did I pry open your mouth and stuff it into your stomach?"

Shelby remained silent.

What could he say?

Charlie was right; he didn't force himself to swallow the necklace. He did it because he lost a bet with Charlie and couldn't back down.

But ultimately, wasn't Charlie the instigator?

Thinking of this, Shelby cursed loudly, "Wade, you stop arguing with me here! I will settle the score with you!"

Charlie ignored him and turned to Madam Dewey, handing over the gift box he had brought. He said earnestly, "Grandma Dewey, this is a birthday gift that Claire and I prepared for you. Please accept it."

Madam Dewey didn't understand the conflict between Charlie and her grandson, but as an elder from a prominent family, she maintained her composure. She reached out and accepted the gift, saying, "Thank you for your and Claire's kindness."

Shelby watched as Charlie ignored him, and he almost exploded with anger.

He snatched the gift box from his grandmother's hand and smashed it on the ground, pointing at Charlie and shouting, "Wade, get out of here now! Then go back to Aurous Hill and prepare to die. I'll come to Aurous Hill in a couple of days and kill you myself!"

Charlie remained calm and said lightly, "Shelby, out of respect for Elsa, I'll address you as Young Master Shelby. But don't push your luck, or I won't care about Elsa's feelings anymore!"

Elsa was also very angry and rebuked, "Cousin, what are you doing?! Charlie is a guest! Who gave you the right to drive him away? Why did you throw away the gift he gave to grandma?"

After speaking, she bent down and picked up the opened gift box and the fan inside.

Shelby sneered, "What good thing can this scumbag give to grandma? Just a broken fan! Only a loser like him can come up with such a thing!"

Madam Dewey sighed helplessly.

She knew her grandson's character very well.

Although she could sense that there might be some connection between Charlie and her grandson's surgery, judging by the situation, her grandson was probably to blame for his own misfortune, and the responsibility might not lie solely with Charlie.

So, she said seriously, "Shelby, as an adult, how can you be so shallow in your words? Gifts represent intentions, not value."

Upon hearing this, Shelby immediately took out a gift box from his pocket. After opening it, inside was a Maitreya Buddha carved from imperial green jade.

The jade was of excellent quality, flawless, and perfectly carved, with a circle of diamonds around it, sparkling brightly.

He handed the jade necklace to Madam Dewey, saying discontentedly, "Grandma, this jade Buddha is made from imperial green jade from the Laokeng Mine, worth at least thirty million. That cheap fan is worth only a few hundred bucks. There are plenty of them in Panjiayuan Market. The comparison between these two items is clear! Trash is trash, no matter how well it's packaged, it can't be valuable!"

Chapter 1583 - "Necklace Nostalgia: Shelby's Swallowing Saga Returns"

Charlie couldn't help but sneer when he saw Shelby's familiar expression: "Shelby, you never learn your lesson, do you? Do you forget how you swallowed the necklace last time?"

Last time, Shelby was forced to swallow the string of precious stone necklace mainly because he lost a bet to Charlie.

At that time, he thought he was quite impressive with a necklace worth tens of millions, and at the same time, he belittled the Resurrection Pill he gave to Sarah as worthless.

But he didn't expect that a Resurrection Pill, at Sarah's birthday banquet, would fetch a staggering price of 2 billion directly.

However, after Shelby returned, he had been pondering over this matter, feeling more and more uneasy about it.

He always felt that it was impossible for someone to willingly spend 2 billion on such a foolish thing.

So the most likely scenario was that Elder Samuel, in cahoots with Charlie, staged a farce to dupe him!

Although Elder Samuel seemed to have spent 2 billion on the surface, it was very likely that Charlie would return the money to him afterward.

So, his hatred towards Charlie grew even deeper.

Originally, he planned to go to Aurous Hill after the New Year to settle scores with him. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to come to Eastcliff, and even to Grandma's house, which immediately fueled his hatred.

If it weren't for the fact that it was his grandmother's birthday banquet, he would have wanted to call someone over immediately and beat Charlie half to death.

Therefore, he immediately shouted at Charlie, "Wade, you son of a bitch, you played tricks on me last time, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. Now you dare to come to Eastcliff and act tough with me?"

With a face full of anger, he asked, "Tell me the truth, was Elder Samuel in cahoots with you last time?"

Charlie disdainfully snorted and said, "If you can't handle losing, just admit it. It's not embarrassing. But if you can't handle losing and act like a scoundrel, that's a bit embarrassing."

Shelby was immediately furious, gritting his teeth, "You dare to say I can't handle losing? Do you think I can't handle losing?"

Charlie smiled and asked, "If you can handle losing, then let's make another bet."

Shelby immediately said, "Alright! What do you want to bet on? You name it!"

Charlie said, "You said the fan I gifted is only worth a few hundred bucks, right? So, if my fan beats your jade pendant, you have to swallow your jade pendant, just like last time you swallowed the necklace."

"Damn!" Shelby was immediately enraged when he mentioned the incident of him swallowing the necklace. He exploded, "Kid, are you looking for trouble? Do you believe I'll have someone kill you?"

Elsa angrily said, "Cousin, Charlie is my friend, you shouldn't go too far!"

"Too far?" Shelby sneered, "This is just the beginning. You think this is too far? Let me tell you, with old and new grudges, I will definitely finish him this time!"

Charlie smiled, "See, you won't even admit that you can't handle losing. You're desperate now, still trying to act tough? What's wrong, afraid to bet?"

"I'm afraid to bet?" Shelby disdainfully said, "I, damn it, have carefully selected this Emperor Green Jade Pendant. How could it lose to your broken fan? Stop joking!"

With that said, Shelby sternly asked, "What if you lose? Are you daring enough to swallow your fan?"

Chapter 1584 - "Brush with Fate: The Qi Baishi Fan Fiasco"

Charlie nodded, "Sure, we'll settle it this way. If I lose, I'll eat the fan, and if you lose, you'll eat the jade pendant."

"Damn!" Shelby gritted his teeth, "Fine! I don't believe it! Let's go with that! The market price for my jade pendant is 24 million, and I have transaction records as proof. What's the value of your crappy fan anyway?"

Charlie wasn't exactly sure of the specific value of the fan.

However, he knew that Qi Baishi's paintings had been rapidly appreciating in recent years, surpassing the rate at which jade prices were increasing. Despite being a mere fan surface, it was not a casual doodle but a meticulously crafted longevity-themed artwork.

Qi Baishi's top-tier piece, "Pine and Cypress Standing Tall," had fetched over 400 million in the auction, and that was a decade ago. If put up for auction now, it could even surpass 800 million.

Geraldo was no ordinary person; his collection, even if it was just a fan surface, would undoubtedly be a masterpiece by the venerable Qi Baishi.

Since it was a masterpiece, the fan alone would likely be worth several tens of millions, not to mention the exceptional fan bone with a perfect golden scar, easily exceeding 24 million.

So, Charlie suggested, "You can have someone knowledgeable about art appraise it. Let's find out the actual value of this fan."

"A fan surface?" Shelby sneered, "What the hell, it looks ugly as hell!"

Someone nearby, familiar with art, exclaimed, "Hey! This seems to be Qi Baishi's work! A fan surface featuring the Longevity theme – it has quite a reputation!"

"Yeah!" Another person chimed in, "This fan surface was auctioned at Christie's a few years ago. If I remember correctly, Chairman Snow from the Snow family bought it for 48.88 million!"

"Chairman Snow? The one who, yesterday, proudly announced his recovery and resumed control of the Snow Group?"

"Exactly, him!"

"Weird, how does this young man have Chairman Snow's collection? Could it be stolen?"

"Stolen? That's unlikely, but it can't be a genuine piece. I guess it's a replica, or maybe someone contemporary imitated it."

Hearing these discussions, Shelby smirked and said to Charlie, "Alright, Charlie, you dare to use fake goods to deceive my grandma. You're really asking for trouble!"

Shelby's grandma awkwardly interjected, "Oh, you two, stop bickering like children. Light courtesy, heavy affection. Why bother investigating the real price? Shelby, take a step back; after all, Mr. Wade is a guest from afar!"

"That won't do!" Shelby gritted his teeth, "Grandma, this guy has tricked me miserably. I won't let him off this time!"

With that, he shook the folding fan in his hand, sneering, "Charlie, if this fan is genuine, it's indeed more valuable than my jade pendant. However, this thing of yours is fake, barely worth three thousand bucks. So, hurry up and eat it!"

Charlie chuckled, "On what basis do you claim it's fake? Are you an appraisal expert?"

Shelby gestured to the onlookers and said, "You heard what everyone just said. Do you still want to insist it's genuine?"

Disgusted, Shelby added, "The real fan surface is in the hands of Chairman Snow from the Snow Group. How could a loser like you get his hands on Chairman Snow's collection?"

Charlie laughed, "You're right. Chairman Snow did give me this fan. I overheard someone saying it was auctioned for 48.88 million, already more than double the price of your jade pendant. So, let's not waste time. Hurry up and swallow your pendant."

Chapter 1585 - "Feliciano's Entrance: A Stir in the Room"

"I'll swallow your sister!"

Shelby sternly shouted, "Even facing death, you still have the audacity to talk back. Not only do you lie, but you also dare to drag Chairman Snow into this mess. If Chairman Snow places blame, can you handle it?"

Charlie chuckled, "If you don't believe me, just give Chairman Snow a call and ask him if he indeed personally gave me this fan."

Shelby sneered, "Bah! Even I, Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family, don't have the qualifications to directly contact Chairman Snow. Do you fucking know that I can't verify the authenticity with Chairman Snow? Is that why you're shamelessly showing off here?"

Charlie remained noncommittal and smiled, "Arguing about this is pointless. Let's bring in a professional expert to assess the situation."

"No need," Shelby coldly laughed, "I'll tell you, I specifically invited Snow family's eldest son, Feliciano, today. If what you have is genuine, then it belongs to the collection of Young Master Snow. We'll get to the bottom of it when he arrives!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie laughed even more, "Fine, since you insist on waiting for Snow family's eldest son, then let's wait for him."

Shelby didn't expect Charlie to show no fear, not a hint of guilt. He couldn't help but be surprised.

If he were in Charlie's shoes, presenting a fake as Chairman Snow's collection, and hearing that Snow family's eldest son was coming, he would definitely make a quick exit to avoid being caught red-handed.

Yet Charlie had no intention of running away at all.

This puzzled Shelby. Why was this guy so confident? Sure, he seemed to have some connections in Aurous Hill, but could he really establish a relationship with Geraldo Snow?

Who was Geraldo? The head of the third-ranked prestigious family in Eastcliff, the Snow family!

Not to mention Charlie, even he couldn't climb to such a level of relationship. Charlie, as a son-in-law from a small place like Aurous Hill, had no reason to connect with Geraldo. It was simply impossible!

Just then, someone shouted, "Young Master Snow from the Snow family has arrived!"

Everyone instantly became alert.

Even Grandpa and Grandma of Elsa hurriedly became serious.

Although Feliciano was just a young man in his twenties from the Snow family, in the eyes of the Dewey family and other guests, he was the most distinguished and highest-ranking person at this birthday banquet. Even the birthday star, Madam Dewey, had to be polite and even flatter in front of Feliciano.

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, Feliciano walked in arrogantly.

Elsa's father and uncle followed him, full of obsequiousness, nodding and bowing, displaying an undisguised attitude of fawning.

Today, Feliciano originally had no intention of coming. His relationship with Shelby was ordinary, and although the Hansen family was slightly stronger than the Dewey family, it was still far inferior to the Snow family. So, Feliciano didn't think much of Shelby.

However, the main reason he still came was that, according to Shelby, he had a cousins who was exceptionally beautiful and had just returned from Aurous Hill. Shelby wanted to introduce her to Feliciano.

Although Feliciano wasn't capable in certain aspects, he still harbored the habits of a playboy. Even without the ability, he still had fantasies and desires towards the opposite sex.

In fact, this was human nature. In ancient times, eunuchs in the palace often had relationships with palace maids, and it was no longer a secret.

Adding to that, Feliciano had long heard about the beauty of Elsa, the granddaughter of the Dewey family. This was a good opportunity for him to come over, get acquainted, and perhaps even meet her.

As soon as Feliciano entered, Elsa's grandfather immediately stepped forward, warmly and respectfully saying, "Young Master Snow, I didn't expect your prestigious visit. Please forgive the inadequate reception!"

Feliciano waved his hand casually and said, "I heard from Shelby that today is his grandmother's debut, so he invited me to come and show my support. That's why I rushed over, no bother at all."

Elsa's grandfather quickly responded, "Young Master Snow, your presence brings glory to the Dewey family. How can it be considered a bother?"

Chapter 1586 - "Feliciano's Fancy: A Snowflake's Interest in Elsa"

As the story goes, the old master immediately called for Elsa and said, "Come here, Elsa, let's introduce you to Young Master Snow!"

Elsa's grandfather, uncle, and father all shared an unusually consistent opinion regarding her lifelong affairs.

They all believed that Elsa should marry a top-tier scion of a prominent family, only then could she bring sufficient assistance to the Dewey family.

This was also the reason why they arranged for Elsa to work at the Aurous Hill Emgrand Group.

However, since Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long without even meeting the chairman of the Emgrand Group, they gradually lost patience with the matter.

Now, as they looked at Feliciano in front of them, they all had the same idea in mind, hoping that Elsa could be with Feliciano. In doing so, the Dewey family could soar to new heights.

When Feliciano saw Elsa, his eyes widened.

Although there were many beauties in Eastcliff, there were not many in prominent families.

After all, it was difficult for someone to have both an excellent background and exceptional looks.

Although the Dewey family was somewhat down-and-out now, Elsa was truly stunning!

So, Feliciano immediately took a liking to Elsa.

He reached out to Elsa and said very gentlemanly, "Miss Dewey, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Elsa's expression was somewhat cold, and she deliberately did not extend her hand. Instead, she nodded and said, "It's also a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Snow."

On the side, Elsa's father, Leandro, immediately reproached her, "Elsa! Why are you so impolite? Why didn't you shake hands with Young Master Snow?!"

