"Dragon Son-in-law" a.k.a. Millionaire Son-in-law, Charlie Wade Story. Translated by Junlee (aka Jungal2000)

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Charlie Wade is a househusband son-in-law whom everyone looks down upon. However, unknown to them, his true identity is that of the young master from a top-tier family. Those who once belittled him will eventually kneel before him, trembling with fear and calling him "Master!" ...

The MC is Charlie Wade, and there's this girl Claire Wilson. They're in this savage clapback novel called "Ultimate Dragon Honcho", penned by this dude Ye Gongzi. Everyone knew Charlie Wade was the son-in-law of the Wilson family. Like, Grandpa Wilson legit pulled this broke boy outta nowhere and made him marry his grand daughter/princess, Claire. But bro's got no skills, no dough 💸, and Claire had to deal with so much BS 'cause of him. He even had the nerve to ask for money during Grandma Wilson's big party, making Claire hella embarrassed 😳. They kicked Charlie Wade out, but then plot twist! 🌀 Some butler dude shows up. Turns out, Charlie Wade's actually from the uber-rich Wade clan. The butler's like, "Come home, fam." But since his parents were, like, done dirty by the Wade fam, he's like "Nah." But he did take his grandpa’s black card loaded with 10 billion. 💳💰 #MicDrop

Author: Charlie Wade
Category: Urban Fiction
Status: Ongoing
Last Updated: October 18, 2023
Last edited:


Five Level Tribulator
Sep 17, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1761 - "Over the Wall: Charlie's Gaze"

As Nanako gazed up at the sky, thinking of Charlie, hidden above the wall, finally caught sight of the captivating figure in the courtyard below.

He bypassed the security of the Ito mansion, circled halfway around the wall surrounding the Ito family estate, and there he saw the one he had been worrying about, Nanako.

Seeing Nanako dressed in a kimono with her hair lightly pinned up, Charlie couldn't help but exclaim in his mind, "They say Nanako is the epitome of a traditional Japanese beauty, and it's absolutely true. She is the most beautiful and perfect Japanese woman I have ever seen."

However, the wheelchair beneath Nanako made Charlie feel somewhat melancholic.

She could have chosen not to participate in the final match against Dianne, she could have surrendered early in the competition, but she insisted on persevering, which resulted in a significant injury to her body.

At that moment, Charlie wished he could just leap over the wall and meet her, but the thought of appearing before her in such a manner made him feel a bit awkward.

If he startled her, how would he explain himself?

If she asked for an explanation, what would he say?

Charlie, who usually had excellent mental fortitude, found himself hesitating at this moment.

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres away in Tokyo.

Yoshito, lurking in the shadows, continued his cruel game.

While instructing his henchmen who held Cameron and Camilla hostage to wait for the right moment for a murder and framing scheme, he also had another group in Tokyo starting a new round of plotting.

He was like the Joker in The Dark Knight, intending to manipulate everyone and then gradually divide and conquer them.

This time, his target was Eiji.

He believed that merely causing trouble for the families of Cameron and Camilla during the kidnapping was not enough to make the two families completely turn against each other.

Therefore, he aimed to sow deep-seated enmity between these two families.

Only deep-seated enmity could make people lose all rationality and become extremely irrational.

So, on this evening, he extended his claws towards Eiji, whose arms were already disabled.

Eiji was a young man in his prime.

His injured arm, in a cast, did not hinder his physical desires.

He was known in Tokyo as a playboy, and many famous female celebrities in Tokyo were his lovers and playthings.

Recently, he had spent a fortune to make the leading actress of a popular Japanese female group his lover, and coincidentally, that female group was scheduled to appear on a variety show on Tokyo TV today.

Therefore, Eiji planned to sneak out tonight and spend the night with her.

She was eager to establish a long-term relationship with him, so she readily agreed.

Thus, driven by hormones, Eiji disregarded his father's advice to stay at home and wait for the storm to pass, secretly arranged for his men to pick him up from home, and headed to the most extravagant high-end club in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Chapter 1762 - "Highway Hijack: Eiji's Unwelcome Surprise"

In a high-end club, he owned a luxurious private room where he often entertained Japanese female celebrities.

A convoy of three Rolls-Royces carried Eiji to Shibuya, filled with anticipation for the night ahead.

As they passed through an underground tunnel, a truck suddenly blocked their path, followed by several black vans trapping the Rolls-Royces.

The guards in the lead and rear cars quickly reacted, drawing their guns to protect Eiji.

However, a group of black-clad individuals with automatic weapons emerged from the vans behind!

Their firepower far exceeded the guards', overwhelming them before they could react, leaving all eight guards dead.

Inside the middle Rolls-Royce, Eiji was petrified.

With only a driver and an assistant, both unarmed civilians, in his car, he felt helpless against the heavily armed assailants.

Panicked, Eiji called his father for help, trembling as he pleaded for rescue from the assassins surrounding him.

Shinzhi, bewildered, asked, "Aren't you at home? Where did the assassins come from?"

Eiji sobbed, "Dad, I was ambushed on the way to Shibuya, the guards are dead, they're coming for me, please save me, I don't want to die!"

Shinzhi, in a desperate attempt, yelled, "Tell them, I'll pay any amount to spare your life!"

Before he could finish, the black-clad group had already surrounded the Rolls-Royce carrying Eiji.

Eiji pleaded with them not to kill him, offering any amount of money as his father had instructed.

The leader of the group sneered, "Money? The Ito family doesn't care about money. We want the lives of the entire Takahashi family. We'll start with you, soon your father and family will join you!"

Eiji, on the verge of collapse, begged for his life, crying out that he was young and didn't want to die.

Shinzhi continued to shout over the phone, "Leave my son alone! Come after me if you must!"

The leader mocked, "Ah, still talking to the Takahashi patriarch? Listen closely, hear your son's despair before he dies!"

As he aimed his gun at Eiji, seeing his tear-streaked face, the leader hesitated and withdrew the weapon.

Thinking the leader had a change of heart, Eiji eagerly offered money, while Shinzhi promised a billion dollars to spare his son.

The leader coldly rejected their offers, ordering to bring two buckets of gasoline to set fire to the car with its occupants.

Chapter 1763 - "Burning Bridges: Shinzhi's Retribution"

In the next five minutes, Shinzhi experienced the most excruciating, agonising, and devastating five minutes of his life.

He couldn't hang up the phone because he knew that the voice he would hear next might be the last sound his son left in this world.

However, he was also painfully aware that the perpetrator was torturing his son, intending to make him endure immense pain in his final moments.

As a father, was he truly going to helplessly listen to his son's last screams without any way to intervene?

Subsequently, the assailant poured gasoline into the Rolls-Royce that Eiji was in, disregarding his frantic screams inside the car.

Once all the gasoline was poured in, the leader took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of matches, coldly lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and then threw the still burning match through the window!

The luxurious Rolls-Royce instantly turned into a crematorium, with flames wildly bursting out from inside.

Inside the car, Eiji, along with his assistant and driver, screamed as if they were in hell!

On the other end of the phone, Shinzhi listened with a heart-wrenching pain and tears streaming down his face.

The screams continued for over a minute before finally falling silent.

Shinzhi knew very well that his son was dead.

Possibly, dead in a gruesome manner!

At that moment, the flames of revenge consumed his rationality completely!

"Takehiko! You killed my son, I will kill your whole family!"

With that, he immediately called the acting head of the Tenglin family, and in a cold tone, ordered, "The Ito family killed my son, including the four members of the Tenglin family, including Uno Fujibayashi, who were harmed by him. I want you to first kill Takehiko's daughter, and then get rid of that old dog Takehiko as well!"

The other person's voice froze instantly, "Mr. Takahashi, rest assured, our people are watching the Ito family's mansion in Kyoto. Takehiko's daughter has not left there, we can take her life tonight!"

Shinzhi shouted hoarsely, "Kill her now! I want you to kill her now! I want you to behead her alive, then send me the video. Takehiko made me hear my son's tragic death, I want him to witness his daughter's gruesome end with his own eyes!"

The other person immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Takahashi, I will give the order for them to execute Nanako!"

Meanwhile, in Kyoto.

The snowfall was getting heavier.

Amidst the heavy snow, Charlie had been quietly observing Nanako for nearly ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, Nanako would sometimes gaze at the sky in a daze, sometimes bend down to gather the pure white snowflakes from the ground, seemingly enjoying herself.

Just as Charlie decided to go down to meet her, he suddenly noticed several dark figures swiftly approaching his location from a distance!

From their running posture and breathing pattern, these figures bore a striking resemblance to Uno Fujibayashi and his men.

Charlie immediately became alert.

These people were most likely ninjas!

And most likely, they were ninjas from the Tenglin family!

Chapter 1764 - "Nanako's Last Stand: Facing the Ninja's Blade"

Charlie sensed the approaching danger and immediately concealed his presence to observe from the shadows. He saw these individuals swiftly scaling the wall and then charging towards Nanako from multiple directions!

Although Nanako was still recovering from severe injuries, she was fundamentally a martial arts expert with keen senses. Even before the six individuals got close, she had already sensed their presence.

At that moment, Nanako considered calling for help from the other servants and stewards in the estate, but she hesitated and abandoned the idea.

She had noticed that all six of these people were ninjas!

While their family also had affiliated ninjas, they were all in Tokyo, not Kyoto.

Ninjas were formidable, especially in combat. Even before her injuries, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against an ordinary ninja, let alone six!

Moreover, it seemed that each of them possessed at least intermediate ninja skills.

In that instant, Nanako realised that even if she gathered everyone in the estate, they might not be a match for these six intruders.

So, why should she call for help loudly and put others in danger, when these people were clearly after her?

As the six individuals were almost upon Nanako, she calmly spoke, "Respected seniors, if you are here for my life, I will cooperate. However, I request you spare the lives of others in the estate. Most of them are not Ito family members but servants."

The leader sneered, "I have heard of the exceptional eldest daughter of the Ito family. Today, seeing you confirms your extraordinary nature!"

Drawing his sword, he coldly stated, "To be frank, we are here for your life to settle the blood debt your father owes. He secretly killed four members of the Tenglin family and the eldest son of the Takahashi family. You, as his daughter, will pay the interest first!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie was taken aback, "What? Eiji is dead? It seems that Tokyo is not peaceful at all since I left!"

Surrounded by the six individuals in the courtyard, Nanako exclaimed, "It's impossible! My father is not that kind of person! There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" the man gritted his teeth, "Freezing four skilled members of the Tenglin family into human ice sticks and burning the eldest son of the Takahashi family to charcoal. Tell me, is that a misunderstanding?!"

Firmly, Nanako stated, "I know my father. He might not be a saint, but he has his limits! Even if he has enemies, he confronts them openly and would never resort to treacherous acts!"

The man sneered, "People's true nature is often hidden. You might not truly understand Takehiko! However, you can take a step back. Once he joins the journey, you can ask him what he has done!"

He then instructed his companion, "Take out your phone and record. I will send the beheading video to Mr. Takahashi!"


Raising an exceptionally sharp ninja sword from his waist, the man coldly addressed Nanako, "Miss Ito, prepare to die!"

Nanako nodded silently and resignedly closed her eyes, muttering sadly to herself, "Charlie, until we meet again in the next life..."

The leader sighed softly, "Miss Ito, I will make your death swift. I hope in your next life, you won't be born into a wealthy family!"

With that, he raised the ninja sword high, gathering all his strength in his arms, ready to strike at Nanako's neck at any moment.

Nanako, now resigned to her fate, closed her beautiful eyes tightly, awaiting the inevitable moment!

Just as the leader was about to bring down the sword, a deadly sharp blade streaked towards him at lightning speed!

With a swish, a poisonous shuriken had already pierced his forehead!

And in that split second, the man who was about to behead Nanako met his sudden demise!

Charlie had finally made his move!

Chapter 1765 - "Snowy Showdown: Nanako's Secret Protector Revealed"

In fact, when the man raised the ninja sword, the other five individuals all stepped back two steps.

This was because they didn't want blood to spray onto them when it spurted out.

However, their eyes remained fixed on Nanako, waiting for the bloody scene to unfold.

Meanwhile, Nanako herself had already prepared herself for death.

But, at this moment, the scene abruptly came to a halt!

The ninja sword held high remained suspended in mid-air, and the others didn't understand why he hadn't moved yet.

As they looked over, they found that the executioner holding the sword was already dead!

Only a short handle, a few centimeters long, remained on his forehead where the shuriken had been inserted. Because the wound was too tightly pressed against the sword, only a small amount of blood seeped out from the wound, dripping onto the clean and thick snow, instantly staining it bright red!

As the few people stared in shock, not knowing what had happened, they realized that the throwing shuriken stuck between the man's eyebrows was surprisingly familiar!

The person filming with the phone exclaimed in terror, "Ah! This... This is a hand-thrown shuriken from Quatro!"

Indeed, it was Quatro's shuriken!

After killing him, Charlie kept all of his shuriken, and now they came in handy!

The remaining five individuals were suddenly as frightened as birds!

The tragic deaths of Uno and Quatro had left them deeply fearful, and now, with Quatro's shuriken killing another member of their clan, the crisis was right before their eyes!

The person holding the phone dropped it and blurted out to the other four, "Formation! Formation!"

The other four immediately snapped out of their daze, each drawing out a ninja sword, and they formed a small circle back to back, each person guarding a different direction.

This was the most commonly used formation by ninjas in defense.

At this moment, Nanako heard the commotion and opened her eyes, only to find that the man who had been about to kill her had become a motionless corpse, while the other five had formed a defensive formation as if facing a great enemy!

Before she could figure out what had happened, one of the five suddenly fell forward and plunged headfirst into the thick snow!

The person beside him hurriedly reached out to flip him over, only to find that there was also a shuriken stuck between his eyebrows!

He immediately pointed in the direction of the wall and said nervously, "At the wall!"

So, the remaining four gave up their circular defensive formation and focused all their attention, staring at the direction from which the shuriken had come.

One of them trembled as he said, "Shooting a hidden arrow is nothing! If you're capable, come out and face us!"

Although he said this, he didn't really expect such words to provoke the other party.

After all, it sounded too childish, and if the other party had such strength, how could they fall for his trick?

However, no one expected that just as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly leaped off the wall.

Then, the dark figure walked towards them with leisurely steps!

With each step the dark figure took, the snow on the ground creaked, making the four people increasingly frightened.

Nanako also stared wide-eyed at the dark figure, eager to know who the person who had secretly saved her was.

And just as the dark figure came in front of her, allowing her to see the person clearly, she was struck as if by lightning!

She never dreamed that the person who saved her would turn out to be none other than Charlie Wade, whom she had longed for day and night!

In that instant, Nanako thought she must be seeing things, experiencing an illusion.

So, she rubbed her eyes and looked again, more carefully this time.
Thanks for your effort Immortal Junlee.


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1761 - "Over the Wall: Charlie's Gaze"

As Nanako gazed up at the sky, thinking of Charlie, hidden above the wall, finally caught sight of the captivating figure in the courtyard below.

He bypassed the security of the Ito mansion, circled halfway around the wall surrounding the Ito family estate, and there he saw the one he had been worrying about, Nanako.

Seeing Nanako dressed in a kimono with her hair lightly pinned up, Charlie couldn't help but exclaim in his mind, "They say Nanako is the epitome of a traditional Japanese beauty, and it's absolutely true. She is the most beautiful and perfect Japanese woman I have ever seen."

However, the wheelchair beneath Nanako made Charlie feel somewhat melancholic.

She could have chosen not to participate in the final match against Dianne, she could have surrendered early in the competition, but she insisted on persevering, which resulted in a significant injury to her body.

At that moment, Charlie wished he could just leap over the wall and meet her, but the thought of appearing before her in such a manner made him feel a bit awkward.

If he startled her, how would he explain himself?

If she asked for an explanation, what would he say?

Charlie, who usually had excellent mental fortitude, found himself hesitating at this moment.

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometres away in Tokyo.

Yoshito, lurking in the shadows, continued his cruel game.

While instructing his henchmen who held Cameron and Camilla hostage to wait for the right moment for a murder and framing scheme, he also had another group in Tokyo starting a new round of plotting.

He was like the Joker in The Dark Knight, intending to manipulate everyone and then gradually divide and conquer them.

This time, his target was Eiji.

He believed that merely causing trouble for the families of Cameron and Camilla during the kidnapping was not enough to make the two families completely turn against each other.

Therefore, he aimed to sow deep-seated enmity between these two families.

Only deep-seated enmity could make people lose all rationality and become extremely irrational.

So, on this evening, he extended his claws towards Eiji, whose arms were already disabled.

Eiji was a young man in his prime.

His injured arm, in a cast, did not hinder his physical desires.

He was known in Tokyo as a playboy, and many famous female celebrities in Tokyo were his lovers and playthings.

Recently, he had spent a fortune to make the leading actress of a popular Japanese female group his lover, and coincidentally, that female group was scheduled to appear on a variety show on Tokyo TV today.

Therefore, Eiji planned to sneak out tonight and spend the night with her.

She was eager to establish a long-term relationship with him, so she readily agreed.

Thus, driven by hormones, Eiji disregarded his father's advice to stay at home and wait for the storm to pass, secretly arranged for his men to pick him up from home, and headed to the most extravagant high-end club in Shibuya, Tokyo.

Chapter 1762 - "Highway Hijack: Eiji's Unwelcome Surprise"

In a high-end club, he owned a luxurious private room where he often entertained Japanese female celebrities.

A convoy of three Rolls-Royces carried Eiji to Shibuya, filled with anticipation for the night ahead.

As they passed through an underground tunnel, a truck suddenly blocked their path, followed by several black vans trapping the Rolls-Royces.

The guards in the lead and rear cars quickly reacted, drawing their guns to protect Eiji.

However, a group of black-clad individuals with automatic weapons emerged from the vans behind!

Their firepower far exceeded the guards', overwhelming them before they could react, leaving all eight guards dead.

Inside the middle Rolls-Royce, Eiji was petrified.

With only a driver and an assistant, both unarmed civilians, in his car, he felt helpless against the heavily armed assailants.

Panicked, Eiji called his father for help, trembling as he pleaded for rescue from the assassins surrounding him.

Shinzhi, bewildered, asked, "Aren't you at home? Where did the assassins come from?"

Eiji sobbed, "Dad, I was ambushed on the way to Shibuya, the guards are dead, they're coming for me, please save me, I don't want to die!"

Shinzhi, in a desperate attempt, yelled, "Tell them, I'll pay any amount to spare your life!"

Before he could finish, the black-clad group had already surrounded the Rolls-Royce carrying Eiji.

Eiji pleaded with them not to kill him, offering any amount of money as his father had instructed.

The leader of the group sneered, "Money? The Ito family doesn't care about money. We want the lives of the entire Takahashi family. We'll start with you, soon your father and family will join you!"

Eiji, on the verge of collapse, begged for his life, crying out that he was young and didn't want to die.

Shinzhi continued to shout over the phone, "Leave my son alone! Come after me if you must!"

The leader mocked, "Ah, still talking to the Takahashi patriarch? Listen closely, hear your son's despair before he dies!"

As he aimed his gun at Eiji, seeing his tear-streaked face, the leader hesitated and withdrew the weapon.

Thinking the leader had a change of heart, Eiji eagerly offered money, while Shinzhi promised a billion dollars to spare his son.

The leader coldly rejected their offers, ordering to bring two buckets of gasoline to set fire to the car with its occupants.

Chapter 1763 - "Burning Bridges: Shinzhi's Retribution"

In the next five minutes, Shinzhi experienced the most excruciating, agonising, and devastating five minutes of his life.

He couldn't hang up the phone because he knew that the voice he would hear next might be the last sound his son left in this world.

However, he was also painfully aware that the perpetrator was torturing his son, intending to make him endure immense pain in his final moments.

As a father, was he truly going to helplessly listen to his son's last screams without any way to intervene?

Subsequently, the assailant poured gasoline into the Rolls-Royce that Eiji was in, disregarding his frantic screams inside the car.

Once all the gasoline was poured in, the leader took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of matches, coldly lit a cigarette, took a deep drag, and then threw the still burning match through the window!

The luxurious Rolls-Royce instantly turned into a crematorium, with flames wildly bursting out from inside.

Inside the car, Eiji, along with his assistant and driver, screamed as if they were in hell!

On the other end of the phone, Shinzhi listened with a heart-wrenching pain and tears streaming down his face.

The screams continued for over a minute before finally falling silent.

Shinzhi knew very well that his son was dead.

Possibly, dead in a gruesome manner!

At that moment, the flames of revenge consumed his rationality completely!

"Takehiko! You killed my son, I will kill your whole family!"

With that, he immediately called the acting head of the Tenglin family, and in a cold tone, ordered, "The Ito family killed my son, including the four members of the Tenglin family, including Uno Fujibayashi, who were harmed by him. I want you to first kill Takehiko's daughter, and then get rid of that old dog Takehiko as well!"

The other person's voice froze instantly, "Mr. Takahashi, rest assured, our people are watching the Ito family's mansion in Kyoto. Takehiko's daughter has not left there, we can take her life tonight!"

Shinzhi shouted hoarsely, "Kill her now! I want you to kill her now! I want you to behead her alive, then send me the video. Takehiko made me hear my son's tragic death, I want him to witness his daughter's gruesome end with his own eyes!"

The other person immediately said, "Yes, Mr. Takahashi, I will give the order for them to execute Nanako!"

Meanwhile, in Kyoto.

The snowfall was getting heavier.

Amidst the heavy snow, Charlie had been quietly observing Nanako for nearly ten minutes.

During these ten minutes, Nanako would sometimes gaze at the sky in a daze, sometimes bend down to gather the pure white snowflakes from the ground, seemingly enjoying herself.

Just as Charlie decided to go down to meet her, he suddenly noticed several dark figures swiftly approaching his location from a distance!

From their running posture and breathing pattern, these figures bore a striking resemblance to Uno Fujibayashi and his men.

Charlie immediately became alert.

These people were most likely ninjas!

And most likely, they were ninjas from the Tenglin family!

