"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:
Now Camelia will fall for Charlie, when he saves her in Kyoto. Like John, will Charlie marry multiple people or Claire will end up in giving up Charlie. Very interesting story loved the way it is shaping up.
every women looking to spend time with Charlie except Claire
It is like reading a story from medival time where they don’t have any form of communicatio
every women looking to spend time with Charlie except Claire
It is like reading a story from medival time where they don’t have any form of communication
She is weird, clearly she has fallen for Charlie but she is too shy and stupid for my liking...Charlie has made lots of advances on her and she hardly reciprocates, now other ladies are filling his mind... I don't blame Charlie at all...In all, the writer should help Claire a little.
Yoshito Matsumoto is very clever... but i dont think he will be clever enough against Charlie. I saw someone missing Sarah! Me too! I am team Sarah, but for some reasons, Nanako is like a japanese version of Sarah + martial arts skills and + huge wealth.
Chapter 1751 - "Charlie's Ultimatum: A Deadly Bargain"

Right now, Charlie is strolling the streets of Osaka.

This time, he didn't let Isaac and the others follow him.

The reason is, he wants to take this opportunity to directly deal with the three remaining ninjas tracking him.

As Osaka is the final stop of his journey in Japan, he wants to quickly get rid of these three pests and then make a quick trip to Kyoto.

Intentionally leading Uno and the others away from the bustling area, he prepares to find a suitable place to take action.

However, to his surprise, the three people who had been quietly following him at a distance of two to three hundred meters suddenly turned back.

Charlie couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on? Have they stopped following me? Have they noticed something?"

"But it shouldn't be, I'm alone and haven't shown any signs of attack, I've even been completely ignorant of their presence, they shouldn't have any reason to sense anything unusual."

"Could it be that they have something urgent to attend to? Or perhaps, is it that Shinzhi has given up on having them track me?"

With these thoughts, Charlie sighed, turned around, and started following the three individuals.

He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for himself. After all, these ninjas had been following him for so long. If he just let them go, who knows if they might come back to attack later?

Even worse, who knows if they might follow him to Aurous Hill and cause trouble after he leaves Japan?

In Aurous Hill, there is his wife, Claire, who is his weak spot. He cannot allow her to be put in danger!

So, today, he decides to let these three individuals stay behind!

Uno never expected Charlie to turn around and track them. He always thought Charlie hadn't noticed their presence, so now he, along with his two junior brothers, is running towards the hotel's location.

It's late now, and with the Shinkansen and flights to Tokyo no longer an option, the best way is to drive all the way.

If they drive fast, they can reach Tokyo in five to six hours.

Therefore, they need to return to the hotel to get the car and then quickly head to Tokyo.

The three of them hurriedly arrived at the hotel.

At the hotel entrance, Uno instructed, "Brother Dos, come with me to the room to pack up, Brother Tres, go to the underground parking lot to get the car, then wait at the hotel entrance, we'll be down to meet you soon!"

"Okay!" Tres nodded, and the three split up, two taking the elevator upstairs to the room to pack up their belongings and listening devices, while one went to the underground parking lot to get the car.

As soon as Uno entered the elevator, he quickly called Shinzhi to report.

After the call connected, he respectfully said, "Mr. Takahashi, we will be leaving for Tokyo in five minutes. We are expected to arrive in over four hours! Please stay at home and wait for us to arrive before doing anything during these few hours."

Shinzhi sounded a bit flustered, "Tenglin, I just inquired again through someone, and it's said that the other party's methods are extremely ruthless, even using Sarin gas, this is insane! I'm really afraid they might come after me, how many experts does the Tenglin family have in Tokyo? Quickly have them come to my house to protect me!"

Uno hurriedly replied, "Mr. Takahashi, we don't have many available hands in Tokyo now because the rest of our personnel have been sent to Kyoto, keeping an eye on Nanako. Should I notify them to rush back?"

After a moment of hesitation, Shinzhi said, "No need! Leave them in Kyoto! As long as they can control Nanako, I still have the leverage to negotiate with Takehiko! Don't put all your eggs in one basket!"

Uno immediately responded, "Alright, we will head back first, ensuring your safety!"

Meanwhile, Uno's third junior, brother Tres, exited the elevator on Dos underground level and ran all the way to the car.

Just as he unlocked the car door to get in, he suddenly felt a strong force grab him tightly by the neck from behind!

Next, he saw someone holding a hand sword firmly against his throat!

And this hand sword he recognised! It belongs to his junior brother, Quatro!

In a panic, he thought to himself, "Could this person be the one who killed my junior brother?"

Terrified, he blurted out, "Big brother, spare my life! Please don't kill me!"

Charlie coldly replied, "If you want to live, do as I say!"

Chapter 1752 - "Punctured Plans: Tres' Fateful Encounter"

In this moment.

Uno and Dos quickly packed up some important items, then took the elevator to the hotel lobby.

They didn't even bother checking out, just eager to get in the car and head back to Tokyo.

However, as they stepped out, they realized their car wasn't waiting for them.

Uno cursed, "Bloody hell, what's that idiot doing! Give him a call!"

Brother Dos immediately pulled out his phone and dialed, scolding, "Mate, what are you doing? Why aren't you out here yet!"

At the request of Charlie, Tres spoke up, "Brother Dos, one of the tyres is flat, I think it got punctured somewhere, I'm inflating it slowly, I was just about to change to the spare tyre, can you come down and help me out!"

"Damn it!" Brother Dos turned to Uno and said, "Senior brother, one of the tyres might be punctured, I'll go help him change it."

Uno nodded, instructing, "Both of you, hurry up!"

In the underground car park.

Tres, with a sword at his neck by Charlie, pleaded, "Brother, I made the call as you instructed, can you spare my life..."

Charlie smirked, "You did well, I'll make your suffering a bit shorter!"

Before he could react, Charlie exerted force!

With a crack, the man's neck was instantly twisted, losing all consciousness in that moment, becoming a lifeless body.

Without hesitation, Charlie immediately moved his body next to the car, positioning him with his back to the front, giving the impression of inspecting the rear.

Meanwhile, Charlie himself hid his presence behind the adjacent car, waiting for the next fish to take the bait.

At that moment, Dos rushed over in a flurry.

Due to his haste, his alertness dropped significantly, seeing Tres still dazed by the tyre, he became furious.

He hurried over, fiercely slapping the back of Tres's head, scolding, "Idiot! Are you just standing there watching? Don't you know to get the spare tyre and jack out first?!"

With that, Tres's body was smacked so hard that he staggered and fell to the ground.

Seeing his wide-eyed, lifeless look, Dos was petrified!

At that moment, he realised that the three of them were being targeted!

And the ones targeting them were likely the same group that killed Quatro brother, Quatro!

With this realization, he panicked and tried to flee.

But as he turned around, a man's figure suddenly appeared before him! This dark figure swiftly reached out a hand, tightly gripping his neck!

Dos was instantly unable to breathe.

Yet, in that moment, he also recognised the man before him.

Wasn't this man the Chinese who had been following them all the way from Tokyo?!

At that moment, Dos's mind was on the verge of exploding!

In utter shock, he exclaimed, "Could it be... Could it be that the one who killed Quatro and Tres is this Chinese man?! Could it be... Could it be that he's been playing us all along?!"

As he was filled with horror, Charlie's lips curved into a cold smile, teasingly saying, "Mate, where do you think you're running off to?"

Chapter 1753 - "Neck Snaps and Silent Trunks: Charlie's Grim Task"

"I... I... *cough cough*..."

Dos, being choked, turned blue in the face instantly.

He tried to speak but could only manage to utter one word.

With a terrified and pleading look in his eyes, he gazed at Charlie, hoping for mercy.

However, Charlie calmly stated, "If someone doesn't provoke me, I won't provoke them. Starting from Tokyo, you guys have been tracking and eavesdropping on me all the way, intending to get rid of me before I leave Japan. Do you think I would let you off?"

Dos was already filled with despair.

Charlie nonchalantly continued, "Alright, I'll make it quick for you."

With that, he applied a slight force with his hand, and a crisp sound came from the other party's neck, indicating the loss of life.

Afterwards, Charlie stuffed the bodies of Dos and Tres into the trunk, as if these two individuals had never been there.

Upon completing these actions, Charlie took out his phone and called Isaac, "Have your men bring the refrigerated truck to the hotel entrance."

At the hotel entrance, Uno waited for nearly ten minutes, growing anxious as the two individuals had not yet come out with the car.

Changing a tire might be a bit troublesome, but with two people working together, it shouldn't take this long, right? He then took out his phone and tried calling Tres.

No one answered the call.

Subsequently, he tried calling Dos, but again, no one answered.

Both of their phones going unanswered was indeed unusually excessive!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in Uno's heart.

He remembered the death of Quatro and a chill ran down his spine!

"Could it be that we are being targeted now?!"

"Have Dos and Tres already met with misfortune?!"

With these thoughts in mind, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and check the situation in the underground parking lot.

However, just as he took a couple of steps forward, he immediately halted.

"If Dos and Tres have really met with misfortune, the strength of the other party is definitely beyond what I can handle..."

"It seems like the best course of action now is to retreat as a strategy!"

With a panicked heart, Uno turned around, ready to quickly leave the scene.

He planned to first depart from this troublesome place, ensure that he was not being followed, and then figure out a way to leave Osaka.


Just as he suddenly turned around to leave, he accidentally bumped into a man.

At that moment, he was in a state of panic, lacking his usual calmness and alertness. Without even looking at the man he collided with, he immediately apologised and tried to leave.

However, he felt his arm being grabbed by the other person, and then heard a familiar voice asking, "Mr. Tenglin, where are you rushing off to?"

The moment Uno heard Charlie's voice, his whole body trembled violently!

He had eavesdropped on Charlie in a hotel in Nagoya, so he immediately recognised the voice!

As he subconsciously raised his head to look, he saw Charlie smiling at him.

Uno, filled with fear, asked, "How did you... how did you..."

Chapter 1754 - "Icy Revenge: Charlie's Final Orders"

Charlie chuckled and asked, "Are you wondering how I knew about your identity?"

Uno widened his eyes and stared at Charlie, "You... you knew all along?!"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, I knew!"

"That's impossible!"

"What's so impossible about it? Blame the impressive skills of your Japanese ninjas, they are quite good at pretending to be something they're not."

Uno was struck as if by lightning, blurted out, "You killed my junior brother, didn't you?!"

Charlie nodded generously and said, "Yes, it was me."

Adding, Charlie continued, "Your second and third junior brothers were also killed by me, their bodies are now lying in the trunk of your car."

"Damn it!" Uno roared, then a dagger fell from his left sleeve into his hand.

He then concentrated all his strength in his left hand and thrust towards Charlie with all his might.

Watching his movements, Charlie smiled slightly, grabbed his right arm with one hand, and discreetly caught his left wrist with the other.

Uno was caught off guard by Charlie's unexpectedly strong grip, rendering him completely immobile.

Seeing his shocked expression, Charlie said with a smile, "Mr. Tenglin, don't be so tense. If you give up resistance, I can make your journey less painful when the time comes!"

Uno, overwhelmed with fear, said, "Sir! I was only following orders from Shinzhi, he asked me to track you, please spare my life..."

Charlie replied coldly, "What goes around comes around. It's your own fault for sticking your neck out, who can you blame if it gets chopped off?"

Uno pleaded, "As long as you spare my life, I'm willing to help you kill Shinzhi and seek revenge for you!"

"No need," Charlie said icily, "I detest the likes of you who sell out their masters for personal gain the most. Whether you die or live, it's all the same to me. If you had a bit more sincerity and integrity in your death, I might consider you a man."

Uno choked up, "Sir, in China, there's an old saying that goes, 'It's better to live a dog's life than to die a hero,' even if I have to be your dog, it's better than dying..."

Charlie calmly smiled, "You're not even worthy of being my dog."

With that, Charlie exerted force on his wrist's pulse point, sending a surge of energy through his meridians, destroying all the meridians in his body.

Uno suddenly felt his legs go weak, then his entire body gave way, as if all his strength had been sucked out in an instant.

Terrified and unsure of what was happening, a refrigerated container truck pulled over by the roadside.

One of Isaac's men got out of the truck and respectfully asked Charlie, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

Charlie smiled slightly, supported the limp Uno, and told Isaac's man, "My friend here has had a bit too much to drink. Take him to your car, he has two more friends, I'll have someone drive them out later."

The man immediately understood, nodded, took Uno, and prepared to lift him into the front passenger seat of the refrigerated truck.

Terrified, Uno blurted out, "Where are you taking me?!"

Charlie chuckled, "You see, your whole body has turned into mush now, it doesn't fit the characteristics of your Japanese ninjas, aren't they supposed to be reserved and tough as nails? I'll put you in the container truck for a few hours, I guarantee you'll regain that ninja toughness!"

"What?! Freezing?!" Uno pleaded in despair, "Sir, I beg you, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

After speaking, he looked into the distance and shouted to passersby, "Help... help..."

However, the next moment, he realized that not only did he have no strength left in his body, even his voice had become incredibly weak.

Though he was shouting at the top of his lungs, the sound probably couldn't be heard even two meters away...

At that moment, Isaac also rushed over, and asked urgently, "Young Master, is everything alright?"

Charlie handed him a set of car keys and said, "There's a van in parking spot 094 in the basement, there are two ninjas in the trunk. Take the car out, join the refrigerated truck, go to a safe place, then put the people in the trunk, along with the guy in the front passenger seat, into the freezer. Deliver these four ice sculptures to Shinzhi's doorstep in Tokyo for him to collect!"

Chapter 1755 - "Locked Down: Tokyo's Desperate Search"

Five hours later.

The sky was gradually brightening.

Between the Tokyo skyline, a hint of dawn appeared.

A new day began, with many people waking up from their slumber, while many others had not slept at all.

The previous night had turned Tokyo upside down.

The entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police was mobilized, even borrowing a large number of personnel from surrounding small cities. They not only turned Tokyo inside out but also sealed off all roads leading out of Tokyo, conducting thorough searches on every vehicle leaving the city, all in an effort to find the whereabouts of the Salvador siblings.

Overnight, Tokyo was completely locked down!

The sharp-witted media had already received the news that the eldest grandson and granddaughter of China's first family were kidnapped in Tokyo, with over a dozen of their entourage members killed.

The explosive nature of this news was unprecedented!

While Tokyo had experienced terrorist attacks and major criminal cases before, nothing of this heinous nature had ever occurred!

It's worth noting that the Salvador family is the wealthiest and most powerful family in China.

For such a serious criminal case to happen to them in Japan, it even surpassed the kidnapping of Bill Gates in Tokyo.

Members of the Salvador family searched throughout Tokyo all night.

This time, not only did the Salvador family bring hundreds of hidden experts, even Virtuoso himself came in person.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police attached great importance to Virtuoso's arrival, with the police chief personally inviting him to the police headquarters to brief him on the progress of the case.

The so-called progress of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was actually just bringing Shinzhi and Takehiko in for interrogation.

Because in their view, both of these individuals were suspicious.

Moreover, both of them believed that the other must be involved and had harmed them.

Takehiko believed that Shinzhi must have intentionally wanted to frame the Ito family with this incident, using the Salvador family's help to completely eradicate the Ito family.

Shinzhi, on the other hand, believed that Takehiko must have thought he couldn't get the Salvador family's cooperation and intentionally wanted to falsely accuse him, hence leaving a Tenglin family ninja dart at the scene, clearly trying to shift the blame!

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police was also puzzled.

Although both of these individuals seemed to have motives, the police department couldn't find any substantial evidence.

The only evidence was the ninja dart left at the scene.