Elsa said, "Sorry, Mr. Snow, I just pet a stray cat at the door and haven't washed my hands."

Feliciano was somewhat displeased. Elsa was quite aloof, not even shaking hands with him. This was quite disrespectful!

However, he didn't get angry on the spot but thought to endure it for now, leaving a good impression on Elsa for future development.

At this moment, Shelby hurriedly ran over with the folding fan brought by Charlie, respectfully greeting Feliciano and saying, "Oh, Young Master Snow, you've come at the right time. There's a fool here, holding a fan belonging to your uncle, and claiming it to be authentic. I suspect this fellow intentionally used a fake to pretend to be someone he's not, trying to leverage the reputation of Chairman Snow!"

With that, he immediately opened the fan and handed it to Feliciano, respectfully saying, "Young Master Snow, take a look. This is the fan! Can you tell us if it's genuine?"

Feliciano furrowed his brows. He knew nothing about antiques, let alone discerning authenticity. He didn't even know where this fan came from.

Fortunately, at this moment, Shelby flattered, "This fan surface depicts a longevity design by Master Qi Baishi, reportedly bought by your uncle at a sky-high price of 48.88 million!"

Upon hearing this, Feliciano thought to himself that if the genuine item was indeed part of his uncle's collection, his uncle would never sell it.

After all, he cherished antiques and collectibles, like a pixiu that only went in and never came out. Over the years, he had bought various famous paintings, worth hundreds of billions altogether.

Although the selling price of this fan surface was only 48.88 million, based on his understanding of his uncle, he would never part with his collection.

Moreover, he didn't even know the Dewey family, let alone have any opportunity to curry favor with them. So why would he give his own collection as a gift to Madam Dewey?

Therefore, it could be concluded that the fan surface in front of him was undoubtedly fake!

Thinking of this, Feliciano immediately asked coldly, "Who's the fool here, daring to impersonate my uncle's collection? Fed up with life, aren't you?"

Chapter 1587 - "Shelby's Blunder: Unforeseen Consequences"

Shelby's ears perked up as Feliciano started to curse, and immediately he felt a surge of joy.

If Feliciano also harbored dissatisfaction towards Charlie, then Charlie would undoubtedly meet his demise this time!

By then, not only would he force Charlie to swallow this fan, but he would also make him kneel before him and address him as "grandfather"!

So, he pointed at Charlie and blurted out, "Master Snow, it's this idiot!"

Feliciano's eyes had been entirely focused on Elsa just now, coupled with the flattery from Dewey's family surrounding him, so he didn't even notice Charlie nearby.

At this moment, he followed Shelby's pointing direction and glanced at Charlie, immediately frightened out of his wits!

"Wade... Charlie Wade?! How could he be here?"

The thought of Charlie effortlessly crippling a war god and a realm master, and even causing infertility in four men from his own family, sent shivers down his spine!

What was even more terrifying than Charlie's eerie strength was his identity!

That day, Charlie revealed his true identity in the Snow Group's conference room - he was the young master of the Wade family! The son of the legendary figure Drake Wade in Eastcliff!

Moreover, Charlie also had a twenty-year engagement with his cousin, Haidee. If he were to marry his cousin in the future, he would essentially own half of the Snow Group!

After all, Uncle Geraldo only had Haidee as his daughter, and the family's inheritance would undoubtedly go to her in the future.

Haidee was just a woman. If she married Charlie, it would be like giving away all of Geraldo's assets as a dowry to Charlie. By then, Charlie would probably become the wealthiest man in the country, without a doubt!

So, with all these reasons combined, he was truly terrified of Charlie to his core.

But he never dreamt that the "idiot" mentioned by Shelby was actually Charlie Wade!

And what was even more damning was his own foul mouth! He also cursed along with Shelby, wouldn't this offend Charlie to death?

Thinking of this, Feliciano hastily slapped himself hard, then nervously said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you here. It was my oversight and a moment of foolishness. Please don't take it to heart!"

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially Shelby!

Originally, he wished Feliciano could pull out a gun from his pocket and shoot Charlie on the spot to vent his hatred.

But he never imagined that Feliciano would slap himself and show such respect to Charlie!

What was going on?!

Could it be that this idiot Charlie had also fooled the Snow family?

Elsa felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

She knew Charlie's identity very well. He used to be an orphan, then a nobody, and even when he married into her best friend's family, he never had much status. It was only in the past year, by gradually gaining some success through feng shui readings for others, that he began to rise.

However, despite his rise, it was truly inconceivable that even the third-ranked top family in Eastcliff, the Snow family's young master, treated him with such reverence.

Charlie, at this moment, appeared calm and composed. He looked at Feliciano and asked, "What's up? Do you know Mr. Hansen?"

Feliciano was so frightened by Charlie's expressionless words that he trembled. The thought that he had been led into this mess by Shelby, the despicable scoundrel, filled him with anger. He grabbed Shelby's collar and raised his hand to slap him several times!

Chapter 1588 - "Mother's Meltdown: Marceline's Cry for Mercy"

As he relentlessly cursed vehemently, "Shelby, you damn well have had enough! Daring to insult even Mr. Wade! Watch me beat the hell out of your wretched mouth!"

Shelby was immediately covered in fresh blood, his cheeks swollen high, a horrified look in his eyes, yet not a single word escaped his lips.

At that moment, a middle-aged lady, while applying hand cream, emerged from the restroom beside the hall. Witnessing Shelby being beaten, she exclaimed and rushed over, simultaneously unleashing a torrent of curses, "Where did this bastard come from, daring to hit my son!"

The speaker was Shelby's mother, Marceline Dewey, also the aunt of Elsa.

Marceline, deeply devoted to her son, seeing him beaten beyond recognition, was about to confront Feliciano.

Feliciano, harboring resentment, raised his foot as she approached, kicking her away with a single blow.

Marceline cried out, falling backward, taking a heavy hit. Writhing on the ground, she pleaded, "What are you all standing around for? Beat this scoundrel to death! How can you let him bully Little Shelby in the Dewey family!"

Marceline's elder brother, Thibault Dewey, sternly shouted, "Are you blind? Can't you see this is Young Master Snow from the Snow family?"

Marceline was stunned, having rushed over upon seeing someone attack her son. Just as she arrived, she was kicked away and couldn't clearly see Feliciano's face.

Now, hearing her elder brother's words, she quickly focused and, at a glance, was horrified!

Oh my goodness!

Indeed, it was the young master of the Snow family!

How powerful is the Snow family! Even if you add the strength of the Dewey and Hansen families together and multiply by two, they might still not be a match.

So, if the Snow family's young master hits her son, what else can she say? It's simply a matter of getting beaten!

But what on earth is happening?!

Didn't her son say that he had finally invited the Snow family's young master to come over today?

In that case, her son and the Snow family's young master should at least be ordinary friends, right?

Then why would the Snow family's young master hit him?! It doesn't make sense!

So, despite the pain in her body, she cried and pleaded, "Young Master Snow, Little Shelby is your friend. Whatever wrong he did, as friends, you should show some mercy. There's no need to beat him to death!"

Feliciano continued to relentlessly beat Shelby, his hands throbbing, arms aching, but still unrelenting. Through gritted teeth, he cursed, "This scoundrel dared to insult Mr. Wade. Even if I beat his face into pulp, it's still too light. I won't be satisfied until he's dead!"

"Grr, this…"

Marceline urgently and curiously asked, "Who is Mr. Wade? What's going on here?"

At this moment, Elsa also snapped out of it and hurriedly came to Charlie, pleading, "Charlie, please say something. Don't let Young Master Snow keep beating him like this. It might end up fatal."

Seeing Elsa's anxious expression, Charlie knew she was also concerned about her cousin. So, he spoke to Feliciano, "That's enough, don't continue."

Feliciano was waiting for exactly these words from Charlie.

Because Shelby, that idiot, had insulted Charlie. So, he was well aware that if Charlie wasn't satisfied, no matter what he said, he couldn't stop. Seeing Charlie finally intervene, he breathed a sigh of relief, kicked Shelby to the ground with one foot, and cursed, "If it weren't for Mr. Wade's mercy, damn it, I'd beat you to death!"

Chapter 1589 - "A Bet Gone Awry: Shelby's Reckoning with Fate"

Shelby felt like he'd rather be dead at this moment.

He couldn't fathom why Charlie had garnered such profound respect from the Young Master of the Snow family!

Even if he were truly a Feng Shui master, should he really be treated with such deference?

Yet, he didn't dare voice such a question.

After all, it was clear now that Feliciano was showing utmost respect to Charlie.

On the sidelines, Thibault had already discerned that Feliciano wasn't the most esteemed guest today; it was this Wade.

Hence, he hastily urged Shelby, "Little Shelby! Why haven't you apologized to Mr. Wade yet?"

Shelby hadn't expected his uncle to insist that he apologize to Charlie, feeling abandoned by even his own kin.

However, despite harboring myriad grievances towards Charlie, he dared not provoke him at this moment, only tearfully saying, "Mr. Wade, I'm sorry for cursing you. I hope you, as a gentleman, can overlook the indiscretion of a petty individual."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "These are trifles; I haven't taken offense."

Shelby instantly breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that Charlie wasn't one to nitpick. Hastily, he clasped his hands towards Charlie and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wade, for your magnanimity!"

Charlie waved his hand again, "No need for such formalities. Regarding the bet we made earlier, though, we should continue it. As the saying goes, a gentleman's word is as weighty as a thousand gold. Ah?"

Shelby's heart sank as he heard Charlie's intention to continue the bet, plummeting into despair!

Initially, he thought that the folding fan Charlie possessed must be a counterfeit purchased elsewhere, certainly not the authentic piece from Chairman Snow's collection.

Thus, the price of this imitation would naturally not be significantly high, certainly not surpassing the value of the jade pendant he had prepared.

However, the situation seemed to have taken a turn now.

Because even the Young Master of the Snow family, Feliciano, treated Charlie with such reverence, indicating that Charlie was undoubtedly someone of great importance to the Snow family!

If so, then the folding fan in his possession might indeed be the one given to Charlie by Chairman Snow!

Someone had just mentioned that Chairman Snow had spent 48.88 million on acquiring this fan painted by Qi Baishi!

Just the price alone surpassed that of his jade pendant by more than double!

Moreover, in recent years, the market for collectibles had been rapidly soaring, especially in the field of Chinese calligraphy and painting. Prices of Qi Baishi's artworks kept escalating, with fewer and fewer appearing in auction houses.

The main reason was the rapid appreciation of Qi Baishi's paintings, prompting collectors to hold onto them in anticipation of further appreciation before considering selling them.

Thus, at this point, the price of Qi Baishi's artworks would only be higher than in previous years.

If this folding fan were to be auctioned, it would fetch at least sixty to seventy million.

Far exceeding the jade pendant he had acquired for 24 million.

With these thoughts, Shelby felt a sense of dread.

If Charlie insisted on continuing the bet, according to the agreement, he would have to swallow the jade pendant if he lost.

Chapter 1590 - "Gems, Gambles, and Guts: A Story of Stomach-Churning Stakes"

Just a while ago, he underwent surgery for swallowing a gemstone necklace!

If he swallows this jade pendant now, wouldn't he have to undergo surgery again?!

The thought sent chills down his spine, his face turning pale in terror. Crawling to Charlie, he pleaded bitterly, "Mr. Wade, I truly repent. Please spare me this time. I just had surgery recently, my wounds have barely healed. If I have to endure it again, I fear I might not survive."

Marceline, who had been overly protective of her son, now grasped the situation. She knew that siding solely with her son would only anger Charlie and Feliciano. Tearfully, she pleaded, "Sir, I beg of you, don't stoop to my son's level. He's just a wastrel who lacks discipline. He was already punished last time. Please, spare him this time!"

Charlie chuckled, "It's not about whether I spare him or not. He's the one clinging onto me. He provoked the last incident, and he's doing the same today. He insisted on betting with me. Can he blame anyone but himself for losing?"

Feliciano chimed in, "Damn it, Shelby, you bet with Mr. Wade and now you refuse to accept the outcome? Fine, if that's how it is, don't blame me for not recognizing you in the future!"

Shelby hastily waved his hands, "No, no, I accept! I accept!"

He now understood the situation clearly. If he didn't acknowledge it now, Feliciano would never let him off. He might lose his standing in Eastcliff and even bring trouble to both the Hansen and Dewey families.

Thus, he could only admit defeat, "I concede."

With that, he picked up the jade pendant, hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly swallowed it.

He knew all too well how painful it would be to swallow such an object.

Marceline's heart ached deeply. She had witnessed her son's agonizing surgery last time, which nearly led to intestinal obstruction. How could she bear to let him go through it again?!

Thinking this, she hurriedly pleaded, "Master Snow, have mercy on Little Shelby. He just had surgery not long ago; he can't undergo another one."

Although Feliciano urged Shelby to accept defeat, he had no idea what bet Shelby had made with Charlie. Hearing Marceline mention another surgery, he asked in astonishment, "What bet did you make with Mr. Wade?"

Shelby stammered, "I-I made a bet with Mr. Wade that if the fan he brought was more expensive than the jade I bought, I would swallow the jade pendant."

Feliciano was taken aback, "Your mother said you just had surgery. What's going on?"

Shelby could only muster, "Last time, when I was at the Walker family in Aurous Hill, I made a bet with Mr. Wade as well. I lost that time too and ended up swallowing a string of gemstone necklaces. Later, because of intestinal obstruction, they had to be surgically removed."

Feliciano swallowed hard, horrified.

Shelby was truly pitiful, swallowing a string of necklaces last time and now having to swallow a jade pendant.

Although Feliciano wasn't a saint, hearing this made him sympathize with Shelby involuntarily.

Why provoke Charlie?

Who is Charlie?

Even the God of War turns into a coward before him.

I, the distinguished young master of the Snow family, the renowned "Diamond Tycoon of Eastcliff," also known as the "Human Pile Driver of Eastcliff," elegant and charismatic, almost no one in Eastcliff dares to provoke me.

Yet, I still lost my ability to father children because of Charlie, got beaten by him, and had to kneel and beg for forgiveness before barely earning his mercy.