Chapter 1764 - "Nanako's Last Stand: Facing the Ninja's Blade"

Charlie sensed the approaching danger and immediately concealed his presence to observe from the shadows. He saw these individuals swiftly scaling the wall and then charging towards Nanako from multiple directions!

Although Nanako was still recovering from severe injuries, she was fundamentally a martial arts expert with keen senses. Even before the six individuals got close, she had already sensed their presence.

At that moment, Nanako considered calling for help from the other servants and stewards in the estate, but she hesitated and abandoned the idea.

She had noticed that all six of these people were ninjas!

While their family also had affiliated ninjas, they were all in Tokyo, not Kyoto.

Ninjas were formidable, especially in combat. Even before her injuries, she probably wouldn't stand a chance against an ordinary ninja, let alone six!

Moreover, it seemed that each of them possessed at least intermediate ninja skills.

In that instant, Nanako realised that even if she gathered everyone in the estate, they might not be a match for these six intruders.

So, why should she call for help loudly and put others in danger, when these people were clearly after her?

As the six individuals were almost upon Nanako, she calmly spoke, "Respected seniors, if you are here for my life, I will cooperate. However, I request you spare the lives of others in the estate. Most of them are not Ito family members but servants."

The leader sneered, "I have heard of the exceptional eldest daughter of the Ito family. Today, seeing you confirms your extraordinary nature!"

Drawing his sword, he coldly stated, "To be frank, we are here for your life to settle the blood debt your father owes. He secretly killed four members of the Tenglin family and the eldest son of the Takahashi family. You, as his daughter, will pay the interest first!"

Upon hearing this, Charlie was taken aback, "What? Eiji is dead? It seems that Tokyo is not peaceful at all since I left!"

Surrounded by the six individuals in the courtyard, Nanako exclaimed, "It's impossible! My father is not that kind of person! There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" the man gritted his teeth, "Freezing four skilled members of the Tenglin family into human ice sticks and burning the eldest son of the Takahashi family to charcoal. Tell me, is that a misunderstanding?!"

Firmly, Nanako stated, "I know my father. He might not be a saint, but he has his limits! Even if he has enemies, he confronts them openly and would never resort to treacherous acts!"

The man sneered, "People's true nature is often hidden. You might not truly understand Takehiko! However, you can take a step back. Once he joins the journey, you can ask him what he has done!"

He then instructed his companion, "Take out your phone and record. I will send the beheading video to Mr. Takahashi!"


Raising an exceptionally sharp ninja sword from his waist, the man coldly addressed Nanako, "Miss Ito, prepare to die!"

Nanako nodded silently and resignedly closed her eyes, muttering sadly to herself, "Charlie, until we meet again in the next life..."

The leader sighed softly, "Miss Ito, I will make your death swift. I hope in your next life, you won't be born into a wealthy family!"

With that, he raised the ninja sword high, gathering all his strength in his arms, ready to strike at Nanako's neck at any moment.

Nanako, now resigned to her fate, closed her beautiful eyes tightly, awaiting the inevitable moment!

Just as the leader was about to bring down the sword, a deadly sharp blade streaked towards him at lightning speed!

With a swish, a poisonous shuriken had already pierced his forehead!

And in that split second, the man who was about to behead Nanako met his sudden demise!

Charlie had finally made his move!

Chapter 1765 - "Snowy Showdown: Nanako's Secret Protector Revealed"

In fact, when the man raised the ninja sword, the other five individuals all stepped back two steps.

This was because they didn't want blood to spray onto them when it spurted out.

However, their eyes remained fixed on Nanako, waiting for the bloody scene to unfold.

Meanwhile, Nanako herself had already prepared herself for death.

But, at this moment, the scene abruptly came to a halt!

The ninja sword held high remained suspended in mid-air, and the others didn't understand why he hadn't moved yet.

As they looked over, they found that the executioner holding the sword was already dead!

Only a short handle, a few centimeters long, remained on his forehead where the shuriken had been inserted. Because the wound was too tightly pressed against the sword, only a small amount of blood seeped out from the wound, dripping onto the clean and thick snow, instantly staining it bright red!

As the few people stared in shock, not knowing what had happened, they realized that the throwing shuriken stuck between the man's eyebrows was surprisingly familiar!

The person filming with the phone exclaimed in terror, "Ah! This... This is a hand-thrown shuriken from Quatro!"

Indeed, it was Quatro's shuriken!

After killing him, Charlie kept all of his shuriken, and now they came in handy!

The remaining five individuals were suddenly as frightened as birds!

The tragic deaths of Uno and Quatro had left them deeply fearful, and now, with Quatro's shuriken killing another member of their clan, the crisis was right before their eyes!

The person holding the phone dropped it and blurted out to the other four, "Formation! Formation!"

The other four immediately snapped out of their daze, each drawing out a ninja sword, and they formed a small circle back to back, each person guarding a different direction.

This was the most commonly used formation by ninjas in defense.

At this moment, Nanako heard the commotion and opened her eyes, only to find that the man who had been about to kill her had become a motionless corpse, while the other five had formed a defensive formation as if facing a great enemy!

Before she could figure out what had happened, one of the five suddenly fell forward and plunged headfirst into the thick snow!

The person beside him hurriedly reached out to flip him over, only to find that there was also a shuriken stuck between his eyebrows!

He immediately pointed in the direction of the wall and said nervously, "At the wall!"

So, the remaining four gave up their circular defensive formation and focused all their attention, staring at the direction from which the shuriken had come.

One of them trembled as he said, "Shooting a hidden arrow is nothing! If you're capable, come out and face us!"

Although he said this, he didn't really expect such words to provoke the other party.

After all, it sounded too childish, and if the other party had such strength, how could they fall for his trick?

However, no one expected that just as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly leaped off the wall.

Then, the dark figure walked towards them with leisurely steps!

With each step the dark figure took, the snow on the ground creaked, making the four people increasingly frightened.

Nanako also stared wide-eyed at the dark figure, eager to know who the person who had secretly saved her was.

And just as the dark figure came in front of her, allowing her to see the person clearly, she was struck as if by lightning!

She never dreamed that the person who saved her would turn out to be none other than Charlie Wade, whom she had longed for day and night!

In that instant, Nanako thought she must be seeing things, experiencing an illusion.

So, she rubbed her eyes and looked again, more carefully this time.
Waoh finally Nanako meet the Real Dragon,am eagerly waiting for her reaction

Ruffus Rhys Of West Lucozia

Martial Arts Master
Feb 22, 2024
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Chapter 1641 - "Chickens, Cash, and Contrasts: A Dinner Dialogue"

With a grumble under her breath about Madam Wilson's attitude, Zoraida trailed after the Wilson family into the restaurant.

Madam Wilson plonked herself right at the head of the dining table, giving Zoraida's homemade dishes a once-over with a sour expression. "Why's it all home-cooked grub? Not a hint of fancy stuff. Don't you know I need some proper food now that I'm getting up there in age?"

Feeling a tad peeved, Zoraida shot back, "Mom, don't put this on me. You're the one holding all the purse strings. I've barely got a few bucks to rub together. How can I whip up something extravagant?"

Madam Wilson huffed, "Always got an excuse handy. With just a bit of cash, you could've rustled up a chicken stew, no? Even a regular chicken doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Surely you can manage that?"

Zoraida felt her temper flare but held her tongue, replying, "Mom, we've got five mouths to feed in this household. Without a decent budget, even a top chef couldn't conjure up a feast. At least we've got pork on the table today. Who knows about tomorrow?"

Madam Wilson shot her a glare. "Money's not the issue, but you've got to keep tabs. From now on, when you're shopping, stick to regular stores and keep those receipts for reimbursement."

Zoraida got the message loud and clear – the old lady was worried about her pinching pennies.

The thought of having to justify every dime spent and square things up with Madam Wilson left a sour taste in Zoraida's mouth. But she kept her cool, simply saying, "Fine, if it doesn't bother you, let's settle up daily from now on."

Madam Wilson let out a dry laugh. "Bother me? Not a chance. I've still got plenty of pep, you know."

Zoraida wisely chose not to engage further, opting to dig into her meal instead.

Meanwhile, Wendy was quietly tapping away on her phone, pausing only to address Madam Wilson, "Granny, can I get an allowance?"

Madam Wilson furrowed her brow. "Allowance for what?"

Wendy put on her best innocent face. "Granny, look, I'm now the big shot business director at Wilson Group. And a director's gotta look the part, right? So I need funds for clothes, makeup, skincare, you name it."

Madam Wilson shot her a withering look. "Quit beating around the bush. Spit it out."

Wendy sighed, "Granny, I'm asking for a hundred grand to splurge on a bag, some new threads, and makeup and skincare bits."

"A hundred grand?!" Madam Wilson scoffed. "You think money grows on trees around here?"

Wendy felt a pang of frustration. "Granny, didn't Mr. Weaver just drop us a cool fortune? Our company's swimming in cash. A hundred grand is peanuts!"

Madam Wilson snapped, "Peanuts? Let me tell you, it's because folks think a hundred grand is peanuts, or even two hundred grand, or a million, that's why the Wilson Group's been bleeding cash! So from now on, we're turning over a new leaf, and there'll be no more reckless spending!"

Wendy couldn't help feeling a bit put out. With a pout, she muttered, "After all we've been through, I can't even afford decent makeup. Heading out for business deals like this, it's not a good look for Wilson Group. And I had to sell my old bag for peanuts just to get by. Now I don't even have a proper bag. People are gonna laugh at me!"

Madam Wilson waved her hand impatiently. "Enough with the drama. Bag's an easy fix. Just get a knockoff. Fake Hermès, anyone? Still looks classy, right?"

Chapter 1642 - "The Wilson Directive: Upholding Tradition in a Modern World"

"Why's everyone so worked up about this 'face' thing?" Wendy's voice trembled with anxiety as she spoke. "I mean, I'm the big shot Director of Business Affairs at Wilson Group. If I strut around with a knockoff Hermès, what if someone figures it out? Talk about awkward!"

Madam Wilson shot back with a smirk, "Honey, you're missing the point! These days, your status speaks louder than any label. Even if you're toting a fake, to them, it's the real deal. But if you're just an average Joe, even a legit bag looks counterfeit! Wilson Group's climbing back up the ladder now. And as our Director of Business Affairs, you're like royalty in the corporate world. So, even with a knockoff, nobody's gonna doubt it!"

Wendy felt her frustration bubbling up. "But Grandma, come on! For the sake of your granddaughter and my job title, isn't coughing up 100 grand a tad excessive?"

Madam Wilson snorted. "Quit the theatrics. Ten grand. Take it or leave it."

Wendy's frustration hit the roof, but the thought of walking away empty-handed made her cave in.

So, with a reluctant nod, she muttered, "Fine, ten grand it is…"

Madam Wilson cleared her throat, laying down the law. "Listen up, folks! This time, we're bringing Wilson Group back from the brink! We're not just aiming for the top; we're aiming higher. So, no slacking off! No room for indulgence. Cross that line, and even if you're family, you're out! Got it?"

Noah, Harold, and Wendy got the message loud and clear. Though they were seething inside, nobody dared to kick up a fuss. They just grudgingly nodded and chorused, "Got it…"

Only then did Madam Wilson crack a satisfied smile. "Alright, let's chow down quick. We've got work waiting at the office this arvo!"

With no choice, everyone bowed their heads and dug in.

Meanwhile, Wendy was flicking through her WeChat Moments when she stumbled upon Elaine's post, her anger boiling over.

Her indignation soared. "That snooty Elaine flaunting her Hermès collection. I want in, but Grandma's shutting me down. She'd rather I rock a fake. But if I do and Elaine catches wind? She'll roast me alive!"

The more she thought about it, the hotter her fury burned. Why did Elaine, that old bag, get to have all the fancy stuff? Wendy was young and gorgeous. Why couldn't she outshine her?

Squirming with frustration, she whined, "Grandma! Look! Even Elaine's rocking real Hermès. Why can't I?"

Madam Wilson swiped the phone from her, eyes blazing. "That Elaine, always showing off!"

Noah peered at the screen, lips curling in distaste. "Look at her, strutting her stuff with a healed leg! Bet she'll be back in action soon."

Harold, seething with animosity toward Elaine, chimed in, "Dad, you promised to put her in her place. When's that happening? I'm itching to knock her down a peg!"

"Patience, son," Noah smirked. "When her leg was busted, she was holed up at home. Couldn't just crash in and wreak havoc, could we? We'd end up in hot water. But now that she's mobile, her time will come. And when it does, we'll give her a taste of her own medicine!"

Chapter 1643 - "Machinations and Manipulations: Charlie's Game with the Kobayashi Brothers"

Noah nursed a simmering grudge against Elaine, fueled by her refusal to take down the twenty-odd green hats adorning her terrace. Not only did she leave them up, but she even ordered more online, bringing the total to over thirty.

Every time Noah passed by Charlie's place on his way to Thomson Elite, he couldn't miss those darn hats fluttering in the breeze. It drove him up the wall every single time.

And to top it off, Elaine's constant jabs at him only stoked the fire of his hatred.

He'd been itching to put Elaine in her place and stir up some trouble for Charlie's family to win Donald's favor. But with Elaine cooped up at home with a busted leg, there wasn't a chance to strike.

Now that her cast was off, he knew she'd be back to flaunting in no time. And as long as she kept stepping out, he'd have his chance to settle the score.

Madam Wilson perked up at the mention of dealing with Elaine. "That blasted Elaine, gallivanting around like she owns the place. They should've broken both her legs when she was in the clink to spare me the agony!"

Wendy chimed in, "Grandma, this time we can make sure she doesn't step out again!"

"Yeah, Grandma!" Harold piped up eagerly. "Break both her legs! I've had it up to here with her!"

Madam Wilson turned to Noah, her tone cold. "Noah, Elaine's been disrespecting you and the Wilsons. You need to give that wench a taste of her own medicine."

Noah nodded firmly. "Mom, you can count on me. I won't let her off easy!"


After lunch, Charlie called Orvel to pick him up and whisked him off to the dog farm.

He had plans to jet off to Japan the next day to wrap up business with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals ASAP.

But to seal the deal with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, he needed the help of the brothers, Ichiro and Jiro.

In Orvel's car, Charlie inquired, "How have the Kobayashi brothers been at the farm lately?"

Orvel grinned. "Master Wade, those two have been keeping their noses to the grindstone, not causing any fuss. They're as quiet as church mice. But they can't stand each other. It's like two bulls in a pen; put 'em together, and it's chaos. So I've got 'em working in different corners to avoid any showdowns."

Charlie nodded knowingly. There was no love lost between Ichiro and Jiro.

Especially with Ichiro—he'd been hoodwinked by Charlie before, and even lost his father to Charlie's machinations. It was a bitter pill to swallow. And to add insult to injury, his own brother accused him of poisoning their father and put a bounty on his head.

Jiro, too, held a grudge against his elder brother.

Last time, Charlie made it crystal clear that only one of them could accompany him back to Japan, leaving the other stuck at the farm forever.

And Charlie had his sights set on taking Ichiro, the elder, with him. So every day, Jiro prayed for some miracle to rid him of his brother, making him Charlie's only choice.


Chapter 1644 - "Dueling Brothers: The Race for Charlie's Favor"

When he got back to Japan with Charlie, he knew he had to hand over 90% of the shares, but hey, anything was better than sticking around at that dog farm.

Charlie called out to Orvel as soon as they arrived, "Get Ichiro and Jiro over here."

"Sure thing, Master Wade!" Orvel wasted no time passing on the order, and soon, some of the other guys brought in Ichiro and Jiro, both decked out in their work gear.

Before anyone could blink, Ichiro darted forward and gave Jiro a swift kick in the chest, sending him sprawling. "You jerk, how dare you show your face around here!"

Jiro scrambled up from the ground, itching for a fight. "You mutt, I'll knock you out cold!"

Ichiro wasn't backing down. "Bring it on! Let's see who comes out on top!"

Orvel's crew quickly stepped in to break up the scuffle, warning them, "Cut it out! You'll regret it if you keep this up."

The two were separated and escorted into separate rooms.

Charlie lounged in the big chair, chuckling as he watched the drama unfold. "How've you boys been holding up?"

Seeing Charlie, both brothers dropped to their knees without a second thought. Ichiro piped up, "Master Wade, you're finally here! I've been waiting. I'm ready to hand over 90% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals' shares to you!"

Jiro jumped in, "Don't trust him, Master Wade. Ichiro's a snake! Pick me! I'll give you 95% of the shares!"

Ichiro snapped, "You traitor! I'm not a snake!"

Ignoring the squabble, Jiro pleaded with Charlie, "Just let me keep 2% of the shares, and you can have the rest, 98%. Please, take me back to Japan..."

Meanwhile, Ichiro gritted his teeth. "I'll give you 99% of the shares if you take me back!"

Jiro broke down, "Please, Master Wade, I'll give you everything! Just let me keep a bit of property and pay me a salary!"

Charlie watched the back-and-forth with a smirk. "Okay, enough bickering. I keep my promises. Ichiro handed over 90% of the shares last time, so I'll stick to that."

He turned to Ichiro, "Get ready. We're leaving in a couple of days."

Ichiro was over the moon, bowing to Charlie repeatedly. "Thank you, Master Wade, thank you!"

Jiro was crushed, pleading, "Please, take me with you. I'll do whatever you ask..."

Charlie shrugged, "You stay put. You'll be taken care of here. And if your brother acts up, I'll send him back and take you instead."

Jiro felt hopeless. When would that be? Who knew!

Meanwhile, Ichiro was buzzing with excitement. "Master Wade, when do we leave?"

Charlie waved him off, "Tomorrow!"

Chapter 1645 - "Planes, Plans, and Power Plays"

When Ichiro heard that Charlie was taking him back to Japan tomorrow, he couldn't help but feel excited. But soon after, he felt a wave of nervousness.

He looked at Charlie and whispered, "Master Charlie, how can I return to Japan in my current state and win everyone's trust? Everyone thinks I killed my father, and they also think I'm dead. If I suddenly go back now, it's going to be very difficult to smoothly inherit Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals..."

Charlie grinned and said, "Isn't this just a small matter?"

After saying that, he immediately waved to Orvel and said, "Orvel, arrange for someone to prepare a camera and film a confession video for Jiro, let him confess himself, saying that he poisoned his father to death, and then offered a hefty reward for his brother's head, all to achieve the goal of monopolizing Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals."

When Jiro Kobayashi heard this, he felt as if the sky was falling, crying out, "Master Charlie, you can't do this! Didn't you say that if my elder brother didn't perform well, you would send me back? If you make me confess now, how can I go back in the future?"

Charlie said coldly, "What's there to fear? You two brothers can each film a segment confessing to taking the blame. When your brother takes over, you'll take the fall; when you take over, let your brother take the fall. Isn't that perfect?"

Jiro and Ichiro were both filled with despair. Wasn't Charlie pushing them to their deaths?

However, they also knew very well that their lives were in Charlie's hands now. If they really went against him, they might suffer dire consequences.

So the two could only nod obediently and do as they were told, being led by people arranged by Orvel to a nearby empty room to shoot the video.

At this time, Charlie called Paul, Merit's son. As soon as Paul answered, Charlie asked him, "Paul, do you have time in the next few days?"

Paul replied hurriedly, "Master Charlie, what can I do for you?"

Charlie said, "It's about what I told you before, accompany me to Japan, solve the issue of transferring the shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, and complete the relevant legal procedures."

"No problem!" Paul immediately replied, "When specifically do we leave? Let me rearrange my schedule, and I can go with you."

Charlie smiled and said, "How about tomorrow? The earlier we go, the earlier we'll be back."

"Okay," Paul said, "I'll book the tickets then. Who else will be going with us?"

Charlie casually said, "You don't need to book tickets. I'll talk to Isaac and have him arrange a private plane."


Then, Charlie hung up and called Isaac.

After all, the Wade family was a big business, and in Aurous Hill, there was a private plane specifically allocated to Isaac for daily use. When Isaac heard that Charlie was going to Japan, he immediately arranged for the crew of the private plane to apply for the route and takeoff time.

At the same time, he said to Charlie, "Young Master, you're not familiar with Japan, why don't I accompany you? I also have some connections with many Japanese companies and families. In case you need anything, I can help make things easier."

Ever since returning from Evergreen Mountain after killing the Eight Great Kings, Isaac had been wholeheartedly following Charlie, regarding him as his only master. Charlie could see that this person was now completely trustworthy, completely under his control. Since he wanted to follow along, Charlie didn't mind.

So Charlie said to him, "Alright, you arrange the plane and also arrange for two or three reliable subordinates to go with us."

Then, Charlie glanced at Orvel and asked him, "Orvel, do you have any plans in the next few days? If not, come with me to Japan."

Chapter 1646 - "Pawns and Puppets: Charlie's Chessboard"

Orvel immediately nodded and said, "No problem, Master Wade! Orvel will follow your orders!"

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, then said to Isaac, "Master Charlie, Orvel will accompany us, along with Paul from Smith Law Firm and Ichiro from the Kobayashi family. Make sure the crew is prepared."

"Yes, young master! I'll arrange it right away!"

At this moment, Ichiro and Jiro Kobayashi, the two brothers, had also finished recording their respective videos of taking the blame.

Later, they were brought back by Orvel's subordinates.

Charlie looked at the two of them and said lightly, "Ichiro, rest well today. Tomorrow, Orvel will take you to the airport. But let me warn you in advance, be careful all the way. Don't think that just because you're in Japan, it's like being back in your home turf. If you dare to defy me in any way, I won't spare you."

Ichiro nodded vigorously, "Master Wade, rest assured, even if I die, I won't defy you..."

Charlie grunted in response, then turned to Jiro Kobayashi and said lightly, "Jiro Kobayashi, you just stay here honestly. Orvel's men will take good care of you, providing you with good food and drink. Besides working, you can spend the rest of your time praying. Pray that your big brother gets into some trouble or causes some trouble, so you'll have a chance to return to Japan."

Upon hearing this, Ichiro hastily waved his hands, "Master Wade, you can rest assured, I absolutely won't cause any trouble. This bastard Jiro will never get a chance to leave this dog farm in his whole life!"

Jiro Kobayashi gritted his teeth in anger.