This ninja dart indeed belonged to the Tenglin family, which was well known to be affiliated with the Takahashi family in Tokyo, a fact that the police department was well aware of.

However, this evidence was somewhat out of place.

Because at the scene where the ninja dart was found, no one had been injured by it. The perpetrator was so professional, killing over a dozen people without leaving a single survivor, so why would they leave behind a ninja dart that was never used?

This was likely a diversion tactic left by the perpetrator.

Therefore, the police chief said to Virtuoso, with a serious expression, "Mr. Salvador, we need to continue to investigate this matter further. Relying solely on a ninja dart makes it difficult to explain the situation, and this could very well be a smoke screen left by the other party to confuse us!"

Virtuoso, with a stern face, said to the police chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, "I don't care if it's a smoke screen! If the Tokyo Metropolitan Police can find my son and daughter within 24 hours and ensure their safety, I will not hold the Tokyo Metropolitan Police accountable for this matter. But if it exceeds 24 hours, or if anything happens to my son and daughter, I will definitely make this matter known to the whole world! I will completely tarnish the reputation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police!"

The police chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was at a loss.
Chapter 1751 - "Charlie's Ultimatum: A Deadly Bargain"

Right now, Charlie is strolling the streets of Osaka.

This time, he didn't let Isaac and the others follow him.

The reason is, he wants to take this opportunity to directly deal with the three remaining ninjas tracking him.

As Osaka is the final stop of his journey in Japan, he wants to quickly get rid of these three pests and then make a quick trip to Kyoto.

Intentionally leading Uno and the others away from the bustling area, he prepares to find a suitable place to take action.

However, to his surprise, the three people who had been quietly following him at a distance of two to three hundred meters suddenly turned back.

Charlie couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on? Have they stopped following me? Have they noticed something?"

"But it shouldn't be, I'm alone and haven't shown any signs of attack, I've even been completely ignorant of their presence, they shouldn't have any reason to sense anything unusual."

"Could it be that they have something urgent to attend to? Or perhaps, is it that Shinzhi has given up on having them track me?"

With these thoughts, Charlie sighed, turned around, and started following the three individuals.

He didn't want to leave any hidden dangers for himself. After all, these ninjas had been following him for so long. If he just let them go, who knows if they might come back to attack later?

Even worse, who knows if they might follow him to Aurous Hill and cause trouble after he leaves Japan?

In Aurous Hill, there is his wife, Claire, who is his weak spot. He cannot allow her to be put in danger!

So, today, he decides to let these three individuals stay behind!

Uno never expected Charlie to turn around and track them. He always thought Charlie hadn't noticed their presence, so now he, along with his two junior brothers, is running towards the hotel's location.

It's late now, and with the Shinkansen and flights to Tokyo no longer an option, the best way is to drive all the way.

If they drive fast, they can reach Tokyo in five to six hours.

Therefore, they need to return to the hotel to get the car and then quickly head to Tokyo.

The three of them hurriedly arrived at the hotel.

At the hotel entrance, Uno instructed, "Brother Dos, come with me to the room to pack up, Brother Tres, go to the underground parking lot to get the car, then wait at the hotel entrance, we'll be down to meet you soon!"

"Okay!" Tres nodded, and the three split up, two taking the elevator upstairs to the room to pack up their belongings and listening devices, while one went to the underground parking lot to get the car.

As soon as Uno entered the elevator, he quickly called Shinzhi to report.

After the call connected, he respectfully said, "Mr. Takahashi, we will be leaving for Tokyo in five minutes. We are expected to arrive in over four hours! Please stay at home and wait for us to arrive before doing anything during these few hours."

Shinzhi sounded a bit flustered, "Tenglin, I just inquired again through someone, and it's said that the other party's methods are extremely ruthless, even using Sarin gas, this is insane! I'm really afraid they might come after me, how many experts does the Tenglin family have in Tokyo? Quickly have them come to my house to protect me!"

Uno hurriedly replied, "Mr. Takahashi, we don't have many available hands in Tokyo now because the rest of our personnel have been sent to Kyoto, keeping an eye on Nanako. Should I notify them to rush back?"

After a moment of hesitation, Shinzhi said, "No need! Leave them in Kyoto! As long as they can control Nanako, I still have the leverage to negotiate with Takehiko! Don't put all your eggs in one basket!"

Uno immediately responded, "Alright, we will head back first, ensuring your safety!"

Meanwhile, Uno's third junior, brother Tres, exited the elevator on Dos underground level and ran all the way to the car.

Just as he unlocked the car door to get in, he suddenly felt a strong force grab him tightly by the neck from behind!

Next, he saw someone holding a hand sword firmly against his throat!

And this hand sword he recognised! It belongs to his junior brother, Quatro!

In a panic, he thought to himself, "Could this person be the one who killed my junior brother?"

Terrified, he blurted out, "Big brother, spare my life! Please don't kill me!"

Charlie coldly replied, "If you want to live, do as I say!"

Chapter 1752 - "Punctured Plans: Tres' Fateful Encounter"

In this moment.

Uno and Dos quickly packed up some important items, then took the elevator to the hotel lobby.

They didn't even bother checking out, just eager to get in the car and head back to Tokyo.

However, as they stepped out, they realized their car wasn't waiting for them.

Uno cursed, "Bloody hell, what's that idiot doing! Give him a call!"

Brother Dos immediately pulled out his phone and dialed, scolding, "Mate, what are you doing? Why aren't you out here yet!"

At the request of Charlie, Tres spoke up, "Brother Dos, one of the tyres is flat, I think it got punctured somewhere, I'm inflating it slowly, I was just about to change to the spare tyre, can you come down and help me out!"

"Damn it!" Brother Dos turned to Uno and said, "Senior brother, one of the tyres might be punctured, I'll go help him change it."

Uno nodded, instructing, "Both of you, hurry up!"

In the underground car park.

Tres, with a sword at his neck by Charlie, pleaded, "Brother, I made the call as you instructed, can you spare my life..."

Charlie smirked, "You did well, I'll make your suffering a bit shorter!"

Before he could react, Charlie exerted force!

With a crack, the man's neck was instantly twisted, losing all consciousness in that moment, becoming a lifeless body.

Without hesitation, Charlie immediately moved his body next to the car, positioning him with his back to the front, giving the impression of inspecting the rear.

Meanwhile, Charlie himself hid his presence behind the adjacent car, waiting for the next fish to take the bait.

At that moment, Dos rushed over in a flurry.

Due to his haste, his alertness dropped significantly, seeing Tres still dazed by the tyre, he became furious.

He hurried over, fiercely slapping the back of Tres's head, scolding, "Idiot! Are you just standing there watching? Don't you know to get the spare tyre and jack out first?!"

With that, Tres's body was smacked so hard that he staggered and fell to the ground.

Seeing his wide-eyed, lifeless look, Dos was petrified!

At that moment, he realised that the three of them were being targeted!

And the ones targeting them were likely the same group that killed Quatro brother, Quatro!

With this realization, he panicked and tried to flee.

But as he turned around, a man's figure suddenly appeared before him! This dark figure swiftly reached out a hand, tightly gripping his neck!

Dos was instantly unable to breathe.

Yet, in that moment, he also recognised the man before him.

Wasn't this man the Chinese who had been following them all the way from Tokyo?!

At that moment, Dos's mind was on the verge of exploding!

In utter shock, he exclaimed, "Could it be... Could it be that the one who killed Quatro and Tres is this Chinese man?! Could it be... Could it be that he's been playing us all along?!"

As he was filled with horror, Charlie's lips curved into a cold smile, teasingly saying, "Mate, where do you think you're running off to?"

Chapter 1753 - "Neck Snaps and Silent Trunks: Charlie's Grim Task"

"I... I... *cough cough*..."

Dos, being choked, turned blue in the face instantly.

He tried to speak but could only manage to utter one word.

With a terrified and pleading look in his eyes, he gazed at Charlie, hoping for mercy.

However, Charlie calmly stated, "If someone doesn't provoke me, I won't provoke them. Starting from Tokyo, you guys have been tracking and eavesdropping on me all the way, intending to get rid of me before I leave Japan. Do you think I would let you off?"

Dos was already filled with despair.

Charlie nonchalantly continued, "Alright, I'll make it quick for you."

With that, he applied a slight force with his hand, and a crisp sound came from the other party's neck, indicating the loss of life.

Afterwards, Charlie stuffed the bodies of Dos and Tres into the trunk, as if these two individuals had never been there.

Upon completing these actions, Charlie took out his phone and called Isaac, "Have your men bring the refrigerated truck to the hotel entrance."

At the hotel entrance, Uno waited for nearly ten minutes, growing anxious as the two individuals had not yet come out with the car.

Changing a tire might be a bit troublesome, but with two people working together, it shouldn't take this long, right? He then took out his phone and tried calling Tres.

No one answered the call.

Subsequently, he tried calling Dos, but again, no one answered.

Both of their phones going unanswered was indeed unusually excessive!

A strong sense of crisis suddenly surged in Uno's heart.

He remembered the death of Quatro and a chill ran down his spine!

"Could it be that we are being targeted now?!"

"Have Dos and Tres already met with misfortune?!"

With these thoughts in mind, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and check the situation in the underground parking lot.

However, just as he took a couple of steps forward, he immediately halted.

"If Dos and Tres have really met with misfortune, the strength of the other party is definitely beyond what I can handle..."

"It seems like the best course of action now is to retreat as a strategy!"

With a panicked heart, Uno turned around, ready to quickly leave the scene.

He planned to first depart from this troublesome place, ensure that he was not being followed, and then figure out a way to leave Osaka.


Just as he suddenly turned around to leave, he accidentally bumped into a man.

At that moment, he was in a state of panic, lacking his usual calmness and alertness. Without even looking at the man he collided with, he immediately apologised and tried to leave.

However, he felt his arm being grabbed by the other person, and then heard a familiar voice asking, "Mr. Tenglin, where are you rushing off to?"

The moment Uno heard Charlie's voice, his whole body trembled violently!

He had eavesdropped on Charlie in a hotel in Nagoya, so he immediately recognised the voice!

As he subconsciously raised his head to look, he saw Charlie smiling at him.

Uno, filled with fear, asked, "How did you... how did you..."

Chapter 1754 - "Icy Revenge: Charlie's Final Orders"

Charlie chuckled and asked, "Are you wondering how I knew about your identity?"

Uno widened his eyes and stared at Charlie, "You... you knew all along?!"

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, I knew!"

"That's impossible!"

"What's so impossible about it? Blame the impressive skills of your Japanese ninjas, they are quite good at pretending to be something they're not."

Uno was struck as if by lightning, blurted out, "You killed my junior brother, didn't you?!"

Charlie nodded generously and said, "Yes, it was me."

Adding, Charlie continued, "Your second and third junior brothers were also killed by me, their bodies are now lying in the trunk of your car."

"Damn it!" Uno roared, then a dagger fell from his left sleeve into his hand.

He then concentrated all his strength in his left hand and thrust towards Charlie with all his might.

Watching his movements, Charlie smiled slightly, grabbed his right arm with one hand, and discreetly caught his left wrist with the other.

Uno was caught off guard by Charlie's unexpectedly strong grip, rendering him completely immobile.

Seeing his shocked expression, Charlie said with a smile, "Mr. Tenglin, don't be so tense. If you give up resistance, I can make your journey less painful when the time comes!"

Uno, overwhelmed with fear, said, "Sir! I was only following orders from Shinzhi, he asked me to track you, please spare my life..."

Charlie replied coldly, "What goes around comes around. It's your own fault for sticking your neck out, who can you blame if it gets chopped off?"

Uno pleaded, "As long as you spare my life, I'm willing to help you kill Shinzhi and seek revenge for you!"

"No need," Charlie said icily, "I detest the likes of you who sell out their masters for personal gain the most. Whether you die or live, it's all the same to me. If you had a bit more sincerity and integrity in your death, I might consider you a man."

Uno choked up, "Sir, in China, there's an old saying that goes, 'It's better to live a dog's life than to die a hero,' even if I have to be your dog, it's better than dying..."

Charlie calmly smiled, "You're not even worthy of being my dog."

With that, Charlie exerted force on his wrist's pulse point, sending a surge of energy through his meridians, destroying all the meridians in his body.

Uno suddenly felt his legs go weak, then his entire body gave way, as if all his strength had been sucked out in an instant.

Terrified and unsure of what was happening, a refrigerated container truck pulled over by the roadside.

One of Isaac's men got out of the truck and respectfully asked Charlie, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

Charlie smiled slightly, supported the limp Uno, and told Isaac's man, "My friend here has had a bit too much to drink. Take him to your car, he has two more friends, I'll have someone drive them out later."

The man immediately understood, nodded, took Uno, and prepared to lift him into the front passenger seat of the refrigerated truck.

Terrified, Uno blurted out, "Where are you taking me?!"

Charlie chuckled, "You see, your whole body has turned into mush now, it doesn't fit the characteristics of your Japanese ninjas, aren't they supposed to be reserved and tough as nails? I'll put you in the container truck for a few hours, I guarantee you'll regain that ninja toughness!"

"What?! Freezing?!" Uno pleaded in despair, "Sir, I beg you, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

After speaking, he looked into the distance and shouted to passersby, "Help... help..."

However, the next moment, he realized that not only did he have no strength left in his body, even his voice had become incredibly weak.

Though he was shouting at the top of his lungs, the sound probably couldn't be heard even two meters away...

At that moment, Isaac also rushed over, and asked urgently, "Young Master, is everything alright?"

Charlie handed him a set of car keys and said, "There's a van in parking spot 094 in the basement, there are two ninjas in the trunk. Take the car out, join the refrigerated truck, go to a safe place, then put the people in the trunk, along with the guy in the front passenger seat, into the freezer. Deliver these four ice sculptures to Shinzhi's doorstep in Tokyo for him to collect!"

Chapter 1755 - "Locked Down: Tokyo's Desperate Search"

Five hours later.

The sky was gradually brightening.

Between the Tokyo skyline, a hint of dawn appeared.

A new day began, with many people waking up from their slumber, while many others had not slept at all.

The previous night had turned Tokyo upside down.

The entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police was mobilized, even borrowing a large number of personnel from surrounding small cities. They not only turned Tokyo inside out but also sealed off all roads leading out of Tokyo, conducting thorough searches on every vehicle leaving the city, all in an effort to find the whereabouts of the Salvador siblings.

Overnight, Tokyo was completely locked down!

The sharp-witted media had already received the news that the eldest grandson and granddaughter of China's first family were kidnapped in Tokyo, with over a dozen of their entourage members killed.

The explosive nature of this news was unprecedented!

While Tokyo had experienced terrorist attacks and major criminal cases before, nothing of this heinous nature had ever occurred!

It's worth noting that the Salvador family is the wealthiest and most powerful family in China.

For such a serious criminal case to happen to them in Japan, it even surpassed the kidnapping of Bill Gates in Tokyo.

Members of the Salvador family searched throughout Tokyo all night.

This time, not only did the Salvador family bring hundreds of hidden experts, even Virtuoso himself came in person.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police attached great importance to Virtuoso's arrival, with the police chief personally inviting him to the police headquarters to brief him on the progress of the case.

The so-called progress of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was actually just bringing Shinzhi and Takehiko in for interrogation.

Because in their view, both of these individuals were suspicious.

Moreover, both of them believed that the other must be involved and had harmed them.

Takehiko believed that Shinzhi must have intentionally wanted to frame the Ito family with this incident, using the Salvador family's help to completely eradicate the Ito family.

Shinzhi, on the other hand, believed that Takehiko must have thought he couldn't get the Salvador family's cooperation and intentionally wanted to falsely accuse him, hence leaving a Tenglin family ninja dart at the scene, clearly trying to shift the blame!