If I, in my position, had to endure this, what about a second-rate scion like you?
Don't you think Elsa's father will have a fallout with John and give John the opportunity to move away from Elsa 😞
Are you asking about John White? :D John White is busy cultivating himself, he forgot about his girlfriend, so I don't vote for him getting another precious lady, let's keep Elsa with Charlie, he will be safe with him.
Are you asking about John White? :D John White is busy cultivating himself, he forgot about his girlfriend, so I don't vote for him getting another precious lady, let's keep Elsa with Charlie, he will be safe with him.
Though I made a mistake up there.
But I must confess John is definitely adding at least more to his list...
Keira, Mila, and Mr. Hart's Daughter I think 🤔
I must admit John is in higher cultivation and is stronger, he is somewhat rough to ladies unlike Charlie, gentleman and charismatic, a natural chick magnet. So I'd rather have Elsa be with Charlie than be part of John's sex support group.
Are you asking about John White? :D John White is busy cultivating himself, he forgot about his girlfriend, so I don't vote for him getting another precious lady, let's keep Elsa with Charlie, he will be safe with him.
Maybe he forgot about his girlfriend but he has a lot more cheeks around than Charlie
Even he knows how to use them
Chapter 1581 - "Intrigue at the Birthday Party"

At this moment, Charlie followed Elsa into the villa.

In the capital city of Eastcliff, these wealthy households' mansions are all luxurious. Upon entering, the living room alone is almost the size of a small banquet hall.

At this moment, the room was buzzing with conversation, with many prominent figures from Eastcliff gathered here, chatting eagerly in small groups.

Madam Dewey, accompanied by her husband, was chatting and laughing with several friends of similar age.

Elsa hurriedly said to Charlie, "My grandmother is over there, let me take you to meet her."

Charlie nodded and smiled, "That's perfect, I can give the gift I prepared to your grandmother."

The two approached the elderly couple, and Elsa grinned, saying, "Grandpa, Grandma, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate, Charlie Wade!"

The old lady hurriedly smiled and said, "Oh, Elsa's college classmate! Welcome, welcome!"

Then, she asked again, "By the way, Elsa, I remember among your college classmates, there was a girl who was very close to you, named Claire, right?"

At this point, Charlie interjected, saying, "Grandma Dewey, hello, I am Claire's husband. Actually, Claire has always wanted to come personally to wish you a happy birthday, but there are indeed many things at home, so she asked me to come on her behalf. Please forgive her!"

The old lady smiled and said, "Oh, so Claire, that girl, is already married!"

After that, she looked at Elsa again and said seriously, "Elsa, look, your college classmates are gradually getting married one by one, but you still don't even have a boyfriend. You might as well listen to Grandma's advice and stop going to Aurous Hill. Find a boyfriend in Eastcliff and get married soon. Grandma will be relieved then!"

At this moment, Elsa's heart was in turmoil.

She liked Charlie, a deep-rooted kind of liking. So, in her heart, she had long since decided to marry no one but Charlie.

But unfortunately, Charlie was now her best friend's nominal husband. Even her own family knew about it now. Wouldn't it be even more impossible for her to be with Charlie in the future?

Although the Dewey family was not considered top-notch in Eastcliff, they still had some status. How could they allow their granddaughter to be with a man who had been married before?

Even if he got divorced, it would still be a second marriage, which would be very embarrassing if it got out.

Thinking of this, she felt particularly dejected.

Just then, a discordant voice came, "Grandma! Grandpa!"

Elsa turned her head and saw her cousin Shelby strutting over with an air of self-importance.

She instinctively asked, "Cousin, I heard you had surgery some time ago? How's the recovery now?"

Upon hearing her mention the surgery, Shelby couldn't help but feel annoyed and grumbled, "Stop bringing up that damn surgery to me, it pisses me off just thinking about it!"

Madam Dewey felt a bit sorry and said, "Elsa, you don't know, your cousin went through a lot of trouble recently!"

Charlie didn't turn around at this moment, but he also recognized the voice as familiar.

Upon careful consideration, he recalled the identity of the owner of this voice.

Isn't this Shelby, the young master of the Hansen family, who was forced by himself to swallow a string of diamond necklaces at Sarah's house back then?

How come? He's Elsa's cousin?

Moreover, Shelby calls Elsa's grandmother "Grandma," which means he is the child of Elsa's aunt.

This is indeed quite interesting.

Chapter 1582 - "A Family Affair: Gifts and Grievances"

At this moment, Elsa said to Shelby, "Cousin, let me introduce you to my university classmate!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Charlie turned around with a smile on his face. The moment Shelby saw him, he was stunned as if he had seen a ghost!

It took him a while to recover from his shock, then he began gritting his teeth angrily, "Alright! Wade, huh! I've been looking for you everywhere, and you dare to come to my grandmother's house. Today, I won't let you off!"

Elsa was taken aback and blurted out, "Cousin, what do you mean? Charlie is a guest. Why are you talking to him like this?"

Shelby gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know why I had surgery?"

Elsa blurted out, "I heard from my mom that you swallowed a necklace."

"Yes!" Shelby said angrily, "Why did I swallow the necklace? It's all because of this bastard!"

Charlie chuckled, "Master Shelby, let's talk sensibly and be fair. Did I force you to swallow the necklace? Or did I pry open your mouth and stuff it into your stomach?"

Shelby remained silent.

What could he say?

Charlie was right; he didn't force himself to swallow the necklace. He did it because he lost a bet with Charlie and couldn't back down.

But ultimately, wasn't Charlie the instigator?

Thinking of this, Shelby cursed loudly, "Wade, you stop arguing with me here! I will settle the score with you!"

Charlie ignored him and turned to Madam Dewey, handing over the gift box he had brought. He said earnestly, "Grandma Dewey, this is a birthday gift that Claire and I prepared for you. Please accept it."

Madam Dewey didn't understand the conflict between Charlie and her grandson, but as an elder from a prominent family, she maintained her composure. She reached out and accepted the gift, saying, "Thank you for your and Claire's kindness."

Shelby watched as Charlie ignored him, and he almost exploded with anger.

He snatched the gift box from his grandmother's hand and smashed it on the ground, pointing at Charlie and shouting, "Wade, get out of here now! Then go back to Aurous Hill and prepare to die. I'll come to Aurous Hill in a couple of days and kill you myself!"

Charlie remained calm and said lightly, "Shelby, out of respect for Elsa, I'll address you as Young Master Shelby. But don't push your luck, or I won't care about Elsa's feelings anymore!"

Elsa was also very angry and rebuked, "Cousin, what are you doing?! Charlie is a guest! Who gave you the right to drive him away? Why did you throw away the gift he gave to grandma?"

After speaking, she bent down and picked up the opened gift box and the fan inside.

Shelby sneered, "What good thing can this scumbag give to grandma? Just a broken fan! Only a loser like him can come up with such a thing!"

Madam Dewey sighed helplessly.

She knew her grandson's character very well.

Although she could sense that there might be some connection between Charlie and her grandson's surgery, judging by the situation, her grandson was probably to blame for his own misfortune, and the responsibility might not lie solely with Charlie.

So, she said seriously, "Shelby, as an adult, how can you be so shallow in your words? Gifts represent intentions, not value."

Upon hearing this, Shelby immediately took out a gift box from his pocket. After opening it, inside was a Maitreya Buddha carved from imperial green jade.

The jade was of excellent quality, flawless, and perfectly carved, with a circle of diamonds around it, sparkling brightly.

He handed the jade necklace to Madam Dewey, saying discontentedly, "Grandma, this jade Buddha is made from imperial green jade from the Laokeng Mine, worth at least thirty million. That cheap fan is worth only a few hundred bucks. There are plenty of them in Panjiayuan Market. The comparison between these two items is clear! Trash is trash, no matter how well it's packaged, it can't be valuable!"

Chapter 1583 - "Necklace Nostalgia: Shelby's Swallowing Saga Returns"

Charlie couldn't help but sneer when he saw Shelby's familiar expression: "Shelby, you never learn your lesson, do you? Do you forget how you swallowed the necklace last time?"

Last time, Shelby was forced to swallow the string of precious stone necklace mainly because he lost a bet to Charlie.

At that time, he thought he was quite impressive with a necklace worth tens of millions, and at the same time, he belittled the Resurrection Pill he gave to Sarah as worthless.

But he didn't expect that a Resurrection Pill, at Sarah's birthday banquet, would fetch a staggering price of 2 billion directly.

However, after Shelby returned, he had been pondering over this matter, feeling more and more uneasy about it.

He always felt that it was impossible for someone to willingly spend 2 billion on such a foolish thing.

So the most likely scenario was that Elder Samuel, in cahoots with Charlie, staged a farce to dupe him!

Although Elder Samuel seemed to have spent 2 billion on the surface, it was very likely that Charlie would return the money to him afterward.

So, his hatred towards Charlie grew even deeper.

Originally, he planned to go to Aurous Hill after the New Year to settle scores with him. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to come to Eastcliff, and even to Grandma's house, which immediately fueled his hatred.

If it weren't for the fact that it was his grandmother's birthday banquet, he would have wanted to call someone over immediately and beat Charlie half to death.

Therefore, he immediately shouted at Charlie, "Wade, you son of a bitch, you played tricks on me last time, and I haven't settled the score with you yet. Now you dare to come to Eastcliff and act tough with me?"

With a face full of anger, he asked, "Tell me the truth, was Elder Samuel in cahoots with you last time?"

Charlie disdainfully snorted and said, "If you can't handle losing, just admit it. It's not embarrassing. But if you can't handle losing and act like a scoundrel, that's a bit embarrassing."

Shelby was immediately furious, gritting his teeth, "You dare to say I can't handle losing? Do you think I can't handle losing?"

Charlie smiled and asked, "If you can handle losing, then let's make another bet."

Shelby immediately said, "Alright! What do you want to bet on? You name it!"

Charlie said, "You said the fan I gifted is only worth a few hundred bucks, right? So, if my fan beats your jade pendant, you have to swallow your jade pendant, just like last time you swallowed the necklace."

"Damn!" Shelby was immediately enraged when he mentioned the incident of him swallowing the necklace. He exploded, "Kid, are you looking for trouble? Do you believe I'll have someone kill you?"

Elsa angrily said, "Cousin, Charlie is my friend, you shouldn't go too far!"

"Too far?" Shelby sneered, "This is just the beginning. You think this is too far? Let me tell you, with old and new grudges, I will definitely finish him this time!"

Charlie smiled, "See, you won't even admit that you can't handle losing. You're desperate now, still trying to act tough? What's wrong, afraid to bet?"

"I'm afraid to bet?" Shelby disdainfully said, "I, damn it, have carefully selected this Emperor Green Jade Pendant. How could it lose to your broken fan? Stop joking!"

With that said, Shelby sternly asked, "What if you lose? Are you daring enough to swallow your fan?"

Chapter 1584 - "Brush with Fate: The Qi Baishi Fan Fiasco"

Charlie nodded, "Sure, we'll settle it this way. If I lose, I'll eat the fan, and if you lose, you'll eat the jade pendant."

"Damn!" Shelby gritted his teeth, "Fine! I don't believe it! Let's go with that! The market price for my jade pendant is 24 million, and I have transaction records as proof. What's the value of your crappy fan anyway?"

Charlie wasn't exactly sure of the specific value of the fan.

However, he knew that Qi Baishi's paintings had been rapidly appreciating in recent years, surpassing the rate at which jade prices were increasing. Despite being a mere fan surface, it was not a casual doodle but a meticulously crafted longevity-themed artwork.

Qi Baishi's top-tier piece, "Pine and Cypress Standing Tall," had fetched over 400 million in the auction, and that was a decade ago. If put up for auction now, it could even surpass 800 million.

Geraldo was no ordinary person; his collection, even if it was just a fan surface, would undoubtedly be a masterpiece by the venerable Qi Baishi.

Since it was a masterpiece, the fan alone would likely be worth several tens of millions, not to mention the exceptional fan bone with a perfect golden scar, easily exceeding 24 million.

So, Charlie suggested, "You can have someone knowledgeable about art appraise it. Let's find out the actual value of this fan."

"A fan surface?" Shelby sneered, "What the hell, it looks ugly as hell!"

Someone nearby, familiar with art, exclaimed, "Hey! This seems to be Qi Baishi's work! A fan surface featuring the Longevity theme – it has quite a reputation!"

"Yeah!" Another person chimed in, "This fan surface was auctioned at Christie's a few years ago. If I remember correctly, Chairman Snow from the Snow family bought it for 48.88 million!"

"Chairman Snow? The one who, yesterday, proudly announced his recovery and resumed control of the Snow Group?"

"Exactly, him!"

"Weird, how does this young man have Chairman Snow's collection? Could it be stolen?"

"Stolen? That's unlikely, but it can't be a genuine piece. I guess it's a replica, or maybe someone contemporary imitated it."

Hearing these discussions, Shelby smirked and said to Charlie, "Alright, Charlie, you dare to use fake goods to deceive my grandma. You're really asking for trouble!"

Shelby's grandma awkwardly interjected, "Oh, you two, stop bickering like children. Light courtesy, heavy affection. Why bother investigating the real price? Shelby, take a step back; after all, Mr. Wade is a guest from afar!"

"That won't do!" Shelby gritted his teeth, "Grandma, this guy has tricked me miserably. I won't let him off this time!"

With that, he shook the folding fan in his hand, sneering, "Charlie, if this fan is genuine, it's indeed more valuable than my jade pendant. However, this thing of yours is fake, barely worth three thousand bucks. So, hurry up and eat it!"

Charlie chuckled, "On what basis do you claim it's fake? Are you an appraisal expert?"

Shelby gestured to the onlookers and said, "You heard what everyone just said. Do you still want to insist it's genuine?"

Disgusted, Shelby added, "The real fan surface is in the hands of Chairman Snow from the Snow Group. How could a loser like you get his hands on Chairman Snow's collection?"

Charlie laughed, "You're right. Chairman Snow did give me this fan. I overheard someone saying it was auctioned for 48.88 million, already more than double the price of your jade pendant. So, let's not waste time. Hurry up and swallow your pendant."