However, now Ichiro had become Charlie's first choice, and he could only honestly play the role of a spare tire.

What's a spare tire?

If the tire currently in use doesn't have any problems, doesn't go flat or burst, the spare tire will never get a chance to be used.

Thinking of this, his hatred towards his big brother deepened to the bone.

If it weren't for the presence of so many people here, he would have rushed up now and strangled his big brother with his bare arms!

Charlie saw the two brothers opposing each other and being wary of each other, and he was very satisfied.

This was exactly what he wanted, to make them mutually deter and balance each other.

In this way, neither of them dared to defy him, and they could only let him manipulate them and be his puppets.

Thinking of this, Charlie stood up and said to Orvel, "Orvel, starting from tomorrow, strengthen the guard at the dog farm. Make sure to keep a close eye on Jiro Kobayashi and don't let anything go wrong!"

Orvel immediately nodded and said, "Master Wade, rest assured, I already have over twenty guards here, plus dozens of the fiercest purebred hunting dogs. Even if each dog takes a bite, they'll chew up Jiro Kobayashi's small frame. Tomorrow, I'll bring ten more men over and encircle this place like an iron barrel, absolutely nothing will go wrong!"

Charlie smiled, "Good, your way of doing things is more and more to my liking. But you also need to pay attention, if he doesn't listen and you really let the dogs bite him, don't let the dogs bite him to death. Leave him with at least one life."

Orvel looked at Jiro Kobayashi with a sinister grin, "If this kid dares to run, I'll let my Tibetan Mastiff bite off that thing of his first!"

Chapter 1647 - "Highways and Heartstrings: Charlie's Trip to Japan"

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in Japan has multiple production bases.

Its headquarters is in Tokyo, and apart from Tokyo, there are production lines of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals in cities like Yokohama, Osaka, and Nagoya.

In addition, some time ago, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals invested a large sum of money to establish the largest biopharmaceutical production base in Asia in Osaka.

This time, when Charlie went to Japan, besides settling the share transfer agreement with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals and completing the transfer of shares, he also had to take Lorden from Weigard Pharmaceuticals to visit these production bases.

Lorden is now the general manager of Mystical Labs and also the person in charge of Mystical Labs. After Charlie acquires Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, Lorden will temporarily be responsible for managing the entire production line of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals.

In the future, when the time is right, Stephen can come over to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, and then let Lorden focus his energy domestically to continue expanding the scale of Mystical Labs domestically.

So, Charlie and Isaac set a travel plan.

They, along with others, would fly from Aurous Hill to Tokyo tomorrow morning. Isaac would contact his subordinates in Tokyo to make arrangements for local assistance, and a convoy would accompany them throughout the journey.

After settling matters in Tokyo, they would drive from Tokyo and head westward towards Yokohama.

Yokohama is near Tokyo, so the distance isn't too far, just under a hundred kilometers by car.

Then, they would drive from Yokohama to Nagoya, and finally to Osaka.

After inspecting Osaka, they could directly return to Aurous Hill by plane from Osaka.

The reason for driving through these cities is mainly because Japan's land area is relatively small, and these cities are not far apart.

From Tokyo all the way to Osaka, it's just over five hundred kilometers, and a plane can reach there in less than an hour. Moreover, they also need to visit Yokohama and Nagoya in between, so flying would be more troublesome compared to driving.

Charlie studied the map of Japan and noticed a small detail: the highway from Nagoya to Osaka passes through Kyoto.

And Nanako, who was seriously injured and recuperating, is in Kyoto.

An idea surged in Charlie's mind: he must go to Kyoto to see her!


At the dinner table, Charlie told his family straightforwardly about his plan to go to Japan tomorrow.

Upon hearing that Charlie was leaving tomorrow, Claire couldn't help feeling a bit reluctant. "You just came back today, and you're leaving tomorrow. You haven't even stayed for a full 24 hours..."

"Yeah!" Jacob also couldn't help but lament, "Being a good son-in-law is important, but your health is even more important. You're constantly shuttling back and forth like this; your body won't be able to take it."

On the other hand, Elaine seemed somewhat excited. "Oh, what do you know? You've been useless since we got married, lacking any ambition. That's why our family has always been looked down upon by the old lady, and we've never had any good days."

After saying that, she looked at Charlie with a flattering expression and praised, "Look at our Charlie, so ambitious! He's many times better than you!"

Jacob snorted, "Are you a person now? Wasn't it you who used to chase after others and slander Charlie as useless? Wasn't it you who pursued our daughter and wanted her to divorce Charlie?"

Elaine's expression turned unnatural, and she hurriedly said, "Jacob, stop trying to sow discord here! Although I was wrong before, I can change for the better, you know!"

Then, she quickly smiled at Charlie, "Good son-in-law, how many days are you going to Japan this time?"

Charlie replied, "If all goes well, three to five days; if not, then a week."


Chapter 1648 - "Elaine's Expectations and Jacob's Frustrations"

Claire couldn't help but mutter, "Huh? So long?!"

Charlie chuckled, "Well, I'm going abroad, you know, unfamiliar territory and all. Things aren't as convenient as they are back home. And if I'm really going to help someone with Feng Shui, they probably won't have all the materials readily available like they do in China. So, the time frame might be a bit longer."

Claire felt a pang of disappointment.

During these days when Charlie was in Eastcliff, she had been thinking about him every night before falling asleep. Now that she finally got him back, she hadn't expected him to leave again, and for several days at that.

Elaine couldn't help but ask, "Good son-in-law, how much are they paying you this time for going to Japan to look at Feng Shui?"

Charlie casually replied, "Around two to three million."

"Wow! So much!" Elaine clapped happily and then gave him a thumbs-up, praising, "My son-in-law is amazing! Just casually looking at Feng Shui can earn two to three million!"

Then, she quickly added with a smile, "Good son-in-law, I've heard that Japanese skincare products, cosmetics, and skincare items are all of great quality and effectiveness. Don't forget to bring back some gifts for your mom!"

Jacob couldn't stand it anymore and blurted out, "Elaine, will you ever have enough? Charlie has already bought you a bunch of Hermes bags, and you're still asking for gifts? You're like a snake trying to swallow an elephant!"

"It's none of your business!" Elaine gave Jacob a disdainful look and retorted angrily, "I'm asking for what my good daughter needs, not asking you. What are you blabbering about here? Who forgot to pull up their pants and exposed themselves?"

Upon hearing this, Jacob's face turned red with anger, and he trembled all over.

"Forget to pull up their pants and expose themselves? Are you comparing yourself to that thing?"

"This woman's mouth is too sharp! I really want to slap her across the face!"

However, Jacob dared only to think about it in his heart. If he really got into a fight with Elaine, he would have a lot of trouble in the future.

So, he immediately turned to Claire and complained, "Claire, look at your mom, she can't speak civilized words..."

"Alright, alright." Elaine waved her hand nonchalantly, "I'll be more civilized, not stooping to the level of this old man."

Charlie, on the side, shook his head with a smile. He didn't take it to heart. He had long been accustomed to the bickering between these two. If they didn't argue one day, it would seem something was off.

After dinner, Charlie and Claire returned to their bedroom on the second floor.

The couple, as usual, took turns to shower, and then lay down on the bed, one on each side.

Since Charlie had been promoted, he hadn't gone further with Claire. But Charlie wasn't too anxious about it, especially since there had been a lot going on lately, and he was still troubled by the presence of several other women.

Thinking about going to Japan tomorrow, he couldn't help but picture Nanako's face and how she looked when she was injured in the arena.

Charlie couldn't understand why he couldn't get this Japanese woman, Nanako, out of his mind.

It seemed he was attracted to her gentle and resilient personality.

While he was lost in thought, Charlie suddenly felt Claire moving beside him.

Thinking Claire was just turning over as usual, he didn't expect her to lift the corner of his blanket and slip into his bed...

Chapter 1649 - "Unspoken Longings: Charlie and Claire's Silent Exchange"

Claire slipped into Charlie's blanket, gently wrapping her arms around his waist.

At that moment, she felt a sense of security like never before.

Having been with Charlie for so long, this was the first time she had hugged him like this. Despite feeling completely safe, her heart was still racing with nervousness.

Charlie, who had been lost in thought, was startled by Claire's actions.

As he turned his face, Claire was also taken aback by him.

Her cheeks flushed instantly, and she stammered, "Honey, you... you're not asleep yet?"

Charlie, feeling a bit flustered himself, explained, "I was asleep, then I woke up..."

Then he couldn't help but ask, "Darling, why did you come into my bed?"

Blushing uncontrollably, Claire said, "Uh, well... I... I just... I just..."

After stumbling over her words for a while, Claire gathered her courage and said, "I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving again, so I wanted to cuddle with you. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, Charlie couldn't help but feel moved. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, whispering, "Silly girl, I'll be back in just a few days."

"Mm," Claire nestled gently in Charlie's embrace, smiling, "I found that sleeping like this with you gives me a real sense of security."

Charlie chuckled, "Does that mean I get promoted? Shall we sleep together in the same blanket from now on?"

Claire blushed even more, whispering, "Promotion is possible, but for now, let's stick to one level..."

According to Charlie's usual style, now would be the time for him to ask Claire when he could level up completely and when they could have a child. After all, even Elaine supported them having a child soon.

Maybe, by going with the flow, he could smoothly settle their marital affairs.

But because Charlie couldn't help but involuntarily think of Nanako, it made him feel uncomfortable.

That feeling was like a thorn pricking Charlie's heart, instantly calming him down a lot.

So, he just held Claire gently and whispered, "It's okay, one level at a time, and sleeping with you is already great."

Now it was Claire's turn to be surprised.

She had expected Charlie to use some persuasion tactics.

But, no matter what, she never expected Charlie to accept so easily.

This sudden acceptance also brought a sense of loss to her heart.

In fact, after spending such a long time together, she had developed deep feelings and dependence on Charlie.

However, she was still an inexperienced young girl and had some hesitation and worries about taking their relationship to the next level.

If Charlie had been more proactive, she might have just let go and followed his lead.

But Charlie's sudden calmness caught her off guard.

She wanted to ask Charlie why he was so indifferent today, did he no longer like her?

But then she quickly realized that it wasn't appropriate to ask such a question, so she could only bury it deep in her heart.

Soon, the steady sound of Charlie's breathing filled the air, and Claire let out a sigh in her heart, feeling a bit disappointed as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 1650 - "Heartache and Duty: Charlie's Inner Conflict"

The next morning, Charlie woke up very early.

Actually, he hadn't slept well the night before.

For some reason, every time he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think of Nanako.

During this time, many women had appeared around Charlie.

Whether it was Sarah, Dianne, or Abby, Li Wilsonfen, and Haidee, although these women all made him feel a bit moved to varying degrees, none of them made him feel as heartbroken as Nanako did.

Haidee had waited for him for so many years and searched for him for so many years. Charlie did feel guilty in his heart, but Haidee was born into a big family and was spoiled by her parents.

After she grew up, she became an internationally renowned superstar and was adored and loved by countless people.

Even without him, her life was already splendid, rich, and happy.

But Nanako was different.

Although she was also born into a wealthy family and was loved by her family, she was seriously injured in the battle with Dianne.

To suffer such a heavy injury, both physically and mentally, was something an ordinary girl could never experience in her lifetime.

And Charlie could also imagine that even though she had escaped the danger of death, she must still be constantly tormented by her injuries, which must be very painful.

And she didn't have to fight this battle in the first place.

But she did everything she could to make him notice her.

Even in the previous match against Dianne, she waited eagerly for an opportunity to win with one move, even if it meant getting hurt.

Charlie was very clear in his heart that if it weren't for him, Nanako wouldn't have been injured so severely.

It was precisely because of this that Charlie had always felt heartbroken for her when she was injured.

Charlie had also reflected on himself as a married man. He shouldn't feel heartbroken for other women, especially a Japanese woman, in terms of both emotion and reason.

However, that feeling was completely beyond his control.

After freshening up, Charlie quietly left the bedroom without waking up the still sleeping Claire.

At this time, Isaac had already brought his subordinates and was waiting at the entrance of Thomson Elite.

Charlie went downstairs, seeing that Jacob and Elaine had not yet gotten up, so he left a note and quickly left the house.

At the entrance of Thomson Elite.

Several Rolls-Royces were parked side by side. When Charlie came out, Isaac and his men all got out of the car and bowed respectfully to him, saying in unison, "Master Wade!"

Charlie nodded and got into the same car with Isaac.

As soon as they got in the car, Isaac immediately said to Charlie, "Young Master, Paul, Lorden, and the others have already gone there by themselves. Orvel is taking Ichiro from the dog farm over there. We just need to meet them at the airport. The plane and the crew are ready. We can depart anytime after everyone arrives!"

Charlie nodded. The biggest difference between a private jet and a regular commercial flight was the relatively flexible schedule. As long as they applied for today's route, theoretically, they could depart at any time. If they arrived early, they could take off early, and if they arrived late, they could take off late.

At the moment, there was a subconscious thought in his mind, which was to hurry to Tokyo to get things done and then head straight to Kyoto.

For some reason, Nanako had become a curse in his heart, constantly appearing and stirring his emotions.

He felt that this was probably mainly because he felt some sympathy for Nanako's experience. If he cured her, this mental demon would naturally disappear.

So he was a bit impatient and said to Isaac, "Alright, time waits for no one. Let's depart quickly!"
I think this pormotion level things that claire put chalie through is absolutely repulsive, it's just ridiculous, i wish chalie will lose his virginity either to nonako or haidee snow, let's that retard Claire regret it the rest of her life.

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1766 - "Is This a Dream or Reality?"

The man in front of her, with a smiling face, was indeed the Charlie Wade she had longed for and admired!

At this moment, within Nanako's heart, countless questions surged:

"How is it him?!"

"Why is it him?!"

"Why is he here?!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

"Could it be that I'm already dead, and all of this is just an illusion after my death?!"

"Just a moment ago, I even thought that even if I could see Charlie before I die, I would die without regrets. But who would believe that Charlie would suddenly appear like a godsend at this critical moment to save me?!"

Countless thoughts gathered in her mind, making her surprised and hesitant, nervous and excited, causing her whole body to tremble speechless.

At this moment, Charlie broke the silence first. He looked at Nanako, smiled slightly, and asked, "Miss Ito, it's been a while. How have you been lately?"

Hearing Charlie's voice, Nanako finally confirmed that everything in front of her was not an illusion!

The Charlie she had been longing for and even thought she would never have the chance to see again actually came to rescue her at her most dangerous moment!

At this moment, Nanako finally experienced the ultimate happiness of a woman.

She felt that in this life, there would never be a moment that could surpass every minute and every second of the present.

Even if she were to die now, she felt that her life had been completely fulfilled, without any regrets.

So, she could no longer control her emotions, burst into tears, and cried out, "Charlie! Since returning from Aurous Hill, Nanako has been looking forward to meeting you again day and night. I didn't expect you to really come!"

The four ninjas were on high alert, and one of them gritted his teeth and shouted, "Kid, did you kill Quatro?!"

Charlie smirked cruelly, "I did. What can you do about it?"

The man gritted his teeth and shouted, "Bastard! You killed six members of my Tenglin family. I'll take your life!"

Charlie looked at the four ninjas and said indifferently, "You guys are making too much noise. Since you want my life, don't disturb the other people in this mansion."

With that, he held his Thunder Command in one hand and muttered softly, "Thunder, come!"

In an instant, a series of muffled thunderclaps sounded in the gloomy sky!

This series of thunderclaps immediately caused a commotion around, disturbing the quiet snowy night.

At this moment, Charlie's face was filled with a disdainful smirk as he shouted, "You want revenge, huh? Come on then! While they haven't gone too far, I'll send you to meet them!"

The man, unaware that the thunder was summoned by Charlie, roared angrily, "Bastard, you will die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his ninja sword high and fiercely slashed towards Charlie at an extremely fast speed!

The other three were not far behind!

One of them leaped into the air directly, swinging his sword from mid-air towards Charlie!

The other two quickly dodged to both sides, wielding their ninja swords, ready to attack Charlie from both flanks!

It was well known that Japanese samurai swords and ninja swords were crafted by top craftsmen with top-notch steel, and their blades were sharp enough to cut hair!

With all four attacking together, as long as Charlie couldn't block even a bit, he would be chopped into several pieces!

These four were indeed filled with killing intent!

Nanako saw the terrifying cold light in the night sky and shouted in horror, "Charlie, be careful!"

Chapter 1767 - "Thunderous Justice: Charlie's Final Strike"

The four ninjas from the Tenglin family were confident that this time they could land a fatal blow to Charlie.

Meanwhile, Nanako had her heart in her mouth, fearing any mishap happening to Charlie.

For her, even if it meant sacrificing herself, she would never allow Charlie to get hurt even a little.

At that moment, Charlie suddenly retreated at lightning speed, leaving the four ninjas dumbfounded by his agility!

They were the ones who initiated the attack, being faster than Charlie in terms of reaction time.

Moreover, each of them wielded a nearly one-meter-long ninja sword, further extending their attack range, giving them the upper hand to strike faster.

In their understanding, it was almost impossible for anyone to escape in that split second.

It was like a bullet about to hit a normal person that they couldn't possibly dodge!

Yet, Charlie managed to do it!

As Charlie swiftly retreated, the Thunder Command had already been pocketed. Following that, he swiftly drew out two shurikens from his left and right hands, shooting towards the ninja who leaped into the air and the one directly in front of him!

Upon hearing the shurikens whistling through the air, and seeing the chilling glint rapidly approaching, they both warned each other, "Be careful!"

Soon after, as they were about to dodge to the sides, they both felt a sharp pain in their chests.

The one in the air plummeted rapidly, while the one charging towards Charlie knelt down instantly!

The two flanking ninjas were petrified by the unfolding scene.

Who would have thought that this man's movements were so swift, completely outclassing them by more than one level!

What was initially a confident ambush by the four turned into a scenario where not a single blow was landed on their target, yet they lost two of their own!

Realising the hopeless situation, both knew they had no chance of winning, continuing to blindly attack would only lead to death.

So, they exchanged a glance, then abruptly halted their movements, each pulling out a round ball about the size of a ping pong ball from their pockets and threw it to the ground.

Following that, the balls emitted a dazzling light, followed by a thick black smoke, using the smoke as cover, they turned and fled.

Charlie sneered, calmly retrieving the last two shurikens from his leather sheath, and launched them towards the two black smoke clouds.

Though the two had already run a fair distance, they were caught off guard by the sound of the shurikens cutting through the air, moving at an incredible speed, leaving them with only a split second to react!

In that moment, their only thought was: they were doomed!

And indeed they were!

The two shurikens struck their backs, the potent poison on the blades spreading rapidly, leading to their demise in an instant!

Meanwhile, the faint sound of thunder continued in the sky.

Therefore, the events unfolding in the courtyard of Nanako did not disturb the others in the mansion.

As all six individuals had met their end, Charlie finally breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, not far from him, Nanako gazed at him with tear-filled eyes.

Chapter 1768 - "Nanako's Confession: A Heartfelt Revelation"


Nanako choked up, then turned the wheels of her wheelchair with both hands, heading towards Charlie.

Charlie hurried a few steps and stood in front of her, asking, "Miss Ito, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Nanako kept shaking her head, then couldn't control her tears and started crying.

At that moment, her biggest feeling was not the relief of surviving a disaster, but the immense surprise brought by Charlie's sudden appearance.

Seeing her on the verge of losing control, Charlie couldn't help but reach out, gently touching her slightly cold hand, and softly comforting, "Miss Ito, stop crying, everything is fine now."

Nanako wiped away her tears, shook her head, and said, "I'm not crying because of what just happened..."

After speaking, she lifted her head, not hiding the deep love in her eyes, choked up and asked, "Charlie, how did you come to Kyoto?"

Charlie smiled slightly, "I came to Japan for some business, happened to be in Osaka, thought Osaka was quite close to you, so I came to see you."

Upon hearing this, Nanako felt as if countless pieces of sugar had melted in her heart.

Excitedly, she asked, "Charlie, did you... did you come to see me because you missed me?"

"Um..." Charlie was momentarily taken aback by her question.

He had intended to come up with a casual excuse, but suddenly felt that coming all the way here was the most honest answer. Why lie at this moment?

So, he nodded slightly, somewhat awkwardly saying, "Sort of..."

Upon hearing this, Nanako was overjoyed beyond words!

Though there were still traces of tears in the corners of her eyes, she joyfully said, "I never expected Charlie would still remember me... this is... this is such a pleasant surprise..."

She then hurriedly asked Charlie, "Charlie, how did you know I was in Kyoto?"

Charlie replied, "A few days ago, I met Koichi at Yanjing Airport, and he told me."

"I see!" Nanako said somewhat shyly, "Charlie, thank you for remembering me and thank you for saving my life today..."

Charlie smiled faintly, saying, "No need to be so polite, just a small effort."

Then, Charlie asked her, "I see you've been in a wheelchair all this time, is your body still not fully recovered?"

"Yes," Nanako nodded gently, "Ever since the last match with Dianne, I suffered a serious injury, received treatment in Tokyo for a while, escaped the life-threatening situation, but my body still hasn't fully recovered. It may take a long period of rest and recuperation for the injuries to improve."

Charlie nodded, earnestly saying, "Actually, I came to see you this time mainly to help you recover from your injuries, didn't expect to encounter such a situation..."

Gratefully, Nanako smiled softly and said, "Charlie, the best doctors in Japan have examined my injuries. Their opinion is that just preserving my face is already quite rare. With the current medical techniques, it's difficult to restore me to my original state. If in a few years I can get out of the wheelchair, it would already be considered a medical miracle."

After that, Nanako looked up, gazing at Charlie with fiery eyes, and said earnestly, "Charlie, your visit already deeply touches me. It's more important than being able to stand up again or fully recover..."

"You have no idea how much I've missed you during this time. I can't even believe it myself. For such a long time, my biggest wish has not been to recover but to see Charlie again..."

As she spoke, Nanako gathered her courage, took Charlie's hand, and affectionately said, "Thank you, Charlie! Your appearance here is Nanako's blessing. If Nanako can walk hand in hand with Charlie in this snow for a moment, it would be a life without regrets..."