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police was also puzzled.

Although both of these individuals seemed to have motives, the police department couldn't find any substantial evidence.

The only evidence was the ninja dart left at the scene.

This ninja dart indeed belonged to the Tenglin family, which was well known to be affiliated with the Takahashi family in Tokyo, a fact that the police department was well aware of.

However, this evidence was somewhat out of place.

Because at the scene where the ninja dart was found, no one had been injured by it. The perpetrator was so professional, killing over a dozen people without leaving a single survivor, so why would they leave behind a ninja dart that was never used?

This was likely a diversion tactic left by the perpetrator.

Therefore, the police chief said to Virtuoso, with a serious expression, "Mr. Salvador, we need to continue to investigate this matter further. Relying solely on a ninja dart makes it difficult to explain the situation, and this could very well be a smoke screen left by the other party to confuse us!"

Virtuoso, with a stern face, said to the police chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, "I don't care if it's a smoke screen! If the Tokyo Metropolitan Police can find my son and daughter within 24 hours and ensure their safety, I will not hold the Tokyo Metropolitan Police accountable for this matter. But if it exceeds 24 hours, or if anything happens to my son and daughter, I will definitely make this matter known to the whole world! I will completely tarnish the reputation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police!"

The police chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was at a loss.
This story always makes you to wait for the next chapter. Charlie, John and Levi. God bless the Immortals for all their efforts to translate for us..
Chapter 1756 - "Tokyo's Ticking Time Bomb: Virtuoso's Ultimatum"

After 7 o'clock in the morning, the media will definitely extensively report this incident.

By then, it will surely spread throughout Japan.

If within 24 hours, one cannot rescue the people, this news will definitely spread globally.

By then, it will not just be a scandal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, but even a scandal of the entire Japan!

If Japan's public security is so poor, the culprit is so brutal and formidable, who else of importance would dare to come to Tokyo in the future?

Not only the wealthy and entrepreneurs would be afraid to come, even political figures from other countries would probably not dare to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads globally, it will surely plunge the whole of Japan into a diplomatic crisis!

Therefore, he immediately asked his subordinates, "Have the detailed autopsy results come out?"

The chief forensic pathologist responsible for the autopsy hurriedly came to report to the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Virtuoso, "Through our autopsy, we found that over a dozen of Salvador's followers who died from poisoning, without exception, all died from sarin gas poisoning, and we discovered that they all died from liquid sarin gas poisoning."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Liquid sarin gas, what does that mean?"

The forensic pathologist explained urgently, "Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at room temperature, very similar to glycerin. When used in warfare, it is dispersed into a large aerosol through explosions, causing poisoning through inhalation or skin contact."

"But this time, the culprit definitely did not want to cause a big commotion with an explosion, so they used a carrier similar to a syringe needle to inject around 30 milligrams of liquid sarin gas, projecting it onto the victims from a certain distance, causing them to die from poisoning."

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly asked, "So, that ninja dart was indeed not actually used?"


The head of the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but ask Virtuoso, "Mr. Salvador, could the mastermind behind this be an enemy of the Salvador family?"

Virtuoso's face turned pale as he said, "I don't care who the enemy is, all I know is that my son and daughter were kidnapped in Tokyo! You must find them for me unharmed!"

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department, feeling extremely helpless, quickly arranged, "Firstly, intensify the search, do not overlook any suspicious locations, vehicles, or individuals! Secondly, release Takehiko and Shinzhi, then closely monitor their every move to see if we can find any clues!"

Inside the interrogation room, Shinzhi, upon hearing that she was allowed to go home, hurriedly asked, "It's been quite turbulent these days, can I stay at the Metropolitan Police Department for now?"

The investigating officer angrily said, "You treat the Tokyo Metropolitan Police like a hotel? Get out now, or we'll get tough!"

Shinzhi, feeling helpless, had to quickly return home from the Metropolitan Police Department under the escort of several bodyguards.

Throughout the journey, Shinzhi remained on edge.

He was afraid of being ambushed, especially since Uno and the others were not by his side. If anything happened, he probably wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

So, he immediately called Uno.

However, despite making several calls, no one answered, which made him even more nervous.

"What the hell is going on? It's been hours, they should have returned to Tokyo from Osaka by now, why can't I reach them on the phone?"

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and made several more calls to Uno's two junior brothers, but none of them went through.

At this moment, he already had a vague sense that something was wrong. Could it be that Uno and the other two, like their fourth junior brother, were all taken out by those mysterious ninjas?

Just then, the housekeeper called, and in a rush, said, "Master, a mysterious person just delivered a big gift for you!"

Shinzhi asked in fear, "A gift?! What kind of gift?!"

"A truck!"

Chapter 1757 - "Eiji's Tuna Trouble: A Fishy Situation"

"What on earth is this about a truck?!"

The butler hurriedly explained, "The other party drove a truck to the villa gate, claiming that the truck was filled with a gift for you."

"Where is the person?!"

"I heard through the intercom at the gate when I came out, the person was already gone, but the truck remained."

Upon hearing this, Shinzhi trembled in fear!

Who would use a truck to deliver a gift? And leave the truck at their own doorstep?!

Moreover, at such a sensitive time!

Thinking about this, he nervously asked, "Have you opened and checked what's inside?"

The butler replied, "Not yet, I thought we would wait for your return to open it."

Shinzhi blurted out, "Call the police! Quickly call the police! There might be a bomb in that truck!"

The butler hastily said, "Sir, we have conducted tests for explosives and toxic substances, and found nothing unusual."

"No anomalies?" Shinzhi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Generally, when someone intends to harm others, it's either through a bomb or poison. Since no anomalies were found after testing, there should be no issue.

The equipment used at home to detect explosives and toxic substances is similar to that used at airports and customs, with extremely high accuracy. If there were any similar substances, they would not be able to hide undetected.

With this in mind, he said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, wait for me."

Ending the call, Shinzhi couldn't help but rub his temples, feeling exhausted.

From yesterday to today, Tokyo had been incredibly chaotic, to the point where he was becoming somewhat paranoid.

Ten minutes later, Shinzhi returned to his villa.

One of the biggest differences between Japan and China is that many houses in Japan are not built by developers but by the homeowners themselves, similar to China several decades ago. Regardless of wealth, people in Japan buy land and build their own homes.

Therefore, in Japan, the concept of residential complexes, communities, and apartments is rare.

Shinzhi's mansion, not far from the Imperial Palace in Japan, had an excellent location and a vast area.

As he approached the entrance of his home, he immediately noticed a refrigerated truck parked by the roadside.

At that moment, the butler rushed over to open the car door for him, respectfully saying, "Sir, this is the vehicle. The door is locked, the engine is running, and the refrigeration unit at the back is still active."

Shinzhi rubbed his chin and muttered, "Who the hell sent this? Is someone delivering ice cream to me in the middle of winter?"

Eiji, with both hands in plaster, also emerged from the luxurious gate with the help of a servant, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He saw Shinzhi and the refrigerated truck still running, and asked in surprise, "Dad, what's going on?"

Shinzhi shook his head and said, "I have no idea which idiot drove this truck here, claiming it's a gift for me."

Eiji frowned and asked, "Is it the seafood delivery truck? I ordered a premium bluefin tuna yesterday, supposed to be delivered these days."

The butler hurriedly explained, "Young master, the delivery person said it's a gift for the master, not for you."

Eiji said, "It could be a mix-up, who knows. Where's the delivery person?"


"Strange," Eiji mumbled, "Why would they leave the truck after delivering something?"

Shinzhi furrowed his brow, "I can't shake off this feeling of something being off."

The butler then suggested, "Sir, we have checked with the equipment, there should be no danger. Would you like to open the refrigeration unit and take a look?"

Chapter 1758 - "Ice Lollies and Insanity: Shinzhi's Nightmare Unfolds"

Shinzhi pondered for a moment, nodding lightly, "Let's open it and see what's really going on!"

The butler immediately instructed two servants, "You two, go and open the door of the freezer!"

The two quickly approached, unlocking the freezer door from both sides.

Just as they were about to open it, Shinzhi instinctively took a few steps back.

His nerves were on edge today, feeling like there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere in the world.

The doors of the car opened, releasing a burst of white mist.

With the recent damp weather in Tokyo and a slight rise in temperature, around three to four degrees Celsius, the freezer's temperature was below minus twenty degrees, causing the vapor to form when the warm air met the cold.

Everyone stared as the mist gradually dispersed, revealing the items inside the car, finally presenting them in front of everyone.

But as everyone looked up, they were all shocked and screamed in unison!

Inside the car, there were four neatly sculpted ice figures!

And these four ice sculptures were none other than Uno, frozen into ice lollies, along with his three disciples!

The figures of these four people were bizarre!

One person was contorted to swallow their own feet, standing in a pose resembling a rooster, representing Quatro, the first one killed by Charlie.

Two others were standing side by side, arms around each other's shoulders, depicting Dos and third disciples.

As for Uno, one hand was on the hip, while the other hand was pointing a middle finger outside the car.

Except for Quatro's death pose, the other three figures were frozen harder and then sculpted by Isaac's men to resemble plastic models.

To stabilize the sculptures, they sprinkled some water on them, which froze into ice, solidifying their shapes completely.

Thus, the eerie scene before everyone's eyes came to be.

Eiji was close by, took one look, and exclaimed in fear, "Ah! Is this real or wax figures?!"

Shinzhi's already shattered nerves couldn't handle it. Seeing his four trusted subordinates frozen into ice lollies, he collapsed to the ground in fear, shouting, "Call the police! Call them now!"

As the butler was about to take out his phone to make the call, several police cars suddenly appeared, blocking off the area.

Originally, they were secretly tracking Shinzhi to see if his involvement with the Salvador siblings had any connection to their disappearance. However, they never expected that as they were following Shinzhi to his doorstep, he would receive four human-shaped ice lollies.

The grim-faced chief inspector from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police walked up, personally stepped onto the freezer truck to inspect, and then muttered in a panic, "Bloody hell, these are real people! Four real people! Is this still the Tokyo I've lived in for over thirty years? This is too damn magical!"

The officers below were surprised and asked, "Inspector, are these four people still alive?"

The inspector cursed, "Alive my arse! Can't you see they're frozen into ice lollies?"

The officer looked aggrieved, "But you just said they were four real people."

Wiping off some cold sweat, the inspector said, "They are ice sculptures made to look like real people. Call the forensic examiner to come and examine the bodies!"

After that, he walked up to Shinzhi, who was sitting on the ground, pale-faced, and asked seriously, "Mr. Takahashi, are these four people your subordinates?"

Shinzhi nodded and murmured, "They are all from the Tenglin family."

"The Tenglin family?!" The inspector exclaimed, "The Tenglin family, one of the four major ninja clans?!"

"Yes," Shinzhi swallowed nervously and said anxiously, "The leader is Uno, the eldest son of the Tenglin family and the current head."

The inspector's face turned pale, "Uno is considered one of the top ninjas in Japan. If even he died so tragically, who have you possibly offended?"

Shinzhi looked at Uno gesturing towards him with his middle finger, filled with despair and a trembling voice, said, "How the hell would I know?!"

Chapter 1759 - "Snowy Escapades: Charlie's Kyoto Quest"

Inspector looked at Shinzhi's panic-stricken appearance and quickly spoke, "Carefully recall if you have offended anyone. Generally, unless there is deep enmity, who would target you like this?"

The Inspector then added, "Think about it, is there anyone who wants to kill you, or have you thought about killing someone else?"

Shinzhi's first thought was of Charlie.

However, he quickly dismissed this thought in his mind.

After Quatro inexplicably disappeared, Uno received information while eavesdropping on Charlie that it was not Charlie who killed Quatro, but another group of ninjas.

At that time, Uno speculated that it should be the Koka ninjas loyal to the Ito family.

However, he did not inform the police department about this matter.

Because he felt that telling the police department would be meaningless since there was no direct evidence, everything was just Uno's speculation before his death.

In his view, it was most likely the Ito family behind the scenes, but in the eyes of the police, it could be the Koka ninjas, or it could also be the Iga ninjas, Saga ninjas, or other low-profile ninja families.

After all, Japan has a long history of ninjas with numerous factions.

Just like Chinese martial arts, there are many different styles and factions, with plenty of well-known major factions.

Such as Shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun, Emei, Huashan, Kongtong, and countless unknown smaller factions below them.

Japan is no different, besides the four major well-known ninja families, there are countless small families and factions.

So, he decided not to involve the Tokyo Police Department and take revenge on Takehiko himself!

Soon, the forensic team arrived at the scene.

They transported the four stiff bodies back to the police department's forensic department, where these bodies would need to be completely thawed before autopsies could be performed.

At the same time, the news of the mysterious deaths of Uno and his three companions was reported layer by layer to the top echelons of the police department, shocking the entire department.

The Police Commissioner was on the verge of collapse!

The kidnapping of Cameron and Camilla had no leads, and now such a big incident had erupted.

Four highly skilled ninjas being killed was simply one crisis after another!

Tokyo, which had been a fashionable international metropolis, suddenly turned into a sinister city of crime.

However, just as the Tokyo Police Department was in chaos and digging deep into the situation.

Cameron and Camilla had already been secretly taken hundreds of kilometers away to Kyoto.

According to Yoshito's plan, he intended for the Salvador siblings to die in Takehiko's mansion.

By then, the Ito family would have no way to defend themselves.

However, Takehiko was not a coward and also possessed great power.

If he found out he was being framed, he would certainly consider Shinzhi as the mastermind.

In that case, Takehiko would undoubtedly have a life-and-death struggle with Shinzhi!

Before long, the top two families in Japan would suffer greatly, even facing complete extinction.

At that point, the Matsumoto family could reap all the benefits, then become the only viable partner for the Salvador family, strengthening their own power further.

Charlie woke up early today.

A weather forecast popped up, indicating that from this afternoon until tonight, there would be heavy to blizzard conditions in the Kyoto and Osaka areas.

He first went to the production line at Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals with Lorden, then in the afternoon, he asked Isaac for a car, intending to drive to Kyoto himself.

Isaac didn't know where he was going with the car. Seeing the snow falling increasingly heavily, he hurriedly warned him, "Young Master, there's a heavy blizzard today. It's too dangerous to drive in this weather. If you don't have anything important to do, it's better not to go out."

Chapter 1760 - "Castle Quest: Charlie's Snowy Sneak"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, you don't need to worry. I have some personal matters to attend to, I'll be back after I finish."

Isaac asked, "Is it in Osaka? Do you need me to arrange for someone to escort you?"

"No need." Charlie didn't mention where he was going exactly, nor did he want to.

For some reason, he couldn't get Nanako out of his mind, perhaps out of sympathy, admiration, or some other emotion. Charlie couldn't figure it out and didn't want to.

Right now, all he wanted was to go to Kyoto to see Nanako in person and check on her injuries.

Regardless, once he healed her injuries, he could return home at ease.

Seeing that Charlie was unwilling to reveal his whereabouts, Isaac didn't insist. He just reminded him to drive carefully and to wait until the snow stopped if it got too heavy.

Charlie agreed and then set off alone in his car.

Osaka is very close to Kyoto, probably just about an hour's drive.

By the time he arrived in Kyoto, it was already dark.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, almost like goose feathers.

Charlie didn't know exactly where the Ito family's mansion was, so he first went to a Chinese restaurant and had a bowl of Chinese-style noodles. When he paid the bill, he asked the owner, "Boss, do you know where the Ito family's mansion is?"

The owner smiled and said, "The Ito family's mansion is right next to Castle, it's large and easy to find. The main entrance has a plaque with the characters 'Ito'."