Chapter 1585 - "Feliciano's Entrance: A Stir in the Room"

"I'll swallow your sister!"

Shelby sternly shouted, "Even facing death, you still have the audacity to talk back. Not only do you lie, but you also dare to drag Chairman Snow into this mess. If Chairman Snow places blame, can you handle it?"

Charlie chuckled, "If you don't believe me, just give Chairman Snow a call and ask him if he indeed personally gave me this fan."

Shelby sneered, "Bah! Even I, Young Master Shelby from the Hansen family, don't have the qualifications to directly contact Chairman Snow. Do you fucking know that I can't verify the authenticity with Chairman Snow? Is that why you're shamelessly showing off here?"

Charlie remained noncommittal and smiled, "Arguing about this is pointless. Let's bring in a professional expert to assess the situation."

"No need," Shelby coldly laughed, "I'll tell you, I specifically invited Snow family's eldest son, Feliciano, today. If what you have is genuine, then it belongs to the collection of Young Master Snow. We'll get to the bottom of it when he arrives!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie laughed even more, "Fine, since you insist on waiting for Snow family's eldest son, then let's wait for him."

Shelby didn't expect Charlie to show no fear, not a hint of guilt. He couldn't help but be surprised.

If he were in Charlie's shoes, presenting a fake as Chairman Snow's collection, and hearing that Snow family's eldest son was coming, he would definitely make a quick exit to avoid being caught red-handed.

Yet Charlie had no intention of running away at all.

This puzzled Shelby. Why was this guy so confident? Sure, he seemed to have some connections in Aurous Hill, but could he really establish a relationship with Geraldo Snow?

Who was Geraldo? The head of the third-ranked prestigious family in Eastcliff, the Snow family!

Not to mention Charlie, even he couldn't climb to such a level of relationship. Charlie, as a son-in-law from a small place like Aurous Hill, had no reason to connect with Geraldo. It was simply impossible!

Just then, someone shouted, "Young Master Snow from the Snow family has arrived!"

Everyone instantly became alert.

Even Grandpa and Grandma of Elsa hurriedly became serious.

Although Feliciano was just a young man in his twenties from the Snow family, in the eyes of the Dewey family and other guests, he was the most distinguished and highest-ranking person at this birthday banquet. Even the birthday star, Madam Dewey, had to be polite and even flatter in front of Feliciano.

At this moment, under everyone's gaze, Feliciano walked in arrogantly.

Elsa's father and uncle followed him, full of obsequiousness, nodding and bowing, displaying an undisguised attitude of fawning.

Today, Feliciano originally had no intention of coming. His relationship with Shelby was ordinary, and although the Hansen family was slightly stronger than the Dewey family, it was still far inferior to the Snow family. So, Feliciano didn't think much of Shelby.

However, the main reason he still came was that, according to Shelby, he had a cousins who was exceptionally beautiful and had just returned from Aurous Hill. Shelby wanted to introduce her to Feliciano.

Although Feliciano wasn't capable in certain aspects, he still harbored the habits of a playboy. Even without the ability, he still had fantasies and desires towards the opposite sex.

In fact, this was human nature. In ancient times, eunuchs in the palace often had relationships with palace maids, and it was no longer a secret.

Adding to that, Feliciano had long heard about the beauty of Elsa, the granddaughter of the Dewey family. This was a good opportunity for him to come over, get acquainted, and perhaps even meet her.

As soon as Feliciano entered, Elsa's grandfather immediately stepped forward, warmly and respectfully saying, "Young Master Snow, I didn't expect your prestigious visit. Please forgive the inadequate reception!"

Feliciano waved his hand casually and said, "I heard from Shelby that today is his grandmother's debut, so he invited me to come and show my support. That's why I rushed over, no bother at all."

Elsa's grandfather quickly responded, "Young Master Snow, your presence brings glory to the Dewey family. How can it be considered a bother?"

Chapter 1586 - "Feliciano's Fancy: A Snowflake's Interest in Elsa"

As the story goes, the old master immediately called for Elsa and said, "Come here, Elsa, let's introduce you to Young Master Snow!"

Elsa's grandfather, uncle, and father all shared an unusually consistent opinion regarding her lifelong affairs.

They all believed that Elsa should marry a top-tier scion of a prominent family, only then could she bring sufficient assistance to the Dewey family.

This was also the reason why they arranged for Elsa to work at the Aurous Hill Emgrand Group.

However, since Elsa had been in Aurous Hill for so long without even meeting the chairman of the Emgrand Group, they gradually lost patience with the matter.

Now, as they looked at Feliciano in front of them, they all had the same idea in mind, hoping that Elsa could be with Feliciano. In doing so, the Dewey family could soar to new heights.

When Feliciano saw Elsa, his eyes widened.

Although there were many beauties in Eastcliff, there were not many in prominent families.

After all, it was difficult for someone to have both an excellent background and exceptional looks.

Although the Dewey family was somewhat down-and-out now, Elsa was truly stunning!

So, Feliciano immediately took a liking to Elsa.

He reached out to Elsa and said very gentlemanly, "Miss Dewey, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Elsa's expression was somewhat cold, and she deliberately did not extend her hand. Instead, she nodded and said, "It's also a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Snow."

On the side, Elsa's father, Leandro, immediately reproached her, "Elsa! Why are you so impolite? Why didn't you shake hands with Young Master Snow?!"

Elsa said, "Sorry, Mr. Snow, I just pet a stray cat at the door and haven't washed my hands."

Feliciano was somewhat displeased. Elsa was quite aloof, not even shaking hands with him. This was quite disrespectful!

However, he didn't get angry on the spot but thought to endure it for now, leaving a good impression on Elsa for future development.

At this moment, Shelby hurriedly ran over with the folding fan brought by Charlie, respectfully greeting Feliciano and saying, "Oh, Young Master Snow, you've come at the right time. There's a fool here, holding a fan belonging to your uncle, and claiming it to be authentic. I suspect this fellow intentionally used a fake to pretend to be someone he's not, trying to leverage the reputation of Chairman Snow!"

With that, he immediately opened the fan and handed it to Feliciano, respectfully saying, "Young Master Snow, take a look. This is the fan! Can you tell us if it's genuine?"

Feliciano furrowed his brows. He knew nothing about antiques, let alone discerning authenticity. He didn't even know where this fan came from.

Fortunately, at this moment, Shelby flattered, "This fan surface depicts a longevity design by Master Qi Baishi, reportedly bought by your uncle at a sky-high price of 48.88 million!"

Upon hearing this, Feliciano thought to himself that if the genuine item was indeed part of his uncle's collection, his uncle would never sell it.

After all, he cherished antiques and collectibles, like a pixiu that only went in and never came out. Over the years, he had bought various famous paintings, worth hundreds of billions altogether.

Although the selling price of this fan surface was only 48.88 million, based on his understanding of his uncle, he would never part with his collection.

Moreover, he didn't even know the Dewey family, let alone have any opportunity to curry favor with them. So why would he give his own collection as a gift to Madam Dewey?

Therefore, it could be concluded that the fan surface in front of him was undoubtedly fake!

Thinking of this, Feliciano immediately asked coldly, "Who's the fool here, daring to impersonate my uncle's collection? Fed up with life, aren't you?"

Chapter 1587 - "Shelby's Blunder: Unforeseen Consequences"

Shelby's ears perked up as Feliciano started to curse, and immediately he felt a surge of joy.

If Feliciano also harbored dissatisfaction towards Charlie, then Charlie would undoubtedly meet his demise this time!

By then, not only would he force Charlie to swallow this fan, but he would also make him kneel before him and address him as "grandfather"!

So, he pointed at Charlie and blurted out, "Master Snow, it's this idiot!"

Feliciano's eyes had been entirely focused on Elsa just now, coupled with the flattery from Dewey's family surrounding him, so he didn't even notice Charlie nearby.

At this moment, he followed Shelby's pointing direction and glanced at Charlie, immediately frightened out of his wits!

"Wade... Charlie Wade?! How could he be here?"

The thought of Charlie effortlessly crippling a war god and a realm master, and even causing infertility in four men from his own family, sent shivers down his spine!

What was even more terrifying than Charlie's eerie strength was his identity!

That day, Charlie revealed his true identity in the Snow Group's conference room - he was the young master of the Wade family! The son of the legendary figure Drake Wade in Eastcliff!

Moreover, Charlie also had a twenty-year engagement with his cousin, Haidee. If he were to marry his cousin in the future, he would essentially own half of the Snow Group!

After all, Uncle Geraldo only had Haidee as his daughter, and the family's inheritance would undoubtedly go to her in the future.

Haidee was just a woman. If she married Charlie, it would be like giving away all of Geraldo's assets as a dowry to Charlie. By then, Charlie would probably become the wealthiest man in the country, without a doubt!

So, with all these reasons combined, he was truly terrified of Charlie to his core.

But he never dreamt that the "idiot" mentioned by Shelby was actually Charlie Wade!

And what was even more damning was his own foul mouth! He also cursed along with Shelby, wouldn't this offend Charlie to death?

Thinking of this, Feliciano hastily slapped himself hard, then nervously said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you here. It was my oversight and a moment of foolishness. Please don't take it to heart!"

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially Shelby!

Originally, he wished Feliciano could pull out a gun from his pocket and shoot Charlie on the spot to vent his hatred.

But he never imagined that Feliciano would slap himself and show such respect to Charlie!

What was going on?!

Could it be that this idiot Charlie had also fooled the Snow family?

Elsa felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

She knew Charlie's identity very well. He used to be an orphan, then a nobody, and even when he married into her best friend's family, he never had much status. It was only in the past year, by gradually gaining some success through feng shui readings for others, that he began to rise.

However, despite his rise, it was truly inconceivable that even the third-ranked top family in Eastcliff, the Snow family's young master, treated him with such reverence.

Charlie, at this moment, appeared calm and composed. He looked at Feliciano and asked, "What's up? Do you know Mr. Hansen?"

Feliciano was so frightened by Charlie's expressionless words that he trembled. The thought that he had been led into this mess by Shelby, the despicable scoundrel, filled him with anger. He grabbed Shelby's collar and raised his hand to slap him several times!

Chapter 1588 - "Mother's Meltdown: Marceline's Cry for Mercy"

As he relentlessly cursed vehemently, "Shelby, you damn well have had enough! Daring to insult even Mr. Wade! Watch me beat the hell out of your wretched mouth!"

Shelby was immediately covered in fresh blood, his cheeks swollen high, a horrified look in his eyes, yet not a single word escaped his lips.

At that moment, a middle-aged lady, while applying hand cream, emerged from the restroom beside the hall. Witnessing Shelby being beaten, she exclaimed and rushed over, simultaneously unleashing a torrent of curses, "Where did this bastard come from, daring to hit my son!"

The speaker was Shelby's mother, Marceline Dewey, also the aunt of Elsa.

Marceline, deeply devoted to her son, seeing him beaten beyond recognition, was about to confront Feliciano.

Feliciano, harboring resentment, raised his foot as she approached, kicking her away with a single blow.

Marceline cried out, falling backward, taking a heavy hit. Writhing on the ground, she pleaded, "What are you all standing around for? Beat this scoundrel to death! How can you let him bully Little Shelby in the Dewey family!"

Marceline's elder brother, Thibault Dewey, sternly shouted, "Are you blind? Can't you see this is Young Master Snow from the Snow family?"

Marceline was stunned, having rushed over upon seeing someone attack her son. Just as she arrived, she was kicked away and couldn't clearly see Feliciano's face.

Now, hearing her elder brother's words, she quickly focused and, at a glance, was horrified!

Oh my goodness!

Indeed, it was the young master of the Snow family!

How powerful is the Snow family! Even if you add the strength of the Dewey and Hansen families together and multiply by two, they might still not be a match.

So, if the Snow family's young master hits her son, what else can she say? It's simply a matter of getting beaten!

But what on earth is happening?!

Didn't her son say that he had finally invited the Snow family's young master to come over today?

In that case, her son and the Snow family's young master should at least be ordinary friends, right?

Then why would the Snow family's young master hit him?! It doesn't make sense!

So, despite the pain in her body, she cried and pleaded, "Young Master Snow, Little Shelby is your friend. Whatever wrong he did, as friends, you should show some mercy. There's no need to beat him to death!"

Feliciano continued to relentlessly beat Shelby, his hands throbbing, arms aching, but still unrelenting. Through gritted teeth, he cursed, "This scoundrel dared to insult Mr. Wade. Even if I beat his face into pulp, it's still too light. I won't be satisfied until he's dead!"

"Grr, this…"

Marceline urgently and curiously asked, "Who is Mr. Wade? What's going on here?"

At this moment, Elsa also snapped out of it and hurriedly came to Charlie, pleading, "Charlie, please say something. Don't let Young Master Snow keep beating him like this. It might end up fatal."

Seeing Elsa's anxious expression, Charlie knew she was also concerned about her cousin. So, he spoke to Feliciano, "That's enough, don't continue."

Feliciano was waiting for exactly these words from Charlie.

Because Shelby, that idiot, had insulted Charlie. So, he was well aware that if Charlie wasn't satisfied, no matter what he said, he couldn't stop. Seeing Charlie finally intervene, he breathed a sigh of relief, kicked Shelby to the ground with one foot, and cursed, "If it weren't for Mr. Wade's mercy, damn it, I'd beat you to death!"

Chapter 1589 - "A Bet Gone Awry: Shelby's Reckoning with Fate"

Shelby felt like he'd rather be dead at this moment.

He couldn't fathom why Charlie had garnered such profound respect from the Young Master of the Snow family!

Even if he were truly a Feng Shui master, should he really be treated with such deference?

Yet, he didn't dare voice such a question.

After all, it was clear now that Feliciano was showing utmost respect to Charlie.

On the sidelines, Thibault had already discerned that Feliciano wasn't the most esteemed guest today; it was this Wade.

Hence, he hastily urged Shelby, "Little Shelby! Why haven't you apologized to Mr. Wade yet?"