Charlie, seeing her gentle gaze, felt a hint of heartache. He looked at Nanako, and with utmost seriousness, said, "Nanako, I have a way to heal you, to completely restore you!"

Chapter 1769 - "Nanako's Wish: Hoping for Forever"

Upon hearing Charlie's resolute words, Nanako was somewhat dumbfounded.

She couldn't believe that there was a possibility for her injuries to fully recover, but coming from Charlie, she suddenly felt a great sense of trust.

So, with great excitement, she asked Charlie, "Charlie, do you really have a way to heal my injuries?"

Charlie nodded and said, "But before treating you, let's first deal with these corpses."

Nanako hurriedly said, "I'll call the housekeeper right away!"

"No need," Charlie stopped her, saying, "I had a disagreement with your father in Tokyo. If you tell the housekeeper, such a big matter, he will definitely inform your father immediately, and it might not look good."

Surprised, Nanako asked, "Charlie, you met my father in Tokyo?! How did you end up having a disagreement?"

Charlie shrugged and said, "It's a long story. I'll tell you slowly when I treat your injuries later."

Nanako stuck out her tongue and joked, "It seems that my father must have faced some trouble with Charlie here..."

Charlie chuckled, "Not trouble, just a little loss of money."

Nanako smiled, "It's okay, he's not short of money anyway, a little loss doesn't matter."

Charlie cleared his throat and said, "A loss of 4.5 billion US dollars."

"What?" Nanako was shocked by Charlie's words and asked in disbelief, "4.5 billion US dollars? Charlie, are you kidding?"

Charlie smiled and said, "I'm not kidding, it's true. But I haven't decided yet whether to let him suffer such a big loss."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Charlie, you don't need to think about it. Consider that money as a thank you from my father for saving my life. To him, my life is worth more than 4.5 billion US dollars."

Charlie laughed, "You're generous, aren't you afraid your father will be angry if he finds out?"

Nanako shook her head and said seriously, "If he dares to be angry, I'll run away from home, go to China to seek refuge with Charlie, and never come back!"


Charlie was speechless for a moment.

He didn't know if Nanako was joking or serious. If she was serious, he would naturally be willing deep down, but he couldn't explain it to Claire...

Seeing Charlie hesitate, Nanako quickly said with a smile, "Charlie, I'm just joking with you, you don't need to take it seriously. And even if I were to go to China, I would definitely buy a house in Aurous Hill to settle down on my own, not to cause trouble for you!"

Charlie sighed and said, "Let's talk about this later. I'll deal with these six corpses first. Your courtyard has many rooms, which one is less frequently used?"

Pointing to the west wing, Nanako said, "That room is a storage room, but it has been empty for a long time since I haven't been back."

Charlie nodded and said, "It's getting cold, I'll escort you back to your room, then I'll deal with these bodies. After handling them, I'll treat your injuries first. Once your injuries are healed, you can inform the household staff to dispose of the bodies properly."

Anxiously, Nanako asked, "Charlie, after you heal my injuries, are you going to leave?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "I have to go back to Osaka, finish things there, and then return to my country."

Nanako looked somewhat disappointed and murmured, "Then I hope... my injuries never heal..."

Charlie blurted out, "Don't say such things, it's not auspicious."

Nanako said seriously, "In that case, Charlie, you'll be able to stay forever, right? Because you said you'll leave only after healing my injuries, if you can't heal them, you can't leave."

Looking at her helplessly, Charlie said, "Don't worry, I will definitely heal you."

Chapter 1770 - "A Promise Sealed: Charlie's Commitment to Nanako"

Nanako asked Charlie, "Charlie, will I have the chance to see you again in the future?"

Charlie nodded, "Yes, I have now shifted some of my business to Japan, so I might come here often in the future."

"That's great!" Nanako exclaimed with joy, "Charlie, can you promise me something?"

Charlie responded with a sound of agreement, "Go ahead."

Nanako hurriedly said, "I hope that every time you come to Japan, you can inform me, and if it's convenient for you, please allow me to meet you!"

"Also, if I go to China, Charlie, if it's convenient for you, please allow me to meet you there, okay?"

Charlie smiled faintly, "No problem, I promise you."

Nanako cheered like a little girl, "Then I will be able to see Charlie often in the future!"

Moved by her sweet smile, Charlie's voice softened as he said, "Alright, let me escort you back to your room first, and I'll come back later to help treat your injuries."

Subsequently, guided by Nanako, Charlie pushed her wheelchair and took her back to her chamber.

Nanako's room was a typical Japanese classical layout, with the entire house made of natural wood flooring, clean, tidy, and elegantly antique.

In the room, there was a low tea table for sitting, a Japanese writing desk, and a flower arranging stand. On the walls, there were numerous calligraphy works, seemingly written by Nanako herself.

Charlie escorted her back to the room, supporting her as they entered.

To prevent Nanako from falling, Charlie held her hand with one hand and supported her waist with the other, the intimate contact making his heart race and causing a blush to appear on Nanako's face.

Charlie continued to support Nanako and, at her request, helped her sit on the cushion in front of the tea table.

On the tea table, there was a set of exquisite Japanese tea utensils and a small incense burner.

After Nanako sat down, Charlie spoke, "Wait for me, I'll go deal with the bodies outside."

Blushing, Nanako looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, Nanako is unwell and can't help you, so please make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy it when you return."

Charlie nodded, said okay, and then left the room.

At this moment, six bodies lying in the snow had already been half-buried by the heavy snow.

Charlie carefully moved several bodies to the storage room before returning to Nanako's room.

Upon his return, a fragrant scent of sandalwood filled the room, and Nanako was meticulously whisking matcha powder in a Japanese tea bowl.

Seeing Charlie enter, she hurriedly said, "Charlie, please have a seat!"

Charlie nodded and sat cross-legged on the cushion in front of her.

As Nanako continued to whisk the matcha powder, she said to him, "The Japanese tea ceremony may be different from the Chinese one. Here, we brew tea using matcha powder. I'm not sure if Charlie will like it."

Charlie smiled, "I've tasted Japanese tea ceremony with my parents when I was young, and I quite liked it."

Nanako nodded, smiling, "That's good!"

As she was about to prepare tea for Charlie, his brows suddenly furrowed, and he whispered to her, "Someone has climbed over the wall again!"

"Oh?!" Nanako widened her eyes in surprise, "Is it the same group as before?"

Charlie shook his head, "Not sure, but there's only one person this time. It might not be here to harm you. Later, don't speak recklessly. Let's outwit them!"

Ruffus Rhys Of West Lucozia

Martial Arts Master
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
Chapter 1681 - "From Kyoto to Tokyo: Nanako's Change of Heart"

Koichi never expected that when Miss heard the news of Charlie coming to Japan, her voice suddenly became extremely cheerful.

He couldn't help but think to himself, "Didn't I make myself clear enough just now? This Charlie made your father cough up 4.5 billion dollars! How come you sound so excited as soon as you hear he's coming to Japan?"

However, Koichi naturally didn't dare to ask this question.

At this moment, Nanako saw that he didn't respond, so she hurriedly asked him again, "Tanaka-san, please answer me! Did Charlie really come to Japan?"

Koichi could only honestly say, "Yes, Miss, he's come to Japan, right here in Tokyo. I saw him today."

Nanako pursued, "Did he come to Japan to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?"

"Probably," Koichi truthfully replied, "I'm not entirely sure of the specifics, but he should be here to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals."

Nanako felt somewhat disappointed, thinking to herself, "If Charlie only came to Japan to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, then he'll probably only stay in Tokyo for a few days. After he's done with his business, he'll probably return to China, right? He definitely won't come to Kyoto, so I probably won't have a chance to see him..."

With this in mind, Nanako suddenly had a very strong urge. She wanted to go to Tokyo, she wanted to see Charlie!

So, she hurriedly asked Koichi, "Tanaka-san, do you know how many days Charlie will stay in Tokyo?"

Koichi awkwardly said, "Miss, I'm not too sure about that..."

Nanako hastily said, "I'll have Watanabe-san prepare. I'll take the morning train back to Tokyo tomorrow."

"Back to Tokyo?" Koichi asked, "Miss, weren't you planning to recuperate in Kyoto? Why suddenly decide to come back? Is it because of Master Wade?"

"Yes!" Nanako blurted out without hesitation, "I want to see Charlie. If I don't go back now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance!"

Koichi suddenly realized that something seemed off.

He couldn't help but ponder in his mind:

"Miss has always been extremely reserved and has never lost her composure because of any member of the opposite sex."

"But now, she's excessively excited upon hearing the news of Charlie coming to Tokyo, and she even plans to return to Tokyo early tomorrow morning to see him. This is truly unusual..."

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that Miss has developed feelings for Charlie?!"

Koichi thought to himself, utterly shocked. He pondered, "Miss has always admired martial arts experts with extraordinary strength, and Charlie is indeed among the best. His strength is so formidable that it's awe-inspiring. If Miss truly harbors feelings for him, it would make sense..."

"But... Chairman is a staunch nationalist. He has made it clear long ago that Miss must not marry anyone from any country other than Japan. If Miss really likes Charlie, and Chairman finds out, he will surely be furious!"

With this thought, Koichi hurriedly said, "Miss, you absolutely mustn't do this!"

Nanako asked in surprise, "Why, Tanaka-san?"

Koichi blurted out, "If Chairman finds out that you admire Master Wade, he will definitely be extremely angry. By then, not only will you not see Master Wade, but you might even be confined by Chairman, and Chairman will probably accelerate your marriage plans!"

Chapter 1682 - "The Weight of Tradition"

Even though Nanako and Koichi were separated by a phone call, his words still made her blush in an instant.

She stammered in explanation, "Tanaka-san... You... You've got it wrong. I... I don't... I don't have any... any feelings... admiration... for Master Wade..."

Koichi sighed, "Miss, I've been serving the Ito family for many years, and I've been by your side for a long time. I understand you quite well. You don't have to hide anything from me. Besides, I'm not trying to pry into your privacy. The key is, if I can see through your thoughts, the chairman will surely see them too. It's impossible to keep it hidden. And then, I'm afraid you won't get to see Master Wade, but instead, you'll reveal your thoughts in front of the chairman..."

"This..." Nanako was speechless for a moment.

She knew that Koichi was only saying this out of goodwill, hence his reminder.

She also knew that her father, Takehiko, would never allow her to have any potential development with a foreign man. He had made it clear to her countless times that he could only accept her marrying a Japanese man, and one with purely Japanese blood at that.

As for others, even immigrants who had come from China and the Korean Peninsula one or two hundred years ago and had been living in Japan for three or four generations, they were not considered pure Japanese in his eyes.

Just like Masayoshi Son, the chairman of SoftBank Group, who invested in Alibaba. Although he was the richest man in Japan on the surface, he was not considered Japanese at all in Takehiko's eyes.

Because Masayoshi Son's grandfather was originally from Daegu, Korea.

Many years ago, he immigrated from Daegu, Korea to Japan and worked as a miner. Masayoshi Son himself was born and raised in Japan.

In the eyes of most people, he was already a standard Japanese.

But to nationalists like Takehiko, Masayoshi Son could at most be considered a Korean-Japanese.

It was like how Americans viewed Chinese-Americans, even though Chinese-Americans had American citizenship, some Americans still regarded them as Chinese.

Because Nanako understood her father very well, she felt remorseful for her hasty decision.

Koichi was right. If she suddenly returned to Tokyo and insisted on meeting Charlie, Takehiko would definitely be furious. He might even impose restrictions on her, interfere with her marital freedom, find her a marriage partner directly, or force her into marriage.

Thinking of this, Nanako felt extremely despondent. She murmured, "Thank you, Tanaka-san, I understand now..."

Koichi hurriedly asked, "Miss, are you still going back to Tokyo tomorrow?"

Nanako bit her lip lightly, remained silent for a long time, and then spoke with some sadness, "I'll not go back. It might cause trouble. It wouldn't be good if I caused more trouble for Charlie-kun."

Koichi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Miss, you're wise. The chairman is very angry with Master Wade right now. If it weren't for having to consider the cooperation with the Salvador family at the moment, the chairman would have probably found a way to deal with Master Wade already. If you go to Tokyo to see Master Wade now, it will definitely add fuel to the fire..."

Nanako's voice was filled with disappointment as she said softly, "I understand, Tanaka-san. Also, can I ask you for one more thing?"

Koichi said hastily, "Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Nanako said with utmost seriousness, "If there's ever a conflict between my father and Charlie-kun, please make sure to stop my father. Don't let him do anything to harm Charlie-kun out of impulse..."

Koichi said awkwardly, "Miss, to be honest, Master Wade now owes the chairman 4.5 billion US dollars. Even if you like him, you shouldn't stick your neck out for him!"

"I'm not trying to protect Charlie-kun, but to protect my father. The Ito family is no match for Charlie-kun. If we offend him, it could be disastrous..."

Chapter 1683 - "Whispers in the Wind: Nanako's Silent Solitude"

Nanako knew very well in her heart that the strength of Charlie far surpassed her own understanding.

Her master, Kazuki, once remarked after being injured that the strike Charlie delivered to incapacitate him was not merely brute force; it carried what was known in Chinese martial arts as internal energy, which truly destroyed his entire body's tendons and veins.

Kazuki had also encountered some skilled practitioners of ninjutsu before. Although his combat abilities were inferior to those of ninjutsu experts, he could at least hold his ground against them for a few moves. But facing Charlie was a different story; he was utterly defenseless.

From this, it was evident that Charlie's strength even surpassed that of Japanese ninjutsu experts.

It was precisely because Nanako realized this that she understood neither her father nor the Ito family were necessarily match for Charlie.

However, Takehiko failed to grasp this.

He simply believed that Charlie's strength was just slightly superior to that of Kazuki and his two personal bodyguards. He thought that if compared to true ninjutsu experts, Charlie would surely be somewhat inferior.

After listening to Nanako's words, Koichi's whole body shivered, hastily saying, "Miss, I understand what you mean. Please rest assured, if Chairman gets into conflict with Master Wade, I will definitely try to persuade him!"

Nanako nodded lightly, sighed softly, and said, "That's enough, Tanaka-san. Just leave it at that. Let me know if anything comes up."

Koichi hurriedly said, "Yes, Miss. I won't disturb your rest anymore!"

After hanging up the phone, Nanako held her mobile phone in both hands, looked up at the sky, feeling melancholic.

During this period, she had been yearning for Charlie day and night, hoping to meet him again. At the same time, she felt that her chances of seeing him again were very slim.

But she hadn't expected that Charlie would actually come to Japan!

Before, Nanako and Charlie were separated by the vast ocean, with her on one side of the sea and Charlie on the other.

Now, Charlie and she were both on the same land, only about four hundred kilometers apart. If driving, it would take four or five hours to reach; if taking the Shinkansen, it would be a little over two hours.

Thinking that the Charlie she had been longing for day and night was just a few hours' drive away, Nanako truly wanted to see him.

However, when she considered her current mobility issues, going to Tokyo to see him would inevitably be discovered by her father, so she could only reluctantly give up on this idea.

At this moment, the densely packed dark clouds in the sky quietly dispersed, revealing one star after another.

Nanako sighed and muttered to herself, "Looks like it won't snow tonight..."

With that said, she put away her mobile phone, controlled her wheelchair with both hands, left the deserted courtyard, and returned to her room.

With the help of the maidservant, Nanako soaked in the hot spring for a while.

Her body's injuries were still very severe, and she was in almost constant pain twenty-four hours a day.

Originally, the doctor suggested that she wear a pain relief pump. The pain relief pump was a device that could automatically infuse pain-relieving drugs into her veins at a steady rate, which could greatly alleviate the pain.

But Nanako had always been unwilling to use it.

That's because pain-relieving drugs would cause some damage to her nerves. If she used pain-relieving drugs for a long time, it would be even more difficult for her to recover in the future, and she might become a cripple unable to practice martial arts again.

So, she had been gritting her teeth and enduring the pain with her strong willpower.

The natural hot spring in the mansion was sourced from underground hot springs, containing abundant minerals and selenium elements, which were very beneficial to the body and could to some extent relieve bodily pain.

However, because her body was still injured, she couldn't soak in the hot spring for long periods. She couldn't exceed one hour a day at most, so the happiest time for Nanako every day was when she soaked in the hot spring.

As she immersed her body in the hot spring, Nanako couldn't help but think of Charlie again.

She remembered the shy demeanor of her teenage self when she went to the villa area where Charlie lived to find him.

Chapter 1684 - "The Unwritten Fate: Nanako's Bittersweet Reflections"

Back then, she was as nervous as a little quail in front of Charlie.

Feeling awkward, she handed him a cup of milk tea, pretending to invite him to drink, but to her surprise, he actually took the milk tea and sipped it.

And just before Charlie drank it, Nanako had just used that straw. That kind of indirect kiss was the most ambiguous thing Nanako had ever done with a man in her life.

It was also that indirect kiss that Nanako had been reminiscing about ever since.

Thinking of Charlie's appearance, she subconsciously raised her slender fingers and wrote "葉辰" (Charlie in traditional Chinese characters) on the water's surface.

The water rippled softly, but couldn't retain any of the strokes she wrote.

It was precisely because of these fleeting traces that Nanako could boldly write Charlie's name on the water surface again and again, leaving no trace behind.

That night, Nanako couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

That night, the sky over Kyoto gradually cleared up.

The heavy snow forecasted by the meteorological department did not arrive.

The morning weather forecast said that due to the influence of air currents, the heavy snow originally expected to fall last night was estimated to be delayed by two to three days.

The delay in snow made Nanako somewhat regretful.

She always felt that this was a sign of bad luck.

Thinking again of the distance of only a few hundred kilometers between herself and Charlie, yet unable to rush to meet him, a melancholic thought suddenly arose in her heart:

Perhaps, she and Charlie were fated but not destined to be together!


The next day, Aurous Hill.

Early in the morning, Alan rushed to the Ward family's warehouse where medicinal herbs were stored, personally directing the staff to prepare the Chinese herbal medicines needed by Charlie.

The workers on site began bustling around, packing and boxing. Alan urged them from the side, "Before packing the herbs, they must be manually inspected to ensure that there are no mistakes, no spoilage, or damage. Also, make sure that the quantity of herbs is sufficient. Understand?"

"We understand, Mr. Ward!"

The staff hurriedly responded.

Only then did Alan nod in satisfaction and continued, "By this afternoon, the first batch of medicines must be prepared and then sent to the airport. I have already contacted the air freight company. They will take off at ten o'clock tonight and deliver the goods to Tokyo!"

Meanwhile, in Eastcliff, at the Salvador family mansion.

Just like every day, the patriarch of the Salvador family held a morning meeting in the main hall of the mansion.

This morning meeting was like the ancient imperial court morning assembly. The descendants of the Salvador family had to report the progress of various business matters to the patriarch every morning.

Any orders from the patriarch would also be announced during the morning meeting.

The Salvador family prospered, with more than thirty descendants and in-laws attending the morning meeting.

The rules of the morning meeting were also very strict. The patriarch sat on a high platform, facing everyone below with great dignity.

Children, grandchildren, and in-laws sat in several rows below according to their status and generation.

At this moment, the old master of the Salvador family sat on the throne-like seat, looking at the descendants below, and said solemnly, "Recently, the international crude oil situation has been turbulent, and the global economy is declining, which has also affected international trade. Many international shipping companies are struggling. It's a good time for our Salvador family to buy low and sell high, to go against the trend and cooperate with the Japanese. We need to speed up the progress!"

Chapter 1685 - "The Salvador Dynasty"

The Salvador Family, born in Huizhou but standing tall in Eastcliff for a hundred years, was a grand dynasty.

During the Wardg Dynasty, when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement swept across China, the Salvador Family followed the red-turbaned merchant, Hu Xueyan, risking their lives to transport weapons and supplies for the Wardg army, gaining the government's favor.

Subsequently, with their wealth amassed, the Salvador Family moved from their ancestral home in Huizhou to Eastcliff. Since then, generation after generation, they engaged in commerce, consistently ranking among the nation's elite.

In the past few decades, the Salvador Family had been in a rivalry with the Wade Family. Initially weakened under the sniping of Drake, the father of Charlie, the Salvador Family immediately rose to prominence after Drake's premature death, surpassing the Wade Family and becoming the nation's number one.

The patriarch of the Salvador Family, known as Harrison, derived his name from a famous poem by Su Shi.

As the poem goes:

"Viewed horizontally, it's a mountain range; viewed from the side, it's a peak.
From afar or near, it stands at different heights.
Not recognizing Mount Lu's true countenance,
Only because one is amidst it."

Harrison was named after this.

Harrison, now seventy-six, though not very old, was no longer in his prime. In theory, he had achieved great success in his life, yet he remained unsatisfied. He hoped to establish an unparalleled foundation for the Salvador Family before his retirement, at the very least, fulfilling the long-cherished wish of "1 surpassing 2 and 3."

Throughout history, no one had truly achieved monopoly in the business world.

The real significance of "1 surpassing 2 and 3" meant that the comprehensive strength of the top-ranked family must exceed the sum of the strengths of the second and third-ranked families.

In simpler terms, it meant that the Salvador Family's strength had to surpass the combined strength of the Wade Family and the Snow Family.

With this achieved, even if the second and third-ranked families joined forces against them, the Salvador Family would have no need to worry.

Only then could the Salvador Family truly rest easy.

Currently, the gap between the Salvador Family and the Wade Family was indeed growing larger. However, to truly achieve "1 surpassing 2 and 3," they were still billions short in asset scale.

Therefore, the Salvador Family was actively seeking breakthroughs overseas, hoping to achieve this grand ambition in one fell swoop.

Once this goal was achieved, Eastcliff would no longer harbor the concept of the three major families. Instead, it would witness a new order where the Salvador Family scorned all rivals.

Hence, Harrison attached great importance to this shipping business.