Charlie nodded, thanked him, and then paid before leaving the restaurant.

The Castle is a famous landmark in Kyoto, so it can be easily found on the map, only about two kilometers away from Charlie.

Although he could reach it in a few minutes, Charlie suddenly felt hesitant and unsure.

He hadn't figured out how he should approach seeing Nanako.

Should he go directly to the Ito family's mansion and knock on the door to see her?

Not appropriate.

After all, the $4.5 billion belonging to Takehiko was still in his hands. If the household staff reported to Takehiko, he certainly wouldn't allow Charlie to meet Nanako.

So what should he do?

Should he sneak in himself?

Perhaps that was the only appropriate way.

With this in mind, Charlie started the car, followed the navigation, and arrived near the Castle. Sure enough, not far from the Castle, he saw the Ito family's mansion.

The Ito family's mansion was vast, with half of the area filled with towering ancient trees. The buildings were a blend of strong Chinese architectural elements in traditional Japanese wooden structures, indicating their age.

Due to the ancient moat surrounding the Ito family's mansion and the fact that the two bridges for entry and exit were part of private property, Charlie parked his car on the roadside not far away. Then, braving the heavy snow, he stealthily entered the Ito family's mansion in the darkness.

At this moment.

Nanako had just finished soaking in the hot spring.

Finally, the long-awaited snow had arrived today, and it was a heavy snowfall. It swept away the gloom in Nanako's heart, making her exceptionally happy.

She had the servants help her change into an incredibly beautiful kimono and elegantly tied up her long hair, adorned with her favorite hairpin.

Afterwards, pushing her wheelchair alone, she joyfully made her way to her small courtyard to enjoy the snow.

The Ito family's mansion was too large, with several large and small courtyards. The one where Nanako was located was the most secluded and peaceful.

The snow fell heavily, quickly blanketing her in a layer of snow white. Watching the snowflakes fluttering down from the sky, Nanako was as jubilant as a child.

After a moment, she looked up at the sky and sincerely wondered, "I wonder what Charlie is doing right now? I wonder if it's snowing in Aurous Hill? I wonder if he's thinking of me?"
Chapter 1756 - "Tokyo's Ticking Time Bomb: Virtuoso's Ultimatum"

After 7 o'clock in the morning, the media will definitely extensively report this incident.

By then, it will surely spread throughout Japan.

If within 24 hours, one cannot rescue the people, this news will definitely spread globally.

By then, it will not just be a scandal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, but even a scandal of the entire Japan!

If Japan's public security is so poor, the culprit is so brutal and formidable, who else of importance would dare to come to Tokyo in the future?

Not only the wealthy and entrepreneurs would be afraid to come, even political figures from other countries would probably not dare to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads globally, it will surely plunge the whole of Japan into a diplomatic crisis!

Therefore, he immediately asked his subordinates, "Have the detailed autopsy results come out?"

The chief forensic pathologist responsible for the autopsy hurriedly came to report to the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Virtuoso, "Through our autopsy, we found that over a dozen of Salvador's followers who died from poisoning, without exception, all died from sarin gas poisoning, and we discovered that they all died from liquid sarin gas poisoning."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Liquid sarin gas, what does that mean?"

The forensic pathologist explained urgently, "Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at room temperature, very similar to glycerin. When used in warfare, it is dispersed into a large aerosol through explosions, causing poisoning through inhalation or skin contact."

"But this time, the culprit definitely did not want to cause a big commotion with an explosion, so they used a carrier similar to a syringe needle to inject around 30 milligrams of liquid sarin gas, projecting it onto the victims from a certain distance, causing them to die from poisoning."

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly asked, "So, that ninja dart was indeed not actually used?"


The head of the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but ask Virtuoso, "Mr. Salvador, could the mastermind behind this be an enemy of the Salvador family?"

Virtuoso's face turned pale as he said, "I don't care who the enemy is, all I know is that my son and daughter were kidnapped in Tokyo! You must find them for me unharmed!"

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department, feeling extremely helpless, quickly arranged, "Firstly, intensify the search, do not overlook any suspicious locations, vehicles, or individuals! Secondly, release Takehiko and Shinzhi, then closely monitor their every move to see if we can find any clues!"

Inside the interrogation room, Shinzhi, upon hearing that she was allowed to go home, hurriedly asked, "It's been quite turbulent these days, can I stay at the Metropolitan Police Department for now?"

The investigating officer angrily said, "You treat the Tokyo Metropolitan Police like a hotel? Get out now, or we'll get tough!"

Shinzhi, feeling helpless, had to quickly return home from the Metropolitan Police Department under the escort of several bodyguards.

Throughout the journey, Shinzhi remained on edge.

He was afraid of being ambushed, especially since Uno and the others were not by his side. If anything happened, he probably wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

So, he immediately called Uno.

However, despite making several calls, no one answered, which made him even more nervous.

"What the hell is going on? It's been hours, they should have returned to Tokyo from Osaka by now, why can't I reach them on the phone?"

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and made several more calls to Uno's two junior brothers, but none of them went through.

At this moment, he already had a vague sense that something was wrong. Could it be that Uno and the other two, like their fourth junior brother, were all taken out by those mysterious ninjas?

Just then, the housekeeper called, and in a rush, said, "Master, a mysterious person just delivered a big gift for you!"

Shinzhi asked in fear, "A gift?! What kind of gift?!"

"A truck!"

Chapter 1757 - "Eiji's Tuna Trouble: A Fishy Situation"

"What on earth is this about a truck?!"

The butler hurriedly explained, "The other party drove a truck to the villa gate, claiming that the truck was filled with a gift for you."

"Where is the person?!"

"I heard through the intercom at the gate when I came out, the person was already gone, but the truck remained."

Upon hearing this, Shinzhi trembled in fear!

Who would use a truck to deliver a gift? And leave the truck at their own doorstep?!

Moreover, at such a sensitive time!

Thinking about this, he nervously asked, "Have you opened and checked what's inside?"

The butler replied, "Not yet, I thought we would wait for your return to open it."

Shinzhi blurted out, "Call the police! Quickly call the police! There might be a bomb in that truck!"

The butler hastily said, "Sir, we have conducted tests for explosives and toxic substances, and found nothing unusual."

"No anomalies?" Shinzhi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Generally, when someone intends to harm others, it's either through a bomb or poison. Since no anomalies were found after testing, there should be no issue.

The equipment used at home to detect explosives and toxic substances is similar to that used at airports and customs, with extremely high accuracy. If there were any similar substances, they would not be able to hide undetected.

With this in mind, he said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, wait for me."

Ending the call, Shinzhi couldn't help but rub his temples, feeling exhausted.

From yesterday to today, Tokyo had been incredibly chaotic, to the point where he was becoming somewhat paranoid.

Ten minutes later, Shinzhi returned to his villa.

One of the biggest differences between Japan and China is that many houses in Japan are not built by developers but by the homeowners themselves, similar to China several decades ago. Regardless of wealth, people in Japan buy land and build their own homes.

Therefore, in Japan, the concept of residential complexes, communities, and apartments is rare.

Shinzhi's mansion, not far from the Imperial Palace in Japan, had an excellent location and a vast area.

As he approached the entrance of his home, he immediately noticed a refrigerated truck parked by the roadside.

At that moment, the butler rushed over to open the car door for him, respectfully saying, "Sir, this is the vehicle. The door is locked, the engine is running, and the refrigeration unit at the back is still active."

Shinzhi rubbed his chin and muttered, "Who the hell sent this? Is someone delivering ice cream to me in the middle of winter?"

Eiji, with both hands in plaster, also emerged from the luxurious gate with the help of a servant, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He saw Shinzhi and the refrigerated truck still running, and asked in surprise, "Dad, what's going on?"

Shinzhi shook his head and said, "I have no idea which idiot drove this truck here, claiming it's a gift for me."

Eiji frowned and asked, "Is it the seafood delivery truck? I ordered a premium bluefin tuna yesterday, supposed to be delivered these days."

The butler hurriedly explained, "Young master, the delivery person said it's a gift for the master, not for you."

Eiji said, "It could be a mix-up, who knows. Where's the delivery person?"


"Strange," Eiji mumbled, "Why would they leave the truck after delivering something?"

Shinzhi furrowed his brow, "I can't shake off this feeling of something being off."

The butler then suggested, "Sir, we have checked with the equipment, there should be no danger. Would you like to open the refrigeration unit and take a look?"

Chapter 1758 - "Ice Lollies and Insanity: Shinzhi's Nightmare Unfolds"

Shinzhi pondered for a moment, nodding lightly, "Let's open it and see what's really going on!"

The butler immediately instructed two servants, "You two, go and open the door of the freezer!"

The two quickly approached, unlocking the freezer door from both sides.

Just as they were about to open it, Shinzhi instinctively took a few steps back.

His nerves were on edge today, feeling like there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere in the world.

The doors of the car opened, releasing a burst of white mist.

With the recent damp weather in Tokyo and a slight rise in temperature, around three to four degrees Celsius, the freezer's temperature was below minus twenty degrees, causing the vapor to form when the warm air met the cold.

Everyone stared as the mist gradually dispersed, revealing the items inside the car, finally presenting them in front of everyone.

But as everyone looked up, they were all shocked and screamed in unison!

Inside the car, there were four neatly sculpted ice figures!

And these four ice sculptures were none other than Uno, frozen into ice lollies, along with his three disciples!

The figures of these four people were bizarre!

One person was contorted to swallow their own feet, standing in a pose resembling a rooster, representing Quatro, the first one killed by Charlie.

Two others were standing side by side, arms around each other's shoulders, depicting Dos and third disciples.

As for Uno, one hand was on the hip, while the other hand was pointing a middle finger outside the car.

Except for Quatro's death pose, the other three figures were frozen harder and then sculpted by Isaac's men to resemble plastic models.

To stabilize the sculptures, they sprinkled some water on them, which froze into ice, solidifying their shapes completely.

Thus, the eerie scene before everyone's eyes came to be.

Eiji was close by, took one look, and exclaimed in fear, "Ah! Is this real or wax figures?!"

Shinzhi's already shattered nerves couldn't handle it. Seeing his four trusted subordinates frozen into ice lollies, he collapsed to the ground in fear, shouting, "Call the police! Call them now!"

As the butler was about to take out his phone to make the call, several police cars suddenly appeared, blocking off the area.

Originally, they were secretly tracking Shinzhi to see if his involvement with the Salvador siblings had any connection to their disappearance. However, they never expected that as they were following Shinzhi to his doorstep, he would receive four human-shaped ice lollies.

The grim-faced chief inspector from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police walked up, personally stepped onto the freezer truck to inspect, and then muttered in a panic, "Bloody hell, these are real people! Four real people! Is this still the Tokyo I've lived in for over thirty years? This is too damn magical!"

The officers below were surprised and asked, "Inspector, are these four people still alive?"

The inspector cursed, "Alive my arse! Can't you see they're frozen into ice lollies?"

The officer looked aggrieved, "But you just said they were four real people."

Wiping off some cold sweat, the inspector said, "They are ice sculptures made to look like real people. Call the forensic examiner to come and examine the bodies!"

After that, he walked up to Shinzhi, who was sitting on the ground, pale-faced, and asked seriously, "Mr. Takahashi, are these four people your subordinates?"

Shinzhi nodded and murmured, "They are all from the Tenglin family."

"The Tenglin family?!" The inspector exclaimed, "The Tenglin family, one of the four major ninja clans?!"

"Yes," Shinzhi swallowed nervously and said anxiously, "The leader is Uno, the eldest son of the Tenglin family and the current head."

The inspector's face turned pale, "Uno is considered one of the top ninjas in Japan. If even he died so tragically, who have you possibly offended?"

Shinzhi looked at Uno gesturing towards him with his middle finger, filled with despair and a trembling voice, said, "How the hell would I know?!"

Chapter 1759 - "Snowy Escapades: Charlie's Kyoto Quest"

Inspector looked at Shinzhi's panic-stricken appearance and quickly spoke, "Carefully recall if you have offended anyone. Generally, unless there is deep enmity, who would target you like this?"

The Inspector then added, "Think about it, is there anyone who wants to kill you, or have you thought about killing someone else?"

Shinzhi's first thought was of Charlie.

However, he quickly dismissed this thought in his mind.

After Quatro inexplicably disappeared, Uno received information while eavesdropping on Charlie that it was not Charlie who killed Quatro, but another group of ninjas.

At that time, Uno speculated that it should be the Koka ninjas loyal to the Ito family.

However, he did not inform the police department about this matter.

Because he felt that telling the police department would be meaningless since there was no direct evidence, everything was just Uno's speculation before his death.

In his view, it was most likely the Ito family behind the scenes, but in the eyes of the police, it could be the Koka ninjas, or it could also be the Iga ninjas, Saga ninjas, or other low-profile ninja families.

After all, Japan has a long history of ninjas with numerous factions.

Just like Chinese martial arts, there are many different styles and factions, with plenty of well-known major factions.

Such as Shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun, Emei, Huashan, Kongtong, and countless unknown smaller factions below them.

Japan is no different, besides the four major well-known ninja families, there are countless small families and factions.

So, he decided not to involve the Tokyo Police Department and take revenge on Takehiko himself!

Soon, the forensic team arrived at the scene.

They transported the four stiff bodies back to the police department's forensic department, where these bodies would need to be completely thawed before autopsies could be performed.

At the same time, the news of the mysterious deaths of Uno and his three companions was reported layer by layer to the top echelons of the police department, shocking the entire department.

The Police Commissioner was on the verge of collapse!

The kidnapping of Cameron and Camilla had no leads, and now such a big incident had erupted.

Four highly skilled ninjas being killed was simply one crisis after another!

Tokyo, which had been a fashionable international metropolis, suddenly turned into a sinister city of crime.

However, just as the Tokyo Police Department was in chaos and digging deep into the situation.

Cameron and Camilla had already been secretly taken hundreds of kilometers away to Kyoto.

According to Yoshito's plan, he intended for the Salvador siblings to die in Takehiko's mansion.

By then, the Ito family would have no way to defend themselves.

However, Takehiko was not a coward and also possessed great power.

If he found out he was being framed, he would certainly consider Shinzhi as the mastermind.

In that case, Takehiko would undoubtedly have a life-and-death struggle with Shinzhi!

Before long, the top two families in Japan would suffer greatly, even facing complete extinction.

At that point, the Matsumoto family could reap all the benefits, then become the only viable partner for the Salvador family, strengthening their own power further.

Charlie woke up early today.

A weather forecast popped up, indicating that from this afternoon until tonight, there would be heavy to blizzard conditions in the Kyoto and Osaka areas.

He first went to the production line at Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals with Lorden, then in the afternoon, he asked Isaac for a car, intending to drive to Kyoto himself.

Isaac didn't know where he was going with the car. Seeing the snow falling increasingly heavily, he hurriedly warned him, "Young Master, there's a heavy blizzard today. It's too dangerous to drive in this weather. If you don't have anything important to do, it's better not to go out."

Chapter 1760 - "Castle Quest: Charlie's Snowy Sneak"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, you don't need to worry. I have some personal matters to attend to, I'll be back after I finish."

Isaac asked, "Is it in Osaka? Do you need me to arrange for someone to escort you?"

"No need." Charlie didn't mention where he was going exactly, nor did he want to.

For some reason, he couldn't get Nanako out of his mind, perhaps out of sympathy, admiration, or some other emotion. Charlie couldn't figure it out and didn't want to.

Right now, all he wanted was to go to Kyoto to see Nanako in person and check on her injuries.

Regardless, once he healed her injuries, he could return home at ease.