Shelby hadn't expected his uncle to insist that he apologize to Charlie, feeling abandoned by even his own kin.

However, despite harboring myriad grievances towards Charlie, he dared not provoke him at this moment, only tearfully saying, "Mr. Wade, I'm sorry for cursing you. I hope you, as a gentleman, can overlook the indiscretion of a petty individual."

Charlie waved his hand dismissively, "These are trifles; I haven't taken offense."

Shelby instantly breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that Charlie wasn't one to nitpick. Hastily, he clasped his hands towards Charlie and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wade, for your magnanimity!"

Charlie waved his hand again, "No need for such formalities. Regarding the bet we made earlier, though, we should continue it. As the saying goes, a gentleman's word is as weighty as a thousand gold. Ah?"

Shelby's heart sank as he heard Charlie's intention to continue the bet, plummeting into despair!

Initially, he thought that the folding fan Charlie possessed must be a counterfeit purchased elsewhere, certainly not the authentic piece from Chairman Snow's collection.

Thus, the price of this imitation would naturally not be significantly high, certainly not surpassing the value of the jade pendant he had prepared.

However, the situation seemed to have taken a turn now.

Because even the Young Master of the Snow family, Feliciano, treated Charlie with such reverence, indicating that Charlie was undoubtedly someone of great importance to the Snow family!

If so, then the folding fan in his possession might indeed be the one given to Charlie by Chairman Snow!

Someone had just mentioned that Chairman Snow had spent 48.88 million on acquiring this fan painted by Qi Baishi!

Just the price alone surpassed that of his jade pendant by more than double!

Moreover, in recent years, the market for collectibles had been rapidly soaring, especially in the field of Chinese calligraphy and painting. Prices of Qi Baishi's artworks kept escalating, with fewer and fewer appearing in auction houses.

The main reason was the rapid appreciation of Qi Baishi's paintings, prompting collectors to hold onto them in anticipation of further appreciation before considering selling them.

Thus, at this point, the price of Qi Baishi's artworks would only be higher than in previous years.

If this folding fan were to be auctioned, it would fetch at least sixty to seventy million.

Far exceeding the jade pendant he had acquired for 24 million.

With these thoughts, Shelby felt a sense of dread.

If Charlie insisted on continuing the bet, according to the agreement, he would have to swallow the jade pendant if he lost.

Chapter 1590 - "Gems, Gambles, and Guts: A Story of Stomach-Churning Stakes"

Just a while ago, he underwent surgery for swallowing a gemstone necklace!

If he swallows this jade pendant now, wouldn't he have to undergo surgery again?!

The thought sent chills down his spine, his face turning pale in terror. Crawling to Charlie, he pleaded bitterly, "Mr. Wade, I truly repent. Please spare me this time. I just had surgery recently, my wounds have barely healed. If I have to endure it again, I fear I might not survive."

Marceline, who had been overly protective of her son, now grasped the situation. She knew that siding solely with her son would only anger Charlie and Feliciano. Tearfully, she pleaded, "Sir, I beg of you, don't stoop to my son's level. He's just a wastrel who lacks discipline. He was already punished last time. Please, spare him this time!"

Charlie chuckled, "It's not about whether I spare him or not. He's the one clinging onto me. He provoked the last incident, and he's doing the same today. He insisted on betting with me. Can he blame anyone but himself for losing?"

Feliciano chimed in, "Damn it, Shelby, you bet with Mr. Wade and now you refuse to accept the outcome? Fine, if that's how it is, don't blame me for not recognizing you in the future!"

Shelby hastily waved his hands, "No, no, I accept! I accept!"

He now understood the situation clearly. If he didn't acknowledge it now, Feliciano would never let him off. He might lose his standing in Eastcliff and even bring trouble to both the Hansen and Dewey families.

Thus, he could only admit defeat, "I concede."

With that, he picked up the jade pendant, hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly swallowed it.

He knew all too well how painful it would be to swallow such an object.

Marceline's heart ached deeply. She had witnessed her son's agonizing surgery last time, which nearly led to intestinal obstruction. How could she bear to let him go through it again?!

Thinking this, she hurriedly pleaded, "Master Snow, have mercy on Little Shelby. He just had surgery not long ago; he can't undergo another one."

Although Feliciano urged Shelby to accept defeat, he had no idea what bet Shelby had made with Charlie. Hearing Marceline mention another surgery, he asked in astonishment, "What bet did you make with Mr. Wade?"

Shelby stammered, "I-I made a bet with Mr. Wade that if the fan he brought was more expensive than the jade I bought, I would swallow the jade pendant."

Feliciano was taken aback, "Your mother said you just had surgery. What's going on?"

Shelby could only muster, "Last time, when I was at the Walker family in Aurous Hill, I made a bet with Mr. Wade as well. I lost that time too and ended up swallowing a string of gemstone necklaces. Later, because of intestinal obstruction, they had to be surgically removed."

Feliciano swallowed hard, horrified.

Shelby was truly pitiful, swallowing a string of necklaces last time and now having to swallow a jade pendant.

Although Feliciano wasn't a saint, hearing this made him sympathize with Shelby involuntarily.

Why provoke Charlie?

Who is Charlie?

Even the God of War turns into a coward before him.

I, the distinguished young master of the Snow family, the renowned "Diamond Tycoon of Eastcliff," also known as the "Human Pile Driver of Eastcliff," elegant and charismatic, almost no one in Eastcliff dares to provoke me.

Yet, I still lost my ability to father children because of Charlie, got beaten by him, and had to kneel and beg for forgiveness before barely earning his mercy.

If I, in my position, had to endure this, what about a second-rate scion like you?
Shelby, it serves you right. You won't fool around anymore
Chapter 1591 - Swallowing Pride: The Pendant Saga Continues

In order to please Charlie, Feliciano suppressed the tiny bit of sympathy he held for Shelby deep in his heart.

His expression turned stern as he coldly stated, "Shelby, we're all adults here, and we should be willing to accept defeat in gambling. I suggest you stop dragging this on and swallow this piece of jade quickly!"

Shelby's expression immediately turned into a bitter melon face, filled with agony.

Feliciano continued in a cold tone, "Let me tell you, count yourself lucky. Last time you swallowed a necklace, this time it's just a pendant. Thankfully, you didn't have a chain to go along with it, or you'd have to swallow the necklace along with it!"

Shelby looked at his cousin Elsa with a sorrowful plea, "Elsa, my dear cousin, please plead with Mr. Wade to spare me this time. I truly know I was wrong. From now on, I won't oppose him anymore. I'll be his dog, I'll do whatever he asks, even if he tells me to bite someone, I won't hesitate. I just beg him to spare me this time."

Elsa's heart was also in turmoil at this moment.

Her cousin's behavior towards Charlie just now indeed made her very displeased.

Women are like this. Despite Shelby being Elsa's cousin, their relationship was indeed quite good when they were young.

But Charlie was the long-time crush of Elsa, so if she had to choose between the two, she would definitely lean towards Charlie.

Now, Shelby was asking her to plead with Charlie, and she was truly at a loss.

Seeing this, Marceline hurriedly ran to Elsa's side, crying and about to kneel down, wailing, "Elsa, give Auntie some face, please plead with Mr. Wade. He might spare your cousin this time. Auntie is kneeling to you!"

Elsa hurried to reach out to help, but Marceline insisted on kneeling down, and the two were deadlocked.

Elsa couldn't bear to let her aunt kneel down for her, so she quickly looked at Charlie with a face full of apology and a hint of pleading, "Charlie, please, for my sake, spare my cousin this time."

Charlie hesitated for a moment and said to Elsa, "Let's talk somewhere private."

Elsa nodded hastily and followed Charlie to the side, looking at him nervously, afraid that he might be angry with her.

Charlie looked at her and asked, "When you were in Aurous Hill, there was a pair of brothers called the Southern Twin Devils who attempted to assassinate you. Does it have anything to do with Shelby?"

Elsa quickly shook her head, "That wasn't my cousin's doing, it was my other cousin."

"Your other cousin?" Charlie frowned, "Is he here?"

Elsa shook her head and said, "After that incident last time, someone with a lot of power warned the Dewey family. My other cousin felt guilty and went abroad, and he never came back. This time, Grandma's birthday, asked him to come back but he didn't come."

Charlie nodded slightly and asked again, "So, you and your cousin Shelby don't have any conflicts, right?"

"That's right." Elsa hurriedly said, "My cousin is a bit despicable and useless, but he hasn't done anything outrageous. He just likes to show off."

At this point, Elsa pleaded coquettishly, "So, Charlie, about today's matter, can you just let it go with him for my sake?"

As she spoke, she had already grabbed Charlie's arm with both hands, gently shaking it like a spoiled child, her face filled with pleading and shyness.

Charlie sighed helplessly. Knowing that Elsa had pleaded, even if he wanted to continue to trouble her cousin, it wouldn't be right, even for the sake of friendship.

However, Shelby's previous behavior was indeed a bit too much of a show-off. If he just let him off like this, it would be too cheap for him.

Thinking of this, he said to Elsa, "Alright, since he's your cousin, I'll give you face no matter what."

Chapter 1592 - "The Mercy of Charlie Wade"

Elsa was overjoyed, saying excitedly, "Thank you so much, Charlie!"

Charlie quickly responded, "Wait a moment. I may not insist on him swallowing that pendant, but he still needs to accept other punishments, or else I fear he won't learn his lesson."

Elsa hurriedly asked, "Charlie, what punishment do you plan to impose? It won't be more severe than swallowing the pendant, will it?"

"No," Charlie replied with a faint smile. "Rest assured, my punishment for him is a good thing."

Only then did Elsa relax, saying affectionately, "Charlie, thank you. You've forgiven my cousin for my sake, so give me a chance to repay you properly."

Charlie asked in surprise, "How do you intend to repay me?"

Elsa playfully winked and said, "Of course, it's by offering myself to you and then giving birth to a chubby boy for you. What do you think?"

Charlie responded seriously, "Don't say such things in the future. I'm your best friend's husband!"

Elsa nodded and said seriously, "I know, you two are in a fake marriage! There's no actual marriage between you two, so the best solution for both of you is to give each other freedom."

Charlie shook his head helplessly and said, "I won't discuss these matters with you anymore. It's like talking to a brick wall."

With that, he turned and went back to the crowd.

Seeing him return, the crowd quickly made way for him.

Shelby knelt on the ground, awaiting Charlie's judgment.

Charlie calmly said, "Shelby, considering you're Elsa's cousin, I'll give you a chance this time, but it depends on whether you can seize it."

Upon hearing this, Shelby burst into tears and repeatedly said, "Mr. Wade, thank you for your mercy. Rest assured, I will seize this chance and never pretend to be someone I'm not again!"

Charlie said, "Words alone won't do. This time, I won't make you swallow that jade pendant, but you need to prove with your actions that you've truly turned over a new leaf!"

Shelby nodded vigorously, saying, "Mr. Wade, whatever you command, I will definitely do!"

Charlie glanced at Elsa and said, "Elsa has been through a lot alone in Aurous Hill. Here's what I propose: you go to Aurous Hill and work as Elsa's driver for a year. During this year, you must stay in Aurous Hill honestly. If you dare to run away, slack off, or show off in Aurous Hill, I'll personally feed you a piece of brick!"

Upon hearing this, Shelby felt extremely bitter.

Life in Eastcliff was so comfortable, how could he tolerate that small place, Aurous Hill?

Moreover, he was asked to work as a driver for his cousin for a year in front of Charlie's eyes. If he really went there, he might not even have the chance to pretend or flirt with girls for a year.

However, the thought of having to swallow the jade pendant if he didn't agree, and knowing that Feliciano wouldn't let him off, he could only grit his teeth and agree, saying, "Okay, Mr. Wade, I will follow your orders."

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, "Alright, I think you can get ready to leave after this meal. It's quite a long journey, and you'll probably be on the road for at least ten days."

"What?" Shelby asked in surprise, "Mr. Wade, it only takes two hours to fly from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill."

"Fly?" Charlie scoffed. "With your attitude, do you deserve to fly? You'll ride a bicycle there. Along the way, you're only allowed to sleep in a tent, not in a hotel. If you dare to use any other means of transportation, I'll break your legs!"

Chapter 1593 - "Shelby's Trial: A Journey South"

Upon hearing the proposition of pedaling a bicycle all the way from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill and then staying in Aurous Hill as a driver for a year, Shelby felt as if he wished for death.

The key point is that the journey is nearly 1,200 kilometers long. If one were to truly pedal a bicycle, it would likely exhaust them to death, especially in this harsh winter season. Furthermore, to travel south by bike throughout this cold winter without the allowance of staying in hotels seems excessively demanding.

Shelby felt extremely aggrieved. With one careless thought, tears streamed down his face.

What in the world is this supposed to be?

The illustrious Third Young Master of the Hansen family, pedaling a bicycle to Aurous Hill? This journey alone would almost certainly take half of his life away.

With his petite frame, riding fifty to sixty kilometers in a day is already commendable. Over 1,200 kilometers would require twenty days of travel. But just look, it's already the end of December.

He choked up as he said, "Mr. Wade, if I pedal to Aurous Hill now, by the time I arrive, it will be the lunar new year. My cousin will definitely return to Eastcliff for the holiday. Wouldn't I be wasting my efforts?"

Charlie coldly asked, "Does it take until the lunar new year for your legs to grow beneath your buttocks? At eighty kilometers a day, you'll definitely arrive in fifteen days, probably by the end of December."

Shelby mourned, the thought of pedaling eighty kilometers a day on a bicycle surely spells death.

Under normal circumstances, it would be manageable, but having recently undergone surgery, any sudden physical exertion would aggravate the surgical wounds, likely causing him immense pain throughout the journey.

Just as he was contemplating negotiating, Feliciano beside him clenched his teeth and cursed, "You still have objections? Trust me, I won't let you return to Eastcliff ever again!"

Shelby trembled in fear, hastily nodding, "I have no objections. I promise I'll reach Aurous Hill within fifteen days."

Afterwards, he looked at Charlie, his voice choked with emotion, "Mr. Wade, could you allow me to depart after the new year? Otherwise, when I arrive in Aurous Hill, I'll have to go through the trouble of returning for the holiday."