When the young scion of the Salvador Family heard how much importance his grandfather placed on overseas shipping, he couldn't help but flaunt his knowledge in front of Harrison: "Grandfather, I think in the current global economic downturn, international trade is facing significant obstacles. There's a substantial contraction in trade between countries, and we don't know when foreign trade will fully recover. In such circumstances, betting heavily on ocean shipping is actually quite risky. We might end up bottoming out halfway through. So, I advise you to think twice before proceeding!"

"Think twice?" Harrison snorted, ignoring him. Instead, he turned to the middle-aged man beside him, reprimanding sternly, "Old Fifth, is this how you discipline your son? He hasn't even grown his fur yet, and he dares to question my decisions. Does he think I'm too old and feeble to make judgments?"

The one addressed as 'Old Fifth' was Harrison's fifth son, Viron Salvador.

In this generation of the Salvador Family, there were five sons and two daughters.

These seven children, with the word "Vir" meaning "guardian" in their names', and "tuoso," "aj," "at," "eo," "go," "adec," "on" respectively from eldest to youngest, represented the seven levels of morality as described in Laozi's Tao Te Ching.

Viron is Harrison's fifth son and the youngest among the seven children.

And the young man who just spoke was the youngest son of Viron, Ronan.

A tale of wealth, power, and familial strife—such was the saga of the Salvador Family, weaving through the intricate tapestry of history.

Chapter 1686 - "Heirs and Authority"

Because of his young age and constant pampering at home, Ronan had a strong desire to show off.

However, he had always shown off in front of his parents, never getting the chance to do so in front of his grandfather. Today, he finally seized the opportunity to debate with the old man, hoping to showcase his extraordinary talent and wisdom in line with his grandfather's thoughts. But unexpectedly, just one sentence angered Grandpa Salvador.

He was about to explain himself when his father, Viron, stood up and gave him several resounding slaps, leaving his mouth bleeding. He angrily shouted, "Have you stuffed books into your head? How dare you question your grandfather's decision here?!"

"I..." Ronan covered his face, feeling utterly miserable and wishing he could just die right there.

Having never been hit before, he couldn't understand why his father, who usually doted on him, would beat him so severely for just one sentence that irritated his grandfather.

And it was in front of the whole family.

Viron was furious with his son's lack of progress!

He knew very well the authority of the old man. Even his older brother, Virtuoso, dared not contradict their grandfather, let alone his own incompetent younger son?

This wasn't the way to show off!

It was highly likely that with just one sentence, he would be completely banished by the old man. After graduating from college, he might not even have the chance to return to work for the Salvador family!

The reason why Grandpa Salvador, Harrison, was so overbearing and authoritarian had a lot to do with his upbringing.

In his youth, he had many siblings.

Back then, during the Wardg Dynasty, his father not only had a main wife but also married six concubines, seven wives in total, who bore him over thirty children. Among them, there were twenty-three sons alone!

And Harrison was just one of these twenty-three sons.

Like a prince fighting for the throne in ancient times, Harrison had been engaged in constant struggles with his twenty-two brothers since childhood. It took him fifty years of struggle to finally inherit the position of the head of the Salvador family.

So, fifty years of continuous fighting had made him extremely domineering and ruthless.

If anyone threatened his authority, even if it were his own son or grandson, he would not tolerate it.

Ronan, being young and ignorant, daring to challenge Grandpa Salvador just to assert himself in front of everyone was considered nothing short of suicidal by everyone present!

Viron continued to slap Ronan dozens of times until he was nearly collapsing. Only when Grandpa Salvador finally spoke did Viron stop.

Seeing Grandpa Salvador finally speaking, he reluctantly stopped, suppressing the pain in his heart, and snapped at the servants standing nearby, "Why aren't you dragging this unfilial son out yet?!"

Several servants immediately stepped forward and dragged Ronan, who was spitting blood and feeling dizzy, out of the room.

Grandpa Salvador cleared his throat and continued, "This time, in our cooperation with the Japanese, not only do we need to secure at least 20 operational rights for Tokyo Port, Yokohama Port, and Osaka Port, but we also need them to provide us with various types of ships totaling no less than three million tons of displacement. Whoever can provide the most resources will have the opportunity to join us. Therefore, on this trip to Japan, we must carefully assess the true strength of the Ito and Takahashi families. Furthermore, we must pressure them to provide the most resources!"

The eldest son, Virtuoso, blurted out, "Father, may I ask who you intend to send to cooperate with these two Japanese families?"

Grandpa Salvador remained silent for a moment before saying, "Cameron, as the eldest son and grandson, it's time for you to take charge. You'll lead this matter!"

Cameron, Grandpa Salvador's eldest grandson and Virtuoso's eldest son, who was twenty-eight years old this year, was the most outstanding male heir of the Salvador family in this generation.

Upon hearing that he had been chosen, Cameron immediately stood up and said firmly, "Please rest assured, Grandpa. Cameron will do his best!"

Grandpa Salvador nodded gently and then his gaze fell on the stunningly beautiful yet icy girl standing beside Cameron.

It was also at this moment that Grandpa Salvador's gaze softened slightly, replaced by a hint of affection as he smiled and said, "Little Camilla, you're about to graduate from Yale soon. It's time for you to go out and gain some experience. You'll go with your brother this time. Learn more and accumulate some experience!"

The stunningly beautiful yet icy girl stood up, bowed slightly, with a neutral expression, indifferent eyes, and an even tone, saying, "Yes, Grandpa, Little Camilla understands."

And so, the Salvador family's affairs continued amidst family drama and business dealings.

Chapter 1687 - "The Fish's Joy"

When the old master announced that Cameron and Camilla, the siblings, were to go to Japan together, their father, Virtuoso, couldn't hide a hint of pride in his expression.

To him, entrusting such a significant matter to his own children was a testament to his role as the eldest son and the most trusted by the old master.

The other children couldn't help but envy and admire.

The old master wanted to toughen up Cameron, and that was understandable. After all, he was the eldest grandson, akin to the crown prince in ancient times. No matter how strong the other princes were, they would bow in front of the eldest grandson.

However, sending Cameron for training and taking Camilla along seemed a bit biased!

Normally, in such situations, the eldest grandson should lead the way, and then select one or two clever and promising juniors from the second, third, fourth, or even fifth families to accompany him and broaden their horizons.

But unexpectedly, in the eyes of the old master, besides the eldest grandson, there was only his most doted granddaughter!

In other words, the old master made his stance clear. Apart from the eldest grandson, all other grandsons were inferior to Camilla, a mere granddaughter, in his eyes!

This made the other families extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone in Eastcliff knew that the Salvador family flourished.

The old master had twenty-two brothers and several sisters. In his lineage, there were still thirteen grandsons and two granddaughters.

But who could have expected that in his eyes, the most favored one would be Camilla, the granddaughter.

The reason behind this was actually because the old master had always been strict and demanding towards the male heirs of the family. Hence, he always wore a stern face towards his sons and grandsons.

Yet, the old master was also human, with a soft side he couldn't show to his sons and grandsons. So, he poured all his tenderness onto his granddaughter.

Moreover, Camilla was clever since childhood and deeply cherished by the old master. In front of others, the old master was a decisive and formidable figure, but in front of his granddaughter, he was just an ordinary, doting old man.

In fact, the extent of the old master's doting on Camilla could be seen from her name.

In the Salvador family, the younger generations' names all contained the word "知", which means knowledge or understanding.

Cameron's name implied understanding right from wrong and not straying from the path;

Apart from him, there was Ronan, implying understanding the source of water;

Each grandchild's name was filled with the old master's teachings and reminders.

Except for Camilla.

The old master named her Camilla, meaning knowing the joy of fish.

In the Zhuangzi's "Autumn Floods," there was a dialogue between Huizi and Zhuangzi, where Huizi said, "You're not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

The old master named her Camilla, hoping she could be happy, simple, and content. Since she could know the "joy of fish," naturally, she could understand the "joy of people" even better.

And that's the gist of it!

Chapter 1688 - "Japan-bound Ambitions"

It could be said that everywhere exuded Mr. Salvador's immense love for Camilla.

And precisely because of this, the young talents of the entire Eastcliff were full of longing for Camilla.

Winning over Camilla wasn't just about winning over a stunningly beautiful woman, a super beauty who was always in the United States, receiving the most top-notch education globally, it was also equivalent to winning over the entire Salvador family.

Someone joked, saying, whoever marries Camilla might have the chance to obtain a whopping trillion-dollar fortune.

So, among the elite families across the country, Camilla had a nickname that was widely spread, a simple and crude name, called Trillionilla Salvador.

After Mr. Harrison announced his decision, he said to his eldest son Virtuoso, "Virtuoso, you and Cameron, Camilla, hurry up and discuss a rough plan, then prepare to set off as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Virtuoso immediately stood up, respectfully saying, "Father, rest assured, I will quickly discuss a plan with them both, and strive to depart for Japan tonight!"

Harrison nodded, instructing, "In matters of choosing between two options like this, who we approach first appears particularly important, although the Ito and Takahashi families have experienced some decline due to the overall recession of the Japanese economy in recent years, their overall strength still remains at the forefront in Japan, you must carefully decide which one to approach first."

Virtuoso immediately said, "Yes, Father, we will start discussing immediately and report to you as soon as we have results."

Harrison smiled with satisfaction, saying, "Virtuoso, eighteen years ago, you defeated Drake and became the most dazzling among the young generation of Eastcliff, but in these eighteen years, you haven't been able to achieve greater glory again, of course, it's not your fault, it's our Salvador family. In recent years, we haven't encountered any decent opponents domestically."

Here, Harrison chuckled, stood up, and passionately said, "There is no longer any room for growth in the domestic market. If we want to continue to develop and grow, we must go abroad, to the open seas, and develop towards the ocean!"

"Otherwise, old families in the West, including the Rothschilds, will still occasionally pop out and bother us!"

"So, this overseas strategy is a great opportunity for the Salvador family to create new glory, and it's also a good stage for you to establish higher achievements!"

"If this battle is fought beautifully, I will consider it a complete success, and I can retire peacefully and enjoy family life. By then, you will be the head of the Salvador family!"

Upon hearing this, Virtuoso immediately bowed deeply, loudly declaring, "Father, rest assured, Virtuoso will do his best! To create new glory for the Salvador family!"


After the meeting, Virtuoso, carrying an extremely excited mood, returned home with his two children.

As soon as he got home, he called his children to the study, spiritedly saying, "Cameron, Camilla, this is our family's great opportunity to rise to prominence again in the Salvador family. When you two go to Japan this time, you must secure the best cooperation terms. Whether you ultimately choose the Ito family or the Takahashi family, you must squeeze their interests to the utmost, and strive for the greatest benefit for our Salvador family!"

Cameron immediately said, "Dad, when we go to Japan this time, should we first contact the Ito family or the Takahashi family?"

Virtuoso asked, "What do you think?"

Cameron said, "I think it's best to first contact the Ito family, because the Ito family is strong in both Tokyo and Kyoto, with Tokyo Port in Tokyo and Osaka Port and Nagoya Port near Kyoto. Theoretically, the Ito family has greater potential in the port and shipping sectors."

"Hmm..." Virtuoso nodded gently, approvingly saying, "Your point makes sense, and I also tend to first contact the Ito family."

Camilla furrowed her brows and said in a lukewarm tone, "Dad, brother, I actually think we should first contact the Takahashi family."

"Oh?" Both of them looked at Camilla, and Virtuoso asked, "Camilla, why do you think so?"

Chapter 1689 - "Strategic Insight"

Facing the questioning gazes of their father and elder brother, Camilla replied nonchalantly, "Firstly, although the Ito family holds considerable resources in Tokyo and has decent influence in Osaka and Nagoya, the true super harbor of Japan is actually Yokohama Port, situated next to Tokyo."

"The Takahashi family, while slightly less influential in Tokyo compared to the Ito family, holds great power in Yokohama. One could say Yokohama is the Takahashi family's stronghold."

"Secondly, the Ito family is currently facing some troubles. Takehiko's daughter, who participated in an international martial arts competition in Aurous Hill not long ago, sustained severe injuries. She is currently recuperating. Takehiko dotes on his daughter greatly, and her condition, to some extent, will inevitably distract him. Once his focus cannot be fully dedicated to work, it will impact our cooperation, even if it's just a slight impact."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Takehiko's daughter is injured? I've never heard of this."

Camilla replied calmly, "I had someone thoroughly investigate the situations of these two families, including their family heirs."

Their elder brother, Cameron, couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Camilla, you always consider everything comprehensively!"

Camilla, unmoved, said flatly, "Brother, spare me the flattery. You're the one who will eventually take the lead. I'm just helping you consider things a bit more for now."

Cameron chuckled, "With such a great sister, I'll definitely have peace of mind in the future!"

Camilla rolled her eyes at him and continued, "There's one more thing. I found out that the Ito family was previously keen on investing in a Japanese pharmaceutical company called Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals. This matter will also somewhat distract Takehiko."

Cameron nodded, "I know that company, Kobayashi Gastric Powder, right? I've used it before, it's quite effective."

"That was before," Camilla remarked casually, "Now, there's a domestic product called Mystical Gastric Remedy that has surpassed them in product strength."

"Oh..." Cameron grinned, "I have a feeling that Mystical Labs will soon rise unexpectedly, catching up with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals and eventually surpassing them."

At this point, Cameron earnestly suggested, "If possible, I think investing in Mystical Labs now is a good opportunity. Maybe in a few years, the return on investment could be over tenfold."

Virtuoso waved his hand, saying, "Even if pharmaceutical companies become massive, they're only at the hundred-billion level, which isn't that significant. We should focus our energy on larger markets and opportunities. This transoceanic project is key to the internationalization of the Salvador family."

Camilla wanted to say something but held back, nodding instead. "Let's get back to the point, Father. What do you think, should we initiate contact with the Ito family first, or do you think the Takahashi family as a whole is more suitable?"

Virtuoso looked at Cameron and asked, "What do you think, Cameron?"

Cameron immediately spoke up, "Listen to advice when you're full. I think we should listen to Camilla. After all, she's the one who conducted the investigation and has the right to speak!"

Virtuoso nodded satisfactorily, smiling, "Both of you siblings are the most outstanding among your peers that I've seen. With both of you working together, you'll surely shake the entire country, and perhaps even the world!"

Cameron smiled and said, "I wouldn't dare to compare myself to Camilla. This girl is just something else. At the age of twenty-two, she's as mature as a forty-four-year-old. I really wonder what kind of person will be able to handle her in the future."

Camilla glared at him, annoyed, "Do you need to worry about my affairs? Why don't you think about yourself first? You've been secretly admiring Haidee for so long, when are you planning to confess to her?"

Cameron was caught off guard, blurting out, "Stop talking nonsense! Haidee and I are just acquaintances, not even friends."

"Of course," Camilla snorted disdainfully, "If you can't even speak properly when you see her, it's no wonder you can't even become friends!"

And thus, the banter continued between the siblings.

Chapter 1690 - "Heir Apparent's Heartache"

On the side, Virtuoso furrowed his brow and asked him, "Little Cameron, do you have feelings for that girl from the Snow family?"

"Not at all, Dad..." Cameron quickly waved his hand. "I just simply admire her a bit."

Virtuoso nodded slightly, paused for a moment, and then spoke up, "The girl from the Snow family is indeed not bad. If you truly like her, I don't have any objections. I'm just worried that your grandfather might not approve of the Snow family, then it would be troublesome..."

Upon hearing this, Cameron's heart jumped with joy, and he blurted out, "Dad, you really have no objections?"

Camilla blurted out, "Bro, are you daft? Can't you tell Dad's intentionally tricking you with his words?"

"Eh?!" Cameron panicked, quickly looking towards Virtuoso. "Dad, what do you really mean?"

Virtuoso sighed and said seriously, "Little Cameron, you really aren't as clever as your sister!"

Cameron suddenly felt embarrassed.

Virtuoso then continued with a serious expression, "You are the eldest son of the Salvador family, the future third-generation heir of the Salvador family. Moreover, the Snow family's strength is indeed not enough in front of the Salvador family. Your grandfather will never agree, and neither will I. Don't forget, that girl from the Snow family has had a marriage contract with the son of Drake since childhood. I have a longstanding enmity with Drake and will never allow you to marry that girl from the Snow family!"

Cameron sighed, "Dad, those are all things of the past, ancient history. Besides, hasn't Drake's son been missing for many years now?"

Virtuoso looked at him seriously and said, "Setting aside this matter, your grandfather has discussed your marriage with me before. He hopes that after the Salvador family completes its internationalization, you will marry the daughter of a top family in the United States. This would be more advantageous for our overseas expansion. Domestically, there really isn't any suitable young lady worthy of you."

Cameron became a bit anxious and blurted out, "Dad, I don't like American women..."

Virtuoso said sternly, "This matter has nothing to do with liking. It's all about being well-matched, understand?"

Cameron suddenly felt disheartened.

Camilla, on the side, then interjected, "Dad, I want to make it clear now, I don't care how you arrange my brother's marriage, but in the future, no one is allowed to interfere with my marriage!"

Cameron exclaimed, "Hey, Camilla! Are you really selling out your brother like this?"

"Not at all," Camilla said calmly, "Our situations are different. If I find a man who makes my heart flutter, I'll marry him and have nothing to do with the Salvador family anymore. I'll give birth to children for my husband, and those children won't bear the Salvador surname. But you're different, you're the one to continue the Salvador family line."

Cameron was left speechless for a moment, looking very frustrated.

Virtuoso, with a helpless look, reminded Camilla, "The premise of finding a partner should still be compatibility!"

Camilla waved her hand, "Compatibility, that's non-existent. This lady will pick whoever she fancies, whether he's a king or a pauper."

"Nonsense!" Virtuoso said angrily, "What if he's truly penniless? How can you guarantee your happiness for your whole life?"

Camilla rolled her eyes, "I don't believe that as a young lady of the Salvador family, I can't support a poor man for the rest of my life?"

Chapter 1681 - "From Kyoto to Tokyo: Nanako's Change of Heart"

Koichi never expected that when Miss heard the news of Charlie coming to Japan, her voice suddenly became extremely cheerful.

He couldn't help but think to himself, "Didn't I make myself clear enough just now? This Charlie made your father cough up 4.5 billion dollars! How come you sound so excited as soon as you hear he's coming to Japan?"

However, Koichi naturally didn't dare to ask this question.

At this moment, Nanako saw that he didn't respond, so she hurriedly asked him again, "Tanaka-san, please answer me! Did Charlie really come to Japan?"

Koichi could only honestly say, "Yes, Miss, he's come to Japan, right here in Tokyo. I saw him today."

Nanako pursued, "Did he come to Japan to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals?"

"Probably," Koichi truthfully replied, "I'm not entirely sure of the specifics, but he should be here to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals."

Nanako felt somewhat disappointed, thinking to herself, "If Charlie only came to Japan to take over Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, then he'll probably only stay in Tokyo for a few days. After he's done with his business, he'll probably return to China, right? He definitely won't come to Kyoto, so I probably won't have a chance to see him..."

With this in mind, Nanako suddenly had a very strong urge. She wanted to go to Tokyo, she wanted to see Charlie!

So, she hurriedly asked Koichi, "Tanaka-san, do you know how many days Charlie will stay in Tokyo?"

Koichi awkwardly said, "Miss, I'm not too sure about that..."

Nanako hastily said, "I'll have Watanabe-san prepare. I'll take the morning train back to Tokyo tomorrow."

"Back to Tokyo?" Koichi asked, "Miss, weren't you planning to recuperate in Kyoto? Why suddenly decide to come back? Is it because of Master Wade?"

"Yes!" Nanako blurted out without hesitation, "I want to see Charlie. If I don't go back now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance!"

Koichi suddenly realized that something seemed off.

He couldn't help but ponder in his mind:

"Miss has always been extremely reserved and has never lost her composure because of any member of the opposite sex."

"But now, she's excessively excited upon hearing the news of Charlie coming to Tokyo, and she even plans to return to Tokyo early tomorrow morning to see him. This is truly unusual..."

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that Miss has developed feelings for Charlie?!"

Koichi thought to himself, utterly shocked. He pondered, "Miss has always admired martial arts experts with extraordinary strength, and Charlie is indeed among the best. His strength is so formidable that it's awe-inspiring. If Miss truly harbors feelings for him, it would make sense..."

"But... Chairman is a staunch nationalist. He has made it clear long ago that Miss must not marry anyone from any country other than Japan. If Miss really likes Charlie, and Chairman finds out, he will surely be furious!"

With this thought, Koichi hurriedly said, "Miss, you absolutely mustn't do this!"

Nanako asked in surprise, "Why, Tanaka-san?"

Koichi blurted out, "If Chairman finds out that you admire Master Wade, he will definitely be extremely angry. By then, not only will you not see Master Wade, but you might even be confined by Chairman, and Chairman will probably accelerate your marriage plans!"

Chapter 1682 - "The Weight of Tradition"

Even though Nanako and Koichi were separated by a phone call, his words still made her blush in an instant.

She stammered in explanation, "Tanaka-san... You... You've got it wrong. I... I don't... I don't have any... any feelings... admiration... for Master Wade..."

Koichi sighed, "Miss, I've been serving the Ito family for many years, and I've been by your side for a long time. I understand you quite well. You don't have to hide anything from me. Besides, I'm not trying to pry into your privacy. The key is, if I can see through your thoughts, the chairman will surely see them too. It's impossible to keep it hidden. And then, I'm afraid you won't get to see Master Wade, but instead, you'll reveal your thoughts in front of the chairman..."

"This..." Nanako was speechless for a moment.

She knew that Koichi was only saying this out of goodwill, hence his reminder.

She also knew that her father, Takehiko, would never allow her to have any potential development with a foreign man. He had made it clear to her countless times that he could only accept her marrying a Japanese man, and one with purely Japanese blood at that.

As for others, even immigrants who had come from China and the Korean Peninsula one or two hundred years ago and had been living in Japan for three or four generations, they were not considered pure Japanese in his eyes.

Just like Masayoshi Son, the chairman of SoftBank Group, who invested in Alibaba. Although he was the richest man in Japan on the surface, he was not considered Japanese at all in Takehiko's eyes.

Because Masayoshi Son's grandfather was originally from Daegu, Korea.

Many years ago, he immigrated from Daegu, Korea to Japan and worked as a miner. Masayoshi Son himself was born and raised in Japan.