Seeing that Charlie was unwilling to reveal his whereabouts, Isaac didn't insist. He just reminded him to drive carefully and to wait until the snow stopped if it got too heavy.

Charlie agreed and then set off alone in his car.

Osaka is very close to Kyoto, probably just about an hour's drive.

By the time he arrived in Kyoto, it was already dark.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, almost like goose feathers.

Charlie didn't know exactly where the Ito family's mansion was, so he first went to a Chinese restaurant and had a bowl of Chinese-style noodles. When he paid the bill, he asked the owner, "Boss, do you know where the Ito family's mansion is?"

The owner smiled and said, "The Ito family's mansion is right next to Castle, it's large and easy to find. The main entrance has a plaque with the characters 'Ito'."

Charlie nodded, thanked him, and then paid before leaving the restaurant.

The Castle is a famous landmark in Kyoto, so it can be easily found on the map, only about two kilometers away from Charlie.

Although he could reach it in a few minutes, Charlie suddenly felt hesitant and unsure.

He hadn't figured out how he should approach seeing Nanako.

Should he go directly to the Ito family's mansion and knock on the door to see her?

Not appropriate.

After all, the $4.5 billion belonging to Takehiko was still in his hands. If the household staff reported to Takehiko, he certainly wouldn't allow Charlie to meet Nanako.

So what should he do?

Should he sneak in himself?

Perhaps that was the only appropriate way.

With this in mind, Charlie started the car, followed the navigation, and arrived near the Castle. Sure enough, not far from the Castle, he saw the Ito family's mansion.

The Ito family's mansion was vast, with half of the area filled with towering ancient trees. The buildings were a blend of strong Chinese architectural elements in traditional Japanese wooden structures, indicating their age.

Due to the ancient moat surrounding the Ito family's mansion and the fact that the two bridges for entry and exit were part of private property, Charlie parked his car on the roadside not far away. Then, braving the heavy snow, he stealthily entered the Ito family's mansion in the darkness.

At this moment.

Nanako had just finished soaking in the hot spring.

Finally, the long-awaited snow had arrived today, and it was a heavy snowfall. It swept away the gloom in Nanako's heart, making her exceptionally happy.

She had the servants help her change into an incredibly beautiful kimono and elegantly tied up her long hair, adorned with her favorite hairpin.

Afterwards, pushing her wheelchair alone, she joyfully made her way to her small courtyard to enjoy the snow.

The Ito family's mansion was too large, with several large and small courtyards. The one where Nanako was located was the most secluded and peaceful.

The snow fell heavily, quickly blanketing her in a layer of snow white. Watching the snowflakes fluttering down from the sky, Nanako was as jubilant as a child.

After a moment, she looked up at the sky and sincerely wondered, "I wonder what Charlie is doing right now? I wonder if it's snowing in Aurous Hill? I wonder if he's thinking of me?"
Of course, you've managed to get his heart ache for you unknowingly 🥴
Chapter 1756 - "Tokyo's Ticking Time Bomb: Virtuoso's Ultimatum"

After 7 o'clock in the morning, the media will definitely extensively report this incident.

By then, it will surely spread throughout Japan.

If within 24 hours, one cannot rescue the people, this news will definitely spread globally.

By then, it will not just be a scandal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, but even a scandal of the entire Japan!

If Japan's public security is so poor, the culprit is so brutal and formidable, who else of importance would dare to come to Tokyo in the future?

Not only the wealthy and entrepreneurs would be afraid to come, even political figures from other countries would probably not dare to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads globally, it will surely plunge the whole of Japan into a diplomatic crisis!

Therefore, he immediately asked his subordinates, "Have the detailed autopsy results come out?"

The chief forensic pathologist responsible for the autopsy hurriedly came to report to the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Virtuoso, "Through our autopsy, we found that over a dozen of Salvador's followers who died from poisoning, without exception, all died from sarin gas poisoning, and we discovered that they all died from liquid sarin gas poisoning."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Liquid sarin gas, what does that mean?"

The forensic pathologist explained urgently, "Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at room temperature, very similar to glycerin. When used in warfare, it is dispersed into a large aerosol through explosions, causing poisoning through inhalation or skin contact."

"But this time, the culprit definitely did not want to cause a big commotion with an explosion, so they used a carrier similar to a syringe needle to inject around 30 milligrams of liquid sarin gas, projecting it onto the victims from a certain distance, causing them to die from poisoning."

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly asked, "So, that ninja dart was indeed not actually used?"


The head of the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but ask Virtuoso, "Mr. Salvador, could the mastermind behind this be an enemy of the Salvador family?"

Virtuoso's face turned pale as he said, "I don't care who the enemy is, all I know is that my son and daughter were kidnapped in Tokyo! You must find them for me unharmed!"

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department, feeling extremely helpless, quickly arranged, "Firstly, intensify the search, do not overlook any suspicious locations, vehicles, or individuals! Secondly, release Takehiko and Shinzhi, then closely monitor their every move to see if we can find any clues!"

Inside the interrogation room, Shinzhi, upon hearing that she was allowed to go home, hurriedly asked, "It's been quite turbulent these days, can I stay at the Metropolitan Police Department for now?"

The investigating officer angrily said, "You treat the Tokyo Metropolitan Police like a hotel? Get out now, or we'll get tough!"

Shinzhi, feeling helpless, had to quickly return home from the Metropolitan Police Department under the escort of several bodyguards.

Throughout the journey, Shinzhi remained on edge.

He was afraid of being ambushed, especially since Uno and the others were not by his side. If anything happened, he probably wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

So, he immediately called Uno.

However, despite making several calls, no one answered, which made him even more nervous.

"What the hell is going on? It's been hours, they should have returned to Tokyo from Osaka by now, why can't I reach them on the phone?"

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and made several more calls to Uno's two junior brothers, but none of them went through.

At this moment, he already had a vague sense that something was wrong. Could it be that Uno and the other two, like their fourth junior brother, were all taken out by those mysterious ninjas?

Just then, the housekeeper called, and in a rush, said, "Master, a mysterious person just delivered a big gift for you!"

Shinzhi asked in fear, "A gift?! What kind of gift?!"

"A truck!"

Chapter 1757 - "Eiji's Tuna Trouble: A Fishy Situation"

"What on earth is this about a truck?!"

The butler hurriedly explained, "The other party drove a truck to the villa gate, claiming that the truck was filled with a gift for you."

"Where is the person?!"

"I heard through the intercom at the gate when I came out, the person was already gone, but the truck remained."

Upon hearing this, Shinzhi trembled in fear!

Who would use a truck to deliver a gift? And leave the truck at their own doorstep?!

Moreover, at such a sensitive time!

Thinking about this, he nervously asked, "Have you opened and checked what's inside?"

The butler replied, "Not yet, I thought we would wait for your return to open it."

Shinzhi blurted out, "Call the police! Quickly call the police! There might be a bomb in that truck!"

The butler hastily said, "Sir, we have conducted tests for explosives and toxic substances, and found nothing unusual."

"No anomalies?" Shinzhi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Generally, when someone intends to harm others, it's either through a bomb or poison. Since no anomalies were found after testing, there should be no issue.

The equipment used at home to detect explosives and toxic substances is similar to that used at airports and customs, with extremely high accuracy. If there were any similar substances, they would not be able to hide undetected.

With this in mind, he said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, wait for me."

Ending the call, Shinzhi couldn't help but rub his temples, feeling exhausted.

From yesterday to today, Tokyo had been incredibly chaotic, to the point where he was becoming somewhat paranoid.

Ten minutes later, Shinzhi returned to his villa.

One of the biggest differences between Japan and China is that many houses in Japan are not built by developers but by the homeowners themselves, similar to China several decades ago. Regardless of wealth, people in Japan buy land and build their own homes.

Therefore, in Japan, the concept of residential complexes, communities, and apartments is rare.

Shinzhi's mansion, not far from the Imperial Palace in Japan, had an excellent location and a vast area.

As he approached the entrance of his home, he immediately noticed a refrigerated truck parked by the roadside.

At that moment, the butler rushed over to open the car door for him, respectfully saying, "Sir, this is the vehicle. The door is locked, the engine is running, and the refrigeration unit at the back is still active."

Shinzhi rubbed his chin and muttered, "Who the hell sent this? Is someone delivering ice cream to me in the middle of winter?"

Eiji, with both hands in plaster, also emerged from the luxurious gate with the help of a servant, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He saw Shinzhi and the refrigerated truck still running, and asked in surprise, "Dad, what's going on?"

Shinzhi shook his head and said, "I have no idea which idiot drove this truck here, claiming it's a gift for me."

Eiji frowned and asked, "Is it the seafood delivery truck? I ordered a premium bluefin tuna yesterday, supposed to be delivered these days."

The butler hurriedly explained, "Young master, the delivery person said it's a gift for the master, not for you."

Eiji said, "It could be a mix-up, who knows. Where's the delivery person?"


"Strange," Eiji mumbled, "Why would they leave the truck after delivering something?"

Shinzhi furrowed his brow, "I can't shake off this feeling of something being off."

The butler then suggested, "Sir, we have checked with the equipment, there should be no danger. Would you like to open the refrigeration unit and take a look?"

Chapter 1758 - "Ice Lollies and Insanity: Shinzhi's Nightmare Unfolds"

Shinzhi pondered for a moment, nodding lightly, "Let's open it and see what's really going on!"

The butler immediately instructed two servants, "You two, go and open the door of the freezer!"

The two quickly approached, unlocking the freezer door from both sides.

Just as they were about to open it, Shinzhi instinctively took a few steps back.

His nerves were on edge today, feeling like there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere in the world.

The doors of the car opened, releasing a burst of white mist.

With the recent damp weather in Tokyo and a slight rise in temperature, around three to four degrees Celsius, the freezer's temperature was below minus twenty degrees, causing the vapor to form when the warm air met the cold.

Everyone stared as the mist gradually dispersed, revealing the items inside the car, finally presenting them in front of everyone.

But as everyone looked up, they were all shocked and screamed in unison!

Inside the car, there were four neatly sculpted ice figures!

And these four ice sculptures were none other than Uno, frozen into ice lollies, along with his three disciples!

The figures of these four people were bizarre!

One person was contorted to swallow their own feet, standing in a pose resembling a rooster, representing Quatro, the first one killed by Charlie.

Two others were standing side by side, arms around each other's shoulders, depicting Dos and third disciples.

As for Uno, one hand was on the hip, while the other hand was pointing a middle finger outside the car.

Except for Quatro's death pose, the other three figures were frozen harder and then sculpted by Isaac's men to resemble plastic models.

To stabilize the sculptures, they sprinkled some water on them, which froze into ice, solidifying their shapes completely.

Thus, the eerie scene before everyone's eyes came to be.

Eiji was close by, took one look, and exclaimed in fear, "Ah! Is this real or wax figures?!"

Shinzhi's already shattered nerves couldn't handle it. Seeing his four trusted subordinates frozen into ice lollies, he collapsed to the ground in fear, shouting, "Call the police! Call them now!"

As the butler was about to take out his phone to make the call, several police cars suddenly appeared, blocking off the area.

Originally, they were secretly tracking Shinzhi to see if his involvement with the Salvador siblings had any connection to their disappearance. However, they never expected that as they were following Shinzhi to his doorstep, he would receive four human-shaped ice lollies.

The grim-faced chief inspector from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police walked up, personally stepped onto the freezer truck to inspect, and then muttered in a panic, "Bloody hell, these are real people! Four real people! Is this still the Tokyo I've lived in for over thirty years? This is too damn magical!"

The officers below were surprised and asked, "Inspector, are these four people still alive?"

The inspector cursed, "Alive my arse! Can't you see they're frozen into ice lollies?"

The officer looked aggrieved, "But you just said they were four real people."

Wiping off some cold sweat, the inspector said, "They are ice sculptures made to look like real people. Call the forensic examiner to come and examine the bodies!"

After that, he walked up to Shinzhi, who was sitting on the ground, pale-faced, and asked seriously, "Mr. Takahashi, are these four people your subordinates?"

Shinzhi nodded and murmured, "They are all from the Tenglin family."

"The Tenglin family?!" The inspector exclaimed, "The Tenglin family, one of the four major ninja clans?!"

"Yes," Shinzhi swallowed nervously and said anxiously, "The leader is Uno, the eldest son of the Tenglin family and the current head."

The inspector's face turned pale, "Uno is considered one of the top ninjas in Japan. If even he died so tragically, who have you possibly offended?"

Shinzhi looked at Uno gesturing towards him with his middle finger, filled with despair and a trembling voice, said, "How the hell would I know?!"

Chapter 1759 - "Snowy Escapades: Charlie's Kyoto Quest"

Inspector looked at Shinzhi's panic-stricken appearance and quickly spoke, "Carefully recall if you have offended anyone. Generally, unless there is deep enmity, who would target you like this?"

The Inspector then added, "Think about it, is there anyone who wants to kill you, or have you thought about killing someone else?"

Shinzhi's first thought was of Charlie.

However, he quickly dismissed this thought in his mind.

After Quatro inexplicably disappeared, Uno received information while eavesdropping on Charlie that it was not Charlie who killed Quatro, but another group of ninjas.

At that time, Uno speculated that it should be the Koka ninjas loyal to the Ito family.

However, he did not inform the police department about this matter.

Because he felt that telling the police department would be meaningless since there was no direct evidence, everything was just Uno's speculation before his death.

In his view, it was most likely the Ito family behind the scenes, but in the eyes of the police, it could be the Koka ninjas, or it could also be the Iga ninjas, Saga ninjas, or other low-profile ninja families.

After all, Japan has a long history of ninjas with numerous factions.

Just like Chinese martial arts, there are many different styles and factions, with plenty of well-known major factions.

Such as Shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun, Emei, Huashan, Kongtong, and countless unknown smaller factions below them.

Japan is no different, besides the four major well-known ninja families, there are countless small families and factions.

So, he decided not to involve the Tokyo Police Department and take revenge on Takehiko himself!

Soon, the forensic team arrived at the scene.

They transported the four stiff bodies back to the police department's forensic department, where these bodies would need to be completely thawed before autopsies could be performed.

At the same time, the news of the mysterious deaths of Uno and his three companions was reported layer by layer to the top echelons of the police department, shocking the entire department.

The Police Commissioner was on the verge of collapse!

The kidnapping of Cameron and Camilla had no leads, and now such a big incident had erupted.

Four highly skilled ninjas being killed was simply one crisis after another!

Tokyo, which had been a fashionable international metropolis, suddenly turned into a sinister city of crime.

However, just as the Tokyo Police Department was in chaos and digging deep into the situation.

Cameron and Camilla had already been secretly taken hundreds of kilometers away to Kyoto.

According to Yoshito's plan, he intended for the Salvador siblings to die in Takehiko's mansion.

By then, the Ito family would have no way to defend themselves.

However, Takehiko was not a coward and also possessed great power.

If he found out he was being framed, he would certainly consider Shinzhi as the mastermind.

In that case, Takehiko would undoubtedly have a life-and-death struggle with Shinzhi!

Before long, the top two families in Japan would suffer greatly, even facing complete extinction.

At that point, the Matsumoto family could reap all the benefits, then become the only viable partner for the Salvador family, strengthening their own power further.

Charlie woke up early today.

A weather forecast popped up, indicating that from this afternoon until tonight, there would be heavy to blizzard conditions in the Kyoto and Osaka areas.

He first went to the production line at Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals with Lorden, then in the afternoon, he asked Isaac for a car, intending to drive to Kyoto himself.

Isaac didn't know where he was going with the car. Seeing the snow falling increasingly heavily, he hurriedly warned him, "Young Master, there's a heavy blizzard today. It's too dangerous to drive in this weather. If you don't have anything important to do, it's better not to go out."