Charlie chuckled, asking, "Shelby, you want to come back for the new year?"

Shelby looked puzzled, "My cousin will also come back by then, won't I be lonely if I'm alone in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie replied, "After you arrive in Aurous Hill, your activities will be restricted to within the administrative jurisdiction of the city. I will have someone attach a GPS locator to your ankle. If you leave Aurous Hill, I'll send someone to bring you back. Each time you're caught, I'll extend your deadline by a year. If you try to escape too many times, you'll spend your entire life in Aurous Hill... Stay put."

Shelby shrank back, hastily saying, "Mr. Wade, rest assured, after I arrive, I will never leave Aurous Hill."

He then asked Charlie again, "Mr. Wade, there's one more thing I'd like to ask of you. I've always spent every lunar new year with my parents. Please don't let me spend this year alone in Aurous Hill."

Before Charlie could respond, Feliciano interjected with teeth-gritted anger, "Shelby, are you tired of living? Always bargaining with Mr. Wade! Mr. Wade has given you face, hasn't he?"

"No, no, no," Shelby gave up his final resistance, hastily waving his hand, "I won't bargain anymore. I'll depart as soon as the celebration ends, and I won't leave Aurous Hill for a year."

On the side, Marceline, anxious for her son's safety, finally breathed a sigh of relief knowing he had avoided undergoing surgery again. She hurriedly reassured him, "Son, don't worry. Mom will buy you the best bicycle, the best house in Aurous Hill, and the best car. You won't suffer in Aurous Hill."

Shelby finally felt relieved. This punishment doesn't seem so bad after all. As long as he avoids Charlie's wrath, he can quietly enjoy life for the remaining time in Aurous Hill.

Chapter 1594 - "Pedals and Pennies: Shelby's Aurous Odyssey"

The only painful thing was the journey from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill by bicycle. But it's still better than lying in bed for half a month recovering from surgery.

Moreover, the last surgery didn't go well, and he haven't fully recovered yet. If he have to undergo another one right away, the pain would likely double.

But at this moment, Charlie spoke up: "Don't think going to Aurous Hill is for you to enjoy. Let me tell you, this time in Aurous Hill, you can only ride the most ordinary old Phoenix D28 bicycle. You are not allowed to ride any other bike. Otherwise, I'll make you pull a cart full of bricks to Aurous Hill."

"In addition, after you arrive in Aurous Hill, apart from the time spent driving for Elsa, the rest of your time will be spent renting a single room in the shantytown of the city. Including rent, your monthly living expenses must not exceed one thousand."

"Don't worry, I'll have someone watch over you closely in Aurous Hill. If you dare spend more than a dollar, the reform period will be extended by a day. If you dare spend tens of thousands as soon as you get there, you can forget about leaving for the rest of your life."

Shelby felt like the sky was falling when he heard this.

To make him, a young master of the Hansen family, live in a shantytown and not exceed a budget of one thousand including rent...

Wouldn't that be forcing him to live like a pauper?

He cried out, "Mr. Wade, I'm afraid one thousand won't even cover the rent."

Charlie coldly replied, "Don't worry, the cost of living in Aurous Hill isn't as high as you think. Renting a single room in the shantytown only costs about three hundred a month. With seven hundred left, that's more than twenty per day, enough for you to live on."

Charlie himself had struggled at the bottom of the city for many years, so he knew the lifestyle of the poor too well.

The rent in the shantytown was very cheap, back then a small bungalow only cost a hundred . Eating wasn't expensive either; in the alleys, a plate of stir-fried vegetables only cost two or three dollars, and back then, you could buy four buns for one dollar, enough for a day.

Nowadays, it might have doubled at most, but one thousand per person per month was still sufficient.

Of course, such a life couldn't be considered a decent standard of living, only enough to eat.

But for Shelby, a playboy, this was the best solution, absolutely capable of curing his addiction to showing off.

Shelby collapsed when he heard this.

One thousand, to be honest, wasn't even enough for one of his cigars.

And now he had to live on that for a month, wasn't that like asking for his life?

Marceline also cried with heartache, looking at Elsa, choking, "Elsa, plead with Mr. Wade again, don't force your cousin onto a dead-end path."

Elsa was also embarrassed at this point. What could she say? She had already pleaded for her cousin once. At this point, asking her to speak up again would be awkward.

After all, the whole thing was started by her cousin picking a fight. She didn't want Charlie to bear a grudge against him. If that happened, wouldn't it make Charlie feel wronged?

Charlie was her savior several times over, the only man she truly loved. She'd rather see her despicable cousin suffer than see Charlie compromise for her sake.

So, she awkwardly said, "Aunt, you can't always indulge your son like this. In the long run, it'll only harm him."

At this moment, Charlie spoke coldly, "Shelby, I advise you to agree as soon as possible before I change my mind. Otherwise, I'll arrange for you to carry cement on the construction site in Aurous Hill. Do you know what a former CEO of a listed company in the Petrochemical Company in Aurous Hill named Jimmy Zimmer is doing now?"

Shelby shook his head in panic.

With a cold sneer, Charlie continued, "He's now carrying cement on a construction site in Aurous Hill, and he has to do it for twenty years. Do you want to join him?"

Chapter 1595 - "Aurous Awakening: Shelby's Humble Pie"

As soon as Shelby heard that he was supposed to carry cement at a construction site, he immediately shook his head in horror!

Compared to living in the urban village, receiving a monthly allowance of only one thousand , enduring some hardships and suffering a bit, if he really had to carry cement at a construction site, he might end up leaving half of his life there.

So, without much thought, he nodded repeatedly, "Mr. Wade, I accept the conditions you mentioned, and I won't bargain with you anymore! Just don't make me go to the construction site."

Charlie was finally satisfied and said coldly, "When you arrive in Aurous Hill, reform yourself well. Don't always act arrogantly. With your frivolous attitude, you might cause even greater trouble staying in Eastcliff, harming both the Dewey family and the Hansen family!"

On the side, Thibault and Leandro couldn't help but shrink their necks.

Charlie's words had a profound impact on them.

Shelby's temper and personality, if not restrained, he might really cause a disaster!

Today's incident was quite representative. Carelessly, he not only offended Charlie but also offended the young master of the Snow family. If the young master of the Snow family really wanted to confront him, the Dewey family would definitely suffer greatly.

Especially Thibault...

He was even more annoyed.

Shelby was not a member of the Dewey family, although he was his sister's child, he was still an outsider. If this outsider caused trouble for his family, there would be no tears left to cry.

So, he said with a somewhat stern tone, "Little Shelby, when you arrive in Aurous Hill, you must reform yourself well, try to get rid of all those bad habits on you as much as possible, don't keep causing trouble everywhere like you do now, do you understand?"

Shelby stammered, "I understand, uncle."

Marceline was still somewhat dissatisfied. Her elder brother not only didn't stand up for her nephew, but also said such words, which indeed chilled her heart.

Thibault also knew that Marceline must have some opinions, so he said earnestly to her, "Sister Marceline, in the future, you must discipline Little Shelby strictly, don't spoil and indulge him anymore. Otherwise, if Little Shelby causes trouble outside and brings trouble to the Hansen family, as his daughter-in-law, in the eyes of the Hansen family, you will also bear the responsibility of improper discipline, understand?"

When Marceline heard this, she suddenly realized that although her elder brother's words were not very emotionally close, they were all facts.

If Shelby really caused a big disaster and implicated the Hansen family, she, as a daughter-in-law of the Hansen family, would definitely be blamed.


Most people are biased. Although the old couple of the Hansen family treated her well, once Shelby caused trouble and was held accountable, they would definitely feel that their responsibility in educating the child was greater than that of her husband.

If the old people of the Hansen family were really dissatisfied because of this, her position in the Hansen family would be greatly affected.

After all, the current Dewey family's strength was much weaker than before. If her natal family didn't support her and her husband didn't receive much attention from the Hansen family, her status would naturally not rise. If she were affected by her child's trouble in the future, she wouldn't be able to hold her head up in the Hansen family.

Thinking of this, she also said seriously to Shelby, "Little Shelby! You must get rid of all those bad habits on you from now on, do you understand?"

Shelby could only nod obediently.

Now, he really dared not show off anymore.

Just being a son-in-law who came to Aurous Hill could make him look so miserable. If he really offended the young master of a top family, wouldn't he be courting death?

So, he quickly declared, "After grandma's birthday banquet, I will immediately set off and ride my bicycle to Aurous Hill. After arriving in Aurous Hill, I will definitely reflect on myself."

Thus, the farce finally came to an end.

Chapter 1596 - "Gifts and Gratitude: The Art of Influence"

Charlie took the folding fan given by Geraldo from Shelby's hands and handed it over to Elsa's grandmother. He said, "Madam Dewey, this is a token of me and Claire's gratitude. I hope you accept it. Also, I apologize for the disturbance during your birthday banquet. I sincerely hope you can forgive us."

The old lady was pleasantly surprised and quickly replied, "Mr. Wade, you're too polite. The incident just now was caused by my grandson's misconduct. Ultimately, it's our fault for not properly disciplining him, which has caused trouble for you."

Looking at the folding fan, she continued, "Mr. Wade, this fan is too valuable. I really can't accept it!"

Charlie hurriedly responded, "Madam Dewey, a gift is merely a token of goodwill, regardless of its value. You don't need to be so formal. Truth be told, I didn't even spend money on this fan; it was a gift from the chairman of the Snow Group. I'm simply presenting it on his behalf, so please don't feel obliged."

On the sidelines, Old Master Dewey had long known that this fan belonged to Geraldo and secretly hoped that the old lady would accept it.

After all, the fan itself held considerable value, with additional significance attached to it.


If the Dewey family possessed this fan, it would establish a slight connection with the Snow family. In case Geraldo ever decided to help the Dewey family in the future, leveraging the influence of this fan, wouldn't that be a significant gain?

Therefore, he spoke up, "Oh, Mr. Wade, you're too polite! My wife and I are very grateful! If Mr. Wade ever needs anything from the Dewey family in the future, just say the word, and we will spare no effort to assist!"

With these words, Old Master Dewey effectively accepted the gift.

Charlie also understood that Old Master Dewey had his own wisdom, so he nodded and said, "Old Master Dewey, you're too kind!"

With that, the old lady had no choice but to accept the folding fan.

Seeing this, Feliciano Snow spoke up, "Let me tell you, Mr. Wade holds an esteemed position in my uncle's heart, almost like a son. If you manage to please Mr. Wade in the future, the Snow family will certainly not mistreat you!"

Everyone nodded eagerly, feeling delighted.

Especially Old Master Dewey.

The way he looked at Charlie was almost the same as how he looked at his grandson-in-law...

However, Elsa felt somewhat bewildered.

She couldn't understand why Charlie had such influence, managing to impress a group of local wealthy individuals in Aurous Hill, and even gaining such high regard from Geraldo Snow, the third-ranked head of the Snow family in Eastcliff. Was his skill in feng shui truly so extraordinary?

At the thought, she couldn't help but feel a bit inferior.

Despite being the eldest granddaughter of the Dewey family and not lacking in looks compared to other women, she still felt inadequate compared to Charlie, a man of boundless potential, thinking that she was unworthy of him.

However, she then thought of her friend, Claire.

She couldn't comprehend why Claire was so fortunate. Having such a good man by her side, she was willing to marry into his family just to stay by his side. What incredible luck!

If she were in her shoes, she would have already given Charlie a bunch of children, devoted herself to being a good wife and mother, and spent every day with him.

But Claire?

She still hadn't consummated her marriage with Charlie until now.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel sorry for Charlie.

Chapter 1597 - "Impotence and Embarrassment: Feliciano's Worst Nightmare"

Following that, the banquet officially commenced.

Charlie was honored as the guest of honor and sat beside the old lady along with Elsa and Feliciano.

After the feast began, members of the Dewey family took turns to toast him, their expressions, tone, and actions all filled with flattery.

Charlie didn't put on airs; whenever someone came to toast him, he drank, even if it was Shelby, who came obediently to toast him, he readily drank it down.

Feliciano also cautiously toasted Charlie during the course of the event, licking his lips and saying, "Mr. Wade, I have something I'd like to ask of you..."

Charlie knew what he wanted to say, it was nothing but wanting to restore his abilities in that aspect.

However, considering the despicable actions done by both families towards the Snow family of four, Charlie would never allow them to revert back to normal right away.

Adults must bear the consequences of their actions, otherwise, how could they learn from their mistakes?

So, before Feliciano could finish, Charlie interrupted lightly, "Feliciano, from start to finish, you should understand why I sent Shelby to Aurous Hill for a year, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Feliciano nodded repeatedly, saying, "Mr. Wade, you're honest and fair, I naturally trust you, it's just this matter... could you also give us a set time frame like you did for Shelby? It would give us something to look forward to, what do you say?"

Charlie nodded, saying, "You know, Shelby's wrongdoing wasn't severe, just a bit of loose talk, so I sent him for a year of transformation. But you four, your actions were too extreme, you even threatened to take lives before, this is much worse than what Shelby did!"

Feliciano's face was full of cold sweat.

He understood Charlie's meaning.

Shelby talks smack, loses and has to undergo transformation for a year.

Himself, his father, third uncle, and cousin pressured their eldest uncle to relinquish a trillion-dollar family fortune, even threatened to deal with his aunt and cousin after his death. This offense is much more severe than Shelby's.

Moreover, his eldest uncle was Charlie's father Drake's good friend, his aunt was Charlie's mother's close sister, and his cousin was Charlie's fiancee since childhood. With such close relationships, Charlie would definitely hate their four to the bone!

Returning to Shelby, Shelby undergoes transformation for just talking smack, so wouldn't they, the four of them, have to undergo transformation for ten or twenty years?!

Thinking that there might not be any reproductive ability or qualification to enjoy that aspect for the next ten or twenty years, Feliciano felt like dying.

He pleaded with a bitter face, "Mr. Wade, please, spare us this time for the sake of my eldest uncle... or maybe you could shorten the transformation time a bit..."