In the eyes of most people, he was already a standard Japanese.

But to nationalists like Takehiko, Masayoshi Son could at most be considered a Korean-Japanese.

It was like how Americans viewed Chinese-Americans, even though Chinese-Americans had American citizenship, some Americans still regarded them as Chinese.

Because Nanako understood her father very well, she felt remorseful for her hasty decision.

Koichi was right. If she suddenly returned to Tokyo and insisted on meeting Charlie, Takehiko would definitely be furious. He might even impose restrictions on her, interfere with her marital freedom, find her a marriage partner directly, or force her into marriage.

Thinking of this, Nanako felt extremely despondent. She murmured, "Thank you, Tanaka-san, I understand now..."

Koichi hurriedly asked, "Miss, are you still going back to Tokyo tomorrow?"

Nanako bit her lip lightly, remained silent for a long time, and then spoke with some sadness, "I'll not go back. It might cause trouble. It wouldn't be good if I caused more trouble for Charlie-kun."

Koichi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Miss, you're wise. The chairman is very angry with Master Wade right now. If it weren't for having to consider the cooperation with the Salvador family at the moment, the chairman would have probably found a way to deal with Master Wade already. If you go to Tokyo to see Master Wade now, it will definitely add fuel to the fire..."

Nanako's voice was filled with disappointment as she said softly, "I understand, Tanaka-san. Also, can I ask you for one more thing?"

Koichi said hastily, "Miss, please feel free to ask!"

Nanako said with utmost seriousness, "If there's ever a conflict between my father and Charlie-kun, please make sure to stop my father. Don't let him do anything to harm Charlie-kun out of impulse..."

Koichi said awkwardly, "Miss, to be honest, Master Wade now owes the chairman 4.5 billion US dollars. Even if you like him, you shouldn't stick your neck out for him!"

"I'm not trying to protect Charlie-kun, but to protect my father. The Ito family is no match for Charlie-kun. If we offend him, it could be disastrous..."

Chapter 1683 - "Whispers in the Wind: Nanako's Silent Solitude"

Nanako knew very well in her heart that the strength of Charlie far surpassed her own understanding.

Her master, Kazuki, once remarked after being injured that the strike Charlie delivered to incapacitate him was not merely brute force; it carried what was known in Chinese martial arts as internal energy, which truly destroyed his entire body's tendons and veins.

Kazuki had also encountered some skilled practitioners of ninjutsu before. Although his combat abilities were inferior to those of ninjutsu experts, he could at least hold his ground against them for a few moves. But facing Charlie was a different story; he was utterly defenseless.

From this, it was evident that Charlie's strength even surpassed that of Japanese ninjutsu experts.

It was precisely because Nanako realized this that she understood neither her father nor the Ito family were necessarily match for Charlie.

However, Takehiko failed to grasp this.

He simply believed that Charlie's strength was just slightly superior to that of Kazuki and his two personal bodyguards. He thought that if compared to true ninjutsu experts, Charlie would surely be somewhat inferior.

After listening to Nanako's words, Koichi's whole body shivered, hastily saying, "Miss, I understand what you mean. Please rest assured, if Chairman gets into conflict with Master Wade, I will definitely try to persuade him!"

Nanako nodded lightly, sighed softly, and said, "That's enough, Tanaka-san. Just leave it at that. Let me know if anything comes up."

Koichi hurriedly said, "Yes, Miss. I won't disturb your rest anymore!"

After hanging up the phone, Nanako held her mobile phone in both hands, looked up at the sky, feeling melancholic.

During this period, she had been yearning for Charlie day and night, hoping to meet him again. At the same time, she felt that her chances of seeing him again were very slim.

But she hadn't expected that Charlie would actually come to Japan!

Before, Nanako and Charlie were separated by the vast ocean, with her on one side of the sea and Charlie on the other.

Now, Charlie and she were both on the same land, only about four hundred kilometers apart. If driving, it would take four or five hours to reach; if taking the Shinkansen, it would be a little over two hours.

Thinking that the Charlie she had been longing for day and night was just a few hours' drive away, Nanako truly wanted to see him.

However, when she considered her current mobility issues, going to Tokyo to see him would inevitably be discovered by her father, so she could only reluctantly give up on this idea.

At this moment, the densely packed dark clouds in the sky quietly dispersed, revealing one star after another.

Nanako sighed and muttered to herself, "Looks like it won't snow tonight..."

With that said, she put away her mobile phone, controlled her wheelchair with both hands, left the deserted courtyard, and returned to her room.

With the help of the maidservant, Nanako soaked in the hot spring for a while.

Her body's injuries were still very severe, and she was in almost constant pain twenty-four hours a day.

Originally, the doctor suggested that she wear a pain relief pump. The pain relief pump was a device that could automatically infuse pain-relieving drugs into her veins at a steady rate, which could greatly alleviate the pain.

But Nanako had always been unwilling to use it.

That's because pain-relieving drugs would cause some damage to her nerves. If she used pain-relieving drugs for a long time, it would be even more difficult for her to recover in the future, and she might become a cripple unable to practice martial arts again.

So, she had been gritting her teeth and enduring the pain with her strong willpower.

The natural hot spring in the mansion was sourced from underground hot springs, containing abundant minerals and selenium elements, which were very beneficial to the body and could to some extent relieve bodily pain.

However, because her body was still injured, she couldn't soak in the hot spring for long periods. She couldn't exceed one hour a day at most, so the happiest time for Nanako every day was when she soaked in the hot spring.

As she immersed her body in the hot spring, Nanako couldn't help but think of Charlie again.

She remembered the shy demeanor of her teenage self when she went to the villa area where Charlie lived to find him.

Chapter 1684 - "The Unwritten Fate: Nanako's Bittersweet Reflections"

Back then, she was as nervous as a little quail in front of Charlie.

Feeling awkward, she handed him a cup of milk tea, pretending to invite him to drink, but to her surprise, he actually took the milk tea and sipped it.

And just before Charlie drank it, Nanako had just used that straw. That kind of indirect kiss was the most ambiguous thing Nanako had ever done with a man in her life.

It was also that indirect kiss that Nanako had been reminiscing about ever since.

Thinking of Charlie's appearance, she subconsciously raised her slender fingers and wrote "葉辰" (Charlie in traditional Chinese characters) on the water's surface.

The water rippled softly, but couldn't retain any of the strokes she wrote.

It was precisely because of these fleeting traces that Nanako could boldly write Charlie's name on the water surface again and again, leaving no trace behind.

That night, Nanako couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

That night, the sky over Kyoto gradually cleared up.

The heavy snow forecasted by the meteorological department did not arrive.

The morning weather forecast said that due to the influence of air currents, the heavy snow originally expected to fall last night was estimated to be delayed by two to three days.

The delay in snow made Nanako somewhat regretful.

She always felt that this was a sign of bad luck.

Thinking again of the distance of only a few hundred kilometers between herself and Charlie, yet unable to rush to meet him, a melancholic thought suddenly arose in her heart:

Perhaps, she and Charlie were fated but not destined to be together!


The next day, Aurous Hill.

Early in the morning, Alan rushed to the Ward family's warehouse where medicinal herbs were stored, personally directing the staff to prepare the Chinese herbal medicines needed by Charlie.

The workers on site began bustling around, packing and boxing. Alan urged them from the side, "Before packing the herbs, they must be manually inspected to ensure that there are no mistakes, no spoilage, or damage. Also, make sure that the quantity of herbs is sufficient. Understand?"

"We understand, Mr. Ward!"

The staff hurriedly responded.

Only then did Alan nod in satisfaction and continued, "By this afternoon, the first batch of medicines must be prepared and then sent to the airport. I have already contacted the air freight company. They will take off at ten o'clock tonight and deliver the goods to Tokyo!"

Meanwhile, in Eastcliff, at the Salvador family mansion.

Just like every day, the patriarch of the Salvador family held a morning meeting in the main hall of the mansion.

This morning meeting was like the ancient imperial court morning assembly. The descendants of the Salvador family had to report the progress of various business matters to the patriarch every morning.

Any orders from the patriarch would also be announced during the morning meeting.

The Salvador family prospered, with more than thirty descendants and in-laws attending the morning meeting.

The rules of the morning meeting were also very strict. The patriarch sat on a high platform, facing everyone below with great dignity.

Children, grandchildren, and in-laws sat in several rows below according to their status and generation.

At this moment, the old master of the Salvador family sat on the throne-like seat, looking at the descendants below, and said solemnly, "Recently, the international crude oil situation has been turbulent, and the global economy is declining, which has also affected international trade. Many international shipping companies are struggling. It's a good time for our Salvador family to buy low and sell high, to go against the trend and cooperate with the Japanese. We need to speed up the progress!"

Chapter 1685 - "The Salvador Dynasty"

The Salvador Family, born in Huizhou but standing tall in Eastcliff for a hundred years, was a grand dynasty.

During the Wardg Dynasty, when the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement swept across China, the Salvador Family followed the red-turbaned merchant, Hu Xueyan, risking their lives to transport weapons and supplies for the Wardg army, gaining the government's favor.

Subsequently, with their wealth amassed, the Salvador Family moved from their ancestral home in Huizhou to Eastcliff. Since then, generation after generation, they engaged in commerce, consistently ranking among the nation's elite.

In the past few decades, the Salvador Family had been in a rivalry with the Wade Family. Initially weakened under the sniping of Drake, the father of Charlie, the Salvador Family immediately rose to prominence after Drake's premature death, surpassing the Wade Family and becoming the nation's number one.

The patriarch of the Salvador Family, known as Harrison, derived his name from a famous poem by Su Shi.

As the poem goes:

"Viewed horizontally, it's a mountain range; viewed from the side, it's a peak.
From afar or near, it stands at different heights.
Not recognizing Mount Lu's true countenance,
Only because one is amidst it."

Harrison was named after this.

Harrison, now seventy-six, though not very old, was no longer in his prime. In theory, he had achieved great success in his life, yet he remained unsatisfied. He hoped to establish an unparalleled foundation for the Salvador Family before his retirement, at the very least, fulfilling the long-cherished wish of "1 surpassing 2 and 3."

Throughout history, no one had truly achieved monopoly in the business world.

The real significance of "1 surpassing 2 and 3" meant that the comprehensive strength of the top-ranked family must exceed the sum of the strengths of the second and third-ranked families.

In simpler terms, it meant that the Salvador Family's strength had to surpass the combined strength of the Wade Family and the Snow Family.

With this achieved, even if the second and third-ranked families joined forces against them, the Salvador Family would have no need to worry.

Only then could the Salvador Family truly rest easy.

Currently, the gap between the Salvador Family and the Wade Family was indeed growing larger. However, to truly achieve "1 surpassing 2 and 3," they were still billions short in asset scale.

Therefore, the Salvador Family was actively seeking breakthroughs overseas, hoping to achieve this grand ambition in one fell swoop.

Once this goal was achieved, Eastcliff would no longer harbor the concept of the three major families. Instead, it would witness a new order where the Salvador Family scorned all rivals.

Hence, Harrison attached great importance to this shipping business.

When the young scion of the Salvador Family heard how much importance his grandfather placed on overseas shipping, he couldn't help but flaunt his knowledge in front of Harrison: "Grandfather, I think in the current global economic downturn, international trade is facing significant obstacles. There's a substantial contraction in trade between countries, and we don't know when foreign trade will fully recover. In such circumstances, betting heavily on ocean shipping is actually quite risky. We might end up bottoming out halfway through. So, I advise you to think twice before proceeding!"

"Think twice?" Harrison snorted, ignoring him. Instead, he turned to the middle-aged man beside him, reprimanding sternly, "Old Fifth, is this how you discipline your son? He hasn't even grown his fur yet, and he dares to question my decisions. Does he think I'm too old and feeble to make judgments?"

The one addressed as 'Old Fifth' was Harrison's fifth son, Viron Salvador.

In this generation of the Salvador Family, there were five sons and two daughters.

These seven children, with the word "Vir" meaning "guardian" in their names', and "tuoso," "aj," "at," "eo," "go," "adec," "on" respectively from eldest to youngest, represented the seven levels of morality as described in Laozi's Tao Te Ching.

Viron is Harrison's fifth son and the youngest among the seven children.

And the young man who just spoke was the youngest son of Viron, Ronan.

A tale of wealth, power, and familial strife—such was the saga of the Salvador Family, weaving through the intricate tapestry of history.

Chapter 1686 - "Heirs and Authority"

Because of his young age and constant pampering at home, Ronan had a strong desire to show off.

However, he had always shown off in front of his parents, never getting the chance to do so in front of his grandfather. Today, he finally seized the opportunity to debate with the old man, hoping to showcase his extraordinary talent and wisdom in line with his grandfather's thoughts. But unexpectedly, just one sentence angered Grandpa Salvador.

He was about to explain himself when his father, Viron, stood up and gave him several resounding slaps, leaving his mouth bleeding. He angrily shouted, "Have you stuffed books into your head? How dare you question your grandfather's decision here?!"

"I..." Ronan covered his face, feeling utterly miserable and wishing he could just die right there.

Having never been hit before, he couldn't understand why his father, who usually doted on him, would beat him so severely for just one sentence that irritated his grandfather.

And it was in front of the whole family.

Viron was furious with his son's lack of progress!

He knew very well the authority of the old man. Even his older brother, Virtuoso, dared not contradict their grandfather, let alone his own incompetent younger son?

This wasn't the way to show off!

It was highly likely that with just one sentence, he would be completely banished by the old man. After graduating from college, he might not even have the chance to return to work for the Salvador family!

The reason why Grandpa Salvador, Harrison, was so overbearing and authoritarian had a lot to do with his upbringing.

In his youth, he had many siblings.

Back then, during the Wardg Dynasty, his father not only had a main wife but also married six concubines, seven wives in total, who bore him over thirty children. Among them, there were twenty-three sons alone!

And Harrison was just one of these twenty-three sons.

Like a prince fighting for the throne in ancient times, Harrison had been engaged in constant struggles with his twenty-two brothers since childhood. It took him fifty years of struggle to finally inherit the position of the head of the Salvador family.

So, fifty years of continuous fighting had made him extremely domineering and ruthless.

If anyone threatened his authority, even if it were his own son or grandson, he would not tolerate it.

Ronan, being young and ignorant, daring to challenge Grandpa Salvador just to assert himself in front of everyone was considered nothing short of suicidal by everyone present!

Viron continued to slap Ronan dozens of times until he was nearly collapsing. Only when Grandpa Salvador finally spoke did Viron stop.

Seeing Grandpa Salvador finally speaking, he reluctantly stopped, suppressing the pain in his heart, and snapped at the servants standing nearby, "Why aren't you dragging this unfilial son out yet?!"

Several servants immediately stepped forward and dragged Ronan, who was spitting blood and feeling dizzy, out of the room.

Grandpa Salvador cleared his throat and continued, "This time, in our cooperation with the Japanese, not only do we need to secure at least 20 operational rights for Tokyo Port, Yokohama Port, and Osaka Port, but we also need them to provide us with various types of ships totaling no less than three million tons of displacement. Whoever can provide the most resources will have the opportunity to join us. Therefore, on this trip to Japan, we must carefully assess the true strength of the Ito and Takahashi families. Furthermore, we must pressure them to provide the most resources!"

The eldest son, Virtuoso, blurted out, "Father, may I ask who you intend to send to cooperate with these two Japanese families?"

Grandpa Salvador remained silent for a moment before saying, "Cameron, as the eldest son and grandson, it's time for you to take charge. You'll lead this matter!"

Cameron, Grandpa Salvador's eldest grandson and Virtuoso's eldest son, who was twenty-eight years old this year, was the most outstanding male heir of the Salvador family in this generation.

Upon hearing that he had been chosen, Cameron immediately stood up and said firmly, "Please rest assured, Grandpa. Cameron will do his best!"

Grandpa Salvador nodded gently and then his gaze fell on the stunningly beautiful yet icy girl standing beside Cameron.

It was also at this moment that Grandpa Salvador's gaze softened slightly, replaced by a hint of affection as he smiled and said, "Little Camilla, you're about to graduate from Yale soon. It's time for you to go out and gain some experience. You'll go with your brother this time. Learn more and accumulate some experience!"

The stunningly beautiful yet icy girl stood up, bowed slightly, with a neutral expression, indifferent eyes, and an even tone, saying, "Yes, Grandpa, Little Camilla understands."

And so, the Salvador family's affairs continued amidst family drama and business dealings.

Chapter 1687 - "The Fish's Joy"

When the old master announced that Cameron and Camilla, the siblings, were to go to Japan together, their father, Virtuoso, couldn't hide a hint of pride in his expression.

To him, entrusting such a significant matter to his own children was a testament to his role as the eldest son and the most trusted by the old master.

The other children couldn't help but envy and admire.

The old master wanted to toughen up Cameron, and that was understandable. After all, he was the eldest grandson, akin to the crown prince in ancient times. No matter how strong the other princes were, they would bow in front of the eldest grandson.

However, sending Cameron for training and taking Camilla along seemed a bit biased!

Normally, in such situations, the eldest grandson should lead the way, and then select one or two clever and promising juniors from the second, third, fourth, or even fifth families to accompany him and broaden their horizons.

But unexpectedly, in the eyes of the old master, besides the eldest grandson, there was only his most doted granddaughter!

In other words, the old master made his stance clear. Apart from the eldest grandson, all other grandsons were inferior to Camilla, a mere granddaughter, in his eyes!

This made the other families extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone in Eastcliff knew that the Salvador family flourished.

The old master had twenty-two brothers and several sisters. In his lineage, there were still thirteen grandsons and two granddaughters.

But who could have expected that in his eyes, the most favored one would be Camilla, the granddaughter.

The reason behind this was actually because the old master had always been strict and demanding towards the male heirs of the family. Hence, he always wore a stern face towards his sons and grandsons.

Yet, the old master was also human, with a soft side he couldn't show to his sons and grandsons. So, he poured all his tenderness onto his granddaughter.

Moreover, Camilla was clever since childhood and deeply cherished by the old master. In front of others, the old master was a decisive and formidable figure, but in front of his granddaughter, he was just an ordinary, doting old man.

In fact, the extent of the old master's doting on Camilla could be seen from her name.

In the Salvador family, the younger generations' names all contained the word "知", which means knowledge or understanding.

Cameron's name implied understanding right from wrong and not straying from the path;

Apart from him, there was Ronan, implying understanding the source of water;

Each grandchild's name was filled with the old master's teachings and reminders.

Except for Camilla.

The old master named her Camilla, meaning knowing the joy of fish.

In the Zhuangzi's "Autumn Floods," there was a dialogue between Huizi and Zhuangzi, where Huizi said, "You're not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?"

The old master named her Camilla, hoping she could be happy, simple, and content. Since she could know the "joy of fish," naturally, she could understand the "joy of people" even better.

And that's the gist of it!

Chapter 1688 - "Japan-bound Ambitions"

It could be said that everywhere exuded Mr. Salvador's immense love for Camilla.

And precisely because of this, the young talents of the entire Eastcliff were full of longing for Camilla.

Winning over Camilla wasn't just about winning over a stunningly beautiful woman, a super beauty who was always in the United States, receiving the most top-notch education globally, it was also equivalent to winning over the entire Salvador family.

Someone joked, saying, whoever marries Camilla might have the chance to obtain a whopping trillion-dollar fortune.

So, among the elite families across the country, Camilla had a nickname that was widely spread, a simple and crude name, called Trillionilla Salvador.

After Mr. Harrison announced his decision, he said to his eldest son Virtuoso, "Virtuoso, you and Cameron, Camilla, hurry up and discuss a rough plan, then prepare to set off as soon as possible, the sooner the better."

Virtuoso immediately stood up, respectfully saying, "Father, rest assured, I will quickly discuss a plan with them both, and strive to depart for Japan tonight!"

Harrison nodded, instructing, "In matters of choosing between two options like this, who we approach first appears particularly important, although the Ito and Takahashi families have experienced some decline due to the overall recession of the Japanese economy in recent years, their overall strength still remains at the forefront in Japan, you must carefully decide which one to approach first."

Virtuoso immediately said, "Yes, Father, we will start discussing immediately and report to you as soon as we have results."

Harrison smiled with satisfaction, saying, "Virtuoso, eighteen years ago, you defeated Drake and became the most dazzling among the young generation of Eastcliff, but in these eighteen years, you haven't been able to achieve greater glory again, of course, it's not your fault, it's our Salvador family. In recent years, we haven't encountered any decent opponents domestically."

Here, Harrison chuckled, stood up, and passionately said, "There is no longer any room for growth in the domestic market. If we want to continue to develop and grow, we must go abroad, to the open seas, and develop towards the ocean!"

"Otherwise, old families in the West, including the Rothschilds, will still occasionally pop out and bother us!"

"So, this overseas strategy is a great opportunity for the Salvador family to create new glory, and it's also a good stage for you to establish higher achievements!"

"If this battle is fought beautifully, I will consider it a complete success, and I can retire peacefully and enjoy family life. By then, you will be the head of the Salvador family!"

Upon hearing this, Virtuoso immediately bowed deeply, loudly declaring, "Father, rest assured, Virtuoso will do his best! To create new glory for the Salvador family!"


After the meeting, Virtuoso, carrying an extremely excited mood, returned home with his two children.

As soon as he got home, he called his children to the study, spiritedly saying, "Cameron, Camilla, this is our family's great opportunity to rise to prominence again in the Salvador family. When you two go to Japan this time, you must secure the best cooperation terms. Whether you ultimately choose the Ito family or the Takahashi family, you must squeeze their interests to the utmost, and strive for the greatest benefit for our Salvador family!"

Cameron immediately said, "Dad, when we go to Japan this time, should we first contact the Ito family or the Takahashi family?"

Virtuoso asked, "What do you think?"

Cameron said, "I think it's best to first contact the Ito family, because the Ito family is strong in both Tokyo and Kyoto, with Tokyo Port in Tokyo and Osaka Port and Nagoya Port near Kyoto. Theoretically, the Ito family has greater potential in the port and shipping sectors."