Chapter 1760 - "Castle Quest: Charlie's Snowy Sneak"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, you don't need to worry. I have some personal matters to attend to, I'll be back after I finish."

Isaac asked, "Is it in Osaka? Do you need me to arrange for someone to escort you?"

"No need." Charlie didn't mention where he was going exactly, nor did he want to.

For some reason, he couldn't get Nanako out of his mind, perhaps out of sympathy, admiration, or some other emotion. Charlie couldn't figure it out and didn't want to.

Right now, all he wanted was to go to Kyoto to see Nanako in person and check on her injuries.

Regardless, once he healed her injuries, he could return home at ease.

Seeing that Charlie was unwilling to reveal his whereabouts, Isaac didn't insist. He just reminded him to drive carefully and to wait until the snow stopped if it got too heavy.

Charlie agreed and then set off alone in his car.

Osaka is very close to Kyoto, probably just about an hour's drive.

By the time he arrived in Kyoto, it was already dark.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, almost like goose feathers.

Charlie didn't know exactly where the Ito family's mansion was, so he first went to a Chinese restaurant and had a bowl of Chinese-style noodles. When he paid the bill, he asked the owner, "Boss, do you know where the Ito family's mansion is?"

The owner smiled and said, "The Ito family's mansion is right next to Castle, it's large and easy to find. The main entrance has a plaque with the characters 'Ito'."

Charlie nodded, thanked him, and then paid before leaving the restaurant.

The Castle is a famous landmark in Kyoto, so it can be easily found on the map, only about two kilometers away from Charlie.

Although he could reach it in a few minutes, Charlie suddenly felt hesitant and unsure.

He hadn't figured out how he should approach seeing Nanako.

Should he go directly to the Ito family's mansion and knock on the door to see her?

Not appropriate.

After all, the $4.5 billion belonging to Takehiko was still in his hands. If the household staff reported to Takehiko, he certainly wouldn't allow Charlie to meet Nanako.

So what should he do?

Should he sneak in himself?

Perhaps that was the only appropriate way.

With this in mind, Charlie started the car, followed the navigation, and arrived near the Castle. Sure enough, not far from the Castle, he saw the Ito family's mansion.

The Ito family's mansion was vast, with half of the area filled with towering ancient trees. The buildings were a blend of strong Chinese architectural elements in traditional Japanese wooden structures, indicating their age.

Due to the ancient moat surrounding the Ito family's mansion and the fact that the two bridges for entry and exit were part of private property, Charlie parked his car on the roadside not far away. Then, braving the heavy snow, he stealthily entered the Ito family's mansion in the darkness.

At this moment.

Nanako had just finished soaking in the hot spring.

Finally, the long-awaited snow had arrived today, and it was a heavy snowfall. It swept away the gloom in Nanako's heart, making her exceptionally happy.

She had the servants help her change into an incredibly beautiful kimono and elegantly tied up her long hair, adorned with her favorite hairpin.

Afterwards, pushing her wheelchair alone, she joyfully made her way to her small courtyard to enjoy the snow.

The Ito family's mansion was too large, with several large and small courtyards. The one where Nanako was located was the most secluded and peaceful.

The snow fell heavily, quickly blanketing her in a layer of snow white. Watching the snowflakes fluttering down from the sky, Nanako was as jubilant as a child.

After a moment, she looked up at the sky and sincerely wondered, "I wonder what Charlie is doing right now? I wonder if it's snowing in Aurous Hill? I wonder if he's thinking of me?"
Charlie, try and enter sex sect and stop wasting all the resources
This story always makes you to wait for the next chapter. Charlie, John and Levi. God bless the Immortals for all their efforts to translate for us..

Chapter 1756 - "Tokyo's Ticking Time Bomb: Virtuoso's Ultimatum"

After 7 o'clock in the morning, the media will definitely extensively report this incident.

By then, it will surely spread throughout Japan.

If within 24 hours, one cannot rescue the people, this news will definitely spread globally.

By then, it will not just be a scandal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, but even a scandal of the entire Japan!

If Japan's public security is so poor, the culprit is so brutal and formidable, who else of importance would dare to come to Tokyo in the future?

Not only the wealthy and entrepreneurs would be afraid to come, even political figures from other countries would probably not dare to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads globally, it will surely plunge the whole of Japan into a diplomatic crisis!

Therefore, he immediately asked his subordinates, "Have the detailed autopsy results come out?"

The chief forensic pathologist responsible for the autopsy hurriedly came to report to the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Virtuoso, "Through our autopsy, we found that over a dozen of Salvador's followers who died from poisoning, without exception, all died from sarin gas poisoning, and we discovered that they all died from liquid sarin gas poisoning."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Liquid sarin gas, what does that mean?"

The forensic pathologist explained urgently, "Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at room temperature, very similar to glycerin. When used in warfare, it is dispersed into a large aerosol through explosions, causing poisoning through inhalation or skin contact."

"But this time, the culprit definitely did not want to cause a big commotion with an explosion, so they used a carrier similar to a syringe needle to inject around 30 milligrams of liquid sarin gas, projecting it onto the victims from a certain distance, causing them to die from poisoning."

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department hurriedly asked, "So, that ninja dart was indeed not actually used?"


The head of the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but ask Virtuoso, "Mr. Salvador, could the mastermind behind this be an enemy of the Salvador family?"

Virtuoso's face turned pale as he said, "I don't care who the enemy is, all I know is that my son and daughter were kidnapped in Tokyo! You must find them for me unharmed!"

The head of the Metropolitan Police Department, feeling extremely helpless, quickly arranged, "Firstly, intensify the search, do not overlook any suspicious locations, vehicles, or individuals! Secondly, release Takehiko and Shinzhi, then closely monitor their every move to see if we can find any clues!"

Inside the interrogation room, Shinzhi, upon hearing that she was allowed to go home, hurriedly asked, "It's been quite turbulent these days, can I stay at the Metropolitan Police Department for now?"

The investigating officer angrily said, "You treat the Tokyo Metropolitan Police like a hotel? Get out now, or we'll get tough!"

Shinzhi, feeling helpless, had to quickly return home from the Metropolitan Police Department under the escort of several bodyguards.

Throughout the journey, Shinzhi remained on edge.

He was afraid of being ambushed, especially since Uno and the others were not by his side. If anything happened, he probably wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

So, he immediately called Uno.

However, despite making several calls, no one answered, which made him even more nervous.

"What the hell is going on? It's been hours, they should have returned to Tokyo from Osaka by now, why can't I reach them on the phone?"

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and made several more calls to Uno's two junior brothers, but none of them went through.

At this moment, he already had a vague sense that something was wrong. Could it be that Uno and the other two, like their fourth junior brother, were all taken out by those mysterious ninjas?

Just then, the housekeeper called, and in a rush, said, "Master, a mysterious person just delivered a big gift for you!"

Shinzhi asked in fear, "A gift?! What kind of gift?!"

"A truck!"

Chapter 1757 - "Eiji's Tuna Trouble: A Fishy Situation"

"What on earth is this about a truck?!"

The butler hurriedly explained, "The other party drove a truck to the villa gate, claiming that the truck was filled with a gift for you."

"Where is the person?!"

"I heard through the intercom at the gate when I came out, the person was already gone, but the truck remained."

Upon hearing this, Shinzhi trembled in fear!

Who would use a truck to deliver a gift? And leave the truck at their own doorstep?!

Moreover, at such a sensitive time!

Thinking about this, he nervously asked, "Have you opened and checked what's inside?"

The butler replied, "Not yet, I thought we would wait for your return to open it."

Shinzhi blurted out, "Call the police! Quickly call the police! There might be a bomb in that truck!"

The butler hastily said, "Sir, we have conducted tests for explosives and toxic substances, and found nothing unusual."

"No anomalies?" Shinzhi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Generally, when someone intends to harm others, it's either through a bomb or poison. Since no anomalies were found after testing, there should be no issue.

The equipment used at home to detect explosives and toxic substances is similar to that used at airports and customs, with extremely high accuracy. If there were any similar substances, they would not be able to hide undetected.

With this in mind, he said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, wait for me."

Ending the call, Shinzhi couldn't help but rub his temples, feeling exhausted.

From yesterday to today, Tokyo had been incredibly chaotic, to the point where he was becoming somewhat paranoid.

Ten minutes later, Shinzhi returned to his villa.

One of the biggest differences between Japan and China is that many houses in Japan are not built by developers but by the homeowners themselves, similar to China several decades ago. Regardless of wealth, people in Japan buy land and build their own homes.

Therefore, in Japan, the concept of residential complexes, communities, and apartments is rare.

Shinzhi's mansion, not far from the Imperial Palace in Japan, had an excellent location and a vast area.

As he approached the entrance of his home, he immediately noticed a refrigerated truck parked by the roadside.

At that moment, the butler rushed over to open the car door for him, respectfully saying, "Sir, this is the vehicle. The door is locked, the engine is running, and the refrigeration unit at the back is still active."

Shinzhi rubbed his chin and muttered, "Who the hell sent this? Is someone delivering ice cream to me in the middle of winter?"

Eiji, with both hands in plaster, also emerged from the luxurious gate with the help of a servant, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He saw Shinzhi and the refrigerated truck still running, and asked in surprise, "Dad, what's going on?"

Shinzhi shook his head and said, "I have no idea which idiot drove this truck here, claiming it's a gift for me."

Eiji frowned and asked, "Is it the seafood delivery truck? I ordered a premium bluefin tuna yesterday, supposed to be delivered these days."

The butler hurriedly explained, "Young master, the delivery person said it's a gift for the master, not for you."

Eiji said, "It could be a mix-up, who knows. Where's the delivery person?"


"Strange," Eiji mumbled, "Why would they leave the truck after delivering something?"

Shinzhi furrowed his brow, "I can't shake off this feeling of something being off."

The butler then suggested, "Sir, we have checked with the equipment, there should be no danger. Would you like to open the refrigeration unit and take a look?"

Chapter 1758 - "Ice Lollies and Insanity: Shinzhi's Nightmare Unfolds"

Shinzhi pondered for a moment, nodding lightly, "Let's open it and see what's really going on!"

The butler immediately instructed two servants, "You two, go and open the door of the freezer!"

The two quickly approached, unlocking the freezer door from both sides.

Just as they were about to open it, Shinzhi instinctively took a few steps back.

His nerves were on edge today, feeling like there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere in the world.

The doors of the car opened, releasing a burst of white mist.

With the recent damp weather in Tokyo and a slight rise in temperature, around three to four degrees Celsius, the freezer's temperature was below minus twenty degrees, causing the vapor to form when the warm air met the cold.

Everyone stared as the mist gradually dispersed, revealing the items inside the car, finally presenting them in front of everyone.

But as everyone looked up, they were all shocked and screamed in unison!

Inside the car, there were four neatly sculpted ice figures!

And these four ice sculptures were none other than Uno, frozen into ice lollies, along with his three disciples!

The figures of these four people were bizarre!

One person was contorted to swallow their own feet, standing in a pose resembling a rooster, representing Quatro, the first one killed by Charlie.

Two others were standing side by side, arms around each other's shoulders, depicting Dos and third disciples.

As for Uno, one hand was on the hip, while the other hand was pointing a middle finger outside the car.

Except for Quatro's death pose, the other three figures were frozen harder and then sculpted by Isaac's men to resemble plastic models.

To stabilize the sculptures, they sprinkled some water on them, which froze into ice, solidifying their shapes completely.

Thus, the eerie scene before everyone's eyes came to be.

Eiji was close by, took one look, and exclaimed in fear, "Ah! Is this real or wax figures?!"

Shinzhi's already shattered nerves couldn't handle it. Seeing his four trusted subordinates frozen into ice lollies, he collapsed to the ground in fear, shouting, "Call the police! Call them now!"

As the butler was about to take out his phone to make the call, several police cars suddenly appeared, blocking off the area.

Originally, they were secretly tracking Shinzhi to see if his involvement with the Salvador siblings had any connection to their disappearance. However, they never expected that as they were following Shinzhi to his doorstep, he would receive four human-shaped ice lollies.

The grim-faced chief inspector from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police walked up, personally stepped onto the freezer truck to inspect, and then muttered in a panic, "Bloody hell, these are real people! Four real people! Is this still the Tokyo I've lived in for over thirty years? This is too damn magical!"

The officers below were surprised and asked, "Inspector, are these four people still alive?"

The inspector cursed, "Alive my arse! Can't you see they're frozen into ice lollies?"

The officer looked aggrieved, "But you just said they were four real people."

Wiping off some cold sweat, the inspector said, "They are ice sculptures made to look like real people. Call the forensic examiner to come and examine the bodies!"

After that, he walked up to Shinzhi, who was sitting on the ground, pale-faced, and asked seriously, "Mr. Takahashi, are these four people your subordinates?"

Shinzhi nodded and murmured, "They are all from the Tenglin family."

"The Tenglin family?!" The inspector exclaimed, "The Tenglin family, one of the four major ninja clans?!"

"Yes," Shinzhi swallowed nervously and said anxiously, "The leader is Uno, the eldest son of the Tenglin family and the current head."

The inspector's face turned pale, "Uno is considered one of the top ninjas in Japan. If even he died so tragically, who have you possibly offended?"

Shinzhi looked at Uno gesturing towards him with his middle finger, filled with despair and a trembling voice, said, "How the hell would I know?!"

Chapter 1759 - "Snowy Escapades: Charlie's Kyoto Quest"

Inspector looked at Shinzhi's panic-stricken appearance and quickly spoke, "Carefully recall if you have offended anyone. Generally, unless there is deep enmity, who would target you like this?"

The Inspector then added, "Think about it, is there anyone who wants to kill you, or have you thought about killing someone else?"

Shinzhi's first thought was of Charlie.

However, he quickly dismissed this thought in his mind.

After Quatro inexplicably disappeared, Uno received information while eavesdropping on Charlie that it was not Charlie who killed Quatro, but another group of ninjas.

At that time, Uno speculated that it should be the Koka ninjas loyal to the Ito family.

However, he did not inform the police department about this matter.

Because he felt that telling the police department would be meaningless since there was no direct evidence, everything was just Uno's speculation before his death.

In his view, it was most likely the Ito family behind the scenes, but in the eyes of the police, it could be the Koka ninjas, or it could also be the Iga ninjas, Saga ninjas, or other low-profile ninja families.

After all, Japan has a long history of ninjas with numerous factions.

Just like Chinese martial arts, there are many different styles and factions, with plenty of well-known major factions.

Such as Shaolin, Wudang, Kunlun, Emei, Huashan, Kongtong, and countless unknown smaller factions below them.

Japan is no different, besides the four major well-known ninja families, there are countless small families and factions.

So, he decided not to involve the Tokyo Police Department and take revenge on Takehiko himself!

Soon, the forensic team arrived at the scene.

They transported the four stiff bodies back to the police department's forensic department, where these bodies would need to be completely thawed before autopsies could be performed.

At the same time, the news of the mysterious deaths of Uno and his three companions was reported layer by layer to the top echelons of the police department, shocking the entire department.

The Police Commissioner was on the verge of collapse!

The kidnapping of Cameron and Camilla had no leads, and now such a big incident had erupted.

Four highly skilled ninjas being killed was simply one crisis after another!

Tokyo, which had been a fashionable international metropolis, suddenly turned into a sinister city of crime.

However, just as the Tokyo Police Department was in chaos and digging deep into the situation.

Cameron and Camilla had already been secretly taken hundreds of kilometers away to Kyoto.

According to Yoshito's plan, he intended for the Salvador siblings to die in Takehiko's mansion.