Charlie said lightly, "It depends on your performance. If you perform well, maybe three to five years, if not, it could be twenty or thirty years."

Feliciano was close to tears, whispering, "Young Master Wade, you'll be my cousin-in-law in the future, and I'll be your little cousin. Spare me for the sake of this relationship. If news spreads in the future that your little uncle is impotent, won't it be embarrassing for you too? Don't you think?"

Chapter 1598 - "Bicycles and Baggage: Shelby's Journey Begins"

Charlie chuckled, "I'm fine with it, really. It's no big deal."

"Um..." Feliciano was on the verge of collapse.

This Charlie was simply unyielding!

He had hoped to use his cousin's relationship to manipulate him, but he didn't even get the chance. And even if he performed well, it might take three to five years—three to five years of abstinence. Wasn't that like asking for his own demise?

But apart from that, he didn't have any other good options. He could only respectfully say, thick-skinned, "Cousin-in-law, I will definitely perform well in the future, you can rest assured."

Charlie's face darkened as he said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not your cousin-in-law."

Feliciano nodded to himself, "I know, not now, but eventually..."

Charlie couldn't be bothered to argue with him about such a boring issue, so he simply ignored him.

At this moment, Elsa leaned over and asked him in a low voice, "Charlie, when are you going back to Aurous Hill?"


"Ah? So soon? Why not stay a few more days in Eastcliff?"

"I've finished my business, there's nothing else to stay for. I'm leaving tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Elsa said without hesitation, "Then I'll leave tomorrow too. Shall we go together? Take the same flight back."

Charlie had wanted to refuse, but seeing her pleading expression, he couldn't bring himself to say no. After all, it was normal for friends to take the same flight, and he couldn't deliberately avoid sitting with her on the plane.

So, Charlie said, "Sure, let's go together."

Elsa hurriedly said, "Then give me your ID information later, so I can buy the tickets together!"



During the birthday banquet, Shelby's uncles had already arranged the equipment for his cycling trip to Aurous Hill.

They arranged for someone to purchase an old Phoenix brand bicycle, attached a luggage rack with his name on it to the back of the bike, and provided him with cycling helmets, thick down jackets, sleeping bags, tents, water bottles, and other necessities.

Their concern wasn't really for this nephew, but rather to get him on the road as soon as he finished eating, to avoid angering Charlie with any delay. If he caused trouble for the Dewey family again, it would be a big loss.

After hearing about this, Marceline couldn't care less about being angry. She quickly called her husband Rupert Hansen, who had just finished work and was preparing to come to the birthday banquet, and told him the situation. Then she asked him to quickly pack some luggage for their son, including changes of clothes, snacks for the journey, and so on.

After hearing the whole story, Rupert was both angry and afraid. Fortunately, this matter didn't offend the Snow family; otherwise, the Hansen family would be in big trouble.

So he couldn't even attend his mother-in-law's birthday banquet and hurried home to pack things for his son.

By the time the birthday banquet was almost over, he rushed back home.

Seeing his father arrive, Shelby burst into tears without saying a word and hugged him tightly.

He was about to go to Aurous Hill for a year of transformation. He could already guess how hard that year would be, so seeing his father made him feel deeply saddened.

Rupert was also extremely helpless.

Although he felt sorry for his son, he had been mingling in Eastcliff for so many years that he understood the nature of high society very well.

In this upper-class society, money could easily crush people.

Although the Hansen family seemed powerful on the surface, when facing top families like the Snow family, they dared not even make a sound. Since his son had offended people from the Snow family and their distinguished guests, there would definitely be consequences. If not, the Hansen family would have to bear the wrath of the Snow family.

There had been families in the past who, when their sons caused trouble, were overly protective and involved the whole family, only to end up almost bankrupt and unable to save their sons, who were directly dealt with by the members of the powerful family.

Today's large families are essentially like tightrope walkers in business.

To make deals worth billions or more, they must use financial leverage, otherwise they cannot develop. Even Wanda Group, in order to develop rapidly, had borrowed a large amount of money from banks. It was rumored that Evergrande, another large enterprise, had debts of up to 900 billion.

If everything went smoothly, the rate of earning money would definitely surpass the rate of repaying debts, so they wouldn't encounter major problems.

However, once the capital chain broke, there was a possibility of total collapse at any time.

Behind the three major families in Eastcliff were numerous bank and capital relationships. If they really wanted to take down a certain company, they could directly cut off its capital chain, causing it to go bankrupt because of the broken capital chain.

Therefore, Rupert feared the Snow family even more than Shelby did.

It was precisely because of this that he was secretly relieved. Fortunately, the worst outcome of this incident would only befall his son, otherwise he would be scolded to death by his father-in-law!

Chapter 1599 - "Emotional Departure: Shelby Sets Out for Aurous Hill"

As the birthday banquet concluded and the guests began to leave, Shelby also wheeled out Phoenix brand bicycle.

Suddenly, a wildly popular song from a short video website crossed Shelby's mind.

"What is it, riding on my beloved little motorcycle..."

Thinking of that song while looking at his old and ugly Phoenix brand bicycle, he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "If only I could ride a motorcycle instead. I could cover three to four hundred kilometers a day, and in three days, I'd arrive in Aurous Hill without enduring too much hardship along the way..."

Unfortunately, Charlie wouldn't give him any room for negotiation, so he could only obediently push his folding bike and prepare to depart.

Uncle Thibault held a green cycling helmet, intending to put it on Shelby. Dodging and feeling embarrassed, Shelby asked, "Uncle, why did you buy me a green helmet..."

"Forget about it," Thibault said helplessly. "I don't know what happened, but helmets are being snatched up everywhere. The ones in the bicycle shop were all sold out, leaving only a few green ones. So, I had someone buy one for you. Safety comes first, after all!"

Shelby was nearly in tears.

No wonder nobody wanted this helmet, it's so green it practically glows! Even fresh chives aren't as authentically green as this helmet!

Although he had a thousand criticisms in his heart, he also knew that safety came first. After all, if he fell and damaged his brain, wouldn't that be disastrous?

So, he could only grit his teeth and let Uncle Dewey put the helmet on his head.

Thibault secured the helmet for him, then pointed to the phone holder on the bike's handlebars, saying earnestly, "Little Shelby, this is a phone holder specially bought for you by Uncle. Put your phone in there and clamp it down. You'll need to navigate along the way. It's over a thousand kilometers; make sure to keep an eye on the map and don't stray off course."

Shelby nodded and asked, "Uncle, why didn't you buy me a power bank? What if my phone runs out of battery while I'm riding..."

"Oh!" Thibault slapped his forehead. "I forgot about that! Why don't you wait a moment? I'll have someone buy one for you right away!"

Leandro, the father of Elsa, hurriedly said, "I have one in my car. I bought it for emergencies. I'll go get it for you!"

At this moment, Shelby's father, Rupert, patted his shoulder and said seriously, "The road to Aurous Hill is relatively easy to travel, and the cities along the way are well-developed. There's not much wilderness, so you don't need to worry too much. Stay safe on the road, and when you reach a city at night, find a park and set up a tent. You should be able to reach Aurous Hill in about ten days."

Shelby nodded tearfully.

Rupert sighed deeply again and said, "You must ride honestly all the way there. Absolutely no sneaking or fooling around. This is also a test for you, understand?"

Shelby choked up, "I understand, Dad..."

Marceline, wiping tears on the side, advised, "Be sure to ride safely. Avoid big vehicles when you see them, understand?"

Shelby choked back tears, "Okay, Mom, I understand..."

Old Master Dewey also advised, "Calculate your time carefully, don't slack off. If you're late, Mr. Wade will be angry."

Shelby felt extremely depressed. Was this still his own grandfather? He's concerned about not making Mr. Wade angry...

Grandma, on the other hand, was very gentle. She took out a yellow talisman from her pocket and handed it to Shelby, saying, "Little Shelby, this is a protective talisman that Grandma obtained from Yonghe Temple when she was young. It's been blessed by a high monk and is very effective. Grandma has always carried it with her. Now Grandma gives it to you. It will keep you safe!"

Shelby gratefully nodded, "Thank you, Grandma..."

Charlie, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, "See, you're making progress now. At least you know to thank your family!"

Shelby felt ashamed and muttered softly, "Thank you, Mr. Wade, for teaching me. I will be more low-key in the future and behave myself!"

Chapter 1600 - "Charlie's Warning: The Importance of Discipline"

"Alright." Charlie nodded, saying, "Let's get going soon."

At that moment, Leandro also rushed over with a power bank, handing both the power bank and charging cable to Shelby, saying, "Little Shelby, take the power bank!"

Shelby packed the power bank into his backpack, wiped away a tear, and said to everyone, "Grandma, Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Uncle One, Uncle Two, I'm leaving..."

Everyone waved to him, "Go on, stay safe on the road!"

Shelby looked at Charlie again, bowing to him, "Mr. Wade, I'm leaving..."

Charlie grunted, saying, "Hurry up, delaying time will result in punishment."

Shelby nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I'll do my best!"

Charlie waved his hand, "Alright, off you go!"

Shelby nodded, reluctantly glanced at his loved ones, then struggled to mount the large bicycle, pedaling it unsteadily as he rode away.

Marceline burst into tears, and Rupert quickly embraced her, comforting, "It's okay, Little Shelby has grown up too, it's time for him to take responsibility for his actions."

Marceline nodded through tears, though she felt distressed, she couldn't say anything more.

At this point, Charlie looked at Elsa seriously, saying, "When your cousin arrives in Aurous Hill, you must strictly discipline him. If he sincerely reforms, perhaps he can turn over a new leaf, otherwise, he might be doomed."

Elsa quickly agreed, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to discipline him strictly."

"Alright." Charlie nodded, "I'll head back now."

Elsa asked, "Shall I inform you once I've booked the plane ticket?"


Elsa asked again, "Do you want me to pick you up from where you're staying and go to the airport together?"

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, see you at the airport."

Feliciano hurriedly approached, smiling, "Mr. Wade, are you going back to my uncle's house? It's hard to get a taxi here. Shall I drive you there?"

Charlie glanced at him, nodding slightly, "Alright."

The entire Dewey family sent off Charlie and Feliciano in the car. They finally breathed a sigh of relief when the car drove away.

In the car, Feliciano complimented, "Mr. Wade, your way of handling Shelby is truly commendable!"

Charlie replied calmly, "It's nothing much, you don't need to flatter me."

Feliciano hurriedly said, "I'm really not flattering you. Normally, when people deal with such problems, they often resort to reprimanding, forcing the other party to fulfill their bet. But you were able to be lenient and give him a customized plan for reform, which is absolutely heartfelt! I believe Shelby will never dare to be arrogant and overbearing again in the future!"

Charlie looked at him and asked back, "What about you? Will you dare to be arrogant and confront your own relatives with a drawn sword in the future?"

Feliciano's whole demeanor froze, blurting out, "No, absolutely not, I won't!"
Chapter 1591 - Swallowing Pride: The Pendant Saga Continues

In order to please Charlie, Feliciano suppressed the tiny bit of sympathy he held for Shelby deep in his heart.

His expression turned stern as he coldly stated, "Shelby, we're all adults here, and we should be willing to accept defeat in gambling. I suggest you stop dragging this on and swallow this piece of jade quickly!"

Shelby's expression immediately turned into a bitter melon face, filled with agony.

Feliciano continued in a cold tone, "Let me tell you, count yourself lucky. Last time you swallowed a necklace, this time it's just a pendant. Thankfully, you didn't have a chain to go along with it, or you'd have to swallow the necklace along with it!"

Shelby looked at his cousin Elsa with a sorrowful plea, "Elsa, my dear cousin, please plead with Mr. Wade to spare me this time. I truly know I was wrong. From now on, I won't oppose him anymore. I'll be his dog, I'll do whatever he asks, even if he tells me to bite someone, I won't hesitate. I just beg him to spare me this time."

Elsa's heart was also in turmoil at this moment.

Her cousin's behavior towards Charlie just now indeed made her very displeased.

Women are like this. Despite Shelby being Elsa's cousin, their relationship was indeed quite good when they were young.

But Charlie was the long-time crush of Elsa, so if she had to choose between the two, she would definitely lean towards Charlie.

Now, Shelby was asking her to plead with Charlie, and she was truly at a loss.

Seeing this, Marceline hurriedly ran to Elsa's side, crying and about to kneel down, wailing, "Elsa, give Auntie some face, please plead with Mr. Wade. He might spare your cousin this time. Auntie is kneeling to you!"

Elsa hurried to reach out to help, but Marceline insisted on kneeling down, and the two were deadlocked.

Elsa couldn't bear to let her aunt kneel down for her, so she quickly looked at Charlie with a face full of apology and a hint of pleading, "Charlie, please, for my sake, spare my cousin this time."

Charlie hesitated for a moment and said to Elsa, "Let's talk somewhere private."

Elsa nodded hastily and followed Charlie to the side, looking at him nervously, afraid that he might be angry with her.

Charlie looked at her and asked, "When you were in Aurous Hill, there was a pair of brothers called the Southern Twin Devils who attempted to assassinate you. Does it have anything to do with Shelby?"

Elsa quickly shook her head, "That wasn't my cousin's doing, it was my other cousin."

"Your other cousin?" Charlie frowned, "Is he here?"

Elsa shook her head and said, "After that incident last time, someone with a lot of power warned the Dewey family. My other cousin felt guilty and went abroad, and he never came back. This time, Grandma's birthday, asked him to come back but he didn't come."

Charlie nodded slightly and asked again, "So, you and your cousin Shelby don't have any conflicts, right?"

"That's right." Elsa hurriedly said, "My cousin is a bit despicable and useless, but he hasn't done anything outrageous. He just likes to show off."

At this point, Elsa pleaded coquettishly, "So, Charlie, about today's matter, can you just let it go with him for my sake?"

As she spoke, she had already grabbed Charlie's arm with both hands, gently shaking it like a spoiled child, her face filled with pleading and shyness.

Charlie sighed helplessly. Knowing that Elsa had pleaded, even if he wanted to continue to trouble her cousin, it wouldn't be right, even for the sake of friendship.