"Hmm..." Virtuoso nodded gently, approvingly saying, "Your point makes sense, and I also tend to first contact the Ito family."

Camilla furrowed her brows and said in a lukewarm tone, "Dad, brother, I actually think we should first contact the Takahashi family."

"Oh?" Both of them looked at Camilla, and Virtuoso asked, "Camilla, why do you think so?"

Chapter 1689 - "Strategic Insight"

Facing the questioning gazes of their father and elder brother, Camilla replied nonchalantly, "Firstly, although the Ito family holds considerable resources in Tokyo and has decent influence in Osaka and Nagoya, the true super harbor of Japan is actually Yokohama Port, situated next to Tokyo."

"The Takahashi family, while slightly less influential in Tokyo compared to the Ito family, holds great power in Yokohama. One could say Yokohama is the Takahashi family's stronghold."

"Secondly, the Ito family is currently facing some troubles. Takehiko's daughter, who participated in an international martial arts competition in Aurous Hill not long ago, sustained severe injuries. She is currently recuperating. Takehiko dotes on his daughter greatly, and her condition, to some extent, will inevitably distract him. Once his focus cannot be fully dedicated to work, it will impact our cooperation, even if it's just a slight impact."

Virtuoso furrowed his brow, "Takehiko's daughter is injured? I've never heard of this."

Camilla replied calmly, "I had someone thoroughly investigate the situations of these two families, including their family heirs."

Their elder brother, Cameron, couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Camilla, you always consider everything comprehensively!"

Camilla, unmoved, said flatly, "Brother, spare me the flattery. You're the one who will eventually take the lead. I'm just helping you consider things a bit more for now."

Cameron chuckled, "With such a great sister, I'll definitely have peace of mind in the future!"

Camilla rolled her eyes at him and continued, "There's one more thing. I found out that the Ito family was previously keen on investing in a Japanese pharmaceutical company called Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals. This matter will also somewhat distract Takehiko."

Cameron nodded, "I know that company, Kobayashi Gastric Powder, right? I've used it before, it's quite effective."

"That was before," Camilla remarked casually, "Now, there's a domestic product called Mystical Gastric Remedy that has surpassed them in product strength."

"Oh..." Cameron grinned, "I have a feeling that Mystical Labs will soon rise unexpectedly, catching up with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals and eventually surpassing them."

At this point, Cameron earnestly suggested, "If possible, I think investing in Mystical Labs now is a good opportunity. Maybe in a few years, the return on investment could be over tenfold."

Virtuoso waved his hand, saying, "Even if pharmaceutical companies become massive, they're only at the hundred-billion level, which isn't that significant. We should focus our energy on larger markets and opportunities. This transoceanic project is key to the internationalization of the Salvador family."

Camilla wanted to say something but held back, nodding instead. "Let's get back to the point, Father. What do you think, should we initiate contact with the Ito family first, or do you think the Takahashi family as a whole is more suitable?"

Virtuoso looked at Cameron and asked, "What do you think, Cameron?"

Cameron immediately spoke up, "Listen to advice when you're full. I think we should listen to Camilla. After all, she's the one who conducted the investigation and has the right to speak!"

Virtuoso nodded satisfactorily, smiling, "Both of you siblings are the most outstanding among your peers that I've seen. With both of you working together, you'll surely shake the entire country, and perhaps even the world!"

Cameron smiled and said, "I wouldn't dare to compare myself to Camilla. This girl is just something else. At the age of twenty-two, she's as mature as a forty-four-year-old. I really wonder what kind of person will be able to handle her in the future."

Camilla glared at him, annoyed, "Do you need to worry about my affairs? Why don't you think about yourself first? You've been secretly admiring Haidee for so long, when are you planning to confess to her?"

Cameron was caught off guard, blurting out, "Stop talking nonsense! Haidee and I are just acquaintances, not even friends."

"Of course," Camilla snorted disdainfully, "If you can't even speak properly when you see her, it's no wonder you can't even become friends!"

And thus, the banter continued between the siblings.

Chapter 1690 - "Heir Apparent's Heartache"

On the side, Virtuoso furrowed his brow and asked him, "Little Cameron, do you have feelings for that girl from the Snow family?"

"Not at all, Dad..." Cameron quickly waved his hand. "I just simply admire her a bit."

Virtuoso nodded slightly, paused for a moment, and then spoke up, "The girl from the Snow family is indeed not bad. If you truly like her, I don't have any objections. I'm just worried that your grandfather might not approve of the Snow family, then it would be troublesome..."

Upon hearing this, Cameron's heart jumped with joy, and he blurted out, "Dad, you really have no objections?"

Camilla blurted out, "Bro, are you daft? Can't you tell Dad's intentionally tricking you with his words?"

"Eh?!" Cameron panicked, quickly looking towards Virtuoso. "Dad, what do you really mean?"

Virtuoso sighed and said seriously, "Little Cameron, you really aren't as clever as your sister!"

Cameron suddenly felt embarrassed.

Virtuoso then continued with a serious expression, "You are the eldest son of the Salvador family, the future third-generation heir of the Salvador family. Moreover, the Snow family's strength is indeed not enough in front of the Salvador family. Your grandfather will never agree, and neither will I. Don't forget, that girl from the Snow family has had a marriage contract with the son of Drake since childhood. I have a longstanding enmity with Drake and will never allow you to marry that girl from the Snow family!"

Cameron sighed, "Dad, those are all things of the past, ancient history. Besides, hasn't Drake's son been missing for many years now?"

Virtuoso looked at him seriously and said, "Setting aside this matter, your grandfather has discussed your marriage with me before. He hopes that after the Salvador family completes its internationalization, you will marry the daughter of a top family in the United States. This would be more advantageous for our overseas expansion. Domestically, there really isn't any suitable young lady worthy of you."

Cameron became a bit anxious and blurted out, "Dad, I don't like American women..."

Virtuoso said sternly, "This matter has nothing to do with liking. It's all about being well-matched, understand?"

Cameron suddenly felt disheartened.

Camilla, on the side, then interjected, "Dad, I want to make it clear now, I don't care how you arrange my brother's marriage, but in the future, no one is allowed to interfere with my marriage!"

Cameron exclaimed, "Hey, Camilla! Are you really selling out your brother like this?"

"Not at all," Camilla said calmly, "Our situations are different. If I find a man who makes my heart flutter, I'll marry him and have nothing to do with the Salvador family anymore. I'll give birth to children for my husband, and those children won't bear the Salvador surname. But you're different, you're the one to continue the Salvador family line."

Cameron was left speechless for a moment, looking very frustrated.

Virtuoso, with a helpless look, reminded Camilla, "The premise of finding a partner should still be compatibility!"

Camilla waved her hand, "Compatibility, that's non-existent. This lady will pick whoever she fancies, whether he's a king or a pauper."

"Nonsense!" Virtuoso said angrily, "What if he's truly penniless? How can you guarantee your happiness for your whole life?"

Camilla rolled her eyes, "I don't believe that as a young lady of the Salvador family, I can't support a poor man for the rest of my life?"
Camilla is truly something else 🤔


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
Where can I see such a wonderful Japanese creature. Altho I usually like Korean ladies


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
I think charlie might almost compromise, Claire should be fooling around with bedroom promotions. The sooner she consummate their marriage the better for her.


Dragon Among Men
Sep 11, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1766 - "Is This a Dream or Reality?"

The man in front of her, with a smiling face, was indeed the Charlie Wade she had longed for and admired!

At this moment, within Nanako's heart, countless questions surged:

"How is it him?!"

"Why is it him?!"

"Why is he here?!"

"Am I dreaming?!"

"Could it be that I'm already dead, and all of this is just an illusion after my death?!"

"Just a moment ago, I even thought that even if I could see Charlie before I die, I would die without regrets. But who would believe that Charlie would suddenly appear like a godsend at this critical moment to save me?!"

Countless thoughts gathered in her mind, making her surprised and hesitant, nervous and excited, causing her whole body to tremble speechless.

At this moment, Charlie broke the silence first. He looked at Nanako, smiled slightly, and asked, "Miss Ito, it's been a while. How have you been lately?"

Hearing Charlie's voice, Nanako finally confirmed that everything in front of her was not an illusion!

The Charlie she had been longing for and even thought she would never have the chance to see again actually came to rescue her at her most dangerous moment!

At this moment, Nanako finally experienced the ultimate happiness of a woman.

She felt that in this life, there would never be a moment that could surpass every minute and every second of the present.

Even if she were to die now, she felt that her life had been completely fulfilled, without any regrets.

So, she could no longer control her emotions, burst into tears, and cried out, "Charlie! Since returning from Aurous Hill, Nanako has been looking forward to meeting you again day and night. I didn't expect you to really come!"

The four ninjas were on high alert, and one of them gritted his teeth and shouted, "Kid, did you kill Quatro?!"

Charlie smirked cruelly, "I did. What can you do about it?"

The man gritted his teeth and shouted, "Bastard! You killed six members of my Tenglin family. I'll take your life!"

Charlie looked at the four ninjas and said indifferently, "You guys are making too much noise. Since you want my life, don't disturb the other people in this mansion."

With that, he held his Thunder Command in one hand and muttered softly, "Thunder, come!"

In an instant, a series of muffled thunderclaps sounded in the gloomy sky!

This series of thunderclaps immediately caused a commotion around, disturbing the quiet snowy night.

At this moment, Charlie's face was filled with a disdainful smirk as he shouted, "You want revenge, huh? Come on then! While they haven't gone too far, I'll send you to meet them!"

The man, unaware that the thunder was summoned by Charlie, roared angrily, "Bastard, you will die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his ninja sword high and fiercely slashed towards Charlie at an extremely fast speed!

The other three were not far behind!

One of them leaped into the air directly, swinging his sword from mid-air towards Charlie!

The other two quickly dodged to both sides, wielding their ninja swords, ready to attack Charlie from both flanks!

It was well known that Japanese samurai swords and ninja swords were crafted by top craftsmen with top-notch steel, and their blades were sharp enough to cut hair!

With all four attacking together, as long as Charlie couldn't block even a bit, he would be chopped into several pieces!

These four were indeed filled with killing intent!

Nanako saw the terrifying cold light in the night sky and shouted in horror, "Charlie, be careful!"

Chapter 1767 - "Thunderous Justice: Charlie's Final Strike"

The four ninjas from the Tenglin family were confident that this time they could land a fatal blow to Charlie.

Meanwhile, Nanako had her heart in her mouth, fearing any mishap happening to Charlie.

For her, even if it meant sacrificing herself, she would never allow Charlie to get hurt even a little.

At that moment, Charlie suddenly retreated at lightning speed, leaving the four ninjas dumbfounded by his agility!

They were the ones who initiated the attack, being faster than Charlie in terms of reaction time.

Moreover, each of them wielded a nearly one-meter-long ninja sword, further extending their attack range, giving them the upper hand to strike faster.

In their understanding, it was almost impossible for anyone to escape in that split second.

It was like a bullet about to hit a normal person that they couldn't possibly dodge!

Yet, Charlie managed to do it!

As Charlie swiftly retreated, the Thunder Command had already been pocketed. Following that, he swiftly drew out two shurikens from his left and right hands, shooting towards the ninja who leaped into the air and the one directly in front of him!

Upon hearing the shurikens whistling through the air, and seeing the chilling glint rapidly approaching, they both warned each other, "Be careful!"

Soon after, as they were about to dodge to the sides, they both felt a sharp pain in their chests.

The one in the air plummeted rapidly, while the one charging towards Charlie knelt down instantly!

The two flanking ninjas were petrified by the unfolding scene.

Who would have thought that this man's movements were so swift, completely outclassing them by more than one level!

What was initially a confident ambush by the four turned into a scenario where not a single blow was landed on their target, yet they lost two of their own!

Realising the hopeless situation, both knew they had no chance of winning, continuing to blindly attack would only lead to death.

So, they exchanged a glance, then abruptly halted their movements, each pulling out a round ball about the size of a ping pong ball from their pockets and threw it to the ground.

Following that, the balls emitted a dazzling light, followed by a thick black smoke, using the smoke as cover, they turned and fled.

Charlie sneered, calmly retrieving the last two shurikens from his leather sheath, and launched them towards the two black smoke clouds.

Though the two had already run a fair distance, they were caught off guard by the sound of the shurikens cutting through the air, moving at an incredible speed, leaving them with only a split second to react!

In that moment, their only thought was: they were doomed!

And indeed they were!

The two shurikens struck their backs, the potent poison on the blades spreading rapidly, leading to their demise in an instant!

Meanwhile, the faint sound of thunder continued in the sky.

Therefore, the events unfolding in the courtyard of Nanako did not disturb the others in the mansion.

As all six individuals had met their end, Charlie finally breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, not far from him, Nanako gazed at him with tear-filled eyes.

Chapter 1768 - "Nanako's Confession: A Heartfelt Revelation"


Nanako choked up, then turned the wheels of her wheelchair with both hands, heading towards Charlie.

Charlie hurried a few steps and stood in front of her, asking, "Miss Ito, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Nanako kept shaking her head, then couldn't control her tears and started crying.

At that moment, her biggest feeling was not the relief of surviving a disaster, but the immense surprise brought by Charlie's sudden appearance.

Seeing her on the verge of losing control, Charlie couldn't help but reach out, gently touching her slightly cold hand, and softly comforting, "Miss Ito, stop crying, everything is fine now."

Nanako wiped away her tears, shook her head, and said, "I'm not crying because of what just happened..."

After speaking, she lifted her head, not hiding the deep love in her eyes, choked up and asked, "Charlie, how did you come to Kyoto?"

Charlie smiled slightly, "I came to Japan for some business, happened to be in Osaka, thought Osaka was quite close to you, so I came to see you."

Upon hearing this, Nanako felt as if countless pieces of sugar had melted in her heart.

Excitedly, she asked, "Charlie, did you... did you come to see me because you missed me?"

"Um..." Charlie was momentarily taken aback by her question.

He had intended to come up with a casual excuse, but suddenly felt that coming all the way here was the most honest answer. Why lie at this moment?

So, he nodded slightly, somewhat awkwardly saying, "Sort of..."

Upon hearing this, Nanako was overjoyed beyond words!

Though there were still traces of tears in the corners of her eyes, she joyfully said, "I never expected Charlie would still remember me... this is... this is such a pleasant surprise..."

She then hurriedly asked Charlie, "Charlie, how did you know I was in Kyoto?"

Charlie replied, "A few days ago, I met Koichi at Yanjing Airport, and he told me."

"I see!" Nanako said somewhat shyly, "Charlie, thank you for remembering me and thank you for saving my life today..."

Charlie smiled faintly, saying, "No need to be so polite, just a small effort."

Then, Charlie asked her, "I see you've been in a wheelchair all this time, is your body still not fully recovered?"

"Yes," Nanako nodded gently, "Ever since the last match with Dianne, I suffered a serious injury, received treatment in Tokyo for a while, escaped the life-threatening situation, but my body still hasn't fully recovered. It may take a long period of rest and recuperation for the injuries to improve."

Charlie nodded, earnestly saying, "Actually, I came to see you this time mainly to help you recover from your injuries, didn't expect to encounter such a situation..."

Gratefully, Nanako smiled softly and said, "Charlie, the best doctors in Japan have examined my injuries. Their opinion is that just preserving my face is already quite rare. With the current medical techniques, it's difficult to restore me to my original state. If in a few years I can get out of the wheelchair, it would already be considered a medical miracle."

After that, Nanako looked up, gazing at Charlie with fiery eyes, and said earnestly, "Charlie, your visit already deeply touches me. It's more important than being able to stand up again or fully recover..."

"You have no idea how much I've missed you during this time. I can't even believe it myself. For such a long time, my biggest wish has not been to recover but to see Charlie again..."

As she spoke, Nanako gathered her courage, took Charlie's hand, and affectionately said, "Thank you, Charlie! Your appearance here is Nanako's blessing. If Nanako can walk hand in hand with Charlie in this snow for a moment, it would be a life without regrets..."

Charlie, seeing her gentle gaze, felt a hint of heartache. He looked at Nanako, and with utmost seriousness, said, "Nanako, I have a way to heal you, to completely restore you!"

Chapter 1769 - "Nanako's Wish: Hoping for Forever"

Upon hearing Charlie's resolute words, Nanako was somewhat dumbfounded.

She couldn't believe that there was a possibility for her injuries to fully recover, but coming from Charlie, she suddenly felt a great sense of trust.

So, with great excitement, she asked Charlie, "Charlie, do you really have a way to heal my injuries?"

Charlie nodded and said, "But before treating you, let's first deal with these corpses."

Nanako hurriedly said, "I'll call the housekeeper right away!"

"No need," Charlie stopped her, saying, "I had a disagreement with your father in Tokyo. If you tell the housekeeper, such a big matter, he will definitely inform your father immediately, and it might not look good."

Surprised, Nanako asked, "Charlie, you met my father in Tokyo?! How did you end up having a disagreement?"

Charlie shrugged and said, "It's a long story. I'll tell you slowly when I treat your injuries later."

Nanako stuck out her tongue and joked, "It seems that my father must have faced some trouble with Charlie here..."

Charlie chuckled, "Not trouble, just a little loss of money."

Nanako smiled, "It's okay, he's not short of money anyway, a little loss doesn't matter."

Charlie cleared his throat and said, "A loss of 4.5 billion US dollars."

"What?" Nanako was shocked by Charlie's words and asked in disbelief, "4.5 billion US dollars? Charlie, are you kidding?"

Charlie smiled and said, "I'm not kidding, it's true. But I haven't decided yet whether to let him suffer such a big loss."

Without hesitation, Nanako said, "Charlie, you don't need to think about it. Consider that money as a thank you from my father for saving my life. To him, my life is worth more than 4.5 billion US dollars."

Charlie laughed, "You're generous, aren't you afraid your father will be angry if he finds out?"

Nanako shook her head and said seriously, "If he dares to be angry, I'll run away from home, go to China to seek refuge with Charlie, and never come back!"


Charlie was speechless for a moment.

He didn't know if Nanako was joking or serious. If she was serious, he would naturally be willing deep down, but he couldn't explain it to Claire...

Seeing Charlie hesitate, Nanako quickly said with a smile, "Charlie, I'm just joking with you, you don't need to take it seriously. And even if I were to go to China, I would definitely buy a house in Aurous Hill to settle down on my own, not to cause trouble for you!"

Charlie sighed and said, "Let's talk about this later. I'll deal with these six corpses first. Your courtyard has many rooms, which one is less frequently used?"

Pointing to the west wing, Nanako said, "That room is a storage room, but it has been empty for a long time since I haven't been back."

Charlie nodded and said, "It's getting cold, I'll escort you back to your room, then I'll deal with these bodies. After handling them, I'll treat your injuries first. Once your injuries are healed, you can inform the household staff to dispose of the bodies properly."

Anxiously, Nanako asked, "Charlie, after you heal my injuries, are you going to leave?"

"Yes," Charlie nodded, "I have to go back to Osaka, finish things there, and then return to my country."

Nanako looked somewhat disappointed and murmured, "Then I hope... my injuries never heal..."

Charlie blurted out, "Don't say such things, it's not auspicious."

Nanako said seriously, "In that case, Charlie, you'll be able to stay forever, right? Because you said you'll leave only after healing my injuries, if you can't heal them, you can't leave."

Looking at her helplessly, Charlie said, "Don't worry, I will definitely heal you."

Chapter 1770 - "A Promise Sealed: Charlie's Commitment to Nanako"

Nanako asked Charlie, "Charlie, will I have the chance to see you again in the future?"

Charlie nodded, "Yes, I have now shifted some of my business to Japan, so I might come here often in the future."

"That's great!" Nanako exclaimed with joy, "Charlie, can you promise me something?"

Charlie responded with a sound of agreement, "Go ahead."

Nanako hurriedly said, "I hope that every time you come to Japan, you can inform me, and if it's convenient for you, please allow me to meet you!"

"Also, if I go to China, Charlie, if it's convenient for you, please allow me to meet you there, okay?"

Charlie smiled faintly, "No problem, I promise you."

Nanako cheered like a little girl, "Then I will be able to see Charlie often in the future!"

Moved by her sweet smile, Charlie's voice softened as he said, "Alright, let me escort you back to your room first, and I'll come back later to help treat your injuries."

Subsequently, guided by Nanako, Charlie pushed her wheelchair and took her back to her chamber.

Nanako's room was a typical Japanese classical layout, with the entire house made of natural wood flooring, clean, tidy, and elegantly antique.

In the room, there was a low tea table for sitting, a Japanese writing desk, and a flower arranging stand. On the walls, there were numerous calligraphy works, seemingly written by Nanako herself.

Charlie escorted her back to the room, supporting her as they entered.

To prevent Nanako from falling, Charlie held her hand with one hand and supported her waist with the other, the intimate contact making his heart race and causing a blush to appear on Nanako's face.

Charlie continued to support Nanako and, at her request, helped her sit on the cushion in front of the tea table.

On the tea table, there was a set of exquisite Japanese tea utensils and a small incense burner.

After Nanako sat down, Charlie spoke, "Wait for me, I'll go deal with the bodies outside."

Blushing, Nanako looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, Nanako is unwell and can't help you, so please make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy it when you return."

Charlie nodded, said okay, and then left the room.

At this moment, six bodies lying in the snow had already been half-buried by the heavy snow.

Charlie carefully moved several bodies to the storage room before returning to Nanako's room.

Upon his return, a fragrant scent of sandalwood filled the room, and Nanako was meticulously whisking matcha powder in a Japanese tea bowl.

Seeing Charlie enter, she hurriedly said, "Charlie, please have a seat!"

Charlie nodded and sat cross-legged on the cushion in front of her.

As Nanako continued to whisk the matcha powder, she said to him, "The Japanese tea ceremony may be different from the Chinese one. Here, we brew tea using matcha powder. I'm not sure if Charlie will like it."

Charlie smiled, "I've tasted Japanese tea ceremony with my parents when I was young, and I quite liked it."

Nanako nodded, smiling, "That's good!"

As she was about to prepare tea for Charlie, his brows suddenly furrowed, and he whispered to her, "Someone has climbed over the wall again!"