By then, the Ito family would have no way to defend themselves.

However, Takehiko was not a coward and also possessed great power.

If he found out he was being framed, he would certainly consider Shinzhi as the mastermind.

In that case, Takehiko would undoubtedly have a life-and-death struggle with Shinzhi!

Before long, the top two families in Japan would suffer greatly, even facing complete extinction.

At that point, the Matsumoto family could reap all the benefits, then become the only viable partner for the Salvador family, strengthening their own power further.

Charlie woke up early today.

A weather forecast popped up, indicating that from this afternoon until tonight, there would be heavy to blizzard conditions in the Kyoto and Osaka areas.

He first went to the production line at Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals with Lorden, then in the afternoon, he asked Isaac for a car, intending to drive to Kyoto himself.

Isaac didn't know where he was going with the car. Seeing the snow falling increasingly heavily, he hurriedly warned him, "Young Master, there's a heavy blizzard today. It's too dangerous to drive in this weather. If you don't have anything important to do, it's better not to go out."

Chapter 1760 - "Castle Quest: Charlie's Snowy Sneak"

Charlie waved his hand, "It's okay, you don't need to worry. I have some personal matters to attend to, I'll be back after I finish."

Isaac asked, "Is it in Osaka? Do you need me to arrange for someone to escort you?"

"No need." Charlie didn't mention where he was going exactly, nor did he want to.

For some reason, he couldn't get Nanako out of his mind, perhaps out of sympathy, admiration, or some other emotion. Charlie couldn't figure it out and didn't want to.

Right now, all he wanted was to go to Kyoto to see Nanako in person and check on her injuries.

Regardless, once he healed her injuries, he could return home at ease.

Seeing that Charlie was unwilling to reveal his whereabouts, Isaac didn't insist. He just reminded him to drive carefully and to wait until the snow stopped if it got too heavy.

Charlie agreed and then set off alone in his car.

Osaka is very close to Kyoto, probably just about an hour's drive.

By the time he arrived in Kyoto, it was already dark.

The snow was falling heavier and heavier, almost like goose feathers.

Charlie didn't know exactly where the Ito family's mansion was, so he first went to a Chinese restaurant and had a bowl of Chinese-style noodles. When he paid the bill, he asked the owner, "Boss, do you know where the Ito family's mansion is?"

The owner smiled and said, "The Ito family's mansion is right next to Castle, it's large and easy to find. The main entrance has a plaque with the characters 'Ito'."

Charlie nodded, thanked him, and then paid before leaving the restaurant.

The Castle is a famous landmark in Kyoto, so it can be easily found on the map, only about two kilometers away from Charlie.

Although he could reach it in a few minutes, Charlie suddenly felt hesitant and unsure.

He hadn't figured out how he should approach seeing Nanako.

Should he go directly to the Ito family's mansion and knock on the door to see her?

Not appropriate.

After all, the $4.5 billion belonging to Takehiko was still in his hands. If the household staff reported to Takehiko, he certainly wouldn't allow Charlie to meet Nanako.

So what should he do?

Should he sneak in himself?

Perhaps that was the only appropriate way.

With this in mind, Charlie started the car, followed the navigation, and arrived near the Castle. Sure enough, not far from the Castle, he saw the Ito family's mansion.

The Ito family's mansion was vast, with half of the area filled with towering ancient trees. The buildings were a blend of strong Chinese architectural elements in traditional Japanese wooden structures, indicating their age.

Due to the ancient moat surrounding the Ito family's mansion and the fact that the two bridges for entry and exit were part of private property, Charlie parked his car on the roadside not far away. Then, braving the heavy snow, he stealthily entered the Ito family's mansion in the darkness.

At this moment.

Nanako had just finished soaking in the hot spring.

Finally, the long-awaited snow had arrived today, and it was a heavy snowfall. It swept away the gloom in Nanako's heart, making her exceptionally happy.

She had the servants help her change into an incredibly beautiful kimono and elegantly tied up her long hair, adorned with her favorite hairpin.

Afterwards, pushing her wheelchair alone, she joyfully made her way to her small courtyard to enjoy the snow.

The Ito family's mansion was too large, with several large and small courtyards. The one where Nanako was located was the most secluded and peaceful.

The snow fell heavily, quickly blanketing her in a layer of snow white. Watching the snowflakes fluttering down from the sky, Nanako was as jubilant as a child.

After a moment, she looked up at the sky and sincerely wondered, "I wonder what Charlie is doing right now? I wonder if it's snowing in Aurous Hill? I wonder if he's thinking of me?"
Charlie has long fallen in love with Nanako, Charlie has never been worried about someone this much before.
Chapter 1761 - "Over the Wall: Charlie's Gaze"

As Nanako gazed up at the sky, thinking of Charlie, hidden above the wall, finally caught sight of the captivating figure in the courtyard below.

He bypassed the security of the Ito mansion, circled halfway around the wall surrounding the Ito family estate, and there he saw the one he had been worrying about, Nanako.

Seeing Nanako dressed in a kimono with her hair lightly pinned up, Charlie couldn't help but exclaim in his mind, "They say Nanako is the epitome of a traditional Japanese beauty, and it's absolutely true. She is the most beautiful and perfect Japanese woman I have ever seen."

However, the wheelchair beneath Nanako made Charlie feel somewhat melancholic.

She could have chosen not to participate in the final match against Dianne, she could have surrendered early in the competition, but she insisted on persevering, which resulted in a significant injury to her body.

At that moment, Charlie wished he could just leap over the wall and meet her, but the thought of appearing before her in such a manner made him feel a bit awkward.

If he startled her, how would he explain himself?

If she asked for an explanation, what would he say?

Charlie, who usually had excellent mental fortitude, found himself hesitating at this moment.

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres away in Tokyo.

Yoshito, lurking in the shadows, continued his cruel game.

While instructing his henchmen who held Cameron and Camilla hostage to wait for the right moment for a murder and framing scheme, he also had another group in Tokyo starting a new round of plotting.

He was like the Joker in The Dark Knight, intending to manipulate everyone and then gradually divide and conquer them.

This time, his target was Eiji.

He believed that merely causing trouble for the families of Cameron and Camilla during the kidnapping was not enough to make the two families completely turn against each other.

Therefore, he aimed to sow deep-seated enmity between these two families.

Only deep-seated enmity could make people lose all rationality and become extremely irrational.

So, on this evening, he extended his claws towards Eiji, whose arms were already disabled.

Eiji was a young man in his prime.

His injured arm, in a cast, did not hinder his physical desires.

He was known in Tokyo as a playboy, and many famous female celebrities in Tokyo were his lovers and playthings.

Recently, he had spent a fortune to make the leading actress of a popular Japanese female group his lover, and coincidentally, that female group was scheduled to appear on a variety show on Tokyo TV today.

Therefore, Eiji planned to sneak out tonight and spend the night with her.

She was eager to establish a long-term relationship with him, so she readily agreed.

Thus, driven by hormones, Eiji disregarded his father's advice to stay at home and wait for the storm to pass, secretly arranged for his men to pick him up from home, and headed to the most extravagant high-end club in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Chapter 1762 - "Highway Hijack: Eiji's Unwelcome Surprise"

In a high-end club, he owned a luxurious private room where he often entertained Japanese female celebrities.

A convoy of three Rolls-Royces carried Eiji to Shibuya, filled with anticipation for the night ahead.

As they passed through an underground tunnel, a truck suddenly blocked their path, followed by several black vans trapping the Rolls-Royces.

The guards in the lead and rear cars quickly reacted, drawing their guns to protect Eiji.

However, a group of black-clad individuals with automatic weapons emerged from the vans behind!

Their firepower far exceeded the guards', overwhelming them before they could react, leaving all eight guards dead.

Inside the middle Rolls-Royce, Eiji was petrified.

With only a driver and an assistant, both unarmed civilians, in his car, he felt helpless against the heavily armed assailants.

Panicked, Eiji called his father for help, trembling as he pleaded for rescue from the assassins surrounding him.

Shinzhi, bewildered, asked, "Aren't you at home? Where did the assassins come from?"

Eiji sobbed, "Dad, I was ambushed on the way to Shibuya, the guards are dead, they're coming for me, please save me, I don't want to die!"

Shinzhi, in a desperate attempt, yelled, "Tell them, I'll pay any amount to spare your life!"

Before he could finish, the black-clad group had already surrounded the Rolls-Royce carrying Eiji.

Eiji pleaded with them not to kill him, offering any amount of money as his father had instructed.

The leader of the group sneered, "Money? The Ito family doesn't care about money. We want the lives of the entire Takahashi family. We'll start with you, soon your father and family will join you!"

Eiji, on the verge of collapse, begged for his life, crying out that he was young and didn't want to die.

Shinzhi continued to shout over the phone, "Leave my son alone! Come after me if you must!"

The leader mocked, "Ah, still talking to the Takahashi patriarch? Listen closely, hear your son's despair before he dies!"

As he aimed his gun at Eiji, seeing his tear-streaked face, the leader hesitated and withdrew the weapon.

Thinking the leader had a change of heart, Eiji eagerly offered money, while Shinzhi promised a billion dollars to spare his son.

The leader coldly rejected their offers, ordering to bring two buckets of gasoline to set fire to the car with its occupants.

Chapter 1763 - "Burning Bridges: Shinzhi's Retribution"

In the next five minutes, Shinzhi experienced the most excruciating, agonising, and devastating five minutes of his life.

He couldn't hang up the phone because he knew that the voice he would hear next might be the last sound his son left in this world.

However, he was also painfully aware that the perpetrator was torturing his son, intending to make him endure immense pain in his final moments.

As a father, was he truly going to helplessly listen to his son's last screams without any way to intervene?

Subsequently, the assailant poured gasoline into the Rolls-Royce that Eiji was in, disregarding his frantic screams inside the car.

Once all the gasoline was poured in, the leader took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of matches, coldly lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and then threw the still burning match through the window!

The luxurious Rolls-Royce instantly turned into a crematorium, with flames wildly bursting out from inside.

Inside the car, Eiji, along with his assistant and driver, screamed as if they were in hell!

On the other end of the phone, Shinzhi listened with a heart-wrenching pain and tears streaming down his face.

The screams continued for over a minute before finally falling silent.

Shinzhi knew very well that his son was dead.

Possibly, dead in a gruesome manner!

At that moment, the flames of revenge consumed his rationality completely!

"Takehiko! You killed my son, I will kill your whole family!"

With that, he immediately called the acting head of the Tenglin family, and in a cold tone, ordered, "The Ito family killed my son, including the four members of the Tenglin family, including Uno Fujibayashi, who were harmed by him. I want you to first kill Takehiko's daughter, and then get rid of that old dog Takehiko as well!"

The other person's voice froze instantly, "Mr. Takahashi, rest assured, our people are watching the Ito family's mansion in Kyoto. Takehiko's daughter has not left there, we can take her life tonight!"

Shinzhi shouted hoarsely, "Kill her now! I want you to kill her now! I want you to behead her alive, then send me the video. Takehiko made me hear my son's tragic death, I want him to witness his daughter's gruesome end with his own eyes!"

The other person immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Takahashi, I will give the order for them to execute Nanako!"

Meanwhile, in Kyoto.

The snowfall was getting heavier.

Amidst the heavy snow, Charlie had been quietly observing Nanako for nearly ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, Nanako would sometimes gaze at the sky in a daze, sometimes bend down to gather the pure white snowflakes from the ground, seemingly enjoying herself.

Just as Charlie decided to go down to meet her, he suddenly noticed several dark figures swiftly approaching his location from a distance!

From their running posture and breathing pattern, these figures bore a striking resemblance to Uno Fujibayashi and his men.

Charlie immediately became alert.

These people were most likely ninjas!

And most likely, they were ninjas from the Tenglin family!

Chapter 1764 - "Nanako's Last Stand: Facing the Ninja's Blade"

Charlie sensed the approaching danger and immediately concealed his presence to observe from the shadows. He saw these individuals swiftly scaling the wall and then charging towards Nanako from multiple directions!

Although Nanako was still recovering from severe injuries, she was fundamentally a martial arts expert with keen senses. Even before the six individuals got close, she had already sensed their presence.

At that moment, Nanako considered calling for help from the other servants and stewards in the estate, but she hesitated and abandoned the idea.

She had noticed that all six of these people were ninjas!

While their family also had affiliated ninjas, they were all in Tokyo, not Kyoto.

Ninjas were formidable, especially in combat. Even before her injuries, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against an ordinary ninja, let alone six!

Moreover, it seemed that each of them possessed at least intermediate ninja skills.

In that instant, Nanako realised that even if she gathered everyone in the estate, they might not be a match for these six intruders.

So, why should she call for help loudly and put others in danger, when these people were clearly after her?

As the six individuals were almost upon Nanako, she calmly spoke, "Respected seniors, if you are here for my life, I will cooperate. However, I request you spare the lives of others in the estate. Most of them are not Ito family members but servants."

The leader sneered, "I have heard of the exceptional eldest daughter of the Ito family. Today, seeing you confirms your extraordinary nature!"

Drawing his sword, he coldly stated, "To be frank, we are here for your life to settle the blood debt your father owes. He secretly killed four members of the Tenglin family and the eldest son of the Takahashi family. You, as his daughter, will pay the interest first!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie was taken aback, "What? Eiji is dead? It seems that Tokyo is not peaceful at all since I left!"

Surrounded by the six individuals in the courtyard, Nanako exclaimed, "It's impossible! My father is not that kind of person! There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" the man gritted his teeth, "Freezing four skilled members of the Tenglin family into human ice sticks and burning the eldest son of the Takahashi family to charcoal. Tell me, is that a misunderstanding?!"

Firmly, Nanako stated, "I know my father. He might not be a saint, but he has his limits! Even if he has enemies, he confronts them openly and would never resort to treacherous acts!"

The man sneered, "People's true nature is often hidden. You might not truly understand Takehiko! However, you can take a step back. Once he joins the journey, you can ask him what he has done!"

He then instructed his companion, "Take out your phone and record. I will send the beheading video to Mr. Takahashi!"


Raising an exceptionally sharp ninja sword from his waist, the man coldly addressed Nanako, "Miss Ito, prepare to die!"

Nanako nodded silently and resignedly closed her eyes, muttering sadly to herself, "Charlie, until we meet again in the next life..."

The leader sighed softly, "Miss Ito, I will make your death swift. I hope in your next life, you won't be born into a wealthy family!"

With that, he raised the ninja sword high, gathering all his strength in his arms, ready to strike at Nanako's neck at any moment.

Nanako, now resigned to her fate, closed her beautiful eyes tightly, awaiting the inevitable moment!

Just as the leader was about to bring down the sword, a deadly sharp blade streaked towards him at lightning speed!

With a swish, a poisonous shuriken had already pierced his forehead!

And in that split second, the man who was about to behead Nanako met his sudden demise!

Charlie had finally made his move!

Chapter 1765 - "Snowy Showdown: Nanako's Secret Protector Revealed"

In fact, when the man raised the ninja sword, the other five individuals all stepped back two steps.

This was because they didn't want blood to spray onto them when it spurted out.

However, their eyes remained fixed on Nanako, waiting for the bloody scene to unfold.

Meanwhile, Nanako herself had already prepared herself for death.

But, at this moment, the scene abruptly came to a halt!

The ninja sword held high remained suspended in mid-air, and the others didn't understand why he hadn't moved yet.

As they looked over, they found that the executioner holding the sword was already dead!

Only a short handle, a few centimeters long, remained on his forehead where the shuriken had been inserted. Because the wound was too tightly pressed against the sword, only a small amount of blood seeped out from the wound, dripping onto the clean and thick snow, instantly staining it bright red!