However, Shelby's previous behavior was indeed a bit too much of a show-off. If he just let him off like this, it would be too cheap for him.

Thinking of this, he said to Elsa, "Alright, since he's your cousin, I'll give you face no matter what."

Chapter 1592 - "The Mercy of Charlie Wade"

Elsa was overjoyed, saying excitedly, "Thank you so much, Charlie!"

Charlie quickly responded, "Wait a moment. I may not insist on him swallowing that pendant, but he still needs to accept other punishments, or else I fear he won't learn his lesson."

Elsa hurriedly asked, "Charlie, what punishment do you plan to impose? It won't be more severe than swallowing the pendant, will it?"

"No," Charlie replied with a faint smile. "Rest assured, my punishment for him is a good thing."

Only then did Elsa relax, saying affectionately, "Charlie, thank you. You've forgiven my cousin for my sake, so give me a chance to repay you properly."

Charlie asked in surprise, "How do you intend to repay me?"

Elsa playfully winked and said, "Of course, it's by offering myself to you and then giving birth to a chubby boy for you. What do you think?"

Charlie responded seriously, "Don't say such things in the future. I'm your best friend's husband!"

Elsa nodded and said seriously, "I know, you two are in a fake marriage! There's no actual marriage between you two, so the best solution for both of you is to give each other freedom."

Charlie shook his head helplessly and said, "I won't discuss these matters with you anymore. It's like talking to a brick wall."

With that, he turned and went back to the crowd.

Seeing him return, the crowd quickly made way for him.

Shelby knelt on the ground, awaiting Charlie's judgment.

Charlie calmly said, "Shelby, considering you're Elsa's cousin, I'll give you a chance this time, but it depends on whether you can seize it."

Upon hearing this, Shelby burst into tears and repeatedly said, "Mr. Wade, thank you for your mercy. Rest assured, I will seize this chance and never pretend to be someone I'm not again!"

Charlie said, "Words alone won't do. This time, I won't make you swallow that jade pendant, but you need to prove with your actions that you've truly turned over a new leaf!"

Shelby nodded vigorously, saying, "Mr. Wade, whatever you command, I will definitely do!"

Charlie glanced at Elsa and said, "Elsa has been through a lot alone in Aurous Hill. Here's what I propose: you go to Aurous Hill and work as Elsa's driver for a year. During this year, you must stay in Aurous Hill honestly. If you dare to run away, slack off, or show off in Aurous Hill, I'll personally feed you a piece of brick!"

Upon hearing this, Shelby felt extremely bitter.

Life in Eastcliff was so comfortable, how could he tolerate that small place, Aurous Hill?

Moreover, he was asked to work as a driver for his cousin for a year in front of Charlie's eyes. If he really went there, he might not even have the chance to pretend or flirt with girls for a year.

However, the thought of having to swallow the jade pendant if he didn't agree, and knowing that Feliciano wouldn't let him off, he could only grit his teeth and agree, saying, "Okay, Mr. Wade, I will follow your orders."

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, "Alright, I think you can get ready to leave after this meal. It's quite a long journey, and you'll probably be on the road for at least ten days."

"What?" Shelby asked in surprise, "Mr. Wade, it only takes two hours to fly from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill."

"Fly?" Charlie scoffed. "With your attitude, do you deserve to fly? You'll ride a bicycle there. Along the way, you're only allowed to sleep in a tent, not in a hotel. If you dare to use any other means of transportation, I'll break your legs!"

Chapter 1593 - "Shelby's Trial: A Journey South"

Upon hearing the proposition of pedaling a bicycle all the way from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill and then staying in Aurous Hill as a driver for a year, Shelby felt as if he wished for death.

The key point is that the journey is nearly 1,200 kilometers long. If one were to truly pedal a bicycle, it would likely exhaust them to death, especially in this harsh winter season. Furthermore, to travel south by bike throughout this cold winter without the allowance of staying in hotels seems excessively demanding.

Shelby felt extremely aggrieved. With one careless thought, tears streamed down his face.

What in the world is this supposed to be?

The illustrious Third Young Master of the Hansen family, pedaling a bicycle to Aurous Hill? This journey alone would almost certainly take half of his life away.

With his petite frame, riding fifty to sixty kilometers in a day is already commendable. Over 1,200 kilometers would require twenty days of travel. But just look, it's already the end of December.

He choked up as he said, "Mr. Wade, if I pedal to Aurous Hill now, by the time I arrive, it will be the lunar new year. My cousin will definitely return to Eastcliff for the holiday. Wouldn't I be wasting my efforts?"

Charlie coldly asked, "Does it take until the lunar new year for your legs to grow beneath your buttocks? At eighty kilometers a day, you'll definitely arrive in fifteen days, probably by the end of December."

Shelby mourned, the thought of pedaling eighty kilometers a day on a bicycle surely spells death.

Under normal circumstances, it would be manageable, but having recently undergone surgery, any sudden physical exertion would aggravate the surgical wounds, likely causing him immense pain throughout the journey.

Just as he was contemplating negotiating, Feliciano beside him clenched his teeth and cursed, "You still have objections? Trust me, I won't let you return to Eastcliff ever again!"

Shelby trembled in fear, hastily nodding, "I have no objections. I promise I'll reach Aurous Hill within fifteen days."

Afterwards, he looked at Charlie, his voice choked with emotion, "Mr. Wade, could you allow me to depart after the new year? Otherwise, when I arrive in Aurous Hill, I'll have to go through the trouble of returning for the holiday."

Charlie chuckled, asking, "Shelby, you want to come back for the new year?"

Shelby looked puzzled, "My cousin will also come back by then, won't I be lonely if I'm alone in Aurous Hill?"

Charlie replied, "After you arrive in Aurous Hill, your activities will be restricted to within the administrative jurisdiction of the city. I will have someone attach a GPS locator to your ankle. If you leave Aurous Hill, I'll send someone to bring you back. Each time you're caught, I'll extend your deadline by a year. If you try to escape too many times, you'll spend your entire life in Aurous Hill... Stay put."

Shelby shrank back, hastily saying, "Mr. Wade, rest assured, after I arrive, I will never leave Aurous Hill."

He then asked Charlie again, "Mr. Wade, there's one more thing I'd like to ask of you. I've always spent every lunar new year with my parents. Please don't let me spend this year alone in Aurous Hill."

Before Charlie could respond, Feliciano interjected with teeth-gritted anger, "Shelby, are you tired of living? Always bargaining with Mr. Wade! Mr. Wade has given you face, hasn't he?"

"No, no, no," Shelby gave up his final resistance, hastily waving his hand, "I won't bargain anymore. I'll depart as soon as the celebration ends, and I won't leave Aurous Hill for a year."

On the side, Marceline, anxious for her son's safety, finally breathed a sigh of relief knowing he had avoided undergoing surgery again. She hurriedly reassured him, "Son, don't worry. Mom will buy you the best bicycle, the best house in Aurous Hill, and the best car. You won't suffer in Aurous Hill."

Shelby finally felt relieved. This punishment doesn't seem so bad after all. As long as he avoids Charlie's wrath, he can quietly enjoy life for the remaining time in Aurous Hill.

Chapter 1594 - "Pedals and Pennies: Shelby's Aurous Odyssey"

The only painful thing was the journey from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill by bicycle. But it's still better than lying in bed for half a month recovering from surgery.

Moreover, the last surgery didn't go well, and he haven't fully recovered yet. If he have to undergo another one right away, the pain would likely double.

But at this moment, Charlie spoke up: "Don't think going to Aurous Hill is for you to enjoy. Let me tell you, this time in Aurous Hill, you can only ride the most ordinary old Phoenix D28 bicycle. You are not allowed to ride any other bike. Otherwise, I'll make you pull a cart full of bricks to Aurous Hill."

"In addition, after you arrive in Aurous Hill, apart from the time spent driving for Elsa, the rest of your time will be spent renting a single room in the shantytown of the city. Including rent, your monthly living expenses must not exceed one thousand."

"Don't worry, I'll have someone watch over you closely in Aurous Hill. If you dare spend more than a dollar, the reform period will be extended by a day. If you dare spend tens of thousands as soon as you get there, you can forget about leaving for the rest of your life."

Shelby felt like the sky was falling when he heard this.

To make him, a young master of the Hansen family, live in a shantytown and not exceed a budget of one thousand including rent...

Wouldn't that be forcing him to live like a pauper?

He cried out, "Mr. Wade, I'm afraid one thousand won't even cover the rent."

Charlie coldly replied, "Don't worry, the cost of living in Aurous Hill isn't as high as you think. Renting a single room in the shantytown only costs about three hundred a month. With seven hundred left, that's more than twenty per day, enough for you to live on."

Charlie himself had struggled at the bottom of the city for many years, so he knew the lifestyle of the poor too well.

The rent in the shantytown was very cheap, back then a small bungalow only cost a hundred . Eating wasn't expensive either; in the alleys, a plate of stir-fried vegetables only cost two or three dollars, and back then, you could buy four buns for one dollar, enough for a day.

Nowadays, it might have doubled at most, but one thousand per person per month was still sufficient.

Of course, such a life couldn't be considered a decent standard of living, only enough to eat.

But for Shelby, a playboy, this was the best solution, absolutely capable of curing his addiction to showing off.

Shelby collapsed when he heard this.

One thousand, to be honest, wasn't even enough for one of his cigars.

And now he had to live on that for a month, wasn't that like asking for his life?

Marceline also cried with heartache, looking at Elsa, choking, "Elsa, plead with Mr. Wade again, don't force your cousin onto a dead-end path."

Elsa was also embarrassed at this point. What could she say? She had already pleaded for her cousin once. At this point, asking her to speak up again would be awkward.

After all, the whole thing was started by her cousin picking a fight. She didn't want Charlie to bear a grudge against him. If that happened, wouldn't it make Charlie feel wronged?

Charlie was her savior several times over, the only man she truly loved. She'd rather see her despicable cousin suffer than see Charlie compromise for her sake.

So, she awkwardly said, "Aunt, you can't always indulge your son like this. In the long run, it'll only harm him."

At this moment, Charlie spoke coldly, "Shelby, I advise you to agree as soon as possible before I change my mind. Otherwise, I'll arrange for you to carry cement on the construction site in Aurous Hill. Do you know what a former CEO of a listed company in the Petrochemical Company in Aurous Hill named Jimmy Zimmer is doing now?"

Shelby shook his head in panic.

With a cold sneer, Charlie continued, "He's now carrying cement on a construction site in Aurous Hill, and he has to do it for twenty years. Do you want to join him?"

Chapter 1595 - "Aurous Awakening: Shelby's Humble Pie"

As soon as Shelby heard that he was supposed to carry cement at a construction site, he immediately shook his head in horror!

Compared to living in the urban village, receiving a monthly allowance of only one thousand , enduring some hardships and suffering a bit, if he really had to carry cement at a construction site, he might end up leaving half of his life there.

So, without much thought, he nodded repeatedly, "Mr. Wade, I accept the conditions you mentioned, and I won't bargain with you anymore! Just don't make me go to the construction site."

Charlie was finally satisfied and said coldly, "When you arrive in Aurous Hill, reform yourself well. Don't always act arrogantly. With your frivolous attitude, you might cause even greater trouble staying in Eastcliff, harming both the Dewey family and the Hansen family!"

On the side, Thibault and Leandro couldn't help but shrink their necks.

Charlie's words had a profound impact on them.

Shelby's temper and personality, if not restrained, he might really cause a disaster!

Today's incident was quite representative. Carelessly, he not only offended Charlie but also offended the young master of the Snow family. If the young master of the Snow family really wanted to confront him, the Dewey family would definitely suffer greatly.

Especially Thibault...

He was even more annoyed.

Shelby was not a member of the Dewey family, although he was his sister's child, he was still an outsider. If this outsider caused trouble for his family, there would be no tears left to cry.

So, he said with a somewhat stern tone, "Little Shelby, when you arrive in Aurous Hill, you must reform yourself well, try to get rid of all those bad habits on you as much as possible, don't keep causing trouble everywhere like you do now, do you understand?"

Shelby stammered, "I understand, uncle."

Marceline was still somewhat dissatisfied. Her elder brother not only didn't stand up for her nephew, but also said such words, which indeed chilled her heart.

Thibault also knew that Marceline must have some opinions, so he said earnestly to her, "Sister Marceline, in the future, you must discipline Little Shelby strictly, don't spoil and indulge him anymore. Otherwise, if Little Shelby causes trouble outside and brings trouble to the Hansen family, as his daughter-in-law, in the eyes of the Hansen family, you will also bear the responsibility of improper discipline, understand?"

When Marceline heard this, she suddenly realized that although her elder brother's words were not very emotionally close, they were all facts.

If Shelby really caused a big disaster and implicated the Hansen family, she, as a daughter-in-law of the Hansen family, would definitely be blamed.


Most people are biased. Although the old couple of the Hansen family treated her well, once Shelby caused trouble and was held accountable, they would definitely feel that their responsibility in educating the child was greater than that of her husband.

If the old people of the Hansen family were really dissatisfied because of this, her position in the Hansen family would be greatly affected.

After all, the current Dewey family's strength was much weaker than before. If her natal family didn't support her and her husband didn't receive much attention from the Hansen family, her status would naturally not rise. If she were affected by her child's trouble in the future, she wouldn't be able to hold her head up in the Hansen family.

Thinking of this, she also said seriously to Shelby, "Little Shelby! You must get rid of all those bad habits on you from now on, do you understand?"

Shelby could only nod obediently.

Now, he really dared not show off anymore.

Just being a son-in-law who came to Aurous Hill could make him look so miserable. If he really offended the young master of a top family, wouldn't he be courting death?

So, he quickly declared, "After grandma's birthday banquet, I will immediately set off and ride my bicycle to Aurous Hill. After arriving in Aurous Hill, I will definitely reflect on myself."

Thus, the farce finally came to an end.
That's very good lesson
I am banned for posting external links
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Thank you IGM Junlee.... You've kept me busy. I love the story. Am heading back to catch up "Lucas Gray" story. I'll be back whenever there's an update

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