"Oh?!" Nanako widened her eyes in surprise, "Is it the same group as before?"

Charlie shook his head, "Not sure, but there's only one person this time. It might not be here to harm you. Later, don't speak recklessly. Let's outwit them!"
The Dragon is about to perform one of his miracles on Nanako, hope he doesn't fall in love with Nanako

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
Chapter 1771 - "Nanako's Profound Love"

Siblings Cameron and Camilla were transported directly to Kyoto after being taken out of Tokyo.

Currently, they are being held captive in a residential house less than two kilometres from here.

They are being guarded by several ninjas from the Iga clan.

They have been waiting for orders from Yoshito. If he commands them to act, they will immediately kill the siblings and discreetly transport their bodies to the Ito family's mansion.

However, before Yoshito gives the order, they must keep the siblings alive to avoid difficulties in transportation due to rigor mortis setting in if they die for too long.

The Iga clan ninjas are experts in assassination. According to their experience, the most convenient time to move a body is within an hour of death when the body is relatively soft and can even be stuffed into a suitcase. If it exceeds this time, the body will become increasingly stiff.

Therefore, they are prepared to kill the siblings immediately after receiving Yoshito's orders and then directly take them to the Ito family's mansion to find a suitable hiding place.

Just ten minutes ago, Yoshito called and instructed them to first confirm the situation inside the Ito family's mansion.

Firstly, they need to assess the defense situation of the Ito mansion, identify the weakest point, and then find a suitable place to hide the bodies. Once confirmed, they will kill the siblings and take them over.

So, a ninja from the Iga clan sneaked into the Ito family's mansion alone to scout the area.

What Charlie noticed in Nanako's room was this person.

After observing the wall for a while, the person seemed to have chosen the secluded courtyard of Nanako. After a brief look around, he took out his phone, snapped a few photos, and then quietly climbed down the wall, intending to leave.

At this moment, Charlie stood up and said to Nanako, "I need to go out for a while, wait for me here."

Nanako hurriedly asked, "Charlie, where are you going?"

Charlie replied, "That person who just came is also a ninja. He likely came to scout, and there may be other ninjas behind him. I'll follow and see!"

Nanako reached out to stop him, earnestly saying, "Charlie, please don't go. It's dangerous!"

Charlie seriously said, "If there are still ninjas spying in the shadows, they are likely plotting against you. If I don't go now, they might come soon. In that case, it's better to take the initiative, deal with them once and for all."

Nervously, Nanako said, "But I'm worried about you... I don't want you to risk yourself for me..."

Charlie smiled slightly, holding her hand firmly, and said seriously, "I came to Kyoto for you. Whether it's a mountain of knives or a sea of fire, since I'm here, I will see it through to the end!"

After saying that, he let go of Nanako's hand and turned to leave.

Nanako was deeply touched by Charlie's words, feeling not just moved and happy but as if her whole heart had been melted by his words.

Nanako realised that at that moment, she had irreversibly and completely fallen in love with Charlie.

For him, she was willing to give everything, even if it meant sacrificing her life for Charlie without hesitation.

So, she hurriedly grabbed Charlie's hand, devoutly saying, "Charlie, please take care of yourself. If anything happens to you, Nanako will not hesitate to die for you!"

Chapter 1772 - Charlie Trails the Iga Ninja

Charlie turned around, giving a gentle smile, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

With those words, Charlie stepped away from Nanako's boudoir, disappearing into the vast snowy night.

In the midst of the wind and snow, the Iga ninja who came to scout was swiftly running under the cover of night.

His movements were swift, light as a feather, blending into the night like an elusive ghost.

Little did he know, trailing behind him was a super master with strength a hundred times greater than his own, and that master was Charlie Wade.

The Iga ninja ran non-stop for two kilometers, eventually stopping at the entrance of a courtyard. He then approached the ancient door of the courtyard and knocked four times in a specific pattern, causing the door to open just enough for one person to slip through sideways.

Without hesitation, he swiftly slipped inside, disappearing from sight.

Meanwhile, Charlie concealed his breath and heartbeat, silently leaping onto the wall, carefully observing the situation in the courtyard.

The courtyard was not particularly large, with a front yard of over two hundred square meters, adorned with bamboo and ancient pines, while at the back of the courtyard stood a two-story wooden building.

The Iga ninja who had just entered went straight through the front yard and into the two-story building.

Charlie could sense that there were at least six or seven people inside the building, so he quietly approached the front of the building along the wall.

On second floor of the building, there was a hall of about fifty square meters, where a ninja in black clothing stood. In the middle of the room, there were two people tied up with their heads covered.

The ninja that the tracking ninja followed reported to the leader upon reaching Dos floor, "Senior, I have confirmed that the defense inside the Ito family mansion is very weak, with less than ten average skilled guards!"

The leader nodded and said, "Our mission this time is to quietly dispose of the bodies of these two Chinese individuals. Even if their strength is weak, we must ensure not to alert anyone, enter quietly, leave the bodies, and then exit silently."

He then asked, "Have you found a suitable place to conceal the bodies?"

"Yes!" The ninja hurriedly reported, "Inside the Ito mansion, there is a very secluded courtyard. In the courtyard, there is a pine forest covered in thick snow. We can hide the bodies there, and they shouldn't be discovered for a short period of time."

Upon hearing this, he immediately took out his phone, opened the photo album, and showed it to the leader, "Senior, I took some photos, please have a look."

The leader took the phone, scrolled through the photos, and nodded in satisfaction, "Good, this pine forest seems rarely visited. By hiding the bodies here, they won't be found for several hours, even up to a dozen hours. Mr. Matsumoto's request is for the bodies not to be discovered by the Ito family for at least two hours, so this location is perfect."

Another ninja quickly asked, "Senior Ninja, when should we take action and dispose of these two Chinese individuals?"

The leader glanced at the time and said, "Wait a moment, I'll make a phone call to Mr. Matsumoto."

At that moment, Camilla, who was wearing a black head covering, began to struggle violently.

Since her mouth was covered, she could only try to attract attention by whimpering through her nose.

The leader of the ninja furrowed his brow, removed her head covering, and stared intently at the exhausted and terrified Camilla, asking coldly, "What? Do you have any last words to say?"

Chapter 1773 - Manipulating the Chaos

As the headgear was removed from Camilla, Charlie immediately recognised her.

In his mind, he couldn't help but think, "Isn't this woman the same one who sat in the Rolls-Royce with Eiji before? Back when I was reprimanding Eiji, she even retorted at me a few times. I never expected to see her tied up here, seemingly about to be killed and framed on Takehiko. This woman must have some serious background!"

At that moment, Camilla, with a towel stuffed in her mouth, despite sobbing for a while, couldn't utter a word.

The leader of the Iga ninjas reached into her mouth to remove the towel and coldly said, "You have a chance now, say what you want to say."

Camilla's eyes were filled with fear, but she forced herself to calm down and shakily said, "Spare me and my brother, name your price, whatever others offer, I'll give you ten times!"

The leader sneered, "Talking about this is meaningless. In the rules of the Japanese ninja clans, loyalty to the employer is paramount. Only absolute loyalty to the employer will earn the respect of the major clans. Otherwise, if the loyalty of the ninjas to the major clans is questioned, all ninjas in Japan will lose their livelihood. At that point, we would become enemies of all ninjas in Japan. Even if you offer me more money, I wouldn't have a life to spend!"

Camilla urgently said, "Then go to China! I'll give you one billion US dollars, enough for you to live comfortably in China for a lifetime without having to kill for others!"

The leader was surprised and couldn't help but exclaim, "Miss, you're quite wealthy. One billion US dollars is indeed a large sum. Setting aside whether you can produce that much money, even if you can, as I said earlier, I wouldn't have a life to spend. Even if you give me 10 billion US dollars, I would still be hunted by Japanese ninjas for life. This deal is not worth it."

Camilla retorted, "Do you think if you kill me, no one will come after you? Let me tell you, if you kill me, my family will spare no effort to hunt you down at any cost! By then, no matter how much money you have, you won't have a life to spend!"

"No, no, no," the leader chuckled, "I do plan to kill you, but after that, I'll frame Takehiko. Since there have been some differences between you two due to the cooperation, whether it's the police department or your family behind you, they will all consider Takehiko as the mastermind behind both of your deaths."

Camilla gritted her teeth and said, "Is all of this orchestrated by Yoshito?"

At that moment, the leader of the Iga ninjas looked at Camilla and coldly chuckled, "Mr. Matsumoto originally wanted to sincerely cooperate with you all, but he didn't expect you to be so arrogant and disrespectful! Mr. Matsumoto personally came to visit, but you completely ignored him. If you are so disrespectful to Mr. Matsumoto, don't complain when he turns ruthless towards you!"

Just now, when the leader mentioned Mr. Matsumoto while talking to his subordinates, Camilla realised that the mastermind behind all this was indeed Yoshito.

She truly hadn't expected Yoshito, who only ranked third in Tokyo in terms of power, to be so ruthless!

By targeting her and her brother and framing Takehiko, he must be aiming to weaken the Ito family's power, and who knows, he might have used other means against the Takahashi family as well.

If everything goes as planned, and her family seeks revenge on Takehiko, wouldn't Yoshito reap the benefits?

With this realization, she deeply regretted her actions.

If she had known earlier, when Yoshito came to visit, she and her brother should have at least met him. Regardless of what he said, they shouldn't have offended him to this extent.

Unfortunately, it was too late for such thoughts now. The grave mistake had been made. There was no turning back.

Beside her, Cameron also regretted deeply, but with his head covered and mouth muffled, he couldn't utter a word.

The leader of the Iga ninjas took out his phone, called Yoshito, and respectfully said, "Mr. Matsumoto, we have already scouted a very suitable burial site near Ito Manor, with very weak defenses. We are confident that we won't be discovered during the burial process. When would you like us to proceed?"

Yoshito chuckled, "Tokyo is quite chaotic now, hasn't been this chaotic in decades, so I'd like to wait a bit longer. Let me enjoy watching this big show in Tokyo first!"

Chapter 1774 - Threats of Humiliation and Abuse

The Iga ninja immediately responded, "Sure thing, Mr. Matsumoto, we are ready to follow your orders at any time!"

Yoshito sneered and said, "By the way, the families of those two you abducted have arrived in Tokyo. I want you to make their deaths as brutal as possible. The more gruesome the scene when the police find their bodies, the angrier their families will be, making this whole thing more exciting!"

The Iga ninja assured, "Rest assured, we will take care of it as instructed!"

Yoshito continued, "I heard the woman looks quite attractive. Before you kill her, you might as well humiliate her properly. If her family witnesses her being humiliated to death, they will surely despise Takehiko!"

Upon hearing this, the Iga ninja smirked and said, "Actually, we've been lusting after this woman for a while now, but I was worried about ruining your plan, so I've been holding them back. But with your words, I can now relax completely!"

Yoshito chuckled, "No worries, let your brothers have their fun. Oh, and you can all come together, discreetly film without revealing your faces. It will have a better impact when released later. Hahaha!"

The Iga ninja also laughed, "Mr. Matsumoto, rest assured, we will create a masterpiece for you to review!"

At this moment, Camilla was pale with fear.

Trembling, she pleaded, "Please, just kill me directly, don't ruin my innocence..."

"Innocence?" the Iga ninja grinned wickedly, "So, you're still innocent? A stunning beauty like you, still holding onto your innocence, that's truly rare. Such a precious gift, I will personally unwrap it later!" Yoshito laughed over the phone, "Alright, I won't disturb your fun anymore. You have an hour and a half to indulge. After that, kill them, bury the bodies at Takehiko's mansion!"

The Iga ninja assured, "Mr. Matsumoto, rest assured, in two hours, those two bodies will be peacefully lying in the snow at Ito's mansion! Then, you can inform the Tokyo Metropolitan Police!"

"Excellent! Once it's done, I won't forget your efforts!"

The Iga ninja hung up the phone, looked at Camilla, rubbing his hands excitedly, "Beauty, before you die, I will let you experience the ultimate pleasure of a woman. For your own good, you must cooperate with me. If I'm pleased, I might reward you with a quick death!"

Camilla was on the verge of collapse, tears streaming down her face, extremely frightened, "Please, just kill me now."

The Iga ninja chuckled, "Dying now won't be that easy. You need to ask me and my brothers if we agree!"

Camilla shuddered in fear, shouting, "Help! Help!"

The Iga ninja sneered, "Truth be told, all the nearby houses are under renovation. Even if you scream your lungs out, no one will come to save you! Save your voice, you can scream under me later, the more you scream, the more excited I'll be, hahaha!"

The other ninjas also laughed recklessly.

Just then, a voice rang out, "A bunch of animals, teaming up to bully a girl, have you no shame?"

It was Charlie!

Chapter 1775 - The Battle Begins: Charlie vs. the Iga Clan

When Charlie's voice suddenly rang out, all the well-trained ninjas present were startled by his voice!

No one expected that they, who were experts at covert tracking, would also be tracked by someone else!

Moreover, before this person spoke, no one was aware of his presence!

The leader of the Iga ninjas almost instantly drew his ninja sword, vigilantly looking around, sternly questioning, "Who?! Show yourself!"

At that moment, Charlie leaped from the wall, breaking into the room through the shattered window, leaving glass shards scattered on the ground.

Camilla was struck as she saw Charlie in that instant!

She could hardly believe that someone would come to rescue her at such a time, let alone that the person coming to her rescue was the Chinese man she had encountered on the streets of Tokyo!

And, she had offended him because she was unaware of the situation at that time!

Charlie stood tall by the broken window, in Camilla's eyes, he was not just handsome but almost like a god descended from the heavens!

The fierce cold wind blew in through the broken window, tousling Charlie's hair and clothes. In Camilla's eyes, he now had a touch of the hero from martial arts films.

However, Charlie's attention was not on Camilla at all.

He stared coldly at the leader of the Iga ninjas and said, "I thought Japanese ninjas had some integrity, turns out you're just a bunch of cowards! It's one thing to bully your own Japanese women, but bullying Chinese women is asking for trouble!"

The other Iga clan ninjas took a few steps back, keeping a close eye on Charlie as he drew his ninja sword.

They knew that Charlie could remain hidden nearby without being detected, indicating extraordinary strength. Therefore, they dared not act rashly and waited for the leader of the Iga ninjas to make a move.

The leader of the Iga ninjas had a grim expression!

Being called a "top ninja" by others meant being a superior ninja, not his name.

In the registration system of Japanese ninjas, the rough classification is divided into top ninjas, middle ninjas, and lower ninjas.

Top ninjas are already at the top level among ninjas and are highly respected throughout Japan.

However, he did not expect that this Chinese man before him would dare to insult him and the ninjas so openly, which was unforgivable!

He then roared, "Kid! There's an old saying in China, if there's a path to heaven, you won't take it; if there's no gate to hell, you'll barge in! Since you're seeking death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that, he immediately wielded his ninja sword and shouted to the others present, "Form a formation! Trap him and kill him within the formation! I will personally cut off his head to atone for insulting the ninjas!"

In an instant, the other six ninjas surrounded Charlie.

Charlie remained composed, saying coldly, "Want to cut off my head? Even if you had eight hands, you still couldn't!"

The leader of the Iga ninjas sneered, "Kid, you can look down on me, but don't underestimate the art of Japanese ninjutsu. As a top ninja, if I can't cut off your head, it would be an insult to the sun goddess Amaterasu!"

Charlie's expression darkened, and he rebuked in a low voice, "Japanese ninjutsu, huh? Today, I really want to see what the hell that is! Bring it on!"

"You're dead!"

The leader of the Iga ninjas was furious!

He let out a roar, then swiftly rushed towards Charlie with his ninja sword held horizontally with tremendous force!

The others also drew their swords, intending to turn Charlie into mincemeat.

Charlie felt helpless at the tactics of the Japanese ninjas.

It was like a pack of rabid dogs attacking, their core strategy being to swarm their target.

In their eyes, as long as the ninja swords were coated with poisonous substances, rushing in with all their might and inflicting a centimeter cut on the opponent's skin meant victory in the battle.

For centuries, Japanese ninjas had repeatedly relied on such tactics to defeat their opponents, proving to be consistently effective!

Junlee (aka 'Jungal2000')

Immortal Great Grandmaster - Dragon Monk
KF Moderator
Sep 4, 2023
Reaction score
This Charlie Wade story is so engaging and enjoyable to read. However, I'd like us to take a moment to learn from our experience with Dustin Rhys' story.

As some of you may recall, we rushed to catch up with the latest releases of Dustin Rhys' story, only to realize that the original Chinese author publishes just two chapters a day. This resulted in us feeling that the story progression was slower than anticipated.

With Charlie Wade's story, I propose that we take a more measured approach. The original Chinese release is just ONE CHAPTER A DAY, so we should adjust our translation release schedule accordingly. Let's aim for consistency rather than speed.

This story is far from over, and setting our pace to cruise will allow us to enjoy it fully without feeling rushed. So please don't get too excited. Please adjust your reading habits accordingly to manage expectations and ensure everyone can enjoy the story without any unnecessary pressure.

Ruffus Rhys Of West Lucozia

Martial Arts Master
Feb 22, 2024
Reaction score
This Charlie Wade story is so engaging and enjoyable to read. However, I'd like us to take a moment to learn from our experience with Dustin Rhys' story.

As some of you may recall, we rushed to catch up with the latest releases of Dustin Rhys' story, only to realize that the original Chinese author publishes just two chapters a day. This resulted in us feeling that the story progression was slower than anticipated.

With Charlie Wade's story, I propose that we take a more measured approach. The original Chinese release is just ONE CHAPTER A DAY, so we should adjust our translation release schedule accordingly. Let's aim for consistency rather than speed.

This story is far from over, and setting our pace to cruise will allow us to enjoy it fully without feeling rushed. So please don't get too excited. Please adjust your reading habits accordingly to manage expectations and ensure everyone can enjoy the story without any unnecessary pressure.
I agree 👍🏾


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
To be honest reading two chapters per day is enough for me. Given how addictive the stories here are. I might end up not doing anything in the day. And moreover I'm currently in my exams and I am struggling to suspend my time here to fully concentrate on studying because it's my final year first semester.
This Charlie Wade story is so engaging and enjoyable to read. However, I'd like us to take a moment to learn from our experience with Dustin Rhys' story.

As some of you may recall, we rushed to catch up with the latest releases of Dustin Rhys' story, only to realize that the original Chinese author publishes just two chapters a day. This resulted in us feeling that the story progression was slower than anticipated.

With Charlie Wade's story, I propose that we take a more measured approach. The original Chinese release is just ONE CHAPTER A DAY, so we should adjust our translation release schedule accordingly. Let's aim for consistency rather than speed.

This story is far from over, and setting our pace to cruise will allow us to enjoy it fully without feeling rushed. So please don't get too excited. Please adjust your reading habits accordingly to manage expectations and ensure everyone can enjoy the story without any unnecessary pressure.


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
This Charlie Wade story is so engaging and enjoyable to read. However, I'd like us to take a moment to learn from our experience with Dustin Rhys' story.

As some of you may recall, we rushed to catch up with the latest releases of Dustin Rhys' story, only to realize that the original Chinese author publishes just two chapters a day. This resulted in us feeling that the story progression was slower than anticipated.

With Charlie Wade's story, I propose that we take a more measured approach. The original Chinese release is just ONE CHAPTER A DAY, so we should adjust our translation release schedule accordingly. Let's aim for consistency rather than speed.

This story is far from over, and setting our pace to cruise will allow us to enjoy it fully without feeling rushed. So please don't get too excited. Please adjust your reading habits accordingly to manage expectations and ensure everyone can enjoy the story without any unnecessary pressure.
My only worry or problem which is not your fault or any translator's fault is that you will expect two chapters and they end up being a waste of time no lesson to be learnt. No entertaining drama or action. For example the betting chapters in Dustin story. Although everyday can't be roller coaster, but for sometime I believe everyone is now focused on Charlie and John and even Levi (the ones I'm reading)


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
And I think those that read one or two novels are the ones troubled. You will be surely be expecting more but if you are reading 4 to 6 novels with 2 chapters release everyday that will be 8 to 12 chapters you've covered for the day tho from different stories I believe that should be enough.
Last edited:


Golden Dragon True Form
Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
Sometimes you can cross examine this novels highlight their critics, compliment them with each other. Afterall we also want travel to different countries and continents, pick few things from the different cultures we come across and compliment them with the ones we know/have.


Top Level Martial Arts Grandmaster
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
This Charlie Wade story is so engaging and enjoyable to read. However, I'd like us to take a moment to learn from our experience with Dustin Rhys' story.

As some of you may recall, we rushed to catch up with the latest releases of Dustin Rhys' story, only to realize that the original Chinese author publishes just two chapters a day. This resulted in us feeling that the story progression was slower than anticipated.

With Charlie Wade's story, I propose that we take a more measured approach. The original Chinese release is just ONE CHAPTER A DAY, so we should adjust our translation release schedule accordingly. Let's aim for consistency rather than speed.

This story is far from over, and setting our pace to cruise will allow us to enjoy it fully without feeling rushed. So please don't get too excited. Please adjust your reading habits accordingly to manage expectations and ensure everyone can enjoy the story without any unnecessary pressure.
Thank you, Will put that into practice then

Bladeheart Ronin

Shogun - Samurai
Sep 18, 2023
Reaction score
I just noticed my rank has been light-speedily increased 😂. And I never expected "Dragon Among Men" so much tears in eye🥹. I appreciate the Founders of this Forum for welcoming me to this village, for giving me the opportunity to meet the wonderful people here and I appreciate IGM junlee for giving me the opportunity to cultivate under him through his threads, if you belong to IGM junlee sect you will be an elite of the elites, his cultivation resources is immeasurable and available to you at all times that's why he is an immortal for a reason. And I also appreciate everyone here through our engagement with each other. I have interacted with many people from different races on this forum. And how we expressed ourselves in our conversation in this group shows that we are one people. The Forum has bridged the distance between us so we can experience each other worlds. And eliminate any prejudice on how we see each other.
Congratulations to you for receiving your title. I was thrilled when I got mine too. Gives you a sense of accomplishment.

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