As the few people stared in shock, not knowing what had happened, they realized that the throwing shuriken stuck between the man's eyebrows was surprisingly familiar!

The person filming with the phone exclaimed in terror, "Ah! This... This is a hand-thrown shuriken from Quatro!"

Indeed, it was Quatro's shuriken!

After killing him, Charlie kept all of his shuriken, and now they came in handy!

The remaining five individuals were suddenly as frightened as birds!

The tragic deaths of Uno and Quatro had left them deeply fearful, and now, with Quatro's shuriken killing another member of their clan, the crisis was right before their eyes!

The person holding the phone dropped it and blurted out to the other four, "Formation! Formation!"

The other four immediately snapped out of their daze, each drawing out a ninja sword, and they formed a small circle back to back, each person guarding a different direction.

This was the most commonly used formation by ninjas in defense.

At this moment, Nanako heard the commotion and opened her eyes, only to find that the man who had been about to kill her had become a motionless corpse, while the other five had formed a defensive formation as if facing a great enemy!

Before she could figure out what had happened, one of the five suddenly fell forward and plunged headfirst into the thick snow!

The person beside him hurriedly reached out to flip him over, only to find that there was also a shuriken stuck between his eyebrows!

He immediately pointed in the direction of the wall and said nervously, "At the wall!"

So, the remaining four gave up their circular defensive formation and focused all their attention, staring at the direction from which the shuriken had come.

One of them trembled as he said, "Shooting a hidden arrow is nothing! If you're capable, come out and face us!"

Although he said this, he didn't really expect such words to provoke the other party.

After all, it sounded too childish, and if the other party had such strength, how could they fall for his trick?

However, no one expected that just as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly leaped off the wall.

Then, the dark figure walked towards them with leisurely steps!

With each step the dark figure took, the snow on the ground creaked, making the four people increasingly frightened.

Nanako also stared wide-eyed at the dark figure, eager to know who the person who had secretly saved her was.

And just as the dark figure came in front of her, allowing her to see the person clearly, she was struck as if by lightning!

She never dreamed that the person who saved her would turn out to be none other than Charlie Wade, whom she had longed for day and night!

In that instant, Nanako thought she must be seeing things, experiencing an illusion.

So, she rubbed her eyes and looked again, more carefully this time.
Chapter 1761 - "Over the Wall: Charlie's Gaze"

As Nanako gazed up at the sky, thinking of Charlie, hidden above the wall, finally caught sight of the captivating figure in the courtyard below.

He bypassed the security of the Ito mansion, circled halfway around the wall surrounding the Ito family estate, and there he saw the one he had been worrying about, Nanako.

Seeing Nanako dressed in a kimono with her hair lightly pinned up, Charlie couldn't help but exclaim in his mind, "They say Nanako is the epitome of a traditional Japanese beauty, and it's absolutely true. She is the most beautiful and perfect Japanese woman I have ever seen."

However, the wheelchair beneath Nanako made Charlie feel somewhat melancholic.

She could have chosen not to participate in the final match against Dianne, she could have surrendered early in the competition, but she insisted on persevering, which resulted in a significant injury to her body.

At that moment, Charlie wished he could just leap over the wall and meet her, but the thought of appearing before her in such a manner made him feel a bit awkward.

If he startled her, how would he explain himself?

If she asked for an explanation, what would he say?

Charlie, who usually had excellent mental fortitude, found himself hesitating at this moment.

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres away in Tokyo.

Yoshito, lurking in the shadows, continued his cruel game.

While instructing his henchmen who held Cameron and Camilla hostage to wait for the right moment for a murder and framing scheme, he also had another group in Tokyo starting a new round of plotting.

He was like the Joker in The Dark Knight, intending to manipulate everyone and then gradually divide and conquer them.

This time, his target was Eiji.

He believed that merely causing trouble for the families of Cameron and Camilla during the kidnapping was not enough to make the two families completely turn against each other.

Therefore, he aimed to sow deep-seated enmity between these two families.

Only deep-seated enmity could make people lose all rationality and become extremely irrational.

So, on this evening, he extended his claws towards Eiji, whose arms were already disabled.

Eiji was a young man in his prime.

His injured arm, in a cast, did not hinder his physical desires.

He was known in Tokyo as a playboy, and many famous female celebrities in Tokyo were his lovers and playthings.

Recently, he had spent a fortune to make the leading actress of a popular Japanese female group his lover, and coincidentally, that female group was scheduled to appear on a variety show on Tokyo TV today.

Therefore, Eiji planned to sneak out tonight and spend the night with her.

She was eager to establish a long-term relationship with him, so she readily agreed.

Thus, driven by hormones, Eiji disregarded his father's advice to stay at home and wait for the storm to pass, secretly arranged for his men to pick him up from home, and headed to the most extravagant high-end club in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Chapter 1762 - "Highway Hijack: Eiji's Unwelcome Surprise"

In a high-end club, he owned a luxurious private room where he often entertained Japanese female celebrities.

A convoy of three Rolls-Royces carried Eiji to Shibuya, filled with anticipation for the night ahead.

As they passed through an underground tunnel, a truck suddenly blocked their path, followed by several black vans trapping the Rolls-Royces.

The guards in the lead and rear cars quickly reacted, drawing their guns to protect Eiji.

However, a group of black-clad individuals with automatic weapons emerged from the vans behind!

Their firepower far exceeded the guards', overwhelming them before they could react, leaving all eight guards dead.

Inside the middle Rolls-Royce, Eiji was petrified.

With only a driver and an assistant, both unarmed civilians, in his car, he felt helpless against the heavily armed assailants.

Panicked, Eiji called his father for help, trembling as he pleaded for rescue from the assassins surrounding him.

Shinzhi, bewildered, asked, "Aren't you at home? Where did the assassins come from?"

Eiji sobbed, "Dad, I was ambushed on the way to Shibuya, the guards are dead, they're coming for me, please save me, I don't want to die!"

Shinzhi, in a desperate attempt, yelled, "Tell them, I'll pay any amount to spare your life!"

Before he could finish, the black-clad group had already surrounded the Rolls-Royce carrying Eiji.

Eiji pleaded with them not to kill him, offering any amount of money as his father had instructed.

The leader of the group sneered, "Money? The Ito family doesn't care about money. We want the lives of the entire Takahashi family. We'll start with you, soon your father and family will join you!"

Eiji, on the verge of collapse, begged for his life, crying out that he was young and didn't want to die.

Shinzhi continued to shout over the phone, "Leave my son alone! Come after me if you must!"

The leader mocked, "Ah, still talking to the Takahashi patriarch? Listen closely, hear your son's despair before he dies!"

As he aimed his gun at Eiji, seeing his tear-streaked face, the leader hesitated and withdrew the weapon.

Thinking the leader had a change of heart, Eiji eagerly offered money, while Shinzhi promised a billion dollars to spare his son.

The leader coldly rejected their offers, ordering to bring two buckets of gasoline to set fire to the car with its occupants.

Chapter 1763 - "Burning Bridges: Shinzhi's Retribution"

In the next five minutes, Shinzhi experienced the most excruciating, agonising, and devastating five minutes of his life.

He couldn't hang up the phone because he knew that the voice he would hear next might be the last sound his son left in this world.

However, he was also painfully aware that the perpetrator was torturing his son, intending to make him endure immense pain in his final moments.

As a father, was he truly going to helplessly listen to his son's last screams without any way to intervene?

Subsequently, the assailant poured gasoline into the Rolls-Royce that Eiji was in, disregarding his frantic screams inside the car.

Once all the gasoline was poured in, the leader took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of matches, coldly lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and then threw the still burning match through the window!

The luxurious Rolls-Royce instantly turned into a crematorium, with flames wildly bursting out from inside.

Inside the car, Eiji, along with his assistant and driver, screamed as if they were in hell!

On the other end of the phone, Shinzhi listened with a heart-wrenching pain and tears streaming down his face.

The screams continued for over a minute before finally falling silent.

Shinzhi knew very well that his son was dead.

Possibly, dead in a gruesome manner!

At that moment, the flames of revenge consumed his rationality completely!

"Takehiko! You killed my son, I will kill your whole family!"

With that, he immediately called the acting head of the Tenglin family, and in a cold tone, ordered, "The Ito family killed my son, including the four members of the Tenglin family, including Uno Fujibayashi, who were harmed by him. I want you to first kill Takehiko's daughter, and then get rid of that old dog Takehiko as well!"

The other person's voice froze instantly, "Mr. Takahashi, rest assured, our people are watching the Ito family's mansion in Kyoto. Takehiko's daughter has not left there, we can take her life tonight!"

Shinzhi shouted hoarsely, "Kill her now! I want you to kill her now! I want you to behead her alive, then send me the video. Takehiko made me hear my son's tragic death, I want him to witness his daughter's gruesome end with his own eyes!"

The other person immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Takahashi, I will give the order for them to execute Nanako!"

Meanwhile, in Kyoto.

The snowfall was getting heavier.

Amidst the heavy snow, Charlie had been quietly observing Nanako for nearly ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, Nanako would sometimes gaze at the sky in a daze, sometimes bend down to gather the pure white snowflakes from the ground, seemingly enjoying herself.

Just as Charlie decided to go down to meet her, he suddenly noticed several dark figures swiftly approaching his location from a distance!

From their running posture and breathing pattern, these figures bore a striking resemblance to Uno Fujibayashi and his men.

Charlie immediately became alert.

These people were most likely ninjas!

And most likely, they were ninjas from the Tenglin family!

Chapter 1764 - "Nanako's Last Stand: Facing the Ninja's Blade"

Charlie sensed the approaching danger and immediately concealed his presence to observe from the shadows. He saw these individuals swiftly scaling the wall and then charging towards Nanako from multiple directions!

Although Nanako was still recovering from severe injuries, she was fundamentally a martial arts expert with keen senses. Even before the six individuals got close, she had already sensed their presence.

At that moment, Nanako considered calling for help from the other servants and stewards in the estate, but she hesitated and abandoned the idea.

She had noticed that all six of these people were ninjas!

While their family also had affiliated ninjas, they were all in Tokyo, not Kyoto.

Ninjas were formidable, especially in combat. Even before her injuries, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against an ordinary ninja, let alone six!

Moreover, it seemed that each of them possessed at least intermediate ninja skills.

In that instant, Nanako realised that even if she gathered everyone in the estate, they might not be a match for these six intruders.

So, why should she call for help loudly and put others in danger, when these people were clearly after her?

As the six individuals were almost upon Nanako, she calmly spoke, "Respected seniors, if you are here for my life, I will cooperate. However, I request you spare the lives of others in the estate. Most of them are not Ito family members but servants."

The leader sneered, "I have heard of the exceptional eldest daughter of the Ito family. Today, seeing you confirms your extraordinary nature!"

Drawing his sword, he coldly stated, "To be frank, we are here for your life to settle the blood debt your father owes. He secretly killed four members of the Tenglin family and the eldest son of the Takahashi family. You, as his daughter, will pay the interest first!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie was taken aback, "What? Eiji is dead? It seems that Tokyo is not peaceful at all since I left!"

Surrounded by the six individuals in the courtyard, Nanako exclaimed, "It's impossible! My father is not that kind of person! There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" the man gritted his teeth, "Freezing four skilled members of the Tenglin family into human ice sticks and burning the eldest son of the Takahashi family to charcoal. Tell me, is that a misunderstanding?!"

Firmly, Nanako stated, "I know my father. He might not be a saint, but he has his limits! Even if he has enemies, he confronts them openly and would never resort to treacherous acts!"

The man sneered, "People's true nature is often hidden. You might not truly understand Takehiko! However, you can take a step back. Once he joins the journey, you can ask him what he has done!"

He then instructed his companion, "Take out your phone and record. I will send the beheading video to Mr. Takahashi!"


Raising an exceptionally sharp ninja sword from his waist, the man coldly addressed Nanako, "Miss Ito, prepare to die!"

Nanako nodded silently and resignedly closed her eyes, muttering sadly to herself, "Charlie, until we meet again in the next life..."

The leader sighed softly, "Miss Ito, I will make your death swift. I hope in your next life, you won't be born into a wealthy family!"

With that, he raised the ninja sword high, gathering all his strength in his arms, ready to strike at Nanako's neck at any moment.

Nanako, now resigned to her fate, closed her beautiful eyes tightly, awaiting the inevitable moment!

Just as the leader was about to bring down the sword, a deadly sharp blade streaked towards him at lightning speed!

With a swish, a poisonous shuriken had already pierced his forehead!

And in that split second, the man who was about to behead Nanako met his sudden demise!

Charlie had finally made his move!

Chapter 1765 - "Snowy Showdown: Nanako's Secret Protector Revealed"

In fact, when the man raised the ninja sword, the other five individuals all stepped back two steps.

This was because they didn't want blood to spray onto them when it spurted out.

However, their eyes remained fixed on Nanako, waiting for the bloody scene to unfold.

Meanwhile, Nanako herself had already prepared herself for death.

But, at this moment, the scene abruptly came to a halt!

The ninja sword held high remained suspended in mid-air, and the others didn't understand why he hadn't moved yet.

As they looked over, they found that the executioner holding the sword was already dead!

Only a short handle, a few centimeters long, remained on his forehead where the shuriken had been inserted. Because the wound was too tightly pressed against the sword, only a small amount of blood seeped out from the wound, dripping onto the clean and thick snow, instantly staining it bright red!

As the few people stared in shock, not knowing what had happened, they realized that the throwing shuriken stuck between the man's eyebrows was surprisingly familiar!

The person filming with the phone exclaimed in terror, "Ah! This... This is a hand-thrown shuriken from Quatro!"

Indeed, it was Quatro's shuriken!

After killing him, Charlie kept all of his shuriken, and now they came in handy!

The remaining five individuals were suddenly as frightened as birds!

The tragic deaths of Uno and Quatro had left them deeply fearful, and now, with Quatro's shuriken killing another member of their clan, the crisis was right before their eyes!

The person holding the phone dropped it and blurted out to the other four, "Formation! Formation!"

The other four immediately snapped out of their daze, each drawing out a ninja sword, and they formed a small circle back to back, each person guarding a different direction.

This was the most commonly used formation by ninjas in defense.

At this moment, Nanako heard the commotion and opened her eyes, only to find that the man who had been about to kill her had become a motionless corpse, while the other five had formed a defensive formation as if facing a great enemy!

Before she could figure out what had happened, one of the five suddenly fell forward and plunged headfirst into the thick snow!

The person beside him hurriedly reached out to flip him over, only to find that there was also a shuriken stuck between his eyebrows!

He immediately pointed in the direction of the wall and said nervously, "At the wall!"

So, the remaining four gave up their circular defensive formation and focused all their attention, staring at the direction from which the shuriken had come.

One of them trembled as he said, "Shooting a hidden arrow is nothing! If you're capable, come out and face us!"

Although he said this, he didn't really expect such words to provoke the other party.

After all, it sounded too childish, and if the other party had such strength, how could they fall for his trick?

However, no one expected that just as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly leaped off the wall.

Then, the dark figure walked towards them with leisurely steps!

With each step the dark figure took, the snow on the ground creaked, making the four people increasingly frightened.

Nanako also stared wide-eyed at the dark figure, eager to know who the person who had secretly saved her was.

And just as the dark figure came in front of her, allowing her to see the person clearly, she was struck as if by lightning!

She never dreamed that the person who saved her would turn out to be none other than Charlie Wade, whom she had longed for day and night!

In that instant, Nanako thought she must be seeing things, experiencing an illusion.

So, she rubbed her eyes and looked again, more carefully this time.
Thanks for the feedings immortal junlee.. anticipating more 😍